Sitting Sentence Examples
Sonya was sitting by the table.
There he finds his sister, sitting up in bed, looking frightened.
When she got to the room, Alex was sitting on the love seat reading a newspaper.
I can see her in my rear view mirror, just sitting there, plotting a way they can escape.
Frank led me down a long corridor to a large conference room filled with perhaps thirty intent individuals, standing and sitting, some taking notes, others with few buried faces in computer screens.
Jonathan was sitting on his bed, watching TV in his pajamas.
You might have said something in my defense last night, instead of sitting there like a lump on a log.
From the porch we could see the huddled figure of Howie Abbott sitting under a large red umbrella on the edge of the pier.
It served him right, sitting there like that with barely a word in her defense.
He frowned, rolling away from her and sitting up.
AdvertisementTears come to my eyes these months later as I pen these words, sitting in the comfort of our Surry, New Hampshire home with Betsy by my side.
On the other side of the thick entry door was a sitting room with lush wine colored carpet.
I wouldn't be sitting here without you.
You've been sitting in Hell watching movies?
From Cumana Bolivar repaired to Cartagena, and thence to Tunja, where the revolutionary congress of New Granada was sitting.
AdvertisementWe were sitting or lying on the floor.
If she just turned her head, she could see me, sitting comfortably a scant ten feet away in the darkened living room.
Sitting on a secluded site at the far side of the circle, on the outside, sat a mid-sized Pace Arrow motor home with California Plates!
Everything is still just sitting there from the last time we used it.
She floundered to a sitting position, then her feet, cringing as she struggled upright, the sting in her wounded knees bringing tears to her eyes.
AdvertisementThey lucked out on the matter of inn sitting.
On Henderson's return to Edinburgh in July 1641 the Assembly was sitting at St Andrews.
Amongst the more conspicuous secular buildings in the street may be mentioned the Town and County Bank, the Music Hall, with sitting accommodation for 2000 persons, the Trinity Hall of the incorporated trades (originating in various years between 1398 and 1527, and having charitable funds for poor members, widows and orphans), containing some portraits by George Jamesone, a noteworthy set of carved oak chairs, dating from 1574, and the shields of the crafts with quaint inscriptions; the office of the Aberdeen Free Press, one of the most influential papers in the north of Scotland; the Palace Hotel; the office of the Northern Assurance Company, and the National Bank of Scotland.
One pleasant morning in the beautiful springtime, I thought I was sitting on the soft grass under my dear mother's window, looking very earnestly at the rose-bushes which were growing all around me.
One day they were sitting at the table working on coloring books when Alex came home early.
AdvertisementWith everything going on, Carmen didn't have time to worry about flying, but when they were all sitting at the airport, she finally had time to stew over it.
She woke when the bed sank with the weight of a person sitting down.
He was sitting in his chair, everything from the top of his head to his thighs covered with the newspaper he was holding out to read.
She said nothing, but when they entered the kitchen to find Len sitting at the table, his expression was wary.
One day when they were sitting on the porch steps together, Brandon proposed a solution.
She staggered on legs of rubber and he lifted her to the counter, sitting her in front of him.
I was left sitting on my hands until the appointed hour of Howie's nap before Betsy assigned me the chore of remaining in the small room while he slept.
Howie shot up to a sitting position.
Finally, sitting by the statue in Duffy Square, I made the phone call.
Perhaps, Daniel Brennan could get out of the kitchen but the five of us would be left sitting on the stove.
I pictured her sitting at a desk, perhaps someone else listening in.
She was sitting with Betsy and me while Quinn was talking gardening with Howie.
Sensing someone behind me, I turned just enough to see my wife sitting in a chair, her eyes closed.
It was strange sitting here, talking to a confessed rapist, with the sound of what was probably more of them eating dinner behind me.
Sitting, she gave up on the jammed seatbelt after a few useless tugs.
The young woman motioned to the sitting area, and Bianca went, relieved.
Wood was stacked beside it, and she turned the book sitting on the coffee table into newspaper to burn.
They weren't safe together, especially since the powerful connection between them was driving her body crazy just sitting so close.
He'd managed to push himself into a sitting position when she returned with soup and water.
Now, she felt out of place, like she was sitting in a display at a furniture store.
Deidre helped him lift the hacking girl into a sitting position.
They were sitting around the dining room table, spellbound as Fred gave witness to past purchases and profits.
Paul sat next to me, just like we're sitting now.
You'd think we were still sitting in the same high school bleachers where we'd met a decade earlier.
Dean thought he'd lost her completely but she remained sitting, clapping with the other spectators—a bit too strenuously—as the puppy parade continued.
He made the entire trip up without seeing another vehicle, and the lords of luck were with him—Jennifer Radisson's camera was sitting in the crevice of a rock as if it were waiting for him.
Her feet skidded out from under her and she spun around, clutching desperately to the limb, twisting into a sitting position and sliding until she was sitting before him.
He sat on a sofa while she settled into a leather rocker where she'd evidently been sitting, as there was a nearly empty pint of vodka on the table next to her.
You'd think you were on trial today instead of sitting in a jury box.
Fred hesitated as he rocked up to a sitting position.
It's true Mr. Dean has been under fire—it's fortunate we're standing here today—not sitting.
Dean considered sitting in on the proceedings when they resumed on Monday, just out of curiosity.
Back in bed, Cynthia remained awake and was sitting up.
Ginger Dawkins was sitting on the porch in her pretty blue sweater as if she'd never huffed and puffed her exit a day earlier.
It was a shock for David Dean to see Fred O'Connor sitting on a wooden stool behind bars at the Ouray County jail.
He's just sitting back somewhere planning how to nail you.
Dean rose to his feet and went over to the officer, gently pushing her down to a sitting position.
It wasn't coming out the way she practiced it, maybe because Gabriel was sitting close enough that she wanted to lean against him instead of the bed and place his large hands on the parts of her body hidden by clothes.
Alex was sitting in his chair, reading a magazine and glanced up when she spoke.
Sitting on the edge of the porch, she took deep breaths of the fresh air.
It was strange sitting beside him and longing for him to come back.
Destiny was sitting no more than five feet away now.
When she entered his room, he was sitting up in bed, a tray of food in front of him.
With Destiny buckled in safely and Jonathan sitting beside her, he climbed behind the wheel and started the car.
Sitting through it, she didn't think it was ever possible to be prepared for the news.
Sarah was sitting in the drawing room waiting when they returned.
After a struggle the Protestant faction gained the upper hand, and on the 7th of February 1550 Bonner's deprivation was confirmed by the council sitting in the Star Chamber, and he was further condemned to perpetual imprisonment.
The sitting increased from a million in 1851 to about 2,375,000 in 1910.
When he was done killing demons, he'd interrogate the death dealer he had sitting in a cell at the bottom of the fortress.
Let him go and come freely, let him touch real things and combine his impressions for himself, instead of sitting indoors at a little round table, while a sweet-voiced teacher suggests that he build a stone wall with his wooden blocks, or make a rainbow out of strips of coloured paper, or plant straw trees in bead flower-pots.
I was as much affected by the faint hum of a mosquito making its invisible and unimaginable tour through my apartment at earliest dawn, when I was sitting with door and windows open, as I could be by any trumpet that ever sang of fame.
When he had parted from Malvintseva Nicholas wished to return to the dancing, but the governor's little wife placed her plump hand on his sleeve and, saying that she wanted to have a talk with him, led him to her sitting room, from which those who were there immediately withdrew so as not to be in her way.
Alex was sitting on the porch swing, nursing a cup of coffee the morning they arrived to work on the house.
Sitting down with a book, she propped her feet up on the table and relaxed, calmed by the sounds of the ocean and the warm sun.
Her eyes went to the chiseled features of the man sitting near her.
Something about him made her feel comfortable, or she wouldn't be sitting alone with a man dressed like the angel of death on the beach after dark, revealing secrets she didn't tell her boyfriend of two years.
It teaches compassion, because sitting on the bus, I know the person beside me is someday going to have to search his soul the same way I did, so I don't mind that he's spilling his coffee on my shoes.
He'd never been guilty in his role as an assassin or as Death, until sitting with her on the beach.
I've been sitting here all day, waiting for you and debating what I'll say when I see her again.
There were six students around five-years-old and an older boy on the verge of puberty sitting around a beautiful blond, who was reading a book out loud.
One of the girls grabbed her hand to pull her to the blankets where they'd been sitting while another one tugged at a loose lock of her hair.
A billion consciences sitting under the serene surface of the water.
One minute, telling me you don't want anything to do with me beyond your duty and the next, sitting on the beach with me for hours because you're worried I'll find a tall building to dive off of, she grumbled.
She thought him sitting with her so long on the beach was an indication.
The kid sitting beside her made smacking sounds as he chewed on a huge wad of
The death dealer took up much of the small space, his trench still on despite sitting at the kitchen table.
She searched for half an hour before spotting her sister sitting in one of the airy rooms off the hallway near the buffet.
There were several women sitting and talking while choosing delicacies from large silver trays.
Despite her fury and fear, she found his presence oddly calming, like sitting in a spa surrounded by incense with her feet in a salt bath.
Lankha asked, sitting back.
The seat was at his left, and he waited until she accepted before sitting.
Sasha was waiting for him in his study, sitting beside a fireplace that burned with black flames.
He'd still rather be humoring Sasha and eating his oranges than sitting in the damned cell!
Gabriel was sitting alone on top of one of the half dozen picnic tables.
She.d emerged from the shadow world into a sitting room.
Katie sat on a barstool at the breakfast bar, watching the maid pour tea into two mugs sitting beside the stove.
She struggled into a sitting position, her neck achy from her spot sleeping on the floor before the fire.
Sasha sat on top of the sarcophagus and looked around, smug in how safe he was sitting on top of the coffin.
Toby was awake and sitting, fascinated by Lankha.s soft hands.
Women were packed even in the luxurious bathrooms with their sitting areas decorated with couches and a gilded fountain.
The youth sitting on Toby.s bed wasn.t Toby.
The object sitting in the middle of the table made his blood run cold.
Since your castle was attacked, had an Ancient wash up on our shores, Death.s assassin sitting in our hall, and now this.
Jared lay still for a moment before sitting up.
Kris asked, sitting heavily on the ground beside him.
Her make-up was smeared from walking through the Monterey mists, her maid-of-honor dress wrinkled from constant sitting and standing.
The room was vacant except for a metal slab that served as a bed and the six-legged, cat-like creature sitting on the edge of the bed watching its sleeping occupant.
She grabbed the sitting creature.
It was safer for her to imagine someone sitting just behind her wall weaving clothing and sending it to her or anyone else as they requested.
The strange fever remained, making her feel as if she'd been sitting in a sauna for hours.
And he left her sitting on the bed, aware of how much more work his lifemate would create for him.
She ached as much from her workout the day before as falling asleep sitting with her sketchbook.
This floor, bisected by a hall and stairs, contained a living room or parlor on the right, or southern side, and a dining room and kitchen on the left, with the Deans' private quarters, a sitting room-office combination and bedroom, located in the rear.
She just shrugged her shoulders as if she could care less about his lack of vocalization and moseyed over to near where Fred and the boy were sitting, the notebook between them.
Cynthia, who was sitting up in bed, continued to work on the notebook.
He was sitting there, in the dark, when he first heard a step on the stair.
Effie Quincy stepped into the room, startled when she saw Dean, sitting there in his bathrobe.
She joined him, sitting on the sofa and pulling one of Cynthia's quilts across her lap.
Cynthia was still sleeping when a speeding Ford Explorer passed them and Dean caught sight of Donald Ryland, with his son Donnie sitting beside him.
They'd have you sitting down under a hot light, spending a few hours while a gang of suits practiced twenty questions on you.
God, I can't be sitting here considering for even a minute, my wife might be a killer!
She's just sitting in the room, in her white dress.
He tried to turn and raise himself to a sitting position while pushing her away, but she held back his arm in a strong grip and locked a crooked arm about his neck.
He hesitated but remained half sitting on the edge of the bed.
He could picture her sitting there, listening to the ringing telephone, but not wanting to answer it.
During the hurried explanations of her mother's condition, her trip home and hushed comments on the recent happenings, it was moments before Dean noticed Janet O'Brien sitting in the far corner.
She was dressed in a tattered coat, hands in her lap, sitting as nervously as an immigrant awaiting deportation.
She was sitting up in bed reading.
He should be controlling this situation by now; not sitting here trying to figure out what the hell was happening.
You said you felt what I felt, and you're sitting here drawing portraits of me.
Virtually every car he owned confirmed he was a 'player'. The Lovebirds had started a fire and were sitting on the divan in front of it.
He was sitting, reveling in the day and enjoying his new art treasure, when he heard Connor's car come up the drive.
Jackson found Sarah sitting in the drawing room sipping coffee.
The other three were sitting with their drinks and his sat on the table in front of Elisabeth.
When Jackson returned home, Sarah and Connor were sitting down for dinner.
Hi... I'm sitting here enjoying the pieces you brought me.
Jackson retrieved the roast, cut two chops from it, and held one out to her while sitting on a stool.
He laughed, "Well, I'm sitting on the sofa petting a beautiful wolf who is sleeping in my lap."
Elisabeth sighed, "Jackson behaved very irresponsibly and he is lucky to be sitting here today."
Jackson and Elisabeth took turns sitting with Sarah; she seemed to be reconciling herself to their new reality.
When Sarah and Connor entered the drawing room, Jackson and Elisabeth were sitting on the sofa reading.
They brought a wing chair from the living room into the studio, and Elisabeth positioned him sitting back with one ankle on the other knee, his hands resting on the arms of the chair.
He quickly regretted sitting there rather than a chair.
He then hurried to Elisabeth who was already sitting up straight.
Sitting cross legged, Elisabeth held Jackson's hand in her lap, gazing at his face.
Sitting back down, he examined it.
Instantly he was awake - not simply sitting there with his eyes open, but completely awake.
Sitting on the couch feeling sorry for herself wasn't accomplishing anything.
His voice faded off as he realized that Lori and Josh were sitting at the opposite end of the table from Carmen.
At the familiar voice and stiff order, she struggled into a sitting position.
She clenched her meal bars and crossed to the living area, sitting with her back to him.
Elise released her, sitting back in shock.
She looked around when she reached the third mile marker, aware she was a sitting duck.
The only difference was the boards hammered over each of the windows, and the weapons sitting beside Mrs. Watson's rocking chair and stacked on the couch.
The two soldiers moved away, greeting the next group of people before sitting down to talk.
While I'm searching the ground for footprints, you think you can find her using the technological powerhouse you're sitting on?
Charlie asked, sitting on one of the trunks.
The forest was growing dark when he reached the tree to find the angel sitting in front of a dead fire, shaking with cold.
She wrote a cover story about how the police force is sitting around on their thumbs while the poor widow's little twin darlings remain missing.
And then they got sick of sitting around, and maybe ran out of dough I guess and figured the heat was off, so they came out.
He jammed in the cigarette lighter from his sitting position on the floor.
He could picture her sitting there, in her wraparound paisley with the torn-out hem.
Dean was knee-deep in a dream, trying to pull his Visa card away from Jeffrey Byrne, who was sitting on a cloud playing a harp, when his bedroom was suddenly filled with light.
The two travelers killed the time picking over a bland lunch and alternating long walks with longer periods of sitting on hard seats, re-reading a discarded newspaper.
He was sitting there a few moments later with Cynthia Byrne still unconscious when the attendant reappeared with Mr. Cole, a young intern, in tow.
I'm gonna have a ring around my be-hind for a week from sitting on this thing!
If you believed that was a fact we wouldn't be sitting here talking about it.
It wouldn't do him any good sitting in the hall in Scranton after he skipped.
Only I'll already be sitting there on a bar stool.
The assailant shoved Dean backwards, sitting him down hard on the concrete sidewalk as his head whacked the wall.
The two men were sitting outside Dean's recently-pitched tent in Cortez, Colorado.
There were numerous other tents in the area, many occupied and others with campers sitting outside enjoying the setting sun.
Anyway, he's nice and warm while I'm sitting here getting damp and cold.
Winston seemed to sense someone sitting on the bed but he could not recognize Dean in the darkened room.
And I wouldn't be sitting here in this elegant room, listening to classical guitar music and sipping manhattans with the light of my life, Dean thought.
She was sitting in a chair beside Katie, watching him with rapt attention.
The idea of sitting her chair beside his brought warmth to her cheeks.
Josh remained sitting in the hay, staring at her as if confused by her response.
He opened the door wider and when he saw Carmen sitting on the bed fully dressed, he entered the room and shut the door.
She was sitting at the table drinking a glass of milk when Katie walked in.
It was nice sitting there with him.
Sitting down with his back to the wall, he motioned for her to sit with her back against his chest.
He showed up suddenly when I was sitting beside the pond.
Just sitting there, enjoying the weather.
He was in the living room when she arrived, sitting in his chair reading the newspaper.
Bedtime began with their ritual of sitting on the window seat in each other's arms, watching their farm in the growing darkness.
Carmen was sitting on the window seat when Alex drove up Monday evening.
Lori was sitting on the porch swing, a red welt on one cheek.
Josh was sitting at the table nursing a cup of coffee with Alex.
After supper, Alex and Jonathan were sitting on the couch reading a book while she did the dishes.
Sitting there alone in Josh's living room while Lori slept, all Carmen could think about was the last moments for Josh.
The boy hesitated then left the floor where he sat and joined her sitting on the bed.
He couldn't imagine waking up to find an Other sitting in the corner.
Taran stepped into a cavernous bedchamber lit by low burning hearths and scented by the white flowers sitting in each window.
He knew nothing aside from Memon's heavy-fisted ways and those of the surrounding clans, but he felt far more comfortable sitting in a hall full of what should be the enemy than he ever had at Memon's court.
She was hauled into a sitting position by two beefy hands that then tore off her blindfold.
There were several hundred men and women in the makeshift arena, with the king's party of advisors and servants sitting within the ring against one wall.
Part of him reeled at the turn of events that found him sitting with a man who had never before acknowledged him.
When she returned to the house, Alex was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee.
Carmen shut the door and crossed the room, sitting at the desk and indicating a chair for Sam.
She was sitting at the vanity table brushing her hair when he returned.
She nodded, sitting down on the bed.
Alondra and Alfonso were sitting in the front row.
He enjoyed coming home and sitting in his chair, relaxing and reading the newspaper while she put supper on the table.
She glanced around and saw Clarissa's date sitting alone near the entrance to the garden.
She tugged at one of the chunks of wood until she had it sitting straight on the stump, as he had done.
The hours passed without another scream and she was still sitting at the table when the first rays of morning light warmed the kitchen.
Ingrid left and returned with her laptop and an iPad, sitting at the table with him.
An iPad in a bright green case and a cell phone labeled work phone!!!!! was sitting on the table in the informal dining area, a sticky note on it.
She's totally sitting in Xander's lap.
She thought there was more to him earlier when he healed her and for a moment, she'd made the same mistake while sitting in his lap.
How long was she sitting in her stupor?
A few days later Nuncomar was thrown into prison on a charge of forgery preferred by a private prosecutor, tried before the supreme court sitting in bar, found guilty by a jury of Englishmen and sentenced to be hanged.
On the 17th of January he was named on the commission for law reform, of which Hale was the chief; and on the 17th of March 1653, he was pardoned of all delinquency and thus at last made capable of sitting in parliament.
He urged on the bill by which Catholics were prohibited from sitting in either House of Parliament, and was bitter in his expressions of disappointment when the Commons passed a proviso excepting James, against whom the bill was especially aimed, from its operation.
In connexion with this system of salaries should be mentioned a somewhat reactionary law carried by Pericles in 451, by which an Athenian parentage on both sides was made an express condition of retaining the franchise and with it the right of sitting on paid juries.
He was educated at Cambridge and afterwards entered politics, becoming private secretary to the Prime Minister, Lord Derby, from 1852 to 1855, and sitting as member for Beverley from 1854 to 1857.
It has then met at Lambeth, and after sitting for five days for deliberation upon the fixed subjects and appointment of committees, has adjourned, to meet again at the end of a fortnight and sit for five days more, to receive reports, adopt resolutions and to put forth the encyclical letter.
At the head of the whole organization is a General Synod, sitting at Paris.
The general council, when not sitting, is represented by a permanent delegation (commission departementale).
When sitting in its capacity as a criminal court it is known as the tribunal correctionnel.
I will put an end to your sitting."
Giovanni in Laterano - and the Virgin's wedding -ring; and at the north-east corner is a sitting statue of Pope Julius III.
The provincial council elects a provincial commission and the communal council a municipal council from among its own members; these smaller bodies carry on the business of the larger while they are not sitting.
The sittings of both houses are public, and an absolute majority of the members must be present to make a sitting valid.
All members that belong to the same category are sitting together.
One of these provided that all matters relating to the government shall be transacted in the Privy Council, and that all resolutions "shall be signed by such of the Privy Council as shall advise and consent to the same"; and another declared that all office-holders and pensioners under the Crown shall be incapable of sitting in the House of Commons.
The first of these, based on the English model, are the courts of the elected justices of the peace, with jurisdiction over petty causes, whether civil or criminal; the second, based on the French model, are the ordinary tribunals of nominated judges, sitting with or without a jury to hear important cases.
The district court, sitting with a jury, can try criminal cases without appeal, but only by special leave in each case of the court of appeal.
The Departmental Committee of the Board of Trade, sitting in 1909 to consider railway accounting forms, while recommending ton-miles to the careful consideration of those responsible for railway working in Great Britain, considered the question of their necessity in British practice to be still open, and held that, at all events, they should not be introduced under compulsion.
He used his influence in moderating measures of revenge and violence, and while sitting in judgment on the regicides was oi.
They are appointed, promoted, transferred or removed by order of the council of justice, a body composed of the five highest judicial dignitaries, sitting at Canea.
During the sitting of this Assembly it was carried by a majority of seventy-five votes that Henderson should be transferred to Edinburgh.
Having entered the army at an early age, Conway was elected to the Irish parliament in 1741 as member for Antrim, which he continued to represent for twenty years; in the same year he became a member of the English House of Commons, sitting for Higham Ferrers in Northamptonshire, and he remained in parliament, representing successively a number of different constituencies, almost without interruption for more than forty years.
Before dawn of September the 4th (is Fructidor) Augereau with 2000 soldiers marched against the Tuileries, where the councils were sitting, dispersed XIX.
These two bodies nominally formed the legislature, the Tribunate merely discussing the bills sent to it by an important body, the Council of State; while the Corps Legislatif, sitting in silence, heard them defended by councillors of state and criticized by members of the Tribunate; thereupon it passed or rejected such proposals by secret voting.
In pursuance of the policy of encouraging the self-governing powers of the Basuto, a national council was instituted and held its first sitting in July 1903.
In 1219 the prior secured the right of holding a court there for all crown pleas and of sitting beside the justices itinerant, .and this led to serious collision between the monks and burgesses.
In the north of the island at least, the dead are buried in a sitting posture under the bed on which they have expired.
At the conclusion of the sitting, Lothar Meyer obtained a paper written by Stanislas Cannizzaro in 1858 wherein was found the final link required for the determination of atomic weights.
There was besides a provincial commission of five lawyers named by the governor-general from the members of the deputation, who settled election questions, and questions of eligibility in this body, gave advice as to laws, acted for the deputation when it was not sitting, and in general facilitated centralized control of the administrative system.
The senate and chamber met at San Stefano, and, sitting jointly as a National Assembly, issued a proclamation in favour of the committee and its army (April 22, 1909), by which Constantinople was now invested.
Upon his admission to a seafthe curious situation was presented of representatives of the state and of the territory of Wisconsin sitting in the same body.
As such, they were eagerly welcomed by the clergy; for a single magistrate, sitting in secret without appeal, necessarily grasps at whatever will lighten his burden of responsibility.
From its use in the sense of regulated order comes the application of the term to a class in a school (" sixth form," " fifth form," &c.); this sense has been explained without sufficient ground as due to the idea of all children in the same class sitting on a single form (bench).
The arbitral judgment is read out at a public sitting of the tribunal, the counsel and agents having been duly summoned to hear it.
Debray (1827-1888) he worked at the platinum metals, his object being on the one hand to prepare them pure, and on the other to find a suitable metal for the standard metre for the International Metric Commission then sitting at Paris.
Chase and Judge John C. Underwood constituted the United States circuit court sitting for Virginia before which the case was brought in December 1868; the court was divided, the chief justice voting to sustain the motion and Underwood to overrule it.
Appeals from the circuit courts can be made to the provincial court; and from the provincial court appeals lie to the appellate division of the Supreme Court of South Africa, sitting at Bloemfontein.
At the opening sitting (May 30) Czechs, Poles and Ruthenes defined their national attitude in formal resolutions, and the Slovene leader, Father Korosec, in the name of the Yugoslays, demanded " the union of all the Yugoslav territories of the Monarchy in an independent state organism, free from the rule of any foreign nation, and resting on a democratic basis, under the sceptre of the Habsburg-Lorraine Dynasty."
The Senate can interpose a veto in all matters of legislation, saving taxation, and where there is a collision between the two bodies, provision is made for reference to a court of arbitration, consisting of members of both houses in equal numbers, and also to the supreme court of the empire (Reichsgericht) sitting at Leipzig.
There is a provincial division of the Supreme Court of South Africa sitting at Pretoria (consisting of a judge president and six puisne justices) with original and appellate jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters.
And the Lord said to him, Ye shall be sitting on twelve thrones and judging the tribes of Israel.
The police courts of the City are held at the Mansion House, the Lord Mayor or an alderman sitting as magistrate, and at the Guildhall, where the aldermen preside in rotation.
It was formerly represented in the Natal legislature by three members, one member sitting in the Legislative Council, and two being elected to the Legislative Assembly, one each for the districts of Eshowe and Melmoth.
Although not sacrosanct, they had the right of sitting in a curule chair and wore the distinctive toga praetexta.
Large chevron-bones are suspended to the vertebrae of the tail, which was massive, and probably afforded a support when the monster was sitting up. The humerus has no foramen, and the FIG.
A proposal was annexed to the proces-verbal of the final sitting, and the president closed the first session of the conference on the 25th of June 1898 with the expression of a hope that the delegates would soon reassemble.
Before 22 Prairial the Revolutionary Tribunal had pronounced 1220 death-sentences in thirteen months; during the forty-nine days between the passing of the law and the fall of Robespierre 1376 persons were condemned, including many innocent victims. The lists of prisoners to be sent before the tribunal were prepared by a popular commission sitting at the museum, and signed, after revision, by the Committee of General Security and the Committee of Public Safety jointly.
Then he was elected to the Legislative Assembly, sitting at the extreme left, and forming with C. Bazire and Merlin de Thionville the "Cordelier trio."
According to native report, the gorillas sleep on these beds, which are of sufficient thickness to raise them a foot or two above the ground, in a sitting posture, with the head inclined forwards on the breast.
Examples of acts of indemnity are two private acts passed in 1880 to relieve Lords Byron and Plunket from the disabilities and penalties to which they were liable for sitting and voting in the House of Peers without taking the oath.
Questions of jurisdiction between the superior and supreme courts, as well as questions of like character between the supreme court and the executive, are decided by the senate sitting as a court.
The great council consisted of 3200 citizens of blameless reputation and over twenty-five years of age, a third of the number sitting for six months in turn in the hall of the Cinquecento expressly built for the purpose.
This condition was elegantly defined by Carlyle as "sitting on a dungheap among innumerable dead dogs."
This special feature has been attributed to the Japanese habit of kneeling instead of sitting, but investigation shows that it is equally marked in the working classes who pass most of their time standing.
Men and women of all ranks began to visit it; the emperor himself consented (f 887) to witness a performance by the great stars of the stage at the private residence of Marquis Inouye; a dramatic reform association was organized by a number of prominent noblemen and scholars; drastic efforts were made to purge the old historical dramas of anachronisms and inconsistencies, and at length a theatre (the Yurabu-za) was built on purely European lines, where instead of sitting from morning to night witnessing one long-drawn-out drama with interludes of whole farces, a visitor may devote only a few evening-hours to the pastime.
Rugs of skins or rush matting were used for sitting on, and the whole - was surrounded with a palisade.
It was symbolized by the Greeks as an old man in a more or less sitting posture, with a goat and her kids in his left hand, and a bridle in his right.
It was found necessary to adjourn the sitting until the 7th of June, on which occasion the outward decencies were better observed, partly no doubt from the circumstance that Sigismund was present in person.
The sentence he expected was pronounced on the 6th of July in the presence of Sigismund and a full sitting of the council; once and again he attempted to remonstrate, but in vain, and finally he betook himself to silent prayer.
He began his parliamentary career as deputy for Civitavecchia in 1886, sitting on the Right, but he resigned his seat in 1897, having been appointed prefect of Perugia; three years later he went to Naples in a similar capacity, and in 1902 he was raised to the Senate.
Whilst the reeves are sitting on their eggs, scattered about the swamps, he is to be seen far away flitting about in flocks, and on the ground dancing and sparring with his companions.
Encouraged by these and other conventions in order to obstruct the collection of debts and taxes, a mob prevented a session of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace at Northampton on the 29th of August, and in September other mobs prevented the same court from sitting in Worcester, Middlesex and Berkshire counties.
About 000 insurgents under Shays assembled at Springfield on the 26th of September to prevent the sitting there of the Supreme Court, from which they feared indictments.
In the smoke-infested wigwam and hut the ground was the best place for sitting or sleeping.
There were special privileges surrounding tenancies of these lands, such as freedom from tolls and duties, exemption from danegeld and amercement, from sitting on juries, &c. Hence, the phrase "ancient demesne" came to be applied to the tenure by which the lands were held.
The work of inquisition into cases of heresy proceeded slowly in the hands of the bishops, who were too busy with other matters to find much time for sitting in judgment on theological points about which they were imperfectly informed.
A workman sitting at a balance files the edges of the piece and weighs it until it is within the remedy.
This system, with the addition of the Senate, the chancellor and the justices of the supreme court occasionally sitting as a court for the correction of errors, was retained with only slight changes until 1846.
At the fourth sitting it was decided to cite Simon Episcopius and several other Remonstrants to appear within fourteen days before the synod, to state and justify their doctrines.
At the 25th sitting Episcopius and the others cited appeared, when Episcopius surprised the deputies by a bold and outspoken defence of his views, and even went so far as to say that the synod, by excluding the Arminian deputies, could now only be regarded as a schismatic assembly.
The Remonstrants were asked to file copious explanations of the five points in dispute (Sententia Remonstrantium), but objecting to the manner in which they were catechized, they were, at the 57th sitting, dismissed from the synod as convicted "liars and deceivers."
The higher administration of justice is devolved upon six provincial courts and a supreme court, sitting at Colmar.
The assessment rolls of the county assessor are subject to alteration by the board of county commissioners sitting as a county board of equalization and the assessments as between counties are subject to alteration by the state board of equalization.
Treaties and military operations were at first of no avail, but in 1876 the United States government took steps to reduce them to submission, and Generals George Crook (1828-1890), Alfred Howe Terry (1827-1890) and John Gibbon (1827-1896), with 2700 troops (besides the Crow scouts) were sent against the Sioux under Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and others.
By its provisions communications from the Government and the other House, and reports of commissions, had to take precedence of other business; further, the president could postpone to the end of the sitting formal motions, interpellations, emergency motions, and other obstructive measures.
The skin disease he had contracted in the subterranean haunts was rapidly closing his life; he could only ease his pain by sitting in a warm bath, where he wrote his journal; and accused the Girondins, who were trying to raise France against Paris.
Sitting thus on the 13th of July he heard in the evening a young woman begging to be admitted to see him, saying that she brought news from Caen, where the escaped Girondins were trying to rouse Normandy.
When forbidden to land, he told the messenger to inform the governor that he had seen Marius sitting as a fugitive among the ruins of Carthage.
The refusal of Lucien to put the vote of outlawry, for which the majority of the council clamoured, his opportune closing of the sitting, and his appeal to the soldiers outside to disperse les representants du poignard, turned the scale in favour of his brother.
During the period when Parliament is not sitting, a permanent commission of 24 members (16 from the deputies and 8 from the senators) sits to enact urgent measures which have temporarily the force of law.
The tribunals of the republic are the Supreme Court of Justice, which sits at Brno and is the court of final appeal both in civil and criminal causes, two high courts sitting at Prague and Brno respectively, 33 provincial courts and 410 district courts, all of which possess j urisdiction in both civil and criminal causes.
Well provided with funds, he speedily bought over many of the leading magnates, and his popularity reached its height when he strenuously advocated the adoption of the mode of election by the gentry en masse (which the szlachta proposed to revive), as opposed to the usual and more orderly "secret election" by a congress of senators and deputies, sitting with closed doors.
Two men are employed at this operation - one splitting and the other dressing, performing their work in a sitting posture.
This peculiar little inhabitant of the steppes and desert regions of Turkestan and Persia, by rubbing the imbricating scales upon each other, produces a shrill cricket-like noise, whilst sitting at night in front of its hole in the ground.
The laws and records of suits were set down in picture-writings, of which some are still to be seen; sentence of death was recorded by drawing a line with an arrow across the portrait of the condemned, and the chronicles describe the barbaric solemnity with which the king passed sentence sitting on a golden and jewelled throne in the divine tribunal, with one hand on an ornamented skull and the golden arrow in the other.
The rider sitting in the position described, square to the front, with his shoulders well back, will be riding with fairly long reins, one of the secrets of good hands.
To trot, press the legs to the saddle, and raise the bridle hand a little, and, after a moment's sitting close, begin to rise ("pose") in cadence with the action of the horse.
The issue was finally settled in 1849 when the earl of Elgin was governor and the Canadian legislature, sitting at Montreal, passed by a large majority the Rebellion Losses Bill, compensating citizens, some of them French, in Lower Canada, for losses incurred at the hands of the loyal party during the rebellion a decade earlier.
During the festival of Artemis at Delos, Acontius saw Cydippe, a well-born Athenian maiden of whom he was enamoured, sitting in the temple of the goddess.
Other paintings with which the name of the gallery is generally associated are Correggio's "La Notte" and "Mary Magdalene"; Titian's "Tribute Money" and "Venus"; "The Adoration" and "The Marriage in Cana," by Paul Veronese; Andrea del Sarto's "Abraham's Sacrifice"; Rembrandt's "Portrait of Himself with his Wife sitting on his Knee"; "The Judgment of Paris" and "The Boar Hunt," by Rubens; Van Dyck's "Charles I., his Queen, and their Children."
The usual prognostication of future distinction is attributed in the case of More to Cardinal Morton, " who would often tell the nobles sitting at table with him, where young Thomas waited on him, whosoever liveth to trie it shall see this child prove a notable and rare man."
During his later years he had been a cripple in consequence of a fall in the Chamber of Deputies, and he fought the last of his many duels sitting in a chair.
The powers of the two houses are the same except that the senate exercises the usual right of confirming appointments and of sitting as a court of impeachment, while the House of Representatives initiates money bills and impeachment cases.
It is governed by a general assembly or " synod " of deputies from the principal judicatures, sitting once a year.
Meanwhile although the states were still sitting at the Hague, an army of 14,000 troops under the command of Prince Frederick, second son of the king, was gradually approaching Brussels.
The chronicler known as Fredegarius Scholasticus relates that a queen was once sitting by the seashore, when a monster came out of the sea, and by this monster she subsequently became the mother of Merovech, but this myth is due to an attempt to explain the hero's name, which means "the sea-born."
At last, at the famous sitting of the 9th Thermidor, he ventured to present as the report of the committees of General Security and Public Safety a document expressing his own views, a sight of which, however, had been refused to the other members of committee on the previous evening.
This view was that of the rump of the chamber still sitting at the Palais Bourbon, and a deputation headed by Thiers and Laffitte waited upon the duke to invite him to place himself at the head of affairs.
To this, which seems authentic, is usually added the tradition (due to the abbe Boileau) that afterwards he used at times to see an imaginary precipice by his bedside, or at the foot of the chair on which he was sitting.
In every district of the Oberlandesgerichi, the Rechtsanlvdlte are formed into an Anwaltkammer (chamber of advocates), and the council of each chamber, sitting as a court of honor, deals with and determines matters affecting the honor of the profession.
The council of Basel was still sitting, and had elected an anti-pope, Felix V., in opposition to Eugenius IV., while the Frederick electors, adhering to their neutral attitude, sought Ill, and to bring Frederick into line with them on this question, the Some years were occupied in negotiations, but the Pa,oacv.
Should three such interchanges be made without agreement, a common plenary sitting is held of an equal number of both delegations; and these collectively, without discussion, decide the question by common vote.
So it came about in 1869, that on the first occasion when there was a joint sitting of the Delegations to settle a point in the von Rauscher (1797-1875), cardinal archbishop of Vienna, who had earned his red hat by the share he had taken in arranging the concordat of 1855, and now attempted to use his great personal influence with the emperor (his former pupil) to defeat the bill.
So long as parliament was sitting they were kept in check; as soon as it had voted supplies and the Delegations had separated, they ordered new elections in all those diets where there was a Liberal majority.
The next day, when the sitting began, one of the ministers, Count Falkenhayn, a Clerical who was very unpopular, moved " That any member who continued to disturb a sitting after being twice called to order could be suspended - for three days by the president, and for thirty days by the House."
The next day, at the beginning of the sitting, the Socialists rushed on the platform, tore up and destroyed all the papers lying there, seized the president, and held him against the wall.
During the early months of 1900 matters were more peaceful, and Korber hoped to be able to arrange a compromise; but the Czechs now demanded the restoration of their language in the internal service of Bohemia, and on 8th June, by noise and disturbance, obliged the president to suspend the sitting.
On one occasion a sitting lasted 57 hours without interruption.
In the oriental quarters of the city the curious shops, the markets of different trades (the shops of each trade being generally congregated in one street or district), the easy merchant sitting before his shop, the musical and quaint street-cries of the picturesque vendors of fruit, sherbet, water, &c., with the ever-changing and many-coloured throng of passengers, all render the streets a delightful study for the lover of Arab life, nowhere else to be seen in such perfection, or with so fine a background of magnificent buildings.
The "Melancolia," numbered "1" as though intended to be the first of a series, with its brooding winged genius sitting dejectedly amidst a litter of scientific instruments and symbols, is hard to interpret in detail, but impossible not to recognize in general terms as an embodiment of the spirit of intellectual research (the student's "temperament" was supposed to be one with the melancholic), resting sadly from its labours in a mood of lassitude and defeat.
Speaking generally, articles of decoration and embellishment not used in the services cannot lawfully be introduced into a church without the consent of the ordinary given by a faculty, the granting of which is subject to the judicial discretion of the chancellor or commissary, sitting as judge of the bishop's court.
He was absent from the important sitting of the 18th of June 1870, and did not send in his submission to the decrees until 1871, when he explained in a pastoral letter that the dogma "referred only to doctrine given forth ex cathedra, and therein to the definitions proper duly, but not to its proofs or explanations."
Let a man maintain this mindfulness all the while he is awake, whether he be standing, walking, sitting or lying down.
The execution, or rather murder, of Generals Lecomte and Clement Thomas by the communists on 18th March, which he vainly tried to prevent, brought him into collision with the central committee sitting at the hotel de Tulle, and they ordered his arrest, but he escaped; he was accused, however, by various witnesses, at the subsequent trial of the murderers (November 29th), of not having intervened when he might have done, and though he was cleared of this charge it led to a duel, for his share in which he was prosecuted and sentenced to a fine and a fortnight's imprisonment.
It is in keeping with his restless character that he is rarely found sitting.
He answered that He was, and He predicted that they should see the fulfilment of Daniel's vision of the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power.
Meanwhile Peter in the court below had been sitting with the servants, and in his anxiety to escape recognition had thrice declared that he did not know Jesus.
Before the election was decided Kruger took care to conciliate the volksraad members, as well as to see that at all the volksraad elections, which occurred shortly before the presidential election, his supporters were returned, or, if not returned, that his opponents were objected to on some trivial pretext, and by this means prevented from actually sitting in the volksraad until the presidential election was over.
Sitting with his snuff-box before him, and his head bent down, he looked ill at ease, and kept turning the folios of his notes.
Jesus in the painted window of Mansfeld church, stern of face, sword in hand, sitting on a rainbow, coming to judge; an altarpiece at Magdeburg, in which a ship with its crew was sailing on to heaven, carrying no layman on board; the deeds of St Elizabeth emblazoned on the window of St George's parish church at Eisenach; the living pictures of a young nobleman who had turned monk to save his soul, of a monk, the holiest man Luther had ever known, who was aged far beyond his years by his maceration; and many others of the same kind.
Thus, by his enemies, Thorbecke was often held up to scorn as a pure materialist and no friend of the fine arts, because at a sitting of the states-general in 1862 he had said that it is not the duty of the state, nor in the true interest of art itself, for the government to "protect" art, since all state-aided art must be artificial, like any forced plant.
A third of the number had annually to retire for a year, so that two-thirds formed the sitting council.