Sindarin Sentence Examples
The two primary types of Elvish are Sindarin and Quenya.
Sindarin is the common language used by gray Elves and Quenya is the language of scholars also known as High Elven speech.
Along with dictionary help, they provide Sindarin Elvish language tools including a summary of Sindarin grammar and Sindarin pronouns as well as courses for the two primary Elvish languages.
There are different dialects or "modes" of the language such as Quenya, Sindarin or English.
As mentioned above, vowels appear over the preceding consonant (or the following consonant in Sindarin mode).
Although, overall Elvish was based on the Finnish language as well as Latin, Tolkien based the Sindarin mode upon the Welsh language.
Elvish (including Quenya and Sindarin) The Quenya quote, "Elen sila lûmenn' omentielvo" means "A star shines on the hour of our meeting."