Sodium-bicarbonate Sentence Examples
The more usual method is to take milling soap, neutralize it with sodium bicarbonate or a mixture of fatty acids, and, after perfuming, it is aerated by mixing the hot soap with air in a specially designed crutcher.
By this means, sodium aluminate is formed; it is then extracted with water and precipitated either by sodium bicarbonate or by passing a current of carbon dioxide through the solution.
A lotion of sodium bicarbonate is useful to allay itching.
There the reaction mentioned above takes place, and Owing to the concentration of the liquid the sodium bicarbonate formed is to a great extent precipitated in the shape of small crystals, forming with the mother-liquor a thin magma.
On the other hand the cooling must not be carried too far, for in this case the crystals of sodium bicarbonate become so fine that the muddy mass is very difficult to filter.
Here a separation takes place between the crystals of sodium bicarbonate and the mother-liquor.
Arsenic can also be estimated by volumetric methods; for this purpose it must be in the arsenious condition, and the method of estimation consists in converting it into the arsenic condition by means of a standard solution of iodine, in the presence of a cold saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate.
Cleaning the affected area with diluted bleach or sodium bicarbonate solution will aid the removal of these growths.
These products contain potassium citrate, sodium citrate or sodium bicarbonate.
Andrew Harrison and Kevin Thompson investigate the benefits of sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate.
AdvertisementThere were 8 adverse reactions in the experimental group; the safer option of using sodium bicarbonate would be an efficacious alternative.
Common human electrolytes are sodium chloride, potassium, calcium, and sodium bicarbonate.
Iron toxicity is treated by efforts to remove the remaining iron from the stomach by administering a solution of 5 percent sodium bicarbonate.
Sodium hydrogen carbonate is also known as sodium bicarbonate.
You often find sodium bicarbonate in antacids, baking powder, and effervescent liquids.
AdvertisementChemically, sodium bicarbonate is a base.
Many home cooks used to add a little bit of sodium bicarbonate when they cooked vegetables because it softened them.
Sodium bicarbonate hastened this process, because the base properties of the sodium bicarbonate reacted with the acid properties of the vitamin C, rendering it neutral.
When heat and sodium bicarbonate combine, the two result in much less vitamin C in the fruits or vegetables you eat; however, how about sodium bicarbonate on its own?
Vegetables soaked in a solution of sodium bicarbonate and water begin to soften and lose their vitamin C just as when heat is applied.
AdvertisementFortunately, the practice of cooking vegetables in sodium bicarbonate and water has gone out of fashion.
If you are still concerned, check package labels of frozen or canned vegetables to make sure that sodium bicarbonate is not a listed ingredient.
Possible chemical adjustments include adding pH to bring the level up or down and adjusting the alkalinity by using a sodium bicarbonate based product.
The active ingredients include sodium bicarbonate and magnesium carbonate, which work to neutralize odor.