Sinless Sentence Examples
No human being has ever lived a sinless life, except for Jesus.
He is the one who fulfills the Old Testament by his sinless life.
Now this God-man, as sinless, is exempt from the punishment of sin; His passion is therefore voluntary, not given as due.
Even St Paul has been supposed, not without a certain plausibility, to teach the sinless perfection of real Christians.
Later tradition has changed all that, and made him sinless and almost divine.
I don't believe Icke can claim to be the Son of God for the simple fact that he is not sinless.
He never acted upon these external temptations but remained completely sinless.
Since Jesus is the only sinless human who walked this earth he was able to operate in the full power of the Holy Spirit.
Clearly, John did not believe that Jesus was a sinner or that believers were also sinless like him.
If Christ was perfectly sinless, then He did not deserve to die.
AdvertisementWe have fallen short of the glory of God and we find it difficult to remain sinless.
He is the one who fulfills the Old testament by his sinless life.
It gained a notable victory when that pope, acting on his own authority, defined (1854) as of faith a doctrine which had been long and hotly discussed - the Immaculate or absolutely sinless Conception (deeper than mere sinlessness in act and life) of the Blessed Virgin.
The perfect, sinless Son of God dying for sinful mankind.
I tell you, the more holy a person becomes the more he will shrink from claiming the attainment of sinless perfection.
AdvertisementIn the Ark it sets forth the sinless humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
They are part of the same God, with the same perfect, sinless nature.
Not only is life the rule for a sinless Man; it is of the essence of God.
To begin with, it was a sinless body, without taint of original sin, else God could not have dwelt therein.
I do n't believe Icke can claim to be the Son of God for the simple fact that he is not sinless.
AdvertisementBeing a Christian does n't mean we become sinless.
In His sinless perfection and filial relation to God He is unique, and His works are congruous with His Person.
They held that Christ's body was so inseparably united with the Logos as not to be consubstantial with humanity; its natural attributes were so heightened as to make it sinless and incorruptible.
Thus they did not teach a dual personality, nor the old Antiochene view that Christ's divine exaltation was due to his sinless virtue; they were less concerned with old disputes than with the problem as the Chalcedon decision had left it - the relation of Christ's one personality to his two natures.
But there is still a higher attainment; it is not enough to be sinless, one must become " God."
AdvertisementHis fiend Caelestius was in 412 charged with and excommunicated for heresy because he regarded Adam as well as all his descendants as naturally mortal, denied the racial consequences of Adam's fall, asserted the entire innocence of the new-born, recognized sinless men before the coming of Christ.
Man was originally sinless and without distinction of sex.
On the occasion of famine the druids advised that the son of a sinless married couple should be brought to Ireland to be killed in front of Tara and his blood mixed with the soil of Tara.