Sixth Sentence Examples
Pierre was the sixth to enter.
He was freely used by Livy in part of his work (from the sixth book onwards).
The afternoon sun was high in the sky, baking the revelers in summer warmth as they clustered around the intersection of Sixth and Main Street, the site of the infamous water fight.
Alexander's eldest son (Alexander, sixth of Merchiston) was born in 1513, and fell at the battle of Pinkie in 1547.
It is certain that the first four volumes were written if not printed before that method was promulgated, and when the fame of Linnaeus as a zoologist rested on little more than the very meagre sixth edition of the Systema Naturae and the first edition of his Fauna Suecica.
The second floor contained six, five rooms for guests, the sixth occupied by Fred O'Connor.
It was his size – combined with a prey's instinctive sixth sense warning it of a predator – that caused people to move away from him.
From his sixth to his ninth year he was given over to the care of learned foreigners, who taught him history, geography, mathematics and French.
The book of Haggai contains four short prophecies delivered between the first day of the sixth month and the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month - that is, between September and December - of the second year of Darius the king.
The sixth region was formed by Umbria, in the more extended sense of the term, as including the Ager Gallicus, along the coast of the Adriatic from the Aesis to the Ariminus, and separated from Etruria on the west by the Tiber.
AdvertisementFor Domitian in that case would be the sixth, and the preceding five would have to begin with Galba - a most improbable supposition.
Here was the ancienfcity'of Tentyra, capital of the Tentyrite nome, the sixth of Upper Egypt, and the principal seat of the worship of Hathor [[[Aphrodite]]] the cow-goddess of love and joy.
The question of a special "sixth sense," such as people have ascribed. to Miss Keller, is a delicate one.
Abroad unsuccessful attempts were made by local councils to enact that officials and vicars-general should be in holy orders (Hefele on Councils of Tortosa in 1429 and Sixth of Milan in 1582).
His leave-taking of Andromache in the sixth book of the Iliad, and his departure to meet Achilles for the last time, are most touchingly described.
AdvertisementThe fourth volume, partly written in 1782, was completed in June 1784; the preparation of the fifth volume occupied less than two years; while the sixth and last, begun 18th May 1786, was finished in thirteen months.
With the working out of the deposits in the Comstock region, the mining industry declined, and between 1877 and 1900 there was a period of great depression, in which Nevada fell from first to sixth place among the silver-producing states and Territories.
In the eastern part of the city he built for himself a large palace, which probably occupied about a sixth of the space now enclosed within the city walls, or nearly the whole of the rectangle enclosed by Strada di Porta Alberoni on the south, Strada Nuova di Porta Serrata on the west and the line of the city walls on the north and east.
In 18 9 2 he was appointed a judge of the Sixth Circuit, United States Court, and became known as a fearless administrator of the law.
The commissioners on criminal law (sixth report) remark that "although the law forbids all denial of the being and providence of God or the Christian religion, it is only when irreligion assumes the form of an insult to God and man that the interference of the criminal law has taken place."
AdvertisementA war with the Tuscarora Indians, in 1711-1713, resulted in the defeat of the Indians and the removal of the greater part of the tribe to New York, where they became the sixth nation of the Iroquois confederacy.
A few problems lead to indeterminate equations of the third and fourth degrees, an easy indeterminate equation of the sixth degree being also found.
He retired on the completion of the sixth volume, and thereupon Buffon associated Bexon with himself.
The following year, 1808, being aided by Temminck of Amsterdam, of whose son we shall presently hear more, Le Vaillant brought out the sixth volume of 1 This is especially observable in the figures of the birds of prey.
Boots and shoes rank sixth; their value increased from $8,489,728 in 1890 to $17,920,854 in 1900 and to $25,140,220 in 1905.
AdvertisementIn Athens in the sixth prytany of each year the representatives of the Boule asked the Ecclesia whether it was for the welfare of the state that ostracism should take place.
Mr. Harding resigned from the U.S. Senate in Dec. 1920, and was inaugurated March 4 1921, the sixth President to come from Ohio.
The excitement communicated itself to the whole army; and the nervous strength which it gave enabled the crusaders to meet and defeat Crusade, and above all on the - Sixth, this path was still more seriously attempted.
The difficulties which had arisen between Isaac Angelus and Frederick Barbarossa contain the germs of the Fourth Crusade; the negotiations between Richard and Saladin contain the germs of the Sixth.
The Sixth Crusade (1228-1229) succeeded as signally as the Fifth Crusade had failed; but the circumstances under which it took place and the means by which it was conducted made its success still more disastrous than the failure of 1221.
A sixth is the position of the planet in the orbit at a given moment, for which may be substituted the moment at which it passed the pericentre.
Problems in artillery occupy two out of nine books; the sixth treats of fortification; the ninth gives several examples of the solution of cubic equations.
The first five volumes appeared between 1771 and 1785, and the sixth, edited and completed by Malcolm Laing, was published three years after the author's death.
Beauty, the sixth Sephirah, constitutes the chest in the archetypal man, and unites Love (4) and Justice (5), which constitute the divine arms, thus yielding the second triad of the Sephiric decade.
It is in and along the borders of this coast swamp region that most of the rice and much of the sugar cane 1 A sixth, less characteristic, might be included, viz.
In 1907 Louisiana ranked sixth among the salt-producing states of the country (after New York, Michigan, Ohio, Kansas and California), its output being valued at $226,892, only a few hundred dollars more than that of Texas.
About 1465 Bika, a Rathor Rajput, sixth son of Rao Jodha, chief of Marwar, started out to conquer the country.
A similar festival was also held at the old boundary of the Roman territory between the fifth and sixth milestones on the road to Laurentum.
As compared with other states of the Union Minnesota ranked third in 1900 and fifth in 1905 in lumber; sixth in 1900 and fifth in 1905 in cheese, butter and condensed milk; eighth in 1900 and in 1905 in agricultural implements; and fourteenth in 1900 and eighth in 1905 in planing-mill products.
The seedlings rapidly developed and in most places in which they were planted grew into large trees which furnished satisfactory latex when tapped in their sixth or seventh year.
Many of these plantations have not yet reached the productive stage - that is, the sixth or seventh year.
In 1849 he published the first three volumes of his History of the United States, two more volumes of which were published in 1851 and the sixth and last in 1852.
From its use in the sense of regulated order comes the application of the term to a class in a school (" sixth form," " fifth form," &c.); this sense has been explained without sufficient ground as due to the idea of all children in the same class sitting on a single form (bench).
But it is necessary to remember, in the light of recent discoveries, that the sixth prosomatic pair of appendages is carried on the seventh somite of the whole series, there being two prosthomeres or somites in front of the mouth, the first carrying the eyes, the second the chelicerae; also that the first mesosomatic or genital somite is not the seventh or even the eighth of the whole series of somites which have been historically present, 1 See the article Arthropoda for the use of the term " prosthomere."
We shall, therefore, ignoring the ocular somite, speak of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth legbearing somites of the prosoma, and indicate the appendages by the Roman numerals, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and whilst ignoring the praegenital somite we shall speak of the first, second, third, &c., somite of the mesosoma or opisthosoma (united mesosoma and metasoma) and indicate them by the Arabic numerals.
Appendages of 2nd pair folding in a horizontal plane, completely chelate, the claw immovably united to the sixth segment.
Between the bases of the sixth pair cf limbs and behind the prosomatic carapace is seen the tergite of the small prae-genital somite.
Third or hindermost plate of the prosoma beneath which the sixth pair of legs is articulated.
A considerable fragment has been preserved from the sixth book, entitled Hitrpta KWVVTavTCVOUIroX€WS, a history of Byzantium from its earliest beginnings till the time of Constantine the Great.
With the departure, however, of the sixth James to fill the English throne in 1603, the town lost for a long period its influence and prestige.
Adrien Augier resumed the work, giving Lebeuf's text, though correcting the numerous typographical errors of the original edition (5 vols., 1883), and added a sixth volume containing an analytical table of contents.
This tract, the Discours sur les causes de l'extreme cherte qui est aujourdhuy en France (1574), and the disquisition on public revenues in the sixth book of the Republique, entitle Bodin to a distinguished position among the earlier economists.
On the 30th of November the mobilization of a sixth division was ordered, offers of colonial aid were accepted, and every facility provided for local recruiting in the South African ports.
In order to restore peace in the church, Constantine summoned an ecumenical council (the sixth) at Constantinople, which held its sittings from the 7th of November 680 to the 16th of September 681.
The third and fourth books give evidence of acuteness in psychological analysis; the fourth and sixth of the most active and varied observation of natural phenomena; the fifth of original insight and strong common sense in conceiving the origin of society and the progressive advance of man to civilization.
This is probably never completely attained, variations in the sixth significant figure of the refractive index being observed in different parts of single large blocks of the most perfect glass.
This doctrine of philosophic quietism was common to his successors, until in the time of the sixth guru, Har Govind, it was found necessary to support the separate existence of Sikhism by force of arms, and this led to the militant and political development of the tenth and most powerful of the gurus, Govind Singh.
Guru Arjan, who was in charge of the great Sikh temple at Amritsar, received copious offerings and became a man of wealth and influence, while the sixth guru became a military leader, and was frequently at warfare with the Mogul authorities.
It was in the sixth year of Nabonidus (549 B.C.) - or perhaps in 553 - that Cyrus, " king of Anshan" in Elam, revolted against his suzerain Astyages, king of " the Manda " or Scythians, at Ecbatana.
The first group, comprising the second to the sixth names, obtains its results by selecting the data on which it relies and ignoring others.
These are all long inscriptions giving details of wars, &c. The sixth is later than the rest, which are to be attributed to the most flourishing period of the kingdom, the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.
When oxidized this aldohexose is first converted into the monobasic galactonic acid, and then into dibasic mucic acid; the latter is optically inactive, so that its configuration must be one of those given in the sixth and seventh columns of the table.
Among his first acts were the deposition of Cyrus, the orthodox patriarch of Constantinople, in favour of John, a member of his own sect, and the summoning of a conciliabulum of Eastern bishops, which abolished the canons of the sixth general council.
The sixth part of his work is in the British Museum.
The larvae are perfectly white at first and wingless, although in other respects not unlike their parents, but they are not mature insects until after the sixth casting of the skin.
In 1905 the city ranked sixth among the cities of the country in the manufacture of silk and silk goods, its most important industry.
On the next day the Sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry started south for the defence of Washington, and was the first fully armed and equipped volunteer regiment to reach the capital.
The chief festival in Bengal - sometimes termed the Christmas of Bengal - celebrates the goddess's birth in the sixth Hindu month (parts of September and October).
The sixth chapter of Micah presents a very different situation from that of chs.
The sixth and last volume was Work published in 1842.
The publisher had inserted in the sixth volume a protest against a certain footnote, in which Comte had used some hard words about Arago.
The sixth period began about 1875, when an Italian artist was engaged by the government as a professor of painting in the Engineering College at Tokyo.
In ordinary cases this is the sixth process.
In its sixth chapter the question whether it is lawful to overthrow a tyrant is freely discussed and answered in the affirmative, a circumstance which brought much odium upon the Jesuits, especially after the assassination of Henry IV.
For example, Varro refers the foundation of Rome to the 21st of April of the third year of the sixth Olympiad, and it is required to find the year before our era.
Since five Olympic periods have elapsed, the third year of the sixth Olympiad is 5X4+3=23; therefore, subtracting 23 from 776, we have 753, which is the year before Christ to which the foundation of Rome is referred by Varro.
Porcius Cato places it in the first year of the seventh Olympiad, that is, in 3963 of the Julian period, and 751 B.C. (4) Verrius Flaccus places it in the fourth year of the sixth Olympiad, that is, in the year 3962 of the Julian period, and 752 B.C. (5) Terentius Varro places it in the third year of the sixth Olympiad, that is, in the year 3961 of the Julian period, and 753 B.C. A knowledge of these different computations isnecessary, in order to reconcile the Roman historians with one another, and even any one writer with himself.
Thus the first moon of the year 1873 being the first of a new cycle, the first moon of every sixth year, reckoned backwards or forwards from that date, as 1868, 1863, &c., or 1877, 1882, &c., also begins a new lunar cycle of sixty moons.
It is divided into eight books (parts of the sixth and seventh are lost), and originally contained nine hundred anecdotes, of which eight hundred and thirty-three are extant.
The hinder abdominal segments in the male show a curious asymmetrical arrangement, the sixth segment bearing on its upper side a small stalked plate (strigil) of unknown function, furnished with rows of teeth.
But between the sixth and seventh seals and the sixth and seventh trumpets the connexion is more or less disturbed by the insertion of certain interludes containing material foreign in certain aspects to the Apocalypse.
Our author represents himself as writing under the sixth emperor.
In order to arrive at the date here implied, we can begin the reckoning from Julius Caesar or Augustus, we can include or exclude Galba, Otho and Vitellius, and, finally, when we have drawn our conclusions from these data, there remains the possibility that the book was after all not written under the sixth emperor, but was really a vaticinium ex eventu.
According to the different methods pursued, some have concluded that Nero was the sixth emperor, and thus dated the Apocalypse before A.D.
Petrie's excavation of the cemetery behind the temple enclosures revealed burials dating from the fourth dynasty onwards, the most important being mastables of the period from the sixth to the eleventh dynasties; many of these exhibited a peculiar degradation of the contemporary style of sculpture.
In 1899 it ranked fourth in the production of barley (18,059,050 bushels) and in 1907 sixth (14,178,000 bushels).
Meat packing is the most important, the product of this industry amounting in 1900 to $ 2 5,695, 0 44, and in 1905 to $30,074,070, an increase of 17% in this period; in 1900 the state was seventh, in 1905 sixth, among the states in the value of this industry, producing in each year 3.3% of the total.
They do not form a sixth book, for we know from Avianus that Phaedrus wrote five books only, but it is impossible to assign them to their original places in the five books.
In 1905 a sixth graving dock was opened, having a length of 8754 ft., and a width of 90 ft.
In 1907 Massachusetts ranked sixth among the states in the value of its trap rock product ($432,604), and eighth in sandstone ($243,328).
In 1820 a sixth age class was introduced for free white males, an age classification of four periods was applied to the free coloured and the slaves of each sex, and the number of aliens and of persons engaged in agriculture, in manufactures and in commerce was called for.
This will be followed by an increase of intensity until the lapse of another sixth of a second, when the less rapidly vibrating note will have lost another half-vibration relatively to the other, or one vibration reckoning from the original period of time, and the two component vibrations will again conspire and reproduce a maximum effect.
The title duke of Saxony was given to Bernard, the sixth son of Albert the Bear, together with the small territories of Lauenburg and Wittenberg, which were thus the only portions of the former duchy which now bore the name of Saxony.
Then Courtrai had a population of 200,000, now it is little over a sixth of that number.
But he unfortunately associated himself with the demagogues Saturninus (q.v.) and Glaucia, in order to secure the consulship for the sixth time (100).
Schliemann found the five graves that contained a marvellous wealth of gold ornaments and other objects; a sixth was subsequently found.
The zodiacal Virgo is held to represent the Assyrian Venus, Ishtar, the ruling divinity of the sixth month, and Sagittarius the archer-god Nergal, to whom the ninth month was dedicated.
In spite of all opposition their teaching was finally justified by the Eastern Church (sixth synod of Constantinople, 1351).
In market-garden products, including small fruits, Maryland ranked in 1899 sixth among the states of the Union, the crop being valued at $4,766,760, an increase of 350.9% over that of 1889.
The first legs, meaning thereby the sixth pair of appendages, are generally pediform and locomotive, but sometimes unjointed, acting as a kind of brushes to cleanse the furca, while in the Polycopidae they are entirely wanting.
Other important manufactures (each with a product value in 1905 of more than one million dollars) were cotton-seed oil and cake (in 1900 Kentucky was fifth and in 1905 sixth among the states in the value of cotton-seed oil and cake), cooperage, agricultural implements, boots and shoes, cigars 1 In the census of 1905 statistics for other than factory-made products, such as those of the hand trades, were not included.
Any subdistrict, town or city of the fifth or sixth class may provide for a graded school by voting for an ad valorem and poll tax which is limited as to amount.
The completed work, in its original form, consisted of sixteen books, of which the first five and a portion of the sixth (to 1163) are Fordun's - or mainly his, for Bower added to them at places.
Its founder, with a wise instinct, had forbidden the accumulation of wealth; its own constitutions, as revised in the 84th decree of the sixth general congregation, had forbidden all pursuits of a commercial nature, as also had various popes; but nevertheless the trade went on unceasingly, necessarily with the full knowledge of the general, unless it be pleaded that the system of obligatory espionage had completely broken down.
As compared with other states of the Union, New Hampshire in 1905 ranked fifth in the manufacture of factory-made boots and shoes, and in woollen goods, sixth in cotton goods, and seventh in paper and wood pulp, in hosiery and knit goods, and in the dyeing and finishing of textiles.
A statue was erected in 1875 to the sixth earl of Mayo,, who represented the borough (abolished in 1885) from 1857 to 1868.
At the birth of Ogier le Danois six fairies attend, five of whom give good gifts, which the sixth overrides with a restriction.
Petroleum, according to the report of the National Conservation Commission in 1908, was then the sixth largest contributor to the Petrol nations mineral wealth, furnishing about one-sixteenth eum.
By 1890 it had increased to 4,090,409 tons, by 1900 to 8,394,275 tons, and by 1905 to 11,866,069 tons, valued at $14,387,721, making Alabama sixth of the coalproducing states.
In 1900 the state ranked sixth and in 1905 fifth among the states of the United States in the manufactures of iron and steel.
Until the fifth or sixth week the development of the genital ridge is very much the same in the two sexes, and consists of cords of cells growing from the epithelium-covered surface into the mesenchyme, which forms the interior of the ridge.
Fourth in value in 1905 (first, cotton goods; second, lumber and timber; third, cotton-seed oil and cake) were fertilizers, the value of which increased from $3,367,353 in 1900 to $9,461,415 in 1905, when the state ranked first of the United States in this industry; in 1900 it had ranked sixth.
It is a member of the sixth group in the periodic classification of the elements, being included in the natural family of elements containing molybdenum, tungsten and uranium.
He appears at the head of the lists not only in Herodotus and Manetho, but also in the native Turin Papyrus of Kings and the lists of Abydos, while the list of Sakkara begins with the sixth king of the 1st Dynasty, a fact which may throw some doubt on the supposed foundation of Memphis by Menes.
In 1905 it ranked sixth among the cities of the country in the amount of pottery produced, and third in the degree of the specialization of that industry.
On the 3rd of March 1861, the sixth anniversary of his accession, the emancipation law was signed and published.
Casting lots to determine this question, the lot fell upon the sixth brother, George (1582-1641), who was a prominent soldier during the period of the Thirty Years' War and saw service in almost all parts of Europe, fighting successively for Christian IV.
Certain races moult or cast their skin three times during their larval existence, but for the most part the silkworm moults four times - about the sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twenty-third days after hatching.
Italy, the early home of the silk trade in Europe, the land of the gorgeous velvets of Genoa and the damasks and brocades of medieval Sicily, Venice and Florence, now takes only a sixth place, the centre of greatest activity being at Como; but Genoa still makes velvets, and the brocades of Venice are not a thing of the past.
His son Walter, sixth steward, who had joint command with Sir James Douglas of the left wing at the battle of Bannockburn, married Marjory, daughter of Robert the Bruce, and during the latter's absence in Ireland was entrusted with the government of the kingdom.
In 122 the second reigning emperor who crossed the ocean, Hadrian, came himself to Britain, brought the Sixth Legion to replace the Ninth, and introduced the frontier policy of his age.
From the 11th century B.C. the Chinese used to call by the name of Kiang (or Shepherds) the tribes (about 150 in number) of nomads and shepherds in Koko Nor and the north-east of present Tibet; but their knowledge continued to be confined to the border tribes until the sixth century of our era.
On the 30th of April 1891 he was elected sixth bishop of Massachusetts, and on the 14th of October was consecrated to that office in Trinity church, Boston.
It is the third most malleable and sixth most ductile metal, yielding sheets 0.000025 in.
Of the total surface of Bavaria about one-half is under cultivation, one-third forest, and the remaining sixth mostly pasture.
Because iron would be so easily made by prehistoric and even by primeval man, and would be so useful to him, we are hardly surprised to read in Genesis that Tubal Cain, the sixth in descent from Adam, discovered it; that the Assyrians had knives and saws which, to be effective, must have been of hardened steel, i.e.
The second period includes the Genoese crusading exploits in the East, and extends to their victory over the Pisans (c. 1130), while the third reaches down to the days of the author's archbishopric. The sixth part deals with the constitution of the city, the seventh and eighth with the duties of rulers and citizens, the ninth with those of domestic life.
Cherry with six leaves, the sixth The spiral is not always conbeing placed vertically over the stant throughout the whole first, after two turns of the spiral.
Accordingly, by the spring of 1660, he had managed to put his criticism and assertions into five dialogues under the title Examinatio et emendatio mathematicae hodiernae qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii, with a sixth dialogue so called, consisting almost entirely of seventy or more propositions on the circle and cycloid.'
After studying for two years (1843-1845) at Miami University, he practised law at Centerville, Indiana, and in 1852 was judge of the sixth judicial circuit of Indiana.
The first mentioned of these was severely criticised by Pascal in the fifth and sixth of his Provincial Letters, as tending to inculcate a loose system of morality.
Kadesh fell in the sixth campaign.
This with a large area around he dedicated to Aton in the sixth year, while splendid temples, palaces, houses and tombs for his god, for himself and for his courtiers were rising around him; apparently also this son of Aton swore an oath never to pass beyond the boundaries of Atons special domain.
This poetry, like that of the early half of the period, is courtly; its differences are the differences between the atmosphere of the reigns of the first and fourth Jameses and that of the sixth.
When the sixth James becomes the first of England, a more thorough transformation is discernible.
The decisive battle, in the sixth year, was interrupted by the famous solar eclipse on the 28th of May 585 predicted by Thales.
Oxygen is a member of the sixth group in the periodic classification, and consequently possesses a maximum valency of six.
Clemencin is also the author of an interesting Elogio de la reina Isabel la CatOlica, published as the sixth volume of the Memorias of the Spanish Academy of History, to which body he was elected on the 12th of September 1800.
In 1850 the state ranked fifteenth, in 1860 eighth, in 1870 sixth, in 1880 fourth, in 1890 and again in 1900 third, in the value of its manufactures.
The other four crusades which took place from time to time down to 1272 are of no special importance, though there is a certain amount of interest in the fact that after the sixth crusade, in 1229, emperor Frederick II.
For the layer, which he now assigns to the Mycenaean period, is the sixth stratum from below.
Thus the first and second definitions represent the founders of the sophistry of culture, Protagoras and Prodicus, from the respective points of view of the older Athenians, who disliked the new culture, and the younger Athenians, who admired it; the third and fourth definitions represent imitators to whom the note of itinerancy was not applicable; the fifth definition represents the earlier eristics, contemporaries of Socrates, whom it was necessary to distinguish from the teachers of forensic oratory; the sixth is framed to meet the anomalous case of Socrates, in whom many saw the typical sophist, though Plato conceives this view to be unfortunate; and the seventh and final definition, having in view eristical sophistry fully developed, distinguishes it from SfµoXoyuci, i.e.
The fifth and sixth definitions represent the close of the 5th century, when sophistry handled eristically, and perhaps, though Plato demurs to the inclusion, dialectically, questions of justice, injustice and the like, Su
The inspectors or sixth class of Megasthenes have been identified with Asoka's Mahamatra and his Buddhist inspectors of morals.
In 1739 Nadir Shah of Persia, the sixth and last of the great Mahommedan conquerors of India, swept like a whirlwind over Hindustan, and sacked the imperial city of Delhi.
The faintest stars visible to the naked eye on clear nights are of about the sixth magnitude; exceptionally keen, well-trained eyes and clear moonless nights are necessary for the perception of stars of the seventh magnitude.
In order to establish his sixth proposition, Clarke contends that time and space, eternity and immensity, are not substances, but attributes - the attributes of a self-existent being.
His father, a native of France, died when the boy was in his sixth year, and his mother, a member of an aristocratic Virginia family, then removed to Charleston, South Carolina.
It may be said to be a process of unification, whereby the centres of volition, consciousness and active memory are systematically shifted upwards from the lower to the higher "principles" until they have become firmly established in the "Buddhi," or "sixth principle."
On the fourth day of the sixth month a feast is held in honour of Sahrevar, the deity presiding over mountains and mines.
About two-thirds of the increase between 1890 and 1900 was in the lumber industry, which was of slight importance before the former year; it represented more than half the total value of the manufactures of the state in 1905 (output, 1905, $28,065,171 and of mill products $3,786, 7 72 additional); in the value of lumber and timber products the state ranked sixth among the states of the United States in 1900, and seventh in 1905.
In 1904, when the U.S. Census Report showed California to be the twenty-first state of the Union in population but the sixth in wealth, the total estimated true value of all property was $4,115,491,106, of which $2,664,472,025 was the value of real property and improvements thereon.
In the third year after planting the trees may require root-pruning; in the fifth or sixth they should bear well.
About one sixth of the native population of the interior, and a smaller proportion of those living on the coast, suffer from a kind of ringworm called kurap, which also prevails almost universally among the Sakai and Semang, the aboriginal hill tribes of the Malayan Peninsula.
It therefore made the aspirates A, E, Q and the semi-vowel I into vowels, and apparently converted the semi-vowel Y = w into the vowel which it placed at the end of the alphabet and substituted for it as the sixth symbol of the alphabet the letter F with the old value of w.
But the Phoenician form corresponding to it is the consonant w, and occupies the of position of the Greek digamma as sixth in the series.
The only passage which can be interpreted as a reference to writing occurs in the story of Bellerophon, told by Glaucus in the sixth book of the Iliad.
The Aristeia of Diomede ends in the middle of the sixth book; he is uppermost in all thoughts down to ver.
They agree with the true crabs in not having appendages (uropods) to the sixth segment of the pleon, the atrophy being complete in the Homolidae and Homolodromiidae, whereas in the Dromiidae and Dynomenidae a pair of small plates appear to be vestiges of these organs.
The slender pleon has always six distinct segments, the sixth carrying two-branched uropods, the preceding five armed with no pleopods in the female, whereas in the male the number of pairs varies from five to none.
Thus it may be said that in the west of Europe about one-third of the people, roughly speaking, are under fifteen; about one-half, between that age and fifty, and the remaining sixth older than fifty.
John was now a septuagenarian "king in exile," but he was still vigorous enough to revenge himself on Frederick, by commanding the papal troops which attacked southern Italy during the emperor's absence on the sixth crusade (1228-1229).
After two years of service (1823-1825) in the state House of Representatives, he represented the sixth Tennessee district in the National House of Representatives from 1825 to 1839.
See also "Nouveaux documents pour l'etude de la religion des Harraniens," by Dozy and De Goeje, in the Actes of the sixth Oriental congress, ii.
The first traveller to make the climb was Herr Gebhard in 1805 (sixth ascent).
This disabled caelibes from receiving an inheritance unless the testator were related to them within the sixth degree; it limited the amount which a wife could take by a husband's will, or the husband by the wife's, unless they had children; and preference was given to candidates for office in proportion to the number of their children.'
Dr. Franz Boas, in the Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1888, p. 591.
In the sixth examination of John Philpot (1516-1555) in 1555 we are told that Lord Riche said to him, "All heretics do boast of the Spirit of God, and every one would have a church by himself, as Joan of Kent and the Anabaptists."
A sixth nonentity, Nushirwan, was a Chupani nominee in 1344, after which time Ilasan Buzurg definitely installed himself as the first khan of the Jelairid or Ilkhanian-Jelairid dynasty.
It was in 1577 the scene of the signing of the sixth peace between the Catholics and Protestants.
His nephew in the sixth degree was the celebrated archbishop of Cambrai.
The ninth has no allusion to determine its date, but it is written with the same outspoken freedom as the second and the sixth, and belongs to the period when the poet's power was most vigorous, and his exposure of vice most uncompromising.
Of the occasion, plan and object of his work he has himself informed us in the prologues to his first, second, fifth and sixth books.
In the preface to his fifth book he excuses his trenching on the region of political history on the ground of his desire to spare his readers the disgust which perusal of the endless disputes of the bishops could not fail to excite, and in that to his sixth book he prides himself on never having flattered even the orthodox bishops.
The fifth, sixth and seventh books give Varro's views on the etymology of Latin words.
The church in the sixth oecumenical council at Constantinople (680) declared that Christ had two wills.
In 1526 Baber, sixth in descent from Timurlane, invaded India, defeated and killed Ibrahim Lodi at the battle of Panipat, entered Delhi, was proclaimed emperor, and finally put an end to the Afghan empire.
Under their sixth king Filimer they migrated into Scythia and settled in a district which they called Oium.
It is characteristic of the Malacostraca that the position of the genital apertures is constantly different in the two sexes, the female openings being on the sixth, and those of the male on the eighth thoracic somite.
In order to understand the events of his life and the influence of his opinions, we must endeavour to get some impression of the China that existed in his time, in the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. The dynasty of Chow, the third which within historic time had ruled the country, lasting from 1122 to 256 B.C., had passed its zenith, and its kings no longer held the sceptre with a firm grasp. The territory under their sway was not a sixth part of the present empire.
In 1902 the state ranked third in the value of its gold and silver production, $8,500,904; in 1908 it ranked sixth in gold, $3,94 6, 7 00 (a decrease of $1,174,900 since 1907), and fourth in silver, $4,520,600 (a decrease of $3,007,900 since 1907).
The sixth part of the Secret contains valuable criticisms on the Hegelian writings of Schwegler, Rosenkranz and Haym, and explains by contrast much that has been definitely stated in the preceding pages.
In 1905 and 1907 the rank of Missouri was sixth in the Union in the value of clay products-namely, $6,203,411 in 1905 and $6,898,871 in 1907.
There, according to legend, she saved the new-born Zeus, her sixth child, from being devoured by Kronos by substituting a stone for him and entrusting the infant god to the care of her attendants the Curetes.
In this larva four pairs of mesenteries having the typical Edwardsian arrangement are developed, but the fifth and sixth pairs, instead of forming couples with the first and second, arise in the sulcar chamber, the fifth pair inside the fourth, and the sixth pair inside the fifth.
As it came as an addition to the five books of Gregory IX., it was called the sixth book, the Liber Sextus.
At the outbreak of the Civil War on the 19th of April 1861, the Sixth Massachusetts regiment, while passing through Baltimore, was attacked by a mob and several men were killed on both sides; in the following month the city was subjected to military rule and so continued until the close of the war.
As compared with the other states of the United States in value of manufactured products, Indiana ranked second in 1900 and in 1905 in carriages and wagons, glass and distilled liquors; was seventh in 1900 and fourth in 1905 in furniture; was fourth in 1900 and seventh in 1905 in wholesale slaughtering and meat-packing; was fifth in 1900 and sixth in 1905 in agricultural implements; and in iron and steel and flour and grist mill products was fifth in 1900 and eighth in 1905.
According to the annual report on Mineral Resources of the United States for 1906, Indiana ranked fifth in the Union in the value of natural gas produced, sixth in petroleum, and sixth in coal.
Second and third editions were called for in 1832 and 1835; a sixth edition was issued in 1876.
His articles of various length cannot be less in number than 850, and they have been estimated to constitute a sixth part of the whole Cyclopaedia, of which they formed perhaps the most valuable portion.
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth books are devoted to Virgil, dwelling respectively on his learning in religious matters, his rhetorical skill, his debt to Homer (with a comparison of the art of the two) and to other Greek writers, and the nature and extent of his borrowings from the earlier Latin poets.
He has made himself known to men by successive incarnations, of which the last was Hakim, the sixth Fatimite caliph.
Obedience is required to the seven commandments of Hamza, the first and greatest of which enjoins truth in words (but only those of Druse speaking with Druse); the second, watchfulness over the safety of the brethren; the third, absolute renunciation of every other religion; the fourth, complete separation from all who are in error; the fifth, recognition of the unity of "Our Lord" in all ages; the sixth, complete resignation to his will; and the seventh, complete obedience to his orders.
The button which distinguishes the first grade is a transparent red stone; the second grade, a red coral button; the third, a sapphire; the fourth, a blue opaque stone; the fifth, a crystal button; the sixth, an opaque white shell button; the seventh, a plain gold button; the eighth, a worked gold button; and the ninth, a worked silver button.
The sixth grade, for civilians an egret, for the military a tiger-cat with a mother-of-pearl clasp. The seventh grade, for civilians a mandarin duck, for the military a mottled bear with a silver clasp. The eighth grade, for civilians a quail, for the military a seal with a clear horn clasp. The ninth grade, for civilians a long-tailed jay, for the military a rhinoceros with a buffalo-horn clasp.
A sixth grave was found immediately after his departure.
His great wealth was left mainly to the two families that he had in Russia and Greece; but a sum was reserved for Hissarlik, where Dorpfeld in 1891 and 1892, by clearing away the debris of the former excavations, exposed the great walls of the sixth stratum which Schliemann had called Lydian, and proved their synchronism with Mycenae, and identity with Mycenaean remains; that is to say, with Homer's Troy, if Troy ever was.
The improvement of telescopes was prosecuted by Christiaan Huygens from 1655, and promptly led to his discoveries of the sixth Saturnian moon, of the true shape of the Saturnian appendages, and of the multiple character of Huygens.
The sixth decree of the Lateran synod of 10J9 forbade any cleric to accept Church office from a layman.
But the deputies of the third estate did not support the other two orders, and the latter in their turn refused the king money for making war Sixth War on the heretics, desiring, they said, not war but the and destruction of heresy.
A "Fifth" book is contained in the Ambrosian Peshitta, but it seems to be merely a Syriac reproduction of the sixth book of Josephus's history of the Jewish War.
The testes are situated in a distinct sessile or slightly pedunculated scrotum, into which they descend from the sixth to the tenth month after birth.
The Pankas, who form about a sixth of the population, are all Kabirpanthis, or followers of Kabir, a religious reformer of the 15th century.
The fifth book contains properties of normals and their envelopes, thus embracing the germs of the theory of evolutes, and also maxima and minima problems, such as to draw the longest and shortest lines from a given point to a conic; the sixth book is concerned with the similarity of conics; the seventh with complementary chords and conjugate diameters; the eighth book, according to the restoration of Edmund Halley, continues the subject of the preceding book.
In the automobile industry the state in 1905 ranked second (to Michigan) in capital invested; and was sixth in value of product, but first in the average value per car, which was $2354 ($2917 for gasoline; $2343 for electric; $673 for steam cars).
The fifth and sixth volumes of the Origins of Christianity (the Christian Church and Marcus Aurelius) show him reconciled with democracy, confident in the gradual ascent of man, aware that the greatest catastrophes do not really interrupt the sure if imperceptible progress of the world - reconciled also in some measure, if not with the truths, at least with the moral beauties of Catholicism, and with the remembrance of his pious youth.
She'd have trouble defending herself in his mansion without the sixth sense that helped her track the vamps prowling around her.
It was his size – combined with a prey's instinctive sixth sense warning it of a predator – that caused people to move away from him.
The valve on top of a cylinder containing the highly volatile substance acetylene had ignited on the sixth floor.
Sixth, I did not come to Washington to idly observe the squandering of the public's airwaves.
Night Terrors sees the apes resting uneasily in a cave, some sixth sense alerting them to strange events outside and they remain apprehensive.
This is in line with the sixth objective of its five-year strategic plan announced last autumn.
Wheldon, from Emberton, has a chance to become just the sixth driver in history to win back-to-back Indy 500 titles.
While in the sixth form I remember that we had a jazz band.
And that becomes obvious, they say, when one looks at the fifth and sixth beatitudes.
Red-headed bluebills teased us for a while but eventually a couple posed very well, my sixth lifer.
This is precisely Dante's description found in the fifth and sixth cantos of his Inferno.
Sixth, the board is not decided in the opinion whether it would be best to have only magazine carbines in the cavalry service.
During the mid-eighteenth century a house was built on the site for the sixth Viscount Wenman.
Ruddock, showing great determination, stunned the former champ in the sixth round.
Sixth form classicists enjoyed the Study Day at Haberdashers ' Monmouth School for Girls on 7th November for lectures on their A level topics.
Several students are now attending the local sixth form college.
The sixth commandment is, " Thou shalt not kill " .
Third seed Palmer is scheduled to meet compatriot Anthony Ricketts, the sixth seed, in the last eight.
Music Scholars normally perform a complete concerto with orchestra in the Sixth Form.
The remarkably consistent motorsport journalist Nick Phillips moves into sixth overall.
The sixth EMERALD was a 12-gun screw corvette launched at Pembroke in 1876.
Cranial nerve palsies of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerve palsies of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves may occur, affecting extraocular motility.
Invasion caused a our Caribbean luxury cruise sixth trip.
Peter French, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, was looking forward to starting at Luton Sixth Form College last month.
In 1514 she married Archibald Douglas, sixth earl of Angus, and fled Scotland with him.
The men ' s team finished eighth, whilst their female counterparts attained sixth.
Orthoptic findings included concomitant esotropia, sixth, third and fourth nerve palsies.
In 2001/2 food bills represented only a sixth of total household expenditure.
The destructive forces of capitalism are driving us headlong into the sixth great species extinction of the earth's 5 billion year history.
A sixth fatality involved a newly fledged juvenile which was found grounded unable to fly.
I think in the first few weeks we actually had more lecture time than we had in sixth form.
Only sixth formers were allowed to use the center staircase.
Now in its sixth year, the seminar is a lively forum in which graduates and established academics discuss fresh perspectives on turn-of-the-century culture.
By the fifth or sixth month after conception, the external genitals are partially complete.
Sixth form geographers enjoy field trips to sites in Europe.
She's now a happy, well adjusted sixth grader.
Priscian A Latin grammarian of the early sixth century AD.
The Sixth Round of the FA Cup again proved too great a hurdle.
A very grown-up account of Vaughan Williams's Sixth Symphony followed, taut from beginning to end.
Bramble The sixth Bramble was a 6-gun screw gunboat, launched at Belfast in 1886.
A sixth distinct place is the outlying hamlet of Felixstowe Ferry on the Deben; St Nicholas is here.
A ndy Scott knows he should be DEAD only a sixth sense prevented him from suffering a fatal heart attack on the pitch.
Celtic feast day of ' Brynach ', sixth century Irish man who became a solitary hermit.
Sixth number they'd all take their leather jackets off.
The modern day guitar was invented in Spain, when a sixth string was added to the Arab lute.
The chapters on conscience in the sixth volume are simply masterly, even to this day.
Mark had squeezed through the first jump melee without too much trouble and chased after Stuart Flockhart in sixth.
I was in the sixth form and there was a big style move toward longer hair and looking a bit moody.
The sixth age shifts and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
Ofsted reports tell you about further education and sixth form colleges, as well as youth services and connections partnerships.
For the first three years in the senior school, forms are assigned form prefects from the sixth form.
The sixth form do prep in their study bedrooms.
The fifth years and sixth form have slightly longer second prep.
The sixth chapter entitled preservation tackles the foundations of archival items preservation.
Held during the sixth full moon of the lunar calendar, it involves chanting, sermons and a candlelit procession to the wat.
All the way through The Sixth Sense you eagerly await revelation; shots of the depression pills and the cellar door demand explanation.
After the sixth assault we were wearied tho not satiated.
In the sixth form students ' progress is broadly satisfactory.
Fifth place has seen five out of seventeen teams promoted whilst sixth place has sen five out of sixteen teams promoted.
Stoke, currently sixth in the table, were by no means at their best.
Sixth form We welcome new girls into the sixth form We welcome new girls into the Sixth Form each year.
Abi Finch finished sixth in the " A " final, placing her sixth in the country.
In terms of operating profit margins Miller ranks sixth, proving it can compete with the majors.
No US imports were in the team that came sixth four years earlier.
In the 200m, Gumbs was denied a final place only by a photo-finish, but Evans did qualify, placing sixth.
Britain's Kristan Bromley kicked off his campaign in the 2005/6 bob skeleton World Cup with a sixth place finish in Canada.
Despite missing two of the first 10 races, Braun currently ranks sixth in the Daytona Prototype championship standings.
Sixth, and pointing ahead to next time, the parallel between Job and YHWH's Servant in Isaiah remains striking.
Those starting a program in the Sixth chose one subject from each of the five blocks.
Last year we ranked sixth, two years ago seventh, and in 2000 we ranked tenth in the world.
For instance, Stir of Echoes was a solid supernatural thriller which was wrongly branded a Sixth Sense clone.
Some jerk their hands like robots, some seem to have facial tics, surprised by every sixth word.
Like a guy in his thirties looks underage to even a bouncer on Sixth Street.
The Sixth Edition includes recent advances in laparoscopy, female urology, and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and other prostate diseases.
The first exchange visit by Mill Hill School sixth form students took place in August 2002.
We also produced a sixth workbook, supplementing those from the five modules.
Their most effective enemies were the Beni Marin ("Merinides") who founded the next Moroccan dynasty, the sixth.
From his sixth to his ninth year Alexius was educated by the diffuse and pedantic Vyazemsky, but after the removal of his mother to the Suzdal Prokovsky Monastery he was confided to the care of learned foreigners, who taught him history, geography, mathematics and French.
The additions consisted of the duchy of Saxe-Hildburghausen, founded in 1680 by Ernest, the sixth son of Ernest the Pious; the duchy of Saxe-Saalfeld, founded by John Ernest, the seventh son of Ernest the Pious, which had been united with Saxe-Coburg in 1735; and the districts of Themar, Kranichfeld and Kamburg.
The question is complicated by the fact that the Sixth Decade of Diogo do Couto, the best contemporary historian of these events, was suppressed by the censor in its original form, and the extant version was revised by an ecclesiastical editor.
Of the many paradoxes in the Divine Legation, few are more extravagant than the theory that Virgil, in the sixth book of his Aeneid, intended to allegorize, in the visit of his hero and the Sibyl to the shades, the initiation of Aeneas, as a lawgiver, into the Eleusinian mysteries.
In the introductory paper in Maxwell's collection we are told that " The practice of draining, enclosing, summer fallowing, sowing flax, hemp, rape, turnip and grass seeds, planting cabbages after, and potatoes with, the plough, in fields of great extent, is introduced; and that, according to the general opinion, more corn grows now yearly where it was never known to grow before, these twenty years last past, than perhaps a sixth of all that the kingdom was in use to produce at any time before."
He was a weak and sickly child of poor parents, and from his sixth to his fifteenth year, when he was left an orphan, he worked on a farm.
The Norman line of Sicilian kings might be extinct; their policy lived after them in their Hohenstaufen successors, and that policy, as it had helped to divert the Fourth Crusade to the old Norman objective of Constantinople, helped still more to give the Sixth Crusade its secular, diplomatic, non-religious aspect.
So ended the Eighth Crusade - much as the Sixth had done - to the profound disgust of many of the crusaders, including Prince Edward of England, who only arrived on the eve of the conclusion of the treaty.
The immediate results of the clearer definition obtained were the detection of a satellite to Saturn (the sixth in order of distance from its primary), and the resolution into their true form of the abnormal appendages to that planet.
In the edict creating this commission (known as Haec quae) Tribonian is named sixth, and is called "virum magnificum, magisteria dignitate inter agentes decoratum" (see Haec quae and Summa reipublicae, prefixed to the Codex.) When the commission of sixteen eminent lawyers was created in 5 3 o for the far more laborious and difficult duty of compiling a collection of extracts from the writings of the great jurists of the earlier empire, Tribonian was made president and no doubt general director of this board.
The sixth book is devoted to the explanation, in accordance with natural causes, of some of the more abnormal phenomena, such as thunderstorms, volcanoes, earthquakes, &c., which are special causes of supernatural terrors.
Third, and worst of all, he had prefixed a preface to the sixth volume, in which he went out of his way to rouse the enmity of the men on whom depended his annual re-election to the post of examiner for the Polytechnic school.
The first is contained in a fragment of a cosmogony in Berossus, now confirmed in the main by the sixth tablet of the Creation epic. It represents the creation of man as due to one of the inferior gods who (at Bel's command) mingled with clay the blood which flowed from the severed head of Bel (see Cosmogony)..
A list of many articles upon Carlyle is given by Mr Ireland in Notes and Queries, sixth series, vol.
The sixth clause comprehends a wide programme of reform, including abstinence from spirituous liquors and animal food, physical cleanliness and exercise, marriage reform, the promotion of female education, the abolition of caste and of idolatry.
Of the six parts into which it is divided, the first translates into manysided music the joys and sorrows, the thoughts and fancies, the studies and ardours and speculations of youth; the second, as full of light and colour, grows gradually deeper in tone of thought and music; the third is yet riper and more various in form of melody and in fervour of meditation; the fourth is the noblest of all tributes ever paid by song to sorrow - a series of poems consecrated to the memory of the poet's eldest daughter, who was drowned, together with her husband, by the upsetting of a boat off the coast of Normandy, a few months after their wedding-day, in 1843; the fifth and the sixth books, written during his first four years of exile (all but one noble poem which bears date nine years earlier than its epilogue or postscript), contain more than a few poems unsurpassed and unsurpassable for depth and clarity and trenchancy of thought, for sublimity of inspiration, for intensity of faith, for loyalty in translation from nature, and for tenderness in devotion to truth; crowned and glorified and completed by their matchless dedication to the dead.
This inherited capacity is a sort of sixth sense--a soul-sense which sees, hears, feels, all in one.
He was admitted to the kindergarten on the sixth of April.
While in the Rostovs' ballroom the sixth anglaise was being danced, to a tune in which the weary musicians blundered, and while tired footmen and cooks were getting the supper, Count Bezukhov had a sixth stroke.
Turning to his adjutant he ordered him to bring down the two battalions of the Sixth Chasseurs whom they had just passed.
The attack of the Sixth Chasseurs secured the retreat of our right flank.
The prisoners were placed in a certain order, according to the list (Pierre was sixth), and were led to the post.
Early in the morning of the sixth of October Pierre went out of the shed, and on returning stopped by the door to play with a little blue- gray dog, with a long body and short bandy legs, that jumped about him.
Some twenty men of the Sixth Company who were on their way into the village joined the haulers, and the wattle wall, which was about thirty- five feet long and seven feet high, moved forward along the village street, swaying, pressing upon and cutting the shoulders of the gasping men.
British rowing 's last medal hope lay with the men 's quadruple scullers, but they finished a disappointing sixth in their semi-final.
The sixth tree is stout of trunk, with an explosion of russet leaves at its crown.
By the sixth week of pregnancy the embryo is already encased in an amniotic sac of fluid.
Supermarket shoppers are spending £ 470 a year - a sixth of their food budget - on packaging, a bbc report suggests.
When the plague finally was over, whole families had been wiped out and only one sixth of the population remained in Eyam.
This represents one sixth of the current world airworthy population of 51 Spitfires.
Sixth formers are role models for the rest of the school, setting a standard to strive for.
What is the notice period for a teacher in a sixth form college?
Sixth Form We welcome new girls into the Sixth Form each year.
In the sixth Century the Saxon advance in the West country was halted.
Welcome to the sixth edition of the College of Arms Newsletter.
Jackie Spargo finished third in the long jump with a leap of 4.98m and sixth in the high jump with a clearance of 1.40m.
The sixth in the series documenting the exciting adventures of Harry Potter.
Haga was a slowing sixth in race two, nine seconds from the victor, Bayliss.
Demag Ergotech currently reckons to rank sixth in the world in terms of injection machine sales revenue, with Van Dorn Demag fourteenth.
Not need to street-smart style in its sixth annual i like to.
Sixth, and pointing ahead to next time, the parallel between Job and YHWH 's Servant in Isaiah remains striking.
The sixth subcritical experiment, Clarinet, took place on 9 February, 1999.
The same happened with the supernatural thriller Sixth Sense.
He then recovered to sixth in fairly swashbuckling style in race two, giving him 20 points a whole 40 behind Moore already.
The " sixth sick sheik 's sixth sheep 's sick " is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
The isthmus usually lies over the second and third tracheal rings opposite the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae.
The sixth Albion is a 14-gun twin-screw battleship, built at Blackwall in 1898.
This is a most valuable copy of the Prophets, written in Egypt in the sixth century, in a fine bold uncial hand.
The sixth verse of the psalm tells us that instruments cannot themselves be a channel of praise.
You must speak to the Head of Sixth Form if you wish to pursue this course of action.
Samantha seemed seconds from launching into a frustrated tirade against the opposing team after our sixth loss in a row.