Sores Sentence Examples
There was something horrible and bestial in the fleeting glance they threw at the riders and in the malevolent expression with which, after a glance at Kutuzov, the soldier with the sores immediately turned away and went on with what he was doing.
Tannic acid is largely used in the treatment of various ulcers, sores and moist eruptions.
St. Joan's wort oil stops cold sores in their tracks and can even relieve genital herpes symptoms.
About 1 in 5 people in the UK have recurrent cold sores.
His life there was quiet and uneventful, but embittered by bodily weakness and chronic sores.
The major, and most painful conditions include bunions, blisters and sores, ingrown toenails, cracks and fungus.
Repeat cold sores are usually much milder than the first ones.
The root can be used to make a salve for sores.
If you do develop cold sores, let the doctor/nurse know, and they will prescribe anti-viral medication.
Is there any preventative action or treatment which helps with recurrent facial cold sores?
AdvertisementIn patients who suffer from atopic dermatitis, the cold sores can, in rare cases, spread to larger parts of the body.
There are two types of herpes simplex virus - HSV-1 is the type responsible for cold sores while HSV-2 causes genital herpes.
Back to the top Cold Sores These are caused by the virus herpes simplex.
Some, like pressure sores, for example, can occur at any time in people who remain immobile.
PalmLaser - powerful low level laser that treats all kinds of wounds and skin lacerations, leg ulcers and pressure sores.
AdvertisementHowever, bed sores, pneumonia and possibly increased laxity of tendons may result from restraint on a mat.
He has been loaned a bed from the hospital that has an inflatable mattress to prevent pressure sores.
The products are available in hospital packs, licensed for symptomatic relief of cold sores.
Cold sores usually start with a tingling, itching sensation on the lip, followed by blisters which weep, forming a scab.
Pressure sores should be avoided as they prolong hospital stay, delay rehabilitation and may cause sepsis.
AdvertisementUnlike real hospital comforts, with a spring mattress, the bamboo slat sleeping platforms caused sores, of which I was a victim.
But, left unacknowledged and unaddressed, these issues become festering sores in the relationship between VS and the rest of the industry.
It is used to clean and heal sores and also to help in the healing of fractured bones.
Does the partner have oral or genital cold sores or cracks?
Mouth ulcers are small painful sores that occur on the tongue or the lips and cheeks.
AdvertisementCold sores should not be confused with canker sores, which are small ulcerations in the mouth.
Licorice in the form of a cream or gel may be applied directly to herpes sores three to four times per day.
Beta-carotene and Vitamin E Chemotherapy frequently causes mouth sores.
Initially it was used externally to cure sores, and later drunk for its purgative qualities.
From the crown of the head to the soles of the feet are you wounds and bruises and putrefying sores?
Mouth ulcers Mouth ulcers are small sores in the moist tissues inside the mouth.
Some cats develop large red, moist and weeping sores (called eosinophilic plaques), on the belly and legs.
The skin becomes inflamed and cracks developing weepy sores and scabs.
Additionally, contact your doctor if the rash continues to spread, if you notice that there are open sores, or if your baby develops a fever.
In some cases of feline mouth herpes, the cat will develop mouth ulcers or sores.
Your cat may show signs of mouth sores by refusing food and/or drooling.
If your cat is cooperative, you may be able to open her mouth to look for sores.
A tea bag remedy for cold sores could be the magic bullet you need to get over these pesky outbreaks.
Cold sores are also known as fever sores that occur around the mouth.
The herpes virus causes cold sores and once you have them you will continue to have them throughout your life.
The virus is transmitted from one person who has an outbreak to another, so don't kiss someone while you have the cold sores or they'll probably get this type of herpes as well.
It is also important to avoid exposure to the sun and reduce stress as these things inhibit your recovery from the sores.
The cold sores appear as small red blisters around the edge of the mouth and on the lips.
It is important to wash your hands if you touch the sores.
The tea bag remedy for cold sores has been around as long as people have been suffering from these uncomfortable sores.
The object is to use a warm tea bag that has been soaked through then squeezed out, cooled until warm to touch and then press it to the area where the sores are.
Once the tea bags are completely cooled, squeeze out the extra water and apply these cold compresses to the cold sores, leaving them on for at least 20 minutes at each use.
According to this method, the cold sores should clear up within four to five days.
Earl Grey tea is made with bergamot oil, which may aid in the healing of the cold sores.
Dab on several times daily until the sores disappear.
Repeat in the morning and evening until the cold sores have disappeared.
Herbal remedies, such as using tea bags to treat cold sores, are a non-invasive way to treat common maladies.
There are seven different herpes viruses, but most people suffer from oral herpes (sores on the mouth or lips) or genital herpes.
Lastly, topical treatments for herpes sores help ease the discomfort and heal them faster through herbal remedies.
Some herbs may be mixed to form a soothing salve for herpes sores.
You could experience neck or back pain, muscle aches and skin problems including rashes, cancer sores and hives.
You will also experience stomach upset, bloating, sore throat, weakness, dizziness, a ruptured stomach, acid reflux, ulcers, mouth sores, or tooth decay and discoloration.
Tobacco can cause ugly white or red sores and bumps on the gums and inside the cheeks.
It's possible for these sores to turn into cancer.
Osteoporosis, skin sores, and itching are common in very long term alcoholics.
Poor circulation can also complicate diabetes symptoms, making it even more difficult for cuts and sores to heal.
This sensation is real to users, and they will scratch and pick at their body until they create sores.
Too much friction from an inappropriately sized collar can cause chafing, sores, and general discomfort, making the animal more resistant to wearing it.
Puppies often have open sores, abscesses and other untreated injuries, and are frequently covered in flies.
My dog has sores on her body that really look like chicken pox.
He/She will diagnose the cause of the sores, and likely prescribe medication to alleviate her discomfort.
My dogs bites his paws and causes sores and hair loss.
Although Pekes are not usually candidates for a condition commonly called Sebaceous Adenitis (S.A.), this disease does cause scaly sores and hair loss.
The root has been used throughout history to treat a variety of illnesses, including respiratory infections, canker sores, arthritis, urinary tract infections, and more.
Bedsores or pressure sores are painful ulcers created by sitting or laying on one part of the body for many hours.
If your CPAP mask does not fit properly, or if you do not clean it regularly, it may cause skin irritation and pressure sores.
These CPAP problems may make wearing your mask painful, and untreated sores or rashes are prone to bacterial infections.
A leaky, dirty, or poorly fitting mask can lead to skin irritation, pressure sores, and pain.
Let your doctor know if you experience deep sores or if you develop signs of infection, such as a fever, discharge, or increased swelling and redness.
Side-effects may include mouth sores, digestive upsets, skin rashes, and hair loss.
Other symptoms can include sores that do not heal, growths on the skin or below the skin, unusual bleeding, difficulty digesting food or swallowing, and changes in bowel or bladder function.
The doctor looks inside the mouth for abnormalities in color, moisture, surface texture, or the presence of any thickening or sores in the lips, tongue, gums, the roof of the mouth, or the throat.
The skin is examined for sores that are slow to heal, especially those that bleed, ooze, or crust; irritated patches that may itch or hurt; and any change in the size of a wart or a mole.
The doctor first looks for abnormal discharges or the presence of sores.
Streptococcal infection occurs when bacteria contaminate cuts or open sores or otherwise penetrate the body's natural defenses.
This rash has red, spotty sores, and there may be an ammonia smell.
When spasticity limits activity for long periods, it can cause additional medical problems such as sleep disturbances, pressure sores, and pneumonia.
The two most common types seen in children are herpes stomatitis, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus, and aphthous stomatitis, more often referred to as canker sores.
There may be an inherited tendency to develop canker sores and there may also be an immune system link.
Stomatitis is characterized by pain or discomfort in the mouth and the presence of open sores or ulcers in the mouth.
Stomatitis is diagnosed by the doctor based primarily upon the appearance of the mouth sores.
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a component of some toothpastes, is a potential cause of canker sores.
In one study, most recurrent canker sores were eliminated just by avoiding SLS-containing toothpaste for three months.
Canker sores may be minimized by teaching children to avoid trauma, even minor trauma, to the mouth, such as hard toothbrushes and rough foods.
Children with herpes stomatitis may return to school or day care when their fever is gone and the mouth sores are healed.
Cold sores are small red blisters, filled with clear fluid, that form on the lip and around the mouth.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which lives inside nerve tissue.
Despite their name, cold sores have nothing to do with colds.
Only two of these, herpes simplex types 1 and 2, can cause cold sores.
Both herpes virus type 1 and type 2 can cause herpes lesions on the lips or genitals, but recurrent cold sores are almost always type 1.
The sores can appear within days or weeks or even years following the first exposure to the virus.
Medical names for cold sores include oral herpes, labial herpes, herpes labialis, and herpes febrilis.
The cell death and resulting tissue damage causes the cold sores.
The primary infection is controlled by the body's immune system and the sores heal.
At some point in the future, latent viruses become activated and once again cause sores or recurrent infections.
Nearly 80 percent of the general population carry the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores, and 60 million have outbreaks once or more in a year.
Interestingly enough, only 20 percent to 25 percent of those carrying the virus ever gets symptoms (break out in cold sores).
In 95 percent of the patients with cold sores, the blisters occur at the outer edge of the lips, which is called the vermillion border.
In others, it periodically wakes up and triggers cold sores.
The first symptoms of cold sores in infants are swollen gums and sore mouth.
Cold sores occasionally occur on the roof of the mouth.
Some children have a serious primary (first episode) herpes infection called gingivostomatitis, which causes fever, swollen lymph glands, and several blisters inside the mouth and on the lips and tongue that may form large, open sores.
These painful sores may last up to three weeks and can make eating and drinking difficult.
Cold sores are diagnosed by review of symptoms, physical examination, and history.
During an outbreak, sores should be washed once or twice a day with warm, soapy water, and gently patted dry.
Over-the-counter lip products that contain the chemical phenol (such as Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment) and numbing ointments (Anbesol) help to relieve cold sores.
A bandage over the sores protects them and prevents spreading the virus to other sites on the lips or face.
Parents may also use Oragel, an ointment often used for canker sores or teething.
Acidophilus pills may be helpful in treating cold sores.
L-lysine is an amino acid widely advertised to treat cold sores.
Cold sores spread from person to person by direct skin-to-skin contact.
Most children experience fewer than two recurrent outbreaks of cold sores each year; some have frequent outbreaks and others never experience outbreaks.
Parents should teach children not to share drinks, food, or eating utensils, and not to exchange kisses with someone with mouth sores.
A healthy diet, plenty of sleep, and exercise help to minimize the chance of getting a cold or the flu, which may bring on cold sores.
Parents of children who get cold sores should be aware of early symptoms and be ready to treat the sore in the first couple days.
In addition to PPIs, the doctor may prescribe coating agents, such as sucralfate (Carafe), to cover the sores and mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach.
Canker sores (aphthous ulcers) are small shallow sores or ulcers that appear inside the lips, inside the cheeks, or on the gums.
Then they burst, and the rupture sores are covered with a white or yellow membrane.
The edges of the sores are still red and look like a painful red halo.
Without treatment, canker sores heal in two weeks or less.
Canker sores occur inside the mouth, usually inside the lips, cheeks, or soft palate.
Often, several canker sores appear at the same time and may be inclusters.
Canker sores appear as a whitish, round area with a red border.
The sores are painful and sensitive to touch.
Anyone can get canker sores, but they are most common among teenagers and people in their twenties.
Females are slightly more likely to get canker sores than males.
Females are likely to have canker sores during their premenstrual period.
Approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population is affected by recurring canker sores.
Fortunately, certain safe, natural remedies are effective in treating canker sores.
Canker sores are sometimes mistaken as cold sores (also known as fever blisters).
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus.
The sores caused by this disease, also known as oral herpes, can occur anywhere on the body.
There is some evidence that canker sores are due in part to nutritional deficiencies and a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron.
Gastrointestinal problems correlate with canker sores as well.
Frequent recurrent canker sores may suggest a metabolic imbalance.
The sores appear during times of stress or as a reaction to hormonal imbalances in women.
A tendency to get canker sores may be inherited.
Other proposed causes for canker sores are trauma from toothbrush and toothpick scrapes (trauma), hormones, and food allergies.
Canker sores can be very painful, especially if they are touched repeatedly by the tongue or silverware.
Canker sores are diagnosed by observation of the blister, which generally appears in the mouth or throat.
Canker sores are bacterial infections and not contagious.
Recurrent canker sores may indicate a metabolic imbalance, dietary deficiency, stress, and a lack of rest.
Children who have frequent canker sores may benefit from dietary supplements of B-complex vitamin or may undergo blood and allergy tests to see if some other underlying cause can be identified.
Since canker sores heal by themselves, professional treatment is not usually necessary.
There are several treatments for reducing the pain and duration of the sores.
The following treatments may be effective in relieving symptoms or shortening the duration of canker sores in their children.
Alternative therapies for canker sores are meant to heal existing sores and prevent their recurrence.
Several herbal remedies, including calendula (Calendula officinalis), myrrh (Commiphora molmol), and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), may be helpful in treating existing sores.
Compresses soaked in teas made from these herbs are applied directly to the sores.
The tannic acid in a tea bag can also help dry up the sores when the wet tea bag is used as a compress.
Taking dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) tea or capsules may help heal sores and prevent future outbreaks.
Since canker sores are often brought on by stress, stress-relieving techniques such as cuddling and rocking babies until they fall asleep may help relieve the stress associated with the severity of pain.
There is no cure for canker sores, and they occur more often with age.
Left untreated, canker sores can last as long as two weeks.
Sores that persist for a longer time should be checked by a doctor.
To decrease the incidence canker sores, parents may consider changing to a toothpaste free of sodium laurylsulfate.
Eating certain foods can be painful to a child with canker sores.
These foods may aggravate the sores and cause unnecessary pain.
They must also pay attention to the nutritional intake of infants and small children who may refuse to eat because of the pain from canker sores.
It causes tissue death and open sores on the gums and is often accompanied by fever, fatigue, and painful bleeding gums.
Children who have chronically bleeding gums, open sores on the gums, or who complain of gum or tooth pain, should see a dentist promptly.
The EBV that causes mononucleosis is related to a group of herpes viruses, including those that cause cold sores, chickenpox, and shingles.
Herpes viruses cause several infections, all characterized by blisters and ulcers, including chickenpox, shingles, genital herpes, and cold sores or fever blisters.
Lying in one position in bed for an extended period can result in sores on the skin (decubitus ulcers) and skin infection.
Herpes simplex 1 infections usually occur on the face (cold sores) and herpes simplex 2 infections usually occur in the genital region.
Vasculitic ulcers in the skin look like open sores within the reddish-purple rash; they vary in size from small spots to sores as much as an inch across.
Redness, irritation, and sores should be reported immediately to the healthcare provider.
Painful sores may form that can bleed and become infected.
Although the virus is related to those herpesviruses known to cause sores on the lips or genitalia, HHV-6 causes a very different type of infection.
Herpes viruses are the cause of infections as diverse as sexually transmitted diseases, chickenpox and cold sores.
It is now known that HSV-1 often infects children but does not always manifest itself by the creation of cold sores.
Clearly the overwhelming majority of children that contract mononucleosis, cold sores, Lyme disease, cold or flu do not develop Bell's palsy.
Staph bacteria can spread through the air, but infection is almost always the result of direct contact with open sores or body fluids contaminated by these organisms.
The well-defined, flaky sores can be dry and scaly or moist and crusty.
Ringworm of the groin (tinea cruris or jock itch) produces raised red sores with well-marked edges.
A person with body ringworm should wear loose clothing and check daily for raw, open sores.
Wet dressings applied to moist sores two or three times a day can lessen inflammation and loosen scales.
Children should not be allowed to play with other children who have open skin sores or scratch excessively.
People with diabetes mellitus are prone to complications from plantar warts related to the development of sores or ulceration and the poor healing potential associated with diabetes.
The doctor will listen for unusual sounds in the lungs when the child breathes in and out and will check the child's skin and the inside of the mouth for rashes, ulcers, or sores.
Sores that do not heal or recurring or long-lasting skin irritations may also be signs of reduced immune system functioning.
In extreme cases, severe blistering can occur and open sores can form.
Genital herpes, which is usually caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), is a sexually transmitted disease that causes painful sores on the genitals.
Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is sexually transmitted and is usually associated with genital ulcers or sores.
Sores typically come back near the site of the first infection, but there are fewer sores with recurrences that heal faster and are less painful.
Children with a herpes infection most commonly have sores in the mouth usually caused by HSV-1.
For an initial outbreak with symptoms such as sores, a doctor should begin a brief course of antiviral therapy to relieve the symptoms or prevent them from getting worse.
The pills can be taken for three to five days as soon as sores are noticed or when an outbreak tingling sensation occurs.
Sores heal and disappear on their own, but taking the drugs helps to alleviate the symptoms.
Wounds, sores, rashes, and boils are all lesions.
Signs of copper deficiency may include anemia, diarrhea, weakness, poor respiratory function, baldness, skin sores, and increased lipid (fat) levels in the blood.
While waiting for diagnostic test results, doctors ask about recently consumed food, possible open sores, recent activities and behavior, and other factors that may help to rule out other disease possibilities.
Similar to venereal syphilis, however, it begins with skin sores and has a latent period followed by a more severe stage, which includes bone infections and additional skin lesions.
T. pallidum subspecies endemicum can be detected by microscopic study of samples taken from the sores or lymph fluid.
Other symptoms of severe secondary PEM include baggy, wrinkled skin; constipation; dry, thin, or brittle hair; lethargy; pressure sores, and other skin lesions.
Head lice may cause irritability in children and scalp irritations or sores may be present.
Spinal cord injuries also can lead to many complications, including pressure sores and increased susceptibility to respiratory diseases.
Skin picking is best managed by ignoring the behavior, treating and bandaging sores, and providing substitute activities for the hands.
Since the presence of lice can cause an itchy, irritated scalp, a person with lice is at risk of developing skin sores and infections caused by excessive scratching.
The disease produces sores, or "holes," found around the head of the goldfish.
This vitamin is well-known for its healing and immune-building properties, and is often used topically to heal cuts and sores.
Preventing and treating kids cold sores can help children deal with the painful blisters that appear around their mouths.
Cold sores (also known as fever blisters or oral herpes) are a form of herpes simplex virus, commonly type 1.
Cold sores typically last approximately two weeks from onset to healing.
This is the best time to treat cold sores.
Pediatric Dental Health has found that the highest incident of initial infection occurs before the age of three, so it is important to learn how to prevent the cold sores in children.
By the time they are teens, over 60 percent of children will be infected with the virus, so learning to treat the cold sores can help keep your child comfortable if s/he becomes infected.
Avoiding triggers can help cut down on the amount of cold sores a child gets.
Unfortunately no cure for cold sores exists.
Kids cold sores are preventable with careful diligence.
Do not paint over sores, blisters, rashes, or wounds.
The Vaseline will protect the skin from overheating, which is what causes these kinds of sores in the first place.
First, grapefruit is very acidic, and consuming it in steady quantities may leave you with mouth sores.
Check your feet for sores regularly and tell your doctor if you have sores on your feet that don't heal.
Joint pain, muscle cramps, anemia, mouth sores, skin rash, dental disorders and tingling in the legs and feet are sometimes present as symptoms of gluten intolerance.
Herpes Simplex I produces cold sores and is passed around through contact.
Herpes Simplex II results in genital warts and sores and is spread through contact with the sexual organs.
Concentrated tea tree oil can help to heal canker and cold sores, nail fungus, blisters, and ringworm.
When you clean your face, use your hands instead of a rough washcloth, so as to not rupture acne sores and spread bacteria.
If you notice bumps or sores that don't heal over a period of two to three months, these may be precancerous.
Middle-aged and elderly people are much more prone to this type of dermatitis, which can be characterized by swollen legs, painful sores, itching and discoloration on the legs.
Those who carry the virus may or may not experience recurring infections of sores on or around the mouth area.
Some medications for the treatment of cold sores can be purchased over the counter.
Although there is no quick and easy cure for painful cold sores, there are some home remedies for cold sores that will ease the discomfort and speed up the healing process.
Some home remedies for cold sores are not effective.
Since toothbrushes can harbor the virus that causes cold sores, you should get a new toothbrush after the cold sore has formed and again after the infection has cleared up.
Sunscreen may help prevent sun-induced recurrences of cold sores.
Because cold sores can be extremely painful, you may want to seek medication to lessen the pain.
Avoid acidic and salty foods, as they can further irritate cold sores and increase the pain.
If none of these home remedies seem to be working and you get frequent or especially severe cold sores, you may need to see a professional.
Besides skin discoloration, small sores will appear in the rash, and temporary halos will appear around the sores if they are pressed.
Strong sulphuric acid is occasionally used as a caustic to venereal sores, warts and malignant growths.
In the East frankincense has been found efficacious as an external application in carbuncles, blind boils and gangrenous sores, and as an internal agent is given in gonorrhoea.
I very occasionally get cold sores, and have come out in a beauty on the left side of my mouth.
What better way to end than on saddle sores?
Externally, it is not absorbed by the unbroken skin, but when applied to the broken skin, sores, ulcers and mucous surfaces, the ferric salts are powerful astringents, because they coagulate the albuminous fluids in the tissues themselves.
The extreme to which he carried his advocacy of diplomatic isolation, his opposition to the creation of an adequate navy, 4 his estimate of cities as "sores upon the body politic," his prejudice against manufactures, trust in farmers, and political distrust of the artisan class, all reflect them.
Applied externally lead salts have practically no action upon the unbroken skin, but applied to sores, ulcers or any exposed mucous membranes they coagulate the albumen in the tissues themselves and contract the small vessels.
The prescriptions are for a great variety of ailments and afflictionsdiseases of the eye and the stomach, sores and broken bones, to make the hair grow, to keep away snakes, fleas, &c. Purgatives and diuretics are particularly numerous, and the medicines take the form of pillules, draughts, liniments, fumigations, &c. The prescriptions are often fanciful and may thus bear some absurd relation to the disease to be cured, but generally they would be to some extent effective.
Thus malaria and sand-fly fever, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, cholera, smallpox, and occasionally typhus fever, eye diseases, oriental sores and indeed any disease conveyed by impure water, flies, contaminated dust or the contagion of sufferers from infectious diseases, are prevalent in the inhabited places along the Persian Gulf, and precautions must always be taken to guard against them.
One group of the French stood close to the road, and two of them, one of whom had his face covered with sores, were tearing a piece of raw flesh with their hands.