Snubbed Sentence Examples
His mood too good to be snubbed by a mere public servant.
Tighter planning controls have pushed builders onto brownfield sites which would once have been snubbed Again there will be large variations, however.
Naturally, being buck-toothed and wearing thick glasses, he is snubbed by everyone with snide and nasty remarks.
Simply stated, migrant workers generally take jobs snubbed by the vast majority of Greeks, ' she claims.
There was an option to nominate and award a daytime type Emmy in 1968, but the judges elected that no one nominated was deserving of the statue and thus daytime was snubbed.
The Reading number sixteen has previously snubbed moves to Bristol City, Preston, Stoke and the Busan Icons.
Maddie was upset when Karen snubbed a girls ' night out to see Taylor.
What might have happened we cannot tell; but Descartes threw himself on the protection of the French ambassador and the prince of Orange, and the city magistrates, from whom he vainly demanded satisfaction in a dignified letter,2 were snubbed by their superiors.
He didn't spend much time at the hospital because the step father is a prune and he snubbed Julie.