Situated Sentence Examples
His house was situated seven miles from the office and about the same distance from Betsy and me.
The town is charmingly situated on a small plateau, 1680 ft.
It is beautifully situated in the centre of a valley basin on a plateau 3500 ft.
Too bad it isn't situated in the mountains of California.
The town of Barwani is situated near the left bank of the Nerbudda.
It is situated at the east.
The cottage is situated on the Spey river amidst scenery of surpassing loveliness.
In 1752 its capital was situated on the right bank of the Guapore river and was named Villa Bella da Santissima Trindade de Matto Grosso, but in 1820 the seat of government was removed to Cuyaba and Villa Bella has fallen into decay.
Geertruidenberg, Heusden, Ravestein and Grave are all similarly situated.
The lake is situated about 850 ft.
AdvertisementIt is upon a small island in the middle of this tank that the Golden Temple is now situated.
It is situated in a malarious, almost desert plain, 9 m.
It is prettily situated amongst orchards and possesses a cathedral.
Neuwerk and Scharhorn, situated off the mouth of the Elbe, are islands belonging to the state of Hamburg.
The interior of Greenland contains both summer and winter a pole of cold, situated in the opposite longitude to that of Siberia, with which it is well able to compete in extreme severity.
AdvertisementCarne, in Cathays Park, where the registry of the university of Wales (of which the college is a constituent) is also situated.
The commercial greatness of Cardiff is due to the vast coal and iron deposits of the country drained by the Taff and Rhymney, between whose outlets the town is situated.
Situated on the northern border of the Central Plateau, the department slopes from south to north.
A third Epidaurus was situated in Illyricum, on the site of the present Ragusa Vecchia; but it is not mentioned till the time of the civil wars of Pompey and Caesar, and has no special interest.
Calderwood Castle on Rotten Calder Water, near High Blantyre, is situated amid picturesque scenery.
AdvertisementThe city is situated in an agricultural and cotton-raising region, and has cotton compresses and gins, cotton mills, cotton-seed oil refineries, foundries and machine shops, and furniture and wagon factories.
For an inland state Minnesota is exceptionally well situated to play a chief part in the commercial life of the country, and various causes combine to make it important in respect to its interstate and foreign trade.
The north-eastern portion of the Aegean, owing to its proximity to the coast of Thrace, was known as the Thracian Sea, and in this were situated the islands of Thasos, Samothrace and Imbros.
The vascular system itself is quite peculiar, consisting of lacunae and channels destitute of endothelium, situated within the thickness of the basementmembrane of the body-wall, of the gut-wall and of the mesenteries.
The harbour town is Adamanta; from this there is an ascent to the plateau above the harbour, on which are situated Plaka, the chief town, and Kastro, rising on a hill above it, and other villages.
AdvertisementIt is situated on the Aupa, a tributary of the Elbe, at the foot of the Riesengebirge, and possesses a beautiful church built in 1283 and restored in 1768.
The highest peaks are situated in the still unexplored district of Talikan, N.W.
Water is plentiful in the Elburz, and situated in well-watered valleys and gorges are innumerable flourishing villages, embosomed in gardens and orchards, with extensive cultivated fields and meadows, and at higher altitudes small plateaus, under snow until March or April, afford cool camping grounds to the nomads of the plains, and luxuriant grazing to their sheep and cattle during the summer.
Burauen is situated in a rich hemp-growing region, and hemp is its only important product.
It is situated on the North Esk and near the West Water, which falls into the Esk 2 m.
It is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence near the confluence of the upper branches of the river Stour.
Situated on the north bank of the Teith, here crossed by a three-arched bridge, and sheltered by a ridge of wooded hills, it is in growing repute as a health resort.
The largest of these is situated in the centre of Cheduba island.
Kyaukse town is situated on the Zawgyi River and on the Rangoon-Mandalay railway line, and is well laid out in regular streets, covering an area of about a square mile.
It is a well-to-do place, beautifully situated near the Lake of Varese, and for this reason a favourite summer and autumn resort of the Milanese, who have numerous country houses in the vicinity.
There is some reason, however, to suppose that before this the capital of the Monomotapa was situated much farther south, and it may plausibly be identified with the most extensive ruins as yet known, viz.
In it is situated the Royal Observatory, built in 1675 for the advancement of navigation and nautical astronomy.
The Prytaneum, mentioned by Pausanias, and probably the original centre of the ancient city, was situated somewhere east of the northern cliff of the Acropolis.
It is picturesquely situated in a shallow defile of the Chiltern Hills, towards their western face.
Birmingham is situated in Jones Valley, between two mountains which lie south-east and north-west of the city.
Birmingham, situated in an immensely rich iron, coal and limestone region, is the principal manufacturing centre in the state, and the most important centre for the production and manufacture of iron in the southern states.
Fleas are wingless insects, with a laterally compressed body, small and indistinctly separated head, and short thick antennae situated in cavities somewhat behind and above the simple eyes, which are always minute and sometimes absent.
The capital is Ciudad Bolivar, formerly called Angostura, which is situated on the right bank of the Orinoco about 240 m.
Its chief town and the residence of the governor used to be Joshekan-Kali, a large village with fine gardens, formerly famous for its carpets (kali), but now the chief place is Maimeh, a little city with a population of 2500, situated at an elevation of 6670 ft., about 63 m.
It is situated between the Fischa and the Leitha and is close to the Hungarian frontier.
It is pleasantly situated in the midst of a fertile country near the source of the Arun.
The old town is picturesquely situated on a lofty declivity, which includes the most easterly point of land in England.
The naval arsenal is situated on the " north basin " of the Buenos Aires port, and the military port at Bahia Blanca is provided with a dry dock of the largest size, and extensive repair shops.
Its consistories are grouped into two special synods, one at Paris and one at Montbliard (for the department of Doubs and Haute-Sane and the territory of Belfort, where the churches of this denomination are principally situated).
Other groups of less importance are situated in the Lyonnais (Roanne and Tarare) and Mayenne (Laval and Mayenne).
It is situated in a bare and rocky country near the western shore of lake Runn.
The chief town is Aegina, situated at the north-west end of the island, the summer residence of many Athenian merchants.
It is situated on the seaward slope of the South Downs; the position is sheltered from inclement winds, and the climate is generally mild.
According to his theory, the part of Jerusalem known as Jebus was situated on the western hill, and the outlying fort of Zion on the eastern hill.
The description given by Procopius does not indicate clearly where this church was situated.
It is situated in a fertile plain 142 m.
This is Mount Wingen, situated in a spur of the Liverpool Range and close to the town of Scone.
The Brisbane river, falling into Moreton Bay, is important chiefly from the fact that the city of Brisbane is situated on its banks.
It is situated beyond the river Darling, and close to the boundary between New South Wales and South Australia.
The chief mines belong to the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Co., and are situated on the west side of the island with an outlet by rail to Strahan on the west coast.
The principal mine in New South Wales is situated at Kingsgate, in the New England district, where the mineral is generally associated with molybdenum and gold.
The mines, however, are situated too far from the coast to permit of serious competition with Newcastle in an export trade, and the output is practically restricted to supplying local requirements.
The coal-fields of New South Wales are situated in three distinct regions - the northern, southern and western districts.
The ancient town, traces of the fortifications of which still exist, was situated near Lacco, at the N.W.
It is pleasantly situated in the upper valley of the Wye, in a bend of the river on its right bank below the confluence of its tributary the Irfon.
St Mary's in Builth, took its name from the ancient territorial division of Buallt in which it is situated, which was, according to Nennius, an independent principality in the beginning of the 9th century, and later a cantrev, corresponding to the modern hundred of Builth.
The descent from the summits of the range into the plain is somewhat less abrupt on the western than it is on the eastern side, and between the foot of the mountains and the Strait of Malacca the largest known alluvial deposits of tin are situated.
Only two tin lodes are worked, however, and both are situated on the east coast, the one at Kuantan in Pahang, the other at Bandi in Trengganu territory.
There is considerable reason to think, however, that the more frequent ports of call in the Straits of Malacca were situated in Sumatra, rather than on the shores of the Malay Peninsula, and two famous medieval travellers, Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta, both called and wintered at the former, and make scant mention of the latter.
It is situated on the river Fal, and has some industry in tanning.
Notre-Dame d'Afrique, a church built (1858-1872) in a mixture of the Roman and Byzantine styles, is conspicuously situated, overlooking the sea, on the shoulder of the Bu Zarea hills, m.
The county is situated mostly in the basin of the Erne, which divides the county into two nearly equal sections.
It is situated on the site of the ancient Suessa Aurunca, on a small affluent of the Liri.
Amongst the places of interest round Marienbad is the basaltic rock of Podhorn (2776 ft.), situated about 3 m.
The horns, usually present in both sexes, are small and straight, situated far back on the forehead; and between them rises the crest-like tuft of hair from which the genus takes its scientific name.
Maceio is attractively situated in the midst of large plantations of coco-nut and dende palms, though the broad sandy beach in front and the open sun-burned plain behind give a barren character to its surroundings.
It is situated on the canal from Bruges to Sluys (Ecluse), but in the middle ages a navigable channel or river called the Zwyn gave ships access to it from the North Sea.
The capital of the little province is Natanz, a large village with a population of about 3000, situated 69 m.
It was the most northern of the Ionian cities, and was situated on the coast of the peninsula which separates the gulf of Cyme, occupied by Aeolian settlers, from the Hermaean Gulf, on which stood Smyrna and Clazomenae.
The town, built of grey granite, presents a handsome appearance, and being delightfully situated in the midst of the most beautiful pine and birch woods in Scotland, with pure air and a bracing climate, is an attractive resort.
It is well situated on a hill forming part of the plateau of la Goole, and is known as Dammartin-en-Goole to distinguish it from Dammartin-sousTigeaux, a small commune in the same department.
The town is finely situated upon a group of hills nearly 1000 ft.
Beneath the epidermis is a longitudinal layer of muscle-fibres which are separated into four distinct groups by the dorsal, ventral and lateral areas; these are occupied by a continuation of the epidermic layer; in the lateral areas run two thin-walled tubes with clear contents, which unite in the anterior part of the body and open by a pore situated on the ventral surface usually about a quarter or a third of the body length from the anterior end.
The village is situated in a farming country, about 1700 ft.
Thus the speed on a line at which the repeater is situated exactly midway will be four times that of the line worked direct.
A totally reflecting prism placed inside the glass cylinder projects the light which penetrates the film upon a selenium cell situated at the end of the cylinder.
The indicator was connected with a Ruhmkorff coil or other equivalent apparatus, designed to cause a continual succession of sparks to pass between the indicator and a metal plate situated beneath it and having a plane surface parallel to its line of motion.
It was conveniently situated opposite to the Carthaginian territory in Africa, and was early noted for its harbour.
The town dates from 1852, is attractively situated, and is regularly laid out with broad, straight streets crossing each other at right angles.
The best known and the most extensive of these lagoons is that in which Venice is situated, which extends from Torcello in the north to Chioggia and Brondolo in the south, a distance of above 40 m.; but they were formerly much more extensive, and afforded a continuous means of internal navigation, by what were called "the Seven Seas" (Septem Maria), from Ravenna to Altinum, a few miles north of Torcello.
Such is the basin of Lake Fucino, situated in the centre of the mass, almost exactly midway between the two seas, at an elevation of 2180 ft.
The most important of these, the Lacus Fucinus of the ancients, now called the Lago di Celano, situated almost exactly in the centre of the peninsula, occupies a basin of considerable extent, surrounded by mountains and without any natural outlet, at an elevation of more than 2000 ft.
The barley zone is geographicall xtensive but embraces not more than 1% of the total area, of whic raif is situated in Sardinia and Sicily.
The electric power required fcir the tramways and the illuminatiQn of Rome is entirely supplied by turbines situated at Tivoli, and this is the case elsewhere, and the harnessing of this waterpower is capable of very considerable extension.
Navigable canals had in 1886 a total length of abput 655 m.; they are principally situated in Piedmont, Lombardy and Venetia, and are thus practically confined to the P0 basin.
Of these, 126 monasteries and 90 convents were situated in the city, 51 monasteries and 22 convents in the suburbicariates.
These establishments are, however, unsatisfactory, being mostly situated on small islands, where it is often difficult to find work for the coatti, who are free by day, being only confined at night.
Lincoln is situated in a productive grain region, and has valuable coal mines.
It is picturesquely situated in Eagle valley, near the east base of the Sierra Nevada, at an elevation of 4720 ft.
It is situated in the Sivas-Samsun chausee, altitude 2280 ft., at the mouth of a rocky glen which opens out to the broad valley of the Tozanli Su, a tributary of the Yeshil Irmak.
The sense-cells form, in the first place, a diffuse system of scattered sensory cells, as in the polyp, developed chiefly on the manubrium, the tentacles and the margin of the umbrella, where they form a sensory ciliated epithelium covering the nerve-centres; in the second place, the sense-cells are concentrated to form definite sense-organs, situated always at the margin of the umbrella, hence often termed " marginal bodies."
When otocysts are present, they are at least eight in number, situated adradially, but are often very numerous.
Never more than one pneumatophore is found in a cormus, and when present it is always situated at the highest point above the swimming bells, if these are present also.
It is situated on the right bank of the Moselle, about 6 m.
In the park is also situated the Museum of Fine Arts, completed in 1902.
Most of the charitable institutions - for instance, the convalescent home, fever hospital, home for girls and Red House home - are situated at Inveresk, about 12 m.
It is situated at the mouth of an arm of Hauraki Gulf, and is only 6 m.
Devonport, Birkenhead and Northcote are beautifully situated on the north shore of the inlet, and are served by steam-ferries.
The city is situated on the south bank of the Ganges, 40 m.
Its opening, the vent, is situated either on the middle line at the base of the tail, or on the right side, as if to balance the sinistral position of the spiraculum.
Here is situated the Randolph-Macon College (Methodist Episcopal, South), one of the oldest Methodist Episcopal colleges in the United States.
These rivers follow the general slope of the department, which is from south-east, where the Bois du Mont (1200 ft.), the highest point, is situated, to north-west.
In the Fucaceae, on the other hand, there is a single prismatic apical cell situated at the bottom of a groove at the growing apex of the thallus, which cuts off cells from its sides to add to the peripheral, and from its base to add to the central permanent cells.
Besides the hydrom and leptom, and situated between them, there is a tissue which perhaps serves to conduct soluble carbohydrates, and whose cells are ordinarily full of starch.
Stomata are often situated at the bottom of pits in the surface of the leaf.
In a second type they are situated at the ends of tracheal strands and consist of groups of richly protoplasmic cells belonging to the epidermis (as in the leaves of many ferns), or to the subjacent tissue (the commonest type in flowering plants); in this last case the cells in question are known as epithem.
Above each cavity is situated a so-called water-sloma, no doubt derived phylogenetically from an ordinary stoma, and enclosed by guard-cells which have nearly or entirely lost the power of movement.
This last type of hydathode is usually situated on the edge of the leaf.
When there is a single protoxylem strand in the centre of the stele, or when, as is more commonly the case, there are several protoxylem strands situated at the internal limit of the xylem,, the centre of the stem being occupied by parenchyma, the stele is endarch.
The remaining bundles (compensation bundles) which go to make up the cylinder are such as have branched off from the leaf-traces, and will, after joining with others similarly given off, themselves form the traces of leaves situated at a higher level on the stem.
The leaf trace of any given leaf rarely consists of a single bundle only (unifascicular); the number of bundles of any given trace is always odd; they may either be situated all together before they leave the stele or they may be distributed at intervals round the stele.
Further growth in length of the stem is thenceforward confined to the apical growing point situated between the cotyledons.
Where a large-celled pith is developed this often becomes obvious very early, and in some cases it appears to have separate initials situated below those of the hollow vascular cylinder.
Others are devoted to the work of carrying it to the protoplasts situated in the interior and at the extremities of the plant, a conducting system of considerable complexity being the result.
The responding part is situated some little distance farther back, being in fact the region where growth is active.
There is consequently a transmission of the stimulus from the sensitive organ to a kind of motor mechanism situated some little way off.
The forests of these subtropical and warm temperate regions are situated near the sea or in mountainous regions, and (as already stated) are characterized by winter rains.
For example, in southern Algeria, a region of steppes is situated on a flat plateau, about 3000 ft.
The western emporium known in the scriptures as Tarshish was probably situated in the south of Spain, possibly at Cadiz, although some writers contend that it was Carthage in North Africa.
The city is finely situated on high bluffs above the lake, and is widely known for its healthiness.
It is situated on the Trnava, and has played an important role in the ecclesiastical history of Hungary.
There are only two or three vertebrae which are equivalent to those of the reptiles; these true sacrals are situated in a level just behind the acetabulum; as a rule between these two primary sacral vertebrae issues the last of the spinal nerves which contributes to the composition of the sciadic plexus.
The nasal cavity communicates with the mouth by the choanae or posterior flares, situated between the palatine process of the maxillary, the palatine and the vomer.
It is beautifully situated in the valley of the river Eger, an affluent of the Theiss, and on the eastern outskirts of the Matra mountains.
The town is picturesquely situated 690 ft.
In this vicinity was situated, at the time of the Christian era, the Parthian city of Spasini-Charax, which was succeeded by Bahman Ardashir (Bamishir) under the Sassanians, and by Moharzi under the Arabs.
The fact also that many of the most ancient of these ruins, like Ur, Lagash (Sirpurla), Larsa, Erech, Nippur, Sippara and Babylon, were situated on the banks of the great canals would indicate that the control of the waters of the rivers by a system of canalization and irrigation was one of the first achievements of civilization.
The town, which is situated about 2 m.
It is situated on the isthmus between the gulfs of S Eufemia and of Squillace, the narrowest part of Calabria, 970 ft.
The public buildings include the palace of the governor-general, situated in a spacious botanical and zoological garden, the large military hospital, the cathedral of St Joseph, the Paul Bert college, and the theatre.
Orihuela is situated in a beautiful and exceedingly fertile huerta, or tract of highly cultivated land, at the foot of a limestone bridge, and on both sides of the river Segura, which divides the city into two parts, Roig and San Augusto, and is spanned by two bridges.
The city of Rionero in Volture is pleasantly situated 27 m.
It is situated on the Pruth, and has an active trade in agricultural products.
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich (1711-1765), Russian poet and man of science, was born in the year 1711, in the village of Denisovka (the name of which was afterwards changed in honour of the poet), situated on an island not far from Kholmogori, in the government of Archangel.
The river Nuon also is situated 20 or 30 m.
It is pleasantly situated at the junction of several small streams forming the river Lune, in a deep valley surrounded by high-lying moors.
It is situated on Brassay Sound, a fine natural harbour, on the east coast of the island called Mainland, 115 m.
Between them is situated, sometimes asymmetrically, the prominent intromittent organ.
The nervous system is remarkably concentrated in some beetles, the abdominal ganglia showing a tendency to become shifted forward and crowded together, and in certain chafers all the thoracic and abdominal ganglia are fused into a single nervecentre situated in the thorax, - a degree of specialization only matched in the insectan class among the Hemiptera and some muscid flies.
They breathe by piercing the surface film with the tail, where a pair of spiracles are situated.
The American engineer is more fortunately situated than his English brother with regard to the possibility of a solution, as will be seen from the comparative diagrams of construction gauges, figs.
It is situated on Carlingwark Loch, 191 m.
It is a well-built but uninteresting industrial town, situated on the left bank of the Ergolz stream, and is the' most populous town in the entire canton of Basel, after Basel itself.
Yahweh ceased to be exclusively regarded as god of the atmosphere, worshipped in a distant mountain, Horeb-Sinai, situated in the south country (negebh),and moving in the clouds of heaven before the Israelites in the desert, but he came to be associated with Israel's life in Canaan.
In the eastern and western portions of this city are situated the residences of the highest dignitaries of the empire; while beyond its confines on the south stand the offices of the six of f icial boards which direct the affairs of the eighteen provinces.
In the neighbourhood are the ruins of Fort St David situated on the river Gadilam, which has been as stirring a history as any spot in the Presidency.
Tipperary, Ireland, pleasantly situated on undulating ground connecting the Devil's Bit and the Slieve Bloom mountains.
Of the manufacturing establishments in the state in 1900, 109, or 47.8%, were situated in Reno, Carson City and Virginia City, named in the order of their importance.
The port of Ravenna, situated about 3 miles from the city, was named Classis.
It is situated about 20 m.
Early in 1881 he was appointed assistant prosecuting attorney of Hamilton (disambiguation)|Hamilton county (in which Cincinnati is situated), but resigned in 1882 on being appointed collector of internal revenue of the United States for the first district of Ohio.
It is situated in the valley of the Aar, on the right bank of that river, and at the southern foot of the range of the Jura.
The city of Rome is an example of what can be done by drainage; situated in the midst of malaria, it is itself quite healthy.
It is situated between the mouths of the Adige and the Po, about 13z m.
It is situated in a beautiful country, the buildings extending partly over the hill occupied by the monastery and partly over the valley below.
This peak is situated on the threefold boundary of Carinthia, Carniola and Styria, and affords a magnificent view of the whole Alpine neighbouring region.
It is situated on the Findhorn, which sweeps past the town and is crossed by a suspension bridge about a mile to the W., 11 m.
The springs are situated in the valley of the Lima, a tributary of the Serchio; and the district is known in the early history of Lucca as the Vicaria di Val di Lima.
Baena is picturesquely situated near the river Marbella, on the slope of a hill crowned with a castle, which formerly belonged to the famous captain Gonzalo de Cordova.
It is situated at the head of Loch Ryan, an arm of the North Channel (Irish Sea), 59 m.
It stands in grounds 4000 acres in extent, which include the White and Black Lochs and the ruins of Castle Kennedy, finely situated on the isthmus between the lakes.
Four miles west by north of Stranraer is situated Lochnaw Castle, the ancient seat of the Agnews, who were hereditary sheriffs of Galloway till 1747, when hereditable jurisdictions were abolished.
The city is situated in a rich agricultural region, and is a market for grain, neat cattle, horses and swine.
Honiton (Honetona, Huneton) is situated on the British Icknield Street, and was probably the site of an early settlement, but it does not appear in history before the Domesday Survey, when it was a considerable manor, held by Drew (Drogo) under the count of Mortain, who had succeeded Elmer the Saxon, with a subject population of 33, a flock of 80 sheep, a mill and 2 salt-workers.
It is pleasantly situated in a wooded hollow, in the upper valley of the river Parret.
Built in a low and swampy country and approached by deep and almost impassable roads, Barfurush would not seem at all favourably situated for the seat of an extensive inland trade; it is, however,.
The oldest permanent settlements in the state are (New) Biloxi (c. 1712), situated across the bay from Old Biloxi and nearer to the Gulf, and Natchez or Fort Rosalie (1716).
Here, as in the neighbouring Darab district, villages situated in the hills are called madan (mine), and some travellers have in their itineraries indicated a mine in localities where there is none.
The town of NIRIZ is situated in a plain 7 m.
The mandibles, which are frequently used for carrying various objects, are situated well to the outside of the maxillae, so that they can be opened and shut without interfering with the latter.
It is a very old town situated on the Biela, and contains a 17thcentury castle, belonging to Prince Lobkowitz.
Saintes-Maries is situated in the plain of the Camargue, 12 m.
It is situated on a lovely wooded hill, and was repaired and in part renovated about 1870 by Nasiru'd-Din Shah.
It is situated on the river Suczawa, which forms there the boundary between Bukovina and Rumania.
The Laccadives and Maldives are groups of small coral islands, situated along the 73rd meridian, at no great distance from the Indian peninsula, on which they have a political dependency.
Formosa, which is situated under the northern tropic, near the coast of China, is traversed by a high range of mountains, reaching nearly 13,000 ft.
Siberia, north of the 50th parallel, has a climate not much differing from a similarly situated portion of Europe, though the winters are more severe and the summers hotter.
Among the more mountainous regions of the south-western part of Arabia, known as Arabia Felix, the summits of which rise to 6000 or 7000 ft., the rainfall is sufficient to develop a more luxuriant vegetation, and the valleys have a flora like that of similarly situated parts of southern Persia, and the less elevated parts of Afghanistan and Baluchistan, partaking of the characters of that of the hotter Mediterranean region.
The city is attractively situated, has a dry, healthful climate, and is a summer resort.
The present parish church of St Giles in the Fields, between Shaftesbury Avenue and New Oxford Street, dates from 1734, but here was situated a leper's hospital founded by Matilda, wife of Henry I., in i ioi.
It is finely situated at the northern extremity of the Gulf of Cagliari, in the centre of the south coast of the island.
The city is situated on the right bank of the river Cauvery, and is an important junction on the South Indian railway, 218 m.
There are three pairs of spermathecae situated in segments III-V, a testis in V and an ovary in VI.
The town is situated about 30 m.
The harbour of Elche is Santa Pola (pop. 4100), situated 6 m.E.S.E.,where the Vinalapo enters the Mediterranean,.
The capital of the territory is Tepic (pop. 1900, 15,488), attractively situated on a small plateau 2 9 50 ft.
The church of St James, situated in the older part of the town, is a cruciform Early English building, retaining, in spite of injudicious restoration, many beautiful details.
It is romantically situated in a wild and deep valley of the Swabian Alps at an altitude of 1600 ft.
Saalfeld is situated in one of the busiest parts of Meiningen and has a number of prosperous industries, including the manufacture of machinery, bricks, colours, malt, cigars, hosiery and vinegar.
Columbus is situated in a fine farming region, and has extensive tanneries, threshingmachine and traction and automobile engine works, structural iron works, tool and machine shops, canneries and furniture factories.
The town is situated in the valley of the Metauro, in the centre of fine scenery, at the meeting-point of roads to Fano, to the Furlo pass and Fossato di Vico (the ancient Via Flaminia), to Urbino and to Sinigaglia, the last crossing the river by a fine bridge.
Dumfries is beautifully situated and is one of the handsomest county towns in Scotland.
It is in this valley that the principal towns (except Vladikavkaz at the north foot of the Caucasus) of Caucasia are situated, namely, Baku (179,133 inhabitants in 1900), Tiflis (160,645 in 1897), Kutais (32,492), and the two Black Sea ports of Batum (28,512) and Poti (7666).
The city of Ayacucho, capital of the department of that name and of the province of Guamanga, is situated on an elevated plateau, 8911 ft.
The city is finely situated on high ground above the lake at the mouth of the Manitowoc river.
It is pleasantly situated on and about Sorrento Point, the southern horn of Dublin Bay.
Bewdley is pleasantly situated on the sloping right bank of the Severn, on the eastern border of the forest of Wyre.
The most important of these opens by the ventral pedal pore, situated in the median line in the anterior half of the foot.
On the under side of the free edge of the mantle are situated the numerous small cutaneous glands which, in the large A plysia camelus (not in other species), form the purple secretion which was known to s the ancients.
The first is flaccid and sluggish in its movements, and has not much power of contraction; its epipodial lobes are enormously developed and extend far forward along the body; it gives out when handled an abundance of purple liquid, which is derived from cutaneous glands situated on the under side of the free edge of the mantle.
Head very large, not marked off from the body; neither branchia nor suckers; fins situated near the middle of the body.
Foot without parapodia; no pallial cavity, but always a single ctenidium situated on the right side between mantle and foot.
Shell external, conical, much flattened; anterior tentacles very small, and situated with the mouth in a notch of the foot below the head; ctenidium very large.
All have an osphradium, except the Auriculidae, which are terrestrial, and it is situated outside the pallial cavity in those forms in which water is not admitted into the lung.
The station for the town (Catanzaro Sala) is situated on a branch line connecting the two main lines along the east and west coasts of Calabria, 6 m.
Forli is situated on the railway between Bologna and Rimini.
Pop. of urban district (Igo') 3495 It is pleasantly situated in the rich valley of the small river Otter.
But it was now made to appear that the struthious birds in this respect resembled, not only the duck, but a great many other groups - waders, birds-of-prey, pigeons, passerines and perhaps all birds not gallinaceous - so that, according to Cuvier's view, the five points of ossification observed in the Gallinae, instead of exhibiting the normal process, exhibited one quite exceptional, and that in all other birds, so far as he had been enabled to investigate the matter, ossification of the sternum began at two points only, situated near the anterior upper margin of the side of the sternum, and gradually crept towards the keel, into which it presently extended; and, though he allowed the appearance of detached portions of calcareous matter at the base of the still cartilaginous keel in ducks at a certain age, he seemed to consider this an individual peculiarity.
On two occasions, however, there was found in addition, what may be taken for a representation of the first series, a little " noyau " situated between the coracoids - forming the only instance of all three series being present in the same bird.
It is situated on the summit of the Great Dividing Range, and is the centre of the rich pastoral and agricultural district of Darling Downs.
The city is pleasantly"situated, mainly on a peninsula, and has three public parks.
It is beautifully situated on the east coast of the peninsula of the ancient Calabria.
The present town dates from 1797, when the great earthquake of that year destroyed the old town then situated 12 m.
It is situated in the fertile district of Brie, in a valley watered by the Grand-Morin.
The Gailtal Alps end with the Dobratsch or Villacher Alp (7107 ft.), situated to the south-west of Villach, which is celebrated as one of the finest views in the whole eastern Alps.
The town is situated on a rocky promontory, crowned by a Byzantine fortress, and has a growing trade.
Within the town are situated the smelting-works, the mint, and a Government weapon factory.
Under the southern slope of Parnassus were situated the two small plains of Crisa and Anticyra, separated by Mt Cirphis, an offshoot from the main range.
If the lands assigned are situated in Middlesex or Yorkshire, the assignment should be registered under the Middlesex Registry or Yorkshire Registries Acts, as the case may be; and similar provision is now made for the registration by an assignee of his title under the Land Transfer Acts 1875 and 1897.
A crofter is defined as " a tenant of a holding " - being arable or pasture land, or partly arable and partly pasture land - " from year to year who resides on his holding, the annual rent of which does not exceed £30 in money, and which is situated in a ` crofting parish.'
The little Lake Frolikha, situated close to the northern extremity of Lake Baikal and communicating with it by means of a river of the same name, contains a peculiar species of trout, Salmo erythreas, which is not known elsewhere.
It is beautifully situated on high ground among the wooded undulations of the North Downs, above the valley of the river Darent.
It is situated on the Firth of Forth, 24 m.
The only towns of any importance are Tsitsihar and Mergen, both situated on the Nonni and Khailar in the west.
The calyx is a long tube, or a series of connected tubes, situated above the core barrel, to which it is equal in diameter.
That Zobah was situated within Syria is certain, though how far to the west or north of Damascus is not known; in any case it was not far from IIamath (IIamah).
Buali, the capital, was situated on the banks of a small river not far from the port of Loango, where were several European "factories."
It is situated at the foot of vine-clad hills on the right bank of the Loire, to the left bank of which it is united by a bridge of twenty-six arches, many of them dating from the 13th century.
In Nemertines the everted proboscis is retracted in the same way as the tip of a glove finger would be if it were pulled backwards by a thread situated in the axis and attached to the tip. The comparison may be carried still further.
In Carinella, where the longitudinal nerve-stems are situated exteriorly to the muscular layers, this plexus, although present, is much less dense, and can more fitly be compared to a network with wide meshes.
To it belong (a) superficial grooves or deeper slits situated on the integument near the tip of the head, (b) nerve lobes in immediate connexion with the nervous tissue of the brain, and (c) ciliated ducts penetrating into the latter and communicating with the former.
These posterior brain-lobes, which in all Heteronemertines are in direct continuity of tissue with the upper pair of principal lobes, cease to have this intimate connexion in the Metanemertini; and, although still constituted of (I) a ciliated duct, opening out externally, (2) nervous tissue surrounding it, and (3) histological elements distinctly different from the nervous, and most probably directly derived from the oesophageal outgrowths, they are nevertheless here no longer constantly situated behind the upper brain-lobes and directly connected with them, but are found sometimes behind, sometimes beside and sometimes before the brain-lobes.
In the Metanemertines it is generally situated towards the middle of a lateral transverse groove on either side of the head, as was noticed for Carinella, and as is also present in Polia.
The anterior opening, the mouth, is situated ventrally, close to the tip of the head and in front of the brain in the Metanemertini, somewhat more backward and behind the brain in the other Nemertines.
The two external openings of the nephridia are situated sometimes more 2 towards the ventral, at other times more towards the dorsal side.
In transverse sections the nephridia can be shown to be generally situated in the region limited by (I) the proboscidian sheath, (2) the upper wall of the intestine, (3) the muscular body-wall.
The coil is so situated that, in its zero position when no current is passing through it, the plane of the coil is parallel to the direction of the lines of force of the field.
It was situated on a branch of the Via Caecilia.
The Hague, situated in the middle of this line of ancient villages, is the capital of the province.
The city is situated in an elevated valley between the Central and Western Cordilleras, 9400 ft.
The city is still very favourably situated for obtaining supplies of oils both local and foreign, including sesame, ground nut, castor oil, &c. In England, during the reign of Charles I.
Nevertheless in 1792 the new department of Herault, in which Montpellier is situated, sent him as one of its deputies to the Convention which assembled and proclaimed the Republic in September 1792.
It is finely situated on the western shore of Mount's Bay, opposite St Michael's Mount, being the westernmost port in England.
The principal industry of Villach consists in the fabrication of various lead wares, and is mostly dependent on the lead mines of Bleiberg, which is situated about 9 m.
Milwaukee, situated on the shore of Milwaukee Bay, on the western side of the lake, is, next to Chicago, the largest city on the lake, and has a large commerce and a harbour of refuge.
It is situated in a good farming and cattle-raising region, irrigated by water from the Rio Grande.
It soon becomes the boundary for a while between the departments of the HautesAlpes and of the Basses-Alpes, and receives successively the considerable Ubaye river, flowing from near the foot of Monte Viso past Barcelonnette (left), and then the small stream of the Luye (right), on which, a few miles above, is Gap. It enters the Basses-Alpes shortly before reaching Sisteron, where it is joined (right) by the wild torrent of the Busch, flowing from the desolate region of the Devoluy, and receives the Bleone (left) (on which Digne, the capital of the department, is situated) and the Asse (left), before quitting the department of the Basses-Alpes just as it is reinforced (left) by the Verdon, flowing from the lower summits of the Maritime Alps past Castellane.
Let the curve represent an elliptic orbit, AB being the major axis, DE the minor axis, and F the focus in which the centre of attraction is situated, which centre we shall call the sun.
Among the other noteworthy buildings of the Peiraeus were the arsenal (vKEUoOKrl) of Philo and the temples of Zeus Soter, the patron god of the sailors, of the Cnidian Artemis, built by Cimon, and of Artemis Munychia, situated near the fort on the Munychia height; traces of a temple of Asclepius, of two theatres and of a hippodrome remain.
The Dionysiac theatre, situated beneath the south side of the Acropolis, was partly hollowed out from its declivity.
The musky odour from which it derives its name is due to the secretion of a large gland situated in the inguinal region, and present in both sexes.
We possess an important law of the Bavarians, whose duchy was situated in the region east of the Lech, and was an outpost of Germany against the Huns, known later as Avars.
It is situated 300 ft.
Inigo Lopez de Recalde, son of Beltran, lord of the noble houses of Loyola and Onaz, was born, according to the generally accepted opinion, on the 24th of December 1491 at the castle of Loyola, which is situated on the river Urola, about 1 m.
It is an old mining town, situated at an altitude of 1945 ft.
Selmeczbanya is encircled by high mountains, notably the isolated peak of the Calvarienberg (2385 ft.) on the S.W., on which are situated a castle and a church, and the Paradiesberg (2400 ft.) on the N.W.
The new city was certainly situated on the hills on the N.E.
It is pleasantly situated at the foot of a lofty range of hills, which here dip down to the river, at the junction of the main lines of railway from Bremen and Hanover to Hamburg, which are carried to the latter city over two grand bridges crossing the southern and the northern arms of the Elbe.
It has a population of 6800, and is prettily situated on two sides of a large lagoon.
It is situated on a peninsula between the Mystic and Chelsea rivers, and Charlestown and East Boston, and is connected with East Boston and Charlestown by bridges.
Kalamata is situated in a very fruitful district, of which it is the emporium.
As is shown by its name the province is situated in the centre of the Indian peninsula, comprising a large proportion of the broad belt of hill and plateau country which separates the plains of Hindustan from the Deccan.
Many instances have been recorded where substitution has effected a deformation in one particular direction, the crystals of homologous compounds often exhibiting the same angles between faces situated in certain zones.
If the crystal structure be regarded as composed of 0 three interpenetrating point systems, one consisting of sulphur atoms, the second of four times as many oxygen atoms, and the third of twice as many potassium atoms, the systems being so arranged that the sulphur system is always centrally situated with respect to the other two, and the potassium system so that it would affect the vertical axis, then it is obvious that the replacement of potassium by an element of greater atomic weight would specially increase the length of w (corresponding to the vertical axis), and cause a smaller increase in the horizontal parameters (x and 1/ '); moreover, the increments would advance with the atomic weight of the replacing metal.
It is situated 21 m.
It is pleasantly situated on rising ground above the small river Cober, which, a little below the town, expands into a picturesque estuary called Looe Pool, the water being banked up by the formation of Looe Bar at the mouth.
Kaiser has described as kidneys two organs something like minute shrubs situated dorsally to the generative ducts into which they open.
Just at the junction of the "bell" and the uterus there is a second small opening situated dorsally.
In the neighbourhood of the town are the villages of Ginneken and Prinsenhage, situated in the midst of pretty pine woods.
It is pleasantly situated within sight of the Green Mountains..
It is romantically situated in the part of the Haardt called the Pfalzer Schweiz (Palatinate Switzerland), and is surrounded by high hills which yield a famous red sandstone.
The valley in which the town is situated used to be subject to inundations, but in 1805 a tunnel was constructed by means of which the surplus waters of the Bied are carried into the Doubs.
It is situated on the north bank of the Forth, 32 m.
Here is situated the Dreher brewery, the largest in the monarchy; and there are also important smelting and iron works, cotton-spinning, factories of electrical plant, &c. The meeting at Schwechat of the emperor Leopold I.
Brixham Cave, called also Windmill Hill Cavern, is a wellknown ossiferous cave situated near Brixham, on the brow of a hill composed of Devonian limestone.
It is well situated, mainly on an eminence, near the junction of the Aire and the Calder.
The most important of the antiquarian remains are the ruins of the famous castle situated on a rocky height, originally covering with its precincts an area of over 8 acres, and containing in all eight round towers.
Also situated on the gulf are the small towns of Tajura, Sagallo, Gobad and Ambabo.
The European town is situated at the bottom of a beautiful reach of the Hugli, with clean wide thoroughfares, and many elegant residences along the river-bank.
The name is also applied to a district situated on the same river and on the former (1867) boundary line between Bolivia and Brazil.
It is picturesquely situated on the west coast, 150 m.
A normal school is situated at Calgary.
It is the home of great numbers of the working classes of Sydney and some of the largest factories and most important docks are situated here.
Bedlington (Betlingtun) and the hamlets belonging to it were bought by Cutheard, bishop of Durham, between 900 and 915, and although locally situated in the county of Northumberland became part of the county palatine of Durham over which Bishop Walcher was granted royal rights by William the Conqueror.
The following is a list of the inhabited isles, proceeding from south to north; but it will be understood that they do not lie in a direct line, that several are practically on the same latitude, that the bulk are situated off the east and west coast of Mainland, and that two of them are distinctly outlying members of the group. The figures within brackets.
Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1908 Next to the cathedral, the most interesting building in York is St Mary's Abbey, situated in Museum Gardens, founded for Benedictines by Alan, lord of Richmond, in 1078, its head having the rank of a mitred abbot with a seat in parliament.
Victrix was situated near the site of the cathedral, and a municipality (colonia) grew up, near where the railway station now is, on the opposite side of the Ouse.
Nose and upper lip elongated into a flexible, mobile snout or short proboscis, near the end of which the nostrils are situated.
When one is present it is situated over the conjoined nasal bones; when two, the hinder one is over the frontals.
It is in this band that the greater part of the mineral wealth of Cuba is situated.
The town of Bahawalpur is situated near the left bank of the Sutlej, and has a railway station 65 m.
It is surrounded by old walls, flanked with towers, and has a considerable number of ancient buildings, among which are the fine church of the Holy Cross; St John's church, which dates from the time of the Hohenstaufen; and, situated on a height near the town, partly hewn out of the rock, the pilgrimage church of the Saviour.
It maintains steam communication with Basra, its port, which is situated on the Shatt el-Arab, somewhat more than 50 m.
Situated in a region where there is no stone, and practically no timber, Bagdad was built, like all the cities of the Babylonian plain, of brick and tiles.
It is pleasantly situated on rising ground above the river Mole, 3 m.
The Escorial is situated 3432 ft.
Directly under the altar is situated the pantheon or royal mausoleum, a richly decorated octagonal chamber with upwards of twenty niches, occupied by black marble urnas or sarcophagi, kept sacred for the dust of kings or mothers of kings.
The library, situated above the principal portico, was at one time one of the richest in Europe, comprising the king's own collection, the extensive bequest of Diego de Mendoza, Philip's ambassador to Rome, the spoils of the emperor of Morocco, Muley Zidan (1603-1628) and various contributions from convents, churches and cities.
It is situated at a height of 1470 ft., at the northern end of the lake of Annecy, and is 25 m.
The wells are situated by the Parade (or Pantiles), a walk associated with fashion since the time of their discovery.
The Tunbridge Wells sanatorium is situated in grounds sixty acres in extent.
Situated in a hilly and picturesque region, 2580 ft.
It is pleasantly situated between two bays of the great Lake Mjosen, and is the junction of the railways to Trondhjem (N.) and to Otta in Gudbrandsdal (N.W.).
Those on the upper Lena, having a somewhat greater altitude and being situated in higher latitudes, are almost wholly unfitted for agriculture.
The south-eastern slope of the great plateau of Asia cannot properly be reckoned to Siberia, although parts of the province of Amur and the Maritime Province are situated on it; - they have quite a different character, climate and vege- eastern, tation, and ought properly to be reckoned to the Manslope of, churian region.
The more important iron-works of the Urals are situated on the Siberian slope of the range.
Siberia is situated for the most part in what Grisebach describes as the " forest region of the Eastern continent."
Nine miles from Patara he discovered the ruins of Xanthus, the ancient capital of Lycia, finely situated on hills, and abounding in magnificent remains.
In the Trimerellidae, for example, some of the muscles are attached to a massive or vaulted platform situated in the medio-longitudinal region of the posterior half or umbonal portion of both valves.
The central and umbonal muscles effect the direct opening and closing of the shell, the laterals enable the valves to move forward and backward on each other, and the transmedians allow the similar extremities (the rostral) of the valves to turn from each other to the right or the left on an axis subcentrically situated, that is, the medio-transverse region of the dorsal valve.
It is situated upon a lofty plateau, the highest point of which (823 ft.), projecting to the W., was the ancient citadel, and is occupied by the well-preserved castle erected by Frederick II., and rebuilt by Pierre d'Angicourt about 1280.
In it the hairs are confined to the dorsal middle line and the creeping setae are hooked, of a finer structure than in Chaetosoma, and situated so far forward that the vagina opens amongst them.
It is finely situated in a narrow valley, surrounded by wild, high-lying moorland.
The city is attractively situated amidst a group of low hills in the heart of the lake country of western New York; the streets are wide, with a profusion of shade trees.
It is situated in a rich agricultural region which abounds in oil and natural gas.
It is situated on both sides of the river Calder, at the termination of the Rochdale canal.
In fact, it has been thought that Agade-Akkad was situated opposite Sippar on the left bank of the Euphrates, and was probably the oldest part of the city of Sippar.
The anthers are so situated that the pollen on escaping comes into contact with the stigma; in such flowers self-fertilization is compulsory and very effectual, as seeds in profusion are produced.
Hamilton is situated in a productive agricultural region, and has a large trade in hops; among its manufactures are canned vegetables, lumber and knit goods, There are several valuable stone quarries in the vicinity.
The township in which the village is situated and which bears the same name (pop. in 1905, 3614) was settled about 1790 and was separated from the township of Paris in 1795.
When it is desired to have a uniform magnet with definitely situated poles, it it usual to employ one having the form of an ovoid, or elongated ellipsoid of revolution, instead of a rectangular or cylindrical bar.
If the magnetization is parallel to the major axis, and the lengths of the major and minor axes are 2a and 2C, the poles are situated at a distance equal to 3a from the centre, and the magnet will behave externally like a simple solenoid of length 3a.
It is situated on a platform of conglomerate rock forming a promontory at the south-west of the entrance to Loch Etive and is surrounded on three sides by the sea.
Mouth situated more forwards than in Delobranchia, no share in mastication being taken by the basal segments of the 5th and 6th pairs of prosomatic appendages.
Respiratory organs tracheal, opening by a pair of stigmata situated immediately behind the basal segments of the 6th pair of appendages on what is probably the sternum of the 2nd opisthosomatic somite and also in some cases upon the 5th segment of the legs.
Orifice of coxal gland situated just behind that of the foetid gland.
Orifice of coxal gland situated between the coxae of the 5th and 6th appendages.
Orifice of coxal gland probably situated at base of coxa of 5th appendage; sternal plate of prosoma minute or absent; no prosternal element underlying the mouth.
Tracheae typically opening by stigmata situated in the articular sockets (acetabula) of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pairs of appendages.
Tracheae opening by a pair of stigmata situated above and behind the base of the 4th or 5th or 6th pair of appendages.
Tracheae, except in the aquatic species in which they are atrophied, opening by a pair of stigmata situated close to or above the base of the appendages of the 1st pair (mandibles).
The royal burgh of Earlsferry (pop. 317) is situated in the parish of Elie, which it adjoins on the west.
Cooma, which is pleasantly situated at an elevation of 2657 ft., is the tourist centre for visitors to the Yarrangobilly Caves and Mount Kosciusko and its observatory.
Bhuj, the capital of the state, is situated inland, and is surrounded by an amphitheatre of hills, some of which approach within 3 or 4 m.
The hill of Bhuja, on which the fort is situated, rises to the height of 500 ft.
It is situated at the edge of the plain of Emilia, 180 ft.
The city is situated in the blue grass region of Missouri, and is a shippingpoint for horses and mules.
It is picturesquely situated on both banks of the Tistedal river at its outflow to the Ide fjord, surrounded by several rocky eminences.
Dunkirk is situated in the low but fertile district of the Wateringues.
It is pleasantly situated in the valley of the Guns, and is dominated towards the west by the peaks of Altenhaus (2000 ft.) and of the Geschriebene Stein (2900 ft.).
To the south-east of Kbszeg, at the confluence of the Giins with the Raab, is situated the town of Sarvar (pop. 3158), formerly fortified, where in 1526 the first printing press in Hungary was established.
The cantonment is situated on the left bank of the Hugh; it has also a large bazaar and several large tanks, and also a parade ground.
To the south of the cantonment is situated the park, created by the taste and public spirit of Lord Wellesley.
Within the park is situated the Government House, a noble building begun by Lord Minto, and enlarged into its present state by the marquess of Hastings.
Aldabra, however, although situated in that region of the Indian Ocean which forms part of the site of the IndoMadagascar continent of the Secondary period, is not a peak of the submerged land.
Picturesquely situated on the slope of a hill, the town has remains of ramparts of the 12th and 13th centuries, with ditches hewn in the rock, and several medieval buildings.
It is situated on the left bank of the Teith, here crossed by the bridge built in 1535 by Robert Spittal, tailor to James IV.
It is situated in a rich agricultural and mining district, and contains county and railway buildings and numerous mills andfactories.
Pop. (1901), It is situated about i m.
Para, Parnahyba, Parahyba, Santos and Rio Grande do Sul are river ports situated near the sea on rivers having the same name; but, with the exception of Path and Santos, they are difficult of access and are of secondary importance.
The naval school, which has always enjoyed a high reputation among Brazilians, is situated on the island of Enxadas in the bay of Rio de Janeiro.
Eventually he formed a settlement near Canudos, situated about 400 m.
The town lies in the midst of luxuriant trees, and the noble sweep of the Tay, the effectively situated bridge, the magnificent grounds of Dunkeld House, and the protecting mountains combine to give it a very romantic appearance.
It is situated on the Mound close to the National Gallery, of which the prince consort laid the foundation stone in 1850.
It was the birthplace of several well-known persons, among others of John Law (1671-1729), originator of the Mississippi scheme, Lauriston Castle being situated in the parish.
Craigmillar, though situated in the parish of Liberton, is really a part of Edinburgh.
The parish church, effectively situated on an eminence by the side of the lake, was the scene of the ministration of the Rev. John Thomson (1778-1840), the landscape painter, who numbered Sir Walter Scott among his elders.
Liberton (pop. of parish, 7 2 33), a name that recalls the previous existence of a leper's hospital, is prominently situated on the rising ground to the south of Edinburgh, the parish church being a conspicuous landmark.
Inveresk (pop. 2939), finely situated on the Esk some 6 m.
Roslin Castle is romantically situated on the beautifully wooded precipitous banks of the Esk.
Besides the Royal Infirmary there are a considerable number of more or less specialized institutions, two of the most important being situated at Craiglockhart.
The home for incurables is situated in Salisbury Place.
Gubbio is situated at the foot and on the steep slopes of Monte Calvo, from 1568 to 1735'ft.
It is situated on the slope of a hill on the right bank of the Orne at its confluence with the Ure.
It is situated on the left bank of the river Doubs, 820 ft.
Government House, the residence of the governor-general, an excellent Tudor building erected in 1837, and several times enlarged, is delightfully situated in the Domain, overlooking Farm Cove.
The former is most picturesquely situated on the cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Port Shepstone is situated at the mouth of the river, which, like that of all others in Natal, is obstructed by a bar.
Most of the tea estates are situated in the coast belt north of Durban.
At In- gogo, Majuba and Laing's Nek, all of them situated within the colony, British forces had been defeated by the Boers.
The Kobdo river, which rises in the Dain-gol (7060 ft.) in the Ektagh Altai, winds in great curves across the plateau, and enters Lake Kara-usu (3840 ft.), which also receives the Buyantu, an outflow from Lake Kobdo, and is connected by a small river with another large lake, Durga-nor, situated a score of miles to the east.
Difficulty and pain in swallowing may be complained of when the cancer is beginning to block the inlet, but if it is situated at the pylorus the discomfort comes on an hour or two after a meal - at the time that the partially digested food is trying to make its way into the small intestine.
The highest peak, the Gerlsdorf or Spitze or Gerlachfalva, situated in the Tatra group, has an altitude of 8700 ft.
The portion of Hungary situated on the right bank of the Danube is filled by the Alpine system, namely, the eastern outlying groups of the Alps.
The largest of these lakes is the Feller TO situated to the north of Szeged.
These urban municipalities are towns which for their local government are independent of the counties in which they are situated, and have, therefore, a larger amount of municipal autonomy than the communes or the other towns.
Finally, in a celebrated memoir, Theorie des attractions des spheroides et de la figure des planetes, published in 1785 among the Paris Memoirs for the year 1782, although written after the treatise of 1784, Laplace treated exhaustively the general problem of the attraction of any spheroid upon a particle situated outside or upon its surface.
It belongs to the series of oases (Uch-Turfan, Bai, Koucha, &c.) situated at the southern foot of the eastern T'ien-shan mountains.
Marietta is situated about 1118 ft.
It is situated on the right bank of the Mincio near the bridge.
Wales, situated on a height near the left bank of the Dee estuary, 196 m.
It is limited towards the north-east by the canal from the Marne to the Rhine, on the south-west by a small arm of the Ornain, called the Canal des Usines, on the left bank of which the upper town (Ville Haute) is situated.
Lemberg is situated on the small river Peltew, an affluent of the Bug, in a valley in the Sarmatian plateau, and is surrounded by hills.
The Greek cathedral, built in1740-1779in the Basilica style, is situated on a height which dominates the town.
When light proceeding from a small source falls upon an opaque object, a shadow is cast upon a screen situated behind the obstacle, and this shadow is found to be bordered by alternations of brightness and darkness, known as " diffraction bands."
Taking co-ordinates in the plane of the screen with the centre of the wave as origin, let us represent M by, n, and P (where dS is situated) by x, y, z.
Stops, each occupying one-eighth of the width, and with centres situated at the points of trisection, answer well the required purpose.
The extreme discrepancy is that between the waves which travel through the outermost parts of the object-glass at L and L'; so that if we adopt the above standard of resolution, the question is where must P be situated in order that the relative retardation of the rays PL and PL' may on their arrival at B amount to a wave-length (X).
The limit can be depressed only by a diminution in Xo, such as photography makes possible, or by an increase in /2, the refractive index of the medium in which the object is situated.
If the eye, provided if necessary with a perforated plate in order to reduce the aperture, be situated inside the shadow at a place where the illumination is still sensible, and be focused upon the diffracting edge, the light which it receives will appear to come from the neighbourhood of the edge, and will present the effect of a silver lining.
According to this notation, the three equations of motion are dt2 = b2v2E + (a2 - b2) d.s dt =b2v2rj+(a2 - b2) dy d2 CIF - b2p2+(a2_b2)dz It is to be observed that denotes the dilatation of volume of the element situated at (x, y, z).
It is situated near the Guanajibo river, in a fertile agricultural region which produces sugar, coffee, fruit, cacao and tobacco.
It occupies the site of the ancient Adranon, which took its name from Adranos, a god probably of Phoenician origin, in Roman times identified with Vulcan, whose chief temple was situated here, and was guarded by a thousand huge gods; there are perhaps some substructures of this building still extant outside the town.
The mines are, in general, situated on the slopes of the hills and are easily opened up by adits.
The ground was discovered to be diamondiferous in 1897, but it was not until 1903, when mining began on the Premier mine, situated 20 m.
It was just within the tropics, and was situated in a well-watered and beautiful country.
The eastern boundary of the new territory was made to include the region between the Harts river and the Vaal, in which the diamond diggings were situated, but not the Bloemhof district.
It is situated in the midst of wild mountain scenery on the river Irfon, a right-bank tributary of the Wye.
In addition to these prominent features, there are sometimes to be seen a number of coloured bands, situated at or near the summits of the bows, close to the inner edge of the primary and the outer edge of the secondary bow; these are known as the spurious, supernumerary or complementary rainbows.
The third and fourth bows are situated between the observer and the sun, and hence, to be viewed, the observer must face the sun.
The same remarks apply to the fifth bow, which differs from the third and fourth in being situated in the same part of the sky as the primary and secondary bows, being just above the secondary.
The mathematical discussion of Airy showed that the primary rainbow is not situated directly on the line of minimum deviation, but at a slightly greater value; this means that the true angular radius of the bow is a little less than that derived from the geometrical theory.
They are formed by parallel rays of light emanating from two sources, as, for example, the sun and its image in a sheet of water, which is situated between the observer and the sun.
The country of Assyria, which in the Assyro-Babylonian literature is known as mat Assur (ki), " land of Assur," took its name from the ancient city of Assur, situated at the 1 The name Assur is not connected with the Asshur of i Chron.ii.
It is situated on vine-covered hills at the southern extremity of the Jura, 3 m.
The ancient town is believed to have been situated m.
Lake Taupo is finely situated, hills rising over 2000 ft.
N.W., shows slight remains of the originalAugustinian priory; but the present beautiful gabled building, picturesquely situated, dates mainly from 1618.
It is situated on the Bay of Calvi, in a malarial region, and is the port in Corsica nearest to France, being 109 m.
If the abscess be deeply situated in some tissue and not able to open on to a free surface so allowing the contents to be drained off, the phagocytic cells play a very prominent part in the resolution of the abscess.
The city is situated in the midst of a rich agricultural region and is a supply centre for southern Kansas and Oklahoma, with large jobbing interests.
The famous oracle of Amphiaraus was situated in the territory of Oropus, 12 stadia from the city.
It is situated on the side of a well-sheltered bay, 14 m.
He turned his shop into a furniture factory; soon sold this and for a short time was engaged in the grocery business on the site of the present Bible House, opposite Cooper Union; and then invested in a glue and isinglass factory, situated for twenty-one years in Manhattan (where the Park Avenue Hotel was built later) and then in Brooklyn.
The town of Aundh is situated 26 m.
It is situated near the head of Wigtown Bay, 18 m.
It is situated on the left bank of the Elbe opposite Tetschen, and is an important railway junction, containing also an Austrian and a Saxon custom-house.
It is pleasantly situated on the right bank of the Teme, here the boundary with Shropshire.
Other similar institutions exist primarily for special purposes, as the St Bride Foundation Institute, near Fleet Street, in immediate proximity to the great newspaper offices, for the printing trade, and the Herolds' Institute, a branch of the Borough Polytechnic situated in Bermondsey, for the purposes of the leather trade.
Practically the whole amount contributed towards the support of public local expenditure, and a considerable amount of that contributed to public national expenditure is based on the estimated annual value of the immovable property situated within the county of London, which in 1876 was £23,240,070; in 1886 £30,716,719; in 18 9 6 £35,793, 6 7 2; and in 1909 £44, 666, 6 5 1.
In Amen Court, where the residences of canons of St Paul's and the later houses of the minor canons are situated, there stretches such a piece of wall, dividing the gardens of the Court from the Old Bailey.
The one on the east was doubtless situated near where Aldgate afterwards stood.
Gomme refers to an open space outside the western wall of Dorchester still called the Pummery as an indication of the Pomoerium in that place; and he considers that the name of Mile End, situated 1 m.
The origin of the two counties in which London is chiefly situated opens up an interesting question.
The Tower was situated at the eastern limit of the city, and not far from the western extremity Castle Baynard was built.
The great Benedictine monastery of Black Monks was situated away from the city at Westminster, and it was the only monastic house subject to the rule of St Benedict in the neigh roofing tenements.
The Greyfriars, Minorites or Franciscans, first settled in Cornhill, and in 1224 John Ewin made over to them an estate situated in the ward of Farringdon Within and in the parish of St Nicholas in the Shambles, where their friary was built.
The " Theatre " and the " Curtain " were situated at Shoreditch; the " Globe," the " Swan," the " Rose " and the " Hope " on the Bankside; and the Blackfriars theatre, although within the walls, was without the city jurisdiction.
It was in this block that the " Mermaid " was situated, and there appear to have been entrances from each street.
The principal Canadian ports are Kingston, at the head of the St Lawrence river; Toronto, where the harbour is formed by an island with improved entrance channels constructed both east and west of it; and Hamilton, at the head of the lake, situated on a landlocked lagoon, connected with the main lake by Burlington channel, an artificial cut.
Westward of the uplands are the Kyudeni Hills (5000 ft.), also densely wooded, situated near the junction of the Buffalo and Tugela rivers.
It is picturesquely situated on a well-wooded plateau and has a bracing climate.
It is picturesquely situated on both sides of a narrow valley through which the Khunsar River, a stream about 12 ft.
Most of these works were planted about the slender reach situated about 10 m.
The conveniently situated islands of Tenedos and Lemnos (the latter offering the immense landlocked haven of Mudros as an anchorage) were occupied to serve as naval bases, and on Feb.
Its ancient castle is picturesquely situated on a lofty porphyry rock, and is memorable as the place from which, in 1455, Kunz von Kaufungen carried off the young princes Albert and Ernest, the founders of the present royal and ducal families of Saxony.
Albany is attractively situated on a series of hills rising sharply from the river.
Tamworth (Tamwurda, Tammworth, Tomworth) is situated near the Roman Watling Street.
The mines are situated beyond Kamaing, north of Mogaung in the Myitkyina district.
The rice-mills, almost all situated at the various seaports, secure the harvest from the cultivator through middlemen.
It is situated on the plain between the Gulf of Venice and the Alps, 18 m.
This Christian kingdom - situated in the midst of Moslem states, hostile to the Byzantines, giving valuable support to the crusaders, and trading with the great commercial cities of Italy - had a stormy existence of about 300 years.
His tomb was situated by the side of the Roman road, where rose the priory of St-Denis-de-l'Estree, which existed until the, 8th century.
Mercury, within XVIII.7 a a certain range of temperatures situated close to its boiling point, combines slowly with oxygen into the red oxide, which, however, breaks up again at higher temperatures.
It is picturesquely situated on the south bank of the Wharfe, at the foot of the precipitous Chevin Hill, 925 ft.
Situated at the intersection of two roads - from Kulja to Tashkent, and from Semipalatinsk to Kashgar - Vyernyi carries on an active trade in wheat, rice, corn, tea, oil and tobacco.
With the exception of a few villages in the west, the whole district is situated on a tableland from 1300 to 2000 ft.
It is situated 474 m.
It is situated in a narrow valley between two hills called West Mountain and Skene's Mountain, and Wood Creek flows through the village and empties into the lake with a fall, from which valuable water-power is derived; there are various manufactures, and the village owns and operates the water works.
It is situated on the river Blackwater, which divides the town into two parts, the larger of which is on the southern bank, and there the trade of the town, which is chiefly in flour and agricultural produce, is mainly carried on.
The city is finely situated on a hill, about 300 ft.
The town is situated nearly io miles from the Gulf of Cutch.
It is picturesquely situated at the head of the estuary of the river Camel, 7 m.
This was situated in the extreme north-east of the district immediately on the frontier of Phrygia, between Lake Egerdir and the range of the Sultan Dagh and was reckoned in the Greek and earlier Roman period, e.g.
Besides these there were situated in the rugged mountain tract west of the Cestrus Cretopolis, Olbasa, Pogla, Isinda, Etenna and Comama.
Coutances is beautifully situated on the right bank of the Soulle on a granitic eminence crowned by the celebrated cathedral of Notre-Dame.
It is picturesquely situated in the lake country of Indiana on Center, Pike and Winona lakes.
It is situated at the head of a bay of the same name on the east of the island of Pomona, or Mainland, 247 m.
Domburg is pleasantly situated at the foot of the dunes on the west side of the island, and in modern times has become a popular but primitive watering-place.
The suggestion that it is corrupted from the Isle of Docks falls to the ground on the question of chronology; another, that there were royal kennels here, is improbable, though they were situated at Deptford in the 17th century.
It is situated at the west end of the long narrow arm of the sea called the Schlei, 30 m.
It is situated 11 m.
Bridgetown (pop. 21,000), the capital, situated on the S.W.
It is served by the Central Indiana, the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis, and the Pittsburg, Chicago & St Louis railways, and also by the Indiana Union Traction System (electric), the general offices and central power plant of which are situated there.
Among the public buildings are several churches and hospitals (including the Jurujuba yellow-fever hospital and the Barreto isolation hospital), the government palace, a municipal theatre and a large Salesian college situated in the suburbs of Santa Rosa on an eminence overlooking the lower bay.
The town is pleasantly situated in a hilly district, between two branches of the small river Somer.
The village, which is connected by stage with the station, is situated at the junction of two valleys and commands delightful views of mountain scenery.
It is very picturesquely situated on the basaltic peninsula of Ramore Head, with a deep bay on either side, and a harbour protected by the natural breakwater known as the Skerries.
Thence proceeding eastwards to higher altitudes where coffee plantations give way to fields of wheat and barley, they reached the town of Jibla situated among a group of mountains exceeding 10,000 ft.
Sirhan is continuous with the depression known as the Jauf, situated on the northern edge of the Nefud or Nafud, and the halfway station between Damascus and Hail; and it is possible that this depression continues eastward towards the Euphrates along a line a little north of the thirtieth parallel, where wells and pasturages are known to exist.
The oases of Sakaka and Kara are situated in a similar basin 15 m.
It is situated on the right bank of the Danube, at the base of the Wienerwald, and at the beginning of the great plain which separates the Alps from the Carpathians.
Vienna is situated at an altitude of 550 ft.
The greater part of the town, which seems at one time to have been very large, is situated on an artificial mound about 150 ft.
The ruins of another Arbela (Irbid, Beth-Arbel) in Palestine, situated near the west shore of the Sea of Galilee, a little north of its centre, are not in themselves of high interest, but the site is noteworthy through its connexion with the neighbouring caves in the lofty flank of the Wadi Hamam, above which Arbela stood.
It is well situated upon the Brenta, which is here spanned by a covered wooden bridge, and commands fine views.
It is a favourite winter resort, especially for visitors from England, and is situated in beautiful coast scenery.
Where the original home of the Heruli was situated is never clearly stated.
It is to be noted that only traces of the aromatic amines are produced by heating the halogen substituted benzenes with ammonia, unless the amino group be situated in the side chain, as in the case of benzylamine.
The European quarter is situated on the right bank of the Wad near its mouth, and adjacent are the Arab towns of Jara and Menzel.
It is picturesquely situated in an amphitheatre of sharp, rocky hills.
There are many summer resorts in the Tatra Mountains, the most frequented being Tatrafiired (German, Schmecks), three small villages situated at an altitude of 3250 ft., at the foot of the Schlagendorf peak; and the environs of the Lake of Csorba, which is called the "Pearl of the Tatra."
The town is beautifully situated, being flanked on the east and south by hills exceeding 1000 ft.
The principal copper-bearing districts are Chimbote, Cajamarca, Huancayo, Huaraz, Huallanca, Junin, Huancavelica, Ica, Arequipa, Andahuaylas and Cuzco - chiefly situated in the high, bleak regions of the Andes.
The conquering tribe or tribes had made their way to the sierra from the plains, and found themselves a new land sheltered from attack amidst the lofty mountains that hem in the valley of Cuzco and the vast lake basin of Titicaca, situated 12,000 ft.
It is situated on the south shore of the estuary of the Forth, at the mouth of the Carron and also of Grange Burn, a right-hand tributary of the Carron, 3 m.
It is situated on the Saale, near its junction with the Unstrut, in the centre of an amphitheatre of vine-clad hills, 29 m.
The city is situated on high ground sloping gently towards the river and commanding diversified views of the surrounding country.
It is situated on an elevated plain, on the river Isar, 25 m.
Here is situated the Ruhmeshalle or hall of fame, a Doric colonnade containing busts of eminent Bavarians.