Small-ball Sentence Examples
Jule's hand grew too bright to look at directly, and a small ball formed in his palm.
The beam must be provided with a small ball of metal which can be screwed up and down a stem on the top of the beam for the purpose of accurately adjusting the position of the centre of gravity, and there should be a small adjustable weight on a fine screw projecting horizontally from one end of the beam for the purpose of accurately balancing the arms.
The model consists of many small ball bearings trapped in a single layer between two transparent plates.
How many strides apart can you and a friend stand and still throw and catch a quoit, small ball or beanbag between you?
The gatherer dips the butt of the pipe into the molten " metal " and withdraws upon it a small ball of viscous glass, which he allows to cool in the air while constantly rotating it so as to keep the mass as nearly spherical in shape as he can.
Arrange 10 baby bottles in a triangle shape, and have each guest "bowl" with a small ball.
When this type of litter gets wet, it clumps together in a small ball that is easy to scoop out.
Make the head for the figure with a small ball of fondant colored to resemble any skin tone.
The small ball and bone are priced at $10.00 each, but there is a larger ball available for $14.00.
For example, a small ball or marble can completely seal a child's or infant's trachea (windpipe).