Sketched Sentence Examples
Prince Andrew took out his notebook and, leaning on the cannon, sketched a plan of the position.
Roughly sketched, his argument is as follows.
The original investigation of Stokes, here briefly sketched, extends also to the case where the streams are of unequal width h, k, and are separated by an interval 2g.
The subject appears indeed to have been fully treated in accordance with the plan sketched out in the introduction to the first book.
To justify their contention they sketched in outline the history of the world and mankind, the origin of evil and its course, and the final consummation of all things.
He suggested the use of experimental tanks for testing the powers of ship models, invented an ear-trumpet for the deaf, improved the common house-stove of his native land, cured smoky chimneys, took a lively interest in machine-guns and even sketched a flying machine.
The history of France, of Italy, of Spain, of Germany, and of the Greek and Saracenic empires, sketched in rapid and general terms, is the subject of five separate chapters.
The method had been sketched out by Nerva, but its great development was due to Trajan.
The story of the persecution of heretics by the state must be briefly sketched.
Among the poems written or at least sketched during this period were L'Oaristys, L'Aveugle, La Jeune Malade, Bacchus,Euphrosine and Ld Jeune Tarentine, the last a synthesis of his purest manner, mosaic though it is of reminiscences of at least a dozen classical poets.
AdvertisementDealing freely with the outline of Castruccio's career, as he had previously dealt with Cesare Borgia, he sketched his own ideal of the successful prince.
The philosophy of history sketched in this work has something of value with much that is fantastic. In 1805 and 1806 appeared the Wesen des Gelehrten (Nature of the Scholar) and the Anweisung zum seligen Leben oder Religionslehre (Way to a Blessed Life), the latter the most important work of this Berlin period.
In this belief he differed from his pupil, Roger Cotes, and from most of the great mathematical astronomers of the 18th century, who worked out in detail the task sketched by the genius of Newton.
One specimen of a CentralAmerican inscription may give a general idea of them all, whether it be from the sculptured façade of a temple sketched by Catherwood, or from the painted deerskin called the Dresden Codex (reproduced in Kingsborough), or from the chapter of Diego de Landa where he professes to explain and translate the characters themselves.
No real opposition was offered to the proposal, and the king cleverly sketched out on the moment a plan to be adopted.
AdvertisementAfter having been employed for some time in making a catalogue of the Oriental manuscripts at the Sorbonne, he was, in 1670, attached to the French embassy at Constantinople; and in 1673 he travelled in Syria and the Levant, where he copied a great number of inscriptions, and sketched, and in some cases removed historical monuments.
He also found time for the studies which were ultimately to appear in the volume entitled Laokoon, and in fresh spring mornings he sketched in a garden the plan of Minna von Barnhelm.
It is at all times full from top to bottom, somewhat as sketched in figs.
Hence from this level down the only solid matter is the coke, in lumps which are burning rapidly and hence shrinking, while between them the molten iron and slag trickle, somewhat as sketched in fig.
If, as sketched in fig.
AdvertisementTavernier, however, subsequently described and sketched the diamond which he saw as shaped like a bisected egg, quite different therefore from the Koh-i-nor.
His monastic legislation is explained and the history of his institute sketched in the article BASILIAN
Hobbes was able to carry out his plan in some twenty years or more from the time of its conception, but the execution was so broken in upon by political events, and so complicated with other labours, that its stages can hardly be followed without some previous understanding of the relations of the parts of the scheme, as there is reason to believe they were sketched out from the beginning.
The last of the long series of young men who sat at Godwin's feet was Edward Lytton Bulwer, afterwards Lord Lytton, whose early romances were formed after those of Godwin, and who, in Eugene Aram, succeeded to the story as arranged, and the plan to a considerable extent sketched out, by Godwin, whose age and failing health prevented him from completing it.
The plants, 626 in number, are enumerated alphabetically, but a system of classification differing little from Caspar Bauhin's is sketched at the end of the book; and the notes contain many curious references to other parts of natural history.
AdvertisementThe diplomatic and military history of this period will be found sketched in the article on Mehemet Ali.
In 5904 he published an autobiography entitled Biographia philosophica, in which he sketched the progress of his intellectual development.
Cool, With the Dutch in the East (Amsterdam and London, 1897), in Dutch and English, is a narrative of the events sketched above, and contains many particulars about the folklore and dual religions of Lombok, which, with Bali, forms the last stronghold of Hinduism east of Java.
In view of the confusion of the traditions and the difficulty of interpreting the details sketched above, the recovery of the historical Aaron is a work of peculiar intricacy.
The development of this attitude, known - in so far as it depends on the full pretensions of the Papacy - as Ultramontanism, since the definition of the Roman Catholic Church by the council of Trent in 1564, will be found sketched in the historical section attached to this article.
The history of the old penal laws against Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom has been sketched above and in the article Ireland, History.'
The relation of the plastic arts to the revival of learning is similar to that which has been sketched in the case of poetry.
A noble scheme of education was sketched for the whole country, but neither this nor the provision made for ministers' stipends was carried out, the revenues of the old church, from which the expenses of both were to be paid, being in the hands of the barons.
Knox was even more clearly in this case the chief author, and he had by this time come to desire a much more rigid Presbyterianism than he had sketched in his "Wholesome Counsel" of 1555.
But I do not scorn to descend thence to the Piraeus, where Socrates sketched the plan of his republic. I shall mount to the double summitlof Parnassus; I shall revel in the joys of Tempe."
He contributed little to the solution of the problem, but forced the investigation of the canon alike on theologians and the reading public. Again, he sketched a view of early church history, further worked out by Johann Salomo Semler (1725-1791), and surprisingly like that which was later elaborated by the Tubingen school.
He likewise expands at great length a theory of the origin of the Catholic Church much like that sketched by Toland, but assumes that Paul and his party, latterly at least, were distinctly hostile to the Judaical party of their fellow-believers in Jesus as the Messias, while the college of the original twelve apostles and their adherents viewed Paul and his followers with suspicion and disfavour.
He also sketched a theory of chemical affinity on the facts he had discovered, and concluded by suggesting that the electric decomposition of neutral salts might in some cases admit of economical applications and lead to the isolation of the true elements of bodies.
The course of development sketched out above is that which is typical of the higher forms of Scyphomedusae, and is by no means to be regarded as the most primitive type of development.
It is to be noted, however, that the Trilobita, which, according to the classification here adopted, are dealt with under Arachnida, are not very far removed, except in such characters as the absence of a shellfold and of eye-stalks, from the primitive Crustacean here sketched.
Here the reactions sketched above take place, so that "chamber-acid" as already described is formed, while a mixture of gases escapes containing all the atmospheric nitrogen, some oxygen in excess, about 0.5% of the total S02, and some oxides of nitrogen.
It is best to defer the question of the origin of Christian baptism until the history of the rite in the centuries which followed has been sketched, for we know more clearly what baptism became after the year Ioo than what it was before.
The history of the study of insects is sketched under Entomology.
The lectures on Locke were first sketched in 1819, and fully developed in the course of 1829.
He has sketched Jacqueline Pascal (1844), Madame de Longueville (18J3), the marquise de Sable (1854), the duchesse de Chevreuse (1856), Madame de Hautefort (1856).
The machinery of government which the one had sketched out the other completed.
In a remarkable correspondence he sketched a policy for the king.
With Robespierre's approval St Just sketched at this time the plan of an ideal society in which.
In the Monologen he threw out his ethical manifesto, in which he proclaimed his ideas as to the freedom and independence of the spirit, and as to the relation of the mind to the world of sense and imperfect social organizations, and sketched his ideal of the future of the individual and society.
Before he left office Mr Bryce publicly sketched a scheme of his own for remodelling Irish University Education, but his scheme was quietly put on the shelf by his successor and received almost universal condemnation.
His character as sketched in the great epic is of the noblest kind.
The methods sketched here do not yet exhaust the armoury of the analytical chemist, but it can only be pointed out in passing that the detection of hydroxylated acids enables the analyst to ascertain the presence of castor oil, just as the isolation and determination of oxidized fatty acids enables him to differentiate blown oils from other oils.
Moreover, there can be no doubt that he sketched the Roman character in a masterly fashion.
He flipped the notebook open to show a neatly sketched diagram of the compass with the ones he'd interpreted highlighted.
Should the scheme he had now sketched prove feasible, Silver, already doubly a traitor, would not hesitate to adopt it.
His facial expressions are sketched in my memory for life.
I have thus sketched in general terms the process of woolen manufacture in its principal phases.
This view is shown to be compatible with contemporary science, and a scientific idealist metaphysic is briefly sketched.
The history of the sacred yew can be sketched in outline.
He was happy, however, in the possession of ample means and admirable friends; and he sketched with no undue restriction or hesitancy the plan of the History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella - his first great work.
With the aid of this general theory the methods we have sketched in relation to historical problems apply with greater Applica- force to the special problems of modern times, and are tion to rewarded with results more accurate, more fruitful, modern more relevant to difficulties which all civilized nations problems. have to face, than those of historical research.
Thus the plan of the Ring was sketched in reverse order; and it has been remarked that Gotterdammerung shows traces of the fact that Wagner had begun his scheme in the days when French grand opera, with its ballets and pageantry, still influenced him.
To the period of this sojourn in Holland must probably be referred the surreptitious impression or publication of an imperfect edition of the Inquiry concerning Virtue, from a rough draught, sketched when he was only twenty years of age.
The outlines of her foreign policy are sketched elsewhere (see English History), and her courtships were diplomatic. Contemporary gossip, which was probably justified, said that she was debarred from matrimony by a physical defect; and her cry when she heard that Mary queen of Scots had given birth to a son is the most womanly thing recorded of Elizabeth.
One specimen of a CentralAmerican inscription may give a general idea of them all, whether it be from the sculptured façade of a temple sketched by Catherwood, or from the painted deerskin called the Dresden Codex (reproduced in Kingsborough), or from the chapter of Diego de Landa where he professes to explain and translate the characters themselves.
On the 10th of June 1904 he addressed a meeting of the Liberal League at the Queen's Hall, London, and sketched, a programme of "sane and practical Imperialism"; but he irritated the Home Rulers by again repudiating a parliament in Dublin, and he perplexed the public generally by his adverse criticism on the popular Anglo-French Agreement, which he was the only English statesman to oppose, on the ground of its handing over Morocco to France.
The next year White sketched to Pennant the project of "a natural history of my native parish, an annus historico-naturalis, comprising a journal for a whole year, and illustrated with large notes and observations.
We are suitably impressed that Da Vinci sketched a design for a submarine and a flying machine.
The panel was sketched freehand, paying particular attention to areas of fading, detail or difficulty.
Her many paintings, just over 400 in total, were sketched in pencil and then painted with gouache.
However, nothing makes as much of a statement about you as having your name sketched onto your property.
If you sketched or painted a design, it would take much longer.
Ideas can be sketched out or written down as they occur to you and sifted through at a later date.
For detailed instructions on drawing a sketch of your home or space and placing the bagua chart correctly on your sketched floor plan visit Feng Shui Vibes.
Pictures can be printed off the Internet and cut out, sketched, or you can even use stickers.
She studied the map Mr. Muldrow had sketched for her.
In the Discourse of Method Descartes had sketched the main points in his new views, with a mental autobiography which might explain their origin, and with some suggestions of as to their applications.
The most reasonable view seems to be that the collection was formed gradually and that the process was going on during most of the period sketched above.
The use of language and nomenclature during the time of Norman rule in the two countries forms a remarkable contrast, and illustrates the circumstances of the two as they have just been sketched.
Such was the nebular theory as it was originally sketched.
There is quite a different method of considering the nebular origin of our system, which leads in a very striking manner to conclusions practically identical with those we have just sketched.
It was he who, in 1776, sketched the plan for the conquest of the Crimea which was subsequently realized; and about the same period he was busy with the socalled "Greek project," which aimed at restoring the Byzantine Empire under one of Catherine's grandsons.
Though Mill appears here purely as the disciple of Ricardo, striving after more precise statement, and reaching forward to further consequences, we can well understand in reading these essays how about the time when he first sketched them he began to be conscious of power as an original and independent thinker.
The general theory which we require should be sketched in firm and clear outline, leaving the detailed qualifications of broad principles to special studies, where they can be dealt with if it is necessary or desirable, and examined by statistical and other tests.
Sieyes now sketched its outlines in vaguely republican forms; thereupon Bonaparte freely altered them and gave them strongly personal touches.
Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, first sketched in 1845, was completed in 1867 and first performed at Munich under the direction of Hans von Billow on the 21st of June 1868.
During this period Quakerism was sketched from the outside by two very different men.
The Tunbridge Wells of that period is sketched with much graphic humour in Thackeray's Virginians.
The orography sketched above explains the great development of the river-systems of Siberia and the uniformity of their course.
When none came she continued, I sketched you that day, not because I wanted to.
The book was filled with disturbing sketched drawings of men and demons locked in combat.
She sketched the planet next and fell asleep at her desk.