Smileys Sentence Examples
Smileys are the friendly name for emoticons.
Popular games on this site include Territory War, Prince of War, Autumn War, Smileys War and much more.
There are many different types of smiley and what started as a simple happy or sad face now has developed into a range of different smileys.
While most instant messenger, forum and chat room applications come with a range of different smileys or emoticons, many people like to display their individuality by having something a little different.
Luckily this is very simple to do as there are many websites that specialize in creating and designing different emoticons or smileys so that there are several thousand variations to choose from.
Many companies provide free smileys for instant messenger, forums,and chat rooms.
My Smiley - there are many different smileys on this website and these are broken down into categories which makes them easy to browse through.
FreeSmileys - in addition to a wide range of smileys, this website also offers users the option of customizing their own free smiley.
Before downloading any smileys check that they are compatible with the application with which they are to be used.
Check the copyright status and any restrictions of use of any smileys that are being downloaded.
AdvertisementMany websites offer a step by step guide to downloading and using their smileys and emoticons.
If there are problems when downloading smileys check the website's FAQ (frequently asked questions) pages or use the 'contact us' function if available.
Free smileys and emoticons are the perfect way to bring some extra personality and emotion to instant messages, emails and forum posts.
With the vast range of different smileys available, there is bound to be one to meet every occasion.
Instant message smileys are one of the most unforeseen yet incredibly prevalent aspects of the digital age.
AdvertisementInstant message smileys (also known as emoticons) are also used in text messaging via phone.
The reason for their popularity is simple - unlike abbreviations, instant message smileys change the written word into [[Chat Rooms with Avatars|images]], and as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
When trying to create a taxonomy of emoticons, the easiest method is to go with the categories of emotions that the instant message smileys are designed to convey.
Another aspect of instant message smileys is the indication of other facial characteristics - for example, the comma representing the tear in the last emoticon above.
Ranging from the cute to the inexplicable, instant message smileys are ever-evolving.
AdvertisementSmileys War - A rather simplistic choice that literally requires you to blow the smile off someone else's face before he does it to you.