Solar-system Sentence Examples
Bruno looked on our solar system as but one out of an infinite number of worlds.
This raises to 26 the number of discovered satellites in the solar system.
We do not know whether the comets are really indigenous to the solar system or whether they may not be merely imported into the system from the depths of space.
The last apparent anomaly, and the last threat of instability, thus disappeared from the solar system.
The giant planets in the outer parts of the solar system all have strong magnetic fields.
The third Galilean satellite is the largest moon in the solar system.
There are very remarkable features in the solar system which point unmistakably to some common origin of many of the different bodies which it contains.
In our Solar System the remaining dust scatters sunlight to create an extremely faint glow called the zodiacal light.
Apart from the Solar Wind, the Jovian magnetosphere is the largest structure in our Solar System.
But such a bombardment from outside the solar system should have catastrophically affected the Jovian moons.
AdvertisementIt's set in a far future solar system and seems to be growing more morbid by the day.
However, true progress in understanding the solar system and the planets only came when heliocentric ideas began to supplant the old geocentric system.
The solar system formed from a large gas nebula that had some dust grains in it.
For an interactive model (called an orrery) look at the Solar System Live.
The Solar System Live includes an interactive orrery of the Solar System, which might be what you are looking for.
AdvertisementThe Orange Imaginarium Recline and discover the solar system in our state-of-the-art planetarium.
They are relatively pristine remnants of the nebula from which the entire solar system was formed.
Traveling through space using electric propulsion may be the key to future space exploration within our solar system.
The Chinese triads are a solar system away from the Jamaican Yardies - they almost seem to be dealing in a different currency.
But even after the omission of all cometary objects we can still count in the solar system upwards of five hundred bodies, almost every one of which pronounces distinctly, though with varying emphasis, in favour of the nebular theory.
AdvertisementThe Chinese Triads are a solar system away from the Jamaican Yardies - they almost seem to be dealing in a different currency.
These twisted beings are the previous tyrannical rulers of the solar system who enforced their iron-fisted law with genetic mutant warriors !
The same techniques that work to heat your home with a passive solar system also work to cool your home.
A good compromise between a full DIY system and a fully specified and installed solar system is a solar panel kit.
Kits contain all the pieces required to install a solar system along with detailed instructions.
AdvertisementWhen a solar system is up and running, the costs of running such a system are minimal.
When installing solar panels, you have the option of choosing a ground mounted solar system or a roof mounted system.
Usually it would take a family purchasing a solar system to see a return on their investment over a period of fifteen to twenty years, due to the expense.
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the good news is that solar system prices have dropped dramatically since 1980, making them more affordable.
In New York City, residents can get a tax rebate of between 20 and 35% depending on when they put their solar system into effect and if it is a residential or commercial solar setup.
Since the average cost of a grid-intertied solar system is roughly $16,000, this would result in a complete repayment of the solar installation within three years.
A solar system shower curtain, which similarly uses bright graphics and text to teach or remind anyone of details of the solar system - not just the planets, but factoids as well.
Seed takes place in the far future on a colony tower in another solar system.
Scientists, mathematicians, musicians, artists, and sculptors have all proven over the centuries that you can find the Golden Ratio in everything, even our solar system.
It exists in the solar system and our body's cells.
It is found in just about everything in the universe from the solar system to every living cell.
Learn about pedal powered submarines, evolution and mysteries of the solar system - all shown with beautiful photographs that will grab any child's attention.
Moreover, each planet in the solar system is also representative of a kind of energy that is matched to a particular zodiac sign.
The solar system consists of the nine planets and the sun.
Then the planets can be hung from or around the sun by a coat hanger, piece of string, or piece of cardboard to represent the solar system.
Solar System Coloring Book features the stars and planets of our solar system.
For example, one popular science fair project is a model of the solar system that demonstrates how all the planets orbit.
A parent may be recruited to help make a volcano (with requisite lava) or putting the solar system together.
The ruler of Tri'trij has vacated his planet and lives on colonies outside the solar system.
Such a reduced and impoverished star is a planet; and the several planets of our solar system are the several vortices which from time to time have been swept up by the central sun-vortex.
So far as the evolution of the solar system is concerned, Kant held these mechanical causes as adequate.
Heinrich Steffens, in his Anthropologie, seeks to trace out the origin and history of man in connexion with a general theory of the development of the earth, and this again as related to the formation of the solar system.
This process is an upward one, through the formation of the solar system and of our earth with its inorganic bodies, up to the production of man.
By means of this process the bodies of the solar system separate themselves, and the order of cosmic evolution is repeated in that of terrestrial evolution.
The denotation of elements by symbols had been practised by the alchemists, and it is interesting to note that the symbols allotted to the well-known elements are identical with the astrological symbols of the sun and the other members of the solar system.
Finally, of the grand series of researches by which the stability of the solar system was ascertained, the glory must be almost equally divided between Lagrange and Laplace.
This was the first and most important step in the establishment of the stability of the solar system.
Meanwhile the astronomical theories of development of the solar system from a gaseous condition to its present form, put forward by Kant and by Laplace, had impressed men's minds with the conception of a general movement of spontaneous progress or development in all nature.
We might conceive the rapid motions of the heavenly bodies to result in some change either in the direction or amount of their gravitation towards each other at each moment; but such is not the case, even in the most rapidly moving bodies of the solar system.
Other standards of reference may be used in special connexions; for example, the Earth is the usual unit for expressing the relative density of the other members of the solar system.
He early attained to the settled conviction that for the actual disposition of the solar system some abstract intelligible reason must exist, and this, after much meditation, he believed himself to have found in an imaginary relation between the "five regular solids" and the number and distances of the planets.
The Copernican theory of the solar system - that the earth revolved annually about the sun - had received confirmation by the observations of Galileo and Tycho Brahe, and the mathematical investigations of Kepler and Newton.
He supposes that evolution is primarily integration, from the incoherent to the coherent, exemplified in the solar nebula evolving into the solar system; secondly differentiation, from the more homogeneous to the more heterogeneous, exemplified by the solar system evolving into different bodies; thirdly determination, from the indefinite to the definite, exemplified by the solar system with different bodies evolving into an order.
Copernicus (1473-1543) employed the same system, and greatly simplified the application of it, especially by regarding the earth as rotating and the sun as the centre of the solar system.
The verification is sufficiently exact to establish the law of gravitation, as providing a statement of the motions of the bodies composing the solar system which is correct to a high degree of accuracy.
So little was the scientific conception of the solar system familiar to Epicurus that he could reproach the astronomers, because their account of an eclipse represented things otherwise than as they appear to the senses, and could declare that the sun and stars were just as large as they seemed to us.
The first treats of space, time, matter, movement; and in the solar system we have the representation of the idea in its general and abstract material form.
Having reached so far as to perceive that the central force of the solar system must decrease inversely as the square of the distance, and applied vainly to Wren and Hooke for further elucidation, he made in August 1684 that journey to Cambridge for the purpose of consulting Newton, which resulted in the publication of the Principia.
Its mathematical prediction was not only an unsurpassed intellectual feat; it showed also that Newton's law of gravitation, which Airy had almost called in question, prevailed even to the utmost bounds of the solar system.
Considered as a part of the universe, our solar system is insignificant in extent, though, for obvious reasons, great in practical importance to us, and in the facility with which we may gain knowledge relating to it.
A general idea of the relation of the solar system to the universe may be gained by reflecting that the average distance between any two neighbouring stars is several thousand times the extent of the solar system.
The special conditions which obtain in the solar system are such as to make the necessary approximation theoretically possible however complex the process may be.
Misled, however, into identifying it with magnetism, he imagined circulation in the solar system to be maintained through the material compulsion of fibrous emanations from the sun, carried round by his axial rotation.
It consisted, first, in the identification, by strict numerical comparisons, of terrestrial gravity with the mutual attraction of the heavenly bodies; secondly, in the following out of its mechanical consequences throughout the solar system.
It was especially adapted to the tracing out of " secular inequalities," or those depending upon changes in the orbital elements of the bodies affected by them, and hence progressing indefinitely with time; and by its means, accordingly, the mechanical stability of the solar system was splendidly demonstrated through the successive efforts of Lagrange and Laplace.
Not less comprehensive has been the work carried out by Professor Newcomb of raising to a higher grade of perfection, and reducing to a uniform standard, all the theories and constants of the solar system.
Those relating to the moon and planets, corrected by Sir George Airy, 1840-1846, form part of the standard materials for discussing theories of movement in the solar system.
And it is by the consideration of this partial accordance in motion that the advance through space of the solar system has been ascertained.
Even in the time of Copernicus some well-meaning persons, especially those of the reformed persuasion, had suspected a discrepancy between the new view of the solar system and certain passages of Scripture - a suspicion strengthened by the antiChristian inferences drawn from it by Giordano Bruno; but the question was never formally debated until Galileo's brilliant disclosures, enhanced by his formidable dialectic and enthusiastic zeal, irresistibly challenged for it the attention of the authorities.
At the same time it was given to be understood that the new theory of the solar system might be held ex hypothesi, and the trivial verbal alterations introduced into the Polish astonomer's book in 1620, when the work of revision was completed by Cardinal Gaetani, confirmed this interpretation.
By these momentous inductions the geometrical theory of the solar system was perfected, and a hitherto unimagined symmetry was perceived to regulate the mutual relations of its members.
But the explanation of this phenomenon is equally consistent with the geocentric as with the heliocentric theory of the solar system.
Suppose that from the centre of gravity of the solar system (instead of which we may, if we choose, take the centre of the sun), lines or radii vectores be drawn to every body of the solar system.
In the case of the solar system the moment of Jupiter is so preponderant that the position of the invariable plane does not deviate much from that of the orbit of Jupiter.
It seems not unlikely that the final conclusion will be that instead of the reflecting matter being composed of solid particles it is an exceedingly tenuous gaseous envelope surrounding the sun and revolving on an axis the mean position of which is between that of the sun's equator and that of the invariable plane of the solar system.
You have the dominant armies in this galaxy, and the other civilizations in your solar system are sick of the war.
Objects in our own solar system - including planets and comets - are also revealed in much greater detail by infrared astronomy.
You can use the Computer of the Gods to scale down the solar system so that it is in bite size chunks.
The impact of millions to billions of carbonaceous meteorites in the early solar system may have replenished the water supply on the terrestrial planets.
Arnold goes on to describe the solar system entering the Dark Rift!
Our solar system is an insignificant speck within that.
He rejects the attempt to explain human personality as " generated by the material molecular aggregate of its own unaided latent power," and affirms that the " universe where the human spirit is more at home than it is among these temporary collocations of matter" is " a universe capable of infinite development, of noble contemplation, and of lofty joy, long after this planet - nay the whole solar system - shall have fulfilled its present spire of destiny, and retired cold and lifeless upon its endless way " (pp. 199-200).
Considering that our sun is but a star, or but one of the millions of stars, it is of interest to see whether any other systems present indication of a nebulous origin analogous to that which Laplace proposed for the solar system.
The discovery by improved optical means, and especially by photography, of new bodies of our system so small that they evaded all scrutiny in former times, is still going on, but does not at present promise any important generalization, unless we regard as such the conclusion that our solar system is a more complex organism than was formerly supposed.
His range of ideas was, however, restricted; and the attempt embodied in his ground-plan of the solar system to revive the ephemeral theory of Heraclides failed to influence the development of thought.
Instead of fitting the solar system around the earth, we should make the earth with the other planets revolve around the sun.
Arnold goes on to describe the solar system entering the Dark Rift !
Most people have heard of sun signs, but each planet in the solar system travels through one zodiac sign at a time, with some going very slowly, and only changing signs every few years.
It will be discovered that a solar system revolves around Arcturus and the Pleiades.
This debris is still traveling thru space toward our solar system because of the astral winds and gravitational pull of the planets and our sun.