Social-democrats Sentence Examples
In 1891 the National Liberals had but a majority of one in the diet; from 1893 they could maintain themselves only with the aid of the Conservatives; and in 1897 a coalition of Ultramontanes, Socialists, Social-democrats and Radicals (Freisinnige), won a majority for the opposition in the chamber.
The Social Democrats were believed not to be averse from Stinnes' vaster scheme, as it corresponded in certain aspects with their own plans, when they were in power, for coordinating all German industries, pending the possibility of socializing them.
A widespread agitation was the outcome, and the temper of the people, of what became known as the " Red Kingdom," was displayed in the elections of 1903 to the German imperial parliament, when, under the system of universal suffrage, of 23 members returned 22 were Social Democrats.
In the elections of 1906, however, only 8 of the Social Democrats succeeded in retaining their seats.
The Social Democrats in particular had always insisted that the working-classes were necessarily international.
Thus it happened that the elections to the Reichsrat in July 1911 were characterized by a temporary coalition of the German Liberals with the Social Democrats against the Christian Socialist party; this led to heavy losses on the part of the latter, especially in the towns.
The Social Democrats were well organized among the industrial workers and agricultural labourers.
They pursued a national as opposed to an international social policy, being thus opponents of the Social Democrats and in particular antagonistic to Communism.
The Ortskrankenkassen, which endeavour to include workmen of a like trade, have to a great extent, especially in Saxony, fallen under the control of the Social Democrats.
The popular expectations were expressed in the saying attributed to him, that he would crush the Liberals against the wall The opportunity was given by the Social Democrats.
AdvertisementThe constant increase of the Social Democrats had for some years caused much uneasiness not only to the government, but also among the middle classes.
Attacks on religion, though nOt an essential part of the party programme, were common, and practically all avowed Social Democrats were hostile to Christianity.
These qualities, combined with the open criticism of the institutions of marriage, of monarchy, and of all forms of private property, joined to the deliberate attempt to stir up class hatred, which was indeed an essential part of their policy, caused a widespread feeling that the Social Democrats were a serious menace to civilization.
The first use which Bismarck made of the new parliament was to deal with the Social Democrats.
Even before 1870 a protest was raised against this system among the Roman Catholics, who were chiefly concerned for the preservation of family life, which was threatened by the growth of the factory system and also by the teaching of the Social Democrats.
AdvertisementThe result of this has been that the Social Democrats have failed to conquer the Catholic as they have the Protestant districts.
The general tendency among the numerous societies of Christian Socialism, which broke up almost as quickly as they appeared, was to drift from the alliance with the ultra-Conservatives and to adopt the economic and many of the political doctrines of the Social Democrats.
Then there were the fourteen Social Democrats who had won their seats under the new franchise.
During the recess he tried to open negotiations, but Social Democrats.
P PP Chamber from being overwhelmed at any critical moment by an influx of crown nominees appointed ad hoc. The general election which took place amid considerable enthusiasm on the 14th of May resulted in a sweeping victory for the Social Democrats whose number rose from II to 87; in a less complete triumph for the Christian Socialists who increased from 27 to 67; and in the success of the extremer over the conservative elements in all races.
AdvertisementUnattached Czech Social Democrats Of all races Poles Democrats Conservatives Populists .
On the other hand, though a strong opponent of militarism, he publicly stated that foreign nations attacking Germany must not expect the help or the neutrality of the Social Democrats.
He was engaged at this time in a great struggle with the Social-Democrats, whom he tried to crush by exceptional penal laws.
You could talk about the Swedish social democrats or the French socialists, but this was taboo.
But since when have Social-Democrats made it a practice to bring grist to the mill of the reactionaries?
AdvertisementAs their circumstances improve, American leftists in time might acquire the self-confidence to call themselves social democrats rather than liberals!
Now there are libertarians demanding a total free market, the moderates have become blue Social Democrats.
You could talk about the Swedish Social Democrats or the French socialists, but this was taboo.
We Russian Social-Democrats declare that we consider such justification sheer sophistry.
Now there are libertarians demanding a total free market, the moderates have become blue social democrats.