Sinner Sentence Examples
Once get a sinner to confession, and the whole work was done.
When the sinner has expiated his crime they are ready to forgive.
The New Testament, however, does not indicate that its writers were agreed as to any formal dogma of the atonement, as regards the relation of the death of Christ to the sinner's restoration to God's favour; but various suggestions are made as to the solution of the problem.
The authority to grant such discharge was conceived to be included in the power of binding and loosing committed by Christ to His Church; and when in the course of time the vaguer theological conceptions of the first ages of Christianity assumed scientific form and shape at the hands of the Schoolmen, the doctrine came to prevail that this discharge of the sinner's debt was made through an application to the offender of what was called the " Treasure of the Church " (Thurston, p. 315).
From a remission of penance it was extended, in the 13th century, to a release from the temporal punishment exacted by God, whether in this life or in purgatory, from the repentant sinner.
Remember the tax collector in the parable - " God, have mercy on me a sinner.
But can the law, which utterly condemns the sinner, can it redeem the sinner?
The modern notion that the sinner can reject Christ as Lord but receive Him as Savior is foreign to all the historic creeds.
According to the bible, the original sinner, who tempted man into everlasting damnation, was a woman.
Just as Christ does not disassociate Himself from a sinner like me, so we ought not to disassociate ourselves from our fellow sinners.
AdvertisementAnd let us not fritter away the truth by supposing this reconciliation to mean a change in the sinner's heart to God.
It is the glory of God to bestow free grace upon a sinner and elicit new life and genuine evangelical obedience.
Do not kindle the coals of a sinner, lest you be burned in his flaming fire.
A toad, a stinking carcass, cannot be so loathsome to us as a sinner is to God.
Christ, as the sinner's Surety, has rendered perfect obedience, and blood.
AdvertisementThe truly repentant sinner is devastated by the way he has offended God with his sin.
God loves the sinner, but hates the sin.
Clearly, John did not believe that Jesus was a sinner or that believers were also sinless like him.
Why go back to the law, which can never redeem the guilty sinner?
The awakened sinner always has a question, the marrow of which is, " What must I do to be saved?
AdvertisementIn the past leprosy was said to be sent by the ancestors to punish either individual sinners or members of a sinner's family.
In verse 20 then you see God's love demonstrated toward a penitent sinner.
Oh, how it came into my soul that Christ had died for an ungodly sinner just like me!
One of the most obvious defects of this school is excessive attachment to polysyllabic terms. Lydgate is not quite so great a sinner in this respect as are some of his successors, but his tendency cannot be mistaken, and John Metham is amply justified in his censure Eke John Lydgate, sometime monk of Bury, His books indited with terms of rhetoric And half-changed Latin, with conceits of poetry.
Some or all of the conditions of atonement may be fulfilled, according to various views, either by the sinner or vicariously on his behalf by some kinsman; or by his family, clan or nation; or by some one else.
AdvertisementAt the same time, according to Catholic teaching, such Indulgence was not a mere permission to omit or postpone payment, but was in fact a discharge from the debt of temporal punishment which the sinner owed.
To appreciate it, we must distinguish the lower mythologic aspect of him, in which he appears as an amorous and capricious deity lacking often in dignity and real power, and the higher religious aspect, in which he is conceived as the All-Father, the Father of Gods and men in a spiritual or moral sense, as a God omnipotent in heaven and earth, the sea and the realms below, as a God of righteousness and justice and mercy, who regards the sanctity of the oath and hears the voice of the suppliant and sinner, and in whom the pious and the lowly trust.
In the past leprosy was said to be sent by the ancestors to punish either individual sinners or members of a sinner 's family.
What is the definition, then, that the Lord gives of a repenting sinner?
He could lay no claim to virtue; he was just a repentant sinner.
If you reprove a sin, cease not till the sinner promises you to leave it, and avoid the occasions of it.
Redemption is not, first, an easy way of salvation for the sinner, and then a display of the character of God.
Better the sinner that repenteth, you might reasonably think, for this was always a wholly misconceived policy initiative.
Oh, how it came into my soul that Christ had died for an ungodly sinner just like me !
Just saying the words of the ' sinner 's prayer ' without meaning them is worse than useless.
Love the sinner with all your heart, but do n't cheapen the gospel for anyone!
He 's not denying that he 's a sinner in need of forgiveness.
On the left he is unbinding a sinner, on the right returning to the Lord with nothing of his own, simply faith.
God is the father and the son is the unworthy sinner.
For whatever reason, the psalmist has been made deeply aware that he is a wretched sinner.
He can just change the title from Saint among the Sinners to Sinner among the Saints, The Life and Times of a Mine-Town Hooker.
At other moments, I am as distressed as the sinner that I am, being dragged to hell's fire beyond.
I care even less if your brother writes Saint Among the Sinners or Sinner Among the Saints.
It is possible for every sinner to turn to God and escape punishment, and conversely for a righteous man to backslide and fall.
In this process the conviction of the reconciliation of the sinner with God, of the salvation of the world and the individual through Christ, fell into the background before the vindication of supernatural truths intellectually conceived.
In the Greek synaxaria the same day is assigned to two other saints of the name of Pelagia - one, also of Antioch, and sometimes called Margarito and also "the sinner"; the other, known as Pelagia of Tarsus, in Cilicia.
In his will he desired to be buried without any state and without a monument, "but at the utmost a plain stone with this superscription only, Vermis sum, acknowledging myself to be unworthy of the least outward regard in this world and unworthy of any remembrance that hath been so great a sinner."
Its object is rather the protection of the church than the punishment of the sinner.
Moreover, the mightiest secular ruler was but a poor sinner dependent for his eternal welfare on the Church and its head, the pope, who in this way necessarily exercised an indirect control over the civil government, which even the emperor Henry IV.
The later Targums and the Talmuds represent him as a typical sinner; and there are the usual worthless Rabbinical fables, e.g.
It is a small octavo volume of 120 parchment leaves, written throughout by Leo," notary and sinner,"who finished his task on the 11th of June 1156.
It refers not to an accusation, but to sin actually committed (after baptism); and it denotes the setting of the sinner free from the guilt of the sin, or from its ecclesiastical penalty (excommunication), or from both.
Christ suffering on behalf of sinners satisfies the divine righteousness, which was outraged by their sin.'3 His work is an expression of God's love to man; 14 the redeeming power of Christ's death is also explained by his solidarity with humanity as the second Adam," - the redeemed sinner has " died with Christ."
Y Y ing Himself with the sinner in perfect sympathy, and feeling for him an " equivalent repentance " for his sin.
It was answered that the sinner was really dead, and that the work of the Spirit was to give an actually new life.
As compared with Zinzendorf's own writings, this book exhibits the finer balance and greater moderation of Spangenberg's nature, while those offensive descriptions of the relation of the sinner to Christ in which the Moravians at first indulged are almost absent from it.
In a later and less rigorous age this rite was abridged and adjusted to constant repetition, in such wise that a sinner could be restored to grace not once only, but as often as the clergy chose to accept his repentance and confession.
In this natural state man, who even before he actually sins is a sinner before God by original or inherited sin, commits manifold actual transgressions; but he is not absolutely without power of will towards good, and is not always doing evil.
Sin after baptism excluded the sinner afresh from the divine grace and from the sacraments.
Though nothing was as yet systematized, the governing principle is laid down that the sin of the member affects the whole body, and therefore the society is bound to deal with it both from pity for the sinner, and for the sake of its own purity.
Secondly, where the nature of the offence admits of it, the sinner is to acknowledge his wrongdoing to the neighbour he has aggrieved.
And, thirdly, the sinner who cannot satisfy his conscience by these other methods is invited to open his grief to a minister of God's word.
To me an ethnologist who speaks of Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic grammar."
Anselm holds that it was best for the injured honour of God to receive from a substitute what the sinner was personally in no condition to offer.
As they deny the natural religion of the 18th century - the religion which works its way into harmony with God by virtue - so, still more emphatically, they refuse to bid the sinner merit forgiveness.
Justification by faith is a " synthetic " judgment - the sinner is righteous; it is not an " analytic " judgment - the believer is righteous.
In one view it gives the believer strength to attain, by God's supernatural aid or " grace," a goodness of which he is naturally incapable; in the other view it gives him an assurance that, though he knows himself a sinner deserving of utter condemnation, a perfectly just God still regards him with favour on account of the perfect services and suffering of Christ.
While God is the source of all good, man as a sinner is guilty and corrupt.
The sinner senses darkness in his soul similar to that of a dark and dank cellar.
While such a sun holds out to burn, the vilest sinner may return.
She wept quietly, and felt that she was a sinner who loved her father and little nephew more than God.