Soap Sentence Examples
He smelled of soap, and his hair was wet.
Katie cupped a soap sud clad hand to her ear.
She focused on mixing dish soap and lemon juice in her palm.
The entire affair was a damn soap opera.
It had to be the shampoo or soap, because she wasn't wearing perfume.
Soap and chocolate are manufactured.
The chief industries are the manufacture of railway plant, cloth, wool, soap, shoddy, furniture, bricks and cement.
God, I sound like 'two o'clock, brought to you by Ivory soap, tune in again tomorrow.'
The faint smell of disinfectant soap was washed away by expensive cologne.
A warm embrace caught her mid-fall over the cliff, and the scent of soap and man penetrated her bewildered senses.
AdvertisementBesides manufactures of brandy, flour, oil, soap, linen and cloth, it has an active trade in wheat, wine and fruit, especially melons.
Sugar factories, distilleries, flour-mills, woollen mills, tanneries, potteries, tobacco factories, breweries, candle and soap factories, have an annual output valued at 4,000,000.
Dean considered his poking options as he used half a cake of soap to scrub away the stink of the mine.
The soap is now ready for framing.
In this way curd, mottled or marbled soap is formed, and such mottled appearance was formerly highly valued as an indication of freedom from excess of water or other adulteration, because in fitted soaps the impurities are either washed out or fall to the bottom of the mass in cooling.
AdvertisementNow, however, the mottled soaps, blue and grey, are produced by working colouring matter, ultramarine for blue, and manganese dioxide for grey, into the soap in the frame, and mottling is very far from being a certificate of excellence of quality.
Arsenical soap is very much employed by taxidermists for the preservation of the skins of birds and mammals.
Soft or green soap (potassium oleate), made by acting on olive oil with caustic potash, is also used; its preparation (Linamentum saponis) is known as opodeldoc. Curd soap is also used, and is chiefly a stearate of sodium.
The chief use of hard soap is in enemata, and as a suppository in children suffering from constipation; it also forms the basis of many pills; given in warm water it forms a ready emetic in cases of poisoning.
There are large slaughtering establishments, and factories for the refining of sugar and for the manufacture of tobacco goods, soap and perfumery, lead pencils, iron and steel, railway cars, chemicals, rubber goods, silk goods, dressed lumber, and malt liquors.
AdvertisementFinally, a place for soap, which is high enough so the person does not have to bend down low, is a great safety and convenience feature.
It includes a seat, handrails, and soap dish.
The mask should be cleaned daily with gentle, no abrasive soap.
You can try adjusting the straps and pads on your mask for a better fit, and wash your mask every day with warm water and soap to remove oil, dirt, and germs.
To clean, rinse the glasses in warm water and use a mild liquid soap.
AdvertisementMild soap and warm water may be used if necessary.
The spent lye of the washing being drained off, the soap is now " boiled for strength."
Steam is turned on, and, the mass being brought to a clear condition with weak lye or water, strong lye is added and the boiling continued with close steam till the lye attains such a state of concentration that the soap is no longer soluble in it, and it will separate from the caustic lye as from a common salt solution.
The contents of the pan are once more allowed to cool and settle, and the soap as now formed constitutes a pure curd coap, carrying with it some proportion of uncombined alkali, but containing the minimum amount of water.
It may be skimmed off the underlye and placed direct in the frames for solidification; but that is a practice scarcely at all followed, the addition of resin soap in the pan and the subsequent " crutching in " of silicate of soda and adulterant mixings being features common to the manufacture.
Yellow Soap consists of a mixture of any hard fatty soap with a variable proportion - up to 40% or more - of resin soap. That substance by itself has a tenacious gluey consistence, and its intermixture in excess renders the resulting compound soft and greasy.
The ordinary method of adding resin consists in stirring it in small fragments into the fatty soap in the stage of clear-boiling; but a better result is obtained by separately preparing a fatty soap and the resin soap, and combining the two in the pan after the underlye has been salted out and removed from the fatty soap. The compound then receives its strengthening boil, after which it is fitted by boiling with added water or weak lye, continuing the boil till by examination of a sample the proper consistency has been reached.
Treatment of Settled Soap. - The upper layer having been removed, the desired soap is ladled out or ran off to a crutcher, which is an iron pan provided with hand or mechanical stirring appliances.
It is here stirred till it becomes ropy, and the perfume, colour or any other substance desired in the soap is added.
Marine Soap. - These soaps are so named because they are not insoluble in a strong solution of salt; hence they form a lather and can be used for washing with sea-water.
Being thus soluble in salt water it cannot, of course, be salted out like common soaps; but if a very concentrated salt solution is used precipitation is effected, and a curd soap is separated so hard and refractory as to be practically useless.
Coconut soap also forms a principal ingredient in compound soaps meant to imitate curd and yellow soaps.
According to the second plan, the ordinary oil is treated as for the preparation of a curd soap, and to this the coconut soap separately saponified is added in the pan and both are boiled together till they form a homogeneous soap.
A further means of enabling a soap to contain large proportions of water and yet present a firm consistence is found in the use of silicate of soda.
The silicate in the form of a concentrated solution is crutched or stirred into the soap in a mechanical mixing machine after the completion of the saponification, and it appears to enter into a distinct chemical combination with the soap. While silicate soaps bear heavy watering, the soluble silicate itself is a powerful detergent, and it possesses certain advantages when used with hard waters.
Soft Soap. - Soft soaps are made with potash lyes, although in practice a small quantity of soda is also used to give the soap some consistence.
There is no separation of underlyes in potash soap, consequently the product contains the whole constituents of the oils used, as the operation of salting out is quite impracticable owing to the double decomposition which results from the action of salt, producing thereby a hard principally soda soap with formation of potassium chloride.
The making of soft soap, although thus a much less complex process than hard soap making, is one that demands much skill and experience for its success.
The manufacturer of toilet soap generally takes care to present his wares in convenient form and of agreeable appearance and smell; the more weighty duty of having them free from uncombined alkali is in many cases entirely overlooked.
Transparent soaps are prepared by dissolving ordinary soap in strong alcohol and distilling off the greater portion of the alcohol till the residue comes to the condition of a thick transparent jelly.
This, when cast into forms and allowed to harden and dry slowly, comes out as transparent soap. A class of transparent soap may also be made by the cold process, with the use of coco-nut oil, castor oil and sugar.
The finer soaps are perfumed by the cold method; the soap is shaved down to thin slices, and the essential oil kneaded into and mixed with it by special machinery, after which it is formed into cakes by pressure in suitable moulds.
A high class soap, which after framing contains about 30% of water, is brought down to a water content of 11-14% by drying in chambers through which warm air is circulated.
The soap is now milled in the form of ribbons with the perfume and colouring matter, and the resulting strips are welded into bars by forcing through a heated nozzle.
Glycerin soap ordinarily consists of about equal parts of pure hard soap and glycerin (the latter valuable for its emollient properties).
The soap is melted by heat, the glycerin is stirred in, and the mixture strained and poured into forms, in which it hardens but slowly into a transparent mass.
With excess of glycerin a fluid soap is formed, soap being soluble in that body, and such fluid soap has only feeble lathering properties.
Soap containing small proportions of glycerin, on the other hand, forms a very tenacious lather, and when soap bubbles of an enduring character are desired glycerin is added to the solution.
Soaps are also prepared in which large proportions of fine sharp sand, or of powdered pumice, are incorporated, and these substances, by their abrading action, powerfully assist the detergent influence of the soap on hands much begrimed by manufacturing operations.'
A few medicated soaps are prepared for internal use, among which are croton soap and jalap soap, both gentler cathartics than the uncompounded medicinal principles.
The more usual method is to take milling soap, neutralize it with sodium bicarbonate or a mixture of fatty acids, and, after perfuming, it is aerated by mixing the hot soap with air in a specially designed crutcher.
This property is usually obtained by mixing soft and hard soaps, or, more rarely, by adding gum tragacanth to a hard soap. In the textile trades the wool scourer employs a neutral olive-oil soap, or, on account of its cheapness, a neutral curd or curd mottled brand; the cotton cleanser, on the other hand, uses an alkaline soap, but for cleaning printed cottons a neutral olive-oil curd soap is used, for, in this case, free alkali and resin are objectionable; olive-oil soap, free from caustic alkali, but often with sodium carbonate, is also used in cleansing silk fibres, although hard soaps free from resin are frequently employed for their cheapness.
The most important points in soap analysis are (1) determination of the fatty matter, (2) of the total alkali, (3) of the substances insoluble in water, (4) of the water.
Saw-mills, iron foundries, chemicals, glass and soap works, shipbuilding yards and a cocoanut-oil factory in connexion with the soap-manufacture at Port Sunlight, England,are among the chief industrial establishments.
The principal industries are wool and cotton spinning, and the manufacture of porcelain, earthenware, boots, soap, oil, sparkling wines and beer.
Among the larger private establishments there existed in the same year seven breweries, one brandy distillery, two jam, two soap and candle factories, two building and furniture works, a factory for spinning thread, one iron and steel works, one paper and one ammonia and soda factory, and one mineral-oil refinery.
Tobacco, soap, soda, beer and furniture are manufactured, and there is a considerable trade in timber and grain.
Hamilton is the seat of Colgate University, which was founded in 1819, under the name of the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution, as a training school for the Baptist ministry, was chartered as Madison University in 1846, and was renamed in 1890 in honour of the Colgate family, several of whom, especially William (1783-1857), the soap manufacturer, and his sons, James Boorman (1818-1904), and Samuel (1822-1897), were its liberal benefactors.
The industries include the spinning of jute, flax, hemp and cotton, iron-founding, brewing, and the manufacture of machinery, fishing-nets, sailcloth, sacks, casks, and soap. There are also saw-and flour-mills, petroleum refineries and oil-works.
Pamplona has a flourishing agricultural trade, besides manufactures of cloth, linen stuffs, flour, soap, leather, cards, paper, earthenware, iron and nails.
There are several large tobacco factories, flour mills, boot factories, sugar refineries, tanneries, tallow works, meat-preserving, glue and kerosene-oil factories and soap works.
The chief manufacture is paint ("Schweinfurt green" is a well-known brand in Germany), introduced in 1809; but beer, sugar, machinery, soap and other drysalteries, straw-paper and vinegar are also produced.
The free fatty acid radicle then unites with an alkali, and becomes transformed into a soluble soap which is then readily absorbed in this fluid condition by the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane.
It is an important centre of trade, and has tanneries, oil, flour, tallow, dye, soap and iron works; knitting is an important domestic industry.
The chief industrial establishments are smelting furnaces for cobalt, meat-preserving works at Ouaco, sugar-works and distilleries at Noumea and La Foa, tobacco, oil and soap factories at Noumea.
The inhabitants grow hemp, Indian corn, coffee, sibucao, cacao, cocoanuts (for copra) and sugar, weave rough fabrics and manufacture tuba (a kind of wine used as a stimulant), clay pots and jars, salt and soap. There is some fishing here.
Manufactures include cotton and woollen fabrics, tobacco, spirits, soap and tiles.
The principal industries are brewing, soap manufacture and tanning.
The Hevea product is obtained annually by tapping the trees and coagulating the sap over a smoky fire, but the caucho is procured by felling the tree and collecting the sap in a hollow in the ground where it is coagulated by stirring in a mixture of soap and the juice of a plant called vetilla.
Other sources of employment are the cutting of hair for making hats, the production of fancy goods, type, machinery, soap and perfumery, ready-made clothing, chemicals, electro-technical apparatus, jewelry and metal wares.
The leading industries are manufactures of linen and cotton goods, especially canvas and tarpaulin, and of soap, paper, chemicals, starch, glass, leather, spirits and flour.
In addition to cash registers, the city's manufactured products include agricultural implements, clay-working machinery, cotton-seed and linseed oil machinery, filters, turbines, railway cars (the large Barney-Smith car works employed 1800 men in 1905), carriages and wagons, sewingmachines (the Davis Sewing Machine Co.), automobiles, clothing, flour, malt liquors, paper, furniture, tobacco and soap. The total value of the manufactured product, under the "factory system," was $31,015,293 in 1900 and $39,596,773 in 1905.
Brewing, saw-milling, boat-building, and the manufacture of biscuits, soap and submarine cables are also carried on.
There are also potteries, paper, soap and shoe factories, flour mills and breweries, and the many mineral springs.
The method of making these "mild" alkalis into "caustic" alkalis by treatment with lime was practised in the time of Pliny in connexion with the manufacture of soap, and it was also known that the ashes of shore-plants yielded a hard soap and those of land-plants a soft one.
These enabled him to elucidate the true nature of soap; he was also able to discover the composition of stearin and olein, and to isolate stearic and oleic acids, the names of which were invented by him.
The principal products of its numerous factories are silk, cotton, woollen and mixed fabrics, velvet, iron goods, machinery, shoes, cables, soap and cigars.
The chief manufactures of the town are linen goods, soap, malt, and agricultural implements, and a brisk trade is carried on in cattle, grain and geese.
The local industries, chiefly developed since 1880, include the manufacture of cotton, linen, wool, ribbons, cloth, chocolate, soap, brandies, leather, cards and nails.
In addition to other iron and engineering works, Douai has a large cannon foundry and an arsenal; coal-mining and the manufacture of glass and bottles and chemicals are carried on on a large scale in the environs; among the other industries are flax-spinning, rope-making, brewing and the manufacture of farm implements, oil, sugar, soap and leather.
Its industries are ironfounding, dyeing, brewing and the manufacture of machinery, soap and matches.
It is an important centre of trade, with manufactures of cotton and silk goods, shawls, brass-ware, soap and leather.
The manufactures include machinery, chemicals, soap, leather, shoes, glass and other articles, and there are iron-foundries, breweries, and steam flour and saw-mills.
Schwabach is the chief seat of the needle manufacture in Bavaria; its other industries include gold and silver wire work, brewing and the making of soap and earthenware.
Woollen, cloth, cotton and flax mills, steam flour and saw mills, distilleries and breweries, machinery works, paper mills, furniture, tobacco, soap, candle and hardware works are among the chief industrial establishments.
The great industries are coal-miningsome of the pits extending for a long distance beneath the firthiron-founding (with several blast furnaces) and engineering, but it has also important manufactures of salt, soap, vitriol and other chemicals.
There are various important manufactures, such as soap and candles, subsidiary to the packing industry; and the city has large flour mills, railway and machine shops, and foundries.
There are tallow-melting houses, steam flourmills, candle and soap works, distilleries and tobacco factories.
Pottery, leather, oil, soap and beer are the chief products of the local industries.
The industries consist of iron-foundries and factories for sugar and soap; and there is a military school.
Its industries include the manufacture of buttons, shoes, cigars and soap. The town dates from about 110o and was early an important fortified place; until 1371 it was the residence of the counts and dukes of Gelderland.
In the manufacture of vehicles, harness, leather, hardwood lumber, wood-working machinery, machine tools, printing ink, soap, pig-iron, malt liquors, whisky, shoes, clothing, cigars and tobacco, furniture, cooperage goods, iron and steel safes and vaults, and pianos, also in the packing of meat, especially pork,' it ranks very high among the cities of the Union.
For sodii arsenas and cacodylate see Arsenic. Sapo durus (hard soap) is a compound of sodium with olive oil, and sago animalis (curd soap) is chiefly sodium stearate.
Poisoning by caustic soda is rare, but occasionally it takes place by swallowing soap lees (sodium carbonate), which may contain some impurities of caustic soda.
Another tree of great commercial value is the soap tree (Sapindus utilis), introduced into the country in 1845 and grown extensively in low-lying lands near the coast.
Other manufactures include needles, machinery, cigars, soap, hosiery, furniture and shoes.
A dilute potash readily emulsionizes fats, and on boiling saponifies them with formation of a soap and glycerin.
Crude potash is used for the manufacture of glass, and, after being causticized, for the making of soft soap. For many other purposes it must be refined, which is done by treating the crude product with the minimum of cold water required to dissolve the carbonate, removing the undissolved part (which consists chiefly of sulphate), and evaporating the clear liquor to dryness in an iron pan.
It is an important steamboat station for both passenger and cargo traffic, and besides manufactures of cement, dyes and soap, has a considerable trade in the wines of the district.
There are manufactures of alcohol, liqueurs, chocolate, starch, sugar, preserves, flour, soap, leather, earthenware, glass, matches, paper, linen, woollen goods and rugs.
Other important manufactories are flour mills, of which there were over 500 in 1904; iron and steel works, of which there are 7 large establishments, including the immense plant at Monterey; 90 smelters for the reduction of precious metals; tanneries, potteries, and factories for the manufacture of hats, paper, linen, hammocks, harness and saddles, matches, explosives, aerated waters, soap, furniture, chocolate and sweetmeats.
It is the chief depot for grain raised in the Gezira, has oil and soap works, and is a thriving commercial centre, being on the main trade route between Khartum and Abyssinia.
Manresa has important iron-foundries and manufactures of woollen, cotton and linen goods, ribbons, hats, paper, soap, chemicals, spirits and flour.
Among the manufactures of the town are machinery, agricultural implements, chemicals, soap, tobacco, &c. But Cracow is more important as a trading than as an industrial centre.
The industrial establishments comprise cotton, flax and flour mills, sawmills, tanneries, salt and soap works, breweries, chemical manure and engineering works.
The imports consist principally of machinery, coal, grain, dried fish, tobacco and hides, and the exports of hemp, hides, olive oil, soap, coral, candied fruit, wine, straw hats, boracic acid, mercury, and marble and alabaster.
The meal is an excellent substitute for soap, and is stated by Elliot to be an invariable concomitant of the Hindu bath.
Rio de Janeiro has manufactures of flour from imported wheat, cotton, woollen and silk textiles, boots and shoes, readymade clothing, furniture, vehicles, cigars and cigarettes, chocolate, fruit conserves, refined sugar, biscuits, macaroni, ice, beer, artificial liquors, mineral waters, soap, stearine candles, perfumery, feather flowers, printing type, &c. There are numerous machine o nd repair shops, the most important of which are the shops of the Central railway.
It manufactures cotton fabrics, boots and shoes, iron safes and stoves, carriages, furniture, butter and cheese, macaroni, preserves, candles, soap and paper.
The principal industries of Hull are iron-founding, shipbuilding and engineering, and the manufacture of chemicals, oil-cake, colours, cement, paper, starch, soap and cotton goods; and there are tanneries and breweries.
Some of the plants are among the largest in existence, notably the Union and the Wagner Palace car works, the Union dry docks, the steel plants of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company, and the Larkin soap factory.
To boil off say 300 lb of thrown silk, about 60 lb of fine white soap is shred, and dissolved in about 200 gallons of pure water.
The perfect scouring of silks removes from 20 to 27 of their weight, according to the character of the silk and the amount of soap or oil used in the working.
When about too lb of silk has been bagged, the whole is placed in a large wooden tub and covered with boiling water in which 12 to 20 lb of white curd soap has previously been dissolved.
The remedy is soap and water, and sulphur ointment.
The shutters must be planed, and coated with a mixture of soap and oil, so as to come away easily after the concrete is set.
The principal exports are wines, cereals, olive-oil, cotton goods, soap, cigarette-paper, furniture and barrels, boots, shoes and leather goods, and machinery.
The manufactures of the town include railway plant, glass, soap, tobacco and beer; and there is a trade in grain, cattle, fruit and wool.
Gold and silver articles, silk, plush, cloth, leather, soap, starch, chemicals and carriages are among the chief manufactures.
Other notable branches of manufacturing industry, besides those already named, are flour-mills, jute, hosiery, lace, paper, cement, hats, haberdashery, machinery, tobacco, soap and candle factories, iron and steel works, distilleries, breweries, potteries, vinegar, chocolate, varnish, furniture, clothing and brickworks.
Other thriving industries include bleaching, dyeing, calico-printing, weaving (carpets, shawls, tartans), engineering, tanning, iron and brass founding, brewing, distilling, and the making of starch, cornflour, soap, marmalade and other preserves, besides some shipbuilding in the yards on the left bank of the White Cart.
The kidney fat of all sheep and the skins of all goats slaughtered in the public yard are perquisites of government, the former being used for the manufacture of soap, which, with snuff, is a government monopoly.
These sophistications can be most conveniently detected, first by taste and next by saponification, rosin oil and mineral oil remaining unsaponified, hemp oil giving a greenish soap, while rape oil yields a soap with a yellow tinge.
Brewing, tanning, and the manufactures of soap, yeast, carriages and bricks are the most important industries of the town, which also carries on a certain amount of trade in corn, ship timber and yarn.
There are manufactures of cloth, linen, leather, caps, boots, soap, candles, ropes; as well as breweries and distilleries.
The exports are olive oil, hemp, flax, rice, fruit, wine, hats, cheese, steel, velvets, gloves, flour, paper, soap and marble, while the main imports are coal, cotton, grain, machinery, &c. Genoa has a large emigrant traffic with America, and a large general passenger steamer traffic both for America and for the East.
Machinery, chemicals, sugar, malt, paper, musical instruments, cotton, straw hats, tobacco, carpets, soap, playing cards, chocolate and dye-stuffs are among the manufactures.
There are large iron works (including foundries and factories for engines, boilers, chains and cables), shipbuilding yards, glass manufactories, chemical, soap and candle works, brick and tile works, breweries and tanneries.
There are some small industries in the city, including a shipyard, saw-mills, foundry, sugar refineries, cotton and woollen mills, brewery, and manufactures of soap, cigars, chocolate, ice, sodawater and liqueurs.
The blood is converted into clarifying material, the entrails are used for sausage coverings, the hoofs and small bones furnish the raw material for the manufacture of glue, the large bones are carved into knife handles, and the horns into combs, the fats are made to yield butterine, lard and soap, and the hides and hair are used in the manufacture of mattresses and felts.
Linen and woollen fabrics, hosiery, paper, cigars, soap, vinegar and earthenware are manufactured, and there are iron-foundries, distilleries, tanneries and shipbuilding yards.
There are also iron bar, hoop and wire works, tool, soap, glass and chemical works, foundries and cotton mills.
Sopron has a thriving industry in sugar, soap, vinegar, bellfounding and machinery, and it carries on an active trade in cereals, fruit and wine.
Its industries include linen and cotton weaving, dyeing, calico printing, brewing, ship-building and the manufacture of tobacco, glass, soap, chocolate, leather, lamps, chicory and chemicals.
Caustic soda is used in very large quantities in the manufacture of soap, paper, textile fabrics, alizarin and other colouring matters, and for many other purposes.
Bruchsal has a fine palace, with beautiful grounds attached, a town hall, a classical, a modern and a commercial school, and manufactures of machinery, paper, tobacco, soap and beer, and does a considerable trade in wine.
Silk, linen, flour, wine, brandy, oil, salt and soap are the chief industrial products.
They weave and dye several kinds of cloth, tan and dress leather and manufacture oil and soap. Without the assistance of the wheel the women produce a variety of pottery utensils, often of very graceful design, and decorated with patterns in red and black.
The industries are growing, the chief being breweries and distilleries, saw-mills and planing-mills, shipbuilding, fish-curing, the manufacture of machinery, engines, bricks, resin, preserves, enamelled and tin goods, cigars, furniture, soap and leather.
Other manufactures of the natives include vehicles of various kinds, harnesses, indigo, coco-nut oil, soap, salt and lime.
The other industries of the town, notably dyeing, stuff-printing and stamping, are very considerable, and there are also engineering and machine shops, chemical, cellulose, soap, and other factories, breweries, distilleries and tanneries.
At them the neophytes worked up wool, tanned hides, prepared tallow, cultivated hemp and wheat, raised a few oranges, made soap, some iron and leather articles, mission furniture, and a very little wine and olive oil.
He succeeded his father, George Doubleday, as partner in a firm of soap manufacturers at Newcastle, but devoted his attention rather to literature than to mercantile affairs.
Other industries include manufactures of leather, boots and shoes, furniture, bricks and pottery, cigars and cigarettes, beer, wine and spirits, candles and soap. The largest and most numerous commercial firms are German, but there are also French, British, and even Chinese establishments, although the immigration of Chinese is prohibited by law.
The industry comprises establishments for the manufacture of woollen and linen cloth, paper, sugar, candles, soap, earthenwares, as well as breweries and distilleries.
There are also extensive breweries, tanneries and soap and oil works.
It manufactures olive oil, soap, carbon sulphide and playing-cards, and has a large iron foundry.
There is little trade, and the manufactures are few, consisting chiefly of copper utensils, lime, soap, cloth, paper and combs.
A thick woollen cloth called shayak, coarse cotton chintzes and a kind of soap prepared from the efflorescences of the lake, with dried and salted fish, are also produced.
It possesses iron-foundries, shipbuilding yards, breweries, distilleries, and manufactories of chemicals, soap and amber wares.
The woollen manufacture is the chief industry, besides which there are leather, soap, oil and tobacco factories, as well as breweries, tanneries and iron foundries.
The manufacture of soap and leather are the principal industries.
The manufactures consist of fine cloths, silk, cotton, woollen and linen fabrics, girdles and lace, paper, hats, leather, earthenware and soap. There are numerous oil mills and brandy distilleries.
Ironfounding, shipbuilding and wool-spinning are also carried on, and the manufactures include machinery, tobacco, fishing-nets, chicory, soap, cement and beer.
Its chief manufactures are machinery, soap, blacking and clogs.
Szeged is the chief seat of the manufacture of paprica, a kind of red pepper largely used in Hungary, and of a pastry called tarhonya; and has factories of soap, leather, boots, saw-mills and distilleries.
The governors were directed to regulate religious instruction in secular schools, to prevent horse-stealing, to control subscriptions collected for the holy places in Palestine, to regulate the advertisements of medicines and the printing on cigarette papers, to examine the quality of quinine soap and overlook the cosmetics and other toilet articles - such as soap, starch, brillantine, tooth-brushes and insect-powder - provided by chemists.
The chief industries of the town are cloth, paper, furniture, soap, starch and hats.
Its industries are chiefly connected with ironwares, but leather, beer, soap and toys are also manufactured.
Here, and in other cities, tanning, distilling, various metallurgical industries, and manufactures of soap, flour, tobacco, &c., are carried on; the entire output is sold in Portugal or its colonies.
The home markets are supplied, by native industry, with cigars and cigarettes, soap, candles, hats, gloves, starch, cheese and pottery.
He attributed this force, however, not to any general property of the surfaces of liquids, but to the fatty part of the soap which he supposed to separate itself from the other constituents of the solution, and to form a thin skin on the outer face of the bubble.
A question arises as to the mode of action of milk or soap turbidity.
The observation that it is possible for soap to be in excess may here have significance.
A particle of soap rising accidentally to the surface would spread itself with rapidity.
From the great juicy, leafless, branchless stalk of the yucca, soap is prepared, and strong fibres useful in making paper, rope and fabrics.
Other industries are the manufacture of clothing, cement, bricks, motor-cars, soap, paper, beer, sugar, spirits and cycles.
There are coal mines in the neighbourhood, and the local industries include tanning and manufactures of soap, coarse linen and cloths.
There are a shipbuilding yard, flour-mills, tobacco factories, iron works, machinery works, distilleries, soap works, timber mills, bell foundries, paper mills and rope works.
The treatment consists in the use of solutions of common salt, followed by copious draughts of milk or white of egg and water or soap in water, in order to dilute the poison and protect the mucous membranes of the oesophagus and stomach from its action.
The town contains flour, paper and sawmills, sugar and petroleum refineries, tanneries, distilleries and soap works; it has also a large agricultural trade and is visited in summer for sea-bathing.
Besides the mining and metallurgic industries, Bilbao has breweries, tanneries, flour mills, glass works, brandy distilleries, and paper, soap, cotton and mosaic factories.
Libau and Mitau are the principal industrial centres, with iron-works, agricultural machinery works, tanneries, glass and soap works.
It has coal mines, iron furnaces, steel and boiler works, and soap, glass and chemical factories.
Other industries include sugar refineries, soap, oil, glass, iron, dye and chemical works; distilleries, breweries, tanneries; tobacco and snuff factories; shipbuilding and the manufacture of machinery and stearine candles.
There are important foundries, rolling mills for copper, steel and brass plates, chemical works, saw-milling, shipbuilding, tobacco, cotton, sugar, soap and other manufactures.
There is some tanning, shipbuilding and brewing, and making of soap, tar and machinery.
San Salvador is the only city in the republic which has important manufactures; these include the production of soap, candles, ice, shawls and scarves of silk, cotton cloth, cigars, flour and spirits.
Owing to increased competition, and in some degree to careless harvesting, there was a great fall in prices after 1900, and the Seychellois, though still producing vanilla in large quantities, paid greater attention to the products of the coconut palm - copra, soap, coco-nut oil and coco-nuts - to the development of the mangrove bark industry, the collection of guano, the cultivation of rubber trees, the preparation of banana flour, the growing of sugar canes, and the distillation of rum and essential oils.
These include petroleum refineries, iron foundries, distilleries, flour mills, sugar refineries, sawmills, paper mills, chemical works, glass works, soap and candle works, &c. A law passed in 1887 provided that any one undertaking to found an industrial establishment with a capital of at least £2000, or employing at least 25 workmen (of whom two-thirds should be Rumanians), should be granted 12 acres of state land, exemption for a term of years from all direct taxes, freedom from customs dues for machinery and raw material imported, exemption from road taxes, reduction in cost of carriage of materials on the state railways, and preferential rights to the supply of manufactured articles to the state.
Other industries are the making of soap, chemicals and beer.
Among the products of local industry are leather, tobacco, cement, beer, aerated waters, lime, candles and soap. Fishing is carried on, and there are steam saw-mills and flour-mills.
Its tobacco-pipes, sausages and soap are widely known.
It is in the midst of a fertile district, in the products of which it has a large trade, and has flour-mills, distilleries, oil-works and leather-works, manufactures soap, chemicals and liquorice, and is well known for its sarsanet and other fabrics.
The treatment consists in the prompt neutralization of the acid, by chalk, magnesia, whiting, plaster, soap or any alkaline substance at hand; emetics or the stomach pump should not be used.
Its industries include the manufacture of machinery, casks, corks, soap, dolls and furniture, ironfounding and bell-founding - the famous "Kaiserglocke" of the Cologne cathedral was cast here.
Owing to its position on two important railways, Alcazar has a flourishing transit-trade in the wines of Estremadura and Andalusia; the soda and alkali of La Mancha are used in the manufacture of soap; and gunpowder, chocolate and inlaid daggers are also made here.
There are numerous bleaching-fields, print-fields and dyeworks famous for their Turkey-red, soap works, chemical works and potteries.
There are soap, candle and tallow-works.
Among the manufactured products are cotton, woollen and "pita" fibre fabrics, sugar, rum, mescal, beer, furniture, pottery, soap, candles, leather, matches, chocolate, flour and cigarettes.
Among other industries that have largely contributed to the welfare of the town are dyeing and bleaching, brass and iron founding, tanning, machine-making, brewing and distilling, milling, rope-making and the making of soap and candles,while the collieries in the immediate vicinity are numerous and flourishing.
The town is one of the most prosperous in the duchy, and has machine works, foundries, tanneries, sawmills, breweries, distilleries, and manufactories of tobacco, glue, candles and soap. There is also a considerable trade in wool, corn, wood, butter and cattle, and an annual cattle show and horse races are held.
Soap and chocolate are manufactured in Panama City.
There are numerous breweries, saw and flour mills, and manufactures of preserves, soap, candles, glass and paper, especially in the busy suburb that has sprung up on the right bank of the Urumea.
It manufactures ornaments of various kinds, cigars, leather, paper, playing cards, silver and platina wares, chocolate, soap, woollen cloth, hats, silk, gloves, stockings, ropes and matches.
The chief industries of Strassburg are tanning, brewing, printing and the manufacture of steel goods, musical instruments, paper, soap, furniture, gloves and tobacco.
The principal products of the country are corn, wine, oil and soap (from the olives), with every species of pulse and gourd.
There is a manufacture of soap from coconut oil; a fair quantity of tobacco is grown, and among other industries may be included boat-building and saw-milling.
The manufactures include woollen and cotton goods, paper, earthenware, soap, carriages, furniture and tobacco, which is cultivated in the neighbourhood.
Among the numerous industrial establishments in Boulogne and its environs may be mentioned foundries, cement-factories, important steelpen manufactories, oil-works, dye-works, fish-curing works, flax-mills, saw-mills, and manufactories of cloth, fireproof ware, chocolate, boots and shoes, and soap. Shipbuilding is also carried on.
Sugar, rice, soap and other factories have been established.
But he maintained the legislation of the Valois, who placed industry in a state of strict dependency on finance, and he instituted a servitude of labor harder even than that of individuals; his great factories of soap, glass, lace, carpets and cloth had the same artificial life as that of contemporary Russian industry, created and nourished by the state.
Besides large tobacco, glass and porcelain factories, Gijon possesses iron foundries and petroleum refineries; while its minor industries include fisheries, and the manufacture of preserved foods, soap, chocolate, candles and liqueurs.
Since then the oil has been, as before, only used for the manufacture of soap. Tobacco from Turkish seed, cultivated since 1875, grows well, and a considerable quantity of it is exported.
Soap, chocolate and cork manufactures are among the prosperous industries.
The leading manufactures of the city are flour and grist mill products (valued at $4,242,491 in 1905), lumber and timber products - Nashville is one of the greatest hard wood markets in the United States, and in 1905 the value of lumber and timber products was $1,119,162 and of planing-mill products, $1,299,066 - construction and repair of steam railway cars ($1,724,007 in 1905), tobacco ($1,311,019111 1905), fertilizers ($846,511 in 1905), men's clothing ($720,227 in 1905), saddlery, harness, soap and candles.
The principal manufactures are furniture, yarn, soap, tobacco, sugar, vitriol and earthenware.
Other industries are cotton-spinning, brewing, tanning, iron-founding, and the manufacture of bricks, tiles, soap, flour, ironmongery and ice.
Apart from the industries carried on in the capital, there are manufactures of wine, liqueurs, sesame oil, cloth, macaroni and soap. The principal towns, Seres (pop. 30,000), Vodena (25,000) and Cavalla (24,000), are described in separate articles; Tikvesh (21,000) is the centre of an agricultural region, Caraferia (14,000) a manufacturing town, and Drama (13,000) one of the centres of tobacco cultivation.
If an amount of the bases sufficient to combine subsequently with the fatty acids be present, then the corresponding salts of these fatty acids are formed, such as sodium salts of fatty acids (hard soap) or potassium salts of the fatty acids (soft soap), soaps of the alkaline earth (lime soap), or soaps of the metallic oxides (zinc soap, &c.).
In most cases the purification consisted in removing the free fatty acids from rancid oils and fats, the caustic soda forming a soap with the fatty acids, which would either rise as a scum and lift up with it impurities, or fall to the bottom and carry down impurities.
The town possesses large ironworks, coal-mines, rolling-mills, zinc smelting-works, railway workshops and manufactures of wire-rope, glass, chemicals, porcelain and soap. The first houses of Oberhausen were built in 1845, and it received its municipal character in 1874.
The extracted oil is used in the manufacture of soap, while the solid remains, known as oil-cake, are valuable as a food for cattle.
Betsy and I agreed to let mother nature move forward, leaving the Julie-Howie soap opera free to develop its own destiny.
The sheets smelled of a man with an ensnaring scent, a mixture of dark musk and soap.
It started with Secrets of a Vampire, which is some soap opera show about a family of vampires.
You could record the voices of political figures, soap opera actors, cartoon characters or children's entertainers.
Full grain aniline leather or russet leathers cannot be cleaned with water or soap solution.
Hand washing using antibacterial liquid soap is important to prevent the spread of infection.
Regular showers or washing with an antibacterial soap can be helpful, as can using antiperspirants containing a product called Aluminum chloride.
Geoff is a former actor who played the baddie in the Welsh soap opera Dinas.
Choose from scented bath ballistics to hand-cut soap bringing a personal touch to your special day.
If you use a razor then soften the beard first with soap and warm water and shave lightly to avoid catching the spots.
That soap rubbed on the heels will prevent blisters.
The nearest we all get to seeing multiple images is with soap bubbles reflected in our bathroom mirror.
Treat yourself, have a lovely bubbly soak with your favorite soap.
Suffice to say that a soap star can be publicly castigated for speaking lines she only read.
You may need to use a gentle cleanser like Murphy's Oil Soap.
Needle stick injuries Allow all puncture injuries to bleed freely and then wash under running water using soap or a hand cleanser.
Go and sit in a comfy chair, drink coke and watch soap operas on TV!
Was I out of dishwasher detergent or dish soap?
Being bombarded by English -- even the liquid soap dispenser screams at me Refreshing Lime Cleansing Tea-Tree Invigorating Mint Feel GOOD Fruits.
In addition, there are three soap dispenser models.
Cocos nucifera - Coconut oil - an excellent emollient widely used in the manufacture of soap.
Lemongrass - This uplifting and refreshing soap combines pure essential oil of lemongrass with fresh organic lemongrass leaves grown on Kauai.
Twenty one-year-old Carley, who plays feisty Steph Dean in the popular soap has been singing and dancing from an early age.
I know it may be her favorite soap, I like fish fingers but I'm not asking for a job to make them!
Liquid dish soap is the leading cause of poisoning among children under six years old as many commercial dish soaps contain formaldehyde and ammonia.
He made his acting debut aged just fourteen in the Welsh Soap Opera, People of the Valley.
For he is like a refiner's fire and like fullers ' soap.
Wear swimming goggles in the shower to keep the soap and water out.
Perry collects gong - May 04 Perry Fenwick collected a Soap Award on behalf of the Eastender's cast.
Those that I have had, usually greenfly, I have cured using a soft soap spray.
Use liquid bleach that contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite and no soap.
Maybe you have read about the life of a famous pop idol, soap actor or film star in a magazine.
The harder the water, the more soap is required to produce a lather.
Hard water does not easily form lather with soap.
The soap provided, about two inches square and very thin, gave little lather and had no smell.
How can soap films help to optimize road layout?
Soap Cove, unnamed on the maps, is a geologists ' paradise containing a wild multiplicity of rock types.
The acid eats out all the fallout and corrosive compounds, the acid is then neutralized with alkaloid soap.
The hand made, all natural soap is created from cold pressed pure olive, coconut and palm oils.
Products such as aqueous cream and emulsifying ointment can be used as soap substitutes for hand washing or when bathing.
Her agent heard about a casting call going out for a role on the long-running Australian soap opera, Neighbors.
The Archers is the world's longest running soap opera.
Prophets were the soap box orators of their time.
As the Apple Turns sees the Apple saga as a TV soap opera - you can get reruns here too.
She buys shampoo, soap, a brush, a hair dryer.
Using too much soap powder will leave a residue in the diapers that can irritate the skin.
Rub a bar of lemon scented soap on upholstery to keep cats off.
In the garden phlox was still blooming, smelling like a perfumed soap.
Where infestations are severe, a couple of sprays of insecticidal soap may be necessary.
You may have heard your granny talking about carbolic soap.
Natural Organic handmade soap At Best Bath Store Providing only the best natural organic handmade soap.
Long-running hospital soap ' Casualty ', plus the multi-award-winning Natural History Unit, are both based in Bristol.
Most people tell you to hand wash the fleece in the bath with mild soap or soda crystals.
The best method seems to be a warm bath with some bath oil, and use shaving soap or gel.
Aussie soap addicts are yet to come out of their closets.
Choose from the rubbish single whose name we can't remember, or a book of TV soap opera quizzes.
The most exciting thing was Sid demanding coal tar soap, nothing flowery scented that Kathy might get suspicious at.
To you, you're watching a soap opera, a play, something with no " real life " to it.
In 1968 he began producing the soap opera and cast John Sharp in the role of Les Clegg.
Students then examine the concept of representation in a range of TV programs including soap operas, sitcoms and drama.
Innovative webcams and home made soap operas can be transferred directly from the Internet.
This series will appeal to people who enjoy soap operas, Acorn Antiques and archive television fans.
During this period she appeared in the short lived shipping soap opera " Triangle " .
Coronation Street - Cadbury's has just paid £ 10 million to continue to sponsor this very popular soap opera.
K9 Which was the first soap opera on Channel 4?
They're all stars in their own, self-created soap operas.
Once again the day was fronted by Roy Leighton, with a new soap opera which was interwoven with the presentations.
The move is topical, coinciding with a current plot line in the popular television soap opera Coronation Street.
Beside Edda Sanga, she recruited another of her former students, Rose Haji, producer of a popular radio soap opera about health.
Meanwhile, former soap starlet Donna Peters greatly impressed the judges with her slightly more adventurous Twelve Step Chainsaw Plan to a Better You.
Therefore, soaps should be replaced by emollient soap substitutes, which cleanse, moisturize and help heal the skin.
To combat this problem you should try and minimize your use of soap when washing, and instead use soap substitutes.
The soap suds that come out with the leaking water leave white trails.
On the reverse of this is a color advert for Imperial Leather toilet soap with neon tetra fish.
Now take the toothpick that was dipped in the soap and dip the soapy end into the center, what happens now?
The soap is still useable, very good condition.
After the French occupation in 1842, the building was used successively as a soap factory, a prison, a canteen, a parish church, and, lastly, as a museum.
Aphides are provided with a mealy skin, which does not allow water to be attached to it, and thus insecticides for destroying them contain soft soap, which fixes the solution to the skin; paraffin is added to corrode the skin, and the up the breathing pores and so produces asphyxiation.
The general characters of a soap are a certain greasiness to the touch, ready solubility in water, with formation of viscid solutions which on agitation yield a tenacious froth or " lather," an indisposition to crystallize, readiness to amalgamate with small proportions of hot water into homogeneous slimes, which on cooling set into jellies or more or less consistent pastes.
Rotondi in 1885, however, regarded a neutral soap as hydrolysing to a basic salt, soluble in both hot and cold water, and an acid salt, insoluble in cold and sparingly soluble in hot.
After a few hours the mixture becomes solid, and finally transparent; at this point the perfume is added, and the product framed and crutched (see under Marine Soap).
According to a British consular report for 1904 there were 153 manufacturing establishments in the city producing cotton, linen and silk textiles, leather, boots and shoes, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, beer, flour, conserves and candied fruits, cigars and cigarettes, Italian pastes, chocolate, starch, hats, oils, ice, furniture, pianos and other musical instruments, matches, beds, candles, chemicals, iron and steel, printing-type, paint and varnish, glass, looking-glass, cement and artificial stone, earthenware, bricks and tiles, soap, cardboard, papier mache, cartridges and explosives, white lead, perfumery, carriages and wagons, and corks.
It is employed in certain printing processes, as a cement for artificial stone and for mending glass, porcelain, &c., and also for making the so-called silicated soaps (see SoAP).
According to the amount of gum to be boiled off the soap solutions are made strong or weak; but care has to be exercised not to overdo the scouring, whereby loss of strength, substance and lustre would result.
The remedy is to spray with kerosene emulsion or whale-oil soap; or if on cucumbers or tomatoes, it is best to fumigate with hydrocyanic acid gas, using one ounce of potassium cyanide to each woo cubic ft.
The chief industry of Cambrai is the weaving of muslin (batiste) and other fine fabrics (see Cambric); wool-spinning and weaving, bleaching and dyeing, are carried on, as well as the manufacture of chicory, oil, soap, sausages and metal boxes.
Complete details in the Blackberry disproportionated rosin soap Forum.
Her victims included sports personalities, soap actors and the participants in alleged sexual sleaze scandals.
Natural Organic Handmade Soap At Best Bath Store Providing only the best natural organic handmade soap.
You should get a filter with detachable filter papers that can be washed in soap suds.
A family pack of soap powder or biscuits tends to cost less per kg than smaller packs.
Paul J Medford is best known as Kelvin Carpenter, one of the original characters in the BBC1 soap EastEnders.
Choose from the rubbish single whose name we ca n't remember, or a book of TV soap opera quizzes.
During this period she appeared in the short lived shipping soap opera " Triangle ".
Coronation Street - Cadbury 's has just paid £ 10 million to continue to sponsor this very popular soap opera.
They 're all stars in their own, self-created soap operas.
He had a regular role in the Channel Four soap opera Brookside as Jack Sullivan.
Fresh turmeric applied over a freshly washed face with Mysore Sandal wood soap.
Soap The Romans are famous for their baths, but the Britons washed with soap long before the Romans did !
Normal regular washing with mild soap twice a day is all that is needed.
Clean mops with soap and water rinsing in a bleach solution, wring as dry as possible and then hang to dry.
The next time you buy hand soap, try to find the kind that kills bacteria so we can prevent illnesses.
Diapered Soap Bars-Look for scented soaps at your local dollar store.
Cut the fabric into sections large enough to hold the soap, then wrap the soap in the fabric.
You can fill them with soap crystals, candy, or potpourri.
Purchase a soap making kit from your local craft store, and choose a mold that fits your shower theme.
From ducklings to teddy bears, to baby bottles to storks, there are plenty of molds available if you investigate craft stores in your area or shop online at a site such as Mold Market, which specializes in soap molds.
Does making your own soap still seem to' complicated?
You can also simplify the process by melting down an already created bar of soap and pour it into your molds.
Using a mild moisturizing soap to clean his diaper area is your best bet in removing any residual stool.
To assist in keeping the ends sharp and lubricated, store your pins in a bar of soap.
Simple, inexpensive, bar soap serves as a great pin cushion and will allow your pins to slide through the next diaper with ease.
For example, many vacation rentals provide bedspreads and pillows, but do not provide sheets, pillowcases, towels, bathroom tissue, soap, or other essentials.
Consider whether you would like to add accessories, such as a separate sprayer or built-in soap dispenser.
Other baskets have relaxation items like soap, bath bubbles and candles.
Clean the tea cup and saucer with soap and water, and make sure it's completely dry.
The second way to determine if you have hard water is to observe the reaction of soap or shampoo.
If you can't lather the soap or shampoo well, this is because the offending elements are counteracting soap and shampoo ingredients.
Things like new furniture, new carpet or even new laundry soap can trigger an allergic reaction in your pet.
Afterward, spritz some white vinegar, or try some hot water mixed with mild, low odor dish soap and spritz that to help remove the urine.
If a shower doesn't last long enough to really clean everything out of the air and off your cushions, give them a light scrubbing with a mild soap and water, or follow the manufacturer's instructions for periodic cleaning.
Every now and then give them a cleaning by removing them from the chair, brushing off any dirt, and giving them a light scrub with soap and water.
Whenever necessary, give outdoor cushions a cleaning by removing them from the chair frame, brushing off any dirt and dust, and giving them a light scrub with soap and water.
All they require is a quick scrub with soap and water to keep dirt and grime from settling in.
Every now and then remove the cushions from the furniture frames and lightly scrub them with soap and water.
Clean them every now and then by lightly scrubbing them with soap and water.
Every now and then remove the cushions from the furniture frames and lightly clean them with soap and water.
Most covers can be cleaned with a garden hose or a mild liquid soap and warm water if necessary.
Make your own soap and shampoo - This reduces waste from commercially made and packaged shampoos and soaps.
When you make your own, you can reuse the shampoo bottle and as for soap, there is no excess packaging.
For most household cleaning, you can use baking soda, white vinegar and Castille soap.
And ask the office manager to stock the kitchen with an eco-friendly dish soap!
You will save money and your eyes and lungs using baking soda, vinegar and castile soap for all your cleaning.
From dish soap to diapers, these are excellent options.
Natural Bathroom Cleaner - Specially formulated for the stains that develop in the bathroom like soap scum and rust, this cleaner can work on counters, sinks, tubs, enclosures, shower doors, and more.
Then add half a teaspoon of organic liquid dish soap and ¼ cup food grade distilled white vinegar and finish filling with water.
To make a bit stronger solution increase the liquid dish soap to a full teaspoon and add a tablespoon of baking soda.
These two essential oils boost the cleaning ability of the liquid dish soap and add a nice scent to the home if people like a clean smell.
I use their liquid dish soap and laundry detergent and have for years.
Clean the area thoroughly using warm water and soap.
You can also create cleansers by adding other natural cleansers such as Murphy's Soap or Castile soap.
The leaves and strings make thread and needles and the sap actually lathers with water to form a crude type of soap.
If you're living in a room with a shared bathroom, matching bathroom accents, like a soap dish and toothbrush holder, can add an interesting touch.
They clean up with soap and water and take less time to dry.
Add a gorgeous beveled mirror, lots of glass and polished chrome, some geometric shaped soap dishes and cups, a dramatic paint color on the wall -perhaps a dark blue--and of course, a black and white tiled floor.
Tough stains can be removed with soap and water.
This will probably be the toughest part of the job because you need to get rid of all the soap scum and lime scale that may have accumulated.
The same goes for toothbrush holders, soap dishes, and other accessories.
When you're out shopping look for items such as shower curtains, soap dishes, toothbrush holders, bathmats, and more that have beach motifs on them.
Store items like soap, fabric softener and other supplies there so that they're in easy reach.
These large magnets are made to attach right to the front of your unit and depict bright scenes of laundry being dried on a line outdoors, or soap bubble filled wash baskets.
Soap and water is a bit too harsh for cleansing your delicate eye area.
Avoid deodorant soap - as it is designed to remove all odors including cologne.
Instead, choose unscented or a soap from the same wardrobe as your cologne.
Also remember to clean your brush every one to two months with warm water and mild soap.
So, if you are washing your face with a regular bar of soap, stop right now and go invest in a quality cleanser.
With an emphasis on freshness and fun, you may just find yourself looking for a famous chunk of their soap, a fizzing bath bomb, or moisturizing body butter.
Buttercreams are made of 15% soap and 85% natural oils, butters, glycerine, essential oils and plant infusions to soften skin.
Home fragrances can also be layered by using soap or body wash and a lotion with the same scent as your perfume.
Several recipes can be found at Teach Soap.
Pine Meadows also carries a wonderful assortment of soap making supplies, essential oils and recipes to assure you an enjoyable experience making your own home fragrance.
The notes in Bath are not as pronounced as those in Beach; here, they all seem to meld into one, resulting in a rather linear fragrance that smells primarily of Ivory soap.
While standing in the kitchen after dinner, try grabbing a sponge with some soap and start making tiny little clockwise circles in the sink as you emulsify the bubbles under soft running water.
You'll even find little extras, like soap and after shave.
You can do this the most easily and gently by rubbing some baby oil liberally into the skin before washing with soap and water.
Don't attempt to remove liquid liner with just soap and water.
The N's original programming is topped by Degrassi, a Canadian-produced teen soap opera that isn't afraid to tackle difficult topics.
If your school features a fountain, fill it with soap bubbles or add hundreds of rubber ducks in the early morning hours before school begins.
Before the meeting, prepare a spoon by coating it with Dawn dish washing soap.
You could also go for the "Fall in Love" Leaf Soap Petals.
A polyester curtain is much healthier for you than a plastic or vinyl option and so long as you spot clean it when any mold or soap scum starts to appear, you should be fine.
There are adorable soap dishes and toothbrush holders in the shape of palm trees available online and at numerous department stores.
This mermaid soap dish lends an air of whimsy to a tropical theme.
Handmade pieces-For a handmade touch, check out Ten Thousand Villages, where you can find everything from soap dishes to hand woven hampers, perfect for a tropical theme.
Pull other accessories together based on the original design, and depending upon the size of your bathroom, echo the theme with essentials, like soap dishes, hand towels, toothbrush holder, waste baskets, and more.
Before you bake with your pan, wash it out with soap and water.
To prepare your used pan for cooking, wash it with warm water and soap, and dry it thoroughly.
At the ripe age of 10, Lindsay found herself with a regular role on the NBC soap opera Another World.
Her largest soap opera role was in 2001, playing Isabella on The Young and the Restless.
She stayed on the soap for two years, before going on to starring on the TV show L.A. Dragnet (2003), the film Snitch'd (2003), and the 2004 made-for-TV movie called The Dead Will Tell.
Following her 2004 divorce from the soap star, she was seen in public with 'N Sync singer JC Chasez.
She started out as a soap star, but quickly moved up to sitcom sweetheart on Friends.
In 1990, Kelly Ripa hit the big time, landing an award-winning role on the ABC soap opera, All My Children.
Her life was turned upside down by the arrival of her celebrity sister, Faith (played by Ripa), who was a soap opera star unexpectedly killed off by her evil twin.
Kelly Ripa's marriage to actor Mark Consuelos is right out of a fairy tale, or in this case, a soap opera.
Together, they left the soap opera circuit in 2002.
In 1999, she appeared in a Jockey bra advertisement along with other ABC daytime soap stars.
From commercials and soap operas to movies and a hit television series, Hollywood's latest It girl is a rapidly rising star.
Celebrity Photos Online - Provides a number of 8 by 10 inch photos of soap opera, movie, TV, sports and movie stars at reasonable prices.
Demi Moore began her career as a soap opera actress, but quickly rose to super-stardom in Hollywood.
After making a cameo appearance in the spoof Young Doctors in Love, Moore made the move to a full-time soap opera role.
Fanning's first role came when she was only five years old, and appeared in a commercial for Tide laundry soap.
The show, which was a spoof on soap operas but set in a school, is unique in that it lasts only five minutes per episode, and is made up of a series of comedy skits.
Lorenzo Lamas is best known for his role as Lance on the 80's prime time soap opera Falcon Crest.
Lamas are both aspiring actors, who have appeared on soap operas themselves.
After working a few guest stints on soap operas like Search for Tomorrow and Guiding Light Bacon landed a role in the Broadway production Slab Boys, a production that also starred yet-to-be-discovered actors Sean Penn and Val Kilmer.
Though he had a fondness for Broadway theatre, his first major role was on the daytime soap opera The Young and the Restless, where he played Dr. William "Snapper" Foster for six seasons, from 1975 to 1982.
She briefly hit the nighttime soap opera scene on TV's Dynasty in the mid-1980s and acted in other 1980s TV fare.
She landed a small role on a television commercial as well as on the soap opera Search For Tomorrow.
In 1999, Singer appeared on the soap opera The Young and the Restless as a recurring character Chet.
Meg Ryan was working as a regular on the soap opera As the World Turns, as well as various other small television roles, when she won the part of Goose's wife Carole in the 1986 blockbuster movie Top Gun.
White made some small appearances, including a recurring role on the soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful, which brought her back into the limelight.
Rue McClanahan started out as an off-Broadway actress, which led to Broadway work and eventually a couple of soap opera roles.
He didn't start acting until his late teens, and with his good looks he was quickly picked up to star in Brazilian telenovelas, which are comparable to American soap operas.
A popular example of a celebrity who went for simplicity over a complete overhaul is the soap opera actor John Aniston.
Be sure not to get any soap in the eyes.
You'll feel proud when you make your own dog bar soap.
This all-natural soap is a fun craft project and great for your dog's skin.
We use the melt-and-pour method of soap making, which is the least time consuming and can be done in the microwave.
You do not want to overheat or burn the soap, so check often until you know how quickly it melts.
It is recommended that all your additives, including essential oils and exfoliates, not exceed two percent of the entire soap solution.
Once poured, the soap bars should be handled carefully and left to cool completely, about 24 hours.
Fill the soap mold halfway and allow it to set.
Place the photograph on the soap, then fill the mold with more melted soap.
You can also make soap on a rope so that when you are washing your dog you never have to worry about losing the soap or a bottle falling over.
Most temporary tattoos can be removed with soap and water or acetone, depending on the adhesive.
You may also use one gallon of vinegar mixed with one ounce of dishwashing liquid or soap.
Another recipe calls for one gallon of vinegar, one ounce of soap and one cup of salt.
You may mix one ounce of soap or dishwashing liquid into one gallon of vinegar and use this as a weed killer.
You may need to use row covers to keep beetles from laying eggs on squash plants, for example, or use an insecticidal soap to remove aphid infestations.
The 22-fret neck is full sized, and the soap bar pickup is high-output and rearing to go.
This basin can be used to rinse fresh fruits and vegetables or to store dish soap and cleaning sponges or cloths.
Generally after every use or emptying, wiping down the sink with soap and warm water is enough to keep it clean.
Choose a wood cleaner, like Murphy's Oil Soap, for the wood.
Mid-priced thermal-plastic units often have formed features, such as soap dishes and shelves.
In most cases, it is safe to use a mild soap and water solution to clean the awning.
Regular maintenance includes vacuuming the carpet twice a week, or more if needed, and a deep clean with hot water and soap approximately every two to three months.
Your belly piercing should be cleansed two to three times daily with a mild anti-bacterial soap and a diluted salt solution.
Remember to rinse the bracelet well in clean water afterwards to avoid any soap marks.
If the jewelry needs more cleaning, use a mild soap and water solution to clean it.
If the ring gets extremely soiled, wash it with a simple soap and water solution or a jewelry solution approved by your jeweler.
You also need a full-size towel for the shower afterwards, as well as shampoo and soap (unless these are included in your gym membership).
Remove stains as soon as possible with a mild soap and a microfiber cloth.
Clean the leather with a cloth dipped in cold water and saddle soap, which is mild and also offers an added benefit of softening the material.
For babies, choose from bath soap, body lotion, shampoo and natural sunscreen.
A little bit of soap can be used when things are really messy, but just a tiny squirt that amounts to a quarter of a teaspoon or so is all that is needed to gently get baby clean.
Using organic baby soap is a safe and environmentally friendly way to keep your baby clean without irritating his or her skin with artificial ingredients.
Adults with extremely dry or sensitive skin frequently use baby soap because it provides the gentle cleansing they need more effectively than formulas made for adult skin care.
Many different companies make natural soap and skin care products created to meet the unique cleansing needs of young children and others with special skin care needs.
Wood Sprite Organic Body makes Creamy Castile organic olive oil baby soap designed especially for delicate baby skin.
No matter which type of soap you select to meet your baby's cleansing needs, you can be comfortable knowing that you are not putting artificial products on his or her skin.
Organic products, from shampoo to soap, are certified to be made with all natural products that are free of manmade chemicals.
Ecosoapia organic soap is a line of cleansing products that you can feel good about.
Its aim was to provide consumers with an organic liquid hand soap that was just as good as the soaps on the market, but without any of the harsh chemicals.
Why might choosing organic soap make a difference?
Your skin will absorb the chemicals, even if the soap is only on your skin for a very short time.
Because of the potential health issues associated with these chemicals, most natural skin care and soap lines are free of these chemicals in at least some of their products.
Ecosoapia organic soap is completely free of parabens and sulfates, as well as synthetic preservatives, artificial colors or fragrances.
Also check on shipping rates before you buy, because you may find you're spending much more than you think it's worth to try this organic soap for yourself.
Beginning with your morning shower you cover your body with chemicals from your soap or body wash, shampoo and conditioner.
It is then sorted and washed with hot water and organic soap to remove impurities such as dirt, grease and dried sweat.
Insecticidal soap is another excellent way to deter pests while protecting the environment.
Make sure that the baby soap, shampoo, and other skin care products that you choose to use on your child's skin are made with high quality and safe organic ingredients.
The company's shaving creams are soap free, and its foam shave products are aerosol free.
This shaving product is free from soap, and its primary ingredients are a proprietary blend of aloe vera and plant oils.
If you want to keep your child's skin safe from the negative effects of chemicals, parabens, and other potentially harmful substances, make sure to wash him or her with organic natural baby soap.
Traditional soap products, even those designed specifically for babies, often contain ingredients that can irritate their skin.
This unscented soap is rich in moisturizing ingredients and provides gentle cleansing suitable even for sensitive skin.
Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Herbal Diaper Rash Soap offers a great way to fight diaper rash while still providing gentle cleansing for tender baby skin.
This handmade soap is infused with herbs and includes organic oatmeal, organic pal, olive, and coconut oils, calendula, chickweed, plantain, essential tea tree oils, lavender, and other all-natural organic substances.
Natural Baby Calendula Soap is a mild, gentle soap designed especially for babies.
It's also possible to make your own baby soap from all-natural, organic ingredients.
There are several different ways to make your own organic soap.
If you're feeling adventurous, try this organic baby soap recipe or consider making organic paint soap for kids.
When you stick with organic natural baby soap, you can be confident that your child's skin won't suffer negative side effects associated with being cleansed with soaps containing chemicals and other harmful artificial ingredients.
Insecticidal soap and other organic pest killers can also help control your pest problems.
Add remaining ingredients except for the soap.
Add soap and your pesticide is ready to spray.
Some people like to add a tablespoon or two of liquid soap to this mixture.
Whether you want to add the soap is up to you, but just make sure that it's an organic soap.
You'll find items such as a nutritive cream with argan oil, organic shampoo with argan oil, massage oil, moisturizing shower gel, hydrating body milk and soap with argan oil.
Rose Germanium Liquid Hand Soap - This hand soap helps to nourish the skin, is pH balanced, and provides key antioxidants.
Always use a mild soap and be sure not to twist or wring.
If you want someone to feel pampered and spoiled, there is nothing more luxurious than organic soap and bath products.
Vermont Soap Organics is one of the largest suppliers on the Internet, but you can find local soap makers on Etsy, eBay, and other venues.
These products may use common dish soap as a base with the addition of essential oils for insect repellent properties.
If you do hand-wash your robe, use a colorless soap or shampoo (never a harsh detergent).
For best results, hand washing silk in lukewarm water with a non-alkaline soap is recommended.
Always wash your hands thoroughly using soap and water after working with an animal, using lab materials or performing an experiment.
Skin that has been exposed to flood water should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water.
Because laser protection glasses and goggles are so expensive, it's important to care for them appropriately, keeping them clean with mild soap and water and storing them in a safe place, so that they will last for years.
Looking for items for the Tome of Knowledge will also reveal some plotlines that have soap opera appeal... except for the fantasy world.