Slightest Sentence Examples
She caught the slightest hint of his memory.
A combat which took place, at Mount Jackson, during the pursuit, again ended successfully, and the triumphant Federals retired down the Valley, ruthlessly destroying everything which might be of the slightest value to the enemy.
Passwords should never be your birth date, anniversary, form of your name, etc., Make it hard to figure out, and if you have the slightest inkling someone has tapped into it, change it.
It must be pointed out that, however probable Haeckel's theory may be in other respects, there is not the slightest evidence for any such cleft in the umbrella having been present at any time, and that the embryological evidence, as already pointed out, is all against any homology between the stem and a manubrium, since the primary siphon does not become the stem, which arises from the ex-umbral side of the protocodon and is strictly comparable to a stolon.
For it is almost impossible to prove that any structure, however rudimentary, is useless - that is to say, that it plays no part whatever in the economy; and, if it is in the slightest degree useful, there is no reason why, on the hypothesis of direct creation, it should not have been created.
If we pass a little higher up the scale ot life we meet with forms consisting of two or more cells, each of which contains a similar minute mass of living substance, A study of them shows that each is practically independent of the others; in fact, the connection between them is so slight that they can separate and each becofne free without the slightest disadvantage to another.
In a few weeks he collected thousands of so-called Kuruczok (a corruption of Cruciati), consisting for the most part of small yeomen, peasants, wandering students, friars and parish priests, the humblest and most oppressed portion of the community, to whom alone a crusade against the Turk could have the slightest attraction.
The process whereby the independent hero of the Lanzelet (who, though his mother is Arthur's sister, has but the slightest connexion with the British king), the faithful husband of Iblis, became converted into the principal ornament of Arthur's court, and the devoted lover of the queen, is by no means easy to follow, nor do other works of the cycle explain the transformation.
Their recollection of his conduct during the congress of Chatillon was the determining fact at this crisis; his professions at Lyons or Paris had not the slightest effect; his efforts to detach Austria from the coalition, as also the feelers put forth tentatively by Fouche at Vienna, were fruitless.
The town has been built without the slightest regard to regularity; the streets are even more intricate and winding than those in most other Eastern towns, and with the exception of the bazaars and some open squares, the interior is little else than a labyrinth of alleys and passages.
AdvertisementHis system declared that holiness and sin are free voluntary exercises; that men act freely under the divine agency; that the slightest transgression deserves eternal punishment; that it is through God's mere grace that the penitent believer is pardoned and justified; that, in spite of total depravity, sinners ought to repent; and that regeneration is active, not passive, with the believer.
The knife is then carefully examined, and if there be the slightest flaw in its blade the meat cannot be eaten, as the cut would not have been clean, the uneven blade causing a thrill to pass through the beast and thus driving the blood again through the arteries.
On the breaking out of the Rye House Plot, of which neither he, Essex, nor Sidney had the slightest knowledge, he was accused by informers of promising his assistance to raise an insurrection and compass the death of the king.
This horrible outrage, which lasted more than an hour, happened, too, in the presence of numerous troops, drawn up in the Riddarhus Square, who made not the slightest effort to rescue the Riksmarskalk from his tormentors.
Even when asleep and snoring, gorillas are difficult to approach, since they awake at the slightest rustle, and an attempt to surround the one heard making his bed by the woman resulted in failure.
AdvertisementAt first sight few natural materials appear to be of less interest than the soil; yet its importance is manifest on the slightest reflection.
During this peculiar locomotion the numerous broad shields of the belly are of great advantage, as by means of their free edges the snake is enabled to catch and use as points of support the slightest projections of the ground.
For, religious as it is, it is entirely free from the very slightest touch of hypocrisy or indeed of self-consciousness of any kind.
But not the slightest indication has been discovered that these mountains were ever panoplied with ice.
The diet was the humble servant of the conqueror of the moment, and the leading magnates chose their own sides without the slightest regard for the interests of their country, the Lithuanians for the most part supporting Charles XII., while the Poles divided their allegiance between Augustus and Stanislaus Leszczynski, whom Charles Leszczyn- placed upon the throne in 1704 and kept there till 1709.
AdvertisementThe Trumpet of Nordland remains as fresh as ever in the memories of the inhabitants of the north of Norway; boatmen, peasants, priests will alike repeat long extracts from it at the slightest notice, and its popularity is unbounded.
The snaffle reins should be drawn up gently until the rider feels that he has an equal and light hold of his horse's mouth on both sides, with just so much pressure that the slightest movement of the left or right rein would cause him to turn to the left or right respectively.
This is the condition seen in Arca and Mytilus, the so-called plates dividing upon the slightest touch into their constituent filaments, which are but loosely conjoined by their " ciliated junctions."
The religious consciousness does not receive from him the slightest consideration.
Helen knows the meaning of more than a hundred words now, and learns new ones daily without the slightest suspicion that she is performing a most difficult feat.
AdvertisementPierre did not take his eyes from him and did not miss his slightest movement.
Each of them desired nothing more than to give himself up as a prisoner to escape from all this horror and misery; but on the one hand the force of this common attraction to Smolensk, their goal, drew each of them in the same direction; on the other hand an army corps could not surrender to a company, and though the French availed themselves of every convenient opportunity to detach themselves and to surrender on the slightest decent pretext, such pretexts did not always occur.
From the room in which Nicholas was sleeping came the sound of his even breathing, every slightest tone of which was familiar to his wife.
With Fox he was never on terms of friendship, and Samuel Rogers, in his Table Talk, asserts that their antipathy was so pronounced that at a dinner party given by a prominent Whig not the slightest notice was taken by Fox of the presence of Horne Tooke.
Not the most elaborate work of Voltaire is of much value for matter; but not the very slightest work of Voltaire is devoid of value in form.
There is not the slightest doubt that the censing of things and persons was first practised as an act of purification, and thus became symbolical of consecration, and finally of the sanctification of the soul.
Every solid substance is found to be plastic more or less, as exemplified by punching, shearing and cutting; but the plastic solid is distinguished from the viscous fluid in that a plastic solid requires a certain magnitude of stress to be exceeded to make it flow, whereas the viscous liquid will yield to the slightest stress, but requires a certain length of time for the effect to be appreciable.
A fluid is a substance which yields continually to the slightest tangential stress in its interior; that is, it can be divided very easily along any plane (given plenty of time if the fluid is viscous).
A cell when filled with fresh slices becomes the head of the battery, and where skilled scientific control can be relied upon to regulate the process, the best and most economical way of heating the slices, previous to admitting the hot liquor from the next cell, is by direct steam; but as the slightest inattention or carelessness in the admission of direct steam might have the effect of inverting sugar and thereby causing the loss of some portion of saccharine in the slices, water heaters are generally used, through which water is passed and heated up previous to admission to the freshly-filled cell.
But no conditions to which matter has ever been subjected, or under which it has ever been observed, have been found to influence its gravitation in the slightest degree.
But not the slightest modification due to this cause is shown.
By the colonists it is called "water-mole," but its affinities with the true moles are of the slightest and most superficial description.
Microscopic accuracy has to be attained in cutting out the space for the insertion of the design, and while the latter must be soldered firmly in its place, not the slightest trace of solder or the least sign of junction must be discernible between the metal of the inserted picture and that of the field in which it is inserted.
It is in fact in these cases, like " heterodoxy," a term of purely negative significance, and its intellectual value is of the slightest.
That at least the greater offices were hereditary - as in the case of the sons of Zadok, who succeeded to the royal priesthood in Jerusalem after the fall of Abiathar - was almost a matter of course as society was then constituted, but there is not the slightest trace of an hereditary hierarchy officiating by divine right, such as existed after the exile.
For, indeed, scepticism with regard to the senses is considered in the Inquiry .to be sufficiently justified by the fact that they lead us to suppose " an external universe which depends not on our perception," whereas " this universal and primary opinion of all men is soon destroyed by the slightest philosophy."
When we turn to the szlachta who absolutely controlled the diet, we find not the slightest trace, I will not say of political foresight - that they never possessed - but of common patriotism, or ordinary public spirit.
There appears, however, to be some objection to the use of iridio-platinum for weights, as, owing to its great density (Δ=21.57), the slightest abrasion will make an appreciable difference in a weight; sometimes, therefore, quartz or rock-crystal is used; but to this also there is some objection, as owing to its low density (Δ=2.65) there is a large exposed surface of the mass.
Further, while Tacitus represents the power of Teutonic kings in general, with reference no doubt primarily to the western tribes, as being of the slightest, he states that among the Goths, an eastern people, they had somewhat more authority, while for the Swedes he gives a picture of absolutism.
There may be room for dispute, as to the extent to which the king's share in the schism was due to the instigation of the revolted cardinals; there can be not the slightest doubt that his attitude was the decisive factor in perpetuating and widening the breach.
The slightest change in the load will cause motion in one direction or the other - the system is thermodynamically reversi ble.
But the author of this article has quite recently reared some albinoes in which the familiar shoulder hood and dorsal stripe of the piebald rat is perfectly obvious, in spite of the absence of the slightest pigmentation.
It is difficult to trace the slightest probability of its harmonizing with the intellectual, social and moral progress of the modern world.
Not a single friend, not a single enemy, was forgotten; the slightest service, the slightest wrong, had its place assigned in her faithful and implacable memory for retribution or reward.
This is one rule of wisdom with regard to religion; and another equally important is to avoid superstition, which he boldly defines as the belief that God is like a hard judge who, eager to find fault, narrowly examines our slightest act, that He is revengeful and hard to appease, and that therefore He must be flattered and importuned, and won over by pain and sacrifice.
He bore popular abuse and misrepresentation without the slightest murmur or sourness of temper.
In the ambition of the spiritual and the secular princes the pope had an immensely powerful engine of offence against the emperor, and without the slightest scruple this was turned to the best advantage.
But in the actual temper of the Viennese the slightest concession was dangerous.
Czech manifestoes were confiscated, and meetings stopped at the slightest appearance of disorder; and the riots were punished by quartering soldiers upon the inhabitants.
His communications won the commendation of the editor, who had not at first the slightest suspicion that he was the author.
This instrument, which has a magnification of 2200, detects the slightest tremors, and is consequently most useful in recording earthquakes of distant origin; its high sensitiveness and complications, however, militate against its common use.
That these are only cases of oral communication will be admitted by any one with the slightest knowledge of the circumstances.
They spend most of their time in the water, but are also very fond of basking in the hot sun on the banks of rivers or in marshes, usually with the head turned towards the water, to which they take on the slightest alarm.
His next move was to attempt to detach Sweden from France; but, Sweden showing not the slightest inclination for a rapprochement, Denmark was compelled to accede to the anti-French league, which she did by the treaty of Copenhagen, of January 1674, thereby engaging to place an army of 20,000 in the field when required; but here again Griffenfeldt safeguarded himself to some extent by stipulating that this provision was not to be operative till the allies were attacked by a fresh enemy.
Of the castle of the bishops of Hereford, which gave the town its name, there are only the slightest fragments remaining.
Abdur Rahman executed or exiled all those whose political influence he saw reason to fear, or of whose disaffection he had the slightest suspicion; his administration was severe and his punishments were cruel; but undoubtedly he put down disorder, stopped the petty tyranny of local chiefs and brought violent crime under some effective control in the districts.
Nothing that Hamann has given can be regarded as in the slightest degree a response to it.
All discipline officers were permitted to wield the whip summarily and without the slightest check.
When, ten weeks before the murder, some hundreds of men came to Medina from Egypt and Irak, pretending that they were on their pilgrimage to Mecca, but wanted to bring before the caliph their complaints against his vicegerents, nobody could have the slightest suspicion that the life of the caliph was in danger; indeed it was only during 1 Ma'ad is in the genealogical system the father of the Moelar and the Rab`ia tribes.
Neither he nor the caliph had the slightest notion of the imminent danger they conjured up. When Nasir died, Ramadan 622 (October 1225), the eastern provinces of the empire had been trampled down by the wild hordes, the towns burned, and the inhabitants killed without mercy.
On the other hand the stability of the known oxygen compounds increases with the atomic weight, thus iodine pentoxide is, at ordinary temperatures, a well-defined crystalline solid, which is only decomposed on heating strongly, whilst chlorine monoxide, chlorine peroxide, and chlorine heptoxide are very unstable, even at ordinary temperatures, decomposing at the slightest shock.
It is extremely unstable, decomposing with extreme violence on the slightest shock or disturbance, or on exposure to sunlight.
The slightest frictional forcessuch as the resistance of the aireven if they act in lines through the centre of the rolling sphere, and so do not directly affect its angular momentum, will cause the centre gradually to descend in an ever-widening spiral path.
If there is the slightest displacement of the centre o gravity of the system from the axis of revolution a force acts on th shaft tending to deflect it, and varies as the deflexion and as th square of the speed.
He also illustrates the possibility of arriving at rationalistic conclusions in theology without the slightest tincture of the rationalistic temper.
In the words of Saint-Simon, the Huguenots were " a sect that had become a state within the state, dependent on the king no more than it chose, and ready on the slightest pretext to embroil the whole country by an appeal to arms."
The whole enterprise fell through, owing partly to the death of Koniecpolski before it was matured, partly to the hastiness with which the king published his intentions, and partly to the careful avoidance by the Porte of the slightest occasion of a rupture.
As the slightest scratch upon the metal received the niello, and became a distinct black line, ornament of the most minute and refined description could easily be produced.
The slightest tincture of red or black blood bars entry into any of the old families who are descendants of Spaniards from the Provincias Vascongadas or those bordering the Bay of Biscay, where the morals are perhaps the purest (as regards the intercourse of the sexes) of any in Europe, and where for a girl, even of the poorest class, to have a child before marriage is the rarest thing possible.
At the present day, "usury," if used in the old sense of the term, would embrace a multitude of modes of receiving interest upon capital to which not the slightest moral taint is attached.
Huxley has illustrated the futility of "close-time" in his remark that the prohibition of taking oysters from an oyster-bed during four months of the year is not the slightest security against its being stripped clean during the other eight months.
That this is at least in great part Butler's object is plain from the slightest inspection of his work.
His age, too, while garrulous to a degree, seems to have been free from the slightest taint of boasting.
The most modern and the most generally accepted method is volumetric, and is based on the reaction between zinc chloride and potassium ferrocyanide, by which insoluble zinc ferrocyanide and soluble potassium chloride are formed; the presence of the slightest excess of potassium ferrocyanide is shown by a brownish tint being imparted by the solution to a drop of uranium nitrate.
In his sacred poems he affected to avoid every word with the slightest savour of paganism; and he blamed the poets for their allusions to pagan divinities.
Upon the formation of the cabinet of 1853, which was composed by the junction of the surviving followers of Sir Robert Peel with the Whigs, under the earl of Aberdeen, Lord Palmerston accepted with the best possible grace the office of secretary of state for the home office, nor was he ever chargeable with the slightest attempt to undermine that Government.
In none of Leonardo's manuscripts, however, and in none of his figures, is the slightest hint given of his having any knowledge of the spiral movements made by the wing in flight or of the spiral structure of the wing itself.
The air, as explained, is a very light, thin, elastic medium, which yields on the slightest pressure, and unless the wings attacked it with great violence the necessary recoil or resistance could not be obtained.
There is not the slightest reason why there should not have been people in the 3rd or 4th century who would have been glad to lampoon Paul.
But his personal popularity suffered not the slightest diminution, while his clear, almost intuitive, outlook and his unconquerable faith in the future of his country made him, during those difficult years, a factor of incalculable importance in the public life of Denmark.
Speaking of this transcendental consciousness, Kant goes so far as to say that it is not of the slightest consequence "whether the idea of it be clear or obscure (in empirical consciousness), no, not even whether it really exists or not.
Near Bilma is a small circular oasis, kept green by a fine spring, but immediately to the south begins the most dreary part of the Saharan desert, over which the caravans travel for fifteen days without discovering the slightest trace of vegetable life.
The few who had taken the trouble to study Rumanian literature paid not the slightest attention to the vast MS. material accumulated during the years of the Phanariote dominion, and out of sheer ignorance and political bias condemned this period as sterile.
There has been no more than the slightest beginning made in the utilization of these resources.
He was the creature of every passing mood or whim, incapable of cool and steady judgment or of the slightest self-control - an incalculable weathercock, blindly obsequious to every blast of passion.
Brooks (1819-1857), a congressman from South Carolina, suddenly confronted Sumner as he sat writing at his desk in the Senate chamber, denounced his speech as a libel upon his state and upon Butler, his relative, and before Sumner, pinioned by his desk, could make the slightest resistance, rained blow after blow upon his head, till his victim sank bleeding and unconscious upon the floor.
The loss of water by leakage through such joints or fissures below the puddle wall may or may not be a serious matter in itself; but if at any point there is sufficient movement of water across the base of the trench to produce the slightest erosion of the clay above it, that movement almost invariably increases.
When the case which holds the machine is adjusted hori - zontally by means of its foot - screws, and the weights in the pans are equal, the beams remain perfectly horizontal; but with the slightest difference of weight in the pans the beams are tilted, and the elastic resistance of the springs to torsion allows the beams to take up a definite position of equi - librium.
That system yielded without the slightest difficulty about £750,000 annually.
This change of the reigning dynasty was effected without the slightest disorder or loss of life.
Not the slightest change in the direction of such a star when in this position has ever been detected, and it is certain that if any occurs it can be but a minute fraction of a second of arc. As an atmosphere equal to ours in density would produce a deviation of an important fraction of a degree, it may be said that the moon can have no atmosphere exceeding in density the b b l o o that of the earth.
For while he maintains constantly his favourite maxim "that there is nothing in the intellect which has not been in the senses" (nihil in intellectu quod non pries fuerit in sensu), while he contends that the imaginative faculty (phantasia) is the counterpart of sense - that, as it has to do with material images, it is itself, like sense, material, and essentially the same both in men and brutes; he at the same time admits that the intellect, which he affirms to be immaterial and immortal - the most characteristic distinction of humanity - attains notions and truths of which no effort of sensation or imagination can give us the slightest apprehension (Op. ii..383).
The Hebrew really means "and he [the king] shall write out for himself a copy of this law," where there is not the slightest suggestion that the author intended to describe "this law" delivered on the plains of Moab as a second code in contradistinction to the first code given on Sinai thirty-eight years earlier.
As to his personal integrity and disinterestedness there has never been the slightest doubt.
Thomson, on the other hand, set to work to overcome the difficulty by improvement in the manufacture of cables, and first of all in the production of copper of high conductivity and the construction of apparatus which would readily respond to the slightest variation of the current in the cable.
We held closed door meetings cautioning one another against the slightest slip that might cause someone to develop the slimmest suspicion about our true activities.
There wasn't time to investigate him before the wedding – not that she would have the slightest idea how to do that anyway.
Nobody who has even the slightest passing acquaintance with modern science still asks that nonsensical old question about "nature versus nurture."
Not to boast; and, not to give the slightest countenance to complacency.
The slightest alteration in the chemical balance would result immediately in a race of exploded beetles.
You know, the days when you feel so brittle, like a slightest gust of wind might knock you down.
I'm rather hoping to have someone who has the slightest clue.
Now, have you the slightest doubt that Jarrett told you it had been agreed to hand over the child for £ 5?
He spoke in the slightest of southern drawls, just loud enough to be heard over the hoot of foghorns out in the Bay.
I must confess that I did not feel the slightest foreboding.
Whenever he made the slightest goof, he was embarrassed.
He (Alderman Pratt) had not the slightest hesitation in saying that Mr Lamb rescued the child from death.
I had absolutely not the slightest inclination of what was going on.
You bet, but never to the point where I would hesitate to inform on them for the slightest infraction.
I don't believe he had the slightest intention of paying me any money in the first place for a reading.
Not the slightest intimation of any sexual interest could in truth have arisen between these two.
Moreover, the Iliad expresses an elaborate theology, which does not fall behind the Quran in the slightest iota.
Steve was never judgmental and never showed the slightest hint of the arrogance to which he would have been fully entitled.
She is unsentimental, unpretentious, never mawkish, never the slightest bit swamped with self-pity, nor ever less than clear.
Disruptions in adult readers ' eye movements indicate that the visual system tends to catch the slightest misspelling.
The head is fitted with two high resolution self-referencing encoders with DSP technology which detects the slightest movement of pan or tilt.
On a recent backpacking trip to the Cairngorms, I wore one for 4 days, without the slightest hint of a nasty pong!
Many people to whom the Colonel owed a grudge were, on the slightest pretext, incarcerated in the dungeon.
Then hundreds of people begin clapping above their heads without the slightest provocation from the stage.
Taking pictures proved to be very challenging due to their incessant movement at the slightest puff of wind!
Even the slightest whisper of dissent provoked savage reprisals.
It is not unstable exactly, just highly responsive to the slightest movement.
Of course, anyone with even the slightest semblance of intelligence won't reply.
The " glue " keeping the skin together present in normal births is missing causing severe blistering either spontaneously or at the slightest friction.
When correctly shimmed there should be no noticeable tight spots at any point, but with only the slightest trace of backlash.
What is absent is the slightest shred of belief that what is being said or being written or being thought is the Truth.
The world suddenly finds itself in an utterly new situation, vulnerable to the slightest shudder, for which few are prepared.
The language which drives a computer is so systematic that the slightest ambiguity, even a missing comma, cannot be tolerated.
The death of a million in Rwanda did not cause the slightest tremor to the stock markets.
The audience hangs on the president's every one-liner; the slightest deadpan twitch induces guffaws (pretzels not included ).
And it's really of no interest at all to anyone with the slightest vestige of intelligence.
These are the people who leap to please the slightest whim of someone in authority.
Even the slightest sounds now made her heart beat faster - grit scratching under her shoes, someone whispering, her own quiet breathing.
For a long time the Chronicon imperiale was also attributed to Prosper Tiro, but without the slightest justification.
There appears, however, to be some objection to the use of iridio-platinum for weights, as, owing to its great density (ÃŽâ€=21.57), the slightest abrasion will make an appreciable difference in a weight; sometimes, therefore, quartz or rock-crystal is used; but to this also there is some objection, as owing to its low density (ÃŽâ€=2.65) there is a large exposed surface of the mass.
Dr Ferriar, in his Illustrations of Sterne (published in 1798), pointed out several unacknowledged plagiarisms from Rabelais, Burton and others; but it is only fair to the critic to say that he was fully aware that they were only plagiarisms of material, and do not detract in the slightest from Sterne's reputation as one of the greatest of literary artists.
Whatever tended to infringe in the slightest degree on their darling monopoly was visited with the severest penalties, whether the culprit chanced to be high in rank or low.
In reality Prince Lobanov was merely trying to establish a strong Russian hegemony among these nationalities, and he had not the slightest intention of provoking a new crisis in the Eastern Question so long as the general European situation did not afford Russia a convenient opportunity for solving it in her own interest without serious intervention from other powers.
The young, as in all Limicolae, are at first clothed in down, so mottled in colour as closely to resemble the shingle to which, if they be not hatched upon it, they are almost immediately taken by their parents, and there, on the slightest alarm, they, squat close to elude observation.
As the design was somewhat complicated, the slightest jar made the structure fall.
Of course, anyone with even the slightest semblance of intelligence wo n't reply.
Taut young muscles, supple limbs, senses instantly attuned to the slightest hint of threat.
The audience hangs on the president's every one-liner; the slightest deadpan twitch induces guffaws (pretzels not included).
And it 's really of no interest at all to anyone with the slightest vestige of intelligence.
Trot wakened several times and found the Mountain Ear always alert and listening intently for the slightest sound.
I do not find rudeness or boasting to be endearing in the slightest bit.
Shopping for a birthday present can be very stressful, particularly if you don't have the slightest idea what to shop for.
Even if you don't have the slightest idea where to start, use the tips below to start searching for the right toy.
Mistrust everything, and if anything looks the slightest bit fishy, back off.
Divvy up the list of errors into three separate piles and write up formal disputes for everything that is the slightest inaccurate.
If you have even the slightest doubt about whether you can repay card balances in full and on time, hold off on applying for any new accounts.
Be sure to go very light in these areas to give just the slightest hint of a warm glow.
Even the slightest change to the brows can change a person's expression or appearance drastically.
The heat and perspiration will melt it and the slightest touch will streak it.
Just the slightest bit of pressure made the color build up too much for my liking, and since I prefer not to walk around looking like a clown I tried my best to keep it light.
Even the slightest hint of fragrance can make all the difference.
Very fair skin has an especially easy time of pulling off dark makeup in various colors because the slightest hint of a color could look smoky when applied to the lid, crease, and under the eye.
Project managers must be prepared to attend to the slightest detail associated with their project.
The sooner you notice the slightest change in your dog's actions or appearance, the quicker you can take action.
It grows from 5 to 6 feet high, and Loudon states that in Cornwall, on Sir Charles Lemons estate at Carclew, it was planted in hedges, which flowered magnificently without the slightest protection.
After all, it's not a party unless someone can whip out the Eagles' Take It Easy or Green Day's Good Riddance at the slightest suggestion!
Many women commonly find themselves tearful, upset at the slightest trigger, with a distinct inability to concentrate.
Mothers of newborn babies are often acutely attuned to the slightest hints that anything might be wrong with their babies.
This is why any part of a night vision scene that contains bright light will glow brightly, because even the slightest source of light is amplified many times.
As they are activated by UV rays, the slightest change in light intensity will automatically cause the lenses to darken appropriately.
As of this writing, the pad has held up to about an hour daily (April through July 2008) of adult use with shoes without showing the slightest sign of wear, suggesting these things are built to last.
The slightest direction change is noticeable.
Smackdown! vs. Raw 2006 is quite possibly the best looking WWE game yet, even if only by the slightest of margins.
Always make sure the wine glasses are scrupulously clean as even the slightest traces of dirt and grime can alter the behavior of fine wines and champagne.
Even the slightest breach can result in hefty fines that will ruin the best planned trip.
Even the slightest hint of messiness can signify disorder and quickly take away from the room's tranquility.
There are hundreds of shades of blonde hair, from creamy light locks with the slightest tinge of gold to rich honey-colored hair with multiple highlights.
For those who rely on replacement blades, blades tend to last a bit longer than a disposable razor, so use your best judgment and toss them when you see even the slightest wear or dulling of the blade.
Even the slightest outgrowth can throw a whole new set of challenges to your style.
While no drastic weight gain is evident in television appearances over the years, even the slightest weight gain leads to the question, "Is Stacy London pregnant?"
Sometimes the slightest bit of lotion will not allow the make-up to stick to the skin, so to speak.
They need bikinis that move with them and aren't going to fall off at the slightest movement.
Can monokinis really stay in place on anything but the slightest frames?
For those who might be unfamiliar with this style, know that the "sling" part in this style's name, could literally be changed to "string" without causing the slightest of controversy.
For example, the Island Fever S.O.S Tankini is slightly asymmetrical in cut, a look that is quite flattering to the upper portion of your body, but the best part is that it doesn't even show the slightest hint of cleavage.
If you feel even the slightest bit wobbly, switch to a lower heel.
It has to be delicately handled because his son has been through so much in his short life that the slightest hurt is a big deal.
I feel ugly/fat, unsatisfying in bed, and dreadful of the next girl that takes even the slightest interest in me.
If the recipient detects the slightest amount of hesitation, or you chicken out before delivering the punch line, you will probably be casually ignored.
Even the slightest imperfection is usually a sign that the bag is not an authentic Gucci.
Its colors actually work in its favor, because the overall scheme is neutral with the slightest hint of bold color.
The brown pebbled leather is smooth and reflects just the slightest sheen, while the beige trim adds a smart, eye-catching detail.
This bag, also known as the Classic Flap has appeared over the years with only the slightest variations, on, for example, the clasp.
In celebration of the bag's 50th anniversary in 2005, Chanel re-released the bag with just the slightest change in construction.
Cancer is such a sensitive person that his feelings are often bruised over the slightest comment or action.
Both partners can become very jealous of the other with the slightest look at another.
The immature bull can go on a rampage of jealousy over the slightest thing he deems is an act of unfaithfulness.
Where Peter conveys great emotion with only his eyes - or the slightest of facial expressions, CLB uses his whole body and being.
Often, spoilers will offer only the slightest teaser, but occasionally an EastEnders spoiler will be chalk full of details.
Any class that moves quickly, is done in an overly hot room, or has the slightest air of competition, is not a Kripalu class.
One's lack of flexibility is not the slightest problem, nor is another's lack of balance.
One way to make sure no one reads or heeds memos is to send them out for the slightest issue.
Let's face it, for the average guy, the sight of hot pink carpet in a mall lingerie store can induce sweaty palms, nausea and the slightest case of dizziness.
They're often seamless enough to give a streamlined appearance beneath the thinnest of shirts, so they make a beautiful alternative to lace or even satin bras that have even the slightest detailing.
Many of the world's favorites are showing off slinky little dresses that could easily double as slips and the slightest hint of sexy bras peeking out from beneath low-cut tops.
Giddon returned to his place on the couch, his eyes twinkling with humor and the slightest suggestion of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
None of them seem to feel the slightest obligation to be responsive.
He touched her face gently, the slightest smile crossing his features.
Even the slightest skin imperfections had disappeared.
I don't have the slightest idea why, but I found my file on your prissy-missy girlfriend on his desk.
Neither of the men seemed to pay the slightest attention to either Dean or the painters, but one of them seemed to be keeping an eye on the door while the other spoke in low tones to his companion.
There wasn't time to investigate him before the wedding – not that she would have the slightest idea how to do that anyway.
The stem is Lsolid and corky, much more solid than the flesh of the cap, and perfectly smooth, never being furnished with the slightest trace of a ring.
These furrows have apparently been cut in situ with a very accurate engine; for not the slightest departure from parallelism can be detected in any of the movable webs relative to the fixed webs.
Even the splash of the anchor in the water, and the noise of the cable running out through the hawse-hole, in no way disturbed them at their occupation, or caused them to evince the slightest curiosity.
A ray of light from a lamp is thrown on the mirror, whence it is reflected upon a white surface or scale set at a distance of about 3 ft., forming a bright spot on the surface; the slightest angular deflexion of the mirror, owing to its distance from the scale, moves the spot of light a very appreciable distance to the right or left according to the direction of the angular movement.
His education appears to have been of the slightest, even for those days.
In Sicily and the provinces of Reggio, Catanzaro, Cosenza and Lecce this tree flourishes without shelter; as far north as Rome, Aquila and Teramo it reqtiires only the slightest protection; in the rest of the peninsula itruns the risk of damage by frost every ten years or so.
We have not the slightest reason to think that the radiation from the sun is measurably weaker now than it was a couple of thousand years ago, yet it can be shown that, if the sun were merely radiating heat as simply a hot body, then it would cool some degrees every year, and must have cooled many thousands of degrees within the time covered by historical records.
Spiders of various families will, when alarmed, lie absolutely still with legs tucked up and allow themselves to be pushed and rolled, and handled in various ways without betraying that they are alive by the slightest movement.
Nor have we the slightest trace of any official interference with Christian burials, such as would render secrecy necessary or desirable.
The private tutor was a good deal in demand, but his qualifications were of the slightest.
Frederick, though his love of teasing for teasing's sake has been exaggerated by Macaulay, was a martinet of the first water, had a sharp though one-sided idea of justice, and had not the slightest intention of allowing Voltaire to insult or to tyrannize over his other guests and servants.
In the domain of the Knights the gentry, parochial clergy and townsmen, who, beneath its protection, had attained to a high degree of wealth and civilization, for long remained without the slightest political influence, though they bore nearly the whole burden of taxation.
Like the iguanas, they (at least the males) are provided with a large, expansible dewlap at the throat, which is brilliantly coloured, and which they display on the slightest provocation.
Its delicate blossoms shrank from the slightest earthly touch; it seemed as if a tree of paradise had been transplanted to earth.
Owing to the terrible uproar and the necessity for concentration and activity, Tushin did not experience the slightest unpleasant sense of fear, and the thought that he might be killed or badly wounded never occurred to him.
My removal from the army does not produce the slightest stir--a blind man has left it.
Everything is quiet in the city and there is not the slightest danger.
Probably a word of command was given and was followed by the reports of eight muskets; but try as he would Pierre could not afterwards remember having heard the slightest sound of the shots.
Yesterday she had alienated the only person in Arkansas who had shown the slightest interest in her plight.
It is ordinarily caught in wooden traps of simple construction, being little enclosures of stakes or brush in which the bait is placed upon a trigger, with a short upright stick supporting a log of wood, which falls upon its victim on the slightest disturbance.
There is not the slightest use or excuse for the application of sugar, except to cheapen the silk by about 15 to 20 Wild Silk Dyeing.