Sonnet Sentence Examples
They introduced the sonnet and blank verse.
The laudatory sonnet composed by James VI.
As a sonnet writer none stands higher than Paul Szemere, known also for his rendering of Korner's drama Zrinyi (1818), and his contributions to the Elet es Literatura (Life and Literature).
Pier della Vigna there wrote the first sonnet, and Italian lyrics by Frederick himself are preserved to us.
Does this mean you should compose your own sonnet or Haiku?
Below is the example of an English sonnet, written by Shakespeare.
The above poem is from H.P. Lovecraft 's sonnet cycle, The Fungi From Yuggoth, which he completed on January 4, 1930.
The present Westminster Bridge, of iron on granite piers, was opened in 1862, but another preceded it, dating from 1750; the view from which was appreciated by Wordsworth in his sonnet beginning " Earth has not anything to show more fair."
Of the Eliot oaks, made famous by Longfellow's sonnet, one was cut down in 1842, the other still stands.
Du Bellay did not actually introduce the sonnet into French poetry, but he acclimatized it; and when the fashion of sonneteering became a mania he was one of the first to ridicule its excesses.
AdvertisementReaders of this journal won't need me to tell them that it is, really, a spoof Shakespearian sonnet.
Sonnet 18 A Shakespearean sonnet 18 A Shakespearean sonnet devoted to describing the beauty of his love.
From 1848 date the first poetical efforts of Arnaldo Marquez, who is distinguished for his correct diction and rich imagination, as is Nicolas Corpancho for his dramas and a volume of poems entitled Brisas, Adolfo Garcia for a beautiful sonnet to Bolivar, which was published at Havre in 1870, in his one volume of poems, and Clemente Althaus for his productivity and style.
Here Petrarch spent seven years of boyhood, acquiring that pure Tuscan idiom which afterwards he used with such consummate mastery in ode and sonnet.
In 1816 Hunt published Keats 's sonnet O Solitude in the Examiner and in 1821 La Belle Dame sans Merci in the Indicator.
AdvertisementReaders of this journal wo n't need me to tell them that it is, really, a spoof Shakespearian sonnet.
Sonnet 18 A Shakespearean sonnet devoted to describing the beauty of his love.
First sonnet as the title says A sonnet from the firs...
His sonnet sequence - consisting of 154 separate poems - is arguably the finest collection of love poems in the English language.
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AdvertisementHow well does the poet adapt the sonnet form here?
For example, a traditional love poem in a structured sonnet may work better for a more formal proposal than a less formal loose poem.
You select the specific type of poem you want to create (for instance, a haiku, villanelle, sonnet, and so on).
The pen of Milton was employed for this purpose, and his famous sonnet is but the condensation of his state papers.
When John Keats was in Girvan during his Scottish tour in 1818 he apostrophized the rock in a fine sonnet.
AdvertisementThe last chapter, its author says, is taken up with "Mr Papillon's banishment under the Alien Act, from a ministerial misconception of a metaphysical sonnet."
The fourteen lines that constitute the main body of the poem have none of the prerequisites of a sonnet including the climatic couplet.
Sonnet 116, William Shakespeare Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.
In sonnet 7, the first quatrain (Q1) contains the word looks, Q2 the word looks again.
The writings of his daughter Lady Mary Wroth include a massive and intricate prose romance and a brilliant sonnet sequence.
In 1816 Hunt published Keats's sonnet O solitude in the Examiner and in 1821 La Belle Dame sans Merci in the Indicator.
I once composed a sonnet as I was climbing which expresses something of my feelings on that occasion.
Francia probably studied likewise the works of Perugino; and he became a friend and ardent admirer of Raphael, to whom he addressed an enthusiastic sonnet.
Du Bellay replied to his various assailants in a preface to the second edition (1550) of his sonnet sequence Olive, with which he also published two polemical poems, the Musagnaeomachie, and an ode addressed to Ronsard, Contre les envieux poetes.
Specimens of Fowler's verses were published in 1803 by John Leyden in his Scottish Descriptive Poems. Fowler contributed a prefatory sonnet to James VI.'s Furies; and James, in return, commended, in verse, Fowler's Triumphs.
Literally, if you download your very own love sonnet in advance.
He denounced Milton's Divorce i at Pleasure, was answered in the Colasterion, and contemptuously referred to in the sonnet "On the Forcers of Conscience."
He introduced and practised the forms of the sonnet, canzon, ode, epistle in oitava rim y and in tercets, and the epigram, and raised the whole tone of poetry.