Songs Sentence Examples
We told stories, sang songs, laughed and almost never tolerated silence.
The bestknown name in connexion with them is that of Onomacritus, who, in the time of the Peisistratidae, made a collection (including forgeries of his own) of Orphic songs and legends.
There seems to be very little doubt that Le Houx was himself the author of the songs attributed to Basselin, as well as of those he acknowledged as his own.
Amongst his published works were a commentary on the Book of Job (1850), a translation of the Song of Songs (1852), an exposition of Isaiah xl.-lxvi.
Of Machiavelli's minor poems, sonnets, capitoli and carnival songs there is not much to say.
The little songs and the sonnets have a meaning for me as fresh and wonderful as the dramas.
His drinking songs became famous under the name of Vaux-de-Vire, corrupted in modern times into "vaudeville."
The brilliant success of Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel, in which Wagnerian technique is applied to the diatonic style of nursery songs with a humorous accuracy undreamed of by Wagner's imitators, points a moral which would have charmed Wagner himself; but until the revival of some rudiments of musical common sense becomes widespread, there is little prospect of the influence of Wagner's harmonic style being productive of anything better than nonsense.
In his fight with poverty he was put to strange shifts, becoming cellarman at a tavern and clerk to a lawyer, reciting and singing at a small theatre, and compiling a collection of common songs.
These songs, which fired the poet's comrades to deeds of heroism in 1813, bear eloquent testimony to the intensity of the national feeling against Napoleon, but judged as literature they contain more bombast than poetry.
AdvertisementLanglois (Le Puy, 1888); Desier (Desiderius or Didier), lost songs of the wars of Lombardy, some fragments of which are preserved in Ogier le Danois; Destruction de Rome, ed.
The clergy were satirized and denounced in popular pamphlets and songs.
The Genevan town councils were quite ready to re-enact all the old police regulations common in that age in regard to excessive display, dancing, obscene songs, &c. It was arranged too that town government should listen to the " Consistory," made up of the " Elders," but the Small Council was to choose the members of the Consistory, two of whom should belong to the Small Council, four to the Council of Sixty, and six to the Council of Two Hundred.
The Ehsts, who resemble the Finns of Tavastland, have maintained their ethnic features, their customs, national traditions, songs and poetry, and their harmonious language.
The compositions of Haydn include 104 symphonies, 16 overtures, 76 quartets, 68 trios, 54 sonatas, 31 concertos and a large number of divertimentos, cassations and other instrumental pieces; 24 operas and dramatic pieces, 16 Masses, a Stabat Mater, interludes for the " Seven Words," 3 oratorios, 2 Te Deums and many smaller pieces for the church, over 40 songs, over 50 canons and arrangements of Scottish and Welsh national melodies.
AdvertisementHe published in 1810 a translation of the Parthenais of the Danish poet Baggesen, with a preface on the various kinds of poetry; in 1823 translations of two tragedies of Manzoni, with a preface "Sur la the orie de l'art dramatique"; and in 1824-1825 his translation of the popular songs of modern Greece, with a "Discours preliminaire" on popular poetry.
Of his exegetical works the best preserved are the Commentary on the Prophet Daniel and the Commentary on the Song of Songs.
Of the Academy's edition one volume was published at Berlin in 1897, containing the Commentaries on Daniel and on the Song of Songs, the treatise on Antichrist, and the Lesser Exegetical and Homiletic Works, edited by Nathanael Bonwetsch and Hans Achelis.
Some posthumous fragments of another opera, Daphnis et Chloe, were printed in 1780; and in 1781 appeared Les Consolations des miseres de ma vie, a collection of about one hundred songs and other fugitive pieces of very unequal merit.
Of the little love songs in Klon metre, called Klon pet ton, there are many hundreds.
AdvertisementUnlike the people of other Slavonic countries, the Poles are comparatively poor in popular and legendary poetry, but such compositions undoubtedly existed in early times, as may be seen by the writings of their chroniclers; thus Gallus translated into Latin a poem written on Boleslaus the Brave, and a few old Polish songs are included in Wojcicki's Library of Ancient Writers.
John Lodzia, bishop of Posen from 1 335 to 1346, composed several religious songs in Latin.
Five religious songs in Polish dating from the 15th century have been preserved; they are ascribed to Andrew Slopuchowski, prior of the monastery of the Holy Cross on Lysa G6ra.
For instance, there are no bilinf or legendary poems, such as are found among the Russians, although many passages in the ancient chroniclers from their poetical colouring seem to be borrowed from old songs or legends, and the first verses of some of these compositions have been preserved.
In Konigsberg, John Seklucyan, a personal friend of Luther, published a collection of Christian Songs.
AdvertisementHis most popular work is the "Collection of Historical Songs" (Spiewy historyczne), where he treats of the chief heroes of Polish history.
Poland, as has been said before, is not rich in national songs and legendary poetry, in which respect it cannot compare with its sister Slavonic countries Russia and Servia.
In the year 1851 Romuald Ziefikiewicz published Songs of the People of Pinsk, and collections have even appeared of those of the Kashoubes, a remnant of the Poles living near Danzig.
For many of the original songs and legends we must turn to the work of Messrs Antonovich and Dragomanov.
Wasilewski (1814-1846), the author of many popular songs; and Holowinski, archbishop of Mogilev (1807-1855), author of religious poems. The style of poetry in vogue in the Polish parts of Europe at the present time is chiefly lyrical.
One of the principal MS. sources used is the great Kitdb al-Aghani (Book of Songs) of Abu Faraj, which has since been published (20 vols., Boulak, 1868) in Egypt; but no publication of texts can deprive the Essai, which is now very rare, of its value as a trustworthy guide through a tangled mass of tradition.
The different order of the books in the English Bible is due to the fact that when the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek between the 3rd and 1st centuries B.C., the Hebrew tripartite division was disregarded, and the books (including those now known as the " Apocrypha ") were grouped mostly by subjects, the historical books being placed first (Genesis - Esther), the poetical books next (Job - Song of Songs), and the prophetical books last (Isaiah - Malachi).
Of these, the Song of Songs, in exquisite poetry, extols the power and sweetness of pure and faithful human love.
It consists of sacred songs or chants, partly composed independently, partly formed out of the contents of the Bible, which, however, has evidently been gathered by them orally, as until quite lately they were almost entirely illiterate and did not possess any written book.
His more important books, of which English translations have been published, are the poems Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (1913), The Crescent Moon (1913), The Gardener (1913), Songs of Kabir (1915), Fruit Gathering (1916), Stray Birds (1917), The Lover's Gift and the Crossing (1918); the plays Chitra (1914), The King of the Dark Chamber (1914), The Post Office (1914),.
French Canadian Literature At The Opening Of The Loth Century Might Be Described As Entirely The Work Of Two Generations, And It Was Separated From The Old Regime By Three More Generations Whose Racial Sentiment Only Found Expression In The Traditional Songs And Tales Which Their Forefathers Of The 17Th Century Had Brought Over From The Mere Patrie.
Folk Lore Has Always Been The Most Essentially French Of All Imaginative Influences In Canadian Life; And The Songs Are The Quintessence Of The Lore.
But These Very Digressions' Give The Book Its Intimate And Abiding Charm; For They Keep The Reader In Close Personal Touch With Every Side Of Canadian Life, With Songs And Tales And Homely Forms Of Speech, With The Best Features Of Seigniorial Times And The Strong Guidance Of An Ardent Church, With Voyageurs, Coureurs De Bois, Indians,., Soldiers, Sailors And All The Strenuous Adventurers Of A Wild, New, Giant World.
The only extant songs of any importance are the seventy-one Ballads of Gower (Stengel, Gower's Minnesang, 1886).
The remaining songs are mostly of a religious character.
Although so few have come down to us such songs must have been numerous at one time, owing to the constant intercourse between English, French and Provengals of all classes.
An interesting passage in Piers Plowman furnishes us with a proof of the extent to which these songs penetrated into England.
In spite of the many calls upon his time he produced a considerable amount of literary work, usually on classical or Scottish subjects, including some poems and songs of no mean order.
He was early attracted by the works of William Blake, whose Songs of Experience he endeavoured to interpret, and of Swedenborg, to the elucidation of whose writings he devoted the best energies of his life.
One of the most popular and widely circulated books is called The Hundred Thousand Songs of the Venerable Milaraspa.
It is in prose; but the dialogue, interspersed with songs, is metrical, and is much more extensive than the prose framework.
The titles of 105 of his works are mentioned in the Fihrist, and his Book of Days is the basis of parts of the history of Ibn al-Athir and of the Book of Songs (see Abulfaraj), but nothing of his (except a song) seems to exist now in an independent form.
Produced at Paris in 1828, it rapidly became a European favourite, and its overture, songs and choruses were everywhere heard.
Floovant is obviously connected with the Gesta Dagoberti, and there are traces of the influence of popular songs on the Frankish heroes in Gregory of Tours and other chroniclers.
It is an immense store-house of miscellaneous information, chiefly on matters connected with the table, but also containing remarks on music, songs, dances, games, courtesans.
He began also to write the songs and treatises by which he was to exert his widest influence.
Gelo was followed by his brother Hiero (478-467), the special subject of the songs of Pindar.
Notwithstanding its condemnation by Mahomet, music is the most favorite recreation of the people; the songs of the boatmen, the religious chants, and the cries in the streets are all musical.
These consist of episodes in the life of the parish priest "Father Prout," and dialogues after the model of "Christopher North," varied by translations of well-known English songs into Latin, Greek, French and Italian verse, which he humorously represents as being the true originals from which the English authors had merely plagiarized them.
He also produced masterly translations of the popular Slovenic songs current in Carniola (Volkslieder aus Krain, 1850), and of the English poems relating to "Robin Hood" (1864) .
Johan Nordahl Brun's best work is to be found in his patriotic songs and his hymns.
In 1830 they came to Paris, where they sang in the streets, Rachel giving such patriotic songs as the Parisienne and the Marseillaise with a rude but precocious energy which evoked special admiration and an abundant shower of coppers.
His story is told in one of the oldest songs of the Edda, the V OlundarkiOda and, with considerable variations, in the prose P13rekssaga (Thidrek's sage), while the Anglo-Saxon Beowulf and Deor's Lament contain allusions to it.
For the old dream of the pilgrim, to view the country where God had walked as man, lived on in the Crusades - a fact which is demonstrated by the letters of Bernard of Clairvaux, with the songs of Walther von der Vogelweide and other Crusaders.
Much time is spent, especially after the evening meal, in asking riddles, in rhyming, &c. The recital of songs and myths.
Nevertheless, some of the Eddic songs do seem to give the very form and pressure of the viking period.'
Some of the popular songs set to music by him became known as Giustiniani.
According to Suidas he composed a number of songs and proems; none of these is extant; the fragment of a hymn to Poseidon attributed to him (Aelian, Hist.An.xii.45) is spurious and was probably written in Attica in the time of Euripides.
It is as a lyric poet that Goethe's supremacy is least likely to be challenged; he has given his nation, whose highest literary expression has in all ages been essentially lyric, its greatest songs.
He published a few songs of no great merit, and had at his death no more than the reputation among his friends of a kindly and accomplished man.
He also wrote A Political Life of Sir Robert Peel (London, 1856); A Financial, Statistical and Monetary History of England from 1688 (London, 1847); Matter for Materialists (London, 1870); The Eve of St Mark, a Romance of Venice; and three dramas, The Statue Wife, Diocletian and Caius Marius, in addition to some fishing songs, and many contributions to various newspapers and periodicals.
Children who touch or are touched by one of the many templesnakes are sequestered for a year and learn the songs and dances of the cult.
On the day of public procession - the last took place in 1857 or 1858 - naked priests and " wives" escorted the company with songs and dances; death was the penalty of those caught peering from their houses, and, apart from this, the natives feared loathsome diseases should they gaze upon the sacred scene.
His appeal to musicians was made in a threefold capacity, and we have, therefore, to deal with Liszt the unrivalled pianoforte virtuoso (1830 - r848); Liszt the conductor of the "music of the future " at Weimar, the teacher of Tausig, Billow and a host of lesser pianists, the eloquent writer on music and musicians, the champion of Berlioz and Wagner (1848-1861); and Liszt the prolific composer, who for some five-and-thirty years continued to put forth pianoforte pieces, songs, symphonic orchestral pieces, cantatas, masses, psalms and oratorios (1847-1882).
In much of Liszt's vocal music, particularly in the songs and choral pieces written to German words, an annoying discrepancy is felt to exist between the true sound of the words and the musical accents.
It was not enough that his songs should give pleasure; his patrons demanded that he should recount faithfully the history and genealogy both of their own line and of those other royal houses who shared with them the same divine ancestry, and who might be connected with them by ties of marriage or warlike alliance.
Probably the singer was always himself an original poet; he might often be content to reproduce the songs that he had learned, but he was doubtless free to improve or expand them as he chose, provided that his inventions did not conflict with what was supposed to be historic truth.
When any stranger comes and asks who is the sweetest singer, they are to answer with one voice, the " blind man that dwells in rocky Chios; his songs deserve the prize for all time to come."
The songs of Phemius and Demodocus are too short, and have too much the character of improvisations.
Arguments have been founded upon the descriptions of the blind singers in the Odyssey, with their songs inspired directly by the Muse; upon the appeals of the poet to the Muses, especially in such a place as the opening of the Catalogue; upon the Catalogue itself, which is a kind of historical document put into verse to help the memory; upon the shipowner in the Odyssey, who has " a good memory for his cargo," &c. It may be answered, however, that much of this is traditional, handed down from the time when all poetry was unwritten.
They must therefore have been, as Bentley had said, " a sequel of songs and rhapsodies," " loose songs not collected together in the form of an epic poem till about 50o years after."
The development of epic poetry (properly so called) out of the oral songs or ballads of a country is a process which in the nature of things can seldom be observed.
In Scandinavia, in Lithuania, in Russia, according to Gaston Paris (Histoire poetique de Charlemagne, p. 9), the national songs have been arrested in a form which may be called intermediate between contemporary poetry and the epic. The true epics are those of India, Persia, Greece, Germany, Britain and France.
Most of these, however, fail to afford any useful points of comparison, either from their utter unlikeness to Homer, or because there is no evidence of the existence of anterior popular songs.
He believes that the epics were generally composed under the influence of earlier songs.
They were only inspired by these popular songs; they only borrowed from them the traditional and legendary elements.
Whilst very numerous, particularly amongst the low-caste population, in western, central and northern India, resident adherents of Kabir's doctrine are rare in Bengal and the south; although there is hardly a town in India where strolling beggars may not be found singing songs of Kabir in the original or as translated into the local dialects."
In the final judgment of the famous libel case of the Bombay Maharajas, before the Supreme Court of Bombay, in January 1862, these improprieties were severely commented upon; and though so unsparing a critic of Indian sects as Jogendra Nath seems not to believe in actual immoral practices on the part of the Maharajas, still he admits that "the corrupting influence of a religion, that can make its female votaries address amorous songs to their spiritual guides, must be very great."
He subsequently made over to his principal disciples the task of consolidating his community, and passed the last twelve years of his life at Puri in Orissa, the great centre of the worship of Vishnu as Jagannatha, or "lord of the world," which he remodelled in accordance with his doctrine, causing the mystic songs of Jayadeva to be recited before the images in the morning and evening as part of the daily service; and, in fact, as in the other Vaishnava creeds, seeking to humanize divine adoration by bringing it into accord with the experience of human love.
I have studied the subject most extensively, and have had opportunities of judging which no European can have, and I have no hesitation in saying that, ' the mystic songs' of Jayadeva and the ' ocean of love ' notwithstanding, there is nothing in the rituals of Jagannatha which can be called licentious."
But perhaps the most convincing testimony to the presence of this ineradicable naturalism is afforded by the Latin songs of wandering students, known as Carmina Burana, written by the self-styled Goliardi.
He also made many songs of the terrors of the coming judgment, of the horrors of hell and the sweetness of heaven; and of the mercies and the judgments of God."
Although many amongst the Angles had, following his example, essayed to compose religious poetry, none of them, in Baeda's opinion, had approached the excellence of Cwdmon's songs.
Porkka (18J4-1889), who extended their researches to the Finns settled in other parts of the Russian empire, and collected a considerable number of variants of the Kalewala and other popular poetry and songs.
Here, too, was discussed the canonicity of the Song of Songs and of Ecclesiastes, and it is probable that here Aqiba and his colleagues fixed the official text of the canonical books.
Like the Finns they possess rich stores of national songs.
The collection of rhymed romances which bears the name of Queen Euphemia's Songs must have been written before the death of the Norwegian queen in 1312.
Bishop Thomas, who died in 1443, wrote many political songs; and a number of narrative poems date from the close of the century.
He found time, however, to write a Swedish Chronicle, which is the earliest prose history of Sweden, a mystery-play, Tobiae comedia, which is the first Swedish drama, and three psalm-books, the best known being published in 1530 under the title of Nagre gudhelige vijsor (" Certain Divine Songs ").
Rosenhane printed in 1658 a " Complaint of the Swedish Language " in thirteen hundred rattling rhyming lines, and in 1682 a collection of eighty songs.
His songs, his satires, his occasional pieces, without displaying any real originality, show Dalin's tact and skill as a workman with the pen.
He published his Lyrical Poems in 1876; New Lyrical Poems in 1880; Songs and Sketches in 1885.
The older is represented in but a small part of the whole work, the so-called Ga/has or songs.
These songs form the true kernel of the book Yasna; they must have been in existence long before all the other parts of the Avesta, throughout the whole of which allusions to them occur.
Borodin also wrote a second symphony (1871-1877), part of a third (orchestrated after his death by Glazounov), and a few string quartets and some fine songs.
From very early times the Homeric poems found a home and admirers there; and to Ephesus belong the earliest elegiac poems of Greece, the war songs of Callinus, who flourished in the 7th century B.C. and was the model of Tyrtaeus.
From these two passages it seems to have been a book of songs relating to important events, but no early collection of the kind is now extant, nor is anything known of it.
Rich as its romanceiro is, its volume is far less than the Spanish, but the cancioneiros remain to prove that the early love songs of the whole Peninsula were written in Portuguese, while the primitive prose redaction of Amadis, the prototype of all romances of chivalry, was almost certainly made in Portugal, and a native of the same country produced in the Diana of Montemor (Montemayor) the masterpiece of the pastoral novel.
But notwithstanding all its dependence on classical and foreign authors, Portuguese literature has a distinct individuality which appears in the romanceiro, in the songs named cantares de amigo of the cancioneiros, in the Chronicles of Fernao Lopes, in the Historia tragico-maritima, in the plays of Gil Vicente, in the bucolic verse and prose of the early 16th century, in the Letters of Marianna Alcoforado and, above all, in The Lusiads.
Of the two last, the former sings of love well and sincerely, while the latter is represented by love songs replete with false sentiment and by some rather gross songs of maldizer, a form which, if it rarely contains much poetical feeling or literary value, throws considerable light on the society of the time.
It is curious to note that no heroic songs are met with in the cancioneiros; they are all with one exception purely lyrical in form and tone.
In bucolics there arose a worthy disciple of Ribeiro in Francisco Rodrigues Lobo, author of the lengthy pastoral romances Corte na aldea and Primavera, the songs in which, with his eclogues, earned him the name of the Portuguese Theocritus.
He published Songs by the Way (1824), a volume of poems; and his hymns beginning "Softly now the light of day" and "Thou art the Way" are well known.
Of Svatopluk Cech's many poems, which are all inspired by national enthusiasm, Vaclav z Michalovic, Lesetinsky Kovar (the smith of Lesetin) and Basne otroka (the songs of a slave) are the most notable.
Harrison's canvass was conspicuous for the immense Whig processions and mass meetings, the numerous " stump " speeches (Harrison himself addressing meetings at Dayton, Chillicothe, Columbus and other places), and the use of campaign songs, of party insignia, and of campaign cries (such as " Tippecanoe and Tyler too "); and in the election he won by an overwhelming majority of 234 electoral votes to 60 cast for Van Buren.
Although he had not been scientifically trained in music, he composed melodies for many of his songs, and a considerable number of them are sung by all classes in every part of Germany.
In the ancient poems, indeed, there are a few pieces which are true love songs, and express a high appreciation of the virtue of their subjects; but there are many more which tell a different tale.
He was the idol of the people, and flew in songs through their mouths."
Several of them may have been cemented together from a number of lesser poems or songs.
I, Theocritus, who wrote these songs, am of Syracuse, a man of the people, the son of Praxagoras and famed Philina.
Besides the works mentioned he has written incidental music to plays, as, for instance, to Ravenswood, The Little Minister, and Coriolanus; concertos and other works for violin and orchestra, much orchestral music, and many songs and violin pieces.
A huge collection of translations of foreign poetry edited by him, and entitled The Poets and Poetry of Europe, appeared in 1845, and, in 1846, a few minor poems - songs and sonnets - under the title The Belfry of Bruges.
These were followed by other volumes of stirring verse, The Island Race (1898), The Sailing of the Long-ships (1902), Songs of the Sea (1904).
It is called riganiafa (1812) and consists of 12 songs and of many thousand verses.
He collected Rumanian popular songs and Alec- ballads (Dome, 1844) (Llicramioare, 1853).
One of its episodes, the farewell song of the prince departing into the forest, has since become one of the most widespread popular songs.
Besides his edition of the Rumanian Church service-books with musical notation, he published a series of tales, proverbs and songs either from older texts or from oral information; and he made the first collection' of popular songs, Spitalul amorului, " The Hospital of Love " (1850-53), with tunes either composed by himself or obtained from the gipsy musicians who alone performed them.
The Fabule, si istorioare (2 vols., 1839-41) is a collection of short popular stories in rhyme; SezVoarea la tarci (1852-53) is a description of the Rumanian Spinnstube, for which the peasants gather in one of their houses on a winter's night, the girls and women spinning and working, the young men telling tales, proverbs, riddles, singing songs, &c. Pann also collected the jokes of the Turkish jester, Nasreddin, under the title of Neisdraveiniile lui Nastratin Hogea (1853), also in rhyme.
He is said to have set his own songs to music. It seems doubtful whether the notes that have cone down to us can with justice be attributed to him, but there is no contesting the musical quality of his verse.
Dr. Hyde was the first to collect the Love Songs of Connacht, which he published in 1894, and which he translated into verse and also into the sort of English prose afterwards adopted by Lady Gregory and by Synge.
He also wrote a number of songs and orchestral works, of a realistic national type.
The night should be spent in devotion, but the coffee booths do a lively trade, and songs are as common as prayers.
In the spring-time there is a festival in which the men and women from neighbouring settlements move about in gay clothing hand in hand and singing songs.
Many authorities regard it as made up of three distinct songs (one of which refers to the battle and Winkelried), possibly put together by the younger Halbsuter (citizen of Lucerne in 1435, died between 1470 and 1480), though others contend that the Sempach-Winkelried section bears clear traces of having been composed after the Reformation began, that is, about 1520 or 1530.
Among his other lyrical volumes, of dates earlier than the Civil War, were Lays of my Home (1843), Voices of Freedom (1846), Songs of Labor (1850), The Chapel of the Hermits (1853), The Panorama (1856), Home Ballads (1860).
He began as a liberator, but various causes employed his pen; his heart was with the people, and he was understanded of them; he loved a worker, and the Songs of Labor convey the zest of the artisan and pioneer.
He was famous for his versatility, and besides being a distinguished lawyer, jurist and political leader, was "a mathematician, a chemist, a physicist, a mechanician, an inventor, a musician and a composer of music, a man of literary knowledge and practice, a writer of airy and dainty songs, a clever artist with pencil and brush and a humorist of unmistakeable power" (Tyler, Literary History of the American Revolution).
A number of popular tales and songs, indeed, have been taken down from the lips of the people.
The songs are similar to those of the Finns, and a process of mutual borrowing seems to have gone on.
His songs are mostly written in the medieval quatrains (ferskeytla), and are generally of a humorous and satirical character; his convivial songs are known by heart by every modern Icelander; and although some of the poets of the present day are more admired, there is none who is more loved by the people.
His exquisite satirical songs, in an easy and elegant but still manly and splendid language, have raised much discussion.
In his splendid ballad, The Death of Skarphedinn, and in his beautiful series of songs describing a voyage through some of the most picturesque parts of Iceland, he is entirely original; but in his love-songs, beautiful as many of them are, a strong foreign influence can be observed.
There exists a cycle of national songs - sung to this day by the Serb bards (guslari) - concerning the battle of Kossovo, the treachery of Vuk Brankovich and the glorious heroism of Milosh Obilich.
All the national songs which he transcribed from the recitations of the bards were written and published by him in that dialect, into which the Bible has also been translated.
Between 1450 and 1530 there had already been founded in Spalato a small literary society, in which the Servian poets Marulich, Papalich, Martinich and others read their poetical compositions, mostly lyrical and religious songs.
Another remarkable Ragusan poet was Hectorovich (1486-1572), who wrote the poem Ribanye (" The Fishing and Talking with Fishermen "), and anticipated a new movement in Servian literature by publishing three national songs as he heard them from the popular bards (guslars).
As a papal delegate he had to visit all the Roman Catholic communities in Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Bosnia, and had numerous opportunities of hearing the bards recite songs on old national heroes.
In 1756 he published a book entitled Razgovor Ugodni Naroda Slovinskoga (" The Popular Talk of the Slavonic People "), in which in 261 songs he described - in the manner and in the spirit of the national bards - the more important historic or legendary events and heroes of the " Slavonic people."
His book immediately became the most popular that ever appeared among the Servians, and was again and again reprinted, under the less ponderous title Pesmaritsa, " The Book of Songs."
By his publication of the national songs and poems, which he carefully collected, he opened the eyes of Servian authors to the wealth and beauty of their own language, as spoken by the mass of the people and used by the national bards.
Besides collecting national songs and poems, folk-lore, proverbs, &c., he wrote a grammar of the Servian language (Vienna, 1814) and the first Servian lexicon, with explanations in German and Latin (Vienna, 1818).
In his later years he gave much of his time and talent to the interests of children, editing papers for boys and dedicating hundreds of his finest songs to children.
The native literature of the islands consists of the Faereyinga Saga, dealing with the period of Sigmund Bresterson, and a number of popular songs and legends of early origin.
It is by his few songs that Skinner is generally known.
His best songs had stolen into print; a collection was not published till 1809, under the title of Amusements of Leisure Hours.
They have various games, and dancing, story-telling and songs are especially popular.
But Persigny, Mocquard and all his friends devoted themselves to an energetic propaganda in the press, by pictures and by songs.
Even the costume of the Croatian peasantry, to whom brilliant colours and intricate embroideries are always dear, proclaims their racial identity with the Serbs; their songs, dances and musical instruments, the chief part of their customs and folk-lore, their whole manner of life, so little changed by its closer contact with Western civilization, may be studied in Servia (q.v.) itself.
Other writers representative of Croatian literature before 1867 were the lyric poet Stanko Vraz (1810-1851) and Dragutin Rakovac (1813-1854), the author of many patriotic songs.
Gill, Myths and Songs from the South Pacific, p. 60.
In the South Sea Islands, generally, the fable of the union and separation of Heaven and Earth is current; other forms will be found in Gill's Myths and Songs from the South Pacific. The cosmogonic myths of the Aryans of India are peculiarly interesting, as we find in the Vedas and Brahmanas and Puranas almost every fiction familiar to savages side by side with the most abstract metaphysical speculations.
This is the story in the Prose Edda, derived from older songs, such as the Grimnersmal.
Aldhelm wrote poetry in Anglo-Saxon also, and set his own compositions to music, but none of his songs, which were still popular in the time of Alfred, have come down to us.
Finding his people slow to come to church, he is said to have stood at the end of a bridge singing songs in the vernacular, thus collecting a crowd to listen to exhortations on sacred subjects.
They were very fond of music, and it was the custom for their ambassadors the priests to present themselves clad in white, playing the lyre and singing songs.
One of his finest elegies is translated into English in Nina Davis's Songs of Exile.
These 10 songs find U2 hungry for honest expression and sonic experimentation, producing / engineering accolades going to Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois.
Her songs are intentionally ambiguous.
The songs were talked about in the same rush of feverish anticipation and excitement, this, the debut album has a lot to live up to.
After the break, Ben from the Honeyshot appeared singing protest songs backed by his 12-string, played with customary aplomb.
Writing songs, poetry and free prose is incredibly cathartic.
I'm suprised the songs got played on the radio as her singing and the playing was so abrasive.
After a few songs with harp accompaniment, the wedding party dispersed, and the bride and bridegroom quietly proceeded to their new home.
With Italian and German text the book comes with a CD containing accompaniments for the songs featured in the method.
Chris also taught a group of children percussion accompaniments to some of the songs.
The new songs ' mix of styles is proving sufficiently adaptive to win him burgeoning audiences around the world.
They might even appear on a television advertisement or program, or even in songs.
A comic afterpiece always followed the main play, and performances were often interspersed with songs and dances.
Performing three songs for fifteen minutes in front of a global audience of 3 billion is not altruistic.
Early signs of teenage angst are apparent on two of the best songs here.
Anyway, I can imagine nothing more absurd than the sight of a 53 year old standing publicly bleating songs of adolescent angst.
He seemed almost apologetic as he worked his way through a set of mostly traditional songs.
His third effort, Viaggio Italiano, featured famous arias and traditional songs from Naples.
This one is a selection of country gospel songs from various artistes.
Contained upon it are some of Low's accessible songs to date, combined with some of the darkest atmospherics they've produced.
Hated the beginning, hated the ELO songs, hated the frankly awful oral sex joke at the end.
Normanâs songs were in the traditional folk balladeer style and his final environmental number was delivered in an old time waltz style.
Robert Burns, Scotland's most famous bard, drew heavily upon these songs for his poetry, as did Sir Walter Scott.
What she delivers are simple, pretension free songs perfectly suited to a cold Monday evening in a dank basement.
With a line up of guitar bass drums keyboards,and a sprinkling of baritone twangs,songs range in style, and character.
No, it's the studious depth of research into each of their songs ' subject matters that belies belies belief.
Emotional and uplifting, without ever indulging in trite sentimentality, Tim Pare writes bittersweet, confessional love songs.
On Boxing day and New Year's Day, an old tradition is to don blackface and parade through the town singing minstrel songs.
In fact twenty years back just about everybody playing bluegrass had some Jim & Jesse songs in their repertoire.
Bollywood music, Bhangra and Rnb music generally are very vast genres and each person will have there own favorite songs.
Sometimes the songs were good enough to overcome it, but mostly the albums have been numbingly boring.
I did a few fun songs then spoke from 10.00am until about 1.00pm with a short coffee break in the middle.
She invited him to join the monastic community as a lay brother and to continue writing sacred songs in the language of the people.
When light appeared the songs of common bulbuls could be heard... .
There is a disparate bunch of songs on my hard drive that defy classification.
They wrote 2 by 5, a musical cabaret which showcased a selection of classic Kander and Ebb songs.
As well as campfire songs there are plenty of ideas for campfire stunts or skits to be found too.
Class singing based on hymns, popular songs and a modern cantata.
The majority of the songs are traditional carols with the lyrics being disgusting.
Spinning kicks, one handed cartwheels and back-flips are set to songs and music, much of which is nearly 500 years old.
They play catchy, punk-pop songs laced with ska.
You can either use a few songs or all in a grand and festive celebration of our Saviourâs birth.
The bench cautioned complainant not to sing songs or she would be in trouble, the mother was also censured.
By learning and performing nursery rhymes and songs the little chatterboxes taking part improve their speech and language skills too.
The seriousness of the songs are honey coated in sweet harmonies and singalong choruses, but don't let that fool you.
It may have been my imagination but the songs even seemed to be played slower than on the records Oh my f***ing Christ.
Don't get me wrong, we've got 13 songs here that form a very cohesive whole.
All the songs are played back live, with John adding distinctive, and highly comical, latin percussion.
Which songs would you put on a liveaboard compilation tape?
Introduce your young singers to the basics of vocal jazz with three original songs illustrating a specific jazz concept.
The audience listened spellbound as the band played songs with their original introductions, many accompanied by duet concertina.
I can get inspiration for songs from many things; the weather, people, overheard conversation, moods.
More than just a succession of songs, this specially devised concert takes the form of a journey through time.
The only appropriate songs for many years have been funeral dirges.
They are extremely talented musically, but their songs are somewhat dodgy and get tedious after a while.
In addition to the delicious free donuts, the winners also get to request two songs.
Their delightfully dour little pop songs do touch on the melancholic side of things, but the lyrics are wonderfully slice-of-life descriptions.
Their songs are precision-engineered chunks of magnificent lo-fi pop driven along by the pair of powerhouse drummers.
In my opinion the ideal " Similar Songs " list would be slightly edgy alternative country songs dealing with grim dark subjects.
The fans are going to be really surprised because the songs are really edgy and different.
The smash hit musical based around the songs of ABBA hits the road.
My parents used to listen to those old songs.
You guys come up here and play all these beautiful songs.
Jonathan's band played a few country and western songs.
His name does not occur in Homer or Hesiod, but he was known in the time of Ibycus (c. 530 B.C.), and Pindar (522-442 B.C.) speaks of him as " the father of songs."
It also included a collection of Orphic hymns, liturgic songs, practical treatises, and poems on various subjects.
There were no doubt in the earliest times popular songs orally transmitted and perhaps books - of annals and laws, but except in so far as remnants meat- of them are embedded in the biblical books, they have Scrip- entirely disappeared.
In the exile, but probably after 50o B.C., an important section of the Hexateuch, usually called the Priest's Code (P), was drawn up. At various times in the same century are to be placed the book of Job, the post-exilic parts of Isaiah, the books of Joel, Jonah, Malachi and the Song of Songs.
While they had no written language, a considerable oral literature of songs, legends and traditions existed.
It is probable that he was the author of the greater portion of the Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs which contains a large number of hymns from the German.
The earliest known edition of the Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs (of which an unique copy is extant) dates back to 1567, though the contents were probably published in broad sheets during John Wedderburn's lifetime.
Many of these ballads are adapted from secular songs.
Take away from me the clamour of your songs; and the music of your viols I will not hear.
His later life was spent in various parts of the Moslem world, in Aleppo with Saif-ud-Daula (to whom he dedicated the Book of Songs), in Rai with the Buyid vizier Ibn `Abbad and elsewhere.
Although he wrote poetry, also an anthology of verses on the monasteries of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and a genealogical work, his fame rests upon his Book of Songs (Kitab ul-Aghani), which gives an account of the chief Arabian songs, ancient and modern, with the stories of the composers and singers.
In the following year he printed a collection of Scots Songs.
The Tea-Table Miscellany is "A Collection of Choice Songs Scots and English," containing some of Ramsay's own, some by his friends, several well-known ballads and songs, and some Caroline verse.
The life of the ancient Aryans, as portrayed in their sacred songs, the Rig Veda, was quasi-nomadic and in many ways democratic, but by the 6th century B.C. settled states had been formed in the Ganges valley.
Khulasa, " Quintessence"), or according to its fuller title `Enyaneuderashed'mabutha umassektha (" Songs and Discourses of Baptism and the Ascent," viz.
At the beginning of the 17th century a collection of songs was published by a Norman lawyer, Jean Le Houx, purporting to be the work of Olivier Basselin.
The romance of his love affair with Sarah Curran - who afterwards married Robert Henry Sturgeon, an officer distinguished in the Peninsular War - has cast a glamour over the memory of Robert Emmet; and it inspired Thomas Moore's well-known songs, "She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps," and "Oh, breathe not his name"; it is also the subject of Washington Irving's "The Broken Heart."
He was an enthusiastic and most useful leader of the volunteer movement from its beginning, and a writer, composer and singer of humorous and patriotic songs, some of which, as "The Three Foot Rule" and "They never shall have Gibraltar," became well known far beyond the circle of his acquaintance.
The proceedings closed with songs to the god and a general merrymaking, in which all the members of the family and the servants took part.
In Dean cemetery, partly laid out on the banks of the Water of Leith, and considered the most beautiful in the city (opened 1845), were interred Lords Cockburn, Jeffrey and Rutherford; " Christopher North," Professor Aytoun, Edward Forbes the naturalist, John Goodsir the anatomist; Sir William Allan, L Sam Bough, George Paul Chalmers, the painters; George Combe, the phrenologist; Playfair, the architect; Alexander Russel, editor of the Scotsman; Sir Archibald Alison, the historian; Captain John Grant, the last survivor of the old Peninsular Gordon Highlanders; Captain Charles Gray, of the Royal Marines, writer of Scottish songs; Lieutenant John Irving, of the Franklin expedition, whose remains were sent home many years after his death by Lieut.
He wrote a number of war songs, including "The Soldiers' Battle Prayer" and "The Stars and Stripes."
The songs and proverbs of Peter Beniczky, who lived in the early part of the 17th century, are not without merit, and have been several times reprinted.
Another pleasing lyric poet of this period was Ladislaus Amade, the naturalness and genuine sentiment of whose lightly running verses are suggestive of the love songs of Italian authors.
The songs and elegies of the short-lived Paul Anyos, edited by Bacsanyi in 1798, show great depth of feeling.
As generally able writers of lyrical poetry during the earlier part of this period may be mentioned among others Francis Csaszar, Joseph Szekacs and Andrew Kunoss-also Lewis Szakal and Alexander Vachott, whose songs and romances are of an artless and simple character, and the sacred lyricist Bela Tarkanyi.
His works bear the title "operas" because, though written mainly in prose, they contain songs which Silva introduced in imitation of the true operas which then held the fancy of the public. He was also a lyric poet of real merit, combining correctness of form with a pretty inspiration and real feeling.
The titles which ascribe four of the pilgrimage songs to David and one to Solomon are lacking in the true LXX., and inconsistent with the contents of the psalms. Better attested, because found in the LXX.
We need not suppose that the Chronicler quotes from the Psalter or vice versa, the matter which they have in common being probably derived from certain traditional songs current among the Levitical singers.
Jerabis on the Euphrates, and wrote a commentary on the Song of Songs, a number of hymns and a biography of Severus, the Monophysite patriarch of Antioch (512-519).
In the great 14th century "Manesse" MS. (c) collection of medieval German lyrics, preserved at Heidelberg, there are two songs written by Conradin, and his fate has formed the subject of several dramas.
The Burmese literature is for the most part metrical, and consists of religious romances, chronological histories and songs.
The folk songs are the truest and most interesting national literature.
He published a volume of Christian Songs (Perth, 1784).
The songs were all sung in the schools without accompaniment.
The Florence streets rang with Lorenzo's ribald songs (the "canti carnascialeschi"); the smooth, cultured citizens were dead to all sense of religion or morality; and the spirit of the fashionable heathen philosophy had even infected the brotherhood of St Mark.
Hymns and lauds rang in the streets that had so recently echoed with Lorenzo's dissolute songs.
It is a species of saga, setting forth not only the heavenly beginnings of the Japanese race, but also the story of creation, the succession of the various sovereigns and the salient events of their reigns, the whole interspersed with songs, many of which may be attributed to the 6th century, while some doubtless date from the fourth or even the third.
At some remote date a Japanese maker of songs seems to have discovered that a peculiar and very fascinating rhythm is produced by lines containing 5 syllables and 7 syllables alternately.
The Eurovision entries - 25 great songs, and the British entry that was bovine excrement.
The songs atrophied until they were flimsy excuses for endless displays of guitar prowess.
These songs and hymns, which touch the core of catholic faith, provide a resource for assemblies, Mass and class work.
Learn a repertoire of well known children's songs as well as correct fingerings and playing techniques.
The thing is, being serious once more - ' sad songs ' often get flack.
In the morning class we relied predominantly on the use of ABC, color and number flashcards, songs and games.
Isla has been singing folk songs in public since the age of ten.
Inspiration comes from his neighbors, teachers, and collecting folk songs in Yugoslavia.
The release also includes unseen footage of three songs.
Constance Moore Vera Vague SONGS I've never forgotten The Lady With A Mop Oh Henry What Makes You Beautiful, Beautiful?
All of the songs on this EP are not very formulaic which is a good thing.
And the changing of the set list away from the July tour songs also freshened up things.
Billy H was a great frontman, and their songs were filled with grim, gritty minutiae; proper little kitchen sink dramas.
I'd been getting increasingly frustrated with some of the kids ' songs we'd been singing in church.
The songs almost all have a slow, almost funereal, gothique feel to them, setting up an atmosphere of gloom.
I imagine a celebratory gathering at which a large number of individuals hear modest compositions or songs created specifically for them.
The Lyric glee singers gave a varied selection of glee singers gave a varied selection of glees, songs &c, in a most artistic manner.
They'd write songs on the acoustic guitar, then play them live.
The band plow through their songs with such gusto, you'd think they had a bus to catch.
Dylan plays harmonica on all songs except the last.
In High street could be heard singers, accompanied by a harp and violin, bawling out in vulgar strains snatches of indecent songs.
There were no original songs and the album was somewhat heavy-handed in its production.
But all friends come putting henna, dancing and singing, to Bangra music and Indian songs.
They want songs with strong melodic hooks and good story lines.
Big Themes/Standout Tracks John David Webster has an ear for a good melody, and many of these songs are instantly hummable.
The songs were about a mother humpback whale who is about to give birth to her first calf.
Early reviews concentrated on the almost hymnal qualities of the songs.
A treasure trove for fans of Japanese music, matching theme songs to pop idols.
The songs are harmless and do not encourage immorality as modern popular songs seem to do.
Both songs have been reworked giving them fresh impetus.
Yet the songs and sounds generated by Hendrix were original, otherworldly and virtually indescribable.
Mr Cottle and Mr Hubbard both being unfortunately indisposed, Mr Mortleman obliged with one of his ever welcome sailor songs.
These are all gems, songs with poetic lyrics and unforgettable melodies, all infused with true spirit.
Most of the songs are so ingrained that we can sing along whenever we happen across them.
On the right is a dilapidated filling station which appeared on the cd inlay of Teenage Fanclub's excellent Songs from Northern Britain album.
Their best songs are specific, not inscrutable; impassioned despite themselves.
Top 20 Hits 20 on 20 is the world's first fully interactive hit music experience playing just the songs you vote for!
But the constant jazz interlude before, during and after songs does become a bit tedious, but then am I being biased?
They gave us a blistering set of Eddie's songs interspersed with other favorites.
A gentle introduction to music, using traditional and modern songs and games.
Our repertoire mainly comprises well known Irish folk songs to get the audience singing and lively jigs and reels to set the toes tapping.
Babies love action rhymes, songs and TV jingles - sing them for her and let her join in whatever way she can.
Would definitely see them again, quite jolly almost reaching the heady heights of happy in some songs.
Our eternal life; our songs and everlasting joy.
Traditional Balkan gypsy songs are remixed by club producers from around the globe to make kaleidoscopes of sound.
I have karaoke set with a good selection of songs from the 50s to modern day.
Children were taught folk songs " Do ye ken John Peel?
The other songs were selected by Barry and show various facets of typical 60s kitsch.
They display an unerring knack of choosing other people's songs and making them their own.
Motion Sequencing Brings Your Songs to Life Motion Sequencing records your realtime knob tweaks and plays them back as part of the pattern.
John laughed a hysterical laughed a hysterical laughter, and his teeth began to chant war songs in Russian.
Featuring 50 fantastic songs from some of the best loved worship leaders, including Stuart Townend, Geraldine Latty... .
I always knew he had right-wing leanings but hearing him singing these songs has soured my enjoyment a little.
At the very least, some songs you have little or no chance of hearing on the radio will get an airing.
Hear the band and the songs that inspired a legion of kids to pick up a guitar and get down and dirty.
Yes, the songs seem lengthy, but that is part of what makes Interpol Interpol.
Please bear in mind that we will only agree to remix songs that we have a genuine liking for to begin with.
To be honest, the first two songs here I enjoy purely for the bass lines - you could smoke these bass lines.
Yet again the quality shines through with all 3 songs being very listenable.
The band was really tight by now and the songs weren't so lousy.
When he sang his songs to the Orphic lyre, possessed by a divine frenzy, Ficino knew what Orpheus knew.
Huw Roberts was outstanding as one ' star-crossed ' lover, delivering Shakespearean verse with aplomb and bringing lyricism and musicality to the songs.
The Knights Templar School chamber choir gave a very slick performance ranging from Elizabethan madrigals to songs from the shows.
It sustains a mood of dark malevolence throughout and has some of the most original songs I have ever heard.
Several traditional Anabaptist songs were written by women or commemorated the many women martyrs.
Throughout the decade he bashed out songs which were often musically and vocally stark, but still strongly melodic and memorable.
This sounded like one of the better Coldplay songs with its soaring melody.
His thought provoking songs really captured our imagination during his " open mic " set.
Our earliest historical records of Robin Hood are in the old minstrels ' songs, which have been passed down as poetry.
Some songs lacked a discernable tune, but most were hugely enjoyable rants, often mused up by a really good guitarist.
In the early music halls, songs were central to the performance.
As executive producer of the album, Paul Rutter brings in the worlds finest guest musicians, to star on the crafted songs.
Euripides ' play adapted as a dance drama in Indonesian style, with songs in the original Greek, and English narration.
No more does the ardent nightingale carol its joyous songs, and the sweet and holy melodies of the immortal dove are hushed.
We'll be exploring songs ranging from the delightfully strange to the utterly nonsensical.
The songs and calls are extremely well notated, even tho the pronunciation takes some getting used too.