Since Sentence Examples
Since you arrived, she is not sure this is the way.
He'd been in a grumpy mood since he got up.
I haven't even seen him since the funeral.
Since then he had treated her with total respect.
Since they were all dressed up, she assumed they were going to church together.
I've been up since four.
Obviously it had been a long time since she had seen or talked to Mr. Cade.
He's been dead since morning.
Since then she had not seen him.
It has diminished greatly since Smolensk.
AdvertisementI have been made acutely aware of that fact since I was a child.
Since everyone knew the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, she started with a special meal.
Presently, labeling of GMO content isn't a requirement—and since labeling is a complex and controversial issue that has no bearing on my thesis, I will pass it by.
I do not remember a time since I have been capable of loving books that I have not loved Shakespeare.
He has, in truth, behaved very strangely ever since we came to Brewster.
AdvertisementSince you asked, I'm getting it today.
Every day I find how little I know, but I do not feel discouraged since God has given me an eternity in which to learn more.
But how shall I speak of the glories I have since discovered in the Bible?
She has since secured and forwarded to me a copy of the first edition.
You've been quiet for weeks - since we left Texas.
AdvertisementHave people since the Revolution become happier?
Not surprising, since they made all the laws.
It seems like years since I saw you last.
It was long since the Rostovs had news of Nicholas.
Cassie, your father should be the one to tell you this, but since you're not likely to give him the chance, I'll tell you.
AdvertisementA month ago she would have said she might never marry, and yet it had crossed her mind a number of times since she met Bordeaux.
I can't tell you how much I have lived through since then.
She had barely thought about the twins since Destiny went into the hospital.
As a matter of fact, he hadn't said that since he spent half the night with his old flame.
How I wish I could see you this lovely morning, and tell you all that has happened since I left home!
How many of them have filed for unemployment since they graduated?
Since rice is relied upon by so much of the world's poor, efforts here really can save lives.
She hadn't brushed or rinsed her mouth out since being sick on the plane.
And every day since you showed me the book, he has given me a lesson.
Have not men improved somewhat in punctuality since the railroad was invented?
It carried their baggage and was useful to ride in wherever there were good roads, and since it had accompanied them so far in their travels they felt it their duty to preserve it.
Since Bishop Brooks died I have read the Bible through; also some philosophical works on religion, among them Swedenborg's "Heaven and Hell" and Drummond's "Ascent of Man," and I have found no creed or system more soul-satisfying than Bishop Brooks's creed of love.
And we know the thing is true, because since the time of that interview there is no piglet to be found anywhere.
Since they all lived in the same apartment complex, and the evening was early, Adrienne invited them to her apartment for a cup of coffee.
Is it long since he grew worse?
She had done nothing but cry, complain and faint since this ordeal had begun.
Since she had given no information to Howard, Connie had to be the one who was talking.
This makes business a meritocracy and encourages business owners to focus on quality, service, and reputation since these are so easy for customers to check.
It was easy to see that they could not long be companions or co-operate, since one would not operate at all.
Since the restaurant is located at a beach resort, it is a good choice for hungry people who have just finished exploring the beach.
She hadn't fought him since.
It's been ten years since I first told you this.
I think I've loved you since I stole your soul.
Since just before you arrived.
Though I believe it is no longer considered valid, yet I have kept it ever since as one of my treasures.
Not long since, a strolling Indian went to sell baskets at the house of a well-known lawyer in my neighborhood.
Since she had begun looking after him, he had always experienced this physical consciousness of her nearness.
Since his wife left, he's avoided relationships because he's afraid of giving his heart again only to drive another love away.
Come to think of it, he hadn't been out at all since they returned from his parent's house.
I talked to the school and they let me take the finals, since I was so close to completing school.
It had been two years since their mother had died - three since their father had run off with that harlot.
We've been on the same stage since Ashley.
It had been several days since I'd spoken to them.
But not a sound had broken the stillness since the strangers had arrived, except that of their own voices.
But it is a long time since I have had any sleep, and I'm tired.
If I have since learned differently, I am not going to tell anybody.
It was long since there had been so stormy a meeting.
He hadn't set eyes on the man since he'd decked him in front of his inn and that was fine in his book.
In the very nature of things, articulation is an unsatisfactory means of education; while the use of the manual alphabet quickens and invigorates mental activity, since through it the deaf child is brought into close contact with the English language, and the highest and most abstract ideas may be conveyed to the mind readily and accurately.
The life of old Prince Bolkonski, Prince Andrew, and Princess Mary had greatly changed since 1805.
Since early morning he and his party had been on the move.
She snuggled into his arms and felt safe for the first time since the accident.
I've called you every day since the funeral.
Since his back was to the danger, he was unaware when the man gunned the engine and started to drive towards him.
In any case, Mom had known Dad since they were kids, but his desertion caught her by surprise.
I've been looking for you every since.
He'd changed since she last saw him.
He'd felt funky for a while, since Bianca fixed his face.
He'd drawn up on her twice since she arrived.
But since he sent you, I want you to see it.
I haven't had this much fun since high school!
As with the underworld, he'd tried to act in a way he thought was best since meeting her.
It wasn't quite as easy as he thought, especially since she was so helpless.
Since the first time I stepped inside I had a sense of all of the love and happiness and peace those walls have witnessed.
I haven't hunted since before the day I met you in the park.
It's been a while since I had a good deer roast.
It's been a long time since we all went out to eat together.
It's forbidden to do so, has been since the Schism, the Other said.
I've been a mess ever since.
I've been on my own since I got out of high school.
It's been a long time since I had that much fun.
Maybe he hadn't talked to Dad since she had.
But even old Jim has been saying things since we had our accident.
Since many of the poor were not able-bodied, the workhouses were not profitable institutions.
Since one cannot have everything, seed makers invariably will make trade-offs that might be different than what I would make.
Since its founding in 2005, Kiva has loaned out nearly a quarter of a billion dollars and is repaid almost 99 percent of the time.
I have known him since I was eight, and my love for him has increased with my years.
She rarely smiles; indeed, I have seen her smile only once or twice since I came.
But though externally all remained as of old, the inner relations of all these people had changed since Prince Andrew had seen them last.
Since his appointment as general on duty he had always slept with his door open, giving orders that every messenger should be allowed to wake him up.
The restaurant has many windows and, since it is surrounded by water, every seat ensures an ocean view.
Besides, it was time to replace some of the things she'd been wearing since before they were married.
Since his current office was directly across from their bedroom, it seemed a better place for babies that Alex said could be born early.
I've been trying to catch you since you left the lounge.
Since they were scheduled to be too late for supper that day, it was a good excuse to eat out together.
I've been planning it since...
Had it been that long since she talked to Mary?
You'd been together since diaper days.
It does not appear Rudman is responsible for Amy Lou Lewis, who remains missing from her Cranston, Rhode Island home since last week.
Since he'd dropped into seclusion there were any number of times I could have used his council.
The FBI can fill you in better when they get here but this guy's been off the grid since he was released from prison last summer.
He's had problems with college since our dad died last year.
Since leaving college, she'd stayed in shape through the local gym, where she lifted weights and forced herself onto a cardio machine twice a week.
It'd been too long since a normal woman overcame his first impression.
She was the greatest find since he'd taken over the war from his slain brother.
The videos running through her head were dark and disturbing, had been since she entered his world.
I've known the boy since the week he was born— from cribs, to toys, to basketballs, to girls.
Both Fitzgerald and the redhead are AWOL— been gone since before lunch.
He pushed aside the nagging instincts he'd been ignoring since seeing her earlier.
It's only fair since you're free because of me.
Darkyn focused his dark, soulless gaze on him for the first time since arriving.
I haven't seen him since I left the hospital.
Her eyes closed, and she slept deeply, the first peaceful night of slumber since her last night with him.
Since his marriage two weeks ago, his catnaps were becoming even more frequent than in his pre-nuptial days.
The Watcher continued to ignore him. "Have you never wondered what remains, since regaining your mind?"
He smiled for the first time since the accident.
At first she thought that wouldn't be possible on such short notice, but since the place specialized in barbeque and the need was small, they were able to fit them in.
Alex hadn't been around since the accident - only this person who looked tantalizingly like him.
I noticed you didn't have a dog and I thought since you liked animals … Carmen smiled.
Have you been up in the new pasture since you came back?
It was only fair that she let the children name the kitten, since Alex had named the puppy for them.
You've been doing it every year since you were two years old.
It had been nearly a half-hour since the last car had passed her.
She hadn't seen him smoke since.
Think of all I've discovered since I arrived.
You've been making sounds like you don't believe anything I say every since I met you.
She had been a virtual prisoner in the cabin since she had seen the snake on the porch.
Anyway, since when did you get to be such a mother hen?
Since she returned, she had a lot of time to think about things.
Her father said she seems so much happier since you two got together.
He rarely thought of the man he didn't remember, but since the stranger's visit, Xander wasn't able to get his father out of his mind.
The two visions that haunted her since she was a child were forefront in her mind.
How long has it been, Xander, since you killed the last one?
But here comes Ozma; so I'd better hush up, for the Princess doesn't like me to chatter since she changed her name from Tip to Ozma.
Since then, the changes have become more about intellectual property and technique.
Since the poorest nations will improve their financial conditions indefinitely, this is a long-term trend toward peace.
Everyone will be on Facebook, as will be every business, every idea, every brand, and all the people who were once members but have since passed away.
But in the excitement of carrying me to church my father lost the name on the way, very naturally, since it was one in which he had declined to have a part.
I wish to say here that I have not had this advantage since in any of my examinations.
I have since read Shakespeare's plays many times and know parts of them by heart, but I cannot tell which of them I like best.
You have studied all this, I don't doubt, since you have practised vocal speaking.
Undoubtedly, in this case, what is true for one is truer still for a thousand, as a large house is not proportionally more expensive than a small one, since one roof may cover, one cellar underlie, and one wall separate several apartments.
I had often since seen its crumpled red velvety blossom supported by the stems of other plants without knowing it to be the same.
You don't know how Kutuzov is pestered since his appointment as Commander in Chief.
I have not seen him since we acted together at the Rumyantsovs' theatricals.
Yet it was she, dressed in a new gown which he did not know, made since he had left.
The raft had long since stopped and only the waves of the current beat softly against it below.
And not the face she had known ever since she could remember and had always seen at a distance, but the timid, feeble face she had seen for the first time quite closely, with all its wrinkles and details, when she stooped near to his mouth to catch what he said.
Since their marriage Natasha and her husband had lived in Moscow, in Petersburg, on their estate near Moscow, or with her mother, that is to say, in Nicholas' house.
The storm was long since over and there was bright, joyous sunshine on Natasha's face as she gazed tenderly at her husband and child.
Everything is strained to such a degree that it will certainly break, said Pierre (as those who examine the actions of any government have always said since governments began).
No, she had seen the postman drive up every day since she sent out the letter.
Her date with Michael had been uneventful and he hadn't asked her out since.
We've known since he took you up to his parent's house.
I've known Brandon since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.
She's been moping around every since you left.
Since each wagon had three teams of horses, that could become time consuming - and time was their enemy.
She sipped her coffee reflectively and finally found the courage ask him a question that had been nagging her since his offer.
But then, a lot of things had changed since that day.
It could only have been in the last few weeks since the weather had turned warm.
The few supplies she had would barely last the night, especially since the flow was unusually heavy.
I've travelled many miles since my last and I'm becoming impatient for company.
We're had poor Howie in thirty-two sessions since you're been here so Quinn's developed cross references.
He's worried since you didn't answer the phone.
Monday was cleaning day, but since smiling Maria had joined the staff, the Deans' chores were reduced considerably.
Especially since I never knew we were.
I've lived in Atlanta since I started college.
You've been fighting me since you took over.
I've waited to tell you this since we met long ago.
For the first time since he was a child, he was worried.
Nothing had blown up or gone wrong since he'd returned from Hell.
It and impending doom had been with her since meeting Gabriel.
The girls wanted me to ask since they haven't met you yet.
For the first time since she could remember, she felt at peace, whole.
He hadn't dealt with lesser immortals since before he went to Hell.
I guess it must have snowed since you came out here.
Lana was quiet, wondering if she should know this, since she was posing as a non-fed.
She'd taken care of him since she met him.
Claire hadn't aged since the day they met.
She circled his neck with both arms – the first time she had done so since the accident.
She had been familiar with most herbs and their uses since she was a child, due to her father's business, but she had never actually seen the herbs growing.
In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagvat-Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial; and I doubt if that philosophy is not to be referred to a previous state of existence, so remote is its sublimity from our conceptions.
I am glad for your sake and I've known him since he was so high.
Even the women were at odds, almost for the first time since they'd met.
Raw fingers plucked at his lengthening hair, his hair piece long since dumped.
We've skated around saying nothing since Ben played us Mr. Cooms' conversation.
It's been a part of me since the dogs of law released from their barred kennel.
I've known for months; almost since the first time we did it... slept together.
I haven't been this frightened since I was seven years old and got locked in our cellar.
I've not slept through the night since this monster began killing people!
He's on the sidelines of the greatest happening since...
Quinn hasn't slept with me since month four or five.
For the first time since being attacked, my mind began to access what happened and try to formulate a coherent response.
It's been so long since I've satisfied my cravings and I deserve a reward for my diligence.
Our people feel he's been very active since then.
I've known it for months, since I was observed when no one was there to see me.
He'd been moving steadily downhill since before he traveled west to his mother's final days and had not improved since her passing.
It's been a year since I found out you were married and we split!
Her words fueled the sense of dread he'd felt the past two weeks, since he'd lost contact with his closest friends.
Sofi's skill relied mostly on reading the future of a specific soul by touching them, and he'd not let her within miles of a vamp since taking over her guardianship.
He hadn't heard anyone speak so frankly to him since he was a child, and never on a topic so sensitive.
He's been in northern Florida since we cut him loose.
Bianca healed me earlier, and I thought I could do more than I could, especially since ....
She shoved the phone in her pocket and forced herself to smile as she faced Jonny, who'd been in training since shortly after she awoke.
I thought it was strange, since Jimmy's the last person who would veer off course from your orders because you let him blow up whatever he wants and he doesn't wanna lose that.
He was normal, aside from the weird buzz at the base of his skull that'd kept him awake every night since Bianca touched his face.
The walk calmed his irritation at being powerless for the first time since the Schism.
Jenn had wanted to shoot him since meeting him, and she opened fire.
For the first time since he began his sick games, Jenn felt genuine fear trickle through her.
Her eyes had been shadowed since he met her, her own struggle with her new world taking a visible toll on her.
Wild flowers had become a hobby of Cynthia's since coming to Ouray County.
Martha asked, showing the first glimmer of interest since being told of her forced departure.
He quickly agreed and the two strolled, for the first time since Christmas, to St. Daniel's Catholic Church, a few blocks away.
A sister of the widow of somebody named Roland Rowland who'd owned it since the 1920's sold it to him.
The stuff may have been left since Martha was here.
She'd not spoken a word since they'd left the road.
The weapon hadn't been cleaned since it was last fired, but all six chambers contained bullets.
While Dean had been at odds with the man since their first confrontation last January, it was Fitzgerald's venomous comments at the debate that led Dean to now believe him capable of almost anything.
I don't know, but his gun has been fired since it was last cleaned.
It's been a busy time for Fred since you left.
I haven't been near a computer since before I left.
I couldn't let that happen nor could I remove them myself since Billy and the boy had seen them.
Her soul had been sentient only since she died-dead, about six months ago.
The Dark One that ruled Hell since the time-before-time had fallen to a ruthless demon lord whose goal had long been to take over the mortal realm.
Darkyn dragged him down to help, since it was his magic in my head, she replied.
The highest ranking of his death dealers to defect, Harmony had been Gabriel's lover for months and his second-in-command since he took over the underworld.
You've been there since I summoned you.
And now I'll help you fix everything, since you can't do it yourself.
He hadn't been able to face his mate since her confession.
Of course, it didn't matter, since he was already angry.
He loved her since the beginning.
Since Carmen had been the one to initiate that adoption, it was safe to assume she was over her adoption phobia.
It's been a long time since we did that, just you and I.
The rabbits were always last to get attention, since they almost always had some food and water.
Since they still didn't know why he attacked her or Alex, they considered it possible that he might return.
She had been doing that several times a day every since he went to the hospital.
Of course, since Lori had hired the man who stabbed him, it might not be a good idea.
A month had passed since he had been stabbed.
No telling how long he had been in contact with Alex – maybe ever since he moved to Arkansas.
It was the first time he had lifted her since the stabbing, and it occurred to her that he might strain his wound.
He would sit there looking at her as he had since he came home from the hospital, not talking and his expression revealing nothing.
It was something he always used to do, but hadn't done since he came home from the hospital.
Every since he came home from the hospital he slept fitfully and was hard to wake.
He'd recognized her the morning after their one night stand, flipped out and wanted to kill her since then.
How many had she unknowingly killed since being reborn a human?
She'd wanted a second night with him since the first, and the passion of his kiss reminded her of how incredible it was to be the center of his world.
Worse, whatever tormented him since they met was no longer an issue.
She was mentally tough but fatigued by the events that occurred since they inadvertently met on a night similar to this one.
He'd come close to saying too much since arriving at the beach.
Having the world's best neurologist on call was one of the perks of the rich and famous, a world unfamiliar to her except that her sister had been gunning for it since her sixteenth birthday.
They had to be, because mankind had been trying to outsmart Death since the beginning of time.
He'd long since suspected one of them was working with Sasha, but it wasn't him.
He'd long since stopped trying to escape, knowing the magic of Hell and the Dark One was too old for him to break.
Of all the mortals and immortals alike he'd ever known, he'd never considered one a friend, not since his father's death.
Gabriel, he's protected and helped me more than once since the dungeon and done it out of some sort of sense of duty.
She'd been scared since Hell, if not before, for which he blamed Kris.
I guess you no longer interest me, since just another of my slaves.
It.d been too long since he.d felt such strong emotion, and it caught him off guard.
Rhyn had become like a brother to him, and the idea of killing his mate reopened wounds that hadn.t bled since he stood in this place thousands of years before.
Doesn.t seem like it.s been that long since … She trailed off, pensive.
For the first time since Andre.s death, things were looking better for him.
She'd known Evelyn since they were in elementary school, and she'd been renting a room from her for the past two years since graduating high school.
He hadn't been on his own planet since his parents were killed, and he wasn't sure how the planet would choose someone for him when he wasn't there.
They made love for the umpteenth time since their wedding.
She hadn't felt instant attraction to a man since high school.
You'll have to go in their clothing since you're not ready yet.
It had been a very, very long time since any man had held her.
He'd long since accepted that their health was far more important than where they lived or what they wore.
We have hidden on this moon in an unoccupied galaxy since.
Evelyn sat at the window seat, gazing at the dark sky as she had every night since Kiera disappeared.
Evelyn knew she didn't deserve to feel at peace after the mess she dragged Kiera into, but she did feel it, and it made her genuinely content for the first time since she'd kidnapped her best friend.
In the short time since he left, she had forgotten how buff he was.
He didn't like her, but she wondered how far he'd go, especially since A'Ran trusted him so much.
It was very traumatic for Donnie and he hasn't spoken since.
Now the jeep road was closed, as it had been since early fall and would remain so until June, locked in its privacy by several feet of accumulated snow.
Looks like Annie had a few good meals since she fit into that white dress, wouldn't you say?
I've been a bundle of nerves since Edith Shipton first showed up on our doorstep.
The crowd had grown since Dean's Thursday trip, both in numbers of climbers and spectators.
Dean spoke for the first time since the investigators arrived.
It was time for the Deans to talk, to enjoy one another, the first real time together since their May wedding and hectic summer and fall that followed their move West and the opening of Bird Song.
Dean hadn't received word from the Shipton family since Weller had deposited the baggage on his doorstep.
I haven't smoked since I decided not to kill Donald Ryland and let him marry me!
They hadn't spoken of the possibility of Cynthia's pregnancy since the topic was first mentioned.
Cynthia had avoided it since the woman's death and now entered, hesitation in her step.
Finding women there meant the risk of seeing them again would be minimal, since they were most likely traveling on business.
Have you gazed in the mirror since we arrived here?
They were cultured, not at all savages, and for the first time since his capture, he held a glimmer of hope that he might find some semblance of happiness again.
He agreed, since she was pretty enough, and he hadn't turned anyone for decades.
Sarah, your stock dealings have outperformed the market every year since 1933, of course you're going to be investigated.
Jackson didn't concern himself, since he never brought women home.
Connor had not drank this much since his undergrad days and really felt like shit.
Since it was Friday and all the fun ones would be out drinking after work, he decided to take another walk, then maybe a nap.
It had been five days since Elisabeth.
It was only a white lie since a jeweler there had set the stone.
Hmm, maybe since Victor was behind it, it didn't work.
Since Katie had invited him up several times, she had obviously matured enough to forgive him.
I never intended to be a salesman all my life, and the company hasn't been the same since it changed hands.
We've been dating since high school.
His neck was red and for the first time since she had met him, he didn't have a quick answer.
I've been out here since about three this morning.
The government has been divided since the war, but it didn't seem possible that this could happen.
It had been years since he'd heard a woman's compassion.
The sky was clear, one of the few clear nights since she arrived to the Peak.
He'd wanted her since soon after talking to her but never thought it possible.
He'd changed since their incident.
She retraced his steps since he entered, seeking anything she might have missed.
Tim, on the other hand, looked as if he'd gotten some sleep since their last talk.
Things haven't been right since the war, but the issues haven't been out in the open.
She'd been trying to reconcile his connection to the PMF since discovering the link between him and Brady earlier that day.
You've been there for me since this all started.
He was too hard to offer the type of empathy she wanted, but he was the man who'd been with her since the beginning of the end.
The guest bedroom has been ready for visitors since my daughter died ten years ago.
Brady's chest had tightened at Dan's words, and he felt fear for the first time since he was a kid in basic training and had his first brush with his own mortality.
He'd begun to like Elise even more since spending time with her.
People have expanded them since then, Brady added.
Brady's voice held the gravelly note it had since his neck was injured.
It might save them both, since every inch of her being wanted to scream at him to stop.
For the first time since she could remember, she had a home.
They should keep you anchored in time, too, since your world's time means nothing here.
Gabe's step faltered, and he tripped for the first time since he'd led them into the forest. Katie's gaze went from Andre to the death-dealer.
For the first time since leaving Darkyn, Rhyn realized no one had tried to stop him yet. No demons stood in front of Kiki's door and Darkyn hadn't ordered the castle after him.
His nerves had been shot since Rhyn left and the Immortals stumbled upon the message about the shapeshifters.
Andre didn't return. Katie waited longer, until the chill of the night dried the sweat that'd covered her since they began running earlier.
You sound … wanting. You never wondered what other people did, since you were always working?
Assume this is the last day of your life, since it might really be for both of us. What one thing would you have done if you knew it was your last day?
Since I'm here, I guess it's a good thing I didn't take a chance on him.
The uniformed guys downstairs had drawn lots to see who got stuck informing the next of kin, and since that time, speculation on the disappearance of Jeffrey Byrne had been the chief topic of conversation at the Parkside Police Department.
She was too upset to remember much of what was said and she'd not spoken directly with Norfolk since that first call.
Fred O'Connor, at 74, had long since finished his working career, a calico collection of jobs which changed with the telling, none of which gave him a pension.
The boys had been playing switch and swap every time it suited their fancy since they had shared a crib.
Cynthia laughed, the first sign of life since the ordeal had begun.
I haven't been this sick since I was pregnant with Randy and I'm so embarrassed I could die!
Dean arrived just as the service was beginning, having been at his desk since 7 a.m. stewing over the recent turn of events.
He cried for the first time since his mother had passed away 15 years earlier.
Since the day I met you ... until eternity.
No one had lived here since they got married.
Had it been so long since she laughed?
Breakfast had long since worn off and they were hungry.
You've wanted to go since you were as tall as your sword.
Yesterday was the first day we've spent together since you mated with her months ago.
We haven't sparred since.
Since when do you care what they say?
It dawned on him he really hadn't seen much of Damian at all since the ceremony.
They'd been friends since soon after Sofi found him, and Jenn had never acted this way around him before.
He'd been a thorn in her side ever since.
She'd been trying to get her hands on it since arriving.
Sofi was the only Oracle to be found since the Schism.
She was constantly assessing him and had been since she discovered him as a prisoner of the Black God.
It has been awhile since you have been you.
Since that fateful day, she'd sworn never to share herself with anyone.
Xander had promised Jule to behave, an oath Jule said he couldn't break, since it was Original-to-Original.
She'd been acting standoffish since he sought her out at Damian's direction.
Came through twice a few days ago and haven't seen them since.
Sadness had long since waned, leaving only a hole that'd never be filled.
For the first time since arriving at Jonny's, she wasn't cold.
You've spent your time since the Schism forgetting, only now you can't.
The fury he'd felt since awakening from the dark place the Black God kept him started to fade.
Since he was freed from his imprisonment to the Black God?
Since he realized he wanted more from her than to spar?
He'd been drawn to Jenn since he'd started to recover his mind.
He began to understand her reluctance to be involved with him and how thick the walls around her heart were, if she spent the years since the Schism learning how to shut people and emotion out.
This much has been clear for months, since the Oracle made her appearance.
For the first time since she left the immortal world, she cried.
She'd cleaned up since he last saw her, and her short hair was still damp.
You've looked over me since I was too small to walk.
Of everyone he'd known since coming to this land, Vara had been the only kind one, aside from the ancient warrior in the catacombs.
Already he felt as if an age had passed since he was flung into the darkness.
It's been my only companion since my father died many years ago.
It's been too long since I was last able to use my legs.
The demon said I would lose my ability to heal my people, since I broke the First Warlord's decree.
The cider he had made nightly for her since she was a child sat next to the meal.
He had not slept since storming out of her room.
He had stood behind her every decision since and enforced them all.
Taran didn't expect the guard to understand, especially since he hadn't thought everything through yet.
Had it been only a day or two since she left?
Taran smiled tightly as the grizzled warrior bowed, recalling how much had changed since he first lay eyes on the man.
For the first time since the demon had claimed her at ten summers, she was alive!
In the two years since, he seemed to be getting closer to a normal relationship with his father, so when he called to say he was staying an extra day, it was a relief.
She hadn't practiced since she had met Alex, though.
A few minutes later they were joined by a girl Carmen hadn't seen since high school.
In the last few years, since he had made peace with his father, he had finally brushed the chip from his shoulder.
He had put on a few pounds since she last saw him and it looked good on him.
I haven't caught crawdads or catfish since I was a kid.
He chuckled – the first time he had done so since the accident.
Every day since he'd slept with her, she stopped when she reached the apartment building, bent over to display her ample chest and made a show of tying her shoes.
Though the rule of Podébrad had proved very successful and Bohemia had under it obtained a degree of prosperity which had been unknown since the time of Charles IV., the Calixtine king had many enemies among the Romanist members of the powerful Bohemian nobility.
Others have been constructed since the annexation of Upper Burma.
The left wing was totally destroyed by the bombardment of 1795, but has since been restored.
In December 1491 Anne was married to Charles VIII., king of France, and Maximilian's daughter Margaret, who had resided in France since her betrothal, was sent back to her father.
Since 1860 several visits have been paid to the group by scientific investigators - by Dr Habel in 1868; Messrs Baur and Adams, and the naturalists of the "Albatross," between 1888 and 1891; and in 1897-1898 by Mr Charles Harris, whose journey was specially undertaken at the instance of the Hon.
Past elevations of land, however (and doubtless equally great subsidences) have taken place in South America since the Eocene, and the conclusion that extensive areas of land have subsided in the Indian Ocean has long been based on a somewhat similar distribution of giant tortoises in the Mascarene region.
GayLussac, who obtained it by heating mercury or silver cyanide; this discovery is of considerable historical importance, since it recorded the isolation of a "compound radical."
Walmer Castle was for long the official residence of the lord warden, but has, since the resignation of Lord Curzon in 1903, ceased to be so used, and those portions of it which are of historic interest are now open to the public. George, prince of Wales (lord warden, 1903-1907), was the first lord warden of royal blood since the office was held by George, prince of Denmark, consort of Queen Anne.
Their produce has gradually decreased since the 17th century, and is now unimportant, but sulphate of copper, iron pyrites, and some gold, silver, sulphur and sulphuric acid, and red ochre are also produced.
The town has grown rapidly since the completion of the railway system, and has a large trade in petroleum from Baku.
In 168 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanes captured Jerusalem, destroyed the walls, and devastated the Temple, reducing the city to a worse position than it had occupied since the time of the captivity.
The site of this church was discovered in 1874, and it has since been rebuilt.
Since that time, except from 1229 to 12 3 9, and from 124 3 to 1244, the city has been held by the Mahommedans.
Amongst the more important buildings for ecclesiastical and philanthropic purposes erected to the north of the city since 1860 are the Russian cathedral, hospice and hospital; the French hospital of St Louis, and hospice and church of St Augustine; the German schools, orphanages and hospitals; the new hospital and industrial school of the London mission to the Jews; the Abyssinian church; the church and schools of the Church missionary society; the Anglican church, college and bishop's house; the Dominican monastery, seminary and church of St Stephen; the Rothschild hospital and girls' school; and the industrial school and workshops of the Alliance Israelite.
It was found in some abundance at the end of the 18th century in the copper mines of the St Day district in Cornwall, and has since been found at a few other localities, for example, at Konigsberg near Schemnitz in Hungary, and in the Tintic district in Utah.
Its history under the Byzantine rule is uneventful,but for some temporary occupations by the Saracens (653 -658, 717-718), and the gradual encroachment of Venetian traders since 1082.
At Sydney, the average rainfall, since observations were commenced, has been 50 in.
The rate of increase since the previous census was 1.5% per annum, varying from 0.31 in Victoria to 2 06 in New South Wales and 6.9 in Western Australia.
Since 1870 there have been five radical changes made in New South Wales.
The Labour party held power in the Commonwealth for a short period, and has had the balance of power in its hands ever since the formation of the Commonwealth.
In 1871 the dispute which had been carried on since 1831 between the duke and the diet about the rights of each to the state domains was settled by a compromise, each party receiving a share of the revenues.
The Russians in Turkestan form only about 5% of the total pop., and since most of the rural Mussulman pop. take no part in the voting, the country is governed to all intents and purposes by men elected by the very small proportion of Russians of the lower classes living in the towns.
Since 1890 the tin produced from these alluvial beds has supplied between 50% and 75% of the tin of the world.
Hay and forage are the most important crops, and Vermont grasses for grazing have been favourably known since the close of the 18th century.
It has been quarried since 1785; marble monuments were first manufactured about 1808; and at South Dorset in 1818 marble seems first to have been sawed in blocks, the earlier method having been chiselling.
Only less important and only less early to be established in Vermont was the quarrying of granite, which began in 1812, but which has been developed chiefly since 1880, largely by means of the building of "granite railroads" which connect each quarry with a main railway line - a means of transportation as important as the logging railways of the Western states and of Canada.
The legislative department consists of a senate of 30 members, apportioned among the counties according to population, but with the proviso that each county must have at least one senator, and a House of Representatives of 245 members, one from each township. Since 1870 elections and legislative sessions have been biennial.
In presidential campaigns the state has been Federalist, 1792-1800; Democratic-Republican, 1804-1820; Adams-Republican, 1824-1828; Anti-Masonic, 1832; Whig, 1836-1852; and Republican since 1856.
He showed that the heat motion of particles, which is too small to be perceptible when these particles are large, and which cannot be observed in molecules since these themselves are too small, must be perceptible when the particles are just large enough to be visible and gave complete equations which enable the masses themselves to be deduced from the motions of these particles.
The researches of Liebig (1823), Liebig and Gay-Lussac (1824), and of Liebig again in 1838 showed the acid to be isomeric with cyanic acid, and probably (Hcno) 2, since it gave mixed and acid salts.
Rostov had not seen him since his proposal and Sonya's refusal and felt uncomfortable at the thought of how they would meet.
Dean hadn't been around this many trees since he was a Boy Scout.
She thinks you're the greatest thing since God died.
The next three days slid by, closer to the normal routine at both home and at the station than Dean had experienced since Jeffrey Byrne's midnight swim.
The value of Joplin's factory product in 1905 was $3,006,203, an increase of 2 9.3% since 1900.
Some delegates favoured the immediate formation of a new state, but the more far-sighted members argued that as the ordinance had not yet been voted upon by the people, and Virginia was still in the Union, such action would be revolutionary, since the United States Constitution provides that no state may be divided without its consent.
The " Second Wheeling Convention" met according to agreement (11th June), and declared that, since the Secession Convention had been called without the consent of the people, all its acts were void, and that all who adhered to it had vacated their offices.
In the same year that college took possession of the alien priory of Sele, Sussex, the proceedings for the suppression of which had been going on since 1469.
Since 1731 it has been composed of the two towns of Clermont and Montferrand, now connected by a fine avenue of walnut trees and willows, 2 m.
Lava streams and other signs of volcanic action abound, but there has been no igneous activity since the Spaniards took possession.
Since the British occupation Valletta has been a naval and military station of the first importance.
This medieval fortress, strong by art as well as position before the invention of modern artillery, has since undergone numerous sieges.
The site was occupied in very early times, as the discoveries since 1882 show.
Since his departure from Bengal in 1764 the situation of affairs in that settlement had scarcely improved.
In 1896 the grain area was 380,000 acres, a slight diminution having taken place since 1882.
The island had (probably since the end of the 9th century) been divided into four districts - Cagliari, Arborea, Torres (or Logudoro) and Gallura - each under a giudice or remained a prisoner at Bologna until his death.
Since concordats are contracts they give rise to that special mutual obligation which results from every agreement freely entered into; for a contract is binding on both parties to it.
The rupture of the concordat at once terminates the obligations which resulted from it on both sides; but it does not break off all relation between the church and the state, since the two societies continue to coexist on the same territory.
The total value of the factory product in 1905 was $4,951,964, an increase of 82.3% since 1900.
In 1890 appeared The Development of Theology since Kant, and its Progress in Great Britain since 1825, which was written for publication in England.
Dr Ginsburg had one predecessor in the field, the learned Jacob ben Chajim, who in 1524-1525 published the second Rabbinic Bible, containing what has ever since been known as the Massorah; but neither were the materials available nor was criticism sufficiently advanced for a complete edition.
The Roman king, who was an unsuccessful candidate, took up arms, drove the Hungarians from Austria, and regained Vienna, which had been in the possession of Matthias since 1485; but he was compelled by want of money to retreat, and on the 7th of November 14 9 1 signed the treaty of Pressburg with Ladislaus, king of Bohemia, who had obtained the Hungarian throne.
His enemies at home were crushed, and their leader, Berthold, elector of Mainz, was dead; while the outlook abroad was more favourable than it had been since his accession.
The most famous is the first, which is doubly misnamed, since it is not a temple and its contour is too unsymmetrical to be described properly as elliptical.
Since the abolition of flogging in the services, the use of the cat is now restricted to certain classes of offenders in military prisons (Army Act 1881, § 133).
Since in all domesticated cats retaining the colouring of the wild species the soles of the hind-feet correspond in this particular with the Egyptian rather than with the European wild cat, the presumption is in favour of their descent from the former rather than from the latter.
This latter type appears to be the true "tabby"; since that word denotes a pattern like that of watered silk.
Each great personage had a major domus - the queen had hers, the king his; and since the royal house was called the palace, this officer took the name of "mayor of the palace."
The chief of his other contributions to optics was the explanation of the rainbow - an explanation far from complete, since the unequal refrangibility of the rays of light was yet undiscovered - but a decided advance upon his predecessors, notably on the De radiis visas et lucis (1611) of Marc-Antonio de Dominis, archbishop of Spalato.
In 1557, however, a great flood caused the Tiber to change its course, so that it no longer flowed under the walls of the castle, but some half a mile farther west; and its old bed (Fiume Morto) has ever since then served as a breeding ground for the malarial mosquito (Anopheles claviger).
Pericles' home policy has been much debated since ancient times.
The railway by Batoum to Baku by way of Tiflis has tended greatly to turn the channel of commerce from Trebizond into Russian territory, since it helps to open the route to Erivan, Tabriz and the whole of Persia.
It had been known in Scotland since the close of the 16th century (the Glasgow kirk session fulminated an edict against Sunday bowls in 1595), but greens were few and far between.
It has existed in France since the 17th century.
Alexander came within sight of the Persian host without having met with any opposition since he quitted Tyre.
It is interesting for its connexion with the 15th-century romance of Perceforest, since in it Alexander visits Britain, where he bestows Scotland on Gadifer and England on Betis (otherwise Perceforest).
Great Britain has been the last to fall in, but the predominance of the low pitch, introduced at Covent Garden Opera since 1880, is assured.
Since the 5th century it has been the seat of an archbishop, who has now fifteen suffragans.
The city is a product of the industrial transformation in the southern states since the Civil War.
Since then this pest has spread across the African continent and even reached Madagascar.
Albania is perhaps the least-known region in Europe; and though more than a hundred years have passed since Gibbon described it as "a country within sight of Italy, which is less known than the interior of America," but little progress has yet been made towards a scientific knowledge of this interesting land and its inhabitants.
The trade of the northern and western districts has to some extent been diverted to Salonica since the opening of the railways from that town to Mitrovitza and Monastir.
In 1880 Prenk was kidnapped by the Turkish authorities and exiled to Anatolia; another member of the ruling family was appointed kaimakam, but the Mirdites refused to obey him, and their district has ever since been in a state of anarchy.
Since the time of Ali Pasha, who broke the power of the local chieftains, southern Albania has been subject to the central Turkish power; before that period the mountaineers of Suli and Khimara enjoyed an independence similar to that of the Gheg tribes.
Its population was given in 1894 as 135,232, but its area has been largely reduced since then.
Gas and oil radiators would be more properly termed " convectors," since they warm mainly by convected currents.
The apparatus needs constant attention, since neglect in stoking would result in stopping the generation of steam, and the whole system would almost immediately cool.
He had been a tutor of Balliol and a clergyman since 1842, and had devoted himself to the work of tuition with unexampled zeal.
Three volumes of selected sermons have been published since his death.
Before the Reformation the Church would have had the last word; since that event the right and the duty of the civil power have been generally recognized.
Since then it has met in Philadelphia, Belfast, London, Toronto, Glasgow, Washington and Liverpool.
Synods were held in 1718, 1723, 1726 and 1727; and in a remote spot in Bas Languedoc in 1 744 a national synod assembled - the first since 1660 - which consisted of representatives from every province formerly Protestant.
Since the state endowment ceased the average income of ministers from their congregations has considerably increased.
More or less closely connected with the Northern Church are the theological seminaries at Princeton, Auburn, Pittsburg (formerly Allegheny - the Western Seminary), Cincinnati (Lane), New York (Union) and Chicago (McCormick), already named, and San Francisco Seminary (1871) since 1892 at San Anselmo, Cal., a theological seminary (1891) at Omaha, Nebraska, a German theological seminary (1869) at Bloomfield, New Jersey, the German Presbyterian Theological School of the North-west (1852) at Dubuque, Iowa, and the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky, which is under the control and supervision of the northern and southern churches.
The drying-up process has been comparatively rapid since the middle of the 19th century, a town which in 1850 was on the southern margin of the lake being in 1905 over 20 m.
In 1870 the lake rose to an exceptional height, but since then, save in 1897, there has been only the normal seasonal rise.
During the first half of the 19th century civil war and despotic government seriously restricted the natural growth of the country, but since the definite organization of the republic in 1860 and the settlement of disturbing political controversies, the population had increased rapidly.
Argentina has been a member of the Postal Union since 1878.
There has been but slight improvement since that date.
This system is mischievous, since, if a few consecutive bad seasons occur, the farmer moves to some more favoured spot; while, on the other hand, a succession of good years tends to increase rents.
The rapid development of the foreign trade of the republic since 1881 is due to settled internal conditions and to the prime necessity to the commercial world of many Argentine products, such as beef, mutton, hides, wool, wheat and Indian corn.
Since 1891 the national budgets have been calculated in both gold and currency, and both receipts and expenditures have been carried out in this dual system.
The national government has since assumed responsibility for all these provincial loans abroad.
The arrival of these first-fruits of the mineral wealth of the southern continent gained for the estuary of the Parana the name which it has since borne, that of Rio de la Plata, the silver river.
In the geological history of France there have been two great periods of folding since Archean times.
The Central Plateau has probably been a land mass ever since this period, but the rest of the country was flooded by the Palaeozoic sea.
The following table shows the number of live stock in the country at intervals of ten years since 1885.
The appended table shows the progress made since 1850 with regard to steam power.
That of the Vosges, which has experienced a great extension since the loss of Alsace-Lorraine, comprises Epinal, St Die, Remiremont and Belfort.
Since 1875 the expenditure of the state has passed through considerable fluctuations- It reached its maximum in 1883, descended E dl- in 1888 and 1889, and since then has continuously inxpeft creased.
The following table shows the increase of the funded debt since 1814.
Higher education is given by the state in the universities, and in special higher schools; and, since the law of 1875 established the freedom of higher education, by private individuals and bodies in private schools and faculties (facultis libres).
The year of acquisition in the table, when one date only is given, indicates the period when the country or some part of it first fell under French influence, and does not imply continuous possession since.
Since July 1899, when the post office in Salem was made a sub-station of that of Winston, the cities (officially two independent municipalities) have been known by postal and railway authorities as Winston-Salem.
The growth of the two cities has been rapid since 1900.
Since that year the ramparts have been levelled and their site occupied by public promenades and gardens.
A governor has been appointed since 1885, some importance being foreseen for the islands in connexion with the cutting of the Panama canal, as the group lies on the route to Australia opened up by that scheme.
The origin and development of these conditions, in islands so distinctly oceanic as the Galapagos, have given its chief importance to this archipelago since it was visited by Darwin in the "Beagle."
Since its reorganization as a joint-stock company in 1890 many of the shares have been held by the crown, philanthropic institutions and other public bodies.
The line crossing Australia which was thus explored has since been occupied by the electric telegraph connecting Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and other Australian cities with London.