Socially Sentence Examples
Socially they suffered by the outburst of religious animosity.
It was not yet socially safe to be a confessed religious sceptic.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.
Though not for many years a financial success, the Inter-Colonial railway, which was opened in 1876, has in a marked way fulfilled its object by binding together socially and industrially widely separated portions of the Dominion.
Economically and socially the crusades had disastrous effects upon the Jews.
Grammar schools are hugely socially divisive, she said.
The main target group for the scheme is people within socially disadvantaged communities.
I have many interests and am quite outgoing socially.
Increased communication between different humanities disciplines would be welcomed, as would better ways to socially contextualize texts and genres.
People particularly socialists have always thought that inequality was socially corrosive.
AdvertisementCommerce was closed to the nobility, being considered socially degrading.
The refugees targeted by the above project are often socially isolated and economically depressed.
Giving a " socially desirable " answer or the one you think the employer is looking for is dangerous.
It is not economically efficient nor socially equitable to have such a divergence of circumstances and it is environmentally disastrous.
In sociological terms they represent a socially constructed body of falsehood and legitimation ideology, and a hegemonic discourse.
AdvertisementJust as Ripley Holden's ' progress ' involved socially disruptive folly.
By social polarization we mean the various ways in which many areas are becoming more socially distinct over time.
We need far earlier intervention with some of these families, who are often socially excluded and socially dysfunctional.
People with Williams syndrome are socially fearless, impulsive, erratic, and highly empathic, but they're excessively anxious about non-social situations.
Last year I was involved in a series of Symposia exploring Socially engaged practice what was also called Art in Social Context.
AdvertisementGood Company is the independent magazine for " socially enterprising people " in Scotland.
People on low incomes will often need specific regulatory policies to ensure a socially equitable outcome in the communications marketplace.
Hitler was generally distrustful of the Army which he viewed as socially conservative and ideologically too tame.
Faith Schools There are also legitimate concerns about faith schools becoming socially divisive.
A purely ethical approach has been replaced with a socially responsible viewpoint that encompasses a wide range of environmental and social concerns.
AdvertisementFocus on the socially excluded - either economic or gender exclusion.
Fischer was reclusive, socially gauche and a slave to chess, tho his other interests included expensive suits, money and rock.
Do such areas exhibit features of socially mobile neighborhoods or do they show signs of drifting toward poverty ghetto conditions?
The reason here for using a socially heterogenous subject pool is to model more closely the normal linguistic situation in which we live.
Could there be a more socially inept group of the population?
You just have to stay up to date with who's banging who, or else you become completely socially inept.
The project visits households in socially deprived areas ensuring they have an equal opportunity to participate in recycling initiatives.
The " easing out " approach is socially irresponsible.
The stigma surrounding epilepsy can make some feel less outgoing and socially isolated.
Baytree opens the door to education and widens the participation of the socially isolated and disadvantaged.
Similarly, both parties have socially libertarian tendencies, which are a minority in each party.
Unhappily, one group of such children is not easily assimilated the one which contains socially and psychologically maladapted children.
Within 10 years gaming was no longer a niche hobby enjoyed by the socially maladjusted.
The socially ostracized people have been trained in various crafts and their products are now marketed all over the country.
Now I'm not particularly outgoing socially, but I started to tell him about the village and surrounding area.
In a world where profit usually beats principle, how can socially responsible investment become palatable?
Drinking is a socially accepted practice, but alcohol is a potentially dangerous indulgence.
I have literally dozens of AA friends and almost everything I do socially is with them.
So it is becoming more and more socially unacceptable to smoke.
People under Wood are socially responsible.
His wife Mabel is socially inept and emotionally insecure.
We are not in the Ministry to minister to refugees, asylum seekers, or socially marginalized people in communities or nations.
The objects are reinscribed into a socially meaningful language.
I am, perhaps, in a minority among socially permissive liberals in not viewing pornography as a ' victimless crime ' .
All they have to do is recognize that they are socially phobic.
It is the church that is associated with elitist grammar schools and the socially privileged.
No private company would have experimented with such socially progressive innovations in building homes.
To be socially radical, we must generate the revenue to sustain that radicalism.
Privatization and a growing divide Opening the gas and electricity market Socially responsible suppliers?
Indeed, only the most socially retarded among us would attempt to hold an event without laying on the alcohol.
Thus pornography comes of age when, taken closer to its root, it becomes satirical, and then socially critical.
In tribal societies in which climate and custom permit scant clothing, body scarification is common and considered as artistically and socially valuable.
They are the largest socially segregated group anywhere in the world, and make up nearly 3 per cent of the world's population.
I set up Jackson's Row [a reform synagogue] football team with friends with whom I still often play and meet socially.
Second homes = socially undesirable = increase taxes to discourage.
As well as being profoundly socially unjust, the Tories were also grossly inefficient.
In many passages of his works on pathology, physiology, and psychology Lotze had distinctly stated that the method of research which he advocated there did not give an explanation of the phenomena of life and mind, but only the means of observing and connecting them together; that the meaning of all phenomena, and the reason of their peculiar connexions, was a philosophical problem which required to be attacked from a different point of view; and that the significance especially which lay in the phenomena of life and mind would only unfold itself if by an exhaustive survey of the entire life of man, individually, socially, and historically, we gain the necessary data for deciding what meaning attaches to the existence of this microcosm, or small world of human life, in the macrocosm of the universe.
Socially he was genial and courteous, though in argument he occasionally lost his temper.
They are the largest socially segregated group anywhere in the world, and make up nearly 3 per cent of the world 's population.
Socially, the Club has an active program of events ranging the Annual Dinner to occasional skittles nights.
There is little or no evidence that the Neolithic communities were socially stratified or that there were central authorities.
I 'm entirely supportive of the concept of Christians becoming socially involved.
I set up Jackson 's Row [a Reform synagogue] football team with friends with whom I still often play and meet socially.
Our readers are renowned for their active approach to life; the majority are young, socially aware, professional and voracious lifestyle consumers.
Jamie might be a little socially inept, but she is the kindest person I know.
This means that you may need to wait to start solid foods, whole milk, etc, and your baby may not develop socially and physically as quickly as other babies who were born full-term.
They still use it in their schools as well as socially, mostly within families or tightly knit small groups.
Learn to say no to invitations if it is something that you do not really want to attend or if you are feeling overwhelmed or socially overstretched.
Essentially it's someone who is your equal either socially, legally or otherwise.
The function of etiquette is to have some pre-established rules or expectations for socially appropriate behavior.
Even though etiquette can change over time, it tends to keep important events sacred and helps people understand what is socially normal.
It has always been considered socially unacceptable to inform guests about your registry locations unless they specifically ask you.
These types of programs can be useful for giving women the necessary help - physically, emotionally and socially - to overcome the addiction and deal with the issues that lead to it.
Additionally, it is not unusual for someone with BDD to become socially isolated and experience considerable diffculties with intimate relationships, school and employment.
This is my second CD, which is very politically and socially conscious.
Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas - not only politically, but also culturally, socially, and economically.
They believe that modesty and shame are socially imposed restrictions on the freedom of the naked body, and that eroticism is not a necessary condition of nakedness.
Delta has committed to be environmentally and socially ethical.
They carry organic baby products and use companies dedicated to socially responsible manufacturing practices.
It has to do with thinking about how today's choices will affect the world of tomorrow, not just environmentally but also socially and economically.
Choosing fair trade organic coffee is one way that socially conscious consumers can support small farm owners who are committed to sustainable agriculture and economically equitable business practices.
Out of that business, Clelia started Surya Brasil with a dedicated commitment to socially and environmentally responsible initiatives by creating body care products that were healthy and natural.
Being socially responsible to me means acting, as a person and as a company, in accordance with our highest values to do no harm, and in fact to help create a more sustainable and compassionate world.
Annie's Homegrown only sources from people they know and trust and attempts to be a socially responsible, positive role model for other business and consumers alike.
Many companies that are committed to organics are also committed to Fair Trade and other socially responsible practices.
You may find that you are paying premium prices, but you are making an investment in both the environment and your pet's health as well as being socially responsible.
Various research shows that the more socially active an individual is, and the more senior activities they participate in, the healthier they tend to be as well.
Boredom and lack of social interaction - Some seniors may find that without work they are socially isolated and need contact with others.
This program creates a secure community where individuals with these age-related diseases can live safely and remain in a community context that is socially stimulating.
Children whose parents are both responsive and demanding continue to thrive psychologically and socially during the middle childhood years.
In addition, encouraging open communication with children can help them grow both emotionally and socially.
Providing a loving and supportive home environment can help to nurture an emotionally healthy child who is independent, self-confident, socially skilled, insightful, and empathetic towards others.
The symptoms of Tourette syndrome are usually motor and/or vocal tics, although in some children other symptoms such as socially inappropriate comments, and socially inappropriate or self-injurious behaviors sometimes occur.
Perhaps the most striking example of this is coprolalia, the involuntary expression of obscene or socially inappropriate words or phrases, which occurs in fewer than one-third of people with Tourette syndrome.
People with Tourette syndrome are more likely to exhibit non-obscene, socially inappropriate behaviors such as expressing insulting or socially unacceptable comments or performing socially unacceptable actions.
Undesirable or socially unacceptable behaviors that interfere with the acquisition of desired skills and with the performance of everyday activities are classified as maladaptive behaviors, or more commonly, behavior problems.
Maladaptive behavior-Undesirable and socially unacceptable behavior that interferes with the acquisition of desired skills or knowledge and with the performance of everyday activities.
Since behavior is socially defined, a child's performance must be considered within the context of the cultural environments and social expectations that affect his or her functioning.
Some middleborns become very socially skilled because they have learned to negotiate and compromise daily with their siblings and their parents.
Middle children have also been found to succeed in team sports, and both they and lastborns have been found to be more socially adjusted if they come from large families.
As a group, they have been found to be the most successful socially and to have the highest self-esteem of all the birth positions.
Youngest children may feel weak and helpless because they compare themselves with older siblings who are able to do more things physically and socially.
Inchildhood, girls with gender identity disorder experience less overall social rejection than boys, as it is more socially acceptable for a girl to be a tomboy than for a boy to be perceived as a "sissy."
They may become severely depressed, anxious, or socially withdrawn.
Children who have a wide repertoire of social skills and who are socially aware and perceptive are likely to be socially competent.
Popular and socially competent children are able to consider the perspectives of others, can sustain their attention to the play task, and are able to remain self-controlled in situations involving conflict.
Socially competent children are also sensitive to the nuances of "play etiquette."
However, some shy children are highly anxious socially and uncomfortable around peers in many situations.
A trained group leader helps guide the children in their use of the skill and provides support and positive feedback to help children become more natural and spontaneous in socially skillful behavior.
If they then generalize these socially incompetent behaviors to their peer interactions, peer rejection may result.
In childhood, girls with gender identity disorder experience less overall social rejection than boys, as it is more socially acceptable for a girl to be a tomboy than for a boy to be perceived as feminine.
They often attempt to pass socially as the opposite sex.
Children with SLI are not cognitively impaired and are not withdrawn or socially aloof like the autistic child.
Children with SLI are not cognitively impaired and are not withdrawn or socially aloof like an autistic child.
Peer acceptance is the degree to which a child or adolescent is socially accepted by peers.
In addition, diagnosis is complicated by the fact that children often learn to mask their tics by converting them to more socially acceptable or apparently voluntary movements or sounds.
With their peers, abused children are often more aggressive and more likely to be socially rejected than nonabused children.
Less mature socially, abused children show difficulty in developing trusting relationships with others.
Learning English quickly in English-only classrooms is best for ELLs, both academically and socially.
Giving a "time out," having the child go to his or her room or another quiet area for a set period of time or until able to interact in a socially acceptable manner, is an effective means of dealing with this form of acting out.
Having tantrums is a normal part of growing up; however, they are not socially acceptable behavior.
Head Start provides children with work that helps them grow mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically.
Children with this condition look noticeably different than their peers, and may feel rejected by their friends and socially isolated.
They are commonly understood to be a loosely-organized association of socially excluded, alienated, or bigoted individuals acting together within a fluid structure with informal leadership.
This testing and accompanying frustration often manifests itself in tantrums and other socially unacceptable behaviors such as an unwillingness to share toys.
This can be a normal, if not socially desirable, stage of development.
Also, people from a socially conservative or religious background may experience feelings of guilt during or after masturbation.
Bullying is generally viewed as a form of harassment committed by a child or children who are older, stronger, or otherwise more powerful socially, upon weaker adolescents.
Children who attend preschool are better prepared to enter kindergarten, both academically and socially.
Adolescents with hypogonadism may have problems fitting in socially due to delayed sexual development.
With early identification and intervention, careful compliance with a treatment program, and a supportive and nurturing home and school environment, children with AD/HD can flourish socially and academically.
Individual sports such as karate, swimming, tennis, etc. are less socially demanding than team sports; yet they provide an opportunity for the child to thrive in a competitive activity.
This means that most people with Down syndrome can be trained to do regular self-care tasks, function in a socially appropriate manner in a normal home environment, and even hold simple jobs.
Their creativity is influenced by their individual differences, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
It is now considered one of the grandparents of modern ballroom dance, and is celebrated today both socially and competitively in its traditional and adapted forms.
Part of what has brought American Harlequin dance floors to prominence in the field of dance, both socially and professionally, is the wide variety of solutions the floors provide.
As a partner dance, swing dancing is as fun socially as it is physically.
Choosing Aveda hair products is a socially and environmentally responsible decision, but the plant extracts and natural ingredients may not be the best choices for everyone.
Although the world may seem more open-minded and liberal, not every emo style will prove socially acceptable.
Not only can homeschooling benefit a child educationally and socially, but homeschooling can also give parents a daily platform to teach values to his child and monitor the practicing of such values.
Whether a homeschooled child develops and thrives socially directly depends on the amount of time and effort put forth by the parents.
Verizon considers itself a socially responsible company that gives back to local and global communities, and is a workforce committed to employee diversity.
Overall, a sustainable job is socially responsible and environmentally curative.
In most parts of North America and the UK, topless swimming and sunbathing is still seen as risqué to socially unacceptable; nonetheless the wearing of a simple bikini bottom with no top is becoming increasingly popular.
According to scientists children who engage in free, imaginative play become more socially adept as adults.
For many decades, it just was not socially acceptable for women to wear jeans.
Research shows that proper nutrition allows kids to perform better in school and function better socially.
Since the elite still wanted to have a good time, they developed costume parties that discouraged the use of masks and termed them "fancy dress" balls, so as to broadcast to everyone that these were fun, but socially acceptable, parties.
Online dating has become increasingly socially acceptable since the start of the new millennium.
Based on the way you and this guy dated and how he ended it, I would say that you dated a guy who hasn't matured emotionally or socially.
On the other hand, it could be that he is socially inept and just missing your cues of being interested and available.
If he is available and just shy or socially inept, you will get this information as well.
If you've been in a relationship for a long time, you likely share some of the same friends and will see each other again, either socially or casually as you shop in the same stores and attend the same parties.
Some guys might also seem socially awkward due to initial nervousness, but once they relax and open up, they are fun to flirt with.
These people seek to be socially significant or unusual to feel emotionally fulfilled.
Except in the case of role playing games played alone on a computer, your child will need to socially interact with others in order to participate in an RPG.
Kids with high interpersonal intelligence are typically very socially aware.
In the shoe industry since the early seventies, Earth has prided itself on its socially responsible attitude.
Socially conscious Kenneth Cole carries a stunning array of pumps, slingbacks, wedges and boots.
The ladies captivated millions of viewers each week as they tackled socially relevant topics from sexually transmitted diseases to the sisterhood of single life.
The Young and the Restless began airing on network television in 1973, and is considered to be one of the most diverse and cutting edge soap operas on the air with its plotlines that are socially conscious and even a bit daring at times.
As tattoos have become more socially acceptable, more women are getting feminine lower back tattoos.
As with most cultural phenomena that starts out on the societal fringe, these ghetto inspired designs are becoming more socially acceptable than they once were.
My goal always is to assist my students to grow intellectually, socially, morally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Social difficulties-Autistic children often struggle to interact socially with others, and they may be unable to maintain true relationships with peers.
He may struggle emotionally and socially.
Using stories as behavior modeling tools for children to learn how to better interact socially.
Preoccupation and focus of limited interests can interfere with the Aspie's ability to connect socially.
He further points out that girls are more likely to be enrolled in speech, drama, or dance lessons, thus providing them with the skills to become socially adept in many facets of their environment.
Yet, in other conditions, the child will seem to develop normally and then will begin to withdraw and become unable to interact with others socially.
Many Asperger teens end up becoming very withdrawn and socially isolated.
They may appear socially awkward because of differences in social response in common situations.
You can also use this opportunity to tell a social story that teaches about social interaction socially appropriate behavior.
The Subject Cards in Let's Talk required him to talk about a wide variety of topics and he soon discovered that talking about other subjects was socially rewarding.
Special efforts are made to service minority members of socially and economically disadvantaged groups, veterans, women and the disabled.
Companies guided by the stakeholder perspective are typically those that hold themselves - and their employees - accountable for conducting business in a socially responsible manner.
Socially, this covers a large gray area of androgyny and people who have rejected traditional gender roles - including icons like World War II's Rosie the Riveter, Michael Keaton's Mr. Mom movie, or even pop stars such as David Bowie.
Lastly, some diets, such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, can cause intestinal distress, not to mention make you socially unacceptable.
California Organized Investment Network (COIN) - Another way Californians can recognize a socially responsible insurance company is based on the list of insurers within California that invest into the COIN program.
Socially conservative older women have long been the leading consumers of full-cut briefs, with some going so far as to buy pairs for their daughters and granddaughters.
Mindless Self Indulgence simply does not yet display these very necessary attributes for a political or socially minded sound.
Even hip indie kids find it socially acceptable to dance to The Rapture's music.
Although he sometimes struggled socially, being two years younger than the other students, he excelled academically throughout his school career and was valedictorian of his high school class.
During the early years of puberty, many teenagers feel socially awkward at a boy-girl party.
I consider myself socially competent, which is way more important to building a fulfilling, meaningful life.
Not all skin problems are as serious as cancer, but they can hinder you socially and even cause some pain.
The company was also named one of the top "socially responsible" companies in the United States.
Once in a while they did things together socially, usually to fulfill mandated coupling at necessary functions and seldom for the entertainment of either.
At this time also he developed an ardent love of France, a country which was politically in antagonism with his own, though so closely linked to it geographically, socially and by language.
A previously unknown tribe, the Chingmis, were discovered in Eastern Bhutan, who are socially on a higher level than the Bhutias, and differ from them chiefly in the matter of wearing pigtails.
Socially and educationally the upland has furnished an interesting example of decadence.
A vast measure of freedom, compared with their position under the Austrian regime, has been granted to women both politically and socially.
Albemarle county was then in the frontier wilderness of the Blue Ridge, and was very different, socially, from the lowland counties where 'a few broad-acred families dominated an open-handed, somewhat luxurious and assertive aristocracy.
The Beni remained politically and socially almost unaffected by European influence until the occupation of their country by the British in 1897, their connexion with the white men having previously been almost confined to matters of trade.
Rev. Martin and his socially conscious wife must have dined there many a time, perhaps as poor Annie, like some wayward match girl, hovered outside.
Love isn't a factor at your age or really at all, if you stop to think about how it's nothing more than a form of socially acceptable codependence.
Politically and socially, the Internet, once fully developed and widely installed, could indeed offer Cameroonians many avenues to address current predicaments.
Before joining academia full time Frank worked for asset managers in the field of Socially Responsible Investments.
Top of Page HOW WOMEN ARE BETTER THAN DOGS It is socially acceptable to have sexual relations with a woman.
Individuals skilled at accurately gaging affective responses in others are usually talented at choosing socially adaptive behaviors, in their response.
Bowie, Belinda Carlisle and Melanie C. Because they're all decent human beings and socially adept.
The limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate safe foods, or limited or uncertain ability to acquire foods in socially acceptable ways.
However, being the child of parents who spent their working lives in foreign postings, I became socially very agile.
Some examples of modern anarchism in action seem to spring from socially similar roots.
That's a long time to be watching two socially awkward individuals sitting with their faces cupped in their hands.
Their programs are aimed not only at the socially excluded but are places where young people from all socio-economic backgrounds are brought together.
In this sense the stereotyping process is a " double edged sword " either potentially promoting socially beneficent norms or negating them.
Socially excluded neighborhoods also feel the brunt of the childcare deficit.
D ' I have had an incredibly busy year, both academically and socially.
The vehicle makers have a (short) history of socially inspired legislation including catalytic converters.
Individuals who drink alcohol socially may develop alcoholic liver damage, including cirrhosis.
Together, they met up socially with the third member of their team, Amy Howard, a circus clown.
We were continuing to do all we could to build a socially cohesive society.
The pros probably outweigh the cons in terms of what it will do for her socially.
However, central and local government should have more courage in their convictions to support plans which are environmentally acceptable and socially constructive.
If Web sites are to become socially inclusive, all users must be able to enjoy shared experiences.
It's a lifelong neurological impairment that affects the ability to speak, play or socially interact; I felt my knees grow weak.
The project employs qualified black mentors and also works with the most socially excluded minority racial groups such as asylum seekers and refugees.
The targets do not have to be socially optimal, however.
Others who believe humans are innately aggressive and completely self-oriented are more likely to accept psychoanalytic theories where morality is the learned management of socially destructive internal drives.
Socially conscious lyrics replaced the party themes.
Options let you add media to your buzz product and provide opportunities to meet in professional gatherings and spread the word as you socially interact with others.
It's also a thoroughly socially networked site, with readers posting their own opinions of the way things work.
While a common use of this technique is to surf non-work-appropriate sites while on the job, a more socially relevant use is by political dissidents in repressive countries who are organizing and providing freedom of information.
Like the nobles, again, the burgesses had the right of confirming royal grants and of taking part in legislation; and they may be said to have formed - socially, politically and judicially - an independent and powerful estate.
More distinguished in his own day than any of these was Mead (1673-1754), one of the most accomplished and socially successful physicians of modern times.
Across the Housatonic is the borough of Shelton (pop. 1900, 2837), which is closely related, socially and industrially, to Derby, the two having a joint board of trade.
Polygamy prevailed among the chiefs and rulers, and women were subject to all the humiliations of the tabu system, which subjected them to many privations, and kept them socially in a condition of inferiority to the other sex.
Rapid settlement, excessive prices, reckless waste of money, and wild commercial ventures that glutted San Francisco with all objects usable and unusable made the following years astounding from an economic point of view; but not less bizarre was the social development, nor less extraordinary the problems of state-building in a society " morally and socially tried as no other American community ever has been tried " (Royce).
Certain it is that though the unprejudiced must admit that exclusion has not been at all an unmixed blessing, yet the consensus of opinion is that a large population, non-citizen and non-assimilable, sending - it is said - most of their earnings to China, living in the main meanly at best, and practically without wives, children or homes, is socially and economically a menace outweighing the undoubted convenience of cheaper (and frequently more trustworthy) menial labour than the other population affords.
They dealt with them in the way the white race usually deals with the coloured race - they kept them socially apart.
Among many remarkable qualities they have been distinguished from the earliest times by a species of commensalism, or power of living among other nations without becoming either socially merged or politically distinct.
It was the Roman patron and client relationship which had remained in existence into the days of the empire, in later times less important perhaps legally than socially, and which had been reinforced in Gaul by very similar practices in use among the Celts before their conquest.
Originally the socially salutary action was in the main that which was enjoined on the individual by his political and religious superiors and by social sentiment; it was also in the main that to which his higher, more complex and re-representative feelings prompted.
It was socially significant that he and his political collaborators were drawn of the stock of newly emancipated peasants.
Demands for yarn cannot be expected to come always at the most favourable time socially for the distribution of the cotton.