Someone Sentence Examples
Someone knocked at the door.
It's good to have someone to talk to.
I'll send someone at once.
Someone knocked on the door and when she answered it, a man brought in their luggage.
Besides, after he inherited, he could always put someone in charge of the estate.
I don't deserve someone like you.
Someone wants you on the phone.
I heard someone was staying with you.
Some day maybe I will find someone like Alex.
Jonathan rarely asked for anything and the idea of having someone in the house playing music was appealing.
AdvertisementAlex thinks someone spiked his punch.
Once someone from church came by to see if she needed help.
She could drive, if someone would simply tell her where they were.
Occasionally he glanced behind him, as if searching for someone, or something, that might be watching.
Was the man capable of thinking of someone other than himself?
AdvertisementAgain someone shouted, "Stretchers!"
Maybe what I needed was someone to kick me to my feet.
I need someone to take care of Tammy and help Mom with the house and garden.
She feared to look round, it seemed to her that someone was there standing behind the screen in the dark corner.
They were paying someone to create it and then paying someone to carry it.
AdvertisementIf someone notices that she gets a headache when she eats MSG—or artichokes, or grasshoppers—that first-person, anecdotal experience will shape her nutritional philosophy.
That meant for every pound someone made, he owed more than a pound in taxes.
By whoever invited all these other people - I suppose because she was someone I knew.
Someone from the church or clinic must have been by and brought it for Alex.
What would inspire someone to chisel their name into a rock so far from civilization?
AdvertisementHe felt ashamed; he felt that he was occupying someone else's place here beside Helene.
Someone obligingly took the dish from Bagration (or he would, it seemed, have held it till evening and have gone in to dinner with it) and drew his attention to the verses.
Princess Mary sat alone in her room listening to the sounds in the house, now and then opening her door when someone passed and watching what was going on in the passage.
She was lounging on the bed reading a magazine when someone knocked on the door.
Her first thought was that it was a puppy someone had dropped off.
I think you still need someone here, but you're definitely getting better.
Did it ever occur to you that I came out here to see someone else?
Someone was walking down the hall toward them.
He was talking to someone in Boston.
A cannon ball killed someone behind them, another fell in front and splashed Dolokhov with blood.
If you weren't concerned about your own life, you might have thought about your chances of taking someone else with you.
If I could use your phone, Mrs. Giddon, I'll see if I can find someone to come get me.
It was as if she were talking about someone she didn't know.
You're the kind of woman he needs - someone who will stand up to him and yet understand his moods.
Reminds me of someone else I know.
He needs someone to look after his house while he's working the ranch.
I don't want to start over as someone else in a new place.
Hey, someone has to discover penicillin—it might as well be me.
I can vouch for myself but going out on the limb for someone else is a whole different ball game.
Someone claiming to be 'the illusive psychic' has gone public.
People out there want to kill someone with Howie's ability.
Someone went to a lot of trouble to set this up.
If someone got hurt, it would be my ass.
He opened the door and spoke quietly to someone.
Sure. Is it someone your family knew?
Yet someone had told him that she was working for Sarah.
If she could get to her telephone, she could call someone for help.
I didn't think I had a chance of getting someone like you to sit for me.
I hope you find someone to take my place soon.
I mean, we're siccing the police after someone Howie saw in... a vision, for God's sake!
It's a wonder someone isn't already putting them all together.
With each tip we give there's further chance someone will start stringing them together.
I don't think an admission they were dealing with a psychic or someone with supernatural abilities would sit well with their suit and necktie image.
Lives have been lost because we've either not been believed or someone was too late following up.
I'll have to go upstairs and somehow convince someone higher.
He remained adverse to any case where he knew for sure that someone was killed.
To ask Brennan directly might lead to us so I made up a story we were checking old cases to see if someone released from prison might have returned to this type of crime.
Did someone give them my license plate number?
I'll better his total before I die and they'll not know I ever existed... unless someone sees me in their crystal ball.
We learned later, at first the police were suspicious of the parents as they couldn't believe someone could enter a small house with sleeping adults and two boys in an adjoining room, and not be heard.
Someone took a lot of time and did a real number on him with a knife.
Doubtful, she winced as they approached tourists and police alike, waiting for someone to stop them, and fearful of what her father would do if someone did.
I'm glad someone has faith.
With renewed caution, the pair followed the chalk arrow, not the stones, expecting any minute to find someone barring their return.
Someone has to cover the calls.
Logan, I slept with someone else.
Logan, I think he killed someone.
Once someone knows how to make a factory that can produce 48,000 pins a day with ten people, someone else can figure out how to make one that makes 100,000 a day with five people.
One officer told Rostov that he had seen someone from headquarters behind the village to the left, and thither Rostov rode, not hoping to find anyone but merely to ease his conscience.
Maybe he only maintained the house for someone else.
No. I guess I'd be upset, too, if someone barged into my life that way.
The next morning she paused at her door when she heard Yancey talking to someone.
Apparently he was shipping someone twenty-five thousand dollars worth of cocaine.
If I wanted someone to organize my life, I would have stayed back in Muskogee with my parents instead of moving here.
Is someone else muscling in on me?
Was that what he was hinting at when he said she was his best friend - that he needed someone to talk to?
It seemed that she had barely dropped off to sleep, before someone was pounding on her door.
Don't you ever wish you had someone to share your troubles with?
You shouldn't change your goals simply because they don't fit into someone else's plans.
Sure, 'til someone snatches that whip out of your hand and gives you the spankin' you've been asking for.
Now there's a sight I thought I'd never live to see - someone hitching up your wagon while you're fixin' breakfast.
She was going to say that the bitter note in her tone was for someone who had betrayed her, but the whole world didn't need to know about their shame.
They would find someone to drive the wagon back across the desert.
I was hoping to find someone to take back with me.
Is it necessary to have someone say words over us, when we already know what we want?
They couldn't be seen unless someone came down into the ravine.
Unless someone knew the area, they could pass within a hundred feet of it and not know it was there.
Someone tapped on her door.
Vaguely she was aware of someone entering the lobby.
I wish someone had told me he was a Mormon.
Yeah, but from now on I'm leaving the shopping to someone else.
I want someone who can contribute intelligent conversation, not grovel at my feet.
Someone knocked on her door and she wiped her eyes and blew her nose before responding.
I think he wants me out of the house so he can bring someone home.
I tried to ask you more than once, but someone was always interrupting and throwing a new kink in my plans.
After that I got to thinking how nice it would be if I had someone to cook me a meal every day.
Betsy and I agreed as we were eager to share our news with someone.
You live here; you just might bump into someone you know.
He so busied himself with his silly telephone trick to call away the mother he didn't notice someone who must have been watching.
Howie had nearly reached his limit when he heard someone enter the room!
Blood splattered her as someone dropped from the cot beside her to the floor.
They were in someone's living room.
The ache within her deepened at the idea of trusting someone for the first time in her life, and the energy flowing between them grew more intense.
That says a lot for someone, you know?
For someone like him … he never even bowed down to the Dark One.
Isn't there someone we can talk to?
There's a chance the offer for the mine was completely innocent—simply someone who was legitimately interested in The Lucky Pup and then changed his mind.
Someone was actively working on Seymour Fitzgerald.
Eyes widened when she learned someone had pilfered the small finger bone from Cynthia's bureau and she shivered when told the Deans had been followed into the mine.
Why would someone who switched the bones take the cigarette tin?
You can't just stab someone and not report it.
I heard someone stabbed you.
Did you meet someone unlike us?
Gotta drop someone a visit.
This works toward maximizing the utility that item can bring to someone. eBay is not alone in this regard.
I buy my pecans from someone who picks and shells them himself.
I write this to establish my bona fides as someone who truly cares about good food.
If you knew someone who was a good business partner, was fun to hang out with, but let one of his children starve to death so that he could enjoy a higher standard of living, what would be your opinion of this person?
Then someone else decides to send that child, at eighteen, to another land to kill people and to die?
Someone else decides to empty the cities and send all the young people to go fight in the war?
And like a practical Petersburg lady who knows how to make the most of time, Anna Mikhaylovna sent someone to call her son, and went into the anteroom with him.
He regarded his whole life as a continual round of amusement which someone for some reason had to provide for him.
Still lower, beyond the turn of the staircase, one could hear the footstep of someone in thick felt boots, and a voice that seemed familiar to Princess Mary was saying something.
This man was speaking to someone in the adjoining room.
Like all men who have grown up in society, Prince Andrew liked meeting someone there not of the conventional society stamp.
Again all was silent and then again it sounded as if someone were walking on detonators and exploding them.
Someone, a very important personage judging by the haste with which way was made for him, was approaching the icon.
It was only a matter of time before someone began to connect our tips.
They're all several hours after the fact and come from an unusual viewpoint; not where there would naturally be someone observing.
He knows there is someone or something out there that has weird and exceptional abilities.
The downside of setting up identities was that someone would learn more detail about us than we'd previously released.
They got wind there might be someone out there in the nether world with incredible abilities they could commandeer.
The actual tip sounds like someone is reading it and it's always worded in the same format.
Once in a while, I'm off duty and a call comes to someone else but I think the tipster person maybe knows my hours, 'cause it's rare another girl has to answer.
He obviously knew he owed us an explanation but I sensed he would wait us out until someone asked.
Do you honestly think you can keep a secret that's a major part of your life from someone who's sharing a bed with you?
She thinks it's great I've found someone in my life.
A radio station did a piece on the tip center and requested an interview with someone who answered the phones.
I'd have to believe someone is smart enough to tie those crimes all together.
I pictured her sitting at a desk, perhaps someone else listening in.
Have you ever seen a murder first hand, someone being butchered before your eyes?
That was Howie to a tee; totally dispassionate and prosaic, ready to join the gang and do someone else's bidding but seldom a decision maker.
He swore the tip came from someone, unidentified, but close to the rapper.
The director wanted me to help as much as I could but if someone was getting too close, I was to drop it.
I considered telling her the tipster was ill and out of service for a few days but common sense dictated that doing so might encourage someone to commit a crime in the tipster's absence.
This is off the record but someone else thought to be a possible lead to the tipster was threatened recently.
You're looking for someone treated Saturday night or Sunday morning for a gunshot wound to the leg.
I feel more like a ship's sailor in a storm, with shredded sails with someone handing me a needle and thread.
Molly will find out, someone, this monster that's killing all these people; he'll find someone and force them tell.
It was clear she'd overheard a lot of information and as I was fearful she might confide in someone else, I admitted to her that Howie was the person the world was seeking, the so-called psychic tipster.
I feel like a stowaway on someone's honeymoon.
She's convinced it's someone looking for Howie.
Someone broke into her place for god's sake!
Howie always has the option of quitting and denying he's the tipster if someone comes close to revealing him.
But something; no someone, was threatening that tranquility.
I wouldn't go anywhere with someone, or get in a car or stuff like that.
My parked car was notice to a visitor that someone was here.
Sensing someone behind me, I turned just enough to see my wife sitting in a chair, her eyes closed.
This guy drives up, no lights, sees a car in the driveway so he must realize someone is home.
Someone broke into this house of one of my targets and some sort of mayhem followed.
In any event, someone is permanently finished doing anything.
Was this break in and shooting a coincidental event or might someone else have been as clever as I at tracking down this nefarious tipster?
How else could someone have made a connection directly to Howie?
I told her Owen Bryce was killed while attacking someone he thought was connected to the tipster.
Thankfully, Brennan or someone he contacted straightened Jackson out.
He said if Quinn could do his thing, someone else maybe could too.
Not unless someone goes out and gets him.
How could someone change so drastically?
Just that someone in his family had a place near the beach, up the coast, and no one used it.
I said a silent prayer the young lady hadn't fallen into the hands of someone like our stalker.
We drive home from a bar, like we all have done, only someone steps off a curb and we're ruined for life.
I could hear confusion and hurried voices in the background and someone yelled, 'they're here, come on'.
Two people laughed aloud and someone growled about their federal tax dollars at work.
As incredible as this psychic ability is, the whole world knows something or someone can do this.
Someone waved him back inside the command trailer.
She has begun seeing someone; a young man who does grounds keeping work at the Country Club and is a half dozen years her junior.
He sensed rather than saw that someone was in it, watching them.
Either he got smart fast or someone tipped him off.
You got someone free to take a look?
Someone's going to ask you a question tomorrow morning.
She looked at it, flushing to think someone had taken the time to figure out her sizes.
She found herself hurrying around him to the couch at his low growl and suspected he wasn't someone who ever repeated anything.
Her heart leapt, and she stood, halfway to him before his sharp look reminded her he wasn't someone she wanted to approach.
After all, that spark was why he fought so hard, so humans didn't turn into someone like him.
Someone knocked at the door before she could turn on more than the living room lights.
You ever meet someone and you knew there was something just wrong about them?
Don't talk to strangers, and if you see someone with red eyes, run like hell back to Dusty.
I'm so sorry, but with my gift, I felt you had some sort of pain, maybe you lost someone once, long ago?
Toni was asleep at the computer. … Maybe you lost someone once.
Can you bring in someone for me to check their future?
I mean, it's one thing to hurt yourself but to hurt someone else is just wrong!
Both jumped at his tone, and he waited, wanting to pick a fight with someone.
Dusty waited for Bianca to defend him, so he could tear into someone, anyone.
Someone's gotta help save the world.
Talon's an idiot, but he's getting help from someone else.
Someone beat on the door across the hall loud enough for Bianca to hear over the TV and sporadic thunder.
She hesitated then asked, "Can you call someone to come get me?"
Dusty should have given you a means of contacting someone in an emergency, he said with disapproval.
The bad guys have someone telling them where to look.
Are you seeing someone?
Once Dusty died, someone had to take care of the girls.
Puzzled, she started to respond when someone rushed down the stairs by her.
He almost chortled at the ridiculous thought, wishing someone was there with him to tell.
His light was off, a sign he'd been sleeping too hard to notice someone come in.
Maybe … if you want to send in someone to help, then they can help me kill the bugs and rats?
With a frown, she wondered why she'd never seen it before, why she wasted seven years trying to make things work with someone who couldn't hold a candle to the man she was meant to be with.
You wouldn't ask someone you hated unless you were desperate.
He'd claimed someone would try to kill her, and the man they sought was here.
Pacing in her room, she tried hard not to think of what her father was capable of doing to someone he thought was a threat to her.
And how did she stomach the thought of her father doing such a thing to someone?
I'll find someone else to do the job.
Darian cocked his head to the side, as if hearing someone call his name.
Dusty trusted her for a reason, and if Dusty trusted someone, Damian knew she was the best at what she did.
Someone else moved silently down the hall ahead of him, and he slowed his stride.
For someone who needs more power, it's a very useful talent.
I can call someone to come get you and then I think you shouldn't try to find me anymore.
It appears as if either you, Damian, or you, Jonny, sent someone to kill her.
I was thinking even someone who doesn't fear death, fears something else.
It'll take a while for you to adjust and for them to adjust to someone new.
It's always nice to know someone cares, Jule replied.
Watch your back until I have someone else assigned to station.
Figured it'd keep me busy 'til Jule brings in someone else.
The sight of such normalcy calmed her, until someone brushed against her.
Someone careened into her as she pried her cell from her pocket.
Someone touched her, and visions flared across her mind.
I ran into someone I knew from college, Jake said and began to pace again, half-lost in his thoughts as he spoke.
Her last hope for understanding what was wrong with her was someone she innately knew she didn't want to meet.
When someone gives me some more definitive info on her, I'll tell you.
Damian wasn't sure how someone going from the second to first floor had managed to get bloody enough to look like she crawled through a war zone.
He wouldn't let someone like her get stuck in the middle of their war.
How long could she live like this, drinking someone else's blood?
I think I can teach myself how to keep from seeing deaths whenever I touch someone.
She yelped as someone grabbed her hips and pulled her from the edge of the balcony.
I just signed their death warrants, and you think I'd stoop so low as to point the gun at someone because I'm jealous?
No. It was Darian's rule—if you trust someone, don't do it.
She didn't like seeing someone else suffer the way she did every time she thought of Cody or Jake or others dying.
Someone brought you in, Linda said wisely.
Damian regarded her coolly, unwilling to let someone so undeserving get the best of him.
He'd never thought much of that talent, the ability to see into someone.
In hindsight, he wondered how he'd ever been fooled or why he'd settle for Claire when there was someone like Sofia out there, who'd love him for him and not for his title.
He cocked his head to the side, as if listening to someone.
The thought of an eternity with someone incapable of caring for her was a nightmare beyond those she had already lived.
Someone lost a bet, he said.
He taught me how to kill someone, by the way, she added.
An eternity with someone who was unable to care for her?
She lingered outside her door, waiting for someone to attack her.
Neither mate can have someone else on the side.
The sound of someone in the hallway made her freeze.
You and she never understood that, when it came to caring for someone else.
She saw someone waiting for her in the center of the in-between world and recognized Rhyn.
Caring for someone is a vulnerability.
I didn't think you'd hesitate to help someone, if you could.
She'd never before been able to tell when someone lied to her or when they were manipulating her.
Send someone to grab Gabriel's soul?
Frantically, she tried to recall anything anyone might've told her about suppressing information from someone reading her mind.
She'd never paid much attention to appliances but imagined they might be intriguing to someone who had never seen them before.
Accepting, loving, trusting someone – even if bonded – was beyond Immortal Laws to dictate.
If you're interested in being the friend of someone like me.
My mate, helping someone win a deal against her.
But no, I take no satisfaction out of seeing someone hurting.
She wondered if it was because of the thought of her seducing someone else or because of her triumph at winning his affection, even if he beat her at every other thing.
She wasn't going to spend her eternity with someone who didn't care for her.
Someone is summoning me.
Maybe someone had accidentally summoned her, and she wasn't about to have yet another confrontation today.
They look as if someone slept in them.
Or maybe she just wants to prove to herself someone actually loves her enough and cares about her enough to punish her.
Not because someone will take a hairbrush to your backside if you're not honest, but because.
And they promised to someone else hope-to-die they wouldn't tell.
Like maybe you're there when someone else finds a dead guy.
There are some things important enough that you're forced to tell someone, regardless of what might happen you.
Someone told Caleb about this old mine and this thing they swore was in it.
A pretend skeleton someone put there to scare you?
Nobody knows where the man is and even if he's been in there a long, long time, someone must care about him, or at least maybe did back then, when it happened.
I'm just pleased to have someone interested in what I do.
Dean was sure that, deep down, she thought whacking at a ball or chasing one someone else clobbered was an extended children's game and certainly not a worthwhile profession.
And someone else found them in the first place and told Caleb about the discovery.
If this here skull wasn't broken, maybe someone would think it was the real McCoy—at least in the dark or from a distance.
And where would someone get clothes so old and dirty?
If someone tampered with the real bones, we don't want to give them a chance to clean up whatever they might have left behind.
Someone had driven the route recently.
Someone had carefully cleared the area.
Someone dropped it when they switched the bones for the ones Fitzgerald found!
Maybe someone gave us 'the finger' only this time it isn't an insult.
Someone had deliberately mis-marked their return route.
Maybe, but he strikes me as a more direct type—not someone who'd pull off a stunt like that.
More than enough, but once we reach the main Jeep road we're sure to see someone.
Nowadays, you'd be scared someone would kidnap a child but in the old days, no one ever thought of that stuff.
But I've always been content to let someone else wait on me.
It got me thinking that if someone wanted the place, there must be a reason.
After all, someone tried to get us lost in that mine and sabotaged our Jeep.
The number fell to three when a dinnertime caller remembered someone opening their purchase in the parking lot.
It was only a matter of time until someone looked in that theater junk.
Remember, Caleb knew where to find the bones because someone told him.
Someone had a campfire and it looked as if the door on the mine was used for fire wood.
She said her mother or someone took her calling card but she didn't explain.
Yes, Dean thought, unless someone decides to get more serious about stopping us.
You're not very good at following someone.
Yes. Only I believe someone swapped them for a theatrical prop.
Getting someone to buy all this nonsense is going to take some campaigning!
Look, I feel like a fool asking embarrassing questions, especially to someone as kind as you've been, but my wife and I promised a little girl we'd follow up on this.
If your bones belong to someone who impregnated a young girl years ago, why do you care now?
If someone wants to cover it up, let them.
Is she a friend of the family or just someone you're humping on the side?
A band tooted practice blasts, someone was yelling directions through an old fashioned megaphone, which were ignored, and Suzanne, whose nightly music show serenaded the tourists, warmed up the Star Spangled Banner in a voice that needed no mike.
Yes, Dean thought, and someone else knows we know.
Is someone in the mine, do you suppose?
Is someone shooting at us?
Heavy brush had totally obscured the entrance until someone had quite recently cut and pulled away the branches, exposing the opening.
The Deans, while making no comment on the discovery, realized this was how someone could have entered the mine and altered their markings while they were inside.
But someone was shooting at us and that gets my attention in a hurry.
Someone's gone over the side!
Look, there may be someone alive and hurt!
Cynthia's admonition to be careful echoed in his ears—but someone might be down there.
We were on a drug bust and someone tipped off the bad guys.
Maybe someone put it there.
That was a nice gesture on someone's part.
Common sense tells us the obvious is usually where the truth rests and the obvious is either Fitzgerald or someone in the Dawkins family.
He also withheld the identity of Josh, Dawkins Sr.'s mine manager, and the fact that someone fired a gun at the mine.
I think Billy Langstrom was killed because someone chased him down the mountain.
If the body were there, someone would have discovered it.
He rose to leave and then added, Whatever the age of that skeleton, the facts still remain that someone swapped the bones, someone stole the finger and 'metalman29' was offering an inflated price for the mine.
If that were the case, why did someone try so hard to cover up his identity?
That sounds like someone thought he was important.
Why would someone want to pay ten bucks for that?
Every time the phone rang for a year, we were sure someone had found the body.
That doesn't make it right to have someone accused unfairly.
When they questioned Jake Weller about the source of the high-level endorsement, he hinted Lydia Larkin knew someone in the system who'd pulled strings.
As someone accustomed to being in control of her world, she needed a little more time before she was ready to face him.
The clerk darted around the counter towards the corner, where someone had accidently tipped over a lit candelabra that was now burning the curtains.
Someone had figured out how to turn off the overhead lights that blinded her earlier.
According to the dealer I cornered, there's been some skirmishing between those loyal to you and those who want to install someone else.
When you touch someone, you feel nothing, not the warmth of their skin or the smoothness.
Gabriel rose from his position crouching over the body of someone he knew.
I'll have someone bring him over.
Deities did things differently, but he wasn't about to do what his predecessor would have and demand a favor of someone like Andre.
I've yet to meet someone who couldn't be handled, given the right approach.
She was running from someone in the forest and instead of helping her, Gabriel would only watch.
He sank his teeth into someone and never let go, until they were in Hell.
You act like you've been shut out of your underworld or your mate made a deal with Darkyn and turned into someone else.
Maybe there's a backdoor or someone she knows in Hell who can help you.
The human feared a relationship with someone who wouldn't share more than his body.
Normally, you build trust then sleep with someone.
Only when he sensed the approach of someone behind him did he realized it was real.
The faded signs of massive scarring were on one side of her neck while there was blood on the other, as if someone had just hurt her.
Have you ever known what it was to love someone?
Gabriel sensed someone else join them and tensed.
But she couldn't help feeling as if she'd never truly known the man she loved until someone else told her what she missed.
Spending her lifetime with someone who hated her was not what she wanted.
It sounded as if half a legion of armed Immortals was chasing someone through the fortress.
He turned in time to see someone racing away.
Tess needed someone to take care of her, but Carmen didn't.
It must be someone from the church.
Alex was talking to someone in the living room as she led Destiny down the hallway.
You let someone... else name her?
How terrible it must be to hunger for things that belong to someone else – especially when one of those things is your own daughter.
Someone needs to have the final say or some decisions could go on and on.
Whether there was someone else in her life at this point or she was alone was a mystery.
I wish I had someone to screen my calls.
In the future, if you don't recognize someone, don't wave at them.
She could live a lifetime and never find someone so perfectly fit to her wants and desires.
Someone has been on the porch.
They stayed in remote contact with someone while they worked, attaching an IV and doing something with the knife wound.
She felt like someone had reached inside of her and tore her heart out.
Right now Destiny and Jonathan need someone strong to lean on.
But then, that was obvious or she wouldn't have hired someone the way she did.
And then somehow it gets left to someone who doesn't need it.
She didn't want the baby, but at least she had given it to someone who wanted it desperately.
I'll send someone there.
Someone must have already been on the way because she passed two more patrol cars and found a third waiting for her at the store.
Why would someone claim to be his father?
Someone has been visiting Alex at the hospital almost every day.
It was frustrating to work with someone who didn't try, but if it had not been for him trying to rescue her, she might be the one on that bed – or in the morgue.
It was a strange thing to say, especially coming from someone who insisted she was no longer interested in him.
Catching him up on things at the office had been simple enough, as someone was there to visit him several times a week.
It was difficult to imagine that someone would think they couldn't talk when they actually could, but the mind did strange things during duress.
Jonathan will be home from school soon and it would be nice if someone was here for him.
Afraid someone would see, she turned and walked down the hall.
It was time to talk to someone, but the idea of talking to a councilor was almost as uncomfortable as talking to no one.
Isn't there someone closer, though?
When he woke up hearing someone talking, he'd know it wasn't her.
She started to get up and then realized someone had put a blanket over her.
Yeah, that was probably said by someone who didn't have a big sow black bear after them.
Thank goodness someone finally settled the name problem.
For the first time, Destiny warmed quickly to someone.
It was a big jump for someone so committed to being morally correct.
I've yet to meet someone as brave in the face of death as you are.
Deidre stopped in the middle of the busy sidewalk, too angry at the idea of losing her friend and doctor to care when someone jostled by her.
Someone near her gasped, and Deidre glanced up, expecting to see a fender bender or similar issue in the street.
Deidre turned to see if there was someone behind her the stranger spoke to.
You must be here for someone.
It didn't matter if she felt the same or if she had someone else.
How do you think it feels to live with the regret that stems from having done something beyond reparation to someone as beautiful as she is in this life?
A competent, methodical assassin, she didn't make the mistake of trying to collect from someone not on the list.
This part he kept silent for fear of spooking someone he was supposed to be leading.
Someone his size with his specific skills didn't ask for favors or need to be polite.
I'll send someone up tonight.
Satisfied someone got his humor when none of the death-dealers did, Gabe grew thoughtful.
Though I'm wondering why you're alone on a beach in the moonlight without someone to make love to you with a bucket list like that.
There were handprints on the windows, as if someone had tried to escape, and blood splattered on the ceiling and the walls.
If she gave herself a second to think, she'd stop and sob, until someone else came by and killed her.
She heard Daniela outside the dining hall, lecturing someone.
Pick someone as quick as you and start collecting souls.
The dead demons were gone, but someone was waiting for him.
Never heard of someone in your position making an unofficial deal.
He's fair, honorable, a stickler for the Code, and not someone anyone will mess with.
She didn't see Jared, but she couldn't shake the sense he – or someone else – was following her.
Like someone who was immortal.
Someone else reported it.
What made someone like you take my case?
About time someone took out that son of a bitch.
Couldn't someone tell her what the hell was going on?
Someone brought her a colorful picture book.
Someone get Deidre a juice box!
Even the angels can't unmate someone.
He was stuck with her by their laws, a daily reminder of someone who used to hurt him.
She didn't want to live with someone like Logan, who resented her for something she couldn't control.
She wasn't going to be some sort of obligation to someone who stuck around because he had to.
Then he won't be stuck with someone he hates, Deidre added, comforted by the thought.
Deidre suspected the result of provoking either man was death to someone.
You really want to spend eternity with someone you resent?
It was a huge pill to try to swallow, knowing someone didn't like her for reasons she couldn't control.
The thought he had someone else – and this was the reason he couldn't commit to her fully – never crossed her mind.
Someone told me I had a long line of enemies.
Oh, and I picked up someone else's soul last night, she said.
You don't tell someone you'll never be able to care for them and think you're doing anything other than hurting them.
She wanted to ask more about them and what happened after Death claimed someone, but it was a lot to deal with.
It didn't make sense that there was, especially after he'd admitted to having someone else on the side.
Did he kill someone here recently and decide it was a nice place to keep?
You've done a lot of interfering for someone who believes in free will.
That night, he'd done more than try to please someone else.
He shared his need and pleasure with someone else for the first time in his life.
He needed more than access to the underworld to save her; he needed the medical advice of someone like Wynn.
Would someone like Gabriel notice her, if they crossed paths as random strangers at the festival?
Not that it mattered, but she'd need five inch heels to catch the gaze of someone as sexy as Gabriel.
Definitely some advice from someone who understood make-up better and a real hair stylist who could figure out how to un-pink hair.
Would it have been easier on you if you heard it from either a complete stranger or someone you can't quite figure out?
You mean sociopathic, indiscriminate killers who can't sleep a night in their own beds without someone trying to kill them.
I didn't realize things were bad enough between you and me that you'd trust the man who hurt you over someone trying to help you.
You were the victim of someone who couldn't see what was right before him.
It's like someone dropped a stone in the lake.
She listened, dismayed but also interested in someone interpreting the insanity of her mind in a way she could grasp.
Start over with someone who doesn't look like your ex.
I'll send someone over in about half an hour.
She was going to live - and maybe even share a life with someone like Gabriel.
There's going to be someone you'll meet soon.
It certainly didn't smell like someone had painted it recently, and there were scuff marks, crayon, and dirt on the walls.
He spent most of his time anymore in the shadow world, except when forced out by Death or called out by someone who wanted to buy an assassination.
He had someone better than an army watching him.
Second, I can duplicate the DNA with some time in my lab and isolate the antigen, meaning I can make someone immune to our enemies' powers.
Two, someone in our organization knew what she was when they set her up to be Toby's human guardian.
Today, we found someone who's immune to our powers.
You have someone in mind for her?
But right now, Jade needed someone who understood him, as only Sasha always had.
She sighed and sat up straight a second before the door was pushed open to reveal someone she didn't know.
The orchestra fell silent, and somewhere someone --possibly the host --called for the generators to be turned on.
Their surroundings looked as if someone had left a fog machine on too long in a gym.
A hood went over her head, and she was flung across someone's shoulder hard enough to make her ribs flare with pain.
He sat on a boulder near the entrance, as if he were the bouncer trying to prevent someone like her from exiting.
Did someone take you or….maybe you forgot?
She didn't walk far before someone in a tiny car speaking only Gaelic pulled alongside her and motioned to her.
She frowned, wondering when someone would explain the rules of this game to her.
This one was written by someone in the human realm.
I've been waiting for someone to tell me what to do with this human.
You can't protect someone so fragile from what's coming.
It was the only place he knew where someone might help him.
Her disbelief that Rhyn had chosen someone like her
She felt bad for Rhyn, though she suspected the emotion was wasted on someone who didn't have a drop of self-pity.
And then you'd have to find someone older than Andre to wipe my memory and put everything the way it was.
His glance went to the other women in the showers, who either ignored him or weren't going to say something to someone whose mother was a demon.
She wanted him to find someone else, but the thought of that happening made her furious.
She expected someone to be angry that there was a man in the women's wing.
She ignored the door opening until someone spoke to her.
Fear flashed through her at the memory of what someone his size could do to her.
He said he knows someone older than him who can put my life back the way it was.
The fire had died down, and someone had turned off the light to her bathroom, rendering the room completely dark.
Nothing safer than hanging out with someone who can.t be killed.
She heard the soft step of someone approaching and turned, surprised.
Kris entered, followed by someone whose appearance made her gasp.
Jade looked around in case someone else saw what he.d done.
Two mugs, as if she were expecting company or someone else was already there.
Nothing. I just realized I can.t be with someone I can.t rely on, Rhyn.
Sasha may not have pulled the trigger on Andre, but someone he knew where to find their oldest brother, who had been protecting Katie when he was rendered dead-dead.
After all his sacrifices, after losing Lilith and Katie to Rhyn, he wasn.t sure what he.d do if Hannah chose someone other than him as her mate.
He.d accidently hurt someone innocent, and he didn.t want the reminder.
She need more help with someone like you as a mate?
You aren.t capable of caring for someone else or keeping her safe.
He said he sent someone to find you, she forced herself to say.
Someone care to explain?
The sound came from behind it, as if someone were trying to open the door.
I ran into someone I thought was Ully in the lab.
I didn.t know they could shapeshift into someone else.s form.
Someone like you could never understand.
It was revealed to me by someone you trust when I was at the Sanctuary a few weeks ago.
Someone had lied to her about Lilith, who had died defenseless and alone.
The bump sounded again, as if someone ran into it.