Skull Sentence Examples
She repeated that the skull was crushed.
The skull was cracked and broken.
Fred scratched his head as he held up the skull for close examination.
The skull is conical, stout and heavy, and the teeth, although sharper and less rounded than those of badgers, are less suited to a carnivorous diet than those of stoats, weasels and martens.
The postglenoid, post-tympanic and paroccipital processes of the skull are large; the second of these being always distinct.
His complexion is tawny, darker than that of the Chinese, but clearer than that of the Cambodian; his hair is black, coarse and long; his skin is thick; his forehead low; his skull slightly depressed at the top, but well developed at the sides.
Skull elevated and compressed; with the orbit and temporal fossa widely continuous, there being no true post-orbital process from the frontal bone.
The facial portion of the skull is generally shorter than the cranial; the orbit is freely open behind; and the premaxillae tend to be reduced and fused with the nasals.
As in the last family, the post-glenoid process of the skull is broad; the whole skull be i ng depressed with a shortened facial portion.
In the case of a special enemy or an adversary overcome in a private dispute before the king, he would make a cup of the skull, mounting it in bull's hide or in gold.
AdvertisementPacas may be distinguished from agoutis by their heavier and more compact build, the longitudinal rows of light spots on the fur, the five-toed hind-feet, and the peculiar structure of the skull, in which the cheek-bones are expanded to form large capsules on the sides of the face, each enclosing a cavity opening on the side of the cheek.
Parietal bones separated by the supraoccipital; prootic and exoccipital separated by the enlarged opisthotic. Pectoral arch suspended from the skull; no mesocoracoid arch.
The head is rounded and short, without prominent beetling ridges above the eyes, or a strong crest along the middle line of the back of the skull; and the tusks of the old males are of no very great length and prominence.
The post-glenoid process is small, and the facial and cranial portions of the skull are approximately of equal length.
The head is large, and the skull elongated, and elevated posteriorly into a transverse occipital crest.
AdvertisementThe Peruvian chinchilla (C, brevicaudata) is larger, with relatively shorter ears and tail; while still larger species constitute the genus Lagidium, ranging from the Andes to Patagonia, and distinguished by having four in place of five front-toes, more pointed ears, and a somewhat differently formed skull.
When a face-pit is present in the skull it is small.
They include a skull and several large adult bones and a child's jaw.
The quadrate is indirectly articulated with the skull, first by the horizontal, movable squamosal, secondly by the columella auris.
More detail concerning skull, scales and teeth will be found in the diagnostic descriptions of the various families (vide infra); for further anatomical information the reader is referred to the article Reptiles (Anatomy).
AdvertisementThe skull itself is elongated, with comparatively simple and primitive molars, the latter being relatively short.
Males may be distinguished from females by the skull, in which the outer surface of the cheek-bones is roughened in the former and smooth in the latter sex.
The [ox's] horns are of nearly equal size in both sexes, are placed on or near the vertex of the skull, and may be either rounded or angulated, while their direction is more or less outwards, with an upward direction near the tips, and conspicuous knobs or ridges are never developed on their surface.
Dr Thomas Savage, a missionary at the Gabun, who sent Owen information with regard to the original skull, had, however, himself proposed the name Troglodytes gorilla in 1847.
In old males the eyes are overhung by a beetling penthouse of bone, the hinder half of the middle line of the skull bears a wall-like bony ridge for the attachment of the powerful jaw-muscles, and the tusks, or canines, are of monstrous size, recalling those of a carnivorous animal.
AdvertisementThe skull is narrower and longer than in typical squirrels, and there are distinctive features in the cheek-teeth; but the more aberrant types come much closer to squirrels.
For ordinary practical purposes this synopsis is useless, most of the anatomical characters being visible only in the macerated skull.
The quadrates are directly attached to the skull, the squamosals being absent.
The quadrate is short and thick, and is carried by the broad and short squamosal, which lies flat against the skull, reminding in this respect of Ilysia.
Characterized by possessing only a few teeth, on the posterior part of the maxillaries, on the palatines and Coronelline Nymphophidium, the same effect is reached by two prominences at the base of the skull.
The short squamosals are very loosely attached to the skull.
The bones of the skeleton generally more resemble those of the Indian elephant than of any other species, but the skull differs in the narrower summit, narrower temporal fossae, and more prolonged incisive sheaths, supporting the roots of the enormous tusks.
The most generalized type is Coryphodon, representing the family Goryphodontidae, from the lower Eocene of Europe and North America, in which there were 44 teeth, and no horn-like excrescences on the long skull, while the femur had a third trochanter.
The skull generally lacks a sagittal crest; and the condyle of the lower jaw is transversely elongated.
Odontoid process of second vertebra semi-cylindrical; skull with a sagittal crest; and the condyle of the lower jaw rounded.
It shows the characteristic hippopotamus-flange to the lower jaw, but has also a large descending process from the jugal bone of the zygomatic arch of the skull.
It may be added that generic subdivisions of the squirrels are based mainly on the characters of the skull and teeth.
The skull is shorter and lower than in Megatherium, without any vertical expansion of the middle of the lower jaw, and the teeth also extend nearly to the front of the jaws; both these features being sloth-like.
Special interest attaches to the recent discovery in the cavern of Ultima Esperanza, South Patagonia, of remains of the genus Glossotherium, or Grypotherium, a near relative of Mylodon, but differing from it in having a bony arch connecting the nasal bones of the skull with the premaxillae; these include a considerable portion of the skin with the hair attached.
Scelidotherium is another genus of large South American Pleistocene ground-sloths, characterized, among other features, by the elongation and slenderness of the skull, which thus makes a decided approximation to the anteater type, although retaining the full series of cheek-teeth, which were, of course, essential to an herbivorous animal.
In North America Mylodon was accompanied by another gigantic species typifying the genus Megalonyx, in which the fore part of the skull was usually wide, and the third and fourth front toes carried claws.
Another genus has been described from the Pleistocene of Nebraska, as Paramylodon; it has only four pairs of teeth, and an elongate skull with an inflated muzzle.
The true beaver (Castor fiber) is a native of Europe and northern Asia, but it is represented in North America by a closely-allied species (C. canadensis), chiefly distinguished by the form of the nasal bones of the skull.
Beavers are nearly allied to the squirrels (Sciuridae), agreeing in certain structural peculiarities of the lower jaw and skull.
The high cheek-bone and the hawk's bill nose are universally distributed in the two Americas; so also are proportions between parts of the body, and the frequency of certain abnormalities of the skull, the hyoid bone, the humerus and the tibia.
Even the Calaveras man is no exception, since his skull and his polished conical pestle, the latter made of stone more recent than the auriferous gravels, show him to have been of Digger Indian type.
They also remove the skull, and the skin is then dried in a smoky hut.
Pits are present in the forehead of the skull, and the horns are ringed for part of their length, with a compressed base; their form being often lyrate,.
The dibatag or Clarke's gazelle (Ammodorcas clarkei), of Somaliland, forms a kind of connecting link between the true gazelles and the gerenuk, this being especially shown in the skull.
The East African gerenuk, or Waller's gazelle (Lithocranius walleri), of which two races have been named, is a very remarkable ruminant, distinguished not only by its exceedingly elongated neck and limbs, but also by the peculiar hooked form of the very massive horns of the bucks, the dense structure and straight profile of the skull, and the extreme slenderness of the lower jaw.
These are medium-sized or large antelopes with naked muzzles, narrow sheep-like upper molars, fairly long tails, rudimentary or no face-glands, and pits in the frontal bones of the skull.
The five existing species may be grouped into two sections, the distinctive characters of which are only recognizable in the skull.
They include the mandible of a mastodon and a portion of a vertebra of a large fish, both found in the Lower Madison Valley; the skull and other parts of a dog (Mesocyon drummondanus), found near Drummond, Granite county; the skull of a Poatrephes paludicola, found near New Chicago,.
Granite county; a portion of the skull of a Mesohippus latidens, found near the confluence of the three forks which form the Missouri river; and a portion of the skull of a Hyrachyus priscus, found near Lima, Beaverhead county.
Berthelot, who examined the skull, found no trace of injury by a bullet; and on the whole there is no reason to doubt the verdict of the original inquiry at Ermenonville.
They tend him in secret, but one day, through the medium of a splinter from his sword, which had remained fixed in Morolt's skull, and been preserved by the queen, the identity of Tantris and Tristan is made clear.
The main railway continues south to Baltimore, and a light railway runs to the pleasant seaside village of Skull (or Schull), 15 m.
Of the three genera Hystrix is characterized by the inflated skull, in which the nasal chamber is often considerably larger than the brain-case, and The Porcupine (Hystrix cristata).
Chaetomys, distinguished by the shape of its skull and the greater complexity of its teeth, contains C. subspinosus, a native of the hottest parts of Brazil.
Probably emanates from the monastery of the Skull.
The skull is much reduced.
Both as regards structure and habits, the leopard may be reckoned as one of the more typical representatives of the genus Felis, belonging to that section in which the hyoid bone is loosely connected with the skull, owing to imperfect ossification of its anterior arch, and the pupil of the eye when contracted under the influence of light is circular, not linear as in the smaller cats.
For example, among the land vertebrates the feet (associated with the structure of the limbs and trunk) may take one of many lines of adaptation to different media or habitat, either aquatic, terrestrial, arboreal or aerial; while the teeth (associated with the structure of the skull and jaws) also may take one of many lines of adaptation to different kinds of food, whether herbivorous, insectivorous or carnivorous.
The laws and records of suits were set down in picture-writings, of which some are still to be seen; sentence of death was recorded by drawing a line with an arrow across the portrait of the condemned, and the chronicles describe the barbaric solemnity with which the king passed sentence sitting on a golden and jewelled throne in the divine tribunal, with one hand on an ornamented skull and the golden arrow in the other.
We have the means of comparing the personal appearance of the Mexicans and Central Americans by their portraits on early sculptures, vases, &c.; and, though there does not appear any clear distinction of race-type, the extraordinary back-sloping foreheads of such figures as those of the bas-reliefs of Palenque prove that the custom of flattening the skull in infancy prevailed in Central America to an extent quite beyond any such habit in Mexico.
The long neck and limbs, coupled with peculiarities in the structure of the skull, entitle the gerenuk, which is a large species, to represent a genus.
The Theban goat, of the Sudan, which is hornless, displays the characteristic features of the last in an exaggerated degree, and in the form of the head and skull is very sheep-like.
The skull resembles that of the lion and tiger, but is much broader in proportion to its length, and may be identified by the presence of a tubercle on the inner edge of the orbit.
Another character by which the European domesticated pig differs from any of the wild species is the concave outline of the frontal region of the skull.
An alisphenoid canal may be present on the palatal aspect of the skull; but there is always a transverse canal.
Sewellels are medium-sized terrestrial rodents, with no postorbital process to the skull, which is depressed in form, and rootless cheek-teeth, among which the premolars number I, the first in the upper jaw being very small.
The skull is heavily built, with the post-orbital processes directed outwards.
In the skull the infra-orbital foramen is narrow, and postorbital processes and an alisphenoid canal are absent.
The lachrymal foramen in the skull is low down and forms an elongated slit.
They are small rat-like rodents, with one pair of upper premolars, which are mere pins, as is the last molar, and the two pairs of limbs of normal length, with the metatarsals separate; the infra-orbital opening in the skull being triangular and widest below, while the incisive foramina in the palate are elongated.
The tail and ears are generally very long; while, in correlation with the size of the latter, the auditory bullae of the skull are also large.
The Turkestan Platycercomys (or Pygeretmus) has a lancet-shaped tail and no premolars; while Cardiocranus of the Nan-shan district of Central Asia has a similar type of tail, but short ears and a peculiarly triangular skull.
In the skull the zygomatic arch is slender and the jugal bone small and not extending far forwards, being supported by the long zygomatic process of the maxilla, while the infra-orbital foramen is mostly large, and there are no post-orbital processes.
The incisors are very large; and the palate of the skull is narrow.
The third sub-family is that of the Microtinae, or voles, which are distributed all over Europe, Northern Asia and North America, and are characterized by the tympanic bulla of the skull being filled with honey-combed bony tissue, the small size of the infra-orbital foramen, and the deep pterygoid fossa on the palatal aspect.
In the skull the tympanic bulla is hollow, the pterygoid fossa shallow and the zygomatic arch slender, with a rudimentary jugal bone.
They have long hind limbs, large eyes and ears; and in correlation with the latter an enlarged auditory bulla to the skull, which is hollow and divided into a tympanic and a mastoid portion.
The skull and skeleton do not differ markedly from those of the other cats.
The main cause of mortality and culling was severe purulent inflammation affecting the skull bones.
His daughter, her skull crushed, lay on a table behind the closed doors across the hall.
Finally, the Philippine Rhynchornys is represented by a rat with two pairs of molars and a long shrew-like nose, the zygomatic arch of the skull being also placed unusually far backward.
The malleus and incus cf the internal ear are united, and there is no transverse canal in the skull.
The upper lip is cleft, the jugal lacks an inferior angle, the fore part of the skull is short and broad; the cheek-teeth are partially rooted, with external and internal enamel-folds, the soles of the feet are smooth, there are six pairs of teats, the clavicles are imperfect and the tail is not prehensile.
In the skull the lachrymal bone is large, the paroccipital process is directed vertically downwards and the tympanic bulla is hollow.
The most remarkable feature of the genus is, however, the extraordinary development of the zygomatic arches of the skull, which are enormously expanded vertically, forming great convex bony capsules on the sides of the face, enclosing on each side a large cavity lined with mucous membrane internally, and communicating by a small opening with the mouth.
The family, Chinchillidae, typified by the wellknown chinchilla, includes a small number of South American rodents with large ears and proportionately great auditory bullae in the skull, elongated hind-limbs, bushy tails, very soft fur and perfect clavicles.
The three remaining families of the Hystricoidea, of which one is African while the other two are chiefly South American, are very closely allied and often brigaded in a single family group. In the Capromyidae, which includes only the South American and West Indian hutias, the South American coypu and the African cane-rats, the tympanic bulla of the skull is hollow, the par-occipital process straight, the lachrymal small, and the cheekteeth rooted, with deep enamel-folds; the first front toe Leing occasionally absent.
Skull depressed, frontals contracted and without post-orbital processes; p.; or; molars rootless, with transverse enamel-folds.
The cottontails, or wood-rabbits, of North and South America are regarded as forming a genus, Sylvilagus, by themselves, which includes the Brazilian and Paraguay hares, and appears to be chiefly distinguished by a certain feature in the parietal region of the skull.
In all three the skull is of the type of Romerolagus.
In the highly specialized mastoid region of the skull, the North American Oligocene Protoptychus approaches to Dipopodomys, while the contemporary Gymnoptychus and Entoptychus likewise appear referable to the Geomyidae.
The mesocephalic appears to be the preponderant form of skull; though this is unusual among Melanesian races.
The skull is sub-brachycephalic in type, with an index of 82.6 from living " specimens " and 79 from a large collection of skulls; it is never prognathous.
An entire skull, obtained from the Lower Pliocene beds of Eppelsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, in 1836, measured 41ft.
The skull of the governor was afterwards used at Kumasi as a royal drinking-cup. It was asserted that Sir Charles lost the battle through his ordnance-keeper bringing up kegs filled with vermicelli instead of ammunition.
Its affinity with the giraffes is, however, clearly revealed by the structure of the skull and teeth, more especially the bilobed crown to the incisor-like lower canine teeth.
As regards its general characters, the skull of the okapi appears to be intermediate between that of the giraffe on the one hand and that of the extinct Palaeotragus (or Samotherium) of the Lower Pliocene deposits of southern Europe on the other.
The jaws are short and strong, and the width of the zygomatic arches, and great development of the bony ridges on the skull, give ample space for the attachment of the powerful muscles by which they are closed.
In the Hohlefels in the Swabian Achthal there is still no trace of earthenware, and we find the skull of a reindeer skilfully turned into a drinking-vessel.
Among many fine pieces of jewellers' work preserved in the ecclesiastical treasuries may be mentioned the silver statuette of San Biagio, and the reliquary which contains his skull - a 17th-century casket in filigree and enamels with Byzantine medallions of the 11th or 12th century.
Considering the interest which is taken in crocodiles and their allies, on account of their size, their dangerous nature and the sporting trophies which they yield, the following " key," based upon easily ascertained characters of the skull, is given.
Dr Elliott Smith, who has examined thousands pf skeletons and mummies of all periods, finds that the prehistoric population of Upper Egypt, a branch of the North African-MediterraneanArabian race, changed with the advent of the dynasties to a stronger type, better developed than before in skull and muscle.
The skull, which has a longer face than in Titanotherium, lacks horn-cores, while all the upper premolars are simpler than the molars, and the full series of 44 teeth was present.
On the other hand, Palaeosyops is connected with Titanotherium by means of Telmatotherium of the upper Bridger and Washakia Eocene, a larger animal, with a longer and flatter skull, showing rudiments of horn-cores, only two pairs of lower incisors, and a general approximation in dental character to Titanotherium.
In alliance with the Avars, and Asiatic people who had invaded central Europe, Alboin defeated the Gepidae, a powerful nation on his eastern frontier, slew their king Cunimund, whose skull he fashioned into a drinking-cup, and whose daughter Rosamund he carried off and made his wife.
In 572 or 573, however, he was assassinated by his chamberlain Peredeo at the instigation of Queen Rosamund, whom Alboin had grievously insulted by forcing her to drink wine out of her father's skull.
Two or three other technical masterpieces of the engraver's art, the "Coat-of-Arms with the Skull," the "Nativity," with its exquisite background of ruined buildings, the "Little Horse" and the "Great Horse," both of 1505, complete the list of the master's chief productions in this kind before he started in the last-named year for a second visit to Italy.
There is generally no sagittal crest to the skull; and the condyle of the lower jaw is transversely elongated.
The simplest type is that of the giraffe, in which three bony prominences - a single one in front and a pair behind - quite separate from the underlying bones and covered during life with skin, occupy the front surface of the skull.
In the giraffes the separation of the horns from the skull may be a degenerate character.
In the Asiatic muntjac deer we find a pair of skin-covered horns, or " pedicles," corresponding to the paired horns of the giraffe, although welded to the skull.
The above-mentioned four types of skull appendages are generally regarded as severally characteristic of as many family groups, namely the Giraffidae, Cervidae, Antilocapridae and Bovidae.
In the Giraffidae, which include not only giraffes (Giraffa) but also the okapi (Ocapia) and a number of extinct species from the Lower Pliocene Tertiary deposits of southern Europe, Asia and North Africa, the appendages on the skull are of type No.
Helladotherium was a much larger animal, known by a single hornless skull from the Pliocene of Greece, which may be that of a female.
Largest of all is Sivatherium, typically from the Lower Pliocene of Northern India, but also recorded from Adrianople, in which the skull of the male is short and wide, with a pair of simple conical horns above the eye, and a huge branching pair at the vertex.
In the skull there are two orifices to the lachrymal duct, situated on or inside the rim of the orbit.
The most noteworthy point of distinction is in the skull, in which the facial portion is sharply bent down on the posterior basal axis in the fashion characteristic of the hollow-horned ruminants (oxen, antelopes, &c.), and the American prongbuck, instead of running more or less nearly parallel to the same, as in deer.
Whatever be the ultimate verdict, the association of antlers - and these, be it noticed, conforming almost exactly with the forked type characteristic of American deer - with an antilopine type of skull, skeleton and teeth in Merycodus is a most interesting and unexpected feature.
As regards their distinctive features, the antlers are of a complex type and situated close to the occipital ridge of the skull, and thus far away from the sockets of the eyes, with the brow-tines in adult males palmated, laterally compressed, deflected towards the middle of the face, and often unsymmetrically developed.
In the skull the gland-pit is shallow, and the vacuity of moderate size; the nasal bones are well developed, and much expanded at the upper end.
The skull shows a strong tendency to brachycephalism.
In addition to their stout build and long thickly haired tails, marmots are characterized by the absence of cheek-pouches, and the rudimentary first front-toe, which is furnished with a flat nail, as well as by certain features of the skull and cheek-teeth.
The skull is elongated, with an overhanging occiput, complete bony rims to the orbits, and the premaxillae separated from the arched and rather long nasals.
The skull generally resembles that of Camelus, the relatively larger brain-cavity and orbits and less developed cranial ridges being due to its smaller size.
Although it has the deciduous dentition, Mme Pavlow considers herself justified in referring the Kherson skull to the genus Procamelus previously known only from the Lower Pliocene or Upper Miocene strata of North America, and differing from modern camels, among other features, by the retention of a fuller series of premolar teeth.
Unfortunately, the skull is incomplete, and the rest of the skeleton very imperfectly known; but sufficient of the former remains to show that the socket of the eye was open behind, and of the latter to indicate that in the hind-foot, at any rate, the upper bones of the two functional toes had not coalesced into a cannon-bone.
On the other hand, the skull was short and rabbit-like, showing none of the characteristic features of modern camels.
In the skull the socket of the eye is surrounded by bone; while the dentition begins to approximate to the camel type - notably by the circumstance that the lower canine is either separated by a gap from the outermost incisors, or that its crown assumes a backwardly curved shape.
Here the metacarpals and metatarsals have partially united to form cannonbones, the skull has assumed the elongated form characteristic of modern camels, with the loss of the first and second pairs of upper incisors, and the development of gaps in front of and behind each of the next three teeth, that is to say, the third incisor, the canine and the first cheek-tooth.
In the Oreodontinae or typical section of the family, which includes several genera nearly allied to Oreodon, the skull is shorter and higher than in the camels, with a swollen brain-case, a preorbital glandpit, the condyle of the lower jaw transversely elongated, the tympanic bulla hollow, and the orbit surrounded by bone.
In the Miocene Agriochoerus, which typifies a second sub-family (Agriochoerinae), there is no gland-pit in the skull, of which the orbit is open behind; while the upper incisors are wanting in the adult and the terminal toe-bones are claw-like rather than of the hoofed type.
Its short curved horns and skull are enormously massive.
The Hindu (except the Rajput) shaves his head, leaving only a top-knot on the point of the skull.
As is always the case with large-eared animals, the tympanic bullae of the skull are of unusually large size; the size varying in the different genera according to that of the ears.
Their colour is black, their skull decidedly round, their hair thick and frizzly, their legs thin and almost without calves, and their toes so prehensile that they can use them nearly as well as their fingers.
The now generally accepted view is that the Neanderthal skull represents the oldest known dolichocephalic race of Europe.
The wombat of Tasmania and the islands of Bass's Straits (P. ursinus), and the closely similar but larger P. platyrhinus of the southern portion of the mainland of Australia, belong to this group. On the other hand, in the hairy-nosed wombat (P. latifrons) of Southern Australia, the fur is smooth and silky; the ears are large and more pointed; the muzzle is hairy; the frontal region of the skull is broader than in the other section, with well-marked postorbital processes; and there are thirteen ribs.
While at Frankfurt, on his way to examine the Neanderthal skull at Bonn, he was struck with paralysis, and died at Gottingen a few months later on the 13th of May 1864.
The skull, which must have consisted of hardened cartilage, exhibits pairs of nasal and auditory capsules, with a gill-apparatus below its hinder part, but no indications of ordinary jaws.
A tiger's skull may, however, always be distinguished from that The Tiger (Felis tigris).
Unfortunately, on the evening of a reception dinner given in his honour, Emin met with an accident which resulted in fracture of the skull.
The skull has a remarkably narrow and pointed muzzle and much inflated auditory bullae; while the two halves of the lower jaw are firmly welded together at their junction, thus effectually preventing the scissor-like action of the lower incisors distinctive of Macropus and its immediate allies.
As the natives of the southern peninsula came into contact with these mixed people, who though differing in the shape of the skull nevertheless varied little from each other in speech and colour of their hair and eyes, the ancient writers termed them all " Keltoi."
In 57 2, according to the Lombard chronicler, Alboin fell a victim to the revenge of his wife Rosamund, the daughter of the king of the Gepidae, whose skull Alboin had turned into a drinking cup, out of which he forced Rosamund to drink.
The typical species has a skull about 20 centim.
A legend relates how one-fourth of the European inhabitants perished in twelve months, and during seventy years the mortality was so great that the name of Calcutta, derived from the village of Kalikata, was identified by mariners with Golgotha, the place of a skull.
To it contributes the balance of the skull on the cervical vertebrae, while the human form of the pelvis provides the necessary support to the intestines in the standing attitude.
The differences between a gorilla's skull and a man's are truly immense.
In man the occipital foramen, through which passes the spinal cord, is placed just behind the centre of the base of the skull, which is thus evenly balanced in the erect posture, whereas the gorilla, which goes habitually on all fours, and whose skull is inclined forward, in accordance with this posture has the foramen farther back.
In man the surface of the skull is comparatively smooth, and the brow-ridges project but little, while in the gorilla these ridges overhang the cavernous orbits like penthouse roofs.
The largest proportional size of the facial bones, and the great projection of the jaws, confer on the gorilla's skull its small facial angle and brutal character,while its teeth differ from man's in relative size and number of fangs.
As to the capacity of the cranium, men differ from one another so extremely that the largest known human skull holds nearly twice the measure of the smallest, a larger proportion than that in which man surpasses the gorilla; while, with proper allowance for difference of size of the various species, it appears that some of the lower apes fall nearly as much below the higher apes.
At any rate, classing the Trinil skull as human, it may be described as tending towards the simian type more than any other known.
The relation of height to breadth may also furnish a valuable test; but it is acknowledged by all experienced craniologists, that the shape of the skull may vary so much within the same tribe, and even the same family, that it must be used with extreme caution, and if possible only in conjunction with other criteria of race.
The ill-chosen name of Caucasian, invented by Blumenbach in allusion to a South Caucasian skull of specially typical proportions, and applied by him to the so-called white races, is still current; it brings into one race peoples such as the Arabs and Swedes, although these are scarcely less different than the Americans and Malays, who are set down as two distinct races.
Darwin's summing-up of the evidence as to unity of type throughout the races of mankind is as distinctly a monogenist argument as those of Blumenbach, Prichard or Quatrefages " Although the existing races of man differ in many respects, as in colour, hair, shape of skull, proportions of the body, &c., yet, if their whole organization be taken into consideration, they are found to resemble each other closely in a multitude of points.
Antlers arising at acute angles to the median line of the skull (as in the following genera), at first projecting from the plane of the forehead, and then continued upwards nearly in that plane, supported on short pedicles, and furnished with a brow-tine, never regularly forked at first division, but generally of large size, and with not less than three tines; the skull without ridges on the frontals forming the bases of the pedicles of the antlers.
The facial portion of the skull is very short; a long process of the maxillary bone descends from the anterior part of the zygomatic arch; and the ascending ramus of the mandible is remarkably high.
The Pleistocene forms, whose remains occur abundantly in the silt of the Buenos Aires pampas, are by far the largest, the skull and tail-sheath in some instances having a length of from 12 to 16 ft.
The skull and limb-bones exhibit several features met with in the latter, and the vertebrae of the back are not welded into a continuous tube.
The head is about one-third of the length of the body, very massive, high and truncated in front; and owing its size and form mainly to the accumulation of a peculiarly modified form of fatty tissue in the large hollow on the upper surface of the skull.
Pentelikon, Attica, shows the absence in the adult state of upper and lower incisors and upper canines, much the same condition being indicated in an Indian skull.
They are dark-skinned and flat-nosed, slight of frame and very small of skull, and average no more than 5 ft.
An osteological question which has been much discussed is the fate of the reptilian quadrate bone in the mammalian skull.
A difficulty naturally arises with regard to the fact that in reptiles the occipital condyle by which the skull articulates with the vertebral column is single, although composed of three elements, whereas in amphibians and mammals the articulation is formed by a pair of condyles.
As he says still more definitely elsewhere in the same work (p. 120), "I have declared again and again that if I say Aryas, I mean neither blood nor bones, nor hair nor skull; I mean simply those who speak an Aryan language.
The shape of the skull is the most striking peculiarity of the Lapp. He is the most brachycephalous type of man in Europe, perhaps in the world.
Near the south-west coast the skull of a large lemuroid animal was discovered in 1893, much longer than that of any living lemur, the animal being probably three times the size of any previously known Madagascar lemuroid.
In the beds of the Lower Oolite portions of the skull of a reptile resembling the gavial of the Ganges had been previously discovered, from which a new genus called Steneosaurus has been founded.
The horns of the male rise from the crest of the skull, and after bending gradually backwards terminate in smooth tips; the front surface of the remainder carrying bold transverse ridges or knots.
No depression exists in the skull in front of the eye.
The skull generally shows a slight depression in front of the socket of the eye, which, although now serving as the attachment for the muscle running to the nostril, may represent the face-gland of the extinct Hipparion.
Many of the dark-coloured horses of Europe have Barb or Arab blood in their veins, this being markedly the case with the Old English black or Shire horse, the skull of which shows a distinct depression in front of the eye-socket.
The skull as a whole is greatly elongated, chiefly in consequence of the immense size of the face as compared with the hinder or true cranial portion.
The orbit, of nearly circular form, though small in proportion to the size of the whole skull, is distinctly marked, being completely surrounded by a strong ring of bone with prominent edges.
The closure of the orbit behind distinguishes the skull of the horse from that of its allies the rhinoceros and tapir, and also from all of the perissodactyles of the Eocene period.
The former has a wide but shallow floccular fossa on its inner side, and sends backwards a considerable " pars mastoidea," which appears on the outer surface of the skull between the posttympanic process of the squamosal and the exoccipital.
The bones which bear the two occipital condyles have given rise to much discussion, and the definition given by Huxley in the previous edition - "two occipital condyles, the basi-occipital region of the skull either very incompletely or not at all ossified" - requires revision.
Some authors have held that the bone on which the occipital condyles have been found most developed in some labyrinthodonts (2) represents a large basi-occipital bearing two knobs for the articulation with the first vertebra, whilst the skull of the batrachians of the present day has lost the basi-occipital, and the condyles are furnished by the exoccipitals.
Credner to be identical in structure with those of Stegocephalians, the Caecilian skull presents features which are not shared by any of the tailed batrachians.
Foramina by which the optic, trigeminal and portio dura, and abducens nerves leave the skull.
Although not strictly forming part of the skull, allusion should be made here to the ring of sclerotic plates which has been found in many of the Stegocephalia, and which is only found elsewhere in a few Crossopterygian fishes as well as in many reptiles and birds.
The skull, in the Apoda, is remarkably solid and compact, and it possesses a postorbital or postfrontal bone (marked 1 in the figure) which does not exist in any of the other living batrachians.
The skull, which is relatively short, has a large depression in front of the orbit, commonly supposed to have contained a gland, but this may be doubtful.
If this here skull wasn't broken, maybe someone would think it was the real McCoy—at least in the dark or from a distance.
He dropped and grabbed the back of his skull, where blood poured free.
George Cuvier, the French anatomist, recognized that the skull came from a giant marine lizard.
He looked at a skull going bald, on top a few greasy strands smeared over like a bar code.
Bloom plays an amateur boxer with the skull of steel on account of all the milk he drinks.
She was buried with pieces of gold jewelry, decorated bronze and clay vessels and the skull of a bull.
Deceased had his skull fractured and was otherwise terribly bruised.
He removes the brain with a suction catheter causing the skull to collapse, enabling the head to slide out.
Her blond hair was tied back behind her skull, revealing fashionably gaunt cheekbones.
Show Characteristics The head should be long and finely chiseled, with the skull being roughly equal to the length of the tapering muzzle.
The skull was excavated from cist no.1 and is an example of a Bronze Age short cist within a cairn.
The skull was split with a large cleaver, and the brain removed with a hook, knife or hand.
The joint between the skull and the lower jaw is formed by a mandibular condyle.
The trigeminal nerve is exposed by performing a craniotomy (small hole in the skull behind the ear ).
The surgeon will then create an opening in your skull, called a craniotomy, over the AVM.
Case 70 Recurrent craniopharyngioma A young adult with recurrent headaches Findings The lateral skull film demonstrates a previous frontal craniotomy.
Skull is very heavy with a thick cranium Coloring Skull is a pale brown color, which is grimy in places.
Edmund Kemper smashed her skull and then decapitated her.
The original Dutch skull (Mosasaurus hoffmanni ), figured by Cuvier, was mostly disarticulated.
I had hardly expected so dolichocephalic a skull or such well-marked supra-orbital development.
His brain inside his skull would start bubbling like a boiled egg inside its shell.
Hide your features behind a latex skull or loads of black eyeliner.
The pain at the base of the skull may be accompanied by a feeling of weakness in the shoulders and arms.
Skull somewhat flattened between ears, with some width allowed in powerful male heads.
It had long arms and a skull the size of a large grapefruit.
Put on a Halloween skeleton costume, a witches costume or simply pop on a skull halloween mask.
Despite the gnawing pain across his skull, aching ribs, and the awful taste in his mouth, Gus got a hard-on.
The skull itself is rounded and self-contained -- superficially resembling a monkey's skull more than a grazing herbivore 's (Figure 5 ).
I'm getting all excited My darling hubby is buying me a crystal skull for my birthday later this week.
In T1-weighted images, the internal surface of the skull is largely indistinguishable from the CSF, which is also dark.
Extensive, mainly acute, inflammation may be found in the cancerous bone of the skull.
A well aimed kick from them can smash the skull of a hunting dog or inflict serious injury on a lion.
Jugular venous bulb saturation is the oxygen saturation of venous blood in the jugular venous bulb saturation is the oxygen saturation of venous blood in the jugular bulb which is at the base of the skull.
One blow can shatter a kneecap, crack a skull, or break an arm.
I was very much tempted by a large, almost life-size, crystal skull.
The foramen magnum is a hole at the base of the skull into which the spine is inserted.
Good broad skull, nice short square muzzle, well placed eyes with good expression.
Judy said that the proportions should be a slightly longer muzzle compared to skull.
The claimant underwent neurosurgery in respect of the depressed skull fracture and fixing of dental wiring, which was in place for five weeks.
Six or more snakes swing from the skull the hero holds, however he remains nonchalant, not looking.
They removed the brain by placing a chisel up the left nostril and breaking through the skull.
Skull has a notably long vault with a bulbous occipital bone.
The skull is rather large and high in the dome, with a prominent occiput and a gradual stop.
The Skull Island sequence is slightly overlong with one too many set pieces.
The sucker is fixed to a bald patch on top of the skull.
The skull oval from ear to ear, showing plenty of brain room, and with a well-defined occipital protuberance.
His skull had been smashed by repeated blows from a heavy object, his head reduced to a bloody pulp.
Across the room, a young girl's face in an antique mirror oozed gray puss as her face disintegrated into a charred skull.
In circumstances where, for whatever reason, CT is not promptly available, skull radiographs may still have a role.
They will put on a skull cap (Kippur) and wrap a prayer shawl (Tallit) around their shoulders.
Note also the blood in the sphenoid sinuses, consistent with a basal skull fracture.
Skull The bony skeleton of the head, which protects and covers the brain.
A screaming skull resides at Bettiscombe manor, which in legend cannot be removed from the house.
As the needle penetrates the skull, complications affecting the brain may arise.
Recently he had had an injury playing football that included a cracked skull.
He has a fractured skull, " Spock replied.
He faces further surgery to repair his shattered skull.
They directed that bovine head meat had to be recovered from the intact skull before the brain was removed.
About halfway up the ladder route a human skull was noticed on a ledge.
The monster is depicted in a manner clearly based on a fossil skull.
Skull fracture Meningitis can be a serious complication following a skull fracture Meningitis can be a serious complication following a skull fracture.
Skull X-rays All head injured patients had plain skull X-rays All head injured patients had plain skull X-rays performed on admission to hospital.
The width of a Down's syndrome skull is nearly normal for that age.
Crushing riffs, Shredding solos, pounding drums and skull smashing basslines.
Place one black tourmaline on the base chakra and tape another to where the spine meets the back of the skull at the occiput.
Three nights in succession he kept tryst with the gray lady, and at last he found a stone not unlike a skull.
The Atlas vertebra meets with the occipital condyles which flank the foramen magnum in the basilar part of the occipital bone of the skull.
Xmas decorations were being made in the Mary Poppins room - paper skull & crossbones chains anyone?
In the skull there are always vacuities, or unossified spaces in the bones of the palate, while the "angle," or lower hind extremity of each half of the lower jaw is strongly bent inwards so as to form a kind of shelf, and the alisphenoid bone takes a share in the formation of the tympanum, or auditory bladder, or bulla.
From the structure of the skull, it is thought probable that Abderites had an elongated snout, like that of many Insectivora.
From the Phascolomyidae, the two families, which may be collectively designated Phalangeroidea, differ by the circumstance that in the skull the tympanic process of the alisphenoid covers the tympanic cavity and reaches the paroccipital process.
Parker wrote the account of the skull in the article Birds for the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, he had still to wrestle with the general problem of the composition and evolution of the skull.
The Ratitae are represented by two species of emeu (Dromaeus), besides the cassowary of Cape York peninsula, and the extinct Dromornis and Genyornis with its enormous skull.
The skull was small, with proportionately minute brain; and the arched back, strong lumbar vertebrae, long and powerful tail, and comparatively feeble fore-quarters all proclaim kinship with the primitive creodont Carnivora (see Creodonta), from which Phenacodus and its allies, and through them the more typical Ungulata, are probably derived.
The sockets of the eyes are also much less prominent, and the whole fore-part of the skull is proportionately longer.
The horns are of nearly equal size in both sexes, are placed on or near the vertex of the skull, and may be either rounded or angulated, while their direction is more or less outwards, with an upward direction near the tips, and conspicuous knobs or ridges are never developed on their surface.
Auditory bulla of skull filled with cancellar tissue.
The high cheek-bone and the hawk'sbill nose are universally distributed in the two Americas; so also are proportions between parts of the body, and the frequency of certain abnormalities of the skull, the hyoid bone, the humerus and the tibia.
In Xerus itself, which is represented by the terrestrial African spiny squirrels, the ears are short, there are only two teats, and flat spines are mingled with the fur; while the skull, and more especially the frontals, is elongated, with a very short post-orbital process, and the crowns of the molars are taller than usual (see Spiny Squirrel).
In Chinchilla the fore-feet have five and the hind four digits, the tail is long and bushy, and the auditory bullae are enormous, appearing on the top of the skull; Lagidium has four digits in both foreand hind-feet, and Lagostomus three only in the hindfeet, while the auditory bullae are much smaller (see Chinchilla and Viscacha).
Another group is Pronolagus, typified by the Cape thick-tailed hare, the so-called Lepus crassicaudatus, which is externally similar to Lepus proper, but has the skull and teeth of the general type of the next group. The tailless rabbit of Mount Popocatepetl, Mexico, originally described as a distinct generic type, under the name of Romerolagus nelsoni, is broadly distinguished by the entire absence of the tail, and the short ears and hind-feet, its general form being like that of the Liu-Kiu rabbit, while, as in the latter, the post-orbital process of the skull is small, and represented only by the hinder half.
Generalized features are also displayed by the Oligocene Hypisodus, which in its short skull and large orbits presents a curious approximation to the African dik-dik antelopes of the genus Madoqua (see Antelope).
But the sight of Tydeus, cleaving open the skull of his dead enemy and sucking out his brains, so disgusted her that she left him to his fate.
On account of the absence of anything in the nature of a skull, Amphioxus has been regarded as the type of a division, Acrania, in contrast with the Craniata which comprise all the higher Chordata.
The first (fig.3) is the famous Neanderthal skull from near Dusseldorf, described by Schaafhausen in Miller's Archiv, 1858; Huxley in Lyell, Antiquity of Man, p. 86, and in Man's Place in Nature.
White-tailed Group, Subgenus Dorcelaphus or Odocoileus.- Antlers large and complex, with a sub-basal snag, and the lower prong more or less developed at the expense of the upper one; metatarsal gland usually present; tail long or moderate, and hairy below; face very long and narrow; the face-gland small, and the gland-pit in the skull of moderate extent; no upper canines; size generally large.
In the typical oxen, as represented by the existing domesticated breeds (see Cattle) and the extinct aurochs, the horns are cylindrical and placed on an elevated crest at the very vertex of the skull, which has the frontal region of great length.
More distinct are the bisons, forming the sub-genus Bison, represented by the European and the American species (see Bison), the forehead of the skull being much shorter and wider, and the horns not arising from a crest on the extreme vertex, while the number of ribs is different (14 pairs in bisons, only 13 in oxen), and the hair on the head and neck is long and shaggy.
Boris on the contrary at once found his footing, and related quietly and humorously how he had known that doll Mimi when she was still quite a young lady, before her nose was broken; how she had aged during the five years he had known her, and how her head had cracked right across the skull.
A bullet had pierced his skull.
Across the room, a young girl 's face in an antique mirror oozed gray puss as her face disintegrated into a charred skull.
The rustling sounds were from the spider crawling around inside her skull.
The small figure by the machine saluted smartly and beamed, if a rat skull could beam.
You can switch to the skull crushers, but do it with a barbell so you do n't have each arm working independently.
No skull caps should be seen on the cream of our youth.
The presence of human skull fragments would suggest that this deposit was either not entirely of domestic refuse or, of heterogenous origin.
Skull X-Rays All head injured patients had plain skull X-rays performed on admission to hospital.
The first tests were just routine, urine samples, blood tests, chest and skull X-rays which took most of the day.
The width of a Down 's syndrome skull is nearly normal for that age.
The rear skull area is large and rounded, and the eyes being large and slanted upwards toward the rear of the skull.
The soundless words cascaded around my skull, promising to shatter its fragile bony structure.
Alas, I have not the stamina required to try to get through to Tricky 's thick skull.
Its skull can be taken as the prototype of all tetrapod skulls.
My sons skull has thickened up in the places he head bangs the most.
Amazingly, this skull was unearthed during the excavations for the GCR line near Brush Works.
The atlas vertebra meets with the occipital condyles which flank the foramen magnum in the basilar part of the occipital bone of the skull.
Meanwhile awesome diy xmas decorations were being made in the Mary Poppins room - paper skull & crossbones chains anyone?
Only the top part of your skull is covered.
Presto Change Decor includes wall stickers for teenage bedrooms, include sports silhouettes, surfers, skull and crossbones, and patterns like leopards and circles.
Consider penciling black stitches from one side of your jaw to the other for a creepy severed look, or draw cracks on the forehead to create the appearance of a cracking skull.
Not surprisingly, the packaging is memorable, featuring tattooed roses and a skull, along with a banner stating "Love Kills Slowly" and several smaller banners proclaiming "Life," "Love" and "Luck" against a pink backdrop.
An expensive pair of the newest sneakers, a baseball cap bearing his favorite team's logo, funny graphic tee shirts, jackets, skull caps and more are all useful and practical.
Be the pirate captain of your bathtub with a skull and crossbones shower curtain.
Casey had the most severe injuries, with a skull fracture which caused doctors to fear the teenager may have suffered a brain injury.
Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford - With the hit series Brothers and Sisters and Harrison Ford's deal for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the two earned around $70 million.
Stocking hat - College and professional athletes, including those who participate in the X-games, are often seen wearing stocking hats (sometimes referred to as "skull caps").
Even a skull and crossbones is made happy when appliquéd on Paul Frank items.
Tails are typically docked to be level with the back of the skull, and are held upright.The Welsh's expression should display intelligence and good humor as befits his lively and inquisitive nature.
The breed is recognizable by its sheer size and its broad skull and deep, dark muzzle.
The classic orange, black and white "Bar & Shield" logo is still widely available on a variety of merchandise as well as skull motifs and the Mile High logo.
It's available in black and is emblazoned with the company's logo, as well as some edgy artwork (a skull, knuckle duster and spiders are just a few examples).
Some unique designs found on the site include Black Flame Skull, Barbwire, Rebel Flag Wolf, Red Skull and Crossbones, Grim Reaper with Flames, Born a Biker/ Raised a Biker and Bring Them Home, POW.
While a stretch satin corset in provocative pink and black is best left behind closed doors, you probably won't want to hide a stretch plaid corset with metallic studded skull.
The punk inspired styles include colored hair extensions, chain and grommet pants, skull tights and lace up boots.
The dress department is full of edgy designs (think halter sundresses with skull prints, for example).
A skull x-ray in order to pinpoint an obstruction.
The examination may include an x-ray of the skull or a small fiber optic camera used to evaluate the nasal cavity and throat.
They offer comfort in the form of an adjustable frame of a special metal that's designed to fit naturally around your skull.
Turn your head to the side, however, and show off a crystal skull wearing a top hat and smoking a few cigarettes.
It features regular hinges and skull temples.
There, you'll find everything you need, from sunglass cases to cleaning cloths to even skull caps, all of which are designed to coordinate flawlessly with your new specs.
The game does include levels based on the fourth movie, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but still includes levels--though redesigned for the new moves and features--based on the original three movies.
He takes an actress, a scriptwriter and a couple of sea worthy chaps with him to Skull Island, an uncharted place shown on a mysterious map.
Locate the Mythical Skull in the Sacred Icon level.
You will see the skull in the last hole in the wall.
You will see the skull at the end of the ledge.
The skull is located in the Oracle level.
The black eye skull is located on the last level.
Get out the banshee; once you do that go to the third pill that you can walk up and the skull will be there.
There will be 4 Fragmentation Grenades, A Camera, and The Skull.
Once the skull is obtained..your whole screen will be blank.
Headcase. Complete any level with at least one Skull activated.
While the main gameplay is certainly engaging on its own, a lot of extra fun can be had by looking for all the Halo 3 skull locations.
The Halo 3 skull locations are typically off the beaten path, so you will need to explore areas that you may not otherwise encounter.
Also, you must successfully "save and quit" after picking up the skull.
On one of the protruding cliff edges below is the skull.
This skull produces confetti for headshots.
In the Crows' Nest stage, defend the hangar, go the barracks, and find the skull under a hallway with small sewer tunnels.