Snorers Sentence Examples
Snorers can benefit from some medical interventions including devices and surgery.
Snorers can determine which approach is right for them by establishing how severe their conditions are.
Alcohol and sleep medications are not recommended for snorers as they make the snoring worse.
The Genesis School of Hypnosis in Chesapeake, VA offers an approach that can help snorers make changes in behavior that can help alleviate snoring conditions.
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital is a prime example of a great resource for snorers.
The university also suggests that snorers should avoid antihistamines before going to sleep as well, which conflicts with some information circulating on the Internet.
Allergists who can help snorers who have allergies that affect their ability to breath while sleeping.
Surgery for snorers corrects structural problems that may interfere with the ability to breathe during sleep.
Marjoram oil is a good option for snorers.
In Norfolk, chronic snorers have a couple of choices in the local area for treatment of their snoring.
AdvertisementJack Cherin, a doctor of dental medicine, offers a non-surgical Norfolk snoring treatment option for chronic snorers.
Chronic snorers from Norfolk should start with their primary care doctor, and then seek a referral to either an accredited sleep center or a dentist with experience in dental appliances.
Options range from simple lifestyle changes to surgical procedures for snorers.
Dentists in the Virginia Beach area can offer help for snorers by fitting them with oral devices.
Loud snorers and those who have periods of silence (no breathing taking place) should seek medical attention for sleep apnea.
AdvertisementExperts warn that not all of these products work effectively for all snorers.
Laser assisted uvula palatoplasty (LAUP) is a popular procedure with snorers whether they suffer from chronic snoring or sleep apnea.
Medical intervention and devices to improve breathing are often needed for chronic snorers.
Either way, keeping the tongue away from the airway helps snorers (and their bedfellows) get a more solid sleep at night.
Vapor rub under the nostrils may open the airway for snorers who have the nighttime breathing problem due to sinus congestion.
AdvertisementSome snorers may have sleep apnea, a serious nighttime breathing problem that requires medical treatment.
The Sona Anti-Snore and Mild Sleep Apnea Pillow helps snorers sleep on their sides while providing optimal support for the head and neck.