Sore Sentence Examples
She rubbed a sore spot in her lower back.
She woke in the morning feeling sore and tired.
Her throat was sore and she was sneezing and coughing.
Her ribs were sore but no longer painful.
You're going to be too sore to walk tomorrow.
For once, Rhyn was not the sore point.
Half an hour later, her eyes swollen and her chest sore from sobbing, she turned her face up to the warm water in the shower.
A California plate on a motor home will stick out like a sore thumb.
They were sore at again being sent on service without their wives, and complained of harsh treatment from their officers.
She was miserably sore - and from such a short ride.
AdvertisementBy the expression on his face, it was a sore subject for him as well.
Her throat was very sore and the doctor thought she would have to go away to the hospital, but she is better now.
The first day was behind him, his muscles weren't overly sore, he seemed to be adjusting to the altitude and he had conquered more hills in one day than a year of Pennsylvania biking would offer.
Here Jerusalem is in sore distress and in urgent need of reorganization.
You can't imagine how sore I am.
AdvertisementGabe turned towards Rhyn, in sore need of a pep talk as only his best friend could provide.
It remained a sore point with the old man.
It was a period of sore trial to Gallatin.
The "Iliad" tells of almost nothing but war, and one sometimes wearies of the clash of spears and the din of battle; but the "Odyssey" tells of nobler courage--the courage of a soul sore tried, but steadfast to the end.
Swift was naturally a little sore at seeing the see of Hereford slipping through his fingers.
AdvertisementAs if aware of much of this, the country was well content with Disraeli's successes at Berlin, though sore on some points, he himself sharing the soreness.
Good advice Hot drinks can relieve the sore throat.
Of consequence, there are few that know how to sympathize with them that are under this sore temptation.
Carmen rubbed her sore neck and searched the room for Alex again, but didn't find him.
Dean wondered if her throat was sore after her pre-dawn glass-breaking scream upon first seeing Edith Shipton's body slowly turning from the end of the sash.
AdvertisementThe fatherless child had sore trials.
First thinking you had sore boobs, then you had period pains, then nothing.
Every muscle in her body was sore.
Yes, her breasts were sore.
She stayed around the house, propping her foot up whenever she sat down, and by evening it was only a little sore.
Or that if you have oral sex with someone with a cold sore you could get genital herpes?
We felt all over her and it turned out that she had sore pecks!
You know - if you've ever picked the scab of a sore place.
She stretched; realizing her back was getting sore.
Well… guess that explains why you're sore.
Jeffrey Byrne's wife was in far better physical shape than she had let on, and the pair managed 20 miles before finally calling it quits, not because she was tired, but because, as she said, her what-sis was so sore.
What is called Atholl brose is a compound, in equal parts, of whisky and honey (or oatmeal), which was first commonly used in the district for hoarseness and sore throat.
The Holy See directed all its energies towards the solution of the problem; in the event of its proving to be insoluble, it would take care that it should remain a festering sore in the body of the monarchy.
Even so, it left a large bruise and sore ribs for a few weeks.
After an hour and a half of sore but thorough pleasure, they left, exhausted, with rosy cheeks, wet backsides and aching ankles for the warmth and comfort of Bird Song and mugs of steaming hot chocolate.
Well… guess that explains why you're sore.
As sore and tired as his body felt, all aches and pains were forgotten with what was not a complete revelation, but a scenario that suddenly seemed plausible.
While the limb was sore, the injury was minor.
The angle of decent was mercilessly gradual and her feet were sore by the time she was in icy water up to her knees.
Martin managed a pb and to finish just ahead of Adam, despite having to jog the last mile with an increasingly sore Achilles.
I had gone to work with a slight chill and by the end of the day had a mildly annoying sore throat.
I hit my right hand on the track pretty hard, and got a sore backside, the bike was OK tho!
If the skin feels a little sore apply a shaving balm to the shaved area and a moisturizer to the rest of the face.
For example, spasticity can be aggravated by sensory stimulation from a pressure sore or a distended bladder or rectum.
The former Charlton Athletic defender, who joined the bluebirds this summer, missed the start of their Scandinavian tour with a sore knee.
Josie has a sore bum again, poor little soul.
After making an unplanned detour of my own I was happy to get to the finish with just a sore foot.
Beside shortening the duration of cold symptoms, zinc also soothes a rough, sore throat on contact.
Sometimes when you have a sore throat, you also get earache too.
Q. I have been diabetic since I was 50, and now I have a continuously sore foreskin.
The juice from the berries is mildly laxative and makes a good gargle for sore throats and hoarseness.
An infusion of Ginger makes an effective gargle for sore throats, and the spice is a favorite in many seasonal drinks and recipes.
Tired legs, a sore groin and weary calves kept him on the bench also for Wolves draw with Sheff Utd.
But Jonathan Woodgate was out of contention with a sore heel and was replaced at the heart of defense by Lucas Radebe.
An hour on the wheel left the helmsman with sore sides.
What to look out for Of course, not all rabbits develop sore hocks!
A truly wonderous sight for sore eyes and much needed rest for sore knees.
I suddenly felt very middle-aged, very sober, and rather sore.
Some patients with sore mouths have said that they find fizzy drinks like Lucozade are easier to drink.
Using a good fluoride mouthwash will help gum infections and, if you gargle, it can stop you getting sore throats.
I had no idea that my baby would demand to suck on my sore nipples for two hours during each feed.
The work is sore straining; was laid by for three months short time since with pains in the limbs, caused by overwork.
We have a great blend for sore perineum 's, after the birth, of lavendar and cypress oils.
Talley Medical Talley Group Ltd is the UK's largest privately owned specialist in pressure sore prevention and therapy products.
With the cold weather setting in here in the South, sore throats become really rampant.
They can also get sore and inflamed, causing redness of the skin around them.
Ah, my bone ache, my limbs be sore, alas I have the sciatica full evil in my hip.
Sjögren's syndrome can also cause dryness of the vagina (which can make sexual intercourse sore ), or dryness of the skin.
However, he seems to be going through another growth phase but and has recently had sore shins.
And, two months later, after the class, it left me with a sore tailbone.
There are historical records referring to the use of birch bark tar to relieve sore throats.
Poor little Annie Davies was absent from school with a sore throat which led to her funeral just 8 days later!
They would stand out like a sore thumb at a fancy dress party!
No sore boobs at all which is my main tell tale sign.
For he wist not what to say; for they were sore afraid.
It is also a popular folk remedy for sore throats.
If you are still sore the day after a workout, take it off and do the workout the next day.
This can help you to avoid cramps and sore, tired and stiff muscles.
The halls grew wider, and the stone turned to carpet beneath her sore feet.
Why am I so sore?
Lana changed quickly, her body sore from the night with her Guardian.
My arms are sore from weed whipping.
The hero is smitten with sore disease, but the fragmentary condition of this and the succeeding tablet is such as to envelop in doubt the accompanying circumstances, including the cause and nature of his disease.
Doubtless the king's sore financial needs had much to do with the dissolution of the abbeys and the plundering of the shrines, but there is no reason to suppose that he was not fully convinced that the monks had long outlived their usefulness and that the shrines were centres of abject superstition and ecclesiastical deceit.
He tried to find his own way in Greek literature, to which German schools then gave little attention; but, as he had not mastered the grammar, he soon found this a sore task and took up Arabic. He was very poor, having almost nothing beyond his allowance, which for the five years was only two hundred thalers.
Lord John Russell, who did not want to offend his popular and headstrong colleague, did his best to smooth things over; but the queen remained exceedingly sore, and tried hard to get Palmerston removed, without success.
The struggle is a sore one; his very life is bitter to him; and yet he emerges victorious.
But that since he lost his books much too well, so God had sharply chastised him by this sore affliction ' .
How sore would the firework up yer bum be?
Several hours hunched over my laptop, giving myself a sore wrist in the process, I hereby offer my findings.
Colin Cameron and Michael Oakes played but Keith Andrews didn't after being taken off at half-time with sore shins in Monday's friendly.
The whole area is like a festering sore, deprived of the healing power of fresh air i.e. open debate.
Some days my tummy feels really sore with a pain that will not go away.
Increased susceptibility to colds, flu, sore throat etc may follow.
Your doctor will take a swab or scraping from a blister or sore in the mouth or genital area.
I am not only itchy; it is very sore and sometimes swollen.
Later symptoms include watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, a dry sore throat, & anorexia.
A persistent sore throat or raised temperature or both.
Throat lozenges or a throat lozenges or a throat spray can alleviate a sore throat and lubricate your throat to help a cough.
We've had a good day so I'm blogging quickly, then off to nurse my sore throat and make some wedding tiaras.
The fresh juice or compote was used as a gargle for hoarseness, sore throat and inflamed tonsils, .
A sore throat with swollen tonsils that are heavily covered by a white coating.
This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.
Dryness - just as some people develop sore eyes and mouth you can also develop a sore and even sometimes ulcerated vagina.
Externally, this decoction has been advantageously employed as a gargle in chronic sore throat with relaxed uvula, and also as a fomentation.
Poliomyelitis virus of low virulence in patients with epidemic " summer grippe or sore throat " .
I used over 80 screws, doing each by hand would have taken a very long time and given me a very sore wrist!
Among these should be mentioned John Fothergill (1712-1780), who investigated the "putrid sore throat" now called diphtheria, and the form of neuralgia popularly known as tic douloureux.
At the diet of Piotrkow in 1562, indeed, the king's sore need of subsidies induced him, at the demand of the szlachta, to abolish altogether the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts in cases of heresy; but, on the other hand, at the diet of 1564 he accepted from Commendone the Tridentine decrees and issued an edict banishing all foreign, and especially Anti-trinitarian, heretics from the land.
Sage tea can be used to remedy sore throats.
You know - if you 've ever picked the scab of a sore place.
Sjögren 's syndrome can also cause dryness of the vagina (which can make sexual intercourse sore), or dryness of the skin.
Colin Cameron and Michael Oakes played but Keith Andrews did n't after being taken off at half-time with sore shins in Monday 's friendly.
Eating live yogurt will replace intestinal flora lost during the alcohol attack and soothe a sore stomach.
They would stand out like a sore thumb at a fancy dress party !
I did n't wear a watch & do n't have a time, but I have got very stiff legs & sore nipples !
The only problem Ive had with the cage was with one female who got sore hocks from walking on the shelves.
A weekend in the saddle had taken its toll, A few sore bums, but we had reached our goal.
Among the bacteria that cause sore throats, the streptococcus group A is the most common.
Suckling lambs with orf lesions may be disinclined to suck and ewes with sore teats may not let their lambs feed.
Throat lozenges or a throat spray can alleviate a sore throat and lubricate your throat to help a cough.
We 've had a good day so I 'm blogging quickly, then off to nurse my sore throat and make some wedding tiaras.
The tissue viability nurse believed that leaving Mrs A sitting in a chair for long periods had caused the pressure sore.
Painful spots on the tongue Sore tongue Should I have my daughter 's tongue-tie surgically removed?
Poliomyelitis virus of low virulence in patients with epidemic " summer grippe or sore throat ".
I used over 80 screws, doing each by hand would have taken a very long time and given me a very sore wrist !
Some have huge bald patches where mats have just been yanked off by the owner, and the skin is red and sore.
Unfortunately, your baby will suffer occasional bouts with childhood illnesses, such as colds, ear infections, sore throats, stomach viruses, etc. You'll want to keep him as comfortable as possible and well-hydrated.
Sore and cracked nipples can be discouraging.
After all, she's probably overtired, sore, and still recovering from the birth, not to mention pregnancy.
Buying the right pair of socks can make the difference between a good day and a bad day with sore and itching feet!
What you wind up with is a frayed mess and an eye sore.
Some people regard wind turbines or wind power farms as an eye sore and a blot on the landscape.
It is great for rubbing on sore muscles, joints, and even on the temples to help with a headache.
Allow to cool and solidify, and rub on sore muscles as needed.
The application of the tea bag can be done as soon as you feel the sore forming to after it has erupted.
Forty percent of the time that children are taken to the doctor with a sore throat, the sore throat is diagnosed as viral.
In about 30 percent of the cases for which children are taken to the doctor, bacteria are found to be responsible for the sore throat.
Many of these bacterial sore throats are cases of strep throat.
Sore throats have many different causes, and may or may not be accompanied by cold symptoms, fever, or swollen lymph glands.
Proper treatment depends on understanding the cause of the sore throat.
Anyone who has spent time waiting on an airplane or toting a laptop bag from place to place knows that unbalanced bags can cause back pain and sore shoulders.
During the belly button piercing aftercare stage, you can expect that your piercing will be sore.
It is normal for your piercing to be irritated and sore during healing; you may also see secretions of a whitish or yellow liquid known as lymph.
After the initial piercing process, it is very likely that the piercing site will remain sore.
If you use those kinds of chants and your team actually loses, you look like sore losers.
Being a mom is stressful, but you can ease her sore shoulders with this simple neckwrap made using supplies you already have around the house.
Some of the common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, cramps, headache, fever, sore throat, lethargy, and fatigue.
There are many uses for red raspberry leaf such as treating the common cold and sore throats, but it is also used to relieve symptoms of diarrhea.
Many, especially older adults, find themselves sore and accident prone if they skip the prep time.
Here are five exercises that make for a free lower ab workout that will leave you good and sore for sure!
Likewise, if a muscle is still sore from the previous workout, you might as well give it another day or two to recover.
Cycling shoes are preferred because their stiff soles allow you to exert more pressure on the pedals without experiencing sore feet or hot spots on the bottom of your feet.
Just like breaking into a fast sprint without warming up is a bad idea, stopping from a fast sprint without cooling down will leave your muscles sore in the long term and will shock your cardiovascular system in the short term.
If you do feel sore after a workout, ice may help relieve the swelling and pain caused by an intense workout.
If you find that your arms and wrists become sore, you may want to add some exercises which focus on your lower arm to help you build strength such as the rotational dumbbell arm curl or the concentration curl.
If your triceps are very sore after working out, trying doing some exercises which will isolate these muscles and help you build strength.
Abdominal muscles can get very sore if you overdo it.
Many people advise runners to create a cool down routine that will prevent sore or tight muscles later.
It can improve common age-related problems, such as limited flexibility, sore joints and general frailty.
If you are sore, put off your jogging session for a day.
There are several lower back pain stretches that can help those suffering with sore muscles or injuries.
Homeowners complain of headaches and sore throats from inhaling the fumes.
Delicate breast skin, especially the nipples, can also become chafed and sore.
Designer Renelle Braaten was a volleyball player who found that she had to use two bras to play the game and always finished with sore shoulders.
Here is something else you might want to think about when deciding on the level of protection you need during physical activity; if you find that your breasts, back or both are sore after working out, it is time to get a better sports bra.
Without it, you may injure yourself or feel sore, and that won't help to keep you motivated in your chosen activity.
It's accompanied by fever, aches, tiredness, sore throat, and cough.
Cellulitis may occur around a cut or sore, but sometimes it seems to just happen on its own.
High fever, sore throat, and swollen glands usually accompany the rash.
Squamous cell cancer often looks like a sore that won't heal.
Advanced squamous cell cancer can look like a large tumor, a sore that won't heal, or a large patch of thickened or irritated skin.
Athlete's foot treatments, suppositories, sore muscle/arthritis creams, chest rubs for congestion, and dandruff shampoo are other popular products.
If sore, weary muscles leave you sluggish, you'll benefit from a relieving soak in the bath.
A skin growth that is unfamiliar and tends to be sore.
A similar blemish that becomes itchy and/or is sore.
Other types of pimples include nodules, or very inflamed, sore bumps, and cysts, or pus-filled, inflamed lesions.
Sore and tender to the touch, extreme cases of sunburn can even become fatal should a condition known as sun poisoning take place.
Measles start as a rash on the face that slowly spread downwards on the body and is usually accompanied be a fever or sore throat.
If your rash is accompanied by pain, intense itching and fever or sore throat, seek medical treatment immediatly.
Fever blister is another word for cold sore.
Denavir - This topical cream should be applied directly to the sore immediately upon breakout.
Zovirax - Available in both an oral and topical medication, Zovirax can reduce the duration of the cold sore and can also limit the amount of pain experienced.
Petroleum jelly - Some people suggest covering the sore immediately upon breakout with petroleum jelly.
This prevents you from touching or picking at it and may help heal the sore.
Green or black yea - One home remedy involves soaking a green or black tea bag in hot water for one minute before applying the wet bag directly to the sore.
This particular treatment can help reduce pain and irritation of the sore.
Aloe vera - Some believe that by applying aloe vera directly to the affected area you can speed up the recovery of the sore.
Covering a cold sore will help it feel better and go away faster.
For example, trying to camouflage a cold sore with makeup is not a good idea, as it will cause irritation and in most cases aggravate the problem.
Many times the chemicals in makeup will make the cold sore worse.
Since toothbrushes can harbor the virus that causes cold sores, you should get a new toothbrush after the cold sore has formed and again after the infection has cleared up.
From nausea to sore throats, ginger helps a variety of symptoms.
Gargle with cayenne tea to cure a sore throat.
If you've ever tried to soothe a sore throat with a cup of Celestial Seasonings Wellness Tea, then you know that getting better never tasted so good.
Lemongrass and natural lemon flavors are combined with licorice root, slippery elm, and fennel to help naturally soothe sore throats.
It is commonly used for digestive problems, sore throats and respiratory problems.
The tea can be used to help with stomach problems, sore throats and congestion.
It can be soothing for those with a sore throat or cold symptoms.
The Native Americans used black cohosh to treat sore throats, snakebites, and female complaints such as menstrual cramps and hot flashes.
Licorice is an effective herb for relieving coughs, sore throats and stomach ailments.
Coughs and sore throats are the most common ailments slippery elm is used to treat.
Throat lozenges are sucked on as needed to ease sore throat or cough.
Whether you suffer from arthritis, backache, migraines, sore muscles, hives, poison ivy or sports related pain, Hyland's offer many products that will make you feel like yourself again.
A sore throat is the symptom most helped by taking echinacea.
Monkshood, sometimes called homeopathic vitamin C, is commonly used at the first sign of infection such as sore throat, ear ache or bladder infection.
Latching problems, sore nipples, and plugged ducts are among the most common woes, but a major concern that can occur right from the start is the problem of low milk supply.
Even if that's your taste, you want to appeal to the largest number of people possible, and the majority won't want a home that sticks out like a sore thumb.
You not only have a cold every week but you also have stomachaches, headaches, and sore muscles.
Just because you've never counted to 10 when you feel your stress levels sore, doesn't mean it's not going to work for you.
You will also experience stomach upset, bloating, sore throat, weakness, dizziness, a ruptured stomach, acid reflux, ulcers, mouth sores, or tooth decay and discoloration.
Nicotine withdrawal causes physical symptoms such as headaches, irritability, sore throat, and sleep disturbances.
A sore or ulcer around the mouth or on the tongue which takes longer than usual to heal.
A sore throat not associated with any other symptoms.
Hopefully, the sore isn't a serious one.
However, these foam beds are also a good choice for active dogs such as working or service dogs, who may have sore muscles.
Pagoda dogwood was helpful for treating sore eyes.
Spare everyone the eye sore of a home-economic experiment gone terribly bad, and ditch those cutoffs for a great pair of men's madras shorts, which are sure to keep you looking and feeling nothing (too short) of cool.
We offer everything from protection from the sun and wind to moisturizers to cold sore remedies and even vegan options.
Heat and massage - These options offer extra comfort and warmth to sore muscles and joints.
It's forgetting that a sore throat is not how everyone starts their day.
Following implantation, some people may experience sore throat, swelling, a metallic taste in the mouth, or the sensation of having a foreign body lodged in the soft palate.
Nasal congestion, dry nose, dry eyes, sore throat, and nosebleeds are common CPAP problems.
Side effects associated with CPAP use include nasal congestion, dry mouth, skin irritation, and sore throat.
The sensation can also be painful, leaving your hands and wrists sore after you awaken.
The LAUP can leave you with a sore throat for a few days when you eat or drink, but it does not usually affect speech.
There are options, like a silver metal contact lens case, that mean you don't have to break up the theme of your bathroom counter with a piece of plastic on display that sticks out like a sore thumb against your serene decor.
After many hours of play though, your right wrist and fingers were a little sore and cramped up from all the pressing your thumb did on the buttons and right finger on the trigger.
This is meant to stimulate your feet so they don't get sore.
Costwold has shoes and socks for men and women, as well as foot care in case you do run into a nasty case of blisters and sore feet.
The dentist may flush the sore area with warm water to dislodge any food particles and to test for sensitivity to heat.
About one of five people with GAS infection develops a sore, inflamed throat and pus on the tonsils (strep throat).
If the child has a fever and sore throat, a wound that seems to be infected, a rash, is acting very sick, or has any other symptoms of strep infection, the doctor should be consulted.
Exposure to infected people should be avoided, and a family physician should be notified if the child develops an extremely sore throat or pain, redness, swelling, or drainage at the site of a wound or break in the skin.
Symptoms include a slight fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and vomiting, which generally develop three to five days after exposure.
The child insists on sitting up or complains of a sore throat and is drooling.
Sore throat is a painful inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the pharynx.
Sore throat may be caused by either viral or bacterial infections or environmental conditions.
Most sore throats heal without complications, but they should not be ignored, as some develop into serious illnesses.
Sore throats can be either acute or chronic.
Acute sore throats are more common than chronic sore throats.
A chronic sore throat lasts much longer and is a symptom of an unresolved underlying condition or disease, such as a sinus infection.
The way in which a sore throat is transmitted depends on the agent causing the sore throat.
Some sore throats are caused by environmental factors or allergies.
These sore throats cannot be passed from one person to another.
Almost everyone gets a sore throat at one time or another, although children in child care or grade school have them more often than adolescents and adults.
Sore throats are most common during the winter months when upper respiratory infections (colds) are more frequent.
Cold symptoms usually accompany a viral sore throat.
Another group of viruses that causes sore throat are the adenoviruses.
In addition to a sore throat, symptoms that accompany an adenovirus infection include cough, runny nose, white bumps on the tonsils and throat, mild diarrhea, vomiting, and a rash.
A third type of virus that can cause severe sore throat is the coxsackie virus.
Herpangina is sometimes called summer sore throat.
One other common cause of a viral sore throat is mononucleosis.
One of the main symptoms of mononucleosis is a severe sore throat.
Although a runny nose and cough are much more likely to accompany a sore throat caused by a virus than one caused by a bacteria, there is no absolute way to tell what is causing the sore throat without a laboratory test.
Fewer sore throats are caused by bacteria than are caused by viruses.
Not all sore throats are caused by infection.
Postnasal drip can irritate the throat and make it sore.
Dry air, like that in airplanes or from forced hot air furnaces, can make the throat sore.
Children who breathe through their mouths at night because of nasal congestion often get sore throats that improve as the day progresses.
Sore throat caused by environmental conditions is not contagious.
If the child has had a sore throat and fever for more than 24 hours, a doctor should be contacted so a strep test can be performed.
If the child has had a sore throat, even without fever, for more than 48 hours, the doctor should be consulted.
It is easy for people to tell if they have a sore throat, but difficult to know what has caused it without laboratory tests.
Most sore throats are minor and heal without any complications.
A small number of bacterial sore throats do develop into serious diseases.
Because of this, it is advisable to see a doctor if a sore throat lasts more than a few days or is accompanied by fever, nausea, or abdominal pain.
Diagnosis of a sore throat by a doctor begins with a physical examination of the throat and chest.
Since both bacterial and viral sore throat are contagious and pass easily from person to person, the doctor will seek information about whether the patient has been around other people with flu, sore throat, colds, or strep throat.
Effective treatment varies depending on the cause of the sore throat.
Patients need to take the entire amount of antibiotic prescribed, even after symptoms of the sore throat improve.
Cessation of the antibiotic early can lead to a return of the sore throat.
In the case of chronic sore throat, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease to heal the sore throat.
If a sore throat is caused by environmental factors, the aggravating stimulus should be eliminated from the sufferer's environment.
Regardless of the cause of a sore throat, there are some home care steps that people can take to ease their discomfort.
Alternative treatment focuses on easing the symptoms of sore throat using herbs and botanical medicines.
Homeopaths may treat sore throats with superdilute solutions of Lachesis, Belladonna, Phytolacca, or yellow jasmine (Gelsemium).
Sore throat caused by a viral infection generally clears up on its own within one week with no complications.
Viral sore throats usually resolve themselves fairly quickly although they may be very uncomfortable.
If the child has a fever and sore throat for more than 24 hours it may be a sign of a bacterial infection and the child should be taken to the doctor.
Sore throat lozenges and rest may also ease the symptoms.
Torsion is indicated if the radioactive fluid does not flow through the sore testis.
Children may be exposed through kissing, sharing food, or playing in close contact with others who have an active herpes infection, such as a cold sore.
Placing a spent tea bag on a canker sore may provide comfort.
A sore throat and a raised, sandpaper-like rash over much of the body are accompanied by fever and sluggishness (lethargy).
The main symptoms and signs of scarlet fever are fever, lethargy, sore throat, and a bumpy rash that blanches under pressure.
Symptoms common to respiratory illnesses caused by adenovirus infection include cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, and watery eyes.
Children with acute pharyngoconjunctival fever usually show signs of conjunctivitis, fever, sore throat, runny nose, and inflammation of the lymph glands in the neck (certical adenitis).
For example, some children experience more pain at the blister site or even flu-like symptoms, including swollen glands, fever, or sore throat.
Latent and active infection is understood by considering the cold sore cycle.
Infants are most likely to get a cold sore because someone with an active virus kisses them.
The cause can even be a kiss from someone who did not have a visible sore but had the virus in his or her saliva.
The first symptoms of cold sores in infants are swollen gums and sore mouth.
A few days later, there is a cluster of small blisters on or near the lips that turn into a shallow, painful sore.
In a few days the sore will crust and slowly disappear.
Children often feel the tingling at the site before the sore appears.
When a baby or child has a cold sore, parents should do all they can to keep them from touching their eyes.
If a painful sore appears on the child's eyelid, eye surface, or on the end of his nose, call the pediatrician right away.
But if a newborn gets a cold sore, the pediatrician should be called right away.
To ease the pain, apply ice to the sore, or if the doctor approves, give the baby a mild pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
Avoid giving the child spicy, salty, or sour foods, and foods with acid (oranges and grapefruits), which can irritate the open sore.
It helps dry out the sore so it can heal faster.
They should keep the child from picking at a cold sore as much as possible.
Parents should wear gloves when applying ointment to a child's sore.
Parents of children who get cold sores should be aware of early symptoms and be ready to treat the sore in the first couple days.
Parents should call the child's pediatrician if the child has not had a cold sore before, especially in the case of babies.
Oral lesions-A single infected sore in the skin around the mouth or mucus membrane inside of the oral cavity.
Children often have frequent sore throats when they wake up in the morning, sinus infections, bronchitis, and dry coughs.
Sometimes, before the symptoms appear, people experience preliminary symptoms, including fever, malaise, sore throat, or headache.
The average canker sore is about 0.25 inch (0.6 cm) in size, although they can occasionally belarger.
The first symptom is a tingling or mildly painful itching sensation in the area where the sore will appear.
The sore is round and is a whitish color with a grayish colored center.
Usually, there is a red ring of inflammation surrounding the sore.
If an ointment is used to treat a canker sore, the parent should first dry the sore.
Next, a small amount of medicine should be put on a cotton swab and applied to the sore.
Treatments are to relieve symptoms or shorten the duration of the sore.
The throat becomes red, swollen, and sore.
A throat culture will often be performed on an individual who has a severe sore throat or known symptoms of strep throat.
These symptoms include a sore throat that may be accompanied by fever, body aches, and loss of appetite.
Because strep is highly contagious, family members and close contacts of individuals diagnosed with strep throat may also be advised to have throat cultures if they show signs of sore throat or other symptoms.
The child's immunization history should be checked to evaluate the possibility that diseases other than strep are causing the sore throat.
The sore throat and dehydration that usually accompany mononucleosis may be relieved by drinking water and fruit juices.
Some of the other adverse effects are chest tightness; wheezing; nasal stuffiness; dry mouth, nose, and throat; sore throat; respiratory depression; sneezing; and a burning sensation in the nose.
Lymphadenitis can also occur in conjunction with cellulitis, which is a deep, widespread tissue infection that develops from a cut or sore.
In children, tonsillitis or bacterial sore throats are the most common causes of lymphadenitis in the neck area.
The doctor will press (palpate) the affected lymph nodes to see if they are sore or tender, and search for an entry point for the infection, like a scratch or bite.
In infants, RSV begins with such cold symptoms as a low fever, runny nose, and sore throat.
A brown recluse spider's bite can lead to necrotic arachnidism, in which the tissue in an area of up to several inches around the bite becomes necrotic (dies), producing an open sore that can take months or years to disappear.
Washing with plain water and drying with air is soothing to sore skin; it speeds healing by decreasing friction on the area.
Petroleum jelly provides a protective coating, even on sore, redden skin, and is easy to clean.
The doctor should also be contacted if the child has had a sore throat and fever for more than 24 hours.
The best way for parents to prevent rheumatic fever is to take seriously sore throats that are accompanied with fever and to take the child to a doctor to test for strep throat.
In such cases, a small sore develops on the palpebral conjunctiva (the membrane lining the inner eyelid) and is often accompanied by conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane) and swollen lymph nodes in front of the ear.
Other symptoms include fatigue, loss of energy, decreased appetite, and a sore sensation in the mouth that may interfere with feeding.
A child may begin complaining of a sore throat and within a few hours be suffering from extremely severe airway obstruction.
Diagnosis begins with a high level of suspicion that a quickly progressing illness with fever, sore throat, and airway obstruction is very likely to be epiglottitis.
If food becomes trapped under the flap, the gums may become sore, swollen, and painful, infected, or abscessed.
Coughs that last more than seven days or are associated with fever, rash, sore throat, or lasting headache should have medical attention.
Less common side effects, such as sore mouth or tongue and vaginal itching and discharge also may occur and do not need medical attention unless they persist or are bothersome.
Mononucleosis-An infection, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, that causes swelling of lymph nodes, spleen, and liver, usually accompanied by extremely sore throat, fever, headache, and intense long-lasting fatigue.
A mild or severe sore throat is one of the first symptoms of tonsillitis.
If the child is displaying the symptoms of tonsillitis and has had a sore throat for more than 48 hours, especially when accompanied by a fever, a doctor should be called.
A careful examination of the throat is necessary to rule out diphtheria and other conditions that may cause a sore throat.
Since most sore throats in children are caused by viruses rather than bacteria, the doctor may take a throat culture in order to test for the presence of streptococcal bacteria.
Frozen juice bars and cold fruit drinks can bring some temporary relief of sore throat pain.
Treating the symptoms of sore throat and fever will make the child more comfortable.
In rare cases, a persistent sore throat may point to more serious conditions, such as rheumatic fever or pneumonia.
The risk of transmission can be lowered by avoiding exposure to anyone who already has tonsillitis or a sore throat.
A tonsillectomy is performed if the patient has recurrent sore throats or throat infections, or if the tonsils have become so swollen that the patient has trouble breathing or swallowing.
When the material in the bowel cannot move past the obstruction, the body reabsorbs large amounts of fluid and the abdomen becomes sore to the touch and swollen (distended).
Symptoms of flu include fever, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches.
Streptococcal sore throat, or strep throat, as it is more commonly called, is a bacterial infection of the mucous membranes lining the throat or pharynx.
A person with strep throat suddenly develops a painful sore throat one to five days after being exposed to the streptococcus bacteria.
The pain is indistinguishable from sore throats caused by other diseases.
Many young children complain only of a headache and stomachache, without the characteristic sore throat.
The joints, especially the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles become red, sore, and swollen.
A rapid strep test can only determine the presence of streptococcal bacteria but will not tell if the sore throat is caused by another kind of bacteria.
To perform a rapid strep test or a throat culture, a nurse will use a sterile swab to reach down into the throat and obtain a sample of material from the sore area.
People who have even a mild sore throat after a 10-day treatment with antibiotic should return to their doctor.
An explanation for this problem may be that the person is just a carrier of strep and that something else is causing the sore throat.
Encourage the child to gargle with warm double strength tea or warm salt water, made by adding one teaspoon of salt to eight ounces of water, to relieve sore throat pain.
Use a room humidifier, as it may make sore throat sufferers more comfortable.
Be aware that antiseptic lozenges and sprays may aggravate the sore throat rather than improve it.
Drainage, therefore, drips constantly down the back of the throat, resulting in a continuously sore throat and bad breath.
Also, running a humidifier can prevent mucus within the nasal passages from drying out uncomfortably and can help soothe any accompanying sore throat or cough.
Symptoms include swollen glands, liver, and spleen; fever; increased white blood cells; headache; fatigue; and sore throat.
The infection can be passed to the infant at the time of delivery if the mother has an active sore.
Genital herpes is suspected with the outbreak of a particular kind of genital sore.
The sore can be cultured and tested to confirm that HSV-2 is present.
For older children and adults, if there is a question as to the cause of a sore, a tissue sample or culture can be taken to determine what type of virus or other microorganism is responsible.
The child usually develops upper respiratory symptoms followed by fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, headache, and a stiff or sore neck or back.
Pacifier use may prevent infants from learning how to latch onto their mother's breast, resulting in poor feedings and sore nipples.
The child sneezes often, the eyes are sore, and nasal secretion becomes purulent.
It is important for people who come into contact with the child to realize that a cleft is not a wound, although it may give the impression that it is tender or sore.
In secondary syphilis, the infection becomes systemic and the individual experiences symptoms such as fever, headache, sore throat, rash, and swollen glands.
They should call the pediatrician if they notice bleeding from the birthmark, if a sore develops on the birthmark, if the mark is growing larger.
In making the diagnosis, the doctor examines the affected person's eyes, ears, nose, and throat in order to rule out other diseases that may cause fever and sore throat, such as infectious mononucleosis, a sinus infection, or strep throat.
Patients with a cough that lasts more than seven days or is associated with fever, rash, sore throat, or lasting headache should have medical attention.
Prevention can be directed toward prompt evaluation and appropriate treatment of sore throats to prevent overgrowth of adenoid tissue.
Symptoms include sore throat, chills, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
In addition to a runny nose and fever, signs of a cold include coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, headache, muscle ache, chills, sore throat, hoarseness, watery eyes, tiredness, and lack of appetite.
Early symptoms may also include a sore throat, low-grade fever, headaches, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.
Common symptoms include an inflamed sore in the area of the bite or scratch, swollen lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, and rash.
When you are breastfeeding, your nipples may become chapped and sore from the baby's suckling.
If you're on the pill and you need to take penicillin for a sore throat, do you need to worry about getting pregnant?
Massage is directed at pregnancy-related problems including low back pain and sore feet.
This method may be uncomfortable for many women, particularly those with sore or swollen breasts.
There are numerous symptoms associated with early pregnancy, including sore breasts, nausea, and darkened areolas.
Between one and two weeks after conception, your breasts may become slightly swollen, tender to the touch, or sore.
You might also feel a tingly sensation inside your breasts or they may even feel sore.
They may feel nauseous, tired, and their breasts may become sore.
This means it can be difficult to tell if sore breasts are just a normal part of a teen girl's development or due to pregnancy.
Speedo's XD fabrics actually resist absorbing water, and when your child's suit dries more quickly, there's less time for wet fabric to chafe and cause sore spots.
Promoters also claim that MMS is capable of curing ailments like the flu, the common cold, pneumonia, warts, sore throats, and dental abscesses.
Deficiency signs and symptoms include anemia, sore tongue, loss of appetite, weakness, failure to grow or slow growth in children, and digestive upset.
Money may be a sore topic if you are an earth sign trying to rein in an air sign's impulse buys.
Applying cold compresses, eating bland foods and taking Vitamin C or lysine acid supplements are other ways people try to control cold sore outbreaks.
Shoe laces may be a sore spot for your small child.
Lightweight crepe soles were also used to replace the thick hard soles that created sore feet by days end.
More importantly, their soft fluffy interior is a veritable treat for sore feet.
In fact, they can walk more than they have in ages and don't have sore feet at the end of the day.
One woman thought she would try out the shoes and was sure the recommendation to only wear them for a limited time initially was overkill - she had sore legs for the next three days and noticed she'd lost some inches.
It all started when Barteet, a longtime pharmacist, grew frustrated with suffering from sore feet day in and day out.
Ideal for women who experience sore feet regularly or spend much of the day walking, these shoes will instantly bring some style to your day.
She would have a sore neck if she stayed that way for long.
The inside of her legs were so sore that walking might be more comfortable.
She pushed away from the ground stiffly and rubbed at the sore muscles in her back while she surveyed the house.
She sighed deeply as it beat against her sore muscles.
Henry, stricken with sore disease, was unable to reap the advantage.
When called upon to go to the aid of this settlement, which in1865-1866was sore pressed by one of the mountain Bantu tribes known as the Baramapulana, the burghers of the southern Transvaal objected that the white inhabitants of that region were too lawless and reckless a body to merit their assistance.
That king, shortly before his death, refounded Rahere's St Bartholomew's Hospital, " for the continual relief and help of an hundred sore and diseased," but most of the large buildings were left unoccupied to be filled by his successor.
The guarantee which each country thus gave to the other of treatment as favourable as that given elsewhere became irksome to France, sore after her defeat in the war.
The secrecy with which their uncle had carried out their murder was destined to be a sore hindrance to his successor.
Lord John Russell was a little sore at his own treatment by his party.
In about 40 percent of these cases of pharyngitis, it is never clear what caused the sore throat.
Muk Luk slippers are the perfect solution for sore and tired feet.
Try very hard not to touch, squeeze, or pinch a cold sore.
Doing so can cause a bacterial infection and spread the cold sore.
Carry hand sanitizer with you in case you accidentally scratch your cold sore and are not able to wash your hands immediately afterwards.
Studies have shown that glycyrrhizic acid, an ingredient in licorice, kills cold sore virus cells, so something as simple as chewing on a licorice whip can help avoid the problem.
Sprinkling a small amount of licorice powder on a cold sore can also help heal it.
If you apply ice to a cold sore as soon as you notice it, you may significantly cut down on the time it takes to heal.
Milk may help get rid of a cold sore, but not by drinking it.
Instead soak a cotton ball in milk and apply it to the cold sore as a pain reliever.
You should consult with a physician, who may prescribe an antiviral medication such as acyclovir to help you get rid of the cold sore.
Licking your lips when they're dry only makes the problem worse, since evaporating saliva will cause lips to crack.To heal sore, dry lips and keep them soft, apply a thick, waxy balm before going outdoors and before bed.
It is on clinical grounds that beriberi, scarlet fever, measles, &c., are recognized as belonging to the same class, and evolving in phases which differ not in intimate nature but in the more superficial and inessential characters of time, rate and polymorphism; and the impression is gaining strength that acute rheumatism belongs to the group of the infections, certain sore throats, chorea and other apparently distinct maladies being terms of this series.
He was here in sympathy with the secret sore of his age, and gave utterance to what all felt but none dared to whisper but he.
A serpent in a lagoon near Gimbo-Amburi in Africa could cure madness; another, which haunted an Algerian well, embodied the soul of a Mahommedan saint and could cure sore eyes.
If you like having sore muscles at the end of a day or working a job that requires little of your mental capacity so you can contemplate Nietzsche, hey, more power to you.
The former is a dry scaly sore, and the latter a running, open boil.
Delcasse personally was a sore point with Germany.