Slouch Sentence Examples
Be aware of your body language, do not slouch in the chair.
These include a sway-back posture or a slouch.
When I saw this movie in a theater, the audience cracked up simply at the sight of Allen seating himself in the command chair, his take on Shatner's 'command slouch' was just that good.
Hat - A gray slouch hat or cap was army issue but many of the Confederate soldiers preferred to wear a broad-brimmed felt hat that protected them from the sun and rain.
Well, you WOULD be a nice old slouch of a hermit.
After all, you're no slouch when it comes to fashion and accessories.
Virgo's no slouch when it comes to penning a romantic love letter either, and many people find this trait quite charming.
Leather shoes have a structured shape while a fabric shoe may bend and slouch.
If you have a tendency to slouch, gravity will take its toll on your abdominal muscles.
Then roll up from the ribbed bottom to create a " slouch hat " being slightly large gave it a slouch hat " being slightly large gave it a slouchy comfy fit.
AdvertisementIt ain't no slouch of a name to spell right off without studying.
The song and the hat named after him (the latter a broad slouch hat with a feather) became famous as the symbols of the middle-classes in revolt.
We also find that Mr Kilminster is no slouch on guitar with a great solo toward the end of the track.
What can happen is that you become trapped thinking erratically about work tasks as you slouch on the couch.
Then roll up from the ribbed bottom to create a " slouch hat " being slightly large gave it a slouchy comfy fit.
AdvertisementIt ai n't no slouch of a name to spell right off without studying.
He's said to have perfect posture, nary a slouch or a rounded shoulder for this multiple winner of The Sexiest Man Alive.
Play around with jeans that slouch down your legs, but stretch in the right place for long road trips, active days, and nights out.
Just as there is a wide variety of applications available for the Apple iPhone, BlackBerry, and Google Android platforms, Windows Mobile is no slouch in this department as well.
Smartphones are as popular as ever and Verizon is no slouch when it comes to its selection of app-friendly mobile devices.
AdvertisementFor most styles, the bags will slouch slightly when placed on a hard surface.
From Marc Jacobsesqe boxy external pockets to slouch Dior-like hobos, Johnson slams a ton of fashion nostalgia into the look of one handbag.
The top folds over to close, allowing it to slouch slightly.
If your style is more street smart and your tastes are exceedingly simple, you'll enjoy this Diesel Mini Slouch.
Avalino is a knee-high slouch boot available in black or brown.
AdvertisementU.S. News rated the 2011 Genesis at 9.1 out of 10, and concluded the review stating that the Hyundai Genesis " no slouch."
Many new cyclists are tempted to slouch or rest their upper body weight against the handlebars, but this prevents you from getting the best workout possible.
No slouch to business himself, Mr. Raymond, a graduate of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, decided to open up his own lingerie store at the Stanford Shopping Center.
The civilian slouch hat often replaced their government issued kepis.
Though the name might be most synonymous with fashion and accessories, Liz Claiborne is no slouch in the fragrance department, either.
You can perform 100 crunches a day, but if you slouch, or if you have a tendency to arch your lower back, your belly will always protrude.
If a teen isn't comfortable in her sports bra, she's more likely to slouch in an attempt to hide her chest.
The Levi's Slouch Straight 504 jeans are great for those who want to cover their thongs in the back but show off a toned tummy in the front.