Sixteen Sentence Examples
I'll be sixteen in a month.
Before he was sixteen he not merely knew medical theory, but by gratuitous attendance on the sick had, according to his own account, discovered new methods of treatment.
This is where I prayed you'd be mine — when I was only sixteen.
In the third and fourth series of the Philosophical Magazine will be found sixteen papers.
Instead of sixteen hundred rubles he had a long column of figures scored against him, which he had reckoned up to ten thousand, but that now, as he vaguely supposed, must have risen to fifteen thousand.
I served my time, all twelve years, three months and sixteen days of it, but it pales in the face of suffering I poured on these young ladies.
He admitted to fifteen or sixteen abductions... he couldn't remember which.
Each of the sixteen gates of the city is protected by a semi-circular enceinte, and is surmounted by a high tower built in galleries and provided with countless loopholes.
An act of Congress of the 3rd of March 1803 reserved from sale section sixteen of the public lands in each township for educational purposes.
There is a supreme court consisting of a chief justice and four associates, elected by popular vote for eight years, and a superior or circuit court, composed of sixteen judges elected by the people in each of sixteen districts for a term of eight years.
AdvertisementIn the counties there is a board of education and there is also a local school committee of three in each township. The compulsory attendance at school of children between the ages of eight and fourteen for sixteen weeks each year by a state law is optional with each county.
Six out of sixteen governors or deputy-governors were driven from office between 1674 and 1712, and there were two uprisings which have been deemed worthy of the term rebellion.
It seems probable that his parents were among the early converts of Wesley; at any rate, Francis became converted to Methodism in his thirteenth year, and at sixteen became a local preacher.
Robert was sent to Liskeard grammar school, and when he was about sixteen was apprenticed to a solicitor.
After parting company with Jameson, Brewster started the Edinburgh Journal of Science in 1824, sixteen volumes of which appeared under his editorship during the years 1824-1832, with very many articles from his own pen.
AdvertisementComing to the throne at the age of sixteen, he did the wisest thing he could by allowing himself to be guided by the most capable man he could find.
Provision was thus made for 600,000 yeomen, assigning (according to different calculations) from sixteen to twenty-five acres of land to each.
The judges at Lyons placed it fifteenth in order of merit among the sixteen essays sent in.
Brauer (1885), who separated the spring tails and bristle-tails as a sub-class Apterygogenea from all the other Hexapoda, these forming the sub-class Pterygogenea distributed into sixteen orders.
Contemporary with these three men was Ulysses Aldrovandus, a Bolognese, who wrote an Historia Naturalium in sixteen folio volumes, most of which were not printed till after his death in 1605; but those on birds appeared between 1599 and 1603.
AdvertisementEustace was knighted in 1147, at which date he was probably from sixteen to eighteen years of age; and in 1151 he joined Louis in an abortive raid upon Normandy, which had accepted the title of the empress Matilda, and was now defended by her husband, Geoffrey of Anjou.
Among the curious customs of Halifax was the Gibbet Law, which was probably established by a prescriptive right to protect the wool trade, and gave the inhabitants the power of executing any one taken within their liberty, who, when tried by a jury of sixteen of the frith-burgesses, was found guilty of the theft of any goods of the value of more than 13d.
The expedition, after an absence of sixteen months, during nine of which the ships were ice-bound, returned without having found any trace of the missing vessels.
From the age of sixteen to nearly twenty his health was so unsatisfactory that he attended neither school nor college, bilt worked at Chaldee and Syriac, began to read Arabic, and mastered 'S Gravesande's Natural Philosophy, together with various textbooks of logic and metaphysics.
They used an iron still, set in brickwork, and from a working charge of forty " buckets " of crude petroleum obtained a yield of sixteen buckets of " white naphtha."
AdvertisementBut nevertheless the kingdom of Jerusalem continued almost unmenaced, and practically undiminished, for the next sixteen years.
Legitimacy of natural children can be established by subsequent marriage of the parents, and the age of consent is sixteen years.
He himself once boasted that sixteen of the bishops who then occupied the bench had been birched with his "little rod."
The first sixteen performances took place at Bayreuth, in July and August 1882, under Wagner's own directing, and fully realized all expectations.
Cesare, then a youth of sixteen and a student at Pisa, was made archbishop of Valencia, his nephew Giovanni received a cardinal's hat, and for the duke of Gandia and Giuffre the pope proposed to carve fiefs out of the papal states and the kingdom of Naples.
The thickness varies from five to sixteen feet.
Before she was sixteen she married Prince Mikhail Dashkov, a prominent Russian nobleman, and went to reside with him at Moscow.
The secondary armament was to be sixteen 4-in.
John Sigismund was recognized as independent prince of Transylvania and of sixteen adjacent Hungarian counties, Queen Isabella to act as regent during his minority.
When about sixteen years of age he was carried off by a band of Irish marauders.
The result was embodied in the following articles of the Convention, signed on behalf of sixteen of the assembled powers on the 29th of July 1899.
The nuts are the fruit of the Bertholletia excelsa, one of the largest trees of the Amazon forest region, and are enclosed, sixteen to eighteen in number, in a hard, thick pericarp. Another nut-producing tree is the sapucaia (Lecythis ollaria), whose nuts are enclosed in a larger pericarp, and are considered to be better flavoured than those first described.
The post of chancellor Campbell held for only sixteen days, and then resigned it to his successor Sir Edward Sugden (Lord St Leonards).
Their discontent had been gradually swelled by various acts of home and foreign policy during the sixteen years' rule of the riformatori, nor had the concessions granted to the partisans of the twelve and the latter's recall and renewed eligibility to office availed to conciliate them.
A senior cadet corps is formed of youths between sixteen and twenty.
In 1856 the dependence of the country on Cape Colony was put to an end and Natal constituted a distinct colony with a legislative council of sixteen members, twelve elected by the inhabitants and four nominated by the crown.
At the age of sixteen he entered the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, but in 1776 he left college to take part in the War for Independence.
When fifteen or sixteen years of age he went to London to the warehouse of Messrs Partridge & Price, in Eastcheap, one of the partners being his uncle.
He brought forward a motion in parliament to this effect, which led to a long and memorable debate, lasting over four nights, in which he was supported by Sydney Herbert, Sir James Graham, Gladstone, Lord John Russell and Disraeli, and which ended in the defeat of Lord Palmerston by a majority of sixteen.
In 1862 he published his pamphlet entitled The Three Panics, the object of which was to trace the history and expose the folly of those periodical visitations of alarm as to French designs with which England had been afflicted for the preceding fifteen or sixteen years.
The first volume was published in 1879, and during the next sixteen years four more volumes appeared, but at his death he had only advanced to the year 1847.
During the six following years the sultan still further improved his position, capturing, amongst many other places, Pecs, and the primatial city of Esztergom; but, in 1547, the exigencies of the Persian war induced him to sell a truce of five years to Ferdinand for £100,000, on a uti possidetis basis, Ferdinand holding thirty-five counties (including Croatia and Slavonia) for which he was to pay an annual tribute of £60,000; John Sigismund retaining Transylvania and sixteen adjacent counties with the title of prince, while the rest of the land, comprising most of the central counties, was annexed to the Turkish empire.
When sixteen years old he began to attend the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and from 1837 to 1839 studied at the Ecole des Mines.
The province is divided into sixteen magisterial districts.
Courts of first instance are presided over by magistrates, the whole colony being divided into sixteen magisterial wards.
The plain white toga (toga Pura) was the ordinary dress of the citizen, but the toga praetexta, which had a border of purple, was worn by boys till the age of sixteen, when they assumed the plain toga virilis, and also by curule magistrates and some priests.
There are sixteen British species of Amanita; they grow on the ground in or near woods.
He won a scholarship at the age of sixteen, and was teaching literature at eighteen.
Before he was sixteen he attended lectures at Owens College, and at eighteen he gained a mathematical scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1871 as senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman, having previously taken the degree of D.Sc. at London University and won a Whitworth scholarship. Although elected a fellow and tutor of his college, he stayed up at Cambridge only for a very short time, preferring to learn practical engineering as a pupil in the works in which his father was a partner.
They worshipped Re at sunrise with resin, at mid-day with myrrh and at sunset with an elaborate confection called kuphi, compounded of no fewer than sixteen ingredients, among which were honey, wine, raisins, resin, myrrh and sweet calamus.
The Danes went from the town and ravaged the neighbourhood, so that in the end the king and his witan agreed to give sixteen thousand pounds to be relieved of the presence of the enemy.
Sixteen battleships entered the Straits to participate in the encounter, the manoeuvring of so large a number of great vessels in this narrow space was a matter of some difficulty and also gave excellent targets for the Turkish artillery, which replied to their fire with unexpected spirit.
There are fifteen sawbwas, sixteen myosas and thirteen ngwegunhmus in the Shan States proper.
He had sixteen children, his son Patrick being the "auld Wodrow" of Burns's poem "Twa Herds."
The senate, which is the executive power, is composed of sixteen life members, elected by the convent, on presentation by the senate.
Of the remaining representatives, twelve are furnished by Bremerhaven and Vegesack and sixteen by the rural districts.
In its fullest form this apocryph consists of sixteen chapters, but i.
The plane projection of molecular structures which differ stereochemically is discussed under Stereoisomerism; in this place it suffices to say that, since the terminal groups of the hexaldose molecule are different and four asymmetric carbon atoms are present, sixteen hexaldoses are possible; and for the hexahydric alcohols which they yield on reduction, and the tetrahydric dicarboxylic acids which they give on oxidation, only ten forms are possible.
In October 1811 an expedition consisting of io,000 men under Tusun Pasha, the pasha's son, a youth of sixteen, landed in Hejaz without opposition.
Other metres were introduced later until sixteen altogether were recognized.
He was sent to various schools, but was generally regarded as a dunce, and when he was sixteen years of age he entered his father's foundry, working for seven years with no wages beyond a little pocket money.
Meanwhile he supported himself by teaching on a very small scale, but his progress was such that at sixteen he had a good knowledge of Hungarian, Latin, French and German, and was rapidly acquiring English and the Scandinavian languages, and also Russian, Servian and other Slavonic tongues.
But his stay in Palestine was limited to sixteen months.
It was the principal centre of the great Mahommedan rebellion, which lasted sixteen years and was suppressed in 1872.
Sir Isaac Wake (c. 1580-1632), the diplomatist, was a kinsman of the archbishop. He commenced his diplomatic career in Venice, and then he represented his county for sixteen years at Turin; he was knighted in 1619, and after being sent on various special missions by James I.
A majority of the artists are content to copy old pictures of Buddhas sixteen disciples, the seven gods of happiness, and other similar assemblages of mythical or historical personages, not only because such work offers large opportunity for the use of striking colors and the production of meretricious effects, dear to the eye of the average Western householder and tourist, but also because a complicated design, as compared with a simple one, has the advantage of hiding the technical imperfections of the ware.
In the male flowers, which are numerous, the stamens are sixteen in number and arranged in pairs; the female flowers are solitary, with traces of stamens, and a smooth ovary with one ovule in each of the eight cells - the ovary is surmounted by four styles, which are hairy at the base.
He resided in Edinburgh for nearly sixteen months, and his services to the government were repaid by a regular salary.
The toxicity or relative strength of the cobra venom has been calculated to be sixteen times that of the European viper.
Of persons aged sixteen or over, the number of males was almost double the number of females.
At sixteen he went to London and was apprenticed to a wine merchant.
In the wider compartments are placed sieves having sixteen holes to the square inch and bearing zinc turnings.
A new phase of the French war begins when in July 1346 Edward landed in Normandy, accompanied by his eldest son, Edward, prince of Wales, a youth of sixteen.
Indeed, approximate accuracy is not attained until we are within sixteen hundred years of our own era; but the sequence of events of a period preceding this by two thousand years is well established, and the recent discoveries of Professor Petrie carry back the record to a period which cannot well be less than five thousand, perhaps not less than six thousand years B.C. Both from Egypt and Mesopotamia, then, the records of the archaeologist have brought us evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization for a period exceeding by hundreds, perhaps by thousands, of years the term which had hitherto been considered the full period of man's existence.
He assumed the reins of government at the age of sixteen, and married Princess Anne, daughter of Philip of Orleans and Henrietta of England, and niece of Louis XIV., king of France.
When his father returned to Basel he went to the university of that city, where, at the age of sixteen, he took the degree of doctor in philosophy, and four years later the highest degree in law.
He entered the order of the Dominicans at the age of sixteen, and ten years later became doctor of theology at Padua, where he was subsequently professor of metaphysics.
There were at first murmurings among his clergy against what they deemed his harsh control, but his real kindness soon made itself felt, and, during the sixteen years of his tenure of the see, his sound and vigorous rule dissipated the prejudices against him, so that when, on the death of Dr John Jackson in 1885, he was translated to London, the appointment gave general satisfaction.
It is said that the output of single shafts has been raised by this method to 3500 and 4500 tons in the double shift of sixteen hours.
However, there are laws requiring that each school be taught at least six months in a year, and that children between the ages of seven and fourteen attend for at least twelve consecutive weeks, and for a total of sixteen weeks in every year.
During the sixteen years of his sway Sweden advanced greatly in fame and prosperity.
When he was sixteen he became a vegetarian for a time, rather to save money for books than for any other reason, and he always preached moderation in eating, though he was less consistent in his practice in this particular than as regards moderate drinking.
Several lines of steamers - chiefly British and German - maintain regular communication with Europe, the British mail boats taking sixteen days on the journey.
Besides St James and City Hall parks in the city, San Jose has Alum Rock Canyon Park, a tract of woo acres, with sixteen mineral springs, in Penitencia Canyon, 7 m.
In 1848 the family removed to London, and at sixteen he went to Glasgow University.
In the centre was a round colonnade with sixteen columns of Numidian marble (giallo antico) now in the theatre of the palace at Caserta.
In 1790 the population was reported classed as slaves and free, the free classed as white and others, the free whites as males and females, and the free white males as under or above sixteen years of age.
The New York fisheries of Lakes Erie and Ontario and the Niagara and St Lawrence rivers yielded products in 1903 valued at $187,198 and consisting largely of pikeperch, herring, catfish, bullheads and sturgeon, and in 1902 there were commercial fisheries in sixteen interior lakes and rivers which yielded muscallonge, smelt, bullheads, pickerel, pike-perch and several other varieties having a total value of $87,897.
Until sixteen years of age no child is to be so employed without an employment certificate issued by a commissioner of health, and showing that the child has completed an eight years' course of study in a public school of the state or has had an equivalent schooling elsewhere.
For children under sixteen years of age who are so employed the hours of labour are limited to eight a day and the days to six a week, and such children must not begin work before eight o'clock in the morning or continue after five o'clock in the evening.
For children between sixteen and eighteen years of age and for women the hours of labour in a factory are limited to ten a day, unless to prepare for a short day or a holiday, and the days to six a week.
For both boys and girls sixteen years of age or upward the restrictions are removed for two weeks at Christmas time.'
In the state reformatory at Elmira (which, like that at Napanoch, is for men between sixteen and thirty years of age who have been convicted of a state prison offence for the first time only), the plan of committing adult felons on an indeterminate sentence to be determined by their behaviour was first tested in America in 1877, and it has proved so satisfactory that it has been in part adopted for the state prisons.
The compulsory education law as amended in 1907 and 1909 requires the full attendance at a public school, or at a school which is an approximate equivalent, of all children who are between seven and fourteen years of age, are in the proper physical and mental condition, and reside in a city or school district having a population of 5000 or more and employing a superintendent of schools; in such a city or district children between fourteen and sixteen years must attend school unless they obtain an employment certificate and are regularly engaged in some useful employment or service; and outside of such a city or district all children between the ages of eight and fourteen years and those between fourteen and sixteen years who are not regularly employed must attend school on all school days from October to June.
In a city of the first or second class every boy between fourteen and sixteen years of age who has an employment certificate, but has not completed the course of study prescribed for the elementary public schools or the equivalent, must attend an evening school not less than six hours each week for a period of not less than sixteen weeks each year, or a trade school not less than eight hours a week for sixteen weeks a year.
By a law of 1908 the board of education of any city is authorized to establish industrial schools for children who have completed the elementary school course or have attained the age of fourteen years, and trade schools for children who are more than sixteen years old and have completed the elementary school course or a course offered by any of the industrial schools.
Sixteen million acres were in 1907 already held in freehold, as against about six million acres rented from the state on permanent leasehold.
Faulty banking ended in a crisis, and 187 9 proved to be the first of sixteen years of almost unbroken depression.
Sixteen years of depression were followed, from 1895 to 1 9 08, by thirteen years of great prosperity.
Only some sixteen Synoptic sayings reappear here; but we are given some great new sayings full of the Synoptic spirit.
All children between eight and fifteen years of age, and all between fifteen and sixteen years of age who are not regularly employed in some useful or remunerative occupation, must attend the public school all the time it is in session or a private school for the same time unless excused by the city or the county superintendent because of mental or physical disability or because of proficiency in the branches taught in the first eight grades.
With sixteen teeth the pitch was well defined; with nine teeth it was fairly determinate; and even with two teeth it could be assigned with no great error.
It is now represented in the Union parliament by sixteen senators and seventeen members of the house of assembly.
Each school district is required by law to keep its school open at least three months a year and all children between the ages of eight and fourteen are required to attend for the full term; if unemployed they are required to continue in school until they have attained the age of sixteen.
Though only sixteen he understood Latin, German and Italian as well as his mother tongue.
Almost his first act on ascending the throne was publicly to insult his consort, the amiable Charlotte Amelia of Hesse-Cassel, by introducing into court, as his officially recognized mistress, Amelia Moth, a girl of sixteen, the daughter of his former tutor, whom he made countess of Samsd.
Apprenticed at the age of sixteen to a surgeon, he soon went to Paris, studied medicine and surgery there, and, having qualified as a mastersurgeon, settled down to practice at Mantes.
The summers are short, but as there are sixteen hours of sunlight per day in midsummer, vegetation grows rapidly.
Sixteen churches and 4000 houses were burnt down, and the historic buildings on the Grand Place were seriously injured, the houses of the Nine Nations on the eastern side being completely destroyed.
Nestorius, with sixteen bishops and a large following of armed men, was among the first to arrive; soon afterwards came Cyril with fifty bishops.
Every year the senate was to appoint sixteen of its number to be in constant attendance upon the king in rotas of four, which sedecimvirs were to supervise all his actions.
He made Chigirin, his native place, the Cossack capital, subdivided the country into sixteen provinces, and entered into direct relations with foreign powers.
It is divided into eighteen books, of which the first sixteen deal mainly with sounds, word-formation and inflexions; the last two, which form from a fourth to a third of the whole work, deal with syntax.
The last sixteen years of his life (1593-1609) were spent at Leiden, which was also for more than twenty years (1631-1653) the home of Salmasius, and for thirteen (1579-1592) that of Lipsius (d.1606).
A compulsory education law of 1902 - to operate, however, only in the city of Baltimore and in Allegany county - requires the attendance for the whole school year of children between the ages of eight and twelve and also of those between the ages of twelve and sixteen who are not employed at home or elsewhere.
The sixteen volumes of the Campaigns of the Civil War (1881-1882) and the Navy in the Civil War (1883) (written by various authors) are of very unequal merit, but several of the volumes are indispensable to the study of the Civil War.
The French system provides, for civil cases, a court of first instance in each of the sixteen arrondissements into which the country is divided.
They received sixteen guineas a sheet (sixteen printed pages), increased subsequently to twentyfive guineas in many cases, instead of the two guineas which formed the ordinary London reviewer's fee.
She was, however, given precedence over Mary, her elder sister by sixteen years, and Mary never forgave the infant's offence.
They are youths aged from twelve to sixteen, selected by the sovereign in person, to attend on him at state ceremonies, when two of them, arrayed in an antique costume, assist the groom of the stole in carrying the royal train.
The completed work, in its original form, consisted of sixteen books, of which the first five and a portion of the sixth (to 1163) are Fordun's - or mainly his, for Bower added to them at places.
Briggs's Logarithmorum chilias prima, which contains the first published table of decimal or common logarithms, is only a small octavo tract of sixteen pages, and gives the logarithms of numbers from unity to 1000 to 14 places of decimals.
All children between the ages of eight and fourteen and those between the ages of fourteen and sixteen who cannot read and write English are required to attend either a public or an approved private school for the full term unless excused by the school board on account of physical or mental infirmity.
Within the state are also sixteen orphan asylums, and though these are private institutions, in all but one of them children are boarded at county or city expense.
The council consists of the provost and sixteen members of the senate elected by the fellows, professors, etc. the senate consists of the chancellor or his deputy and doctors and masters who keep their names on the books.
Under the patronage of his great-grandson, the last earl of Hereford (who lived in great splendour at the castle), the town became one of the chief centres of trade in South Wales, and a sixteen days' fair, which he granted, still survives as a hiring fair held in November.
Oil was produced in 1908 in sixteen states., This productive area is divided by the United States Geological Survey into six fields (in addition to some scattering states) with reference to the quality of oil that they produce, such quality determining their uses.
Dionysius must have spoken too strongly, when he says that Aristotle was tutor of Alexander for eight years; for in 340, when Philip went to war with Byzantium, Alexander became regent at home, at the age of sixteen.
Sixteen Mahommedan princes, mostly Ayyubite, of Syria and Mesopotamia, under the leadership of Malik al-Kamil, prince of Egypt, marched with considerable forces into Asia Minor against him.
The final judgment found no proof of heresy, but compelled him to abjure sixteen errors, rather extorted than extracted from his writings, suspended him from his see for five years, and secluded him to the Dominican cloister of Sta Maria sopra Minerva.
At the age of sixteen he married Marie Therese of Savoy, sister-in-law of his brother, the count of Provence (Louis XVIII.).
John Ruskin, the author's grandfather, a handsome lad of twenty, ran away with Catherine Tweddale, daughter of the Covenanting minister and of Catherine Adair, then a beautiful girl of sixteen.
The Swedish government was in the hands of an untried lad of sixteen; and the fine fleets of Denmark, and the veteran soldiers of Saxony, were on the same side as the myriads of Muscovy.
From the floor of the crater rise sixteen well-preserved cinder-cones, which range from more than 400 ft.
He entered at sixteen the military college of infantry at Toledo, and, when he attained the rank of lieutenant, passed into the staff college, from which he came out as the head of his class.
Sixteen years later disorder broke out in north Britain, apparently in the district between the Cheviots and the Derbyshire hills, and was repressed with difficulty after four or five years' fighting.
The same law prescribes conditions under which children between fourteen and eighteen years of age may be employed in the manufacture of white-lead, red-lead, paints, phosphorus, poisonous acids, tobacco or cigars, in mercantile establishments, stores, hotels, offices or in other places requiring protection to their health or safety; and it forbids the employment of boys under sixteen years of age or of girls under eighteen years of age in such factories or establishments more than ten hours a day (unless it be to prepare for a short day) or for more than fifty-eight hours to be chosen for the same term of service each voter shall vote for one only, and when three are to be chosen he shall vote for no more than two; candidates highest in vote shall be declared elected."
Such schools are for children up to the age of fourteen, and the limit of detention is sixteen.
The site of Toledo lies within an immense tract of land, constituting sixteen reservations, acquired by the United States government from several Indian tribes in 1795, and a stockade fort, called Fort Industry, was built here about 1800.
Sixteen women, representing eight towns of Elis and eight of Pisatis, wove the festal robe for the Olympian Hera.
It is probably the oldest of extant Greek temples, and may date from about 1000 B.C. It has colonnades of six columns each at east and west, and of sixteen each (counting the corner columns again) at north and south.
Sixteen pedestals were here discovered in situ.
When he was between fifteen and sixteen he became a squire.
Sixteen days later were signed the articles of Kalmar regulating the future relations between Poland and Sweden, when in process of time Sigismund should succeed his father as king of Sweden.
He pursued his studies at Padua with extraordinary zeal and success, and is said to have acquired, during the course of his life, no fewer than sixteen languages, though according to Tiraboschi the inscription on his tomb limits the number to twelve.
He was educated first at the college of the Oratorians at Beaune, and then in their college at Lyons - where, at sixteen, the year after he had been learning physics, he was made a teacher of it.
Continuation schools (herhalingsscholen) must be organized wherever required, and are generally open for six months in winter, pupils of twelve to fourteen or sixteen attending.
The su trema information that we have as to the districts in which p the sixteen earliest clans (tribus rusticae) 4 were settled shows us that, except along the Tiber, Rome's dominion extended hardly more than 5 m.
In the pediment is a group of sixteen figures by Thorvaldsen, representing John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness; over the entrance within the portico is a bas-relief of Christ's entry into Jerusalem; on one side of the entrance is a statue of Moses by Bissen, and on the other a statue of David by Jerichau.
At the age of sixteen he entered the university of Basel, but probably soon abandoned the studies therein pursued.
Queen Margaret died in 1551; and a twelvemonth later Gustavus wedded her niece, Catharine Stenbock, a handsome girl of sixteen, who survived him more than sixty years.
It was not till sixteen years later, on the collapse of the united kingdom of urnes re' A ?eltre' G'`h e n.
For sixteen years (1725-1741) the archduchess Mary Elizabeth, sister of the emperor, filled the post of governor-general.
The preface to this work places Cerdic's assumption of the sovereignty six years after his landing, that is, in the year 500, and assigns him a reign of sixteen years, which makes his death fall eighteen years before 534, the date recorded in the annals.
Internally the mosque is a single chamber supported by sixteen Roman columns.
Known since 1785 as the duc de Chartres, he was sixteen at the outbreak of the Revolution, into which - like his father - he threw himself with ardour.
For sixteen years the pursuit of his kingdom was the chief object of John's ambition.
From a life by Diogenes Laertius, we learn that he studied at Athens under Plato, but, being dismissed, passed over into Egypt, where he remained for sixteen months with the priests of Heliopolis.
The sixteen suspending chains are carried 60 ft.
There are wonderful stories on record of his precocity in mathematical learning, which is sufficiently established by the well-attested fact that he had completed before he was sixteen years of age a work on the conic sections, in which he had laid down a series of propositions, discovered by himself, of such importance that they may be said to form the foundations of the modern treatment of that subject.
In 1716 Sloane was created a baronet, being the first medical practitioner to receive an hereditary title, and in 1719 he became president of the College of Physicians, holding the office sixteen years.
When in 1876 the Left came into power, Cairoli, then a deputy of sixteen years' standing, became parliamentary leader of his party, and, after the fall of Depretis, Nicotera and Crispi, formed his first cabinet in March 1878 with a Francophil and Irredentist policy.
From sixteen to eighteen he resided at home, and was left to his own devices.
It would seem that a full half of Johnson's life during about sixteen years was passed under the roof of the Thrales.
Prussia has sixteen 15 608 superintendents-general.
Machine gun detachments, resembling 4-gun batteries and horsed as artillery, were formed to the number of sixteen in 1904-1906.
An imperial court of justice, the Re-ichskammergericht, was established; this consisted of sixteen members nominated by the estates and a president appointed by the king.
Notwithstanding this the bill was only carried by sixteen votes, and it would have been thrown out again had not the Poles for the first time voted for the government, since the whole of the Centre voted in opposition.
The period of gestation is sixteen weeks.
In the continental lands Charles founded a dynasty; the island he lost after sixteen years.
From Braintree school he was sent at the age of sixteen to Catharine Hall, Cambridge, whence he removed to Trinity College after about one year and three-quarters.
Next to Great Britain, Turkey had the largest share of the import trade, but it had declined in the sixteen years from 19 to 15%.
Girls, in like manner, marry very young, some at ten years of age, and few remain single beyond the age of sixteen; they are generally very prolific. The bridegroom never sees his future wife before the wedding night, a custom rendered more tolerable than it otherwise might be by the facility of divorce.
The normal rise of the Nile was sixteen cubits at the island of Roda, and two cubits more or less caused a failure of the harvest.
In the case of the six kings of the XXVIth Dynasty, Africanus, the best of his excerptors, gives correct figures for five reigns, but attributes six instead of sixteen years to Necho; the other excerptors have wrong numbers throughout.
Ismail held this office for sixteen years, while the pashas were constantly being changed, and succeeded in reconciling the two factions of Mamelukes.
The suzerainty of the sultan he acknowledged, and at the reiterated commands of the Porte he despatched in 1811 an army of 8000 men, including 2000 horse, under the command of his son Tflsfln, a youth of sixteen, against the WahhgbIs (q.v.).
Recaptured by Stephen Bathory, king of Poland, sixteen years later, it became Polish by the treaty of 1582.
David was the eldest of sixteen children.
He finds that eight chromosomes appear in karyokinesis in the ordinary thallus cells, but sixteen in the gonimoblast filaments derived from the fertilized carpogonium.
After some half - dozen miscellaneous single prints - "Samson and the Lion," the "Annunciation," the "Ten Thousand Martyrs," the "Knight and Men-at-arms," the "Men's Bath," &c. - he undertook and by 1498 completed his famous series of sixteen great designs for the Apocalypse.
There were sixteen cities known to have been founded under this name by Hellenistic monarchs; and at least twelve others were renamed Antioch.
In the parliament of Great Britain its representation was fixed at sixteen peers elected in Holyrood Palace by the peers of Scotland at each new parliament in the House of Lords, and at forty-five members in the House of Commons, the counties returning thirty and the burghs fifteen.
A parliament in Argyll's and the preachers' interest met there in January 1649; only sixteen nobles were present, as against fifty-six in the previous year.
Scotland was to have forty-five members and sixteen elected peers at Westminster; the holders of Darien stock were compensated; as a balance to equality of taxation a pecuniary equivalent was to be paid, the kirk and Scottish courts of justice were safeguarded (final appeal being to the British House of Lords), and Scots shared English facilities and privileges of trade, in name, for many years passed before Scotland really began to enjoy the benefits.
If a leaf from this series be chosen at random, it is clearly more likely to have sixteen veins than to have any other assigned number; but if a first leaf chosen at random should prove to have some number of veins other than sixteen, a second leaf, chosen at random from the same series, is still more likely to have sixteen veins than to have any other assigned number.
His German name, Kiirsner, was changed to Pellicanus by his mother's brother Jodocus Gallus, an ecclesiastic connected with the university of Heidelberg, who supported his nephew for sixteen months at the university in 1491-1492.
On his father's death in 1805 he was brought to Waterford, and in 1810 he was sent to Ushaw College, near Durham, where he was educated until the age of sixteen, when he proceeded to the English College in Rome, reopened in 1818 after having been closed by the Revolution for twenty years.
In October 1765, Goethe, then a little over sixteen, left Frankfort for Leipzig, where a wider and, in many respects, less provincial life awaited him.
From the first, too, he was hampered by wretched health; at the age of sixteen he was subjected to one of those terrible attacks of neuralgia which were to torment him to the last; physically and mentally alike he stood in tragic contrast with his grandfather, in whose gigantic personality the vigour of his race seems to have been exhausted.
At the age of sixteen (1807) he read before the academy of Grenoble a paper in which he maintained that the Coptic was the ancient language of Egypt.
He was educated at the Ecole Militaire, which he left at the age of sixteen.
Sixteen vessels of large size for the time, and a number of smaller craft, is said to have been their total strength.
At the age of sixteen young Bahrdt, a precocious lad whose training had been grossly neglected, began to study theology under the orthodox mystic, Christian August Crusius (1715-1775), who in 1 757 had become first professor in the theological faculty.
About sixteen such chambers were combined in such manner that the fresh gas passed into that chamber which had been the longest time at work and in which the bleaching-powder was nearly finished, and so forth until the gas, now all but entirely exhausted, reached the last-filled chamber in which it met with fresh lime and there gave up the last of the chlorine.
Every boy as soon as he reaches sixteen is brought into the Jemda and given weapons which he carries till he is sixty.
In 1896 he introduced a system of semi-enforced service whereby one man in every eight between the ages of sixteen and seventy takes his turn at military training.
The area under tea, of which nine-tenths lies in the new province of Eastern Bengal and Assam, expanded by 85% during the sixteen years from 1885 to 1901, while the production increased by 167%.
The export of coffee in 1905 was 360,000 cwt., being the highest for sixteen years.
About the beginning of the 6th century B.C. the settled country between the Himalaya mountains and the Nerbudda river was divided into sixteen independent states, some monarchies and some tribal republics, the most important of which were the four monarchies of Kosala, Magadha, the Vamsas and Avanti.
The list of the sixteen states ignores everything north of the Himalayas, south of the Vindhyas, and east of the Ganges where it turns south.
There is a regular steamship communication between Portugal, England and Germany, and Loanda., which port is within sixteen days' steam of Lisbon.
Thus it is found that Procyon gives about three times as much light as the sun in proportion to its mass, Sirius about sixteen times, and Orionis more than ten thousand times.
These stages are applicable to females except as regards the plank bed; youths under sixteen and old men above sixty are also allowed mattresses.
Al-Mostazhir billah (" he who seeks to triumph through God"), son of Moqtadi, was only sixteen years old when he was proclaimed caliph.
The Preston (Sonoma county) School of Industry, for older boys, and the Whittier (Los Angeles county) State School, for girls and for boys under sixteen, are the state reformatories, each having good industrial and manual training departments.
In 1826 a beginning toward it was made in partially emancipating the neophytes, but active and thorough secularization of the missions did not begin until 1834; by 1835 it was consummated at sixteen missions out of twenty-one, and by 1840 at all.
In form they resemble those of the Parthenon and Theseum, but they have only sixteen flutings.
On the ist of July the old sultan died, unconscious of the fatal news, leaving his throne to Abdul-Mejid, a lad of sixteen.
To keep pace with the increase of duties Julius Caesar increased the number of praetors successively to ten, fourteen and sixteen; after his time the number varied from eight to eighteen.
His advisers were men like the famous jurist Ulpian, the historian Dio Cassius and a select board of sixteen senators; a municipal council of fourteen assisted the city praefect in administering the affairs of the fourteen districts of Rome.
The present diet consists of sixteen members elected for three years, four chosen by the highest assessed taxpayers, the others by general election.
He was then placed in charge of the Department of the Missouri, which he commanded for sixteen years, and in 1869, on Grant's election to the presidency and Sherman's consequent promotion to the full rank of general, he was made lieutenant-general.
The governor, supported by the great families, retained the same House of Burgesses for sixteen years lest a new one might not be submissive.
The conjectures of Hermann, in which the Wolfian theory found a modified and tentative application, were presently thrown into the shade by the more trenchant method of Lachmann, who (in two papers read to the Berlin Academy in 1837 and 1841) sought to show that the Iliad was made up of sixteen independent " lays," with various enlargements and interpolations, all finally reduced to order by Peisistratus.
The velum is also provided with a circlet of twelve tantacles (in some species sixteen) which hang backwards into the pharynx; these are the velar tentacles.
The seeds when placed in water for some time become coated with glutinous matter from the exudation of the mucilage in the external layer of the epidermis; and by boiling in sixteen parts of water they exude sufficient mucilage to form with the water a thick pasty decoction.
As the mortality amongst boys, especially during the first year, is considerably above that of the other sex, numerical equilibrium between the two is established in early youth, and in most cases girls outnumber boys, except for a few years between twelve and sixteen.
In 1850 came the " restoration of the hierarchy " by Pope Pius IX., when England was mapped out into an archbishopric of Westminster 4 and twelve suffragan sees, since increased to fifteen (sixteen including the Welsh see of Menevia).
Sixteen of these alabaster scarfs hang side by side in Hovey's Balcony, three white and fine as crape shawls, thirteen striated like agate with every shade of brown, Luray Cavern.
In 1748, however, through the influence of Thomas, Lord Fairfax, the head of the family, who had come to America to live, Washington, then only sixteen years of age, was appointed surveyor of the Fairfax property; and an appointment as public surveyor soon followed.
The expenses of every defensive war which the commissioners declared to be just were to be defrayed by the several colonies in proportion to their number of men and boys between the ages of sixteen and sixty.
In 441 a synod of sixteen bishops was held at Orange under the presidency of St Hilary of Arles, which adopted thirty canons touching the reconciliation of penitents and heretics; the ecclesiastical right of asylum, diocesan prerogatives of bishops, spiritual privileges of the defective or demoniac, the deportment of catechumens at worship, and clerical celibacy (forbidding married men to be ordained as deacons, and digamists to be advanced beyond the sub-diaconate).
In 1574 there were 289 ministers and 715 readers; in the district of the presbytery of Auchterarder, which now has fifteen parishes, there were then four ministers and sixteen readers.
When only sixteen years old she had begun to contribute poems to New York periodicals.
At the age of sixteen he entered the Ecole Polytechnique at Paris, and at twenty obtained his first appointment in the civil service.
In the year 1870 - a date that for many reasons marks the opening of an important era in modern Welsh history - the dissenting bodies of Wales were supporting two quarterly, sixteen monthly and ten weekly papers, all published in the vernacular and all read largely by peasants, colliers and artisans.
Double sets of plates are placed on the main machine, which is capable of taking twenty-four pages, but by using narrower rolls the number of pages may be reduced to either sixteen or twenty if a smaller paper is desired.
At the age of sixteen he entered the naval school at Brest, and after serving with distinction in various ships, was appointed in 1856 to the command of the "Bisson."
In the next ten years no fewer than sixteen new mills were erected and equipped with modern machinery from Great Britain, while in 1907 there were thirty-nine mills engaged in the industry.
They might then have been written by one who, as a young man of sixteen or twenty, had witnessed the terrible scenes of fifty years before.
Sixteen years before his accession to the throne, John III., then duke of Finland, had wedded Catherine Jagiellonica, the sister of Sigis somewhat of a theological expert, was largely influenced by these " middle " views.
Sixteen days later the Articles of Kalmar, signed by John and Sigismund, regulated the future relations between the two countries when, in process of time, Sigismund should succeed his father as king of Sweden.
In September 1900 a fresh outburst of hostile feeling against Chile was created in Argentina by a note addressed by the Chilean government to Bolivia, intimating that Chile was no longer inclined to hand over the port of Arica or any other port on the Pacific, but considered the time ripe for a final settlement of the questions connected with the Chilean occupation of Bolivian territory, which had now been outstanding for sixteen years.
Of the sixteen provisions the one which provoked the greatest opposition was that which declared in effect that criminous clerks were to be summoned to the king's court, and from there, after formal accusation and defence, sent to the proper ecclesiastical court for trial.
Fifteen or sixteen years later it was repeatedly pointed out to the authorities that the revenues from the customs of the Persian Gulf would be much increased if control were exercised at all the ports, particularly the small ones where smuggling was being carried on on a large scale, and in 1883 the shah decided upon the acquisition of four or five steamers, one to be purchased yearly, and instructed the late Au Kuli Khan, Mukhber ad-daulah, minister of telegraphs, to obtain designs and estimates from British and German firms. The tender of a well-known German firm at Bremerhaven was finally accepted, and one of the ministers sons then residing in Berlin made the necessary contracts for the first steamer.
In the parish of Tottenham nineteen attempts at burglary were made in six weeks, and sixteen were entirely successful.
More than sixteen millions of acres were ceded by the Indians to the United States in treaties which he negotiated.
The first scientific attempt to employ portions of raw organs in the treatment of disease was made by Lauder Brunton in diabetes in 1873, sixteen years before Brown-Sequard's paper on the effect of testicular juice.
Some compositions in English poetry, written at sixteen, and not without a touch of genius, give evidence of the influence which Bowles, whose poems were then in vogue, had over his mind at this time.
Already in 1662 the king had sent Sir Richard Bellings to Rome to arrange the terms of England's conversion, and now in 1668 he was in correspondence with Oliva, the general of the Jesuits in Rome, through James de la Cloche, the eldest of his natural sons, of whom he had become the father when scarcely sixteen during his residence at Jersey.
A few days after his arrival at Agen he fell in love with a charming orphan of thirteen, Andiette de Rogues Lobejac. Her friends objected to her marriage with an unknown adventurer, but in 1528 he had obtained so much success as a physician that the objections of her family were overcome, and at forty-five he married Andiette, who was then sixteen.
He encouraged Grotius when only a youth of sixteen to edit Capella; the early death of the younger Douza he wept as that of a beloved son; Daniel Heinsius, from being his favourite pupil, became his most intimate friend.
There is no reason to doubt that the sixteen satires which we possess were given to the world in the order in which we find them, and that they were divided, as they are referred to in the ancient grammarians, into five books.
He was an assiduous student, commonly spending sixteen hours a day among his books; but his learning (to quote Justin Winsor's contrast between Increase and Cotton Mather) "usually left his natural ability and his education free from entanglements."
Of these the first twenty-five were entitled the Antiquities of Human Things (Antiquitates Rerum Humanarum), while the remaining sixteen were designated the Antiquities of Things Divine (Antiquitates Rerum Divinarum).
In 1300 the theological professors of Paris agreed in the rejection of sixteen propositions taken from Lombard, but their decision was far from obtaining universal currency.
Muller knew several important forms in 1773, while Ehrenberg in 1830 had advanced to the commencement of a scientific separation and grouping of them, and in 1838 had proposed at least sixteen species, distributing them into four genera.
The gate has been enlarged by two lateral colonnades, each supported by sixteen columns.
Placed in a convent in Paris at an early age, she received a very slight education, learning little but the catechism and drawing; and at the age of sixteen entered a milliner's shop in the rue St Honore.
His son and successor, Wenceslas III., was then only sixteen years of age, and he only ruled over Bohemia for one year.
Some anecdotes of the king's "justice," his favourite and distinguishing attribute during the sixteen years which intervened between the two crusades, are given; then comes the story of Joinville's own refusal to join the second expedition, a refusal which bluntly alleged the harm done by the king's men who stayed at home to the vassals of those who went abroad as the reason of Joinville's resolution to remain behind.
Amendments suggested by the legislature have been frequently adopted, and one, adopted in 1862, provided that the question of a general revision of the constitution shall be submitted to a popular vote once every sixteen years and at such other times as may be provided by law.
In every district having as many as Soo children between the ages of five and twenty the state requires that the school be taught not less than nine months a year; and a compulsory education law requires the attendance of all children between the ages of eight and fifteen for four months each year, in cities all between the same ages for the full school year, and between the ages of seven and sixteen if found frequenting public places without lawful occupation.
At the time of their expulsion (1767) they had sixteen missions which were either self-supporting or were maintained by funds invested for that special purpose.
Wendell Phillips himself attended the public Latin school, entered Harvard College before he was sixteen, and graduated in 1831 in the same class with the historian John Lothrop Motley.
Ten years after the publication of the fourth book and nine after the supposed date of the author's death there appeared at Lyons sixteen chapters entitled l&'le sonnante par maistre Francois Rabelais, and two years later the entire fifth book was printed as such.
Three years later the Moderado party or Castilian Conservatives made their queen marry, at sixteen, her cousin, Prince Francisco de Assisi de Bourbon (1822-1902), on the same day (loth October 1846) on which her younger sister married the duke of Montpensier.
One of his first discoveries at the Pneumatic Institution on the 9th of April 17 9 9 was that pure nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is perfectly respirable, and he narrates that on the next day he became "absolutely intoxicated" through breathing sixteen quarts of it for "near seven minutes."
A similar condition is seen in Pelagia, where the number of gastric pouches is increased to sixteen.
The circular muscles usually form two chief portions, a peripheral wreath-muscle (Kranzmuskel), subdivided into four, eight or sixteen areas, and an oral ring-muscle round the mouth.
The single ephyra carries the sixteen scyphistoma tentacles, which will atrophy and disappear.
The sixteen tentacles of the scyphistoma disappear, and in the place of the four perradial and four interradial tentacles, the eight tentaculocysts of the adult are formed as outgrowths of the subumbral margin, independently of the tentacles of the scyphistoma (Friedemann).
The stomach has sixteen marginal pouches and the general anatomical structure recalls that of Pelagia.
As the 1 The four primitive interradial cathammata disappear in the fully formed ephyra and become replaced by sixteen subradial concrescence-areas without any ostia or ring-canal at the margin.
With sixteen marginal lobes, four rhopalia and twelve tentacles; the rhopalia are perradial in position, corresponding to the angles of the stomach.
Below to left, scyphistoma with sixteen tentacles and first constriction.
To the right, strobila condition of the scyphistoma, consisting of thirteen metameric segments; the uppermost still possesses the sixteen tentacles of the scyphistoma; the remainder have no tentacles, but are ephyrae, each with eight bifid arms (processes of the disc).
In Lychnorhizidae only eight of the sixteen radial canals reach the ring-canal; the genus Crambessa is the best-known representative of the family.
The employment of children under sixteen years of age in any mercantile establishment for more than 10 hours a day, or 55 hours a week, or between 6 o'clock in the evening and 6 o'clock in the morning is prohibited, except one evening each week when they may be permitted to work until 9 o'clock, and except in the evenings from the 15th to the 25th of December when they may be permitted to work until 10 o'clock.
The state supports the following charitable and correctional institutions all under the inspection of a State Department of Charities and Correction (1905); hospitals for the insane at Trenton and Morris Plains; a training-school for feeble-minded children (partly supported by the state) and a home for feeble-minded women at Vineland; a sanatorium for tuberculous diseases at Glen Gardner; a village for epileptics, with a farm of 700 acres, near Skillman, Somerset county; a state home (reform school) for boys near Jamesburg, Middlesex county, and for girls in Ewing township, near Trenton; a state reformatory for criminals sixteen to thirty years of age, near Rahway; a state prison at Trenton; a home for disabled soldiers at Kearney,' Hudson county; a home for disabled soldiers, sailors and their wives at Vineland"; and a school for the deaf at Trenton.
At the age of sixteen he is said to have entered Brasenose College, Oxford, where he was the pupil of John Harding or Hawarden, and had for room-mate Alexander Nowell, afterwards dean of St.
Sixteen years later the population numbered only 456.
This continued to be the main sphere of his activity for sixteen years, and he won especial distinction in his fifteen months' command of the exposed garrison of Tlemcen, a command for which he was selected by Marshal Clausel (1836-1837), and in the defence of Cherchel (1840).
Schemes which set up a larger number of distinct races, such as the eleven of Pickering, the fifteen of Bory de St Vincent and the sixteen of Desmoulins, have the advantage of finding niches for most well-defined human varieties; but no modern naturalist would be likely to adopt any one of these as it stands.
The goats from the Arusi Galla country have fine silky hair which is sometimes sixteen inches long.
School attendance is compulsory for twenty weeks each year in rural districts and for thirty weeks each year in cities of the first and second class for all children between eight and sixteen years.
It was his good fortune to be sent to rule as duke of Parma by right of his mother at the age of sixteen, and thus came under more intelligent influence than he could have found in Spain.
William was but sixteen, and disorder and confusion soon reigned in the land.
On these four expeditions he made collections of plants and animals of inestimable value, including nearly twenty thousand zoological and sixteen thousand botanical specimens.
The attempt (by Clemen and Beer) to place the TenWeeks Apocalypse before 167, because it makes no reference to the Maccabees, is not successful; for where the history of mankind from Adam to the final judgment is despatched in sixteen verses, such an omission need cause little embarrassment, and still less if the author is the determined foe of the Maccabees, whom he would probably have stigmatized as apostates, if he had mentioned them at all, just as he similarly brands all the Sadducean priesthood that preceded them to the time of the captivity.
At the age of thirteen he entered the Ecole Centrale in Caen, and at sixteen and a half the Ecole Polytechnique, where he acquitted himself with distinction.
All persons with an income of £50 vote in the first; all residents in an urban commune who pay taxes amounting to sixteen shillings yearly, with those who have been through the primary course of education, and all members of the liberal professions, retired officers and state pensioners, vote in the second.
He was one of the sixteen commissioners appointed to revise the laws of Scotland, and the volume of the Actis and Constitutionis of the Realme of Scotland known as the Black Acts was, chiefly owing to his care, printed in 1566.
From that date it was governed by a Venetian nobleman with the title of podesta whose office lasted sixteen months.
At the age of sixteen he became a pupil of John Towlerton Leather, the engineer of the Sheffield water-works.
The ox is very generally used as a draught animal in country districts remote from railways; sixteen or eighteen oxen being harnessed to a wagon carrying 3 to 4 tons.
He soon commenced to read the Principia, and at sixteen he had mastered a great part of that work, besides some more modern works on analytical geometry and the differential calculus.
When sixteen he became a clerk in a counting-house in London, and later engaged in commercial pursuits with great success at Charleston until 1771, when he retired from active business.
There are from sixteen to thirty-two simple tentacles, but only eight mesenteries, all of which are complete.
Thirty-two septa are present, six in the entocoeles of the primary cycle of mesenteries, I; six in the entocoeles of the secondary cycle of mesenteries, II; four in the entocoeles of the tertiary cycle of mesenteries, III, only four pairs of the latter being developed; and sixteen in the entocoeles between the mesenterial pairs.
His father was a law officer, and he was educated for a legal career, but at the age of sixteen he enlisted in the regiment of Savoy-Carignan.
In 1743 an assembly of five bishops enacted sixteen canons.
The rules which he laid down for himself, and which are still extant in his handwriting, prescribe sixteen hours a day of close application, and prove, not only the great mental power, but also the extraordinary physical strength he must have possessed, and for which indeed, during his residence at the university, he had been remarkable.
On the other hand, it would seem that, for most educated people, sixteen and seventeen or twenty-six and twenty-seven, and even eighty-six and eighty-seven, are single numbers, just as six and seven are, and are not made up of groups of tens and ones.
The assassination of his nearest kinsman, a mere boy of sixteen, was as unwise as it was cruel.
He left a council of sixteen to rule during his sons minority.
The Foreign Calendar had only got to 1582, but it occupied sixteen printed volumes against one of the Domestic Calendar.
In the time of Sulla the number was fifteen, which was increased to sixteen by Julius Caesar.
This contains the whole of the English edition in sixteen volumes, with a reprint of the Account of the European Settlements in America which is not in the English edition.
He was accepted as a novice at the age of sixteen, and sent to pursue his studies at the College Louis le Grand in Paris.
A child between fourteen and sixteen years of age may be employed at a gainful occupation only upon the recommendation of the school principal or clerk of the board of education.
No child under sixteen years of age may .be employed longer than fifty-five hours in any one week, more than ten hours in any one day, more than six days in any one week, or between 6 o p.m.
He contrived his sector about the year 1606, and wrote a description of it in Latin, but it was more than sixteen years afterwards before he allowed the book to appear in English.
In the neighbourhood also a great railway viaduct spans the Dinting valley with sixteen arches.
The harbours freeze for a few days in winter, as also does the bay occasionally, navigation being interrupted every year for an average of sixteen days; though this is materially shortened by the use of an ice-breaker.
Somewhat later the Convention declared itself to be the only centre of authority, and executive business was parcelled out among sixteen committees.
The immense treasure of gold, silver, bronze, fine stone and ivory objects, which was buried with the sixteen corpses in this circle, is worth intrinsically more than any treasure-trove known to have been found in any land, and it revealed once for all the character of a great civilization preceding the Hellenic. The find was deposited at Athens, and gradually cleaned and arranged in the Polytechnic; and the discoverer, publishing his Mycenae in English in 1877, had his full share of honours and fame.
Mechithar formally joined the Latin Church, and in 1701, with sixteen companions, he formed a definitely religious institute of which he became the superior.
The Taw is here crossed by a stone bridge of sixteen arches, said to have been built in the 12th or 13th century.
In 1606 there were twenty-two Birkarlians in Tornio, seventeen in Lule, sixteen in Pite, and sixty-six in Ume Lappmark.
But he was not entirely self-educated; at sixteen he entered the college of his native place, though his family was so poor that he could not procure the necessary books, and had to borrow them from his mates in order to copy the lessons.
His first recorded observation was made before he was sixteen, and the presentation of an elaborate lunar map procured for him admission to the Academy, on the 21st of April 1736, at the early age of twenty.
Each district school must be open at least three months each year, and children between the ages of eight and sixteen are required to attend either a public or a private school, unless excused because of physical or mental infirmity.
The state has a hospital for the insane at Fort Supply, the Whitaker Orphans' Home at Pryor Creek, the Oklahoma School for the Blind at Fort Gibson and the Oklahoma School for the Deaf at Sulphur; and the legislature of 1908 appropriated money for the East Oklahoma Hospital for the Insane at Vinita, a School for the Feeble-Minded at Enid, a State Training School for Boys at Wynnewood and a State Reformatory (at Granite, Greer county) for first-time convicts between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five.
Sixteen convents and fourteen monasteries were founded by her efforts; she wrote a history of her foundations, which forms a supplement to her autobiography.
In its extreme eastern part is the small village of Sixteen Acres; north-west of the main part of the city on the Connecticut river is another village, Brightwood (on the Boston & Maine railway) and on the Chicopee river, north-east of the business part of the city, is the village of Indian Orchard, served by the Athol division of the Boston & Albany railway.
During the last sixteen years of his life (338-322) he rendered services to Athens not less important, and Municipal more difficult, than those which he had activity.
He showed particular aptitude for languages and mathematics, and it is said that at the age of sixteen he was invited to lecture on rhetoric at the college.
From school at Sleaford in Lincolnshire he passed at the age of sixteen to the nonconformist academy at Northampton, of which Dr Doddridge was then president.
Ptolemy gives the names of sixteen peoples in Ireland, several of which can be identified.
Born in Britain about 389, he had been carried into slavery in Ireland when a youth of sixteen.
This at once provoked war between the two monarchies, English and French, which, including periods of truce, lasted for a hundred and sixteen years.
But Paris being dominated by the duke of Mayenne, who had escaped assassination, and by the council of Sixteen, the chiefs of the League.
Fortunately, however, the Sixteen had disgusted the upper bourgeoisie by their demagogic airs; while their open alliance with Philip II., and their acceptance of a Spanish garrison in Paris had offended the patriotism of the Politiques or moderate members of the League.
It was at once evident that the whole tenor of this remarkable work was in flagrant contradiction with the edict passed sixteen years before its publication, as well as with the author's personal pledge of conformity to it.
But from the reign of Reccared till the Arab invasion they met sixteen times in all, generally at Toledo in the church of Santa Leocadia.
This disastrous financial expedient was made good later, the coinage being established on a firm basis during the last sixteen years of Charles's reign in accordance with the principles of Nicolas Oresme.
He was thus ten years the senior of Herod, representing the Byerly Turk, and sixteen years before Eclipse, though long subsequent to Flying Childers, who represent the Darley Arabian.
When he was about sixteen years old, a fire destroyed nearly all his father's property.
The Heiliger Berg, in the immediate vicinity, has sixteen chapels, and a church in the Byzantine style.
It represents an open press fitted with a number (usually sixteen) of iron press plates, between which the cakes are inserted by hand.
The right of bastards to inherit the mother's property is recognized, and the age of consent has been placed at sixteen years.
Sixteen peaks exceed 6000 ft.
He entered the Society of Jesus at the age of sixteen, and after studying at Rome became a classical master in the Jesuit college at Rouen.
He took part in the Morocco campaign of 1859-1860, and distinguished himself in sixteen actions, obtaining the cross of San Fernando, and the rank of lieutenant-colonel.
I was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
Jake's ego was as large as his size sixteen feet.
This is where I prayed you'd be mine — when I was only sixteen.
Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your financial support over the last sixteen months.
This is the long splined shaft with a sixteen inch gear at one end.
The secondary armament must now be built - in all, sixteen 4 " gun turrets.
An incredible sixteen thousand flaming arrows were let fly by a team overseen by special effects supervisor Neil Corbould.
Sixteen routes follow, punctuated with fascinating points of interest along the route - standing stones, springs, cruck barns and chapels.
Of this sixteen acres are assigned to the dairy for the cows, and 12 for the oxen and young bullocks.
He raised twenty-eight bushels of peas and sixteen bushels of peas and sixteen bushels of beans.
Sixteen per cent of couples with dependent children now cohabit rather than marry.
When the ball was played back to McSheffrey, he hit a sixteen yard curler which Austin dived to save.
After leaving school at sixteen I worked in the photographic darkroom of the Morris Motors car factory at Cowley.
Spent the next sixteen years in general veterinary practice being awarded the Fellowship of the RCVS for his thesis entitled Dystocia in the Sow.
There will be sixteen unframed landscape etchings on display from 2nd November 2002 until 28th February 2003.
Over the years sixteen young fledglings have been produced.
A further flight of sixteen steps leads down to the stalls foyer.
I was about sixteen at the time and a lot fitter than I am now and couldn't understand the fuss!
When he was sixteen, he became an apprentice goldsmith with his uncle, but did not complete his apprenticeship.
When it did so, sixteen years after Halleys death, Newtonian gravitation received a great boost and the comet was named after Halley.
The Beagle - another athletic hare hunting hound yet only sixteen inches high.
Sixteen objects (31 %) have a power-law continuum with spectral indices -2.3 - -0.9 that flatten to -1.1 - 0.0 at 20.
The High Street once boasted sixteen inns as Yarm was one of the most important coaching stops on the north-south route.
In fact my raptor count for the day would come to include sixteen kestrels in just 5 hours of birding!
Divinely nourishing, hydrating face oil, bringing serenity and peace to the sixteen petalled lotus - your face!
At Wizard School, master magician Andrew Mayne will teach you sixteen different acts of wizardry.
He succeeded his father on the throne in early manhood, probably about sixteen or eighteen years of age.
My first booklet had 28 major misprints which is pretty good going for sixteen pages.
The Leander squad had eight crews in the top sixteen places winning five pennants!
Like the great, the sixteen top notes of the clarion are composed of flue pipes.
Not many sixteen year olds would dare try a 25-yard screamer against the Champions, Rooney didn't just dare, he buried it.
Up to sixteen workable coal seams are to be found in the district.
Fifth place has seen five out of seventeen teams promoted whilst sixth place has sen five out of sixteen teams promoted.
The Reading number sixteen has previously snubbed moves to Bristol City, Preston, Stoke and the Busan Icons.
New signing Witt had to go to hospital after being kicked in the head and needed sixteen stiches.
That was when he landed on Patty, all sixteen pounds of silver tabby.
For sixteen years Stefan Kiszko suffered unimaginable torment in prison, having been wrongly convicted of her murder.
I hope I was able to deliver a delightful and ever so typical sixteen year old's response.
The first book of nonsense verse was The History of Sixteen Wonderful Women, published in 1829.
Then those sixteen vestal virgins would surely be mine.
The cottages were built in the early sixteen hundreds by Flemish weavers who won permission to build against the outside of the city wall.
The following year the club reached the last sixteen of the FA Cup for the first time.
Until he was sixteen he worked in the shop of his father, a butcher; he then joined an elder brother in London, and there for four years was employed in the piano and flute factory of an uncle, of the firm of Astor & Broadwood.
Sixteen years after his death the French treasurer d'Alibert made arrangements for the conveyance of the ashes to his native land; and in 1667 they were interred in the church of Ste Genevieve du Mont, the modern Pantheon.
At the age of sixteen he commanded in Macedonia during Philip's absence and quelled a rising of the hill-tribes on the northern border; in the following year (338) he headed the charge which broke the Sacred Band at Chaeronea.
The first to attempt to define pitch would seem to have been Arnold Schlick (Musica ausgeteutscht and ausgezogen, Heidelberg, 1 511), who gives a measure, a line of 4s Rhenish inches, which, he says, multiplied sixteen times, should be the lowest F of a small organ.
Its streets are wide and well constructed, and there are sixteen public parks, three of which, East Lake, Lakeview and Capitol, are particularly attractive.
Cromwell sent powerful English fleets to watch the coast of Spain and to prevent communications with the West Indies and America; on the 8th of September 1656 a fleet of treasure ships was destroyed off Cadiz by Stayner, and on the 10th of April 1657 Blake performed his last exploit in the destruction of the whole Spanish fleet of sixteen treasure ships in the harbour of Santa Cruz in Teneriffe.
After the dissolution in 1538 the town sank into decay, and in 1555, on a representation of its pitiable condition, Queen Mary granted a charter establishing it as a free borough corporate with a common council consisting of a mayor, two bailiffs, twelve chief burgesses, and sixteen secondary burgesses, the mayor to be clerk of the market, coroner and a justice of the peace.
The account which has come down to us is that Mantegna began engraving in Rome, prompted by the engravings produced by Baccio Baldini of Florence after Sandro Botticelli; nor is there anything positive to invalidate this account, except the consideration that it would consign all the numerous and elaborate engravings made by Mantegna to the last sixteen or seventeen years of his life, which seems a scanty space for them, and besides the earlier engravings indicate an earlier period of his artistic style.
Significant features were the development of junior high schools, of which there were in 1921 sixteen, and the effective establishment of departmental supervision to coordinate, standardize, and improve the work in each study.
That such a man would ever have used the unparalleled powers of ecclesiastical jurisdiction with which he had been entrusted for a genuine reformation of the church is only a pious opinion cherished by those who regret that the Reformation was left for the secular arm to achieve; and it is useless to plead lack of opportunity on behalf of a man who for sixteen years had enjoyed an authority never before or since wielded by an English subject.
His father, a wealthy manufacturer, having been all but ruined by the French siege, he had, when only sixteen, to apprentice himself to an apothecary in Hamburg, and when twenty-two began to earn his living as an apothecary's assistant at Itzehoe.
He continued for about sixteen years to disseminate his views by writing and teaching, without being directly interfered with by either his civil or ecclesiastical superiors, greatly to the scandal of the multitude and of the zealots, in whose eyes Berengar was 4 ` ille apostolus Satanae," and the academy of Tours the " Babylon nostri temporis."
In Maxwell's Manual, pp. 120 seq., no less than sixteen terms are given to express the different kinds of striking, as many for the different kinds of speaking, eighteen for the various modes of carrying, &c. An unnecessary distinction has been made between High Malay and Low Malay.
At the age of sixteen he entered the Society of Jesus, and was appointed successively professor of rhetoric, philosophy and moral theology, in various colleges of the Order.
The state institutions consist of state hospitals for the insane at St Peter (1866), at Rochester (1877), established originally as a state inebriate asylum under a law taxing liquor dealers for that purpose, which was subsequently held to be unconstitutional, at Fergus Falls (1887), at Anoka (1900) and at Hastings (1900); the state institute for defectives at Faribault, consisting of the schools for the deaf (1863), blind (1874) and feeble-minded (1879); the state public school for dependent and neglected children at Owatonna (1886); a sanatorium for consumptives at Walker; a hospital for indigent, crippled or deformed children (1907) at St Paul; the state training school for boys near Red Wing; a similar industrial school for girls (established separately in 1907) at Sauk Center; the state reformatory at St Cloud (1887), intermediate between the training school and the state prison, for first offenders between the ages of sixteen and thirty years, in which indeterminate sentences and a parole system are in operation; the state prison at Stillwater (1851), in which there is a parole system and a graded system of diminution of sentence for good conduct, and in which, up to 1895, prisoners were leased under contract (especially to the Minnesota Thresher Company), and since 1895 have been employed in the manufacture of shoes and of binding twine, and in providing for the needs of the prison population; and the state soldiers home occupying fifty-one acres adjoining Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis.
In the edict creating this commission (known as Haec quae) Tribonian is named sixth, and is called "virum magnificum, magisteria dignitate inter agentes decoratum" (see Haec quae and Summa reipublicae, prefixed to the Codex.) When the commission of sixteen eminent lawyers was created in 5 3 o for the far more laborious and difficult duty of compiling a collection of extracts from the writings of the great jurists of the earlier empire, Tribonian was made president and no doubt general director of this board.
Great attention has been given lately to the important experiments upon the results of hybridizing certain cultivated varieties of plants which were published so long ago as 1865, by the Abbe Mendel, but failed to attract notice until thirty-five years later, sixteen years after his death (see Mendelism).
With the fixed retorts these valves are worked from time to time by the attendant, but with revolving retorts they are worked continuously and automatically and allow from sixteen to twenty-four ounces of char to escape per minute from each cooler, and so make room in the retort above for a corresponding quantity to enter from the drying floor.
Now by the Malicious Damage Act 1861 the unlawful and malicious destroying or damaging any picture, statue, monument or other memorial of the dead, painted glass or other monument or work of art, in any church, chapel, meeting-place or other place of divine worship is a misdemeanour punishable by imprisonment for six months, and in the case of a male under the age of sixteen years with whipping.
Christianismi restitutio (1553; perfect copies in Vienna and Paris); a copy in Edinburgh University Library is complete except that the missing first sixteen pages are replaced by a transcript from the original draft, containing matter not in the print (this supplementary manuscript was reproduced by photography, 1909); a transcript of other portions of the draft is in the Bibl.
After sixteen years' absence he returned to Bokhara, and there drew up his Sahih, a collection of 7275 tested traditions, arranged in chapters so as to afford bases for a complete system of jurisprudence without the use of speculative law, the first book of its kind (see Mahommedan Law).
Chiefly owing to the brittleness of this material, Lord Rosse's first larger specula were composed of a number of thin plates of speculum metal (sixteen for a 3-foot mirror) soldered on the back of a strong but light framework made of a peculiar kind of brass (2.75 of copper to 1 of zinc), which has the same expansion as his speculum metal.
On the 31st of July, therefore, at Barere's suggestion, it was decreed that the woods of the Vendee should be burnt, the harvest carried off to safe places in rear of the army, the cattle seized, the women and children concentrated in camps in the interior, and that every male from the age of sixteen in the neighbouring regions should be called upon to take arms. Further, on the 1st of August, the troops that had formed the garrison of Mainz, which were unavailable against foreign enemies by the terms of their capitulation to the Austrians, were ordered to Vendee.
One of the finest buildings is the modern Jain temple of Hathi Singh outside the Delhi gate, which was built only in 1848, and is a standing monument to the endurance of Jain architectural art The external porch, between two circular towers, is of great magnificence, most elaborately ornamented, and leads to an outer court, with sixteen cells on either side.
He is said to have composed poems at the age of sixteen, and elegies by him are extant on Hai Gaon (died in 1038) and Jekuthiel (died in 1039), each of which was written probably soon after the death of the person commemorated.
Then in December 530 a new commission was appointed, consisting of sixteen eminent lawyers, of whom the president, the famous Tribonian (who had already served on the previous commission), was an exalted official (quaestor), four were professors of law, and the remaining eleven practising advocates.
The circle of forts, which has a perimeter of nearly 30 m., was in 1895 reinforced by the construction of sixteen new works, and the area of ground enclosed and otherwise protected by the defences of Epinal is sufficiently extensive to accommodate a large army.
On the 21st of September 1567 sentence of degradation and death was passed on him and sixteen others, ambassadors from Florence vainly kneeling to the pope for some mitigation, and on the 1st of October he was publicly beheaded and then burned.
When he was sixteen he entered the Russian navy, and his father's influence procured for him the position of naval aide-de-camp to the emperor Paul.
It is safe to say that the man with seventeen puppies is creating more happiness by giving one each to sixteen friends than he is forgoing by his loss of puppies.
The contributions amounted to more than sixteen hundred dollars.
Please kiss your dear little baby for me, and tell her I have a little brother nearly sixteen months old.
A long time ago Helen said to me, "I would like to live sixteen hundred years."
While I was surveying, the ice, which was sixteen inches thick, undulated under a slight wind like water.
Sonya now was sixteen and she was very pretty, especially at this moment of happy, rapturous excitement.
Now only twelve hundred rubles was left of that money, so that this seven of hearts meant for him not only the loss of sixteen hundred rubles, but the necessity of going back on his word.
Natasha was sixteen and it was the year 1809, the very year to which she had counted on her fingers with Boris after they had kissed four years ago.
Natasha, you are sixteen.
The commander of the artillery of the 3rd Corps, General Fouche, will place the howitzers of the 3rd and 8th Corps, sixteen in all, on the flanks of the battery that is to bombard the entrenchment on the left, which will have forty guns in all directed against it.
And again he started trying to reach the boundary strip in sixteen paces.
So it was at Krasnoe, where they expected to find one of the three French columns and stumbled instead on Napoleon himself with sixteen thousand men.
Whole families of the Rostovs' and Bolkonskis' relations sometimes came to Bald Hills with sixteen horses and dozens of servants and stayed for months.
Not many sixteen year olds would dare try a 25-yard screamer against the Champions, Rooney did n't just dare, he buried it.
Writing music since the age of sixteen, a self-taught guitarist and still professing to learn more every single day.
This is the long splined shaft with a sixteen tooth spur gear at one end on which are mounted the other countershaft gears.
It provided a home and sustenance for sixteen poor persons, one of whom was to act as warden and read prayers daily.
Her were fair wide and handsome and sweet sixteen, And her longs for a ride on me thrashing machine.
I hope I was able to deliver a delightful and ever so typical sixteen year old 's response.
Overall they need about sixteen or more hours of sleep per 24 hour period.
Common sizes for bowling balls range from around six pounds all the way up to around sixteen pounds, but you can commission the creation of a bowling ball that is a different weight.
To date, sixteen pets have been recorded as fatalities related to contaminated pet food.
This meat based formula contains a ratio of approximately eight pounds of fish and chicken meal for every sixteen pounds of cat food.
A well built compost pile should not smell and will produce usable compost in twelve to sixteen weeks.
A trombe wall is an outside masonry wall that's between eight to sixteen inches thick wall that collects heat and redistributes at night.
Along with her staff of sixteen, Hayslip has won numerous design awards and been featured in dozens of publications.
Being sixteen and easily wounded, I just figured she was bored with the show and trying to hurry me along.
Vera Wang has been an established fashion designer for over sixteen years and just recently released her own line of Vera Wang Perfume.
Vera Wang has extensive experience in the fashion industry, including a position at Vogue as Senior Fashion Editor for sixteen years and as a design director at Ralph Lauren.
When choosing your turkey, keep in mind that a fourteen to sixteen pound turkey will feed about 12 people.
There are sixteen countries that border the Mediterranean Sea and this culinary landscape yields many common characteristics.
Additionally, note that this cushion is sixteen inches in diameter and varies between four to seven inches in height.
Online Parent Training provides a free family stress management course for parents and anyone that works with children aged one to sixteen.
In terms of your dancing skills, you can't go wrong with a basic slow dance - if you watch most any high school movie out there, (Sixteen Candles is a fun one) there are some very basic things to do that are very easy.
Let It Ring requires eighteen plus characters and a variable male-female chorus of at least sixteen.
You're sixteen, and while you are underage and living at home, you'll have to abide by your parents wishes and expectations.
Aacap also reports that sixteen through thirty percent of the adolescent population in America is obese, though being overweight and being obese are different things.
Since most teenagers' parents cannot afford to buy them their own car when they turn sixteen, getting a job is often the only option for teenagers who want to purchase a vehicle.
Also, many states will not hire teens under the age of sixteen, due to legal restrictions.
However, with a work permit some fifteen year olds can get the same jobs as a sixteen year old, though the hours probably will not be as long.
While in most states and cases the legal age for teenagers leaving home is eighteen, some teens leave home when they are as young as sixteen.
If a teenager who is sixteen years old wishes to leave home, they must go through a legal process known as emancipation.
Teens who are sixteen or older can be emancipated if they can show a good reason why they should not have to stay at home any longer.
While not all homes are ideal for a teenager to stay in, a lot of teens have a good home life and should not move out when they are sixteen or eighteen.
If a teenager had a princess themed bedroom when she was six, and is now sixteen, she will most likely want a room makeover.
While prom dresses are made especially for teens, you might find yourself interested in wearing one of your mom's old bridesmaid dresses or an aunt's Sweet Sixteen dress.
It wouldn't do to schedule the wedding day for the same weekend the groom to be's grandparents are on a cruise or a cousin has scheduled a sweet sixteen party.
Sixteen different templates are available.
This euphoria usually lasts about eight to sixteen hours depending on the user's tolerance level to the drug.
While a variation on this style was what girls used to wear until they were close to sixteen, these days tweens and young teens prefer something a bit more adult.
Their current denim jackets for girls from age seven to sixteen is a variation on the classic Trucker, called theUpdated Trucker - Uncrushed.
Currently no cruise lines in the US offer cruises for adults only; however in the UK the Thomson Cruise Fleet offers one adult ship (The Calypso), which requires passengers be at least sixteen years of age.
The Labrador has held the number one spot for sixteen years.
They have sold over sixteen million records, have sent eight songs to the top of the U.S. country charts, and have won numerous musical awards including a Grammy in 2006 for best country song.
The poem was published after his death and initially consisted of sixteen four-line stanzas.
For some children, getting their ears pierced may be a suitable occasion to get an adult jewelry box, while for others, it may be a perfect sweet sixteen birthday present.
A plus size model usually ranges from size eight on the low side up to sizes fourteen, sixteen and beyond.
The Resurrection Retirement Community, located on sixteen acres in Chicago's northwest side on West Peterson Avenue, is part of Resurrection Health Care.
The Dragon Mystery Tour is a way for unsponsored kids, sixteen and under, to showcase their artistic talents to the company.
Judging skiers in four divisions (fifteen and under, sixteen and up, ski, and girls), this contest promises to be the culmination of art and fast action sports.
No less than sixteen different lens colors are available here and the wearer can choose between standard lenses or polarized lenses.
The hit television show Survivor debuted in May 2000 by pitting sixteen contestants against one another on Palau Tiga, an island in Borneo.
You'll learn relatively early in the game that you can perform powerful tag team combos with almost any two of the sixteen characters available.
For example, if you roll double fours, you get to move a total of sixteen spaces!
Cairanne is one of the sixteen villages in the Côtes-du-Rhône Villages designation and also one of the best, with wines that show depth, dark fruit, lively spice, and good tannins for aging.
There are a total of sixteen possible combinations of personality types on the MBTI.
About sixty hours after fertilization, approximately sixteen cells have formed to what is called a morula, still enclosed by the zona pellucida; three days after fertilization, the morula enters the uterus.
She fell in love with dance at the age of sixteen, after seeing her first formal dance performance, and decided to commit her life to the arts.
By dividing the routine into these parts - the beginning, middle, and end, and then further down into eight (or sometimes sixteen) beat increments, remembering the moves and teaching them to others becomes easy.
However, she showed amazing talent from a very early age, beginning serious dance training at age seven and debuting in Paris at age sixteen to critical acclaim.
Whether your child is a six year old building a wall with Lego blocks or a sixteen year old designing a website, he is learning and using valuable skills.
As many as sixteen English banks submit each of the interest rates they would charge other banks to borrow money for maturities from overnight to 12 months.
Gwen and Gavin first met in 1995, when No Doubt opened for Bush during the Sixteen Stone tour.
While teen pregnancy rates are dropping to date and have been declining steadily (the percentage of teens having sex decreased sixteen percent between 1991 and 2007), some teens are more susceptible to teenage pregnancy.
Available in sixteen colors, you can purchase this suit for $75.00 US.
Incredibly becoming in a halter-tie top and full coverage bottoms, girls seven through sixteen everywhere will appreciate this look.
Our target customer is a figure conscious and fashion savvy woman between the age of 25 and 35, but in reality our customers range in age from sixteen to sixty!
It is versatile, having sixteen different options for grinding and retails for between $150 and $100.
These all fit the basic diameter of twelve, thirteen and sixteen inches.
Chess is a strategy board game involving 32 pieces--sixteen each for white and black--that you maneuver around aneight square by eight square board that alternates white and black squares.
In a game of chess each player has sixteen game pieces.
They are generally used for "milestone" birthdays, such as sweet sixteen, or for each decade.
The selection of paraffin wax includes sixteen different types and blends.
For nearly sixteen years, he led the nation through the turbulent times that marked the Great Depression and the Second World War from a wheelchair.
Whether it is a sweet sixteen birthday or just the local gang with some upbeat music, a teen dance party can be an exciting way to burn some calories.
You only have to be sixteen years of age.
Traditional cards are often written in versed poetry with four, eight, twelve or sixteen lines.
A sixteen inch backpack in beige and pink, replete with cursive "Hannah" across the front, glitter, scattered sequins. and a charm chain.