Sister-in-law Sentence Examples
His sister-in-law's voice was soft.
His most recent relationship with former sister-in-law Sharon Newman and subsequent marriage is marred by his involvement with taking her child.
Darian smiled to himself at his sister-in-law's Irish lilt.
Resolved, Darian Traveled to Texas, his presence in his sister-in-law's room waking her.
My sister-in-law is a Healer.
From inscriptions it appears that Matidia the younger, sister-in-law of Hadrian,.
He was attacked by assassins on the steps of St Peter's and badly wounded; attendants carried him to a cardinal's house, and, fearing poison, he was nursed only by his wife and Sancha, his sister-in-law.
The little princess was in her sister-in-law's room.
Ginger wasn't as facially pretty as Paulette but her figure—stately and full—and her dress—expensive and tasteful— paled her sister-in-law like a queen visitor at a homeless shelter.
Dean just smiled, wondering how Ginger and Joseph would know where brother and sister-in-law were if they themselves hadn't lied like the proverbial rug and done the exact same thing as the pair they were accusing.
AdvertisementDo you know Ida Wassermann has a sister-in-law on the Sentinel?
She was brought up in Paris by Ferriol's sister-in-law with her own sons, MM.
It was his advice which led the king to choose all his ministers from one political party, to adopt the modern system, and he managed to effect a reconciliation between William and his sister-in-law, the princess Anne.
In 1797 his wife died, and next year he married Catherine Allen, sister-in-law of Josiah and John Wedgwood, through whom he introduced Coleridge to the Morning Post.
Between the king and his sister-in-law there was.
AdvertisementHere he wrote La Nouvelle Heloise; here he indulged in the passion which that novel partly represents, his love for Madame d'Huodetot, sister-in-law of Madame d'Epinay, a lady young and amiable, but plain, who had a husband and a lover (St Lambert), and whom Rousseau's devotion seems to have partly pleased and partly annoyed.
With regard to the fine boulevards of the Upper Town, it may be mentioned that about 1765 they were planted with the double row of lime trees which still constitute their chief ornament by Prince Charles of Lorraine while governing the Netherlands for his sister-in-law, the empress Maria Theresa.
Thiers had long been married, and his wife and sister-in-law, Mlle Dosne, were his constant companions; but he left no children, and had had only one - a daughter - who long predeceased him.
He restrained the follies of his sister-in-law, and kept the realm quiet, by firm government, and by prosecuting the war with the Moors.
At the age of sixteen he married Marie Therese of Savoy, sister-in-law of his brother, the count of Provence (Louis XVIII.).
AdvertisementShe was the sister-in-law of Nathaniel Hawthorne and of Horace Mann.
Sigebert was anxious to avenge his sister-in-law, but on the intervention of Guntram, he accepted the compensation offered by Chilperic, namely the cities of Bordeaux, Cahors and Limoges, with Beam and Bigorre.
Throughout his pontificate Innocent was completely dominated by his sister-in-law, Donna Olimpia Maidalchini, a woman of masculine spirit.
Mme d'Aubigne returned to France, and from sheer poverty unwillingly yielded her daughter to her sister-in-law, Mme de Villette, who made the child very happy, but converted or pretended to convert her to Protestantism.
After the capture of Troy, he and his sister-in-law Andromache accompanied Neoptolemus (Pyrrhus) as captives to Epirus, where Helenus persuaded him to settle.
AdvertisementLudovico was vehemently denounced and attacked during the earlier years of his usurpation, especially by the partisans of his sister-in-law Bona of Savoy, the mother of the rightful duke, young Gian Galeazzo.
His Bible was prohibited by proclamation in 1542, while Coverdale himself defied the Six Articles by marrying Elizabeth Macheson, sister-in-law to Dr John MacAlpine.
He was the son of William Anson of Shugborough in Staffordshire, and his wife Isabella Carrier, who was the sister-in-law of Lord Chancellor Macclesfield, a relationship which proved very useful to the future admiral.
His sister-in-law and her whole family, who came to live with him on his return from Rome, perished shortly afterwards of the plague; and on the 2nd of April 1634 died, to the inexpressible grief of her father, his eldest and bestbeloved daughter, a nun in the convent of San Matteo at Arcetri.
Ginger, coiffed and styled by the best, was ready for a fashion photographer's lens while continually rolling her eyes with disdain toward her sister-in-law.
Ginger wasn't as facially pretty as Paulette but her figure—stately and full—and her dress—expensive and tasteful— paled her sister-in-law like a queen visitor at a homeless shelter.
Much loved sister-in-law of Betty, Frank and families, Margaret, Vic and families.
I could not have asked for a more thoughtful and loving sister-in-law.
My new sister-in-law, Mei Lin, did the catering.
Neither was me taking class A's in the toilets with your frankly quite scraggy future sister-in-law.
His prospective sister-in-law, Alison, has hearing dog Bob.
The well-known custom which gives the nearest heir of the dead a right to inherit the widow is naturally distinct from the levirate, where it is the brother's duty to marry his widowed sister-in-law if childless, and where the eldest son succeeds to the name and inheritance of the deceased.
Is there a good chance of your sister in law regifting that Chia Pet?
She's my sister-in-law.
Ginger, coiffed and styled by the best, looked ready for a fashion photographer's lens while continually rolling her eyes with disdain toward her sister-in-law.
In 1693 further correspondence between Gauden, Clarendon, the duke of York, and Sir Edward Nicholas was published by Mr Arthur North, who had found them among the papers of his sister-in-law, a daughter-in-law of Bishop Gauden; but doubt has been thrown on the authenticity of these papers.
His elder son Arnulf married Liutgardis, daughter of Siegfried of Luxemburg and sister-in-law of the emperor Henry II.
Myself, my sister in-law Vicky and Carol felt that we were in a position to help.
Anna Pavlovna had already managed to speak to Lise about the match she contemplated between Anatole and the little princess' sister-in-law.
It was plain that she was following a train of thought independent of her sister-in-law's words.
Princess Mary did not listen to the end, but continuing her train of thought turned to her sister-in-law with a tender glance at her figure.
She brought her face close to her sister-in-law's and unexpectedly again began to cry.
When they left the table she took her sister-in-law's arm and drew her into another room.
Princess Mary, supporting her sister-in-law, still looked with her beautiful eyes full of tears at the door through which Prince Andrew had gone and made the sign of the cross in his direction.
She took her sister-in-law's hand and held it below her waist.
Princess Mary knelt down before her and hid her face in the folds of her sister-in-law's dress.
Several times in the course of the morning Princess Mary began trying to prepare her sister-in-law, and every time began to cry.
Oh, you are very pale! said Princess Mary in alarm, running with her soft, ponderous steps up to her sister-in-law.
The first death I saw, and one I shall never forget--that of my dear sister-in-law--left that impression on me.
You see I have known him a long time and am also fond of Mary, your future sister-in-law.
His old sister-in-law popped in a small bundle, and one of the coachmen helped him into the vehicle.
When my sister-in-law 's sister begins working here she will pay her taxes and become a useful member of the community.
He explained that he had to go to his sister-in-law 's house and invited me to accompany him.
He was a Motor mechanic and my sister-in-law Mrs Valerie Wiseman would Love to find this family again.
The word nasty has such a negative connotation; you probably don't want to use it when describing your sister-in-law.
Other major events include the arrival of Addison's former sister-in-law, Maya (Sam and Naomi's daughter) becoming pregnant and the life-threatening accident she experiences at the end of the season.
After the initial complaint was made and the investigation launched, Kate Gosselin's brother and sister-in-law appeared on The Early Show on CBS to add their voices to the complaint.
Princess Mary told Pierre of her plan to become intimate with her future sister-in-law as soon as the Rostovs arrived and to try to accustom the old prince to her.