Sledge Sentence Examples
It would take a sledge hammer or more to break down this portal.
Temptation had been pounding on the door with a sledge hammer lately.
In March 1900 a sledge party of thirteen, under Captain Cagni, started northwards.
The drift lasted for 264 days and no land was sighted, although a sledge journey was made westward to long.
Five sledge parties started simultaneously in Nov.
The sledge ran out of control and carried him across the frozen lake.
The snow in places was as granular and hard to pull through as sand, and only one sledge could be moved at a time, so that on some days many hours' work only made 2 m.
A light tap with a 7lb sledge hammer remedied the fault!
I pressed myself flat on the sledge until whoosh -- The wolf leaped over me and sank its jaws Into my horse's hindquarters.
In March 1770 a merchant named Liakhov saw a large herd of reindeer coming from the north to the Siberian coast, which induced him to start in a sledge in the direction whence they came.
AdvertisementThere were landed at Cape Evans 17 Siberian ponies, .33 Siberian sledge dogs and three motor sledges on the design of which Scott had taken immense pains.
Prior to this he had been playing sledge hockey.
In the evening, go hunting for the northern lights on an exciting snowmobile or dog sledge safari - the choice is yours.
The bonfires, forest feast and horse-drawn sledge ride proved as popular as ever.
An air tractor sledge started with this party but broke down after io miles.
AdvertisementMany essential parts of the equipment were lost with the sledge, and only six dogs in poor condition were left.
We spent a pleasant five days towing a yellow sledge around the area !
Ice sledge hockey is a comparatively new team sport.
Proposed sledge journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific - from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea.
Only the huskies giving sledge rides seem bursting with energy.
AdvertisementBorchgrevink brought with him 90 sledge dogs â the first dogs ever used in Antarctic work.
He was spreadeagled on a large wheel, and his remaining sound limbs were smashed with a sledge hammer.
Sightings, tho never guaranteed, are most likely on the snowmobile safari tour or dog sledge safari.
He loved his work and he loved the brisk night ride on his sledge and the gay tinkle of the sleigh-bells.
If you are considering doing some home improvement projects or interior decorating, you may want to digitally experiment with color and layout before picking up that sledge hammer.
AdvertisementGrimm is a singer with a penchant for southern soul, and it was his rendition of Percy Sledge's When a Man Loves a Woman that netted him the top spot.
The hardness of the hardened chrome steel resists the burglar's drill, and the ductility of the wrought iron the blows of his sledge.
After three days spent in cutting down the sledge and rearranging its load Mawson started on his lonely tramp, and after appalling difficulties, when nearly exhausted, he stumbled on a food depot laid out by a search party 20 m.
And also, pulling a sledge is a big guy's challenge, and I'm quite demure, as you see.
We spent a pleasant five days towing a yellow sledge around the area!
A good team of 9 dogs would travel 30 miles in a day pulling a sledge with a load of over 1000lbs.
Roy fell over headlong, dragging the sledge with him.
A heavy wooden sledge fitted with sharp, cutting, spikes was used to separate the precious wheat from the chaff.
The sledge runner This object is tentatively identified as a sledge runner and is worthy of note.
I think that the man is at a dead set who has got through a knot-hole or gateway where his sledge load of furniture cannot follow him.
Owing to this joint the whole upper beak can be moved up and down with extra facility, according to the shoving forwards or backwards of the palato-pterygo-quadrate apparatus which moves sledge - like upon the cranial basis.
At the Restoration his body was exhumed, and on the 30th of January 1661, the anniversary of the execution of Charles I., it was drawn on a sledge from Holborn to Tyburn, together with the bodies of Ireton and Bradshaw, accompanied by "the universal outcry and curses of the people."