Slang Sentence Examples
Because of this, "two bits" is still slang for twenty-five cents in the United States.
American English is taught in schools and American slang is practiced in bars everywhere.
The word is of frequent use as a slang term - e.g.
In Stock Exchange slang the term is used of an operator who applies for a portion of a new security being issued, not with a view to holding it, but with the intention of immediate realization, at a profit if possible.
At the blank look, she assumed the translator didn't pick up her slang and rephrased.
Kiera sought an explanation, recalling he was not familiar with most slang despite his mastery of English.
If you are looking for even more phrases that you can use to convey your thoughts in a more western way see Legends of America for a complete alphabetical array of cowboy slang and lingo.
But the typical "germania" is a mixture of slang and of the gipsy language.
From, the slang word Bridezilla means "a bride-to-be who focuses so much on the event that she becomes difficult and obnoxious".
In no time they'll be using net slang too LOL !
AdvertisementThe definition of a slang word can be looked up in a slang dictionary.
In no time they'll be using net slang too LOL!
It is a feature of the colloquial style and often corresponds to the modern use of " slang."
Which slang term derives from olden day smugglers who hit brandy in their thigh boots?
A telenovela is a slang word that represents a marriage between 'television' and novela ('soap opera').
AdvertisementThe term 'granny panties' is slang for a very specific type of lingerie.
Her lyrics combine modern slang with classic topics to give each song a bit of her own personality.
Even slang or jargon can be used in an informal invitation, depending on the party theme.
They will be familiar with the slang and other terminology to make your keywords work on your site.
Does the northern slang have different words for the service you're selling?
AdvertisementMany of these make no strict sense and stem from the same kind of linguistic exuberance that brought us cockney rhyming slang.
It also has a fun section where members can exchange expressions and slang by creating, playing and discussing phrasal Hangman word games.
Dukes, of course, from the rhyming slang Duke of York, er, fork.
Write in a way that is easy to understand and avoid local slang or phrases.
You don't need to know the slang, all you need to know is how the drugs affect them.
AdvertisementBasically, can be used in street slang for anything or anyone you don't really like.
Two Jamaican teenagers who put some Carribean slang to existing music for this one-hit wonder.
It is thus used of the fixtures, machinery, apparatus necessary for the carrying on of an in.dustry or business, and in colloquial or slang use, of a swindle, a carefully arranged plot or trap laid or fixed to deceive; cf.
In poetical and figurative language "gale" is often used in a pleasant sense, as in "favouring gale"; in America, it is used in a slang sense for boisterous or excited behaviour.
It is from a combination of these two meanings that the thieves' slang phrase "ringing the changes" arises; it denotes the various methods by which wrong change may be given or extracted, or counterfeit coin passed.
It thus survives in American slang, with the meaning "impudence" or "assurance."
Compulsive punsters, their name is a word-play on a Spanish department store and the slang for âI stealâ.
You do n't need to know the slang, all you need to know is how the drugs affect them.
Some notes on gay slang What 's in it?
Luckily the title referred to the Danish term for language rather than the English slang for a child !
Links UK - US slang dictionary May actually be of some use to exchange students.
Cat Naval " The cat is out of the bag " Common slang expression, meaning " The secret is out ".
A slang term meaning ' lots of stuff '.
The questions are based on semantic factors of spoken French, the user must choose the correct meaning to a slang phrase for example.
The name Fives is thought to derive from an old slang word for hands.
Basically, can be used in street slang for anything or anyone you do n't really like.
Spain 's spicy sausage, you see, is also slang for thief.
Linguistic functionality This trilingual dictionary contains more than 450,000 entries including medical, technical, legal and business terms, and slang.
Naff had existed in working-class slang for at least 40 years by the time it became a vogue word in the later 1970s.
Please avoid using any colloquialism or slang in any of your formal essays.
While others argue over whether a word is a real word or just a slang expression, the people at Webster's have opted to include slang as well as official words in its listings.
World Lingo - This site is helpful for translating slang.
Online translators don't take into account dialect or slang, although language dictionaries can give you single-word translations.
Nothing beats an actual human translator, especially one that understands regional dialects and slang words from all Portuguese-speaking areas.
Also, above the search bar is a tab for New Words & Slang.
Here you see user-submitted words and slang phrases that might be considered for inclusion in the dictionary.
It gives links to find larger Yiddish dictionaries, as well as separate pages for things like a Yiddish glossary and Yiddish slang.
Bling bling is a hip-hop slang term that refers to expensive jewelry and other accessories.
Bling bling was further cemented into public consciousness when, in 2003, the Oxford English Dictionary made the word, along with the slang terms "jiggy," "dope," and "phat," official by adding them to the renowned dictionary.
To adults today, teenage slang words may seem like an undecipherable code.
Nevertheless, with a little research, most adults can become experts on teenage slang words!
Well here is a list of some of the common slang terms among today's coolest teens.
Many websites on the Internet have more complete dictionaries of teenage slang words in an easy to use format, such as and
There are also numerous books on the subject of teen slang, and slang in general.
As if learning all the slang in a teenager's vocabulary wasn't hard enough, technology has almost created a new language all its own.
Abbreviations also has many online slang terms.
Search for a specific term or just browse to learn more about teen slang.
These under-items may also occasionally be referred to in their slang form, "lollies".
The stereotype of the cowboy casanova has even made its way into internet slang, with the official definition coined by the Urban Dictionary, which has two definitions.
They also incorporate popular 80s slang terms into their comments shown in between sessions and completed venues.
The voices, attitudes, use of slang, and personality of the characters also seem to be consistent with current times.
Condoms are also known as prophylactics, as well as the popular slang term "rubbers."
The word "Jive" is an African slang term meaning "exaggerations," and this is shown in the enthusiastic dance steps and bravado that accompany good Jive performances.
In addition, do not use slang or vulgarity unless you are sure he or she won't be offended.
Consider what kinds of slang is used - not so much to decide if it's offensive, but more to determine if it is going to be a turn-on for your Valentine.
A professional business won't place a help wanted ad that's filled with obvious mistakes, slang, and excessive exclamation points.
When reading the website, you'll notice that it is written using UK currency and slang.
A Dictionary of Slang helps translate British slang into terms you are more familiar with.
A telenovela is a slang word that represents a marriage between "television" and novela ("soap opera").
Even more helpful is the site's sidebar features, which includes assistance to fans that need some of the show's Cockney slang translated.
This extensive site includes subculture slang, definitions of specific practices and relevant medical information.
This slang term surprised famous Orange County housewife Tamra Barney.
Unless, of course, you speak with the "You know," "Awesome," or "Like" slang of today.
This exposes the advanced student to an authentic French vocabulary, including slang and abbreviations (for example 'c'est' is simply written 'c' in chat rooms, and on message boards).
Pétanque is a shortened or slang form of the phrase "pied-tanquée" which means feet together...describing the position from which one shoots the pétanque balls.
Men's panties are often referred to as "manties," a slang term which is thought to have come from an episode of the hit sitcom, Seinfeld.
The term "granny lingerie" is a slang description for overly modest, unattractive sleepwear that some older women enjoy wearing.
Christian had a very colorful attitude and often peppered his interviews with phrases that have since become mainstream slang, such as saying that someone looks "fierce" or "a hot mess."
This is how the slang term "lunch hour face lift" was coined in reference to thread lifts.
They speak in a certain argot, a slang whereby they all sit down comfy, comfy - Lineker, Hansen and the rest.
It's also a detailed inventory of slang, sexual code terms, metaphors, evasiveness, underworld argot, and indecent language.
The rhyming links ' cobbler's awls ' with ' balls ', i.e. slang for testicles.
I always thought ' so long ' was American slang.
Books and audiocassettes teaching English, French, and Spanish slang.
It is told in part through the use of a cleverly translated version of French slang.
Luckily the title referred to the Danish term for language rather than the English slang for a child!
Note to self - must compile dictionary of prison slang.
During such periods of excitement it is even able, by the pressure of the muscles on the poison-duct, to eject the fluid to some distance; hence it shares with the cobra a third Dutch name, that of "spuw slang" (spitting snake).
This humane privilege was grossly abused, and thus gave rise to the slang phrase "to sham Abraham."