Skillfully Sentence Examples
Maneuvering the car around skillfully, he started back up the road.
Noiselessly, skillfully stepping with his little feet in low shoes, Iogel flew first across the hall with Natasha, who, though shy, went on carefully executing her steps.
But Boris noticed that he was preparing to make fun of Berg, and skillfully changed the subject.
What the diplomatic matter might be he did not care, but it gave him great pleasure to prepare a circular, memorandum, or report, skillfully, pointedly, and elegantly.
Then he jointed together the blades of his sword and balanced it very skillfully upon the end of his nose.
And thou art more foolish and unreasonable than a little child, who, playing with the parts of a skillfully made watch, dares to say that, as he does not understand its use, he does not believe in the master who made it.
More of a mystery than an adventure, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets has been skillfully written to be full of clues and provides the reader with a little misdirection.
Much more emotionally complex than the past novels, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban marks another tick in the time line that Rowling has so skillfully plotted.
The funnel shaped earthenware bowl in buff color, bears the design of a mountain goat drawn around it skillfully.
The outrageously complex Amor Real has been applauded for masterfully weaving multiple storylines so skillfully that it's impossible not to get hooked.
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Liquid latex is an important part of the process, and should be skillfully applied with a paint brush.
Proton torpedoes skillfully placed (with an assist from the Force) sparked a chain reaction which destroyed the putatively indestructable battle station.
Handles his craft skillfully when maneuvering or mooring and exercises good seamanship practices at all times.
The false conspiracy became widespread because the creators skillfully edited photographs to use as evidence.
AdvertisementThis exclusive Teroforma linens interview reveals how these linens are just one of several artistically and skillfully made items the company offers.
Artists skillfully handcraft each doll paying special attention to the delicate painted facial features, exquisite costumes and beautiful hairstyles.
It is a combination of her performance and the skillfully created wardrobe, including an ice crown that appears to grow out of her hair, that leaves the movie watcher chilled.