Soreness Sentence Examples
Almost immediately afterwards Jacqueline fulfilled her purpose of joining Port Royal - a proceeding which led to some soreness, finally healed, between herself and her brother and sister as to the disposal of her property.
As if aware of much of this, the country was well content with Disraeli's successes at Berlin, though sore on some points, he himself sharing the soreness.
Typical symptoms include abdominal bloating and soreness, gas, and alternating diarrhea and constipation.
However, a similar study carried out in Norway in 2003 found that arnica did reduce muscle soreness after marathon running (9 ).
Soreness and dryness may be overcome with longer foreplay to increase lubrication or by using lubricants such as KY jelly.
Conditions included postoperative ileus, delayed onset muscle soreness, migraine, influenza, asthma, rheumatic conditions and osteoarthritis.
But though peace was for a time restored, the old causes of soreness and dissension remained unappeased, and as the time for the next presidential election began to draw near, it became more and more evident that a critical struggle was at hand, and that the people of Buenos Aires, supported by the province of Corrientes, were determined to bring to an issue the question as to what position Buenos Aires was to hold for the future with regard to the remaining provinces of the confederation.
In the pamphlets written concerning the sale by Dr William Cockburn (1669-1739) of his secret remedy for dysentery and other fluxes, it was stated for the defence that Sloane himself did not disdain the same kind of professional conduct; and some colour is given to that charge by the fact that his only medical publication, an Account of a Medicine for Soreness, Weakness and other Distempers of the Eyes (London, 1745) was not given to the world until its author was in his eighty-fifth year and had retired from practice.
It can also be used as a preventative; try gently rubbing ointment into the nipple to ward off soreness.
Proper positioning of the baby's mouth during feedings will prevent soreness.
AdvertisementFor instance, if your primary concern is lengthening and stretching your body out of the tightness and soreness it's trapped in, talk to your instructor about Iyengar yoga.
The Gently Off remover leaves eyes clean without the soreness that comes from rubbing and scrubbing.
Nipples will get larger and darker and you may experience some soreness from time to time in the area.
Shoulder pain - The bra straps can cut into the top of the shoulders leaving red marks and soreness.
For example, tight-fitting bras can also reduce milk flow, and bras that don’t offer enough support can also lead to problems with soreness and plugged ducts.
AdvertisementSlippage or soreness from the headgear - The headgear may not be adjusted correctly.
Nipple soreness can be a result of the infant not getting a good grasp of the entire areola.
Prolonged, abnormal soreness lasts longer than a week postpartum.
A toothache is any pain or soreness within or around a tooth, indicating inflammation and possible infection.
Headaches, muscle soreness, nausea, and confusion are possible side effects immediately following an ECT procedure.
AdvertisementStrains can range from mild muscle stiffness to great soreness.
Swollen nodes without soreness are sometimes caused by cat-scratch disease, which is an uncommon illness.
Any low-grade fever or soreness can be treated with ibuprofen or acetaminophen as recommended by the pediatrician.
Side effects are normally limited to occasional soreness or redness at the injection site.
Beginners sometimes report muscle soreness and fatigue after performing yoga, but these side effects diminish with practice.
AdvertisementMost people have no adverse effects from a flu shot other than soreness at the injection site that lasts a few days.
Use a cool, wet cloth to reduce soreness or swelling at the injection site.
About 5 percent of children may develop fever or soreness in the area of the injection.
Some people experience a slight soreness at the point of injection, which resolves within a day or two.
Symptoms of low-grade fever, irritability, and soreness at the injection site following the MMR immunization can be relieved with an analgesic such as acetaminophen as recommended by the pediatrician.
Even though these movements are generally gentle, you're probably using muscles in ways you haven't before, which can cause soreness.
Aztec healers also prescribed it for joint pain and skin soreness.
They are characterized by a tingling or soreness around the mouth, followed by the appearance of a fluid-filled blister that scabs and eventually heals.
Z Coil shoes were developed by an avid runner who needed relief from his running related soreness.
If you notice redness, heat or an unusual amount of soreness develop around the piercing, contact your doctor immediately since this may indicate an infection is developing.
Soreness, redness and swelling can be addressed with regular, over-the-counter pain killers.
They weren't life changing or anything but because of my bunion and working on my feet all day I constantly had an aching foot, and after using Yoga Toes, I no longer had that knot or soreness in my foot."
It is normal to feel some soreness for the following couple of days, as yoga is known for stretching and strengthening weak areas of the body.
With regular practice, the soreness will subside and balance will come to the body, mind, and spirit.
Not only will these activities help you achieve higher jumps, they will also help to prevent injury and soreness.
If you need to use lighter weights for beginners, remember the goal is toning, so light soreness is to be expected, but not extreme pain.
Cool down exercises can also assist in minimizing post exercise soreness, otherwise known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS.
This type of muscle soreness is usually experienced the day after a strenuous workout.
A number of factors contribute to delayed onset muscle soreness.
Muscle soreness after aerobic exercise might be due to blood forming.
Muscle soreness is one thing, the twinge of budding joint problems is quite another.
This removal of lactic acid and other byproducts can reduce during and post workout pain and soreness.
Without a warm up, you are much more likely to experience during workout pain and post exercise soreness, which can inhibit your ability and willingness to work out.
Improper form, or using weights which are too heavy for you, can lead to painful post-workout soreness.
Because you are working your abs, you may experience a little soreness at first.
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is caused by tiny tears in your muscle fibers and is part of the process of strengthening muscles.
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can occur up to two days after you work out.
Back injuries and soreness can be very frustrating and may even prevent you from enjoying daily activities.
People using hydraulic equipment experience reduced soreness.
And that can lead to breast soreness, not to mention attracting attention that you may not want.
That in itself should make you more comfortable in easing your pain, dizziness and even soreness.
This can easily lead to bacterial growth and soreness.
The main side effect of such a procedure is a soreness and "tight" feeling in the face, either in the affected areas or throughout.
Saltmaking is by no means an unhealthy trade, some slight soreness of the eyes being the only affection sometimes complained of; indeed the atmosphere of steam saturated with salt in which the workmen live seems specially preservative against colds, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c.
Pernicious anemia also causes soreness of the tongue, loss of weight, skin pallor often with a lemon tint, and intermittent diarrhea.
Downhill Running Many runners develop muscle soreness after strenuous workouts or races.
Shin splints are characterized by soreness and slight swelling of the front, inside, and back of the lower leg and by sharp pain that develops while exercising and gradually intensifies.
One of the immediate results of this triumph of his policy was the increase of Oldenbarneveldt's influence and authority in the government of the Republic. But though Maurice and his other opponents had reluctantly yielded to the advocate's skilful diplomacy and persuasive arguments, a soreness remained between the statesman and the stadholder which was destined never to be healed.
Packs stories, which concerned the existence of a powerful league for the purpose of making war upon the reformers, were proved to be false, but the soreness occasioned thereby remained.