Sipped Sentence Examples
He sipped his coffee again.
He sipped his tea.
Katie sipped her coffee.
She sipped her coffee and eyed him suspiciously.
He sipped the hot liquid and grimaced.
She sipped, surprised at the smooth flavor.
She sipped it, rubbing the back of her neck.
Her chest tightened again, and she sipped more of the warming liquid.
Dean sipped the last of his cold coffee.
For a few moments they sipped in silent reflection.
AdvertisementThe topaz gaze was intense as he sipped the hot liquid.
He sipped the hot liquid and winced.
She sipped her cocoa, cheered by the thought of soon knowing what was wrong with her.
He didn't smile this time but sipped his tea, eyes on her.
Katie sipped her tea, hot from head to toe.
AdvertisementAt the pumpkin patch, they sipped hot cider while strolling around making their choices and corralling them together, laughing and enjoying the sunshine.
She sipped her coffee, aware that Josh was watching her intently.
Carmen took the cup of coffee and sipped it, feeling the warmth all the way down to her stomach.
She touched the small vault containing the Horsemen in her cargo pants and sipped water.
He returned to his rocker, sipped his beer and began to patiently answer the barrage of Fred's questions about his day's activities.
AdvertisementA stack of books rested in front of her and she sipped a cup of black coffee.
He sipped his manhattan.
Cynthia's cheeks were quick to color as she sipped the liquid, making a face with each gulp.
He answered his own question as he sipped on his beer.
Dean sipped the hot coffee, thankful Fred didn't raise any questions about Betty from Boise.
AdvertisementShe held her coffee cup with both hands and sipped the hot brew.
He sipped his coffee before responding.
He ate and sipped the cider, its warmth making his muscles relax.
His gaze moved around the room as he sipped on his glass of punch.
Carmen sipped her coffee.
In the kitchen they sipped tea and discussed everything from wildlife to house plants.
Cynthia managed a smile as she cleaned and stacked the utensil carnage from her baking frenzy while Dean sipped his coffee in silence, content to spend a few quiet minutes before the swarm of guests descended in earnest.
As he sipped his double choc latte, Terry pondered his recent experience (feeling rather chuffed with himself ).
I sipped a latte and watched the mail truck teeter down the hill and safely away.
These days, they are typically served in an old-fashioned or highball glass and sipped with a straw.
Mint Juleps can be sipped directly from the glass, but true Southern belles sip through a straw.
Children were frequently served Shirley Temples or Roy Rogers drinks at restaurants while their parents sipped "real" cocktails.
Unlike a cold beer or soft drink, frozen tropical alcoholic drinks are meant to be sipped.
Porto decanter set-According to Signals, 17th century Europeans sipped their port wine through specially crafted Pfeiffen-Schnapps glasses.
During the weeks of healing the patient is limited to a liquid diet sipped through a straw and must be careful not to choke or vomit since he cannot open his mouth to expel the vomitus.
Liquids are also sipped throughout the day, but are not taken with meals.
He took the glass from her hand and sipped it.
She paused while he sipped his coffee.
They sipped their coffee in silence for a few minutes and then Señor Medena spoke.
There he stretched out his long legs and sipped at the cup of coffee.
For a few minutes he sipped it in silence.
Adrienne glanced at Chris and sipped her coffee.
He straddled a chair and leaned his arms across the top of it while he sipped his coffee.
He nodded again and turned away, staring out the window while he sipped the coffee.
He sipped at his coffee.
She sipped her coffee reflectively and finally found the courage ask him a question that had been nagging her since his offer.
He sipped the hot coffee and lowered the cup, staring down into the dark liquid.
He turned to the stove, pouring himself another cup of coffee and leaned against the counter, watching her thoughtfully as he sipped the coffee.
Once I was alone again, I pondered my unilateral decision to speak directly to Ethel Reagan as I sipped on cold coffee.
She sipped her drink, surprised to find it really was her favorite, a pumpkin spice latte.
He accepted the bowl of soup and sipped in silence for a few minutes.
Paul sipped his drink and looked around as Dean returned to the chaise.
Deidre sipped her tea, her head aching.
Alex sprayed the mouth full of coffee he had just sipped.
Daniela sipped her tea.
Wynn was relaxed, sharp gaze on some point in the distance as he sipped his wine.
He sipped his wine, eyes on her.
Deidre sipped her coffee.
Deidre took one and sipped.
Proud of herself, she sipped from a glass of wine.
She listened, dread fluttering through her, and sipped her wine.
He sipped his cocoa from a sticky cup filled half with marshmallows.
Sasha sipped blood from a goblet, content.
She sipped from a container of water and turned again to the wall behind the titanium glass, unable to pinpoint how one of the sensitive keypads had made it outside the compound or when.
Lana lifted her soup again and sipped.
Mrs. Watson sipped tea and waited for her to finish before she motioned to the clothing slung over the back of the couch.
Fred nodded, sipped at his tea and made a face.
She sipped her coffee a few times and finally gave up.
She sipped her coffee, no doubt waiting for further explanation before commenting again.
She sipped her coffee.
He sipped his coffee and a twinkle came into his eyes.
She sank to a bench and sipped on her coffee, letting its warmth invaded her body and relax her stiff muscles.
She sipped her coffee without looking away.
Jessi sipped her tea.
They sipped their coffee in silence for a few minutes and then Señor Medena spoke.
He sipped it with relish and soon became somewhat loquacious.
Napoleon ordered another glass to be brought for Rapp, and silently sipped his own.
Lastly, white port can be sipped on its own, but is more likely combined with other liquors and flavors to create sophisticated cocktails.