Something-else Sentence Examples
His eyes were twinkling with humor, and something else.
He simply said he would have told her to bring something else.
But her thoughts were falling under the control of something else.
Was it honor that forced him to put aside this time and effort to her gain, or was it something else?
Because you had something else on your mind.
Was it love that had prompted him to propose, or was there something else?
Being tempted was one thing, giving in to temptation was something else.
He had made his choice - suggesting something else would be rude.
All right, let's talk about something else.
She needed something else to do - something creative.
AdvertisementWarmth invaded her cheeks as she thought of something else.
Every time I found a way to lead into it, you came up with something else.
I confirmed that she had temporarily began working but something else has come up so she should expect another lull.
I have a feeling something else is going on.
Might be something else.
AdvertisementRather, that something else was wrong.
I can turn anything into something else the same size, but I'd never tried with a person before.
We try something else.
I was thinking even someone who doesn't fear death, fears something else.
She stared at her reflection, caught by something else that didn't seem right.
AdvertisementWoman, you're something else!
Maybe Darian hadn't been talking about infidelity but about something else.
I know leaving is upsetting, but something else is bothering her.
She looked ready to ask him something else when the door opened again.
And then something else clicked.
AdvertisementThere was something else in her gaze, the knowledge that she'd figured out this Deidre wasn't the same one she was yesterday.
He shut down her ability to use the portals, just in case there was something else going on.
I don't know if this is a message or something else.
Or risk that there was something else going on that would drive his mate back to Darkyn for whatever reason.
I keep thinking I'll get it done some weekend, but I always seem to be busy with something else.
But there was something else – something that might actually be at the core of Lori's resistance.
When he still didn't respond, she tried something else.
Katie said something else to him and then marched away.
This one was more of a growl, part human, part something else.
We think there's something else going on, Kiki said.
But Death on guard was something else entirely, and she wasn't going to be the second woman to revel in the heat of his arms this night.
She waited for him to say something else.
As he started away, he realized Fate had told him something else this day.
There was something else in his voice she couldn't quite place.
Ully might figure something else out.
There's something else to this human, isn't there?
He looked concerned and stood again, retrieving something else from his bed.
Unless he wanted her for something else.
Rhyn looked around, agitated again by the sense that something else was wrong.
He forced himself to focus on something else.
Now, there was something else to consider.
There.s something else I need to—
I came to tell you something else.
A'Ran, there is something else I must tell you.
What had started out as a favor to her friend was turning into something else.
If you aren't going to train me and are just going to stare at me, I'm doing something else with my time.
Belfair is on the planet Draghow now and those Draghonian men are something else!
Please play something else?
You are something else.
I just thought of something else.
No, I'll be fine, unless you'd rather do something else and meet me later.
Sarah, is there something else you want us to do while you're here?
Sarah's shoes wouldn't even fit in his place, and there is no point in them buying something else.
And then the bitterness was gone from his eyes, leaving only the sweetness... and a touch of something else.
Do you want me to get you something else?
Katie stared up at Carmen, her expression revealing surprise - and something else.
Now, I have something else for you.
His instinct told him there was something else going on aside from the insurgents and Lana leaving.
She released the breath she'd been holding and watched him, afraid he'd come back for something else.
The woman in his tent was something else.
There was something else in her eyes that made his blood pound harder.
Lana, I need to tell you something else.
She frowned, a ripple of something else crossing her pale features.
Katie hesitated then continued onto the path Gabriel had told her to follow. She didn't know what the creature was. He looked like Andre, but Andre was dead-dead, which meant the creature following them was something else.
But there's something else.
Maybe he sold something else to someone.
The old man is something else.
There's something else that makes me feel guilty.
In the mean time, she'd best keep her mind and eyes on something else.
If he was in the mood for concessions, there was something else she would like to address.
Even so, there was something else – something much more basic.
I realized something else too.
What difference did it make whether she thought of him that way every waking minute, or only when her mind wasn't distracted by something else?
Is it possible that something else could cause a false test?
There was something else in her gaze and the firm set of her jaw that bothered him.
Or looking for something else.
Convincing herself it was only his magic, she couldn't help sensing once more there was something else between them.
Darian felt something else die within him.
He sensed something else about her that made his thoughts heavy.
Or was it something else?
While you were masterminding this manipulative plot, did you lose sight of your promise to protect me - or was that something else you planned on ditching?
Has he done something else to upset you?
Or could it be something else?
They've got their minds set on something else.
Mr. O'Hara smiled, but his mind was obviously on something else.
This view is confirmed by the fact that, when the music was performed at Venice by permission of the pope, it produced so little effect that the emperor Leopold I., at whose request the manuscript had been sent, thought that something else had been substituted.
The reader, as it has been said, may think he might have done something else with advantage, but he can hardly think that he could have done this thing better.
Often the word thus extruded is irrecoverable; Ginevra, 125 sqq., "The matin winds from the expanded flowers I Scatter their hoarded incense and awaken I The earth, until the dewy sleep is shaken From every living heart which it possesses I Through seas and winds, cities and wildernesses"; the second "winds" is a repetition of the first, but what should stand in its place, - "lands" or "strands" or "waves" or something else - no one can say.
The passage which a copyist is reproducing may suggest to him something else and he will write down what is thus in his mind instead of what is before his eyes.
It emerges because in all judgments on textual matters it is presupposed that they will be acted on, that a reading accepted will remain in the text, a rejected one obelized, enclosed between brackets or removed, and, in this last case, something else substituted in its place.
But if the bodies are of different substances, say one of iron and the other of gold, the ratio of these magnitudes is found to depend upon something else besides bulk.
This in effect is to say that not magnitude but something else has to be sought for if we are to pick out amongst observed variations those which may be the material for the differentiation of species.
This is the only account in which Tell is called "der Thall," which name he himself explains by saying, "If I were sharp (witzig) I should be called something else and not der Tall," i.e.
A thing can be described as like something else.
But this peace is feeble and insecure, and if something else does not come to its aid it can do very little for the preservation of mankind.
An allied custom, solevu, enabled a district in want of any particular article to call on its neighbours to supply it, giving labour or something else in exchange.
How shall I comprehend that, since something is, something else should be?"
It was hard to tell whether she was thinking about the house or something else.
But there was something else – something that might actually be at the core of Lori's resistance.
There.s something else I need to—
But doing so will leave us vulnerable if something else happens.
The tree deposited Deidre and Toby in a heap, and Toby sprung up, pleased with himself. Katie looked at the tree in uneasy mistrust. The trees of her world were alive, but this was something else.
Even so, there was something else – something much more basic.
Was it a premonition, or something else?
Is the only thing I need to cross the boarder is a valid drivers license or do they require a passport or something else?
The way to avoid boredom with the tour is to bring something else into your life.
This will be the condition people suffer from when they can't begin to watch anything without feeling compelled to watch something else.
But people never do that, they always get defensive, and start attacking, when we were trying to debate something else.
Does the desire to wear designer labels indicate a dissatisfaction with personal identity, a loss of personal identity or something else?
You may take something else for the pain but do not take medicine containing ergotamine or dihydroergotamine or methysergide.
Their standard for truth is, all too often, the standard of modern historiography, or something else of the kind.
And if the customer is particularly irate you can get on with something else while they rant.
In particular, the reader may want to construct a depth map for something else like a trefoil knot or a fish.
Then, something else has to be considered; and this might well be medication and/or psychotherapy.
Unless if theres something else in the config which is resetting the region?
I started to dig again and my metal spade hit something else metal a big clang went thorough everybody's ears.
But there's something else about the place that takes the breath away; something elusive and unseen, yet undeniable.
Cities are cut off by tremendous flooding - just something else to add to the country's woes.
After this Cromwell had nothing left but the army with which to govern, and "henceforth his life was a vain attempt to clothe that force in constitutional forms, and make it seem something else so that it might become something else."
A rider with an insecure seat is apt to be thrown by any unexpected movement the horse may make; and, without a firm seat, the acquirement of good hands is well-nigh hopeless, because, when the balance is once disturbed the insecure rider will have to depend on something else for the maintenance of his seat, and this generally takes the shape of "riding on the horse's mouth," a practice as cruel as it is ugly.
I am not saying if you love digging ditches, you should do something else.
They have something they love and want to do, but if market forces are not such that they can support themselves doing that, they have to do something else.
In any case, he found something else interesting.
Dimmler had finished the piece but still sat softly running his fingers over the strings, evidently uncertain whether to stop or to play something else.
Ah yes, there was something else important, very important, that I was keeping till I should be in bed.
She tried to think of something else and to pray, but could do neither.
He also saw something else that was strange.
No, but I want something else.
But besides this there was something else of importance.
He regarded the whole business of the war not with his intelligence or his reason but by something else.
Princess Mary understood his story and sympathized with him, but she now saw something else that absorbed all her attention.
The aim is excellent but in the present circumstances something else is needed.
Retention of title clauses are not appropriate if your goods are to be processed or incorporated into something else.
Every time they get close something else comes up & scuppers an agreement.
I started to dig again and my metal spade hit something else metal a big clang went thorough everybody 's ears.
It happened at a time when the Conservative Party needed careerist pragmatism to be supplanted by something else.
This morning he 'd been consumed with brooding and terror, but that was transmuting into something else.
But there 's something else about the place that takes the breath away; something elusive and unseen, yet undeniable.
Cities are cut off by tremendous flooding - just something else to add to the country 's woes.
You look at all the data and other feedback you're receiving, and if the product isn't working, the sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you can move on to something else.
Simply put it away, and give her something else just as nutritious.
If this is the case, you might want to consider skipping a toy as a gift and choosing something else useful, such as clothing, videos, or books.
Most likely, you already know what a test tube baby is, but you probably call the procedure something else.
Grow herbs that you would like to eat, whether that's basil, oregano, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, thyme, sage, all of the above, or something else.
Birds are something else entirely, and you may find that shotguns are a better choice for bird hunting.
A tin cup sounds like an odd gift to give someone, but if you have a Civil War buff friend, fill an original or replica tin cup with something else they like and watch them beam with excitement when they unwrap the package.
This doesn't harm your cat, but it should abruptly disrupt the unwanted behavior and probably send your feline off to find something else to do.
Your best bet is to take your feline to the vet and get a complete diagnosis to see if this is an infection or if the swelling is being caused by something else.
Is she just overly finicky or could something else be wrong with her?
They can be designed in numerous shapes and are good for solitary play or interaction with a human.They are traditionally shaped like mice, but there is no reason why they can't be shaped as something else.
Cat furniture benefits you by giving your cat something else to scratch.
You never know if you'll run into a vampire, a goonie, or something else entirely!
The Coinstar kiosks that appear in stores across America allow you to turn in your change and trade it for something else.
One is to press something else into service at mealtime.
If you do want to make a change, like adding a lighter piece of furniture, pull a color, texture or other element that will help your shelf echo something else in the room.
A recycled item is transformed from its original state into something else that becomes a new product created from the old item.
Faux painting techniques mean to create an illusion of something else - usually a texture found in nature.
If you're project requires more material than is available, you'll have to opt for something else.
It's good to have something else to fall back on if your life style changes.
Now that you've got the blood and gore down, you can apply it to make it look like a gash, a bullet wound, or something else.
If you see a mistake, or think of something else you'd like to add, select "Edit" and if, on second thought, you don't want to share those thoughts with the world, you still have the option to "Cancel" the entry.
This is important for those who want to spend time on their virtual pet around the office and need to be able to look like they are working on something else.
You can also just apply your deposit toward another set of equipment and try something else out until you find your perfect ski equipment.
These anger management techniques were meant to be flexible, so if one does not work for you fell free to try something else.
Focusing on someone or something else for five minutes can help you re-energize.
Shock is always the first because you can't believe it's happening to you, even if you wanted it to happen and you wanted that impetus to do something else.
For everything that upsets you, your anxiety level increases and before it can go down, something else happens that makes you angry.
This is when you don't allow your mind to think of unpleasant things by telling yourself to STOP and engaging yourself in a hobby or doing something else that takes concentration.
Hopefully you'll want to get a lot more use out of your dress, and you won't always be wearing it under something else.
He doesn't know I know, and blamed his rudeness for "family problems" even though earlier he said it was something else.
And the fact that I do this, makes me aware of something else.
Besides, whatever money you manage to save can go towards something else that night, like renting a limousine or paying for breakfast in the morning!
Go the extra mile by stuffing a little something else in the envelope, such as a gift card to a favorite coffee shop, confetti, or a quotable magnet.
Whether a teen is a fan of rock music or rap music or something else entirely, it is interesting to look at how music affects teenagers.
If you do not wish to make a gift, or if you want to include something else along with your homemade gift, then you can always get him something that he's been wanting.
It might be veal, lamb, goat, or something else.
This game will give the guests something else to talk about.
If your guests seem uninterested or bored, quickly finish up the game and move onto something else.
Is it a 12-step program, cognitive behavior, or something else?
To tell if someone is either sleeping or in a coma, pinch the person's skin or do something else to try to rouse that person.
The design may be a character, a Star Wars object, a ship, or something else related to the series.
New York has a way of pressing your buttons to the point that you become something else.
But to have a surgery go wrong on your face is something else.
When asked why she declined MTV's invitation to participate in the third season of the dating show, Tequila replied "I'm doing something else with my life.
These socks can add a pop of color to any kid's outfit, whether they are wearing red, white, black, or something else.
Creative crafters can turn any outgrown, stained, or ripped piece of clothing into something else.
If this information is not provided, you will be better off buying something else.
If so, chances are good that the bone has been digested and passed, and her upset stomach this morning was caused by something else.
If your dog is one of those who wiggles and whines with anxiety when the camera is pointing right at him, why not consider snapping some shots on the sly while he's occupied doing something else?
It could be parvovirus, coronavirus or something else altogether.
In some cases, an adopted pet will never be completely healthy and well adjusted, and this is something else you must take into consideration when you're thinking about adopting.
You can use the crate to give your dog a time out when you need a break, but you still need to make it a positive experience for him by providing a treat or something else he can amuse himself with.
Here is something else that I have always known but never thought to share with you.
The site also features a Tip of the Day video at the end of the notation to give musicians a chance to learn a little something else after they've mastered Sweet Home Alabama.
Do you want to play smooth jazz, blues, country, hard rock or something else?
When you can, request wood samples and extra photographs, and always ask about the cost of shipping, which can quickly change your bargain into something else.
While years ago tile was a flat, square or rectangular shaped product most likely made of ceramic clay, today's tile is something else entirely.
Whether you are buying a piece of Chanel clothing, an item of Chanel jewelry or something else from the range, the one thing you will know is that you are buying a piece of elegant styling.
Still others say that no such knot exists and the knot being referenced is something else again.
Whether he's consistently polished, perennially preppy, all-out sporty, favors a rock-inspired aesthetic or something else entirely, chances are he can - and does - express himself perfectly through his attire.
In fact, it can be quite difficult to find fabric that hasn't already been made into something else.
Try to find a structured coat that gets its shape from something else besides a belt.
You can find no end of micro bikini panties in plus sizes, but a bikini to wear on the beach is something else.
When you engage in an activity or craft, you give your mind something else to do besides thinking about things that may depress you.
You may have never had time to go to a matinee or afternoon concert before, but now you can relax and enjoy it without feeling guilty that you should be doing something else.
If it's not fun after a few tries, do something else.
Campus Health states that insomniacs who do not understand the cause of their problem may engage in catastrophic thinking, which means that they begin to believe something else is wrong.
If you are still awake after ten minutes, get up and do something else for a short period such as taking a bath or reading a book, but remember to relax.
Often these are in exchange for listening to a time share presentation or by purchasing something else in exchange for tickets.
Evolution gives you variety in trucks and offers something else besides cars to race.
After publishing Desert Storm (which sold 2500 copies), Alexander was looking for something else to publish.
The number score is also helpful if you are playing against somebody and you get the same letter grade and have to go on something else.
Luckily, Diner Dash allows you to click several things at once and chain all of your actions together, instead of waiting until Flo is free to click something else.
If it is pressed you can have him to one thing or you can have him do something else.
Excellent, I thought, I take this guy down while you get something else.
Whether there is video game nudity or not, there is still something else to do and look at and that's the actual game.
In retrospect the Zinfandel makes sense as the typical brambly characteristic of the grape could be detected but something else was helping to smooth out the sometimes harsh aspect of Zinfandel.
Do you want to put it all in a picnic basket, a fine wooden box, or something else?
Something that does double-duty as something else while it protects your phone?
Parents can also help the child find something else to do with his or her hands when the child has the urge to suck the thumb.
If they have already spent their allowance, then they have to wait for the next allowance before buying something else.
An explanation for this problem may be that the person is just a carrier of strep and that something else is causing the sore throat.
Constant crying, though, can be a symptom of colic or a sign that something else is wrong.
Location - if the dance studio is too far away or inconvenient to get to, it will be too easy for the student to come up with excuses not to go when something else come up.
A tie is also an easy way to add color or to match your costume to something else (for example, match it to your socks or to your partner's bloomers).
In addition to tweaking your shampoo recipe until you get the perfect results for your hair, you're doing something else that is good for you and for the environment-eliminating the use of certain chemicals and reusing your shampoo bottle.
If you have trouble coping with the cosmetic changes accompanied by hair loss, try to make peace with them by looking in the mirror and finding something else you love about yourself.
This is not a curriculum that you can hand to a child and then go off to do something else.
This could be a percentage discount or something else of value.
You may commit the excess proceeds toward consolidating your outstanding loans or can use the funds for something else entirely.
Examples include promising one thing, but then urging the customer to sign documentation that stated something else entirely.
While these symptoms can be a sign of pregnancy, they can also be a sign that something else is wrong.
It could be, but discharge could also be an indicator that something else is going on with your body.
I was living in London at the time and working in a totally unrelated field, but I was looking for something else in life.
Most do it for a little while and then move on to something else.
If you ask politely, they may take off the tax or throw in something else at half the price.
The primary ingredient tends to be sugar, however, whether it's in the form of honey, fructose or something else.
Your leggings' color should match something else in your outfit for the most harmonious pairing.
You can even get a petite sleeping bag there if that's something else on your list.
Layer it over a tank top or camisole for something more dressed-up than a T-shirt and not as hot as a long sleeved cardigan layered over something else.
Cover your work surface with newspaper or something else you don't mind getting dirty.
Is it a lively gathering, an elegant dinner party, or something else entirely?
If you are a member, you can also ask questions, offer suggestions and collaborate with others to create something else.
When a person's words and behavior don't match, that person is likely to say one thing and do something else.
Although his intention is to follow through on his commitment, something else on his priority list gets moved ahead of you.
His heart and desire may be to be with you; however, his behavior says something else.
Then you can ask her if she has read the assignment or something else regarding the assignment or related to a project for class.
You say that you have always loved this man but your behavior says something else.
This will give you enough time to perfect your technique - or scrap the idea and cook something else instead.
However, if you just bought it last year, you should probably go with something else.
You may feel offended that your wife needs something else since you do go out and provide for your family every day.
If you choose to send one for a special occasion, make sure you also do something else along with the card.
A backpack purse makes it easier to shop and be active without the hassle of holding something else in your hands.
However, the good news is that Aries people rarely stay angry for long; they will erupt in anger for a few minutes, but they'll happily move on to something else once the initial explosion is over.
Gemini simply loses interest, moves on to something else and goes wherever the wind takes her.
The fun factor might lie in a backpack's unusual shape, bright colors, unique features, or something else entirely.
Naturalists tell us that shark attacks are rare, with the human victim generally mistaken for something else.
Often, if you don't find exactly what you're looking for, you will find something else that you'd love to watch!
The answer depends on whether you are looking for pictures of road kill believed to be chupacabra, artists' renderings of chupacabra, or something else entirely.
Do you see the famed frightening creature of legend, or do you see something else entirely?
Nothing wrecks a scary mood as much as someone saying, "Wait, I forgot to mention she has only one hand" or something else you may have omitted.
Was this just a warning about impending earth changes or something else?
Only pay the necessary bills until it's either unavoidable to buy something else or the debt is paid off.
Is it work, school, walking, dressy occasions, or something else?
It's frustrating for parents to shell out a large sum of money on the latest phase, only to have a child abandon that hobby, sport or game and quickly move on to something else.
The 'next time' feature is a relatively new one in soap opera time, designed to hook the viewer into tuning in the next day in case they might have planned to do something else.
When soaps returned after the trial, ratings dropped off sharply.Experts argued that in the three plus months that the O.J. Simpson trial dominated the airwaves, daytime viewers found something else to do with their time.
Before we can really go into the topic of Christian cross tattoos there's something else we must discuss.
If you must go the skull and crossbones route, consider replacing the bones with something else like lighting bolts or crossed swords.
You can have your comet breaking thru a cloud of space dust, a planet, a wall or something else to represent your over all meaning of the work.
Feel free to style it up a bit as well by adding a ring or create something else to rest in the center.
Home can now point to something specific like a name, initials or something else.
Pixies are small creatures, so place something else in the tattoo with them that will give a sense of scale.
This is due to a variety of reasons, each of which typically marks the passage of time, accomplishments or something else.
Give your tree frog something else to cling to by pairing it with a tree branch, vine or flower tattoo.
Give your outfit the once-over before you leave for work and either correct the problem or change into something else.
Think about whether you saved the company money, won an award, increased sales, or did something else that made you stand out from the crowd.
The letter writer includes details of illness, bad luck, or something else to make you feel sorry for him or her.
A better policy is to start with the most challenging item on the list (assuming that something else doesn't have a tighter deadline).
Two out of ten of the people that come in will take the car with no air conditioning - they're lucky to get a cigarette ashtray in it - and eight out of ten go and buy something else.
Are there any sounds that are out of the ordinary, such as squealing, hissing, or something else?
If you watch competition videos from other squads, you will see a little jazz, a little ballet and sometimes a little of something else thrown into the mix of the routine.
The eye moves from left to right so in general, if you have a handout with a lot of words you want to add a megaphone or something else in the top left hand corner.
Prizes can include a ticket to dunk a favorite teacher in a dunk tank, a pizza party or something else that students deem fun and exciting.
Challenge your visitors to a duel of three legged basketball or something else.
Collect a whole bunch of different vintage pieces and work them all into a new bracelet, necklace or something else.
But what if you have a pattern you love but you can't find the yarn used or you need to use something else because of wool allergies or other concerns?
Many of these are what I call two-step crafts; they involve making something and then using that object to make something else.
If you answer "no", then remove yourself from the food environment and get on with something else.
It can be helpful to replace soda with something else flavorful-such as flavored water or tea-instead of just going for straight water.
Just as with any other diet, there are those who sing this diet's praises, and others who have already moved on to something else.
For example, instead of eating a twenty piece chicken nuggets and large fries, you could have something else with actual nutritional content, such as a grilled chicken breast and baked potato.
Likewise, if you try a diet that seems legit but it makes you feel like crap, it's obviously not for you -- just let it go and try something else in your quest for flat abs.
Besides, you may not have the fancy equipment of a gym, but you have something else -- convenience.
Any time you find yourself grimacing and looking at the clock, stop what you're doing and do something else.
Keep in mind that caffeine can give you energy, but you may also experience a "caffeine crash" during your workout if your body doesn't have something else to gain energy from.
Likewise, a bra that doesn't have much to it, like a peek-a-boo bra or something else made for fantasy purposes, is more likely to show wear even before it's been bought.
Novelty suits are pajamas made to look like something else.
Men, if you're going to give a woman lingerie for any holiday, you better have something else to go with it.
Here is something else you might want to think about when deciding on the level of protection you need during physical activity; if you find that your breasts, back or both are sore after working out, it is time to get a better sports bra.
I agreed, and they would go in the bathroom, put on lingerie, come back out, go back in, and put something else on.
Sometimes, even the thinnest long underwear is not thin enough and so something else is needed.
Beyond lounging attire, you can wear a sheer cami outside of the home as long as it's covered up by something else.
It's the rare man who actively wants to attend a fashion show, but the Victoria's Secret runway show is something else again.
If there is something else you can offer in return, such as free advertising, the incentive to work with you is that much higher.
It was released to critical acclaim, but commercial success was something else.
Just something else to be teased about at school.
Montana sings, Next time you feel like it's just one of those days/When you just can't seem to win if things don't go the way that you guys planned/Figure something else out!
Artist Direct - Like, Artist Direct has tons and tons of Red Hot Chili Peppers info, but there's something else about this site you might like - the downloads here are free (and legal!).
By using free invitations you will save money that can be used for something else.
Games will entertain your guests and give them something else to do to beat the heat.
They usually require the models to transform into something else completely and test them on how well they adapt to various situations.
Some reality shows have a competition at their base, whether the prize is a date, cash or something else.
Yet also, I have to say, after spending six years on it, I'm absolutely delighted that it's finished, so that I can move on to something else.
Skin diseases happen when the skin fails to do its job, some part of the skin doesn't work properly, or something else happening in the body leads to a problem.
Next time you suffer the itch of a mosquito bite, focus on something else and see how quickly the desire to scratch dissipates.
Does your new site solve their need for communication, connections, social interaction, business leads, referrals or something else?
Be a little careful of that last category, though - many of those templates can be incredibly beautiful, but also totally illegal, especially if you've monetized your blog with Google AdWords or something else.
If you're planning on purchasing a new stove just for this purpose, save your coins and invest in something else.
However, others "say" they offer an affordable website hosting plan only to find out the small print says something else.
The most common mistake new webmasters make is not having their main webpage named as "index.html." Although this default name can be modified if you prefer to name your main page something else.
This may be as simple as asking for attribution, specifying non-commercial use, or something else.
Alex got a relief when the conversation turned to something else and stayed there for the rest of the evening.
If you want something different, why don't you trade them in on something else?
In that instant she realized something else.
Or was it something else that troubled Sarah?
I'll find you something else.
Then something else crossed her mind.
Who hasn't sat at a stop light and been so distracted by something else that they didn't notice the light was green?
For starters, there were only three options, leaving those who identify as pansexual or asexual or something else somewhat adrift.