Sleep-disorder Sentence Examples
Stimulants, which are often prescribed to treat the sleep disorder narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, produce feelings of alertness and increased energy.
In prolonged cases of sleep deprivation, the onset of diseases and illnesses can also signal a sleep disorder.
The benefits of treating a sleep disorder are well worth the time it takes to get help.
Learn how to diagnose restless leg syndrome and the common factors that often lead to this sleep disorder.
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder.
In situations like these, you could be suffering from a sleep disorder called sleep apnea.
Getting help for this sleep disorder is essential because over time, sleep apnea can cause heart diseases and complications.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder and can only be properly diagnosed by a doctor.
If a person who is suffering from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea notices weight gain, it could be the result of fluctuations with these hormones.
What is important to note is that even through good diet and exercise, a person who has a severe sleep disorder such as sleep apnea can in fact gain weight.
AdvertisementSleep studies are necessary testing measures doctors take to understand how a person sleeps and to determine if a person has a sleep disorder.
A doctor often prescribes sleep studies when they believe there is a sleep disorder.
Technicians and doctors work to determine the underlying problem and what type of sleep disorder the patient is suffering from.
This sleep disorder is a neurological disorder.
A loss of time is also a common indication of a sleep disorder like narcolepsy.
AdvertisementThose that suffer from a sleep disorder may in fact have trouble maintaining this sleep cycle, which leads to complications.
Unlike a sleep disorder like snoring, it is very difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of night terrors.
One of the most unique things about this sleep disorder is that there are several possible causes.
Just as there seems to be no specific Del Mar snoring treatment, there seems to be no accredited sleep disorder center in the region.
Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that has been subject to comedic portrayals on screen and within books.
AdvertisementHartford Memorial Hospital's Sleep Disorder Center offers help for people who have a number of sleep problems, including sleep apena, narcolepsy and periodic limb movement disorder.
Those seeking ways to stop snoring should consult with their primary care physician to see if the condition may be connected to an underlying sleep disorder.
The St. Anthony's Sleep Disorder Center is an outpatient center of St. Anthony's BayCare Health System, a mission founded over 75 years ago by the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany.
New Jersey sleep apnea patients have several options for professional sleep disorder diagnosis and various types of treatment.
New Jersey has many sleep disorder professionals and sleep centers, several of which are connected to major health centers.
AdvertisementIf you think you might have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, you should ask your doctor for a referral to a sleep specialist.
Most sleep disorder professionals are connected with a center that also has a sleep test facility.
The Center for Sleep Medicine at Capital Health is the largest sleep center in Mercer and Bucks counties and has been providing sleep disorder diagnosis and treatment for over twenty years.
All rooms are monitored by skilled technicians who can provide the patient's sleep physician with the information they need to make a sleep disorder diagnosis and to recommend a treatment program.
A person who does not encounter this sleep paralysis - or who only encounters it intermittently - may have an REM sleep disorder.
This can be a potentially dangerous sleep disorder because the people experiencing it may hurt themselves or other people while sleeping.
This visit is necessary because most sleep disorder specialists only accept referrals from other physicians, rather than from patients themselves.
Snoring is also a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder which can be life threatening if left untreated.
After ruling out medical conditions, you can seek treatment for the sleep disorder.
The Florida Sleep Disorder Center has two convenient office locations that offer daytime office facilities as well as bedrooms for overnight stays.
The sleep disorder is classified with stress, anxiety, and depression.
If the movements do not interfere with a person's sleep or waking life, they are not considered a sleep disorder and do not require treatment.
These practices are just two examples of many dental practices in Arizona that offer sleep disorder dentistry services.
Many individuals find that they can stop snoring when they treat the underlying problems that lead to the sleep disorder.
Even though changes in lifestyle, including proper diet and exercise, can alleviate snoring, it is still necessary to consult a physician about the sleep disorder.
Other problems may contribute to the sleep disorder as well.
How sleep works is still a mystery but the benefits of treating a sleep disorder are far too great to be ignored.
Individuals who suspect having a sleep disorder should consult a physician for an evaluation.
The weight gain can contribute to the sleep disorder, but the sleep disorder also contributes to the inability to lose the excess weight.
All of these centers have professionals experienced in sleep apnea to treat this sleep disorder.
SomnoMedics Sleep Medicine Professionals provides patients and their physicians with both sleep testing and sleep disorder treatment.They have ten sleep lab locations throughout central Florida with labs in both North Tampa and South Tampa.
The first step in overcoming the sleep disorder is to determine which approach is most suitable for your situation.
One of the best places to seek help is a sleep disorder center.
Many options are available for this approach to treating this sleep disorder.
A sleep disorder can be anything that causes you to have trouble sleeping.
Sleepmed Hampton Roads is a facility that can accommodate patients who want to determine the source of a sleep disorder.
Tidewater Neurologists and Sleep Disorder Specialists offer comprehensive diagnostic approaches as well as viable treatment options for its patients.
Brandenton sleep apnea specialists can help alleviate the symptoms of a sleep disorder using a number of different approaches.
In some cases, patients prefer to have surgery to treat the sleep disorder to avoid uncomfortable nights struggling with masks or oral appliances.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Brandenton can help determine whether surgery is the best approach for the sleep disorder or not.
The sleep disorder is disruptive, causing daytime sleepiness and potential health problems.
Some patients require treatments that include pulmonary specialists for the sleep disorder.
Once a properly diagnosed, patients can explore their options in treating the sleep disorder.
The sleep disorder can occur when sinuses are aggravated by illness, allergy or other causes.
Persistent, chronic snoring can be indicative of a more serious sleep disorder.
Diagnosis is the most difficult part of treating a sleep disorder.
Narcolepsy, for example, is a neurological sleep disorder that must be managed but cannot be cured or treated to remove.
No matter which type of sleep disorder you suffer from, you should see your physician for regular checkups not only for the sleep disorder but also for associated conditions.
Dr. Buehler is a sleep disorder specialist who provides customized dental appliances to patients in the Houston metro area.
Lower body resistance training may be effective in treating the sleep disorder.
Just be sure to do your homework, so that you can make sure and find the right dentist to solve your particular sleep disorder need.
Willingness to work with sleep doctors - Your sleep doctor can provide your sleep dentist with the particulars of your sleep disorder as well as details about the amount of blockage in your airway during sleep.
If you are experiencing hand numbness during sleep and you have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome or insomnia, you should be sure to let your physician known.
Sleep apnea associations offer guidance and support for people who suffer from the sleep disorder.
This organization offers everything imaginable when it comes to dealing with the sleep disorder.
Patients can use the resource as a means of taking a proactive approach to their treatment for the sleep disorder.
Those who are not sure whether they have a sleep disorder can benefit from taking the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, a measurement of daytime sleepiness that may be an indicator of a disorder.
Sleep apnea dentistry is not something many people think about when they think of this sleep disorder.
Patients who have the sleep disorder sleep apnea may have tissue that is blocking the passage of air through their airway.
Rather, you must first work with a sleep disorder physician.
This person can help you to determine what is causing the sleep disorder and then will prescribe a treatment plan to rectify the problem.
Norman sleep apnea patients can benefit from researching their options in diagnosis and treatment for the sleep disorder.
Only a doctor can diagnose the level of your sleep apnea sleep disorder through a sleep study.
If you feel that you are getting plenty of sleep, but are still experiencing severe daytime drowsiness and drowsy driving, you should consult with your physician about a possible sleep disorder.
A sleep disorder often requires a sleep study for diagnosis.
Improving the quality of your sleep can help you reduce episodes of insomnia . Good sleep hygiene can help promote rest whether you suffer from a sleep disorder or stress.
Chronic insomnia can be a sign of a more serious sleep disorder and health issue.
The oral devices may not work on patients with central sleep apnea, a rare breathing sleep disorder.
Devices developed to treat the sleep disorder can provide considerable relief.
Treatments for the sleep disorder are not limited to sleep apnea devices.
Relief for the sleep disorder can be found with some effort.
In some cases, treating the underlying condition can lead to relief from the symptoms of the sleep disorder.
Snoring is a sleep disorder that should not go without medical attention.
Having a sleep disorder can be very stressful and participating in a sleep study with anxiety to treat the condition can heighten stress.
Hypersomnia treatment options depend greatly on the underlying causes of the sleep disorder.
Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder that causes the affected person to experience persistent episodes of sleepiness during the day.
Treatment for hypersomnia may alleviate excessive daytime sleepiness and the problems associated with the sleep disorder that can affect the patient's ability to function on a daily basis.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, treatment for the sleep disorder is "symptomatic in nature."
National Sleep Foundation offers ways to cope with the sleep disorder.
While this is a sleep disorder that does not have a single cause, a few risk factors contribute to a shallow airflow.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes breathing to cease in short intervals throughout the night.
Hypopnea may occur when a person is awake, and when it occurs during sleep, it is classified as a sleep disorder.
Each breathing related sleep disorder has a profound effect on a person's ability to get restorative sleep.
The sleep disorder can cause health problems in individuals if it is left untreated.
It's better to find another treatment for the sleep disorder rather than failing to comply to your current treatment.
Do you have any symptoms of a sleep disorder?
Even though sleepwalking in kids sounds alarming, this sleep disorder is very common and usually a passing phase.
This is especially the case with shift workers who might suffer from shift work sleep disorder.
If left untreated, the sleep disorder can have serious mental and physical effects.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes the patient to stop breathing periodically throughout the night.
The effects of sleep on the cardiovascular system are profound, and when a person has a sleep disorder that affects breathing, he or she may experience cardiovascular problems.
In some cases, it may be necessary seek treatment for a sleep disorder.
It can also have to do with a sleep disorder that makes it difficult for someone to get a good night's rest.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) classifies narcolepsy as a sleep disorder in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-IV.
Because of this difference, the doctor needs to consider the individual's age when evaluating a sleep disorder.
The number of people with primary hypersomnia is unknown, although 5 to 10 percent of patients in sleep disorder clinics have the disorder.
Often the underlying cause of the sleep disorder is never found.
Treatment for a sleep disorder depends on what is causing the disorder.
Insomnia-A sleep disorder characterized by inability either to fall asleep or to stay asleep.
Parasomnia-A type of sleep disorder characterized by abnormal changes in behavior or body functions during sleep, specific stages of sleep, or the transition from sleeping to waking.
Primary sleep disorder-A sleep disorder that cannot be attributed to a medical condition, another mental disorder, or prescription medications or other substances.
Sleep apnea-A sleep disorder characterized by periods of breathing cessation lasting for 10 seconds or more.
Of course, there's the purely skeptical view that says the experience is nothing more than a sleep disorder or a malfunction of the normal circadian rhythm (body's natural 24-hour cycle).
The internet said that a coma was basically a sleep disorder.