Sleep-apnea Sentence Examples
Most patients with central sleep apnea have a history of bulbar polio, and some required ventilatory support (120 ).
Other out of at compiling a for the upcoming of sleep apnea.
The pressure of the air produced by the CPAP machine keeps the airway open in the back of the throat, allowing patients suffering from sleep apnea to sleep well.
Mood swings may remain after the sleep apnea is diagnosed; however, the reasons for the mood swings may be different.
The symptoms of sleep apnea and mood swings seem to go together.
Mood swings are usually listed as a key indicator of sleep apnea.
A person with undiagnosed sleep apnea usually has trouble getting enough high-quality sleep.
After a person is diagnosed with sleep apnea and has begun treatment, the sleep deprivation symptoms will usually subside.
The person can be left with difficult issues to deal with that were created before the sleep apnea treatment began.
Weight gain - It is very common for sleep apnea patients to gain significant amounts of weight due to increased eating and reduced exercise before they were diagnosed.
AdvertisementMedical issues - Sleep apnea patients are at an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart problems.
A doctor should be consulted if mood swings continue after sleep apnea treatment has started.
The person with the mood swings may not be aware of how their mood has, or has not, changed since the sleep apnea treatment was initiated.
However, sleep apnea treatment will not cure psychological problems.
Be sure your sleep apnea doctor is aware of any medication you have been prescribed for mood issues.
AdvertisementWith that information they will be better able to give you the help you need to improve both your sleep apnea and mood issues.
In situations like these, you could be suffering from a sleep disorder called sleep apnea.
People who suffer from sleep apnea have so much excessive tissue in this region that their breathing is cut off for seconds at a time.
Those suffering from sleep apnea are unable to sleep well because there are constantly awoken throughout the night to open this blocked passage.
You may not know you are suffering from sleep apnea or waking at night because the brain just jars you slightly.
AdvertisementGetting help for this sleep disorder is essential because over time, sleep apnea can cause heart diseases and complications.
Those that are overweight are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea and other sleep disorders due to their excessive snoring.
Central sleep apnea is a condition in which the brain fails to tell the muscles in the air passageways to open and allow the passage of air.
About 10 percent or less of people who suffer from sleep apnea suffer from this form of the condition.
Some people are more likely to develop this form of sleep apnea.
AdvertisementUp to 40 percent of men with congestive heart failure will have central sleep apnea.Men are more likely than women to have any type of sleep apnea.
Those who have sleep apnea need treatment since the stoppage of breathing leads to the inability to sleep and possible complications.
For example, if a heart condition is the cause, the heart condition's improvement may allow for improvement of the sleep apnea.
Some medications are available to help stimulate breathing in patients with sleep apnea.
Acetzolamide is often a prescription for those dealing with sleep apnea caused by high elevations.
Doctors can treat most forms of sleep apnea including the central form.
Do you know the correlation weight gain, sleep apnea have on each other?
Overweight individuals can suffer from health complications including sleep apnea.
One way that this correlation between weight gain and sleep apnea relates is in overweight people.
Those who are overweight are more likely to suffer from a serious illness called sleep apnea.
In this situation, being overweight can lead to sleep apnea.
What is also important to point out is that doctors have determined that those that are suffering from sleep apnea are also prone to weight gain.
If a person who is suffering from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea notices weight gain, it could be the result of fluctuations with these hormones.
What is important to note is that even through good diet and exercise, a person who has a severe sleep disorder such as sleep apnea can in fact gain weight.
By managing the sleep apnea first, the person may be able to improve their diet and exercise enough to lose the excess weight.
Those who suffer from weight gain, sleep apnea or other sleep disorders need medical help.
Weight gain and sleep apnea can cause a variety of complications include increased risks for heart disease, high blood pressure and even heart failure.
Doctors will determine if you are suffering from sleep apnea through a sleep study.
It's important to know that sleep apnea is a very serious health condition which can lead to several life threatening illnesses, including heart disease, heart failure and high blood pressure.
By far the most effective way to improve sleep apnea is through changes to your lifestyle.
Overweight people are most at risk for sleep apnea if they have a larger sized neck.
Doing so causes the airways to tighten in the neck, worsening sleep apnea.
This can help to improve sleep apnea in turn.
Another alternative treatment for sleep apnea may include homeopathy.
In homeopathy, sleep apnea is considered a sign of loss of energy.
There is some success with using lachesis and homeopathic opium for the treatment of sleep apnea.
There are several, unproven alternative treatment options available to those suffering from sleep apnea.
Consider these for minor cases of sleep apnea.
Acupuncture may be helpful for improving sleep apnea.
One of the best treatments for sleep apnea is a device called a CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, device.
The device keeps the airway open, therefore alleviating the sleep apnea condition and improving sleep.
A patient diagnosed with sleep apnea during the first night will come back for a second night.
This device can alleviate sleep apnea in some patients.
The study tests the origin and depth of the sleep apnea.
If you are suffering from sleep disorders like sleep apnea orinsomnia you should get help.
Finding the ideal mask can be hard for sleep apnea patients, but this website eases that burden.
When you're diagnosed with sleep apnea and CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)is the recommended treatment, it can be hard to find the right equipment which you feel comfortable sleeping in.
According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, apnea is a Greek word that literally translates to 'without breath.'
Central sleep apnea is a neurological problem where the brain fails to send the correct signals to continue breathing while sleeping.
Mixed sleep apnea is a combination of the two.Treatment for sleep apnea includes the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and Bi-PAP (bilateral positive airway pressure) machines, CPAP masks, and in some cases, surgery.
In young children, for example, obstructive sleep apnea may be treated by removing the tonsils, thus removing the soft tissue that collapses and causes the sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a medical condition that can be onerous for partners or spouses as one of the main symptoms of sleep apnea is pronounced snoring including gasping and choking for air.
Patients with sleep apnea have trouble going through the five stages of sleep, often rousing before arriving in the third stage and thus eliminating a large portion of their REM time.
Despite the wealth of information available on the Internet, most patients do not self-diagnose with sleep apnea.
Will sleep apnea treatment actually improve quality of life?
Patients with sleep apnea will undergo two to three sleep studies during the course of their diagnosis and subsequent treatment options.
A person with sleep apnea will have to find the mask that fits and adjust to sleeping with it on the face.
Sometimes, just repeating these steps over and over again can make a real difference in the experience of the sleep apnea patient.
Those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to sleepwalk.
While a snore may seem little more than an annoyance, there may be serious medical ramifications if the condition leads to sleep apnea.
The condition is fundamentally a breathing problem and it can be dangerous if it is attributed to severe sleep apnea.
Pure Sleep isn't for everyone and it is not recommended for patients with sleep apnea.
Some users with mild sleep apnea report that Pure Sleep works really well for them.
Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can have serious, long-term medical consequences if not treated.
These professionals can help those who have severe snore conditions or sleep apnea.
The first step is to determine whether you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), hyponea or primary snoring.
Using a CPAP machine for sleep apnea doesn't have to mean being tied to home, and power outages are nothing to fear.
Princeton snoring and sleep apnea solutions are readily available for people in the region.
Some Princeton snoring treatment options are designed for very troublesome conditions including severe sleep apnea.
Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP) is a collection of surgeries used to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
Genioglossus and hyoid advancement treats sleep apnea by moving the tongue muscles forward and by preventing the lower throat from collapsing.
However, those who have this sleep disturbance due to severe sleep apnea may require help from a sleep apnea specialist.
Those who want to work with a center that specializes in sleep apnea may want to consider the Center for Sleep Apnea.
The Center for Sleep Apnea is dedicated to helping people overcome snoring problems associated with sleep apnea.
Klemons is the director of the center who has an extensive background in conditions related to sleep apnea including pain management and TM joint dysfunction.
The center has approximately 30 staff members who are trained to help people seeking help for snoring due to sleep apnea or upper airway resistance syndrome.
Problems with CPAP machines and masks can make adjusting to the therapy for sleep apnea difficult.
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy helps sleep apnea patients get a good, healthy night's rest, but it requires an adjustment to sleeping habits.
Petersburg area, sleep apnea treatments are available through several well-known centers.
Whether you are looking for a diagnostic exam, a sleep study, a CPAP machine or an alternative, Tampa Bay has several clinics which are well staffed with medical personnel, well-versed in helping sleep apnea patients.
Oral appliance therapy is a very viable alternative for many patients who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and snoring.
St. Petersburg Sleep Apnea Specialists can be found in private practice, working in sleep clinics in local hospitals and affiliated with local dental centers.
Marcella Frank, DO offers her services in the Snoring and Sleep Apnea Center in Capital Health System's Flud Campus.
New Jersey sleep apnea patients have several options for professional sleep disorder diagnosis and various types of treatment.
The Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center of Mercer County is located on the Fuld Campus of Capital Health and is fully accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Cooper patients are provided with both traditional sleep apnea treatments such as CPAP machines and CPAP masks.
The Atlantic for Advanced Dentistry provides many types of dental treatments for snoring and sleep apnea including oral appliances through its Sleep Breathing Disorders Center.
Bixby is a sleep apnea patient who uses a CPAP machine; however he understands that some patients are not able or willing to use the CPAP treatment, the generally-accepted form of treatment.
He evaluates the patient's habits and makes recommendations to help patients treat their sleep apnea.
He may also recommend a custom-fitted oral appliance to successfully treat their sleep apnea.
With so many New Jersey sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment options you don't need to just "settle" on a sleep doctor or sleep center.
People who have severe snoring problems or sleep apnea may benefit from visiting an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Virginia Beach sleep apnea patients don't have to leave the area to find well-trained, experienced sleep professionals and state-of-the-art sleep centers.
Virginia Beach has several sources for help if you think you have a sleep apnea issue or if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea.
A weekly sleep apnea clinic is held every Wednesday.
Cherin uses a variety of oral appliances to meet the various needs of his sleep apnea patients.
Patients who are not comfortable with CPAP as a treatment option for sleep apnea problems can work with a team comprised of Dr. Cherin, their sleep physician and the sleep center.
After the appliance is developed, Dr. Cherin will make sure the appliance is fitted and worn correctly and that the appliance is effective in controlling the sleep apnea.
Virginia Beach sleep apnea patients have easy access to several diagnostic centers, sleep centers and many physicians, dentists and sleep specialists.
The sleep specialists will be glad to show you where you will sleep, what you will be asked to do, explain the equipment and show you examples of sleep apnea episodes on their reporting equipment.
Obstructive sleep apnea, sometimes called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, is a condition in which an individual stops breathing during sleep.
A person with sleep apnea has a narrow airway.
Some individuals may also experience leg swelling in serious cases of sleep apnea due to the malfunction of the heart and kidneys.
Children with sleep apnea may need to have their tonsils and adenoids removed.
If sleep apnea is not treated, the organs do not get enough oxygen to keep the body healthy.
Researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle found that individuals with untreated sleep apnea had significantly higher medical bills than their non-OSA peers.
Obstructive sleep apnea can lead to significant health problems if not diagnosed.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that occurs when throat tissue collapses and obstructs the airway.
The doctor can determine whether the snoring is caused by a nasal obstruction, obesity, or obstructive sleep apnea.
Most sleep apnea patients start out with a basic mask that is recommended by their doctor or respiratory therapist.
It is also a risk factor in developing sleep apnea.
In Newport News, sleep apnea sufferers can find qualified medical help in a few different places.
The Riverside Sleep Disorders Center works with adults and children over the age of twelve who have sleep problems and disorders like obstructive sleep apnea.
For very young obstructive sleep apnea sufferers, Children's Specialty Group (CSG) offers pulmonary specialists for infants, young children, and adolescents.
Newport News has specialists to offer sleep apnea patients young and old.
Finding the right doctor is the first step on the way to keeping sleep apnea under control, and a specialist in apnea will be able to construct the best personalized treatment plan for each patient.
Surgical therapy for sleep apnea is likely to include more than one surgery, as the chances for success of any single procedure are often below 50 percent, according to the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA).
Before surgery is considered, each patient should be evaluated to confirm the diagnosis of sleep apnea and to measure the severity of the case.
Patients with severe sleep apnea who have not received any symptom relief from CPAP therapy or an oral appliance may find surgery as a promising option.
The tracheotomy is the most extreme type of surgical therapy for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
No article is a substitute for a long conversation with a surgeon who is experienced in sleep apnea surgery.
Don't be afraid to get a second opinion or to seek out a more experienced surgeon, as more experience may translate into a higher success rate for sleep apnea surgery.
Dr. Cherin's website does note that persons seeking a dental appliance to treat snoring should also be under a physician's care to rule out the possibility of sleep apnea.
Those suffering from conditions like narcolepsy, severe insomnia or sleep apnea may need to keep a log of their sleep quality over the initial treatment period, so doctors can determine if treatments are working.
More so, they can be dangerous for those with sleep apnea.
This is especially true for people who have obstructive sleep apnea as well as snoring.
The most common are sleep apnea and snoring.
Sometimes, a simple oral device like a sleep apnea mouth piece effectively addresses the breathing problem.
Sleep dentistry is not a new field, and many dentists who are not certified by this organization are well qualified to treat snoring and sleep apnea.
Some professionals can help you if want to learn more about surgical therapy for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and others can assist you if you tend to avoid having dental procedures because of fear and anxiety.
The study examines the various stages of sleep, making it possible to determine whether obstructive sleep apnea is a factor.
There are many options to consider that can effectively treat snoring and sleep apnea in Virginia Beach.
The breathing devices are commonly used to treat sleep apnea.
Newer models of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines are able to record the number of sleep apnea episodes or instances of changes in breathing.
For people in Arizona who would like to try a dental appliance for sleep apnea or excessive snoring, an Arizona sleep dentist with extensive experience in sleep dentistry is the best choice.
An experienced sleep dentist will know how to assess snoring, and sleep apnea cases, and can custom fit a dental appliance to each patient's mouth to help maintain the best possible airway during sleep.
Those who believe they may have sleep apnea symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
It is important to know you have sleep apnea because it can lead to other health complications.
If you have been forgetting things often, or have difficulty focusing on the tasks at hand, this could be a symptom of sleep apnea.
The body's reactions to sleep apnea can be seen in multiple ways.
In addition to these considerations, if you are overweight, or have extra skin in the neck region, this could cause sleep apnea.
Learn more about the cause of sleep apnea to find out if you have other warning signals.
Rather, if someone did not snore, or snore as intensely as they are now, this could be an indication of sleep apnea.
Gasping spells, tossing and turning, choking spells, and coughing could all be attributed to sleep apnea.
Often, it is the combination of both symptoms you feel and others tell you about that can help you to learn you have sleep apnea.
The symptoms of sleep apnea in children are dependent on the child's age.
If any of these sleep apnea symptoms seem like they describe you or your loved one, you should contact your family doctor to schedule a sleep study.
Snoring may be a symptom of medical problems, including obstructive sleep apnea.
An ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist can help some patients who require surgery for sleep apnea or a CPAP machine to alleviate snoring.
Newport News sleep apnea problems may be addressed with a visit to an otolaryngologist.
Older individuals are also more likely to develop restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea.
A sleep dentist can help people who have a number of sleep problems, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea can be treated using a number of different approaches in the field of dentistry.
Oral devices can treat snoring and sleep apnea effectively.
Dentists in Las Vegas offer alternative therapies for sleep apnea.
Living with sleep apnea means living with the constant fatigue and a sense of low self-esteem.
Because sleep apnea is a serious medical condition, patients should seek the advice of their doctors prior to investing in any stop snoring products.
Studies suggest that 4% of men and 2% of women suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.
Diagnosing sleep apnea requires those who are affected with it to seek a consultation with their physician.
A large percentage of people who suffer from sleep apnea are also overweight.
Houston citizens who suspect they have sleep apnea should make an appointment with their primary physician.
A sleep study is important because while you might 'think' you have sleep apnea, sleep apnea has definite physiological symptoms that can be observed during a sleep study.
St. Petersburg sleep apnea patients have several well-known facilities to treat their sleep apnea.
All of these centers have professionals experienced in sleep apnea to treat this sleep disorder.
St. Petersburg sleep apnea specialists can be found in private practice, working in sleep clinics in local hospitals and affiliated with local dental centers.
The Center also provides support through a monthly AWAKE (Alert, Well and Keeping Energetic) Support Group is offered to sleep apnea patients and their families.
Some people diagnosed with sleep apnea may not need a CPAP machine and mask.
If you live in or near St. Petersburg, sleep apnea specialists are ready to help patients with a variety of treatment options.
If you are willing to drive a few more miles, the entire Tampa Bay area contains many other treatment options for sleep apnea.
Tampa sleep apnea patients have many choices of sleep physicians, sleep centers and sleep technicians.
In the city of Tampa, there are over ten sleep centers staffed and equipped to help the sleep apnea patient select the best CPAP machine for their needs or an alternative sleep apnea treatment.
If sleep apnea is diagnosed during the sleep study, the patient will have a second overnight sleep study during which a technician will try alternative pressures to determine the best pressure to stop the patient's apneas.
Polysomnography Test - A monitored, overnight test during which the patient's sleep is analyzed to evaluate sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea and sleep-related breathing problems.
The first step for in solving a sleep apnea problem is an accurate diagnosis and customized treatment.
The patient's physician may specifically recommend a Tampa sleep apnea sleep center or they may provide the patient with a list of alternative locations.
Norfolk sleep apnea treatments are readily available through a number of resources.
Norfolk sleep centers offer help for obstructive and central sleep apnea.
Neurologists often play a key role in treating central sleep apnea.
Sleep dentistry may help individuals who have sleep apnea by providing mouthpieces that open the airway passage to make breathing easier.
The relationship between heart problems and sleep apnea is still being researched.
Central sleep apnea differs from obstructive sleep apnea, which involves disruptions in breathing due to tissue obstructions.
A dentist may also identify sleep apnea as a possible problem.
Sleep dentists in Chesapeake offer help for snoring and sleep apnea by fitting patients with an oral device that repositions the jaw to open the airway passage.
Individuals who suffer from sleep apnea will stop breathing for a few seconds at a time, many times per night.
Those with larger tongues or larger neck areas are prone to suffer from sleep apnea.
Hampton sleep apnea treatments are readily available to patients.
The first step is to recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea followed by a physical assessment with a primary care physician.
Neurologists are on staff to help pinpoint whether the nighttime breathing problem is associated with neurological problems, as in the rare case of central sleep apnea.
The facility is also capable of pinpointing obstructive sleep apnea as a potential problem.
Peninsula Pulmonary Associates offers help for people who may suffer from sleep apnea due to potential heart problems or underlying medical conditions.
Many dentists not affiliated with the AADSM are perfectly capable of fitting patients with oral devices for sleep apnea.
A CPAP nasal mask is worn over the nose during sleep to treat sleep apnea and other disorders.
Doctors typically prescribe CPAP for patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
Brandenton sleep apnea specialists can help alleviate the symptoms of a sleep disorder using a number of different approaches.
The first step is to determine that a sleep apnea is the cause for your daytime fatigue and nightly disruptions during rest.
Proper diagnosis for obstructive or central sleep apnea begins with recognizing the signs that a problem exists.
Treatment options vary according to the type of sleep apnea as well as personal preferences.
No matter which approach you select, Brandenton sleep apnea treatments can help relieve the symptoms of the sleep disorder, promoting overall health and well being.
The sleep apnea Pillar procedure treats mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea and it can relieve snoring in many cases.
Obstructive sleep apnea affects an estimated 12 million adult Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health.
During sleep, relaxation of the muscles in the back of the throat blocks the airways results in snoring and sleep apnea.
The sleep apnea Pillar procedure is permanent and typically requires very little maintenance.
The procedure is also not suitable for anyone with severe obstructive sleep apnea or apnea caused by other medical conditions.Sometimes, the tip of an implant may protrude through the tissue of the soft palate.
Because the sleep apnea Pillar procedure is relatively new, not all doctors are experienced using the implants.
Portsmouth sleep apnea options include a variety of approaches that range from oral devices to surgical procedures.
Residents of Portsmouth can benefit from getting proper treatment for sleep apnea.
A sleep center is a great option to consider for identifying obstructive sleep apnea.
Each hospital has pulmonary specialists on staff who can work with sleep apnea patients as well.
Other Portsmouth sleep apnea treatments may be more suitable for many patients.
Surgical procedures for sleep apnea include Uvulo-palato-pharyngo-plasty (UPPP) and surgery to realign the jaw, among others.
Dentists can offer a solution for sleep apnea by fitting patients with custom oral appliances worn during sleep.
Texas snoring may refer to the volume of snoring, which can be indicative of a serious health condition such as sleep apnea.
Specialists in the field along with student physicians in training work with patients to diagnose and treat restless legs, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia.
Arlington sleep apnea doctors, dentists, technical specialists and sleep centers are available to help patients with their sleep problems.
Arlington is often overshadowed by Washington D.C. as a source for sleep apnea specialists.
Sleep specialists with private practices as well as specialists associated with sleep centers provide excellent and convenient treatment for sleep problems such as sleep apnea.
Dr. Fishman is a neurologist who works with patients to diagnose and treat sleep apnea.
The information recorded on the device can detect obstructive sleep apnea and provide the information necessary to prescribe a pressure level for a CPAP machine.
Dr. Madison provides a wide variety of dental services including treatment for sleep apnea.
Once you are diagnosed with sleep apnea there are many options for treatment including dental appliances, CPAP machines and surgery.
The National Sleep Foundation estimates more than 18 million Americans have sleep apnea.
Patients with sleep apnea, for example, can take as much as two to three times longer to heal from an injury or recover from an illness as someone without sleep apnea.
Many sleep apnea patients also suffer from chronic headaches due to oxygen deprivation.
Houston sleep apnea specialists are available in private practice, in local hospitals and through sleep centers.
Offer education and equipment consultation to sleep apnea patients who may, or may not, have been patients at their sleep center.
Patients who have already been diagnosed with sleep apnea who are having trouble with their CPAP equipment are encouraged to contact the Center to speak with a respiratory therapist.
Once you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and given a treatment option, it is also important that you continue to do what ever is necessary to maximize the effects of your treatment.
Sleep apnea can be life threatening; however, by following a well-implemented treatment plan you can alleviate most of the symptoms of sleep apnea.
If left untreated, sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, headaches, weight gain, memory problems, and impotency.
Loud snorers and those who have periods of silence (no breathing taking place) should seek medical attention for sleep apnea.
A snoring cure for sleep apnea is available, in various forms.
Surgical procedures for sleep apnea are also available.
Those who are overweight are more likely to have excess tissue in the throat and neck region of the body, which can lead to snoring, and sometimes sleep apnea.
During sleep apnea episodes, throat tissues obstruct the airway, preventing breathing and causing a build-up of carbon dioxide.
Snoring associated with sleep apnea usually occurs in cycles, with periods of silence and breathing cessation following periods of loud snoring.
Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of serious and potentially fatal health conditions, including stroke, cardiovascular disease and heart attack, and high blood pressure.
Obstructive sleep apnea in children may increase the risk of developing attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.
Most sleep dentists offer a full range of dental services as well as alternative treatments for sleep apnea and snoring.
Typically a sleep dentist is specially-trained to provide a custom-fit mouthpiece that can be used for either sleep apnea or snoring issues.
Success rate - Some dentists are more successful in treating severe cases of snoring while the success of other sleep dentists may only be on less severe cases of snoring or sleep apnea.
Dr. Patel, DDS at the Center of Cosmetic & General Dentistry studied at the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies to receive special training on oral appliances for sleep apnea.
He offers the SomnoMed mandibular advancement splint (MAS) which treats mild and moderate sleep apnea by moving the lower jaw forward during sleep.Dr.
Dr. Juli Eivens and Dr. Jennifer Laubach, both graduates of The University of Texas Health Science Center in 1996, provide a wide range of dental services including oral appliances to treat both sleep apnea and snoring.
Finding a Texas sleep apnea professional is not difficult.
Type of treatment - Not all specialists offer the same types of sleep apnea treatments.
There are many Texas sleep apnea specialists to select from.
Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea takes a team of sleep specialists, each providing an important role.
Fort Worth sleep dentist services can offer help for people with certain types of sleep disorders, including sleep apnea and snoring.
Sleep dentistry involves treatments for snoring and sleep apnea that are caused by problems in the mouth and throat.
Dental treatments for sleep apnea and snoring are typically non-surgical, involving oral devices that help to keep the airway open during sleep.
However, it is important to note that it isn't necessary to select a sleep dentist who is a member of this organization in order to find relief from the symptoms of sleep apnea and snoring.
Dr. Ron Perkins is an orthodontist who has personal experience as a patient suffering from sleep apnea.
The dentist fits this oral device designed for treating sleep apnea and snoring.
Services run the gamut from teeth whitening to temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ) treatment, and they include treatment for sleep apnea.
Granbury Dental Center specializes in oral devices and splints used to treat TMJ and mild to moderate sleep apnea as well as snoring.
Keep in mind that devices for sleep apnea developed by dentists can effectively treat obstructive sleep apnea.
However, the devices are not effective in treating central sleep apnea.
Many patients find that the oral devices offered by sleep dentists work as well as CPAP machines, making this an attractive option for people who have sleep apnea.
If the numbness in your hands and wrists is related to an injury, it may be that sleep apnea is impairing your healing process.
In some cases, frequent or loud snoring may be a sign of a serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea.
Loud snoring followed by periods of breathing cessation and silence for 10 or more seconds characterizes sleep apnea and distinguishes it from other causes of snoring.
Untreated sleep apnea can lead to extreme fatigue, headaches, heart problems, and other complications.
Children with sleep apnea are at greater risk of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and other health problems.
People who have obstructive or central sleep apnea can benefit from gathering as much information about the sleep problems as possible.
People who want to determine whether they have sleep apnea or not have different requirements than those already diagnosed with the condition.
An outstanding organization is the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA).
Services run the gamut from detecting sleep apnea to CPAP problems.
The mission of the ASAA is to enhance the lives of people who have sleep apnea.
The ASAA offers a database that allows visitors to search for a sleep apnea support group by location.
Patients considering undergoing surgery for sleep apnea can benefit from exploring the AAOMS website.
However, it is essential to discuss any concerns about sleep apnea or related disorders with your doctor.
It is not uncommon for an individual with sleep apnea to decide they are sick of CPAP treatment.
Untreated sleep apnea can quickly reduce the quality of life and may increase medical issues.
Medical issues such as high blood pressure can occur because of untreated sleep apnea.
Many sleep apnea sufferers find it very difficult to initially adjust to a CPAP or BiPAP machine or mask.
However, sleep apnea does not go away when the body is fighting other medical issues; so, it is just as important to wear the mask on "sick nights" as it is on other nights.
Don't give up on your sleep apnea treatment just because of an easily fixable problem.
There are many types of machines and masks available for sleep apnea.
The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) is an organization dedicated to helping people deal with snoring and sleep apnea.
While many people automatically associate dental sleep medicine with sedation dentistry, the AADSM is concerned with sleep science as it relates to obstructive sleep apnea and snoring problems.
The organization offers a lot of information about mouthpieces for snoring, as well as oral devices for sleep apnea.
The appliances are not appropriate for everyone, and they are best suited for people who have mild or moderate sleep apnea.
However, some patients with severe sleep apnea have experienced relief from their symptoms using this approach.
Treatment of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a great resource that defines snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Oral Appliance Therapy for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea explains how oral devices can help patients with sleep-related breathing disorders.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea explores both surgical and non-surgical treatments for obstructive sleep apnea.
They have studied the various options for appliances used within the mouth to reduce sleep apnea symptoms.
Patients who have the sleep disorder sleep apnea may have tissue that is blocking the passage of air through their airway.
These surgical procedures may remove unnecessary tissue that causes the sleep apnea symptoms to occur.
This area of medicine focuses on obstructive sleep apnea and snoring, specifically, and other conditions as they relate to the patient.
Those who study dental sleep medicine learn numerous techniques for improving sleep apnea and other SBD.
In situations where the sleep apnea condition has worsened to a severe level or when there are complications that make sleep apnea life threatening, dentists and doctors will work together to determine if a surgical procedure is necessary.
If you have obstructive sleep apnea or you believe you do, a dentist is not the first person to speak with regarding the situation.
This doctor will recommend a sleep study after making an initial diagnosis of the sleep apnea.
The sleep study will show the doctor if you have the obstructive form of sleep apnea.
Most commonly, those with mild to moderate sleep apnea will receive instruction to lose weight or use an oral appliance during sleep.
Those with severe sleep apnea may use a CPAP device, which forces air into the airway to keep it open during the night.
However, as a patient, it is important to ensure that your sleep physician and your sleep apnea dentistry team are working together to solve your problem.
Often, the sleep physician will recommend the dentist especially when there is a need for an oral appliance or a surgical procedure to take place to rectify your obstructive sleep apnea.
A laser snoring alternative is one way patients with sleep apnea may be able to treat the physical issues contributing to their sleep apnea.
One of the common causes of sleep apnea is an excess of tissue in the back of the mouth and nose near the throat.
For many patients, a diagnosis of sleep apnea can result in a prescription for a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine that must be worn when you sleep for the rest of your life.
Laser surgery, even if only partially successful, can mean an improvement to the quality of life for sleep apnea patients.
Laser assisted uvula palatoplasty (LAUP) is a popular procedure with snorers whether they suffer from chronic snoring or sleep apnea.
Patients can experience significant reductions in their snoring over the course of the intervening months, but patients, particularly those with diagnosed sleep apnea should undergo a sleep study to evaluate the level of improvement.
Snoring caused by obstructive sleep apnea increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and attention deficit disorder.
It may take several months for your body to adjust to using continuous positive airway pressure, but the health benefits of effectively treating sleep apnea will last much longer.
Many dedicated professionals can help patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea or severe snoring problems.
Typically, any dentist is well qualified to fit patients with mouthpieces for snoring and sleep apnea.
A sleep dentist in Plano can help patients living in this region by offering a viable option to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) masks and sleep apnea surgery.
Plano Dental Sleep Medicine is an excellent resource for patients who need treatment for obstructive sleep apnea or snoring.
Those who exhibit the symptoms of daytime sleepiness and the symptoms of sleep apnea can continue to find out more about oral appliances to treat the breathing problem.
This family dental practice is not listed with the AADSM, but the dentist may be able to fit patients with oral devices for sleep apnea and snoring.
Norman, Oklahoma sleep apnea patients can benefit from visiting professionals in their area.
Norman Regional Health System Sleep Apnea Associates offers convenient hours, including weekend studies so patients can schedule around their normal activities and jobs.
The Norman Surgical Arts Center is a great resource for patients considering surgery for sleep apnea.
Norman sleep apnea patients can benefit from researching their options in diagnosis and treatment for the sleep disorder.
Long-term sleep apnea may lead to serious medical problems, including the development of heart problems.
It is always advisable to follow doctor's instructions when dealing with sleep apnea.
The longer your sleep apnea progresses without treatment, the higher your chances are of needing any of the more extensive treatments for sleep apnea.
Only a doctor can diagnose the level of your sleep apnea sleep disorder through a sleep study.
Even a loss of just 10 percent of your body weight can drastically reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea.
This will also alleviate the tell tale snoring caused by sleep apnea.
By doing this, especially right before bedtime, you may be worsening sleep apnea.
There are specially designed sleep pillows that can help improve sleep quality for those with sleep apnea.
Many people will need to follow several of these steps to finding the right option to solve their sleep apnea problems.
A tracheotomy is a last option for those with life threatening sleep apnea.
Here, treatment of the medical problem may improve the overall sleep apnea symptoms.
This sleep apnea solution may be an option alongside some of the other treatments mentioned here.
The forum is also an excellent place to ask questions about other issues related to sleep apnea.
Some forums tend to focus on equipment selection while others focus on basic sleep apnea questions or the issues of machine and mask usage.
Forums sponsored by professional sleep apnea associations may include more post topics on diagnosis and treatment options for sleep apnea.
The forums set up by individuals with sleep apnea often concentrate on usage issues.
There is a lot of information on this forum; so, it is a very good source for those who are newly diagnosed with sleep apnea as well as those who have been using CPAP-type machines for a long period of time.
There are links to CPAP and sleep apnea news items and product announcements as well as listings at
Videos on basic sleep apnea subjects are available.
It can be very helpful to receive tips and insight from fellow sleep apnea patients.
Of the three types of insomnia, chronic insomnia is the type that can last for years at a time and is most often associated with a primary sleeping disorder (restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea , night terrors and sleepwalking).
Orlando sleep dentistry can help patients who have sleep apnea and snoring problems.
A sleep dentist specializes in dental sleep medicine, a relatively new field that focuses on oral appliances used to alleviate breathing problems associated with obstructive sleep apnea and severe snoring.
In addition, a sleep dentist may be experienced with surgical and non-surgical treatments for sleep apnea.
Quevedo DDS, PA is a general dentist but he does work with sleep apnea patients.
The devices are ideal for sleep apnea caused by the tongue sliding back into the airway passage.
Orlando sleep dentistry specialists may seem difficult to find, but many family and general dentists may be able to treat sleep apnea and snoring.
Sleep dentistry in Berkeley may be the answer to sleep apnea problems in some patients.
A sleep dentist can be affiliated with an organization like the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine; but, in many cases, a general dentist can fit patients with a sleep apnea mouthpiece.
A sleep apnea mouthpiece alleviates the symptoms of sleep apnea by keeping the airway open.
Another type of sleep apnea mouthpiece is a tongue retainer which uses a suction cup device to keeps the tongue in place.
Those who want to explore the option of using an oral device to treat sleep apnea may benefit from seeing a dentist specializing in prosthodonics.
The prosthetics may be cosmetic or they can treat disorders such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and sleep apnea.
Before visiting a Berkeley sleep dentistry, make sure that you require treatment for sleep apnea.
Patients who have severe sleep apnea or central sleep apnea may not benefit from using oral devices.
Sleep dentistry in Oakland may be a surprising option for people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.
The first step in the process is to determine if sleep apnea dentistry is right for you.
It may be necessary to participate in a polysomnogram to determine which treatment approach is best for your sleep apnea.
People in the Oakland area with sleep apnea may benefit from seeing their dentists.
Sleep apnea dentistry seeks to alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea using oral appliance therapy.
Specially fitted oral devices can help some patients with obstructive sleep apnea by opening the airway passage.
Sleep dentistry in Oakland includes dentists affiliated with sleep apnea associations, orthodontists, and prosthodonics, but nearly any dentist is capable of fitting patients with oral appliances.
Some may be surprised to discover that a dentist can be a great resource for treating sleep apnea.
Some insurance companies consider sleep dentistry to be experimental and they do not pay for dental treatments for sleep apnea.
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may wonder if there is a sleep apnea cure.
Some people have heard a bit about sleep apnea and they may wonder if they or their bed partner has it.
Fatigue during the day - If you are falling asleep well and sleeping all night and still battle day time fatigue, this may be a sign of sleep apnea.
If you sleep alone, you may not be aware of many of the symptoms of sleep apnea.
You may have one of two sleep apnea conditions, which are caused by different factors.
If you have a sleep apnea diagnosis and are ready to explore your treatment options, consider the many sleep apnea devices that can help you get a good nights rest.
Mild sleep apnea may be cured with some simple self-care steps.
Severe sleep apnea requires an aggressive approach.
If you must smoke and drink, reduce consumption before bed, as it can relax your muscles, which can contribute to sleep apnea.
Seeking treatment for sleep apnea is the right approach.
Insufficient sleep is bad enough for your body, without the dangers of sleep apnea.
There is no sleep apnea cure but you should talk to your doctor or a sleep study specialists about the right sleep apnea treatment for you.
A sleep apnea machine may help you get appropriate sleep.
Find out how these bedside devices can change your sleeping patterns, reducing daytime fatigue and the dangers associated with sleep apnea.
The CPAP machine is the most common machine used for sleep apnea.
The American Sleep Apnea Association maintains this machine is the most effective method for patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
If you decide to treat your sleep apnea using a CPAP machine, you must first see your doctor for a prescription.
Positional therapies - Adjusting the way you sleep can improve the symptoms of sleep apnea.
The American Sleep Apnea Association recommends placing tennis balls in a tube sock and pinning them to your nightclothes to break the habit of sleeping on your back, which can cause your airway to close down, a symptom of sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea machines may not be appropriate for those with severe sleep apnea.
Their sleep apnea either goes untreated or they switch to a non-mask approach such as a mouthpiece.
Portable CPAP machines give sleep apnea patients the freedom to travel with their CPAP or BiPAP machines or use their machines when AC electricity is not available.
With a battery backup, individuals who enjoy outdoor activities such as campers, boaters and motor home enthusiasts can continue their sleep apnea treatments using a battery in lieu of plugging the machine into standard AC current.
Snoring can be an indication of another health problem, such as sleep apnea or illness.
According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, the most effective treatment for the breathing condition is a CPAP machine.
The mask for sleep apnea needs to have the right balance of fresh air and pressurized air.
The American Sleep Apnea Association suggests that patients lean toward smaller masks if they are unsure what size to select.
While occasional snoring is generally not serious, individuals who snore chronically should consult a doctor or sleep specialist to rule out sleep apnea.
If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, enlarged heart and increased risks of heart attack or stroke.
This includes restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea.
It's important to know that snoring can be caused by obstructive sleep apnea and needs to be treated by a doctor.
Usually those who suffer from sleep apnea are treated using a CPAP or BiPAP machine.
They can also keep sleep apnea related health problems at bay.
Manufacturers are becoming more sensitive to the restrictive nature of sleep apnea masks and many are putting forth great effort to develop comfortable alternatives to the standard models.
It is important to note that the devices are used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, not central sleep apnea.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is among the most effective treatments for obstructive sleep apnea.
These sleep apnea devices are supposed to be worn by the patient throughout the entire duration of sleep each night for the rest of the patient's life.
In some cases, patients do not find relief using CPAP devices for sleep apnea.
Sometimes the continuous positive airway pressure is not the best approach for treating sleep apnea.
BiPAP machines are used for a number of respiratory problems in addition to sleep apnea.
Those who continually have problems with nighttime breathing machines may want to consider sleep apnea mouthpieces for relief.
A glaring problem with sleep apnea breathing machines is patient compliance.
Compliance rises when patients use less intrusive sleep apnea mouthpieces.
Each oral appliance is fitted to the patient.A sleep apnea mouthpiece may be a very attractive alternative to a breathing machine but there are some drawbacks to using this type of oral appliance.
In addition, patients who use oral appliances for sleep apnea may be at greater risk for developing temporomandibular jaw syndrome (TMJ), a painful condition.
Treatments for the sleep disorder are not limited to sleep apnea devices.
Treating sleep apnea is extremely important and discussing all of the available options is a great way to find a product that suits the patient.
A Wisconsin sleep dentist may be a surprising solution to sleep apnea and severe snoring.
A sleep dentist can help patients with obstructive sleep apnea and severe snoring by fitting oral devices that move the jaw slightly forward, which opens the airway passage.
While nearly any dentist can fit patients with oral devices, some dentists have received special training due to their affiliation with organizations which are dedicated to helping people overcome sleep apnea and snoring.
The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) offers guidance and information for patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
Patients looking for relief from sleep apnea or severe snoring can benefit from first seeing their primary care physicians.
After getting a diagnosis, the patient has a number of different treatment options, including oral devices for sleep apnea fitted by a dentist.
Other dentists have developed relationships with other experts in sleep apnea treatment.
McDaniel, DMD is board certified with the ABDSM and he works with the Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment Center in Wauwatosa.
Sleep apnea is among the services offered by the dentistry and the product of choice is the OSB Robson Sleep Apnea appliance.
Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea or an underlying medical problem that requires attention.
Your physician may recommend a sleep study to determine whether your snoring is related to obstructive sleep apnea.
Some surgeries for sleep apnea may also be used to treat severe snoring.
When used for sleep apnea or snoring, the procedure typically focuses on the soft palate.
A uvulectomy is a surgical procedure for snoring and sleep apnea that removes the uvula.
It can be a sign of an underlying medical problem or it can be a symptom of sleep apnea.
Ordering new CPAP masks can be a little confusing for many people who use CPAP machines to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
Proof that you participated in a sleep study for sleep apnea isn't enough to make a legal purchase.
Getting support for the many facets of dealing with sleep apnea can be very helpful, especially when it comes to issues like equipment maintenance and replacement.
For example, modafinil may be used to treat daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea.
Hypopnea is normally associated with sleep apnea but daytime hypopnea can result from a number of neuro-muscular diseases and other health conditions.
Although the airway obstruction of sleep apnea causes hypopnea, it is not directly associated with daytime hypopnea.
The symptoms of hypopnea from sleep apnea and daytime hypopnea are the same.
Although not directly related to sleep apnea, daytime hypopnea can result in the same medical issues as hypopnea resulting from sleep apnea.
There are some possible correlations between hypopnea syndrome and sleep apnea and people who have an increased risk for heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular problems.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes breathing to cease in short intervals throughout the night.
If pauses in breath and gasping for air accompanies snoring, you may have sleep apnea.
Once sleep apnea or other medical conditions are ruled out, treatment for snoring may begin.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines and dental devices may be helpful for patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
The devices can be helpful for many people who snore, and they may benefit some patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
See the Practice Parameters of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine for more detailed information about the treatment of snoring and for guidelines for using oral devices to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
The Sona Anti-Snore and Mild Sleep Apnea Pillow helps snorers sleep on their sides while providing optimal support for the head and neck.
Over the counter treatments are not designed to treat medical conditions, including sleep apnea.
A product that moves the jaw slightly forward may not help a person who snores because of inflammation in the nasal cavity, and a product that opens nasal passages may not be effective on a person with mild obstructive sleep apnea.
You might have a more serious medical condition, such as sleep apnea.
The apnea hypopnea index (AHI) is a calculation that determines the severity of sleep apnea.
People who have sleep apnea experience disturbances throughout the night that interfere with the ability to get enough restorative sleep.
Telltale signs that you may need to talk to your doctor about breathing problems during sleep include daytime sleepiness, loud snoring and other symptoms of sleep apnea.
Respironics CPAP technology began in 1985, when the company introduced the first commercial continuous positive airway pressure device, and its innovations have continued to improve sleep for people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea is among the health concerns the company addresses, and Respironics CPAP is an example of Philip's commitment to developing outstanding respiratory care products for its clients.
Philips Respironics Sleep Therapy System is an approach to treating obstructive sleep apnea that addresses the needs of the consumer.
The tool can detect when a person is experiencing symptoms that go beyond obstructive sleep apnea.
After participating in a sleep study, your doctor may give you a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.
Established in 1989, Resmed combines research, medicine and comfort to create products for patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Many patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea trust the Resmed name.
Most are specifically geared toward a patient's needs, i.e. hypoapnea or sleep apnea.
In addition to patient supplies such as the CPAP devices, masks and tubing, Resmed also produces devices for clinical use including the Apnealink monitor which can help a clinician determine sleep apnea in a patient during a sleep study.
Resmed understands the statistics that suggest as many as 90% of sleep apnea patients are unaware they have sleep apnea.
A CPAP pillow is designed for people who have sleep apnea symptoms and temporarily stop breathing during sleep.
Use of the pillow also promotes sleep and keeps sleep apnea from worsening or causing a person to wake repeatedly.
The CPAP pillow can be very helpful in treating sleep apnea effectively.
Things such as losing even a small amount of weight for an overweight or obese person can help tremendously with sleep apnea.
Full face CPAP masks have many advantages for a great number of people with sleep apnea.
Continuous positive airway pressure is an effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.
Some CPAP alternatives offer relief from the factors that make people tired of the therapy, and others present completely different approaches for treating sleep apnea.
You can be fitted for an oral device that may alleviate the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.
A sleep apnea mouth piece can help keep the airway passage open, and two basic models are available.
Another CPAP alternative is surgery, which is an invasive measure that isn't suitable for everyone with sleep apnea.
The Pillar procedure can treat mild to moderate sleep apnea by stiffening the tissue in the soft palate.
Surgery for sleep apnea may include removing tonsils and/or adenoids, which can block the airway passage.
Before replacing your sleep apnea treatment, find out if simple changes can offer relief.
Compliance can be a serious barrier in treatments for sleep apnea.
Together, you can find the best treatment for sleep apnea.
Discomfort is a major contributor to noncompliance for people who have obstructive sleep apnea.
Contour designed for people with sleep apnea can provide support for the head and neck while allowing the sleeper to have freedom of movement without interfering with the mask.
Mask strap pads offer relief from chafing and irritation caused by the sleep apnea mask's strap pads.
Bacteria filters are ideal for sleep apnea patients who also suffer from allergies.
People who suffer from sleep apnea are well aware of the daytime fatigue that often accompanies the condition.
Among the most surprising solutions for sleep bruxism is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which treats obstructive sleep apnea.
Treating obstructive sleep apnea with CPAP can stop teeth grinding, according to a study from the Sleep Disorders Unit, Loewenstein Hospital-Rehabilitation Center.
Possible contributors run the gamut from anxiety to medication, and dealing with these problems may stop you from gnashing your teeth automatically, just as treating sleep apnea can stop teeth grinding from occurring.
For example, using a mouth guard with obstructive sleep apnea can keep your airway open while you sleep.
Undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea patients are in a precarious position.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes the patient to stop breathing periodically throughout the night.
Blockages in the nasal cavity can lead to sleep apnea as well.
It is important to pinpoint the specific cause of sleep apnea to ensure proper treatment.
Undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea patients may experience significant problems in their daily lives aside from excessive daytime sleepiness.
Getting an accurate diagnosis is a critical first step in getting the right treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.