Snakes Sentence Examples
Yeah, you could get to it, but it would take a while, and you'd be subjecting yourself to thorns, ticks, snakes and about ten miles of the roughest country you can imagine.
The number of recent species of snakes is about 1600.
Australia is rich in snakes, and has more than a hundred different kinds.
Herbs with healing properties were kept in her temple, and also snakes, the usual symbol of the medicinal art.
Venomous snakes abound.
The animals are few, comprising a land tortoise, the armadillo, a species of boa, several poisonous snakes and some woodcock.
Of the extremely limited Samoan fauna, consisting mainly of an indigenous rat, four species of snakes and a few birds, the most interesting member is the Didunculus strigirostris, a ground pigeon of iridescent greenish-black and bright chestnut plumage, which forms a link between the extinct dodo and the living African Treroninae.
The cave, still called Mavrospelya ("black cave"), was ever afterwards regarded as sacred to Demeter, and in'it, according to information given to Pausanias, there had been set up an image of the goddess, a female form seated on a rock, but with a horse's head and mane, to which were attached snakes and other wild animals.
In accordance with this general distribution snakes show a great amount of differentiation with regard to their mode of life and general organization; and from the appearance alone of a snake a safe conclusion can be drawn as to its habits.
No, I suppose the possibility of snakes does pose a bigger threat.
AdvertisementThere are several varieties of snakes, of which three species (all vipers) are poisonous.
Of snakes there are about forty distinct species or varieties.
The food of the people consists as a rule of boiled rice with salted fresh or dried fish, salt, sessamum-oil, chillies, onions, turmeric, boiled vegetables, and occasionally meat of some sort from elephant flesh down to smaller animals, fowls and almost everything except snakes, by way of condiment.
Some nine or ten other species of snakes are present, together with an abundance of lizards, including the Varanus, and most species of Mediterranean tortoises are represented.
How many of the snakes relatives lurked in the grass?
AdvertisementYou mean they have rattle snakes out here?
How could she have let him talk her into swimming in a creek where snakes slithering around in the nearby bushes?
Sleep didn't come easily that night, and when it finally overtook her, it was filled with snakes and insects - and worse yet, Denton.
There are several snakes, including the viper (Pelias berus).
Several pretty large logs may still be seen lying on the bottom, where, owing to the undulation of the surface, they look like huge water snakes in motion.
AdvertisementShe hesitated at the front door, scanning the porch for snakes before she stepped out into the cool evening air.
Most of the snakes in the water are harmless.
She searched the porch for snakes and then stepped outside.
In central Queensland and elsewhere, snakes, both venomous and harmless, are eaten, the head being first carefully smashed to pulp with a stone.
In the eastern portion of the Coastal Plain Region are the cotton rat, rice-field rat, marsh rabbit, big-eared bat, brown pelican, swallow-tailed kite, black vulture and some rattlesnakes and cotton-mouth moccasin snakes, all of which are common farther south; and there are some turtles and terrapins, and many geese, swans, ducks, and other water-fowl.
AdvertisementSnakes are common, an adder, a variegated rock snake and a Hadramut with forty followers about the 13th century.
Snakes are not numerous, and it is said that none is poisonous or vicious.
In addition Cuvier accepts the Linnaean subdivisions of Amphibia-Reptilia for the tortoises, lizards (including crocodiles), salamanders and frogs; and Amphibia-Serpentes for the snakes, apodal lizards and Caeciliae.
The most dreaded by the natives are called " imamba," of which there are at least eight different kinds; these snakes elevate and throw themselves forward, and have been known to pursue a horseman.
Among smaller animals the jerboa and other descriptions of rat, and the wabar or cony are common; lizards and snakes are numerous, most of the latter being venomous.
These characters apply to all snakes, although none are peculiar to them.
If you want me to cook them, you'd better clean them up so they don't look like snakes.
All it does is breed mosquitoes and attract snakes.
Why Alex, I do believe you have a phobia about snakes.
You're not afraid of snakes?
I'm wearing boots and I know to watch out for snakes.
Be sure to wear your gloves, and be careful about snakes.
Through the window the forest invited, but what about snakes?
In fact, it kills poisonous snakes.
All right, but you'd better watch for snakes.
There could be snakes.
I should have realized you had a phobia about snakes.
Among the plants the wild banana, pepper, orange and mangosteen, rhododendron, epiphytic orchids and the palm; among mammals the bats and rats; among birds the cassowary and rifle birds; and among reptiles the crocodile and tree snakes, characterize this element.
Five rather common species are certainly deadly - the death adder, the brown, the black, the superb and the tiger snakes.
The staff of Armenian bishops is reminiscent of that of the West, from which it is apparently derived; that of the vartapeds is encircled at the upper end by one or two snakes.
Baboons and other apes are fairly common and there are several species of snakes.
In the article Lizard attention is drawn to the many characters which make it difficult, if not impossible, to give diagnoses applicable to all lizards and all snakes.
The non-poisonous kinds of ground snakes are the typical and least specialized snakes, and more numerous than any of the other kinds.
The majority are non-poisonous; but the majority of poisonous snakes must be referred to this category.
Poisonous as well as innocuous snakes are represented in this category.
The majority of snakes are active during the day, their energy increasing with the increasing temperature; whilst some delight in the moist sweltering heat of dense tropical vegetation, others expose themselves to the fiercest rays of the midday sun.
Snakes are the most stationary of all vertebrates; as long as a locality affords them food and shelter they have no inducement to change it.
Snakes are not able to move over a perfectly smooth surface.
Also the notion that snakes when attacking are able to jump off the ground is quite erroneous; when they strike an object, they dart the fore part of their body, which was retracted in several bends, forwards in a straight line.
Some snakes can raise the anterior part of their body and even move in this attitude, but it is only about the anterior fourth or third of the total length which can be thus erected.
The tongue in snakes is narrow, almost worm-like, generally of a black colour and forked, that is, it terminates in front in two extremely fine filaments.
Snakes possess teeth in the maxillaries, mandibles, palatine and pterygoid bones, sometimes also in the intermaxillary; they may be absent in one or the ether of the bones mentioned.
In the innocuous snakes the teeth are simple and uniform in structure, thin, sharp like needles, and bent backwards; their function consists merely in seizing and holding the prey.
The snakes with this grooved kind of tooth have been named Opisthoglyphi, and also Suspecti, because their saliva is more or less poisonous.
In the true poisonous snakes the maxillary dentition has undergone a special modification.
The so-called colubrine venomous snakes, which retain in a great measure an external resemblance to the innocuous snakes, have the maxillary bone not at all, or but little, shortened, armed in front with a fixed, erect fang, which is provided with a deep groove or canal for the conveyance of the poison, the fluid being secreted by a special poison-gland.
In the other venomous snakes (viperines and crotalines) the maxillary bone is very short, and is armed with a single very long curved fang with a canal and aperture at each end.
The Elapinae have comparatively short fangs, while those of the vipers, especially the crotaline snakes, are much longer, sometimes nearly an inch in length.
Snakes are carnivorous, and as a rule take living prey only; a few feed habitually or occasionally on eggs.
Digestion is quick and much accelerated by the quantity of saliva which is secreted during the progress of deglutition, and in venomous snakes probably also by the chemical action of the poison.
Only very few poisonous snakes (like Naja elaps) are known to resent the approach of man so much as to follow him on his retreat and to attack him.
The Australian venom and that of all viperine snakes, perhaps also that of the cobra, if introduced rapidly into the circulation, occasions extensive intravascular clotting.
If the venom is slowly absorbed, the blood loses its coagulability, owing to the breaking down of the red blood-corpuscles, most so with vipers, less with Australian snakes, least so with the cobra.
Snakes can poison each other, even those of the same kind.
Snakes are oviparous; they deposit from ten to eighty eggs of an ellipsoid shape, covered with a soft leathery shell, in places where they are exposed to and hatched by moist heat.
In some families, as many freshwater snakes, the sea snakes, Viperinae and Crotalinae, the eggs are retained in the oviduct until the embryo is fully developed.
These snakes bring forth living young.
The classification of snakes has undergone many vicissitudes.
He adhered to this arrangement in his last comprehensive work (Crocodilians, Lizards and Snakes of North America, 1898, Smithsonian Inst., 1900), but combined the Asinea and Proteroglypha as Colubroidea, subdividing these into Peropoda, Aglyphodonta, Glyphodonta, Proteroglypha and Platycerca (Hydrophinae).
In his last work he used, with doubtful success, the variations of the penes and the lungs as additional characters, chiefly for the grouping of the great mass of the Colubroid snakes.
All the remaining snakes combine the following characters.
About 100 species of these rather archaic snakes are known; in adaptation to their burrowing life and worm and insect diet, they have undergone degradation.
The pelvic girdle and the hind-limbs show the least reduction found in any recent snakes, ilia, pubes and ischia being still distinguishable, the last even retaining their symphysis, and there are small vestiges of the femurs.
The head is very small and not distinct from the neck, a usual feature in burrowing snakes and lizards.
It is impossible here to mention any but the more obvious genera and groups of colubrine snakes.
Calamaria of Indo-China is an example of burrowing snakes, with a short tail and small eyes; in Typhlopophis of the Philippines the eyes are concealed.
The most beautiful of all snakes are perhaps certain varieties of Chrysopelea ornata, a species extremely common in the Indian Archipelago and many parts of the continent of tropical Asia.
The principal diet of these peculiar snakes seems to consist of eggs.
These snakes are all very poisonous, mostly viviparous and found in all tropical and subtropical countries, with the exception of Madagascar and New Zealand.
No part of the world possesses so many snakes of this sub-family as Australia, where, in fact, they replace the non-venomous colubrine snakes; many of them are extremely common and spread over a considerable area.
Although the poison of these narrowmouthed snakes is probably as virulent as that of the preceding, man has much less to fear from them, as they bite only under great provocation.
Sea-snakes shed their skin frequently; but it peels off in pieces as in lizards, and not as in the freshwater snakes, in which the integuments come off entire.
Otherwise these snakes agree with the aglyphous Colubridae.
The head is thick, very distinct from the neck and the pupil is vertical, so that these harmless snakes look rather viperish.
They include terrestrial, semi-aquatic and burrowing types; none of them with any signs of degradation; on the contrary they belong to the most highly organized of snakes.
Cornelius Sulla for the payment of his soldiers; Nero removed no fewer than 500 bronze statues from the sacred precincts; Constantine the Great enriched his new city by the sacred tripod and its support of intertwined snakes dedicated by the Greek cities after the battle of Plataea.
Some are said occasionally to resort to berries and other fruit for food, but as a rule they are carnivorous, feeding chiefly on birds and their eggs, small mammals, as squirrels, hares, rabbits and moles, but chiefly mice of various kinds, and occasionally snakes, lizards and frogs.
There are four species of lizard and three snakes, none of which is venomous; a land tortoise, a turtle and a frog.
The Jews were as well able as their neighbours to fashion golden calves, snakes and the minor idols called teraphim, when their legislator, in the words we have just cited, forbade the ancillary use of all plastic and pictorial art for religious purposes.
They, as well as the young, are much sought after by snakes, but the parents are often successful in repelling these deadly enemies, and are always ready to wage war against any intruder on their precincts, be it man, cat or hawk.
Of reptiles there are the alligator, and several species each of turtles, lizards and snakes.
Among venomous snakes the harlequin, or coral snake (Elaps fulvius) is common along the coast; the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) along the wooded banks of creeks and rivers; the cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus), in all parts of the state except the more arid districts; the "sidewiper," or massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus consors, sometimes called Crotalophorus tergeminus) and the ground rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius), in all sections.
Only 4 genera and 5 species of snakes are peculiar to New Guinea, many of them poisonous.
Copperhead snakes and rattlesnakes are occasionally seen, and there are several species of harmless serpents.
As some compensation for its paucity of useful animals and food plants, New Zealand was, of course, free from wild carnivora, has no snakes, and only one poisonous insect, the katipo, a timid little spider found on certain sea-beaches.
None of the dangerous wild beasts is common, but there are several varieties of poisonous snakes.
Of snakes, 56 species are known, but only 12 are poisonous, and of these 4 are sea-snakes.
It was used in unguents and against the bites of snakes, &c. In the middle ages the flower continued to be common and was taken as the symbol of heavenly purity.
The animals exhibited are selected chiefly because of their popular interest, but the arrangements for housing are specially ingenious and successful, those for monkeys and snakes being notable.
Cold-blooded animals, such as reptiles and batrachians, thrive best in an equable temperature, and, especially in the case of snakes, frequently can be induced to feed only when their temperature has been raised to a certain point.
The majority are distinguished from snakes by the possession of two pairs of limbs, of external ear-openings and movable eyelids, but since in not a few of the burrowing, snake-shaped lizards these characters give way entirely, it is well-nigh impossible to find a diagnosis which should be absolutely sufficient for the distinction between lizards and snakes.
It is certain that the snakes have been evolved as a specialized branch from some Lacertilian stock, and that both "orders" are intimately related, but it is significant that it is only through the degraded members of the 1 For the etymology of this word, see Crocodile.
The lizards and snakes are the two dominant reptilian orders which are still on the increase in species, though certainly not in size.
Most lizards live on animal food, varying from tiny insects and worms to lizards, snakes, birds and mammals, while others prefer a mixed or an entirely vegetable diet.
The motions of these limbless lizards are similar to those of snakes, which they resemble in their elongate body.
The Zapotecs, who call the creature Talachini, and other tribes of Mexico have endowed it with fabulous properties and fear it more than the most poisonous snakes.
They also use this whip for killing snakes which they are said to eat.
Hence the animals have suggested to vivid imaginations the head of the fabled Gorgon or Medusa with her chevelure of writhing snakes.
In southern Mexico in 1902 and 1904 Hans Gadow collected specimens of 44 different kinds of snakes, which he estimated to be only about 45% of the species in the states visited.
The arboreal life of the tropical forests has developed the treeclimbing habit among snakes as well as among frogs and toads, and also the habit of mimicry, their colour being in harmony with the foliage or bark of the trees which form their " hunting-grounds."
That in the palace gardens flowers from the tierra caliente were transplanted, and water-fowl bred near fresh and salt pools fit for each kind, that all kinds of birds and beasts were kept in well-appointed zoological gardens, where there were homes even for alligators and snakes - all this testifies to a cultivation of natural history which was really beyond the European level of the time.
Before the shrines reeking with the stench of slaughter the eternal fires were kept burning, and on the platform stood the huge drum, covered with snakes' skin, whose fearful sound was heard for miles.
At Whydah, the chief centre, there is a serpent temple, tenanted by some fifty snakes; every python of the danh-gbi kind must be treated with respect, and death is the penalty for killing one, even by accident.
The tribes of Peru are said to have adored great snakes in the pre-Inca days; and in Chile the Araucanians made a serpent figure in their deluge myth.
The same description applies to the reptiles, but a curious net work of cystic ducts is found in snakes and to a less extent in crocodiles.
There are various peculiar species of frogs, lizards and snakes, including the great frog Rana Guppyi, from 2 to 3 lb in weight.
The earth was considered in ancient times a cure for old festering wounds, and for the bite of poisonous snakes.
Apparently the only instances of mimicry known amongst reptiles occur amongst snakes; and in all the cases quoted by Wallace harmless snakes mimic venomous species.
In tropical America the genus Elaps, which is both poisonous and warningly coloured, is a model for several innocuous snakes.
Considering, however, the numbers of venomous and innocuous snakes that occur in most tropical countries, it might be supposed that mimicry in this order of reptiles would be of commoner occurrence than appears to be the case.
It must be remembered, however, that apart from size and colour all snakes resemble each other in a general way in their form and actions.
So close indeed is the similarity that many monkeys, apes and human beings have an apparently instinctive fear of all snakes and do not discriminate between poisonous and non-poisonous forms. Hence it may be that innocuous snakes are in many instances sufficiently protected by their likeness in shape to poisonous species that close and exact resemblance in colour to particular species is superfluous.
Sometimes Lepidoptera mimic protected members of other orders of insects - such as Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera; but perhaps the most singular illustrations of the phenomenon known in the order are exemplified by the larvae of the hawk-moth Chaerocampa, which imitate the heads of snakes.
Professor Poulton long ago suggested, and supported the suggestion by experimental evidence on a lizard, that the larvae of two British species, C. elpenor and C. porcellus, are protected by the resemblance to the heads of snakes presented by the anterior extremities of their bodies which are ornamented with large eye-like spots.
The story told to Herodotus of its destroying snakes is, according to Savigny, devoid of truth, but Cuvier states that he discovered partly digested remains of a snake in the stomach of a mummied ibis.
He was variously represented with one, two or (usually) three heads, often with the tail of a snake or with snakes growing from his head or twined round his body.
Among the wild animals are the elephant (comparatively rare), the leopard, varieties of antelope, many kinds of monkeys and numerous venomous snakes.
Of birds there are 316 species, and several of venomous snakes.
Monkeys are numerous in the forests, and snakes are common.
The prescriptions are for a great variety of ailments and afflictionsdiseases of the eye and the stomach, sores and broken bones, to make the hair grow, to keep away snakes, fleas, &c. Purgatives and diuretics are particularly numerous, and the medicines take the form of pillules, draughts, liniments, fumigations, &c. The prescriptions are often fanciful and may thus bear some absurd relation to the disease to be cured, but generally they would be to some extent effective.
Some chapters describe the manner in which he passes from earth to heaven and becomes a star in the firmament, others deal with the food and drink necessary for his continued existence after death, and others again with the royal prerogatives which he hopes still to enjoy; many are directed against the bites of snakes and stings of scorpions.
They deal for the most part with the hearing of diseases, the bites of snakes and scorpions, &c., but incidentally cast many sidelights on the mythology and superstitious beliefs.
It is extremely hard to draw any fixed line in Egypt between magic and medicine; but it is curious to note that simple diagnoses and prescriptions were employed for the more curable diseases, while magical formulae and amulets are reserved for those that are harder to cope with, such as the bites of snakes and the stings of scorpions.
The Reptilia include countless numbers of alligators in the Guayas and its tributaries and in the tide-water channels of many of the smaller rivers; many species of lizards, of which Mr Whymper found three in the Quito basin; snakes of every description from the huge anaconda of the Amazon region down to the beautifully marked coral snake; and a great variety of frogs and toads.
Snakes - many of them venomous - are numerous, and there are many varieties of lizards.
They also give out that they render snakes harmless by the use of charms or music, - in reality it is by extracting the venomous fangs.
All the salt-water snakes in India are poisonous, while the fresh-water forms are wholly innocuous.
Noteworthy in the animal life of the lower Sonoran and tropic region are a variety of snakes and lizards, desert rats and mice; and, among birds, the cactus wren, desert thrasher, desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk, mocking-bird and ground cuckoo or road runner (Geococcyx Californianus).
At Athens, Asklepios Amynos had a sanctuary with altar and well, and among the votive offerings have been discovered models of snakes.'
Moreover, the temple of the earth-goddess Bona Dea on the slopes of the Aventine was a kind of herbarium, and snakes were kept there as a symbol of the medical art.
As in Syria, watered by the Orontes, an image, the lower remedy part of which was a scorpion, cured the sting of against scorpions and freed the city from snakes.
In Sweden, even in the 16th century, such snakes were virtually household gods and to hurt them was a deadly sin.
This was ascribed to the naga demi-gods and rajahs of India and to the " king tt, of snakes " among North American Indians.'
The symbol of the Bacchic orgies was a consecrated serpent, and the snakes kept in the sacred cistae of the cult of Dionysus find a parallel among the sect of the Ophites where, at the sacramental rites, bread was offered to the living serpent and afterwards distributed among the worshippers.
Again, among the Moquis of America, where the snake-clan claim descent from a woman who gave birth to snakes, the reptiles are freely handled at the " snake dances " which are performed partly to secure the fertility of the soil.'
For example, when one considers how often milk is used in the tending and propitiation of venerated snakes, it is noteworthy that in Roman cult the truly rustic deities are offered milk (Fowler), and it is no less singular that many of the old goddesses of Greece have serpent attributes (Harrison).'
Squirrels, flying-squirrels, porcupines, civet-cats, rats, bats, flying-foxes and lizards are found in great variety; snakes of various kinds, from the boa-constrictor downward, are abundant, while the forests swarm with tree-leeches, and the marshes with horse-leeches and frogs.
A very remarkable circumstance was the death of animals (rats, and more rarely snakes) at the outbreak of an epidemic. The rats brought up blood, and the body of one examined after death by Dr Francis showed an affection of the lungs.'
Later, they are winged maidens of serious aspect, in the garb of huntresses, with snakes or torches in their hair, carrying scourges, torches or sickles.
Snakes, which are so abundant in warm countries, diminish rapidly as we go north, and wholly cease at lat.
After death, he and his wife were changed into snakes, which watched the tomb while their souls were translated to the Elysian fields.
Rattlesnakes, owls and weasels are commonly found in the burrows; but their presence is no indication of the existence of a kind of "happy family" arrangement, the snakes, at any rate, preying on the young marmots.
The most destructive of the ferae naturae, as regards human life, are, however, the snakes.
There are no poisonous snakes in the country, and, in a region so filled with lakes and rivers as the rainy south, only two species of batrachians.
There are thirty varieties of snakes.
Bellew finds in the Gadara the Garuda (eagles) of Sanskrit, who were ever in opposition to the Naga (snakes) of Scythic origin.
Some -of the snakes of India are to be seen in the hotter regions, including the python and some of the venomous species, the cobra being found as high up as 8000 or 9000 ft., though not common.
It is related that he and his sister fell asleep in the temple of Apollo Thymbraeus and that snakes came and cleansed their ears, whereby they obtained the gift of prophecy and were able to understand the language of birds.
Snakes are not numerous.
The forests are the home of several kinds of monkeys, including the chimpanzee in the Aruwimi region; the lion, leopard, wild hog, wolf, hyena, jackal, the python and other snakes, and particularly of the elephant.
The reptiles include certain lizards and snakes; the crocodile, once common, has been exterminated.
Reptiles are infested as well as mammals, and it is no uncommon thing to find specimens of Ixodidae of various kinds adherent to tortoises, snakes and lizards.
The Gorgons are represented as winged creatures, having the form of young women; their hair consists of snakes; they are round-faced, flat-nosed, with tongues lolling out and large projecting teeth.
Edible frogs, tree-frogs, lizards, snakes, tortoises and scorpions are found in all parts.
He struck snakes with his staff and turned them into men, as Zeus did with the ants in Aegina.
The Zulus are great worshippers of ancestors (who appear to men in the form of snakes), and they regard a being called Unkulunkulu as their first ancestor, and sometimes as the creator, or at least as the maker of men.
It has already been shown that such creatures, thunder-birds, snakes, dragons, and what not, people the sky in the imagination of Zulus, Red Men, Chinese, Peruvians, and all the races who believe that beasts hunt the sun and moon and cause eclipses.'
Melampus and the snakes is a Greek example.
Snakes and true birds advanced rapidly towards their modern position.
Snakes are also plentiful, many poisonous kinds being found.
Under the horse of the king lies a defeated enemy, the Parthian king Artaban; under the horse of Ormuzd, the devil Ahriman, with two snakes rising from his head.
Reptiles - snakes, lizards and chameleons, crocodiles, turtles and an enormous variant of the edible Indian crab - are numerous; butterflies and insects, the latter very troublesome, have not yet been systematically collected.
Snakes are pretty plentiful in scrubs; the lizards are harmless.
Giddon kept the lawn mown short to discourage snakes, but the rich green carpet wasn't nearly as enticing as the tangle of brush that threatened to invade the area around the house.
They only danger here is the snakes & the death adder that prowls about the bush forest.
Here you can spot alligators, turtles, snakes, amazing bird life and, if you're lucky, bears and panthers.
A deadly assassin, who wants to murder a prosecution witness on a plane, releases a whole crate full of vicious snakes!
Nutrobal is a high potency calcium balancer and multivitamin supplement to help bone growth in snakes, lizards and tortoises.
As prodigious climbers, the snakes were blamed for frequent blackouts in the 1980s by shorting across lines and transformers.
Like other snakes the red-tail boa is able to swallow food items that are much larger than its own head.
Link copperhead Snakes Offers copperhead snake information and photos.
Started out promising, just as we got through the reserve gate we encountered two different snakes and our first emus.
The great head itself has snakes entwined within its beard, wings above its ears, beetling brows and a heavy mustache.
The fossil history of snakes is very poorly known, since snake skeletons are very delicate and do not fossilize easily.
The following data gives the snout vent length (in cm) of 8 newly born garter snakes bred in captivity.
Next to the river, you also often find grass snakes that swim and hunt amphibians in the water.
They had chosen for themselves a military insignia of two crossed snakes.
Unlike most islanders, Gordon doesn't hate the snakes.
A long wooden jetty snakes out into the water from a perfect white beach fringed by mangrove trees.
There are many habitants in the park including; eagles, pink flamingos, wall lizards, grass snakes, to name a few.
G I think the stories of people being " chased " by water moccasin snakes are pretty much the same thing.
Let X be the number of red-bellied snakes with gray color morph in the population of 1000.
Members of a group vie for the right to feed nestlings, undertake guard duty, even attack snakes.
Six or more snakes swing from the skull the hero holds, however he remains nonchalant, not looking.
An exposure program for someone with a severe phobia about snakes should start with thinking about what exactly makes them feel frightened.
He told me he had killed snakes before - including a measly 13ft python - but had never taken one alive.
They will also feed on reptiles, quite often snakes, including rattlesnakes.
However there was no sight of the much dreaded desert scorpion, spiders or snakes.
We got snakes, circles, and goals, hop scotch and many more.
In the passage of the fiery snakes, Moses is instructed by God to make a bronze serpent and set it on a standard.
I for one am glad that my Easter faith does not depend on handling deadly snakes or drinking poison.
Hard chrome snakes and tip with lined stripping rings.
The marine flora is dominated by seagrass beds providing a substratum for 100 species of zoophytes, juvenile fish and sea snakes.
There is a terrible, vengeful beauty here, a place teeming with crocodiles, snakes, sharks and man-eating tigers.
A program of events has been organized to include a Halloween theme from drawing competitions to giant twister and snakes and ladders.
Any advise would be appreciated. thanks Barry Most snakes are not venomous in this area.
When, with renewed vigor, he resumed beating it, the snakes began to vanish.
All of the snakes pictured below except for the coral snake are pit vipers.
A mystical mask, it has two intertwined snakes reclining on the crest, complimented by a striking human visage on the forehead.
The odour alone of guaco has been said to cause in snakes a state of stupor and torpidity; and Humboldt, who observed that the near approach of a rod steeped in guaco-juice was obnoxious to the venomous Coluber corallinus, was of opinion that inoculation with it imparts to the perspiration an odour which makes reptiles unwilling to bite.
The Romans celebrated the birthday of a town and of its genius, just as they celebrated that of a man; and a snake was a frequent form for this kind of demon; when we compare with this the South African belief that the snakes which are in the neighbourhood of the kraal are the incarnations of the ancestors of the residents, it seems probable that some similar idea lay at the bottom of the Roman belief; to this day in European folklore the house snake or toad, which lives in the cellar, is regarded as the "life index" or other self of the father of the house; the death of one involves the death of the other, according to popular belief.
And sometimes very active snakes, like the cobra, advance simultaneously with the remainder of the body, which, however, glides in the ordinary fashion over the ground; but no snake is able to impart such an impetus to the whole of its body as to lose its contact with the ground.
Foxes, squirrels, otters, snakes (smooth snake, grass snake and adder), butterflies (some of them peculiar to the district), and an occasional badger range the forest freely.
They are much fed upon by birds and snakes, and have a fragile tail, easily reproduced.
In America some of the Amerindian tribes reverence the rattlesnake as grandfather and king of snakes who is able to give fair winds or cause tempest.
Mahomet, it is said, declared that the house-dwelling snakes were a kind of jinn, and the heathen Arabs invariably regarded them as alike malevolent or benevolent demoniacal beings."
Of reptiles there are the crocodile, confined to the Transkei rivers, several kinds of snakes, including the cobra di capello and puff adder, numerous lizards and various tortoises, including the leopard tortoise, the largest of the continental land forms. Of birds the ostrich may still be found wild in some regions.
They saw a mass of tough green vines all matted together and writhing and twisting around like a nest of great snakes.
Hazel rods were taken by Irish settlers to the US to keep away snakes.
You are to be " as shrewd as snakes " but also " as innocent as doves ".
I know that some people freeze on the spot at the sight of slithery snakes.
Venomous snakes are found throughout the world; they are even lurking in our oceans.
No more losses to snapping turtles, huge bullfrogs and water snakes, kingfishers and herons.
As it is we are forced to swat flies, kill snakes and protect ourselves against robbers and murderers.
There is information on avian breeding, nutrition of primates, snakes, iguanas, marmoset and tamarin care, and reptile aggression.
They also give protein molecules the odd ability to coil and uncoil like tiny, cellular snakes.
On top of that the Ash tree has always been regarded as a protector and a supreme medicine against the venom of snakes.
All captive venomous snakes should be treated with a healthy respect.
Here, among a number of viperine snakes of about the same size, is a snake that lives on eggs.
It seemed to Norman, for an instant, that her hair was filled with writhing snakes.
I don't even like to ponder the idea of spiders or snakes.
On the other end of the spectrum are those people who actually look for free kittens to feed to snakes, use as bait for dog fights or sell for a profit to laboratories.
Some people set up a room for reptiles, with cages and aquariums filled with snakes, lizards or turtles. - Players can adopt their choice of critter, with options including horses, fish, dogs, cats, snakes, and more.
You can choose from dogs, cats, snakes, birds and more.
The animals you can choose to raise are cats, dogs, turtles, horses, snakes, fish and monkeys.
He later went on to achieve acclaim in such cult favorites as Pulp Fiction, Shaft, Star Wars, and Snakes on a Plane.
However, his future plans won't include going anywhere near spiders, sharks, or snakes.
This Robert Trent Jones Jr.-designed golf playground snakes its way along the Caribbean coastline and through lush tropical gardens.
In contrast, along the mighty Mississippi passengers may pass close by alligators, turtles, snakes, and a wide range of beautiful birds as the ship sails leisurely along the river.
The Celts often used images of snakes and dragons in their designs.
Ancient Greeks and Romans wore gold bracelets shaped as snakes that spiraled around their wrists and arms.
They may remember vague images of frightening animals such as spiders or snakes or people who were trying to hurt them.
Guide your frog home by avoiding freeway traffic and crossing a river filled with dangerous alligators and snakes that try to stop you from getting to your destination.
These range from things like candlesticks and bits of ribbon, right up to obscure items like snakes and African drums.
Play as Kong, swing through the jungle and battle V-Rex, giant snakes and flying beasts.
Play as Kong, swinging through the jungle and battling V-Rex, giant snakes and flying beasts.
Collectibles of mice, rats, snakes and lizards can also be found on the Internet.
Common examples of specific phobias, which can begin at any age, include fear of insects, snakes, and dogs; escalators, elevators, and bridges; high places; and open spaces.
People who have a specific phobia that is easy to avoid (such as snakes) and that does not interfere with their lives may not need to get help.
For example, someone who is afraid of snakes might first be shown a photo of a snake.
There are 20 species of venomous snakes in the United States.
These snakes are found in every state except Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii.
The Elapidae family includes two kinds of venomous coral snakes indigenous to the southern and western states.
Because coral snakes are creatures that come out only at night, they almost never bite humans; they are held responsible for approximately 25 bites a year in the United States.
Coral snakes also have short fangs and a small mouth, which lowers the risk of a bite actually forcing venom into the human body.
The wounds, however, can still become infected by the harmful microorganisms that snakes carry in their mouths.
Although most snakes are not venomous, any snakebite should immediately be examined at a hospital.
Measures such as mowing the lawn, keeping hedges trimmed, and removing brush from the yard also discourages snakes from living close to human dwellings.
Tongs should be used to move brush, lumber, and firewood, to avoid exposing one's hands to snakes that might be lying underneath.
Children should be prevented from playing in weedy, vacant lots and other places where snakes may live.
Approaching a snake, even a dead one, can be dangerous since the venom of recently killed snakes may still be active.
For example, uterine tissue can enter the mother's circulation during prolonged labor, introducing foreign proteins into the blood, or the venom of some exotic snakes can activate one of the clotting factors.
Salmonella is also found in feces of pet reptiles such as turtles, lizards, and snakes.
Common examples of specific phobias, which can begin at any age, are fear of snakes, flying, dogs, escalators, elevators, high places, or open spaces.
Snakes have a tremendous sense of smell and will usually eat a dead mouse when they are hungry without intervention.
Ticks and mites are one problem that some snakes may acquire.
The vibrant images embrace the fantasy of wildlife, mythical creatures and brow-raising symbols such as snakes, skulls and mermaids to name but a few.
The cut is glorious as it snakes its way around the body only to be "held" together by a shiny, square-shaped, red jewel.
Armed with his wits and his trusty whip, Indiana can stand up to anything - except snakes!
Indy can say phrases like, "Snakes…why'd it have to be snakes!"
Also snakes, for the obvious reason of their complicated magical association, the slightly naughty flair and the chance to wear bright stripes.
While frogs may be harmless, there will always be the risk of encountering a few snakes as well.
Best matches for you include roosters, financially stable snakes, and brave dragons.
You'll also mesh well with rats, ox, dragons and snakes.
Second best matches can be found with roosters, snakes and horses.
Financially fortunate snakes can make a successful love match with roosters, ox, and dogs.
Roosters get along best with ox, dragons and snakes.
Snakes spend much time on careful thought.
For example, the preview to Snakes on a Plane garnished much buzz about the film.
Unlike other action movies like Kill Bill, Die Hard or even Snakes on a Plane, Spider-Man strikes a chord with fans due to its popularity as a comic.
This website lets you choose from categories such as children, cars, bridges & tracks, bugs & snakes, and more.
There are 150 animals featured, ranging from tigers to snakes.
Goats, pigs, crocodiles, snakes and even other animals can be used to make leather shoes.
The tall, slightly loose sides prevented the lower leg from chafing against the saddle and protected against mud, snakes and other animals.
Telenovelas in Spain are also known as culebrones which means "long snakes".
Common fauna includes birds, chickens, monkeys, horses, snakes, dogs and goats.
Various eagles eat snakes, fish, rodents, and even turtles.
From small, innocent butterflies to slithering snakes, female tat designs can take many forms.
Tattoos By Design has an excellent image incorporating a tiger, snakes and a skull.
She's scared of snakes and wants to learn to surf.
He did not, for instance, actually get rid of the snakes.
These can be done in a jungle theme, using monkeys, snakes, lions, and tigers, or perhaps a farm animal mobile, with cows, horses, and chickens.
Some popular designs include elephants, roosters, teddy bears, and snakes.
McCoy was also featured on "Bring It (Snakes on a Plane)" from the Snakes on a Plane soundtrack. sells MP3 downloads of "New Friend Request", "Snakes On A Plane (Bring It)" and the band's cover of "Under the Bridge" from the compilation CD Punk Goes the 90s.
Often this challenge involved eating bugs, allowing snakes to climb on them, or some other challenge involving an animal.
From venomous snakes and dangerous alligators to cockroaches and bees, Bretherton has a unique skill set that allows him to quickly assess a situation and find the best solution.
Above snakes - this is used when you are letting someone know you are still alive.
That is because the state is home to almost four dozen species of snakes.
There are many snakes that are not common to the region, but may be encountered anyway.
While it is important to know how to identify snakes, with so many snake species it is equally important to have a good guide and learn the facts.
Adult cottonmouth snakes are usually longer than three feet, with rare specimens reaching over six feet.
A good idea is to either take a guide into the field when trying to identify snakes, or to memorize the details of a few species that are of interest before setting out.
Outside of snakes and insects, there was nothing dangerous about the forest.
Snakes were something that gave her the willies.
She screamed and jumped back before she realized the snakes were dead.
I take it you don't want to fix those snakes.
He dismounted and retrieved the snakes from the sand.
By the time Bordeaux returned with the cut up snakes, she had lard sizzling in a large skillet.
It was dark. The dual moons of the underworld were high overhead, another sign she hadn't slept more than an hour or two. The trees overhead hissed as the branches moved like snakes in a soft breeze. Gabriel held out a hand and pulled her up, silent despite his size and small armory of weapons.
Snakes were his weakness.
He wouldn't let any snakes near her.
You're not afraid of snakes, are you?
How can you swim in that water when you know snakes might be lurking under the surface?
This phobia about snakes was thwarting her attempts at independence.
Too many snakes - and next time she might wander so far she wouldn't be able to find her way back.
The food of the adult is almost exclusively animal, - insects, especially large ants, snails, lizards and snakes, but it also eats certain large red berries.
As regards reptiles, there are at least seven poisonous snakes - two cobras, two puff-adders and three vipers.
There are snakes and small lizards, but no frogs or toads.
The snakes are the most highly specialized branch of the Sauria or Squamata, i.e.
These tail-shielded snakes, of which about 40 species are known, are viviparous and burrow in the ground, preferring damp mountainforests.
This family comprises about nine-tenths of all recent species of snakes and is cosmopolitan, New Zealand being the most notable exception.
Most of these snakes, which number about 300 species, are moderately poisonous.
They are all more or less poisonous, paralysing their prey before, or during the act of swallowing; the poison-fangs standing so far back in the mouth, these snakes cannot easily inflict wounds with them on man; moreover, the poison is not very strong and not available in large quantities.
Oxen are most compatible with Roosters and Snakes.
Snakes will find their love lives sizzle when paired with Oxen and Roosters.
Roosters tend to hit a romantic high with Snakes and Oxen.
Snakes are masters of the intuitive arts.
Slow to start, Snakes will follow a task through to the end if it's something they truly believe in.
Its bold red and black watch band snakes wickedly along the wrist in an S shape that keeps everything in place.
It doesn't help matters that Harry seems to be fluent in the language of the snakes, a gift that "He Who Must Not Be Named" also possessed; this has the other students even more suspicious.
She eyed the snakes distastefully.