Smashing Sentence Examples
He laughed as one zapped him, sending him smashing into one wall.
He leaned back over certain death, a hundred bouncing, smashing, flying feet below.
Smashing her forehead against his nose, Jenn wrenched the knife free and drove it through him.
She hesitated, then looked at what capability the pod did have to keep her from smashing into the planet, even if she made it through the atmosphere.
Soon after I heard a smashing of glass, which proved to be the kitchen window.
Derby drubbing to Hitchin, with Grant Carney smashing a hatrick.
The worst violence was at Bideford School in Devon where a gang estimated at up to 300 strong stormed through the school smashing windows.
Crushing riffs, Shredding solos, pounding drums and skull smashing basslines.
It ends with frontman Danny primal screaming his way through closer Weak State Again and that final frustrated act of guitar smashing.
After smashing up the winter wonderland display, aggression turned to glass storefronts and overweight middle-aged men in sweats.
AdvertisementPat Barton & Terry Robertson did a smashing job with their hot supper which was greatly appreciated.
But talk of smashing the record is strictly taboo among the current Swansea players.
Not a few Christian martyrs sought and won the palm by smashing the idols in order to dislodge the indwelling devil; occasionally their zeal was further gratified by beholding it pass away like smoke from its ruined home.
And so while serenaded by the sounds of the natives smashing down the shanty town nearby, we headed for the bar.
He could never bring himself to decide whether he had got a good bargain in smashing the ball, or not.
AdvertisementHow, for example, they called for the smashing of the capitalist state, proletarian rule and insurrection.
One student suggested the smashing of glass to show a break of routine.
This is such a neat little jacket, it 'd look smashing with a pair of jeans.
Stephen wants to have a ceremonial smashing of the mug voted worst !
Lofty is very sweet and we think he is a smashing lad.
AdvertisementThese are a smashing job, showing Taylors at their best.
The first 500 ladies through the turnstiles get a free glass of Buck 's Fizz to start what promises to be a smashing day.
He dutifully accompanied us and said what a smashing time he 'd had.
There was a chance to catch a display of dancing and to join in - happily without the plate smashing !
Grey eyes are smashing in black, grey, and a variety of blue shades.
AdvertisementThe commercial for Covet by Sarah Jessica Parker features the actress clad in a frothy Christian Lacroix gown, smashing a store window with her stiletto shoe in order to grab a bottle of Covet.
Try styles of eye makeup to accentuate what is naturally unique about your eyes, whether it's exceptional lashes, smashing color, or a lovely shape - and you'll always be your beautiful best!
No matter what your body type, this design house has a dress that will look smashing on you!
Akins is also arrested and charged with a felonious, second-degree criminal damage for smashing The Waffle House window.
Regardless of her love/hate relationship with the general public, the senior vice president of programming and development at Bravo, Andy Cohen, thinks the show will be a smashing success.
The game is very easy to advance through, as a player may choose to adopt a "Hulk Smash" mentality throughout the majority of levels, blasting and smashing any and everything with little concern for life and irradiated limb.
We tried bending, smashing and crushing the PDA Panache Stylus Upgrade.
Sonic's goal for this game was to charge around collecting 'flickies' (small birds) as well as the usual ring gathering and Robotnik smashing at the end of each Zone.
The game involved you leveling a city as a giant monster, eating people, smashing vehicles, and climbing up buildings and punching the ever-loving hell right out of them.
These include "Black Magic Woman" by Santana, "Miss Murder" by AFI, "Cherub Rock" by Smashing Pumpkins, "Shout at the Devil" by Motley Crue, and "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by Scorpions.
A list of vendors can be found on the hotel's website so you can communicate with the folks that will help make your wedding a smashing success.
Jessica Gomes looks smashing in a strapless one piece illusion.
These are the basic essentials that will make spring a smashing success!
The same can be said of the mold casing and the Hulk Smash fist, though you may want to make sure that players don't get out of hand with smashing the cars with brute force.
This year's 90-minute show dazzles audiences with a smashing opening scene, "Sleighride", and runs nonstop through "The 12 Days of Christmas", "Here Comes Santa Claus", and "A Little Girl's Dream".
His first smashing hit collection was released in 1947, creating a completely "New Look" for the time.
The shoe was an instant smashing success in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, and the company continued to improve upon its design by tweaking its details.
Large-breasted women may experience chest smashing when wearing compression bras.
The Smashing Pumpkins were a rock band popular in the 1990s that became famous for their signature guitar-heavy sound and Corgan's lyrical prowess.
Corgan recently announced plans to reform the Smashing Pumpkins.
When asked how he chose the name "Smashing Pumpkins", Corgan responded "It could have been any vegetable."
He later went on record saying if the album didn't sell well, the Smashing Pumpkins would break up.
After relentless touring following the release of Siamese Dream, the Smashing Pumpkins took some time off to write and record another album.
One of the most shocking moves made by the Smashing Pumpkins was the radical departure from their famed style.
Towards the end of the 90s and in the early 2000s, the Smashing Pumpkins were waning.
May 23, 2000, Billy Corgan announced on a live radio interview that the Smashing Pumpkins would be breaking up.
Here it is, your chance to sample the new Smashing Pumpkins album.
Of course, "Smashing Pumpkins" is a term that should be used loosely, since not all of the original Pumpkins took part.
One of the most influential rock bands of the 90's is undoubtedly the Smashing Pumpkins.
During the early Napster/Metallica controversy over downloadable music, the Smashing Pumpkins made a daring move and released over two dozen studio recordings as free downloads.
The songs comprised MACHINA II/The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music and served as the Smashing Pumpkins' farewell.
Nevertheless, Adore is a favorite Smashing Pumpkins record to many fans.
Smashing Pumpkins - Machina II - Not just a free song, an entire album released by Billy Corgan and the Smashing Pumpkins.
Whether you want to download free gospel music or free Smashing Pumpkins music, there are sources that won't cost you a penny and they are absolutely legal!
The first step to making your holiday office party a smashing success is to get out of the office.
Smashing Magazine offers an entire website devoted to learning CSS.
In spite, however, of the improvement in trade that ultimately resulted from these measures, there was great depression; in 1825 there was a financial crisis that caused widespread ruin, and in 1826 the misery of the laboring poor led to renewed riots and machinery smashing.
The British government sent him back to secure reparation, and on the 27th of August, in combination with a Dutch squadron under Admiral Van de Capellen, he administered a smashing bombardment to Algiers.
A crystal bowl filled with rose petals floating in water makes a smashing wedding centerpiece.
By the way, smashing online chandlery that is... .
The woman responds by smashing crockery over his head and shooting him twice in the belly.
The topsy-turvey league was well illustrated as they handed a 5-1 local Derby drubbing to Hitchin, with Grant Carney smashing a hatrick.
By all accounts, this year's expo was a smashing success.
There were rumors flitting about that the Smashing Pumpkins would split which was fueling the frenzy further.
He then commenced a regular fusillade on the house, smashing nearly the whole of the windows, beside damaging the framework.
However the green Gargantua is very aggressive and has been eating people and smashing up buildings.
Linda tries to get her off by smashing a jug kettle over her head, which knocks Kay out.
The giant ogre was smashing the gate with his huge ax each time iron cracked off sending sparks into the air.
Except for one guy who runs full pelt and dives straight into the wedding cake, smashing it into pieces.
Swindon marked the landmark with the publication of a smashing little handbook, priced at just twenty-five pence!
The vinyl release will include a smashing remix made by Ron van den Beuken.
This is such a neat little jacket, it'd look smashing with a pair of jeans.
Stephen wants to have a ceremonial smashing of the mug voted worst!
Their video documents the ensuing chaos, including the smashing up of a piano.
In the words of the great Jim Bowen, this brand new series is set to be " super smashing great " !
There was a chance to catch a display of dancing and to join in - happily without the plate smashing!
From 1910 to 1914 many of its members were taking part in window smashing raids and some committed arson.
Ofcom noted that the crockery smashing stall was included for less than two seconds.
People seemed to be getting more violent, smashing up banks & gasoline stations.
Some of the press focused on the smashing of shop windows.
On December 2 the Smashing Pumpkins performed their final concert at The Metro, the same club in Chicago that started their careers over a decade earlier.
In it he expressed his solemn interest in re-forming the Smashing Pumpkins, saying it has been a secret he has kept for over a year.
And yes, that's him on the cover of London Calling, smashing his Fender Precision Bass on stage.
It is a picture of Paul Simonon smashing his bass on stage in New York, taken by Pennie Smith.
Between 1811 and 1814 hands of so-called Luddites, starving operatives out of work, scoured the country, smashing machinerythe immediate cause of their misfortunesand committing every sort of outrage.
She slammed the door to the bathing chamber, flinching at the sounds of a loud curse and the clatter of a table smashing into the stone wall.
During the month of August bands of fanatical rioters in various parts of the country made havoc in the churches and religious houses, wrecking the altars, smashing the images and pictures, and carrying off the sacred vessels and other treasures on which they could lay their hands.
The helicopter righted itself fast, and she saw the parachute Brady had been trying to release by smashing his fist against the control box in the ceiling.
A blow sent him smashing into a wall, and he morphed instantly, diving at the demons chasing his brothers as they retreated through the burnt doorway of Kris.s chambers to search for weapons.