Simultaneously Sentence Examples
It was simultaneously frightening and annoying.
He wore headphones and spoke into a microphone, simultaneously responding to half a dozen chat windows open on this computer.
He and I understood simultaneously.
The cool night hit his skin simultaneously with the warning he least wanted to sense.
This café is a perfect place to enjoy good food and dazzling sunsets simultaneously.
Two thoughts crossed her mind simultaneously.
Both reactions occur to some extent simultaneously.
Jonathan Winston burst into the room and both men fired simultaneously.
The voices of criticism were heard simultaneously on every side.
Simultaneously, Elizabeth caused to be conveyed to Louis XV.
AdvertisementIn the 10th century, however, it was revived, occurring almost simultaneously in the Sermons of Ibn Nubata (946-984) and the aetters of Abti Bakr ul-Khwarizmi.
By these means, the unknown region of Mid Australia was simultaneously entered from the north, south, east and west, and important additions were made to geographical knowledge.
Delany (which was adopted to a limited extent in Great Britain, but has now been entirely discarded) had for its object the working of a number of instruments simultaneously on one wire.
Simultaneously with the issue of this patent the use of wood for melting glass was prohibited, and it was made illegal to import glass from abroad.
France was now determined on the annexation, and the flag was raised at the same spot in 1853, but simultaneously the commander of a British vessel was in negotiation with the native chief of the Isle of Pines, and the British flag was hoisted there.
AdvertisementArminius, fresh from Geneva, familiar with the dialectics of Beza, appeared to many the man able to speak the needed word, and so, in 1589, he was simultaneously invited by the ecclesiastical court of Amsterdam to refute Coornhert, and by Martin Lydius, professor at Franeker, to combat the two infralapsarian ministers of Delft.
Simultaneously with the approach of Persia to the Caucasus the terrible empire of the Huns sprang up among the Ugrians of the northern steppes.
Simultaneously, and no doubt in concert, with the Byzantine campaign against Persia (589), the Khazars had reappeared in Armenia, though it was not till 625 that they appear as Khazars in the Byzantine annals.
Meanwhile, in 1406, the Florentines made another attack upon Pisa, besieging it simultaneously by sea and land.
He was past eighty when he published the collection of new verses entitled Demeter and other Poems (1889), which appeared almost simultaneously with the death of Browning, an event which left Tennyson a solitary figure indeed in poetic literature.
AdvertisementSimultaneously with its incorporation by Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, who presented the city with its own mint toll and market, there appears a magistracy of six, chosen probably by the Vogt from the Schtifen (scabini, probi homines).
From about 1299 Lubeck presided over a league of cities, Wismar, Rostock, Stralsund, Greifswald and some smaller ones, and this Hansa of towns became heir to a Hansa of traders simultaneously on the eastern and the western sea, after Lubeck and her confederates had been admitted to the same privileges with Cologne, Dortmund and Soest at Bruges and in the steelyards of London, Lynn and Boston.
A wind similar in character, but rather more easterly in direction, simultaneously takes possession of the Arabian Sea.
While the law was thus sternly enforced, important acts of conciliation and measures of reform were carried out simultaneously.
William Gascoigne was the first who practically appreciated the chief advantages of the form of telescope suggested by Kepler, viz., the visibility of the image of a distant object simultaneously with that of a small material object placed in the common focus of the two lenses.
AdvertisementThe observer's eye is applied to the small telescope E, which (by means of prisms numbered I, 2, 3, 4) views the vernier attached to the cross-head simultaneously with the hour circle attached to the upper end of the polar axis.
Five sledge parties started simultaneously in Nov.
The gas current is simultaneously observed by a suitable meter, which, with subsidiary corrections for pressure, temperature, &c., gives the necessary data for deducing calorific value.
Opportunities offered themselves simultaneously.
March Multiple bombs were simultaneously detonated on packed commuter trains in Madrid killing nearly 200 people and injuring nearly 2000.
This league was excommunicated by the pope, and placed under the ban of the empire almost simultaneously in 1453, whereupon it placed itself beneath the protection of its nearest powerful neighbour, the king of Poland, who (March 6, 1454) issued a manifesto incorporating all the Prussian provinces with Poland, but, at the same time, granting them local autonomy and free trade.
Report by Peter Talbot-Elsden 15 May 2005 A Kestrel and Crow simultaneously mobbed a Stoat on the Horseshoe Vetch covered slopes of Mill Hill.
When used in conjunction with teleconferencing products, you can simultaneously broadcast whiteboard displays to remote participants in real time.
The same order of events may be ascertained to take place in the stem; but in this region it is complicated by the occurrence of nodes and internodes, growth in length being confined to the latter, many of which may be growing simultaneously.
Constant punitive measures were carried on by the military police; but in December 1892 a police column proceeding to establish a post at Sima was heavily attacked, and simultaneously the town of Myitkyina was raided by Kachins.
The title of vizier was borne by six or seven persons simultaneously; the grand vizier was the chief of these and exercised supreme authority, being invested with the sultan's signet.
In November the conferences broke up; in the spring of the following year Austrian divisions advanced simultaneously into Bosnia, Servia and Walachia; and in July the main army, under the prince of Lorraine, crossed the frontier and captured Nish.
Organization and tactics did not affect the issue directly, for the conduct of the men and their junior officers gave abundant proof that in the hands of a competent leader the " linear " principle of delivering one shattering blow would have proved superior to that of a gradual attrition of the enemy here, as on the battlefields of the Peninsula and at Waterloo, and this in spite of other defects in the training of the Prussian infantry which simultaneously caused its defeat on the neighbouring field of Auerstadt.
On the 9th of April their main body of six corps crossed the Inn between Braunau and Passau, and simultaneously two additional corps moved from Pilsen in Bohemia on Regensburg.
To explain this result, chemists suppose that both changes can occur simultaneously, and that equilibrium results when the rate at which AB and CD are transformed into AD and CB is the same as the rate at which the reverse change goes on.
It is possible that in complicated organic substances we might have two kinds of dissociation, electrical and non-electrical, occurring simultaneously, while the possibility of the association of molecules accompanied by the electrical dissociation of some of them into new parts should not be overlooked.
Some fusel oil, glycerin and succinic acid appear to be formed simultaneously, but in small amount.
Other alloys may be produced, such as bronze, or German silver, by selecting solutions (usually cyanides) from which the current is able to deposit the constituent metals simultaneously.
Resultant Expressible as a Determinant.-From the theory of linear equations it can be gathered that the condition that p linear equations in p variables (homogeneous and independent) may be simultaneously satisfied is expressible as a determinant, viz.
It is thus possible to study simultaneously all the theories which depend upon operations of the group. Symbolic Representation of Symmetric Functions.-Denote the s 8 s elementar symmetric function a s by al a 2 a3 pleasure; then, Y y si,, si,...
In addition to the works already mentioned, his Cosmotheoros- a speculation concerning the inhabitants of the planets - was printed posthumously at the Hague in 1698, and appeared almost simultaneously in an English translation.
But his assent to this was only extracted from him in 1540 by the importunities of his friends, especially of his enthusiastic disciple George Joachim Rheticus (1514-1576), who printed, in the Narratio prima (Danzig, 1540), a preliminary account of the Copernican theory, and simultaneously sent to the press at Nuremberg his master's complete exposition of it in the treatise entitled De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (1543).
Whether the pericardium and the ventral sinus are made to expand simultaneously or all the movement is made by one only of the surfaces concerned, must depend on conditions of tension.
Columbium compounds are usually prepared by fusing columbite with an excess of acid potassium sulphate, boiling out the fused mass with much water, and removing tin and tungsten from the residue by digestion with ammonium sulphide, any iron present being simultaneously converted into ferrous sulphide.
The three met almost simultaneously.
The other ten which surrounded the Fendahl Core at the moment the local time fissure implosion destroyed it, were simultaneously obliterated.
You can do the traditional bicep curl with dumbbells (simultaneously or you can switch the weight from arm to arm after each set) or with a barbell.
Simultaneously a brisk border trade was springing up between the Greeks and the Magyars, and the Greek chapmen brought with them their religion as well as their wares.
Yet, in the following year, the whole of the property of the Catholic Church there was diverted to secular uses, and the Calvinists were simultaneously banished, though they regained complete tolerance in 1564, a privilege at the same time extended to the Unitarians, who were now very influential at court and converted Prince John Sigismund to their views.
The news of this manifesto, arriving as it did simultaneously with that of Gdrgei's successes, destroyed the last vestiges of a desire of the Hungarian revolutionists to compromise, and on the 14th of April, on the motion of Kossuth, the diet proclaimed the independence of Hungary, declared the house of Habsburg as false and perjured, for ever excluded from the throne, and elected Kossuth president of the Hungarian Republic. This was an execrable blunder in the circumstances, and the results were fatal to the national cause.
Almost simultaneously with the rise of the Kisfaludy society, works of fiction assumed a more vigorous tone, and began to present just claims for literary recognition.
Almost simultaneously with the formation of the above-mentioned committee of the academy, the " Natural Science Association " showed signs of renewed animation, and soon advanced with rapid strides in the same direction, but with a more popular aim than the academy.
William Oughtred, a contemporary of Harriot, published an algebra, Clavis mathematicae, simultaneously with Harriot's treatise.
Simultaneously with this " irresponsible " movement for expansion, President Kruger proceeded to London to interview Lord Derby and endeavour to induce him to dispense with the suzerainty, and to withdraw other clauses in the Pretoria Convention on foreign relations and natives, which were objectionable from the Boer point of view.
Occurring about 2.30, and almost simultaneously with the withdrawal of the Austrian guns on their left already alluded to, this may be said to have decided the battle, for although the Saxons still stood firm against the attacks of the Elbe army, and the reserves, both cavalry and infantry, attempted a series of counterstrokes, the advantage of position and moral was all on the side of the Prussians.
In the first sea-fight, which took place simultaneously with the capture of Plemmyrium, they had been unsuccessful; but in the spring of 413 they actually won a victory over the Athenians in their own element.
Simultaneously with this work he carried on the publication of the annals of the Carolingian epoch on the model of the German Jahrbitcher, reserving for himself the reign of Charles the Bald.
At the beginning of the 13th century the remarkable evangelical revival, instituted almost simultaneously by St Dominic and St Francis, swept over Europe.
These pillars are then filled with blast holes which are fired simultaneously, permitting the whole block of ground to the level above to drop. A floor is then reopened in this fallen ore, leaving pillars for temporary support which are blasted out as before.
Several floors can be mined simultaneously, the work in the lower floors being kept well in advance.
Thus they move simultaneously in opposite directions through a fixed length of stroke, say from 10 to 12 ft.
All work simultaneously, each raising the water to a tank or sump above, whence it is taken by the next pump of the system, and finally discharged at the surface.
To land the whole of the reinforcements simultaneously would not have been practicable with the amount of water transport available.
Such porcelains, however, lack the velvet-like softness and depth of tone so justly prized in the genuine monochrome, where the glaze itself contains the coloring matter, pte and glaze being tired simultaneously at the same high temperature.
The two earliest American miscellanies were produced almost simultaneously.
After experiments in the Zeiss works, the erecting of Porro's prisms simultaneously permitted a convenient adaptation to the eye-distance of the observer.
In later years Berzelius renounced the " oxygen acid " theory, but not before Davy, and, almost simultaneously, Dulong, had submitted that hydrogen and not oxygen was the acidifying principle.
This process goes on until the state of the remaining liquid is represented by the point C. Now crystals of B begin to form, simultaneously with the A crystals, and the composition of the remaining liquid does not alter as the solidification progresses.
The alloy of the point e is the ternary eutectic; it deposits the three metals simultaneously during the whole period of its solidfication and solidifies at a constant temperature.
He had supported by turns and simultaneously Jacobite and Hanoverian interests.
But after the year 177 a persecution of Christians broke out simultaneously in many provinces of the Empire.
He inferred that all the nine books were published simultaneously; and he also held that Pliny was governor of Bithynia in A.D.
Simultaneously the French artillery also took up the challenge, and from the heights near St Privat the 6th Corps, whose presence had been unsuspected by the Prussians, joined in the fight.
Simultaneously von Zastrow, under the same impression, had ordered his corps artillery to advance by the same road, and von Goeben, thinking his troops in front required support, had sent forward an infantry brigade by the same line of road.
There is hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. There is no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel.
Before his arrival, however, he issued simultaneously three separate decrees - one granting a general amnesty, another convoking a national convention at Ocana, and a third for establishing constitutional order throughout Colombia.
Simultaneously with the revival, Italy had passed into that stage of her existence which has been called the age of despots.
The story has a medieval origin, and it was almost simultaneously treated in Italian by Machiavelli, Straparola and Giovanni Brevio.
Globigerina ooze was recognized as an important deposit as soon as the first successful deep-sea soundings had been made in the Atlantic. It was described simultaneously in 1853 by Bailey of West Point and Ehrenberg in Berlih.
It is particularly well suited to mines where groups of seams at different depths are worked simultaneously.
Simultaneously with these proceedings in Bohemia, negotiations had been going on for the removal of the long-continued papal schism, and it had become apparent that a satisfactory solution could only be secured if, as seemed not impossible, the supporters of the rival popes, Benedict XIII.
Let us suppose that an infinite number of exactly similar systems start simultaneously from all possible values of pi, q1,
Hence so long as the consuls were the only higher magistrates their frequent absence often rendered the appointment of a praefect necessary, but after the institution of the praetorship (367 B.C.) the necessity only arose exceptionally, as it rarely happened that both the consuls and the praetor were absent simultaneously.
There could only be one city praefect at a time, though the dictator Caesar broke the rule by appointing six or eight praefects simultaneously.
They are geared so as to work simultaneously and alike.
The new method abbreviates the time, since an electric current can tally almost simultaneously the data, the tallying of which by hand would be separated by appreciable intervals.
The reverse movement of D lifts up the upper die and the collar drops simultaneously so that its upper surface is level with the face of the lower die on which the finished coin lies.
Simultaneously a parliamentary commission of inquiry investigated the condition of the state banks.
The " Challenger " and other oceanographic expeditions have shown that on the bottom of the deep sea concretions of phosphate are now gathering around the dead bodies of fishes lying in the oozes; consequently the formation of the concretions may have been carried on simultaneously with the deposition of the strata in which they occur.
It is essential that the grains on the maltster's floor should germinate simultaneously, hence at the time of reaping, the whole crop must be as nearly as possible in the same stage of maturity.
But the values of 2 which occur successively during the second at AB exist simultaneously at the beginning of the second over the distance U behind AB.
A " stopped pipe " in an organ is a pipe of this type, and both the fundamental and the overtones may occur simultaneously when it is blown.
Not only may the fundamental and its harmonics be obtained separately, but they are also to be heard simultaneously, particularly the earlier ones, which are usually more prominent than those higher in the series.
When two trains of sound waves travel through the same medium, each particle of the air, being simultaneously affected by the disturbances due to the different waves, moves in a different manner than it would if only acted on by each wave singly.
But in February weather these objects could not be pursued simultaneously.
But after the civil wars of the 18th century the Burmese, having previously taken Chieng-mai, which appealed to Siam for help, entered Tenasserim and took Mergui and Tavoy in 1764, and then advancing simultaneously from the north and the west captured and destroyed Ayuthia after a two years' siege (1767).
The extension of Dutch political power - notably in Java, Sumatra, Celebes, the Moluccas, Borneo, the Sunda Islands and New Guinea - proceeded simultaneously with the reform movement, and from time to time involved war with various native states.
In less than twenty years after the death of its founder, it collapsed before a combined attack of all Poland's enemies, and simultaneously a terrible pagan reaction swept away the poor remnants of Christianity and civilization.
Much more dangerous was the political revolution proceeding simultaneously in Poland, John !.!.
Many Russian historians even maintain that, but for the fact that Witowt had simultaneously to cope with the Teutonic Order and the Tatars, that energetic prince would certainly have extinguished struggling Muscovy altogether.
Immediately after the death of King Louis, who fell on the field of battle, the emperor Ferdinand and John Zapolya, voivode of Transylvania, competed for the vacant crown, and both were elected almost simultaneously.
Had that dynasty been prolonged for another century, there is every reason to suppose that it would also have dealt satisfactorily with Poland's still more dangerous internal difficulties, and arrested the development of that anarchical constitution which was the ruling factor in the ruin of the Republic. Simultaneously with the transformation into a great power of the petty principalities which composed ancient Poland, another and equally momentous political transformation was proceeding within the country itself.
In an instant the whole Republic was seething like a caldron, and a rival assembly was simultaneously summoned to Cracow by Jan Ferlej, the head of the Protestant party.
Almost simultaneously a civil war broke out in the Crimea and the Porte declared war against the Venetian republic, with which Wladislaus at once concluded an offensive and defensive alliance (1645).
Seriously disturbed at the prospect of Russian aggrandizement, the idea occurred, almost simultaneously, to the courts of Berlin and Vienna that the best mode of preserving the equilibrium of Europe was for all three powers to readjust their territories at the expense of Poland.
The best effects are produced in formal beds by planting the same variety in each, to secure the plants being of the same height and in flower simultaneously.
The existence of a tribe called Thyni in Thrace is well attested, and the two cognate tribes of the Thyni and Bithyni appear to have settled simultaneously in the adjoining parts of Asia, where they expelled or subdued the Mysians, Caucones, and other petty tribes, the Mariandyni alone maintaining themselves in the northeast.
The faces of slates have usually a slightly silky lustre due to the abundance of minute scales of mica all lying parallel and reflecting light simultaneously from their pearly basal planes.
Social flowers, whose nectar is concealed as in (3), but the flowers are grouped in heads which render them strikingly conspicuous, and several flowers can be simultaneously pollinated.
In electrical measurements connected with incandescent electric lamps the potentiometer is of great use, as it enables us to make accurately and nearly simultaneously two measurements, one of the current through the lamp and the other of the potential difference of the terminals.
The climate is so dry, and the rains are so scarce, that an absence of forests and Alpine meadows is characteristic of the ridge; but when heavy rain falls simultaneously with the melting of the snows in the mountains, the watercourses become filled with furious torrents, which create great havoc. The main glaciers (12) are on the north slope, but none creeps below io,000 to 12,000 ft.
Simultaneously, Gertz was negotiating with Cardinal Alberoni and with the whigs in England; but all his ingenious combinations collapsed like a house of cards on the sudden death of Charles XII.
By introducing genuine reforms for the benefit of officers and common soldiers alike, and by laying himself out for popularity in the most pronounced fashion - notably by his fire-eating attitude towards Germany in April 1887 in connexion with the Schnaebele frontier incident - Boulanger came to be accepted by the mob as the man destined to give France her revenge for the disasters of 1870, and to be used simultaneously as a tool by all the anti-Republican intriguers.
It is certainly a very striking fact that wherever we have been able to trace genetic series, either of invertebrates or vertebrates, in closely sequent geological horizons, or life zones, we find strong proof of evolution through extremely gradual mutation simultaneously affecting many parts of each organism, as set forth above.
In 57 B.C. the Sakas were attacked simultaneously by Parthians from the west and by the Mala y a clans from the east and their power was destroyed.
On theoretical grounds it is probable that animatism preceded animism; but savage thought is no more consistent than that of civilized man; and it may well be that animistic and panthelistic doctrines are held simultaneously by the same person.
Animism may have arisen out of or simultaneously with animatism as a primitive explanation of many different phenomena; if animism was originally applied to non-human or inanimate objects, animism may from the outset have been in vogue as a theory of the nature of man.
In the assemblies of the curiae and the tribes the voting of the groups took place simultaneously, in that of the centuries in a fixed order.
The first session of parliament was opened on the 8th of November, but adjourned on the 21st of December till the 12th of March 1868, chiefly on account of the fact that members of the Dominion parliament were allowed, in Ontario and Quebec, to hold seats in the local legislatures, so that it was difficult for the different bodies to be in session simultaneously.
If then Aristotle was for some thirty-five years gradually and simultaneously composing manuscript discourses into treatises and treatises into a system, he was pursuing a process which solves beforehand the very difficulties which have since been found in his writings.
Such then was the method of composition by which Aristotle began in early manhood to write his philosophical works, continued them gradually and simultaneously, combined shorter discourses into longer treatises, compared and connected them, kept them together in his library without publishing them, communicated them to his school, used the co-operation of his best pupils, and finally succeeded in combining many mature writings into one harmonious system.
But in the gradual process of composition, by which a work once begun was kept going with the rest, although a work such as the Politics (begun in 357) was begun early, and some works more rudimentary came earlier than others, the general body of writings was so kept together in Aristotle's library, and so simultaneously elaborated and consolidated into a system that it soon becomes impossible to put one before another.
So generally, the references backwards and forwards, and the cross-references, are really evidences that Aristotle mainly wrote his works not successively but simultaneously, and entered references as and when he pleased, because he had not published them.
While the former is useless to determine the sequence of books written simultaneously, the latter is insufficient to determine a complete chronological order.
The Result May Sometimes Differ A Day From The Truth, As The Intercalary Days Do Not Occur Simultaneously; But As The Day Of The Week Can Always Be Accurately Obtained From The Foregoing Table, The Result Can Be Readily Adjusted.
Gradually these encroachments were pushed farther south, simultaneously with aggressions imperilling the Japanese settlements in the southern half of Sakhalin.
Between the years 1870 and 1881 Westcott was also continually engaged in work for the revision of the New Testament, and, simultaneously, in the preparation of a new text in conjunction with Hort.
Bamberger (Ber., 1900, 33, p. 3189) simultaneously with the para compound, from which it may be separated by distillation in a current of steam, the ortho compound passing over with the steam.
Precisely one hundred years later religious troubles gave the most effective impetus to the silk-trade of England, when the revocation of the edict of Nantes sent simultaneously to Switzerland, Germany and England a vast body of the most skilled artisans of France, who planted in these countries silkweaving colonies which are to this day the principal rivals of the French manufacturers.
When the larva is fully mature, and ready to change into the pupa condition, it proceeds to spin its cocoon, in which operation it ejects from both glands simultaneously a continuous and reelable thread of 800 FIG.
The collimator has a vertical slit at its outer end, the width of which may be regulated by a micrometer screw; in some instruments one half of the slit is covered by a small total reflection prism which permits the examination of two spectra simultaneously.
The Mahratta troops were defeated simultaneously at Maharajpur and Punniar (December 29), with the result that the Gwalior government signed a treaty ceding territory with revenue sufficient for the maintenance of a contingent force to be stationed at the capital, and limiting the future strength of the Gwalior army, while a council of regency was appointed during the minority to act under the resident's advice.
Though separated, both succeeded in escaping simultaneously on the 3rd of June 1611; but, less fortunate than her husband, who got safe to the Continent, she was captured in the straits of Dover and shut up in the Tower of London.
He simultaneously excommunicated several sovereigns and mercilessly persecuted the archbishops and bishops who were hostile to reform.
Simultaneously, on the commission of the pope, Raphael decorated the Vatican with frescoes glorifying the Church and the papacy.
Military operations against Sweden's Baltic provinces were to be begun simultaneously by the Saxons and Russians.
He entered the Austrian army (1819), fought against the Bosnians in 1845, was made ban of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia in 1848 on the petition of the Croatians, and was simultaneously raised to the rank of lieutenant-general by the emperor.
As reproduction is a general biological phenomenon, its manifestations should be dealt with simultaneously in the case of animals and plants, but many of the special details differ so much that it is practically convenient to make two headings.
Means of affording ventilation in all plant houses should be provided in at least two places - as near the floor as practicable, and at the top. Mechanical contrivances whereby whole sets of ventilators may be operated simultaneously are now in common use, and are much more convenient and economical than the older method of working each ventilator separately.
In the early stages seeds of carrots and radishes are sown simultaneously on the same beds, and over them young lettuces that have been raised in advance are planted.
Owing, however, to the difference in their vegetative growth, they mature one after the other instead of simultaneously.
Of all the European nations France was the one on which Jacobite hopes mainly rested, and the warm sympathy which Cardinal Tencin, who had succeeded Fleury as French minister, felt for the Old Pretender resulted in a definite scheme for an invasion of England to be timed simultaneously with a prearranged Scottish rebellion.
The iron thus liberated, as the ferrite of this pearlite, changes simultaneously to a-ferrite.
These two things are done simultaneously by heating and melting the ore in contact with coke, charcoal or anthracite, in the iron blast furnace, from which issue intermittently two molten streams, the iron now deoxidized and incidentally carburized by the fuel with which it has been in contact, and the mineral matter, now called " slag."
Should several furnaces simultaneously make iron too rich in silicon, this may be diluted by pouring into the mixer some low-silicon iron melted for this purpose in a cupola furnace.
Then the furnaceman, controlling the decarburization and purification of the molten charge by his examination of test ingots taken from time to time, gradually oxidizes and so removes the foreign elements, and thus brings the metal simultaneously to approximately the composition needed and to a temperature far enough above its present meltingpoint to permit of its being cast into ingots or other castings.
After the great ice cap had thawed and a period of general desiccation set in, the Caspian began to shrink in area, and simultaneously its connexions with the Black Sea and the Sea of Aral were severed.
The difference of the temperature gradients D/l at the ends of the section was simultaneously obtained from the difference D of the readings of a pair of couples at either end connected in opposition.
This culminated in the year 1866, when nine ships sailed almost simultaneously from Foochow, three of them crossing the bar in company.
The XVIth dynasty is of thirty-two "Hellenic (sic?) shepherd kings," the seventeenth is of "shepherds and Theban kings" (reigning simultaneously).
A bright aurora visible over a large part of Europe seems always accompanied by a magnetic storm and earth currents, and the largest magnetic storms and the most conspicuous auroral displays have occurred simultaneously.
More important, though equally ineffective, was the scheme of Demosthenes to march from Naupactus through Aetolia, subduing the wild hill tribes, to Cytinium in Doris (in the upper valleys of the Cephissus) and thence into Boeotia, which was to be attacked simultaneously from Attica.
Euboea, Lesbos, Chios, Erythrae led the way in negotiation and revolt, and simultaneously the court of Susa instructed the satraps Pharnabazus and Tissaphernes to renew the collection of tribute from the Greek cities of Asia Minor.
The greater freedom of action attained as the result of the Anglo-French declaration of 1904 enabled the Egyptian government to advance simultaneously along the lines of fiscal reform and increased administrative expenditure.
While an Egyptian battalion was attacking in line, it was halted to repel a rush from the rear, and front and rear ranks were simultaneously engaged, firing in opposite directionsyet the fellahin were absolutely steady; they shot well and showed no signs of trepidation.
A little later the breaking down of the whole axon, both axis cylinder and myelin sheath alike, seems to occur simultaneously throughout its entire length distal to the place of severance.
A fiery oration from Nansen dissolved some feeble opposition; and simultaneously Bishop Svane carried the clergy along with him.
In June 1672 a French army invaded the Netherlands; whereupon the elector of Brandenburg contracted an alliance with the emperor Leopold, to which Denmark was invited to accede; almost simultaneously the States-General began to negotiate for a renewal of the recently expired Dano-Dutch alliance.
Napoleon's answer was to refuse to ratify the convention of the 4th of January, and to announce his engagement to the archduchess Marie Louise in such a way as to lead Alexander to suppose that the two marriage treaties had been negotiated simultaneously.
In coenocytic forms the zoospores would seem to arise simultaneously, probably because many nuclei are already present.
The possibility of theoun states entering into a combination which Y g g would enable them to offer a united resistance to foreign interference while simultaneously effecting a compromise in regard to their national aims, has at various times occupied the attention of Balkan politicians.
Dry chlorine gas passed into melted urea decomposes it with formation of cyanuric acid and ammonium chloride, nitrogen and ammonia being simultaneously liberated.
One aspect of organic individuality is the correlation of variations, the fact that when one part varies, other parts vary more or less simultaneously.
And, from an absolution from the consequences of guilt, it became, in the 14th and 15th centuries, a negation or the guilt itself; while simultaneously the opportunity was offered of acquiring an indulgence for the souls of those already in purgatory.
About 250 B.C. Diodotus, the "governor of the thousand cities of Bactria," declared himself king, simultaneously with the revolt of Arsaces which laid the foundation of the Parthian monarchy.
It is found, more especially in the case of organic compounds, that if a substance which oxidizes readily at ordinary temperature be mixed with another which is not capable of such oxidation, then both are oxidized simultaneously, the amount of oxygen used being shared equally between them; or in some cases when the substance is spontaneously oxidized an equivalent amount of oxygen is converted into ozone or hydrogen peroxide.
Almost simultaneously with the attacks on Ireland came others, probably also from Norway, on the western regions (coasts and islands) of Scotland.
Towards the close of his eighth session three professorships were almost simultaneously put within his reach - at Erlangen, Berlin and Heidelberg.
By a skilful division of labour, and by the erection of numerous observing stations, the mapping out of the whole coast proceeded simultaneously under the eye of the general director, and in addition a vast mass of magnetic and meteorological observations was collected.
Simultaneously with the last named a further expedition.
This is filtered, washed, and then fused with caustic soda, when the sulpho-group is replaced by a hydroxyl group, and a second hydroxyl group is simultaneously formed; in order to render the formation of this second group easier, a little potassium chlorate or sodium nitrate is added to the reaction mixture.
He returned to England in November 1678, having by the registration of 341 stars won the title of the "Southern Tycho," and by the translation to the heavens of the "Royal Oak," earned a degree of master of arts, conferred at Oxford by the king's command on the 3rd of December 1678, almost simultaneously with his election as fellow of the Royal Society.
The Heat Loss Hdo Is Determined And Eliminated By Varying The Flow Of Liquid And The Electric Current Simultaneously, In Such A Manner As To Secure Approximately The Same Rise Of Temperature For Two Or More Widely Different Values Of The Flow Of Liquid.
There is a close interdependence between the constant of procession and Lhe solar motion; the two determinations must generally be made simultaneously, and both depend very considerably on the systematic corrections required by the catalogues compared.
Asad died almost simultaneously with the dismissal of Khalid.
If it be perpendicular to the factor lines, (a) shows that it must have simultaneously every such direction.
The views of life held by the ordinary mortal as well as his aims and motives must be radically altered; and simultaneously a change must take place in his modes of speech, conduct and thought.
On the ist of August Palmerston wrote to Ponsonby impressing upon him that the representatives of the powers, in their communications with the Porte, "should act not only simultaneously in point of time, but identically in point of manner" - a principle important in view of later developments.
For his life on earth with his material body was only an appearance, a seeming, a phenomenon, and simultaneously with its activities the true Buddha existed unmoved and eternal.
Simultaneously with a terrible pestilence which is reported to have nearly depopulated China, plague prevailed over Germany, Holland, Italy and Spain, in the first decade of the century, and revived at various times in the first half.
If the origin of rectangular axes fixed in the lamina be shifted through a space whose projections on the original directions of the axes are X, u, and if the axes are simultaneously turned through an angle e, the coordinates of a point of the lamina, relative to the original axes, are changed from x, y to X+x cos ey sin e, u+x sin e+y cos e, or X + x ye, u + Xe + y, ultimately.
By a suitable choice of the generalized co-ordinates it is possible to reduce T and V simultaneously to sums of squares.
Every particle of the system executes in general a simple vibration of the imposed period 27r/il, and all the particles pass simultaneously through their equilibrium positions.
As an example of circular shifting may be cited the motion of the coupling rod, by which the parallel and equal cranks upon two or more axles of a locomotive engine are connected and made to rotate simultaneously.
The cranks pass their deadpoints simultaneously.
Laws of Motion.-The action of a machine in transmitting force and motion simultaneously, or performing work, is governed, in common with the phenomena of moving bodies in general, by two laws of motion.
Now from the laws of statics it is known that, in order that a system of forces applied to a system of connected points may be in equilibrium, it is necessary that the sum formed by putting together the products of the forces by the respective distances through which their points of application are capable of moving simultaneously, each along the direction of the force applied to it, shall be zero, products being considered positive or negative according as, the direction of the forces and the possible motions of their points of application are the same or opposite.
Simultaneously Wladislaus contracted an offensive and defensive alliance with Venice against the Porte, a treaty directly contrary indeed to the pacta conventa he had sworn to observe, but excusable in the desperate circumstances.
It was thus that England took the influences of the Renaissance and Reformation simultaneously, and almost at the same time found herself engaged in that struggle with the Counter-Reformation which, crowned by the defeat of the Spanish Armada, stimulated the sense of nationality and developed the naval forces of the race.
Phaer's Virgil, Chapman's Homer, Harrington's Orlando, Marlowe's Hero and Leander, Fairfax's Jerusalem Delivered, North's Plutarch, Hoby's Courtier - to mention only a few examples - placed English readers simultaneously in possession of the most eminent and representative works of Greece, Rome and Italy.
Thus the geographical isolation of England, and the comparatively late adoption by the English of matured Italian and German influences, give peculiar complexity to the phenomena of Reformation and Renaissance simultaneously developed on our island.
In 1078 two generals, Nicephorus Bryennius and Nicephorus Botaniates, simultaneously revolted.
When the whole of the sediment is on the cork, the iron clip, with which the latter is kept in position, is removed for a moment, and the force of the wine ejects the sediment and cork simultaneously.
The theory of the ionization of salts in solution has raised much discussion amongst chemists, but the general fact is certain that electricity only moves through liquids in association with matter, and simultaneously involves chemical dissociation of molecular groups.
Ferrous chloride decomposes the copper oxide and carbonate with the formation of cuprous and cupric chlorides (which remain in solution), and the precipitation of ferrous oxide, carbon dioxide being simultaneously liberated from the carbonate.
Blondlot and P. Curie afterwards suggested that a single electrometer could be constructed with two pairs of quadrants and a duplicate needle on one stem, so as to make two readings simultaneously and produce a deflection proportional at once to the power being taken up in the inductive circuit.
The navy, of even more importance to Sweden if she were to maintain the dominion of the Baltic, was entirely remodelled; and, the recent war having demonstrated the unsuitability of Stockholm as a naval station, the construction of a new arsenal on a gigantic scale was simultaneously begun at Karlskrona.
It was only by a breach of his own constitution that he had been able to declare war against Russia (April 1788); the conspiracy of Anjala (July) had paralysed all military operations at the very opening of the campaign; and the sudden invasion of his western provinces by the Danes, almost simultaneously (September), seemed to bring him to the verge of ruin.
On the 2nd of April the king ordered a general levy of 30,000 men; but while two army corps, under Armfelt and Toll, together with a British contingent of Io,000 men under Moore, were stationed in Scania and on the Norwegian border in anticipation of an attack from Denmark, which, at the instigation of Napoleon, had simultaneously declared war against Sweden, the little Finnish army was left altogether unsupported.
On the drift-sands of France, especially in the Gironde, forests have been formed mainly of this pine; the seeds, sown at first under proper shelter and protected by a thick growth of broom sown simultaneously, vegetate rapidly in the sea-sand, and the trees thus raised have, by their wind-drifted seed, covered much of the former desert of the Landes with an evergreen wood.
Simultaneously began a new and severe conflict with the Scythians.
Phraates complained, and simultaneously attacked Tigranes, now a Roman vassal (64 n.c.).
Simultaneously there arose in the East the powerful Indo-Scythian empire of the Kushana, which doubtless limited still further the Parthian possessions in eastern Iran.
Simultaneously the old claims to world dominion made their reappearance.
Thus the duel between the two great empires now becomes simultaneously a duel between the two religions.
The Russian envoy, who had appeared among tne tents of the besieging army almost simultaneously with his English colleague, no sooner found himself alone in his diplomacy than he resumed his aggressive counsels, and little more than a fortnight had elapsed since MNeills departure when a vigorous assault, planned, it is asserted, by Simonich himself, was made upon Herat.
He is empowered to dissolve both houses of the legislature simultaneously or the House of Assembly alone.
Employing the same unscrupulous and treacherous methods which had proved so fatal to his father, he simultaneously supported and encouraged the expedition of Montrose and the royalists, and negotiated with the covenanters.
Prince Charles, the eldest of the king's brothers, was thereupon hastily to mobilize the garrisons of all the southern fortresses, for the ostensible purpose of crushing the revolt at Kristianstad; but on arriving before the fortress he was to make common cause with the rebels, and march upon the capital from the south, while Sprengtporten attacked it simultaneously from the east.
An unwise foreign policy simultaneously injured the royal prestige, for Alphonso married his own niece, Joanna, daughter of Henry IV.
Simultaneously, the Greeks from Grevena, who had reached Kastoria, were forced back.
An effort was indeed made by the Turkish field forces in Thrace to debouch from the lines of Bulair and those of Chatalja simultaneously with a view to relieving Adrianople, but after locally heavy fighting the Bulgarians succeeded in holding their own on each of these fronts, and thereafter Adrianople was left to its fate.'
On July 25 Ivanov and Kutinchev simultaneously attacked the leading troops of the Greek central or Struma column 1 before the main body was clear of the Kresna defile.
Those who signed it pledged themselves to recognise the Compacts, and to support as archbishop of Prague, John of Rokycan, who had been chosen by the estates in accordance with an agreement made simultaneously with the Compacts, but whom the Church of Rome refused to recognize.
The framework carrying the clamps is arranged so that a number of determinations may be made at one time, the wires from the clamps running from a rheostat, so arranged that currents of any strength may be used simultaneously.
The rudiments of the first three pairs of appendages commonly appear simultaneously, and, even in forms with embryonic development, they show differences in their mode of appearance from the succeeding somites.
A bird when swimming extends its feet simultaneously or alternately in a backward direction, and so obtains a forward recoil.
The lever by which they were turned was connected with the device by which the ends of the main aeroplanes could be flexed simultaneously though in opposite directions; i.e.
Simultaneously with the report of the commission of inquiry there was published a decree appointing a commission to study the recommendations contained in the report, and to formulate detailed proposals.
Selenosulphuric acid, H 2 SeS0 3, is only known in the form of its salts, which are usually obtained by the action of selenium on solutions of the metallic sulphites, a selenotrithionate being simultaneously produced.
It was evidently not the author's intention to begin the second period of sixty weeks simultaneously with the first period, as some expositors have thought, because the whole passage shows conclusively that he meant seventy independent weeks.
Almost simultaneously the two infantry regiments shot down their officers and broke into open revolt.
In buildings to be used as offices, hotels, apartments, &c., it is usual in establishing the loads for the purpose of computation to assume that the columns carrying the roof and the upper storey will be called upon to sustain the full dead load due to material and the maximum computed variable load, but it is customary' to reduce the variable loads at the rate of about 5% storey by storey towards the base, until a minimum of about 20% of the entire variable load is reached, for it is evidently impossible that the building can be loaded by a densely-packed moving crowd in all of its storeys simultaneously.
It is reduced when heated with carbon to phosphorus, carbon monoxide being formed simultaneously.
Phosphorous acid, P(OH) 3, discovered by Davy in 1812, may be ' obtained by dissolving its anhydride, P 4 0 61 in cold water; by immersing sticks of phosphorus in a solution of copper sulphate contained in a well-closed flask, filtering from the copper sulphide and precipitating the sulphuric acid simultaneously formed by baryta water, and concentrating the solution in vacuo; or by passing chlorine into melted phosphorus covered with water, the first formed phosphorus trichloride being decomposed by the water into phosphorous and hydrochloric acids.
The feeling caused by the hanging cf these men was deepened by the circumstances of the execution - for the scaffold on which the rebels were simultaneously swung, broke down from their united weight and the men were afterwards hanged one by one.
Each nation contributed a band of colonists, who selected the island of St Kitts or St Christopher, in the West Indies, where the settlers of both nations were simultaneously planted.
The engine is moved on to them, and the pressures of all the wheels are taken simultaneously, each by its own weighbridge.
It is not known whether all the eight mesenteries of Edwardsia are developed simultaneously or not, but in the youngest FIG.
While the mesenterial couples belonging to the second and each successive cycle are formed simultaneously, those of the first cycle B are formed in successive pairs, each member of a pair being placed on opposite sides of the stomodaeum.
As growth proceeds new septa are formed simultaneously with the new couples of secondary mesenteries.
The 2 acid exists in cis- and trans- forms; these are produced simultaneously in the reduction of A or A 1.5 dihydroterephthalic acids by sodium amalgam.
A less capable and unscrupulous king than Rufus might have been swept away, for the rising burst out simultaneously in nearly every corner of the realm.
Simultaneously the seneschal of Aquitaine was defeated in battle, and Bergerac, the last great town in the inland which remained in English hands, was captured by the duke of Anjou.
Scarcely an English Catholic would have raised a finger in Philips favor; and when he could not subdue the two provinces of Holland and Zeeland, it is absurd to suppose that he could have simultaneously subdued them and England as well.
In Scotland, the Presbyterian Churchmainly under the guidance of DrChalmers, one of the most eloquent preachers of the century was simultaneously engaged in a contest with the state on the subject of ecclesiastical patronage.
The oval may unite itself with the infinite branch, or it may dwindle into a point, and we have the crunodal and the acnodal forms respectively; or if simultaneously the oval dwindles into a point and unites itself to the infinite branch, we have the cuspidal form.
His connexion with the college, indeed, was interrupted in 1831, when a disagreement with the governing body caused De Morgan and some other professors to resign their chairs simultaneously.
The temperature and atmospheric pressure are simultaneously noted.
The machines charge simultaneously at each end, so that the lids of the retorts may be shut immediately the coal enters.
For it is easy to see that if, by means of lenses of rock-salt or mirrors, we focused all or nearly all the rays from a small surface on to another surface of equal area, this would not raise the temperature of the second surface above that of the first; and we could not obtain a greater concentration of rays from a large heated surface, since we could not have all parts of the surface simultaneously in focus.
The sporangia arise simultaneously in the sorus, which is borne on the under surface of the ordinary pinna; in those species with large sporangia the latter form a single circle, in others sporangia may also arise from the central part of the receptacle.
On the ground mainly of an examination of the sorus and sporangium, Bower has shown that the Filicaceae may be divided into three groups - the Simplices, Gradatae and Mixtae - in which the sporangia arise simultaneously, in basipetal succession, or irregularly in the sorus respectively.
It was designed that the French should invade the Netherlands at three points simultaneously.
In the meantime Poland had so far recovered herself as to become a much more dangerous foe than Sweden, and, as it was impossible to wage war with both simultaneously, the tsar resolved to rid himself of the Swedes first.
In the preceding account of Christian morality, it has been already indicated that the characteristics delineated did not all exhibit themselves simultaneously to the same extent, or with perfect uniformity throughout the church.
By this declaration Servia abandoned all its demands as against Austria-Hungary, while the Austro-Hungarian foreign minister made simultaneously a public declaration that the Dual Monarchy harboured no unfriendly designs against Servia.
Both irregularities had been noted, a century earlier, by Edmund Halley; both had, since that time, vainly exercised the ingenuity of the ablest mathematicians; both now almost simultaneously yielded their secret to the same fortunate inquirer.
The materials for it were rapidly accumulated by the use of an objective prism, that is, of a prism placed in front of, instead of behind the object-lens, by which means the spectra of all the stars in the field, to the number often of many score, imprinted themselves simultaneously on the sensitive plate.
The eastern tribes salute by squeezing simultaneously the nose and stomach, and both there and on the north coast friendship is ratified by sacrificing a dog.
Although the flint nodules often lie in bands which closely follow the bedding, they were not deposited simultaneously with the chalk; very often the flint bands cut across the beds of the limestone and may traverse them at right angles.
Simultaneously, he was busily reorganizing the public services, especially the army and navy, the former through a French, the latter through a British, mission.
But the potato famine and the repeal of the Corn Laws, occurring almost simultaneously, caused an immediate and startling diminution in the number of smaller holdings.
Simultaneously the number between 15 and 30 acres had increased from 79,342 to 141,311, and the number above 30 acres from 48,625 to 149,090.
Accordingly, in the seventh book of the Republic, where Plato propounds his scheme of Academic education, he directs the attention of studious youth primarily, if not exclusively, to the concurrence of inconsistent attributes; and in the Phaedo, 102 B-103 A, taking as an instance the tallness and the shortness simultaneously discoverable in Simmias, he offers his own theory of the immanent idea as the solution of the paradox.
They appeared simultaneously in Dutch at Amsterdam, in English in London and Edinburgh (1897-1899, 2 vols.).
It was the work of several generations and took various forms, by turns and simultaneously colonization and aggression; but from this time forward the paz romana was at an end.
Richelieu attempted to operate simultaneously ar.
The reign of al-Hakam the Second (96197 6) inaugurated in Andalusia those scientific and philosophical studies which were simultaneously prosecuted by the Society of Basra.
Bertin has shown that a useful picture of the form of these curves may be obtained by taking sections, parallel to the plate, of a surface that he calls the "isochromatic surface," and that is the locus of points on the crystal at which the relative retardation of two plane waves passing simultaneously through a given point and travelling in the same direction has an assigned value.
Very shortly afterwards, another war minister, General Castillo, attempted to strike at the root of military insubordination, and simultaneously in every garrison of the kingdom the senior sergeants, more than 1000 in all, were given their discharge and ordered to start for their homes on the spot.
The substitution of these interdental and guttural sounds for the surd and sonant spirants respectively did certainly not take place simultaneously, but the vacillations of the old orthography, and afterwards the decision of the Spanish Academy, which suppressed x (= I; x was retained for cs) and allows only c and g before e and i, I and j before a, a, a, make it impossible for us to follow, with the help of the written texts, the course of the transformation.
Objects at different distances, however, are not seen distinctly simultaneously, but in succession.
With powerful systems, object-points lying quite near the plane focused for would be represented by such large dispersion circles that practically only the points lying in one plane appear simultaneously sharp; and it is only by varying the focus that the object-points lying in other planes can be observed.
To determine the utility of an' objective for resolving fine details, one experiments with definite objects, which are usually employed simultaneously for examining its other properties.
The representation, free from aberration, of a small surface-element, is only possible, as Abbe has shown, if the objective simultaneously fulfils the " sine-condition," i.e.
They either dehisce simultaneously or in succession.
The sense-manifold is not to be conceived as having, per se, any of the qualities of objects as actually cognized; its parts are not cognizable per se, nor can it with propriety be said to be received successively or simultaneously.
Simultaneously, another war, also an heritage from Charles IX., had been proceeding in the far distant regions round lakes Ilmen, Peipus and Ladoga, with Great Novgorod as its centre.
The Black God tensed simultaneously, and Darian's eyes glowed brighter.
These pumps are capable of supplying ample air to two divers simultaneously, at the depth of twelve fathoms.
We're able to simultaneously show the benefits of the product as well as to improve perception of the brand.
Quiet stance was assessed using a triaxial accelerometer and balance performance monitor simultaneously.
Salicylate appears to competitively inhibit plasma protein binding of acetazolamide and simultaneously to inhibit acetazolamide renal secretion that may produce serious metabolic acidosis.
Simultaneously, the company is mounting a major assault on mainland Europe.
Up to four tracks of 16-bit, 48 kHz pristine and uncompressed audio can be recorded simultaneously to the 40GB internal hard drive.
Then multiple users can insert citations, scan, and generate bibs simultaneously.
These roses will have simultaneously occurring blooms in each truss.
Cassegrain rotator fixed and for you to simultaneously specify the field orientation.
Almost simultaneously a new theater in Orchard Street also opened, built by John Palmer, a local chandler and brewer.
The Timers view offers 4 countdown clocks which can be run simultaneously.
The setup used dual monitors so that both remote desktops were displayed simultaneously on full screens.
The adaptive thresholding is performed in both the time and frequency domains simultaneously.
Eu enlargement is Europe's greatest single opportunity and simultaneously its greatest challenge.
On screen help the score and dynamic keyboard fingering are displayed simultaneously on-screen.
However, the ability to maintain high levels of both aerobic and anaerobic fitness simultaneously is a difficult one.
Few have done it whilst simultaneously enjoying hit singles and backing giant dancing hamburgers.
A continuous low drone is vocalized which simultaneously emits an extremely high-pitched tone over the top of the drone.
I'm somehow managing to simultaneously become more idealistic, less cynical, and more critical as I get older.
Quotes given include work incidental to a mortgage of the property where we are simultaneously instructed by the mortgage lender.
For Aristotle all the elements in an actual finite exist simultaneously, whereas a potential infinite is realized over time by addition or division.
This presentation will explain how firms can remain cutting edge and simultaneously avoid expensive replacement costs by using enterprise application integration (EAI ).
A district judge would have to decide whether CSA could simultaneously apply for a charging order.
But they are also, simultaneously, intensely lyrical and moving, and capture moments of exquisite fragility and beauty.
A pure descending melody that could be an English madrigal meets warped chords simultaneously shimmering and turgid.
A big improvement in Exchange 2003, is the ability to restore multiple mailboxes simultaneously.
The iPod mini slots into the iBoost mini which then sits in the charging dock, simultaneously charging both batteries.
During the experience, the researcher observed each participant and was able to simultaneously observe what he was viewing in the HMD.
Skype 2.0 allows users to conference call up to ten people simultaneously without affecting the performance of other applications.
These artificial composites exhibit the unusual left-handedness, i.e. simultaneously negative permittivity and negative permeability.
Simultaneously, we see an increase in public awareness of US foreign policy, or, the policing of global capital.
The writer may be uniquely privileged in his ability to do both simultaneously.
In general, you will not get the best performance by always choosing the maximal possible number of short relators to be handled simultaneously.
It is NOT possible for the telescope to have the Cassegrain rotator fixed and for you to simultaneously specify the field orientation.
It was the exciting moment when I simultaneously starred in the film Saturday Night Fever and achieved sainthood.
However, I also believe that simultaneously there are other PFT manifesting to other seers, such as you and Greg.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same semaphore simultaneously.
A similar pattern occurred in the afternoon session with 2 sets of lectures on-going simultaneously.
People can have simultaneously soviet troops london and is.
By bringing them together in one clinic, we can use them separately or simultaneously, allowing a powerful and natural symbiosis to develop.
The silent version of this early talkie that was released simultaneously must be a better film.
Canon's DIGIC processor works ultra fast to process all the camera's electronic functions simultaneously, from Auto White Balance to Autofocus.
If this is true we should have q= an t, where q is the number of ions of one sign made in I cc. of air per second by the emanation, a the constant of recombination, and n the number of ions found simultaneously by, say, Ebert's apparatus.
These grooves are simultaneously cut in situ by the maker, with the aid of an engine capable of ruling fine straight lines, so that the webs when accurately laid in the grooves are perfectly parallel.
To test this parallelism the single web must be made to bisect the images of both components simultaneously, as in fig.
Thus the fixed wire can be set exactly on star A by the screw s, while star B is simultaneously bisected by the movable wire, or vice versa, without disturbing the reading for coincidence of the wires.
The divisions of both drums are conveniently read, simultaneously, by the lens e; at night the lamp which illuminates the webs and the position-circle also illuminates the drum-heads (see on illumination p. 385).
One drawback to this form of instrument is that the two webs cannot be viewed simultaneously, and therefore the observer must rely on the steadiness of rate of the clockwork and uniformity in the conditions of refraction whilst the eye is moved from one eyepiece to the other.
An intermittent and desultory war, with Sweden and Poland simultaneously, for the possession of Livonia and Esthonia, went on from 1560 to 1582.
When, therefore, Tone urged the directory to send effective assistance to the Irish rebels, all that could be promised was a number of small raids to descend simultaneously on different points of the Irish coast.
When one of the levers of K is depressed, the condenser C 1 and the cable, and the condenser C2 and the artificial cable, are simultaneously charged in series; but, if the capacity of C 1 bears the same proportion to the capacity of the cable as the capacity of C2 bears to the capacity of the artificial cable, and if the other adjustments are properly made, no charge will be communicated to C3.
Lord Malmesbury now proposed that all three Powers should disarm simultaneously and that, as suggested by Austria, the precedent of Laibach should be followed and all the Italian states invited to plead their cause at the bar of the Great Powers.
Harvey proceeds to contrast this view with that of the " Medici," or followers of Hippocrates and Galen, who, " badly philosophizing," imagined that the brain, the heart, and the liver were simultaneously first generated in the form of vesicles; and, at the same time, while expressing his agreement with Aristotle in the principle of epigenesis, he maintains that it is the blood which is the primal generative part, and not, as Aristotle thought, the heart.
He showed that an imaginary spheroidal shell, concentric with the earth and cutting the slope between the elevated and depressed areas at the contour-line of 1700 fathoms, would not only leave above it a volume of the crust equal to the volume of the hollow left below it, but would also divide the surface of the earth so that the area of the elevated region was equal to that of the depressed region.6 A similar observation was made almost simultaneously by Romieux, 7 who further speculated on the equilibrium between the weight of the elevated land mass and that of the total Areas of waters of the ocean, and deduced some interesting relathe cru st tions between them.
Thus of the first series of pieces he says that when all exist they may be developed simultaneously, or that the two side-pieces may precede the median, or again that the median may precede the side-pieces - according to the group of birds, but that the second mode is much the commonest.
Simultaneously with this discussion of the atom and molecule, great controversy was ranging over the constitution of com pounds, more particularly over the carbon or organic compounds.
Two antagonistic processes proceed simultaneously, the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and the reverse change, and either process is accelerated by an increase and retarded by a decrease in temperature.
The men follow each other, one by one, so that in a few minutes all the rod platforms in a deep shaft may be simultaneously occupied by men stepping in unison but in opposite directions from platforms of one rod to the other.
The bottle maker heats the fractured neck of the bottle, binds a band of molten glass round the end of it and simultaneously shapes the inside and the outside of the neck by using the tool shown in fig.
Kiliani found that the sponge was produced chiefly when a weak solution, or a low current-density, was used, and that hydrogen was usually evolved simultaneously; sound deposits resulted from the use of a current-density of 200 amperes, or more, per sq.
And sometimes very active snakes, like the cobra, advance simultaneously with the remainder of the body, which, however, glides in the ordinary fashion over the ground; but no snake is able to impart such an impetus to the whole of its body as to lose its contact with the ground.
The persistent hostility of Venice is partially attributable to her constant fear lest Louis should inherit the crown of Naples and thus threaten her trade and her sea-power from two sides simultaneously.
But the Poles proving obstinate, and Austria simultaneously displaying a disquieting interest in the welfare of the Republic, Prussia, on 1 I Pol.
In the sphere of living environment, the varied evolution of plant life, the periods of forestation and deforestation, the introduction of deleterious plants simultaneously with harsh conditions of life and enforced migration, as well as of mechanically dangerous plants, are among the well-ascertained causes of diminution and extinction.
He made experiments, simultaneously with Wallis and Wren, on the collision of hard spherical bodies, and his statement of the results (1669) included a clear enunciation of the conservation of linear momentum, as demonstrated for these cases of collision, and apparently correct in certain other cases, mass being estimated by weight.
One relates that he had no mother but was produced by Siva alone, and was suckled by six nymphs of the Ganges, being miraculously endowed with six faces that he might simultaneously obtain nourishment from each.
The origin of the quaestorship is obscure, but it was probably instituted simultaneously with the consulship in 509 B.C. 1 The number of the quaestors was originally two, but this was successively increased to four (in 421 B.C.), eight (in 267 or 241 B.C.), and by Sulla (in 81 B.C.) to twenty.
According to Huygens's principle (see Diffraction) each aether particle, set vibrating by an incident wave, can itself act as a new centre of excitement, emitting a spherical wave; and similarly each particle on this wave itself produces wave systems. All systems which are emitted from a single source can by a suitable optical device be directed that they simultaneously influence one and the same aether particle.
Via books, ideas became mobile—or as we would say today, went viral—spreading to other villages and other countries and to multiple places around the world simultaneously.
But a commander in chief, especially at a difficult moment, has always before him not one proposal but dozens simultaneously.
Your presentations and meeting notes can be reproduced at remote locations simultaneously, thereby offering a global teleconference solution.
An input signal at port 1 transmits on one frequency, whilst at port 2 signals are simultaneously received on another frequency.
Canon 's DIGIC processor works ultra fast to process all the camera 's electronic functions simultaneously, from Auto White Balance to Autofocus.
The Pump in Style comes in a convenient carrying case and allows a woman to pump from both sides simultaneously.
Some feature a foot bar that you press, while others feature triggers on each side that you push simultaneously.
Don't assume just because she is having two little ones simultaneously, that she will want to buy into the cuteness of the twin consumer world.
When applying both shades simultaneously, the effect was fabulously three-dimensional, creating a depth not often found in lip color.
It offers an effective way to whiten teeth and simultaneously maintain strong, healthy teeth and gums.
Jennifer Lopez has become and iconic example of women simultaneously embracing strength and femininity.
Many mineral pressed foundations are designed to be four in one products, acting as a foundation, additional application acting as a concealing agent, and simultaneously a finishing powder and sun protectant.
Sally's Lip Inflation Plumping Kit stimulates and cools the lips simultaneously.
KoolIM offers the ability to simultaneously use your Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google Talk, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu and Xfire accounts.
Keep in mind that all of these symptoms can happen simultaneously, or they can follow one another in a sequence of events.
If you have a partner, consider having sex since this is a wonderful way to release tension and frustration and similar to exercise, simultaneously release "feel good" chemicals.
This will effectively give you a chance to sort out your thoughts while simultaneously reining in your temper.
Some teenagers cannot stand the whole concept of prom, and yet simultaneously feel an inherent pressure to attend.
Purchasing matching necklaces with the varied colors of jewels will give a look of uniformity and individuality simultaneously, which will look great not only on their necks, but in the photos too.
Just as a cake's size can be increased through visual tricks, it is also easy to visually decrease a cake and decrease its cost simultaneously.
Their community college credits will transfer directly, and they can attend both schools simultaneously.
Taking classes from more than one school at once also allows you to simultaneously juggle different courseloads and finish classes sooner.
The program follows the calendar of normal academics at Texas Tech, but in the end, you have more flexibility and help so that you can work through any other personal obligations you have simultaneously.
A focal point of most ships' spas is the enormous thalassotherapy pool - a saltwater hot tub that simultaneously harnesses the therapeutic benefits of saltwater, heat, and gentle massage.
If driving, passengers should make the effort to scope out the cruise port the day before sailing, if possible, especially if the port is large and services many cruise lines and ships simultaneously.
Online job searches, however, are more useful tools and can compile information about openings from several large and small cruise lines simultaneously, giving you a greater chance of finding the position you are interested in.
The cruises will take place on two ships simultaneously.
In 2010, there are 7,400 tickets available, since the cruise will take place simultaneously on two different ships.
The steam actually helps the bronchial tubes open up as it simultaneously loosens the phlegm clogging your dog's airways.
The fabric was designed to simultaneously repel the heat of the sun and also allow air to move through the fabric for a cooling effect.
His ability to play both an alternating bass line and a beautiful melody simultaneously seems impossible until you study his techniques very carefully.
As an example, and using that F to C chord progression I just mentioned, you could play the F at the first fret of the E string while simultaneously picking the A note at the second fret of the G string.
Described simultaneously as heavy rockers, dark balladeers and the missing link between blues-based rock and heavy metal, BOC has remained viable over the years and even thrives in many areas of the world.
The beads should fit smoothly on the cords, and some beads may need larger holes so they can be strung on more than one cord simultaneously.
Christian Hawaiian shirts say "Aloha" and "Amen" simultaneously.
In some cases, complete opposites were simultaneously in fashion, like the slim-fitting mod suits and the flared pants, or the skinny and wide lapels and ties.
Color blocks, diagonal stripes, and single splashes of color can help add flair to a swimsuit while simultaneously making it an attractive garment for any size woman.
Multiple operational controls that must be simultaneously activated for the coaster to run.
Released in 2004, it was a game that allowed up to four players to play simultaneously in a cooperative mode known as Hyrulean Adventure.
The game was released simultaneously with the movie.
Up to four players can play simultaneously, hitting notes in time with what is shown on the screen.
Creating a string that triggers more strings among the newly-fallen stones, or swapping two stones that simultaneously make two strings, adds exponentially more points to your score.
To gain altitude, press the L1 and R1 buttons simultaneously; to descend, press the L2 and R2 buttons.
In 1962, Steve Russell from M.I.T. led the team that programmed SpaceWars on a PDP-1 mini-computer; the computer allowed two users to play the game simultaneously.
Furthermore, if you can use the double or triple word score bonus spaces in creating two words simultaneously (intersecting at the bonus space), then both words receive the bonus points.
Massively Multiplayer Online Games, often known as MMOGs, are games that allow hundreds or thousands of people to play a game simultaneously, via the Internet.
He is the epitome of decadence, and needs to consume souls to maintain his vitality (but he gains his victims' knowledge simultaneously).
The dongle supports up to 5 DS connections simultaneously.
Do you usually play one game at a time, or do you want to rent several simultaneously?
When the system actually does become available, it will launch simultaneously in North America, Europe, and Japan.
First, the new console utilizes a "Cell" processor, which can simultaneously run multiple tasks at 3.2 GHz, allowing the console to display finer detailed graphics (ideal for an HDTV) and greatly improve gameplay performance.
In a real-time strategy game (also known as an RTS), the players generally play simultaneously and any changes that the players make immediately affect the game characters and environment.
Multiplayer with up to four people simultaneously was possible on the arcade machines.
Completing four lines simultaneously (the highest number possible) is usually called a "Tetris".
How many players will it support simultaneously?
If you enjoy reading great stories while simultaneously immersing yourself in historical culture, the historical fiction genre is likely to be very appealing to you.
By using this iPhone app, you can then push actual applications into the background so that they can run simultaneously with other apps that are shown "on top."
With other operating systems, users are forced to close one application in order to open a new one, but WebOS allows users to run many different applications simultaneously.
This "Start Screen" is comprised of several live "tiles," which act simultaneously as active widgets and as application shortcuts.
During pregnancy, it is attached to the wall of the uterus and served to exchange needed nourishment from the mother to the fetus and simultaneously to remove waste products from the fetus.
Multi-tasking-Performing multiple duties or taking on multiple responsibilities and roles simultaneously.
Multiple pregnancy, usually referred to as multiple gestation, is one in which more than one fetus develops simultaneously in the mother's womb.
About 7 percent of all cases of Wilms' tumor occur bilaterally (in both kidneys simultaneously).
Congestive heart failure may be treated simultaneously with anticongestive medications.
A special device simultaneously makes the incision and clamps the edges to prevent bleeding.
Unlike many other forms of arthritis, this arthritis may not occur symmetrically (affecting a particular joint on both the right and left sides, simultaneously).
All vaccines used for routine child vaccinations in the United States may be given simultaneously.
Toddlers also add a new dimension to touching and manipulating objects by simultaneously being able to name them.
The child is bilingual or multilingual, learning two or more languages simultaneously but at a slower speed; the child's combined comprehension of the languages is normal for that age.
Children growing up in homes where two different languages are spoken usually acquire both languages simultaneously.
Bilingual language development usually proceeds more smoothly when both languages are introduced early and simultaneously.
The actual moment-by-moment FHR can be simultaneously viewed on a screen while being printed on graph paper.
There are, however, homeopathic remedies and herbs that can be used simultaneously with dental care and throughout the healing process.
Experts caution, however, that a woman who works at home should not expect to simultaneously take care of her children.
More complications occur in the very young or very old with multiple areas of the lung infected simultaneously.
The process of differentiation takes place over a period of weeks with different structures forming simultaneously.
The hookworm damages the villi, resulting in blood loss; they simultaneously produce anti-coagulants that promote continued bleeding.
Syndactyly and polydactyly may occur simultaneously when extra digits are fused in a condition known as polysyndactyly.
Polyarticular JA affects five or more joints simultaneously.
St. John's wort and antidepressant drugs should not be taken simultaneously, so patients should tell their doctor if they are taking St. John's wort.
Dancers with advanced skills are recognized by their ability to coordinate a few rhythmic movements simultaneously, presenting impressive complexities to an audience or other community members.
Most recently, Thrill the World hit a record number of over 22,000 dancers in multiple countries simultaneously executing the dance steps to Thriller, simulating the famous choreography.
You can also join Thrill the World, which sets goals each year to gather together as many dancers as possible to simultaneously perform the Thriller dance.
The goal is to celebrate the genius behind the Thriller dance, while breaking the Guinness Book of World Records entry for the largest Thriller dance simultaneously performed.
Thrill the World sets records to see how many people from around the world can dance Thriller simultaneously.
This look is simultaneously sophisticated and artistic, giving you the perfect day into evening hair cut.
The tag line, "it's always better when it's bigger" epitomizes the products' philosophy of big hair that is simultaneously appealing and attractive.
Don't be afraid to use copious amounts of products when necessary to help your hair keep the right look, but take care to protect it simultaneously.
Learn things like where to keep your hands while you eat, how to use formal and informal pronouns, and what to think when the Germans are simultaneously reserved and direct with you.
In fact, you can apply for distribution center and corporate jobs simultaneously by adding them to your cart.
Whether for equity building or resale value, choosing the right projects and carefully balancing remodeling costs with financial ability can help homeowners improve their homes and their wallets simultaneously.
Also, they can simultaneously investigate the terms and conditions of this type of mortgage from multiple lenders.
Remarkably, similar paper-folding models developed simultaneously around the world.
If you are pregnant again, you may be feeling a whirlwind of emotions as you simultaneously grieve for your unborn child and anticipate your new baby's arrival.
Imagine that situation multiplied by eight and realize that any parent who has eight newborns simultaneously is going to require some help.
He submitted his sketches to O'Shaughnessy in 1921 and simultaneously started his own campaign to convince city leaders of the feasibility of building the bridge.
There are a lot of variations in sheer swimwear, including mesh and two-toned designs, and it's usually the best way to be daring and yet modest simultaneously.
Many prefer this style of tankini because it highlights the delicate line of the shoulders and collarbone area, while simultaneously drawing attention to the wearer's cleavage.
Jag's appeal comes from its ability to be simultaneously ultra-chic, relaxing and informal.
The arms, head and parts of the shoulder are lifted out of the water while the swimmer moves her arms simultaneously.
Your legs will move simultaneously with your arms and your rear will rise out of the water during the move.
Cardiovascular benefits of consuming more omega-3's include lowered blood pressure and improved ratio of the so-called "good" HDL cholesterol to "bad" LDL cholesterol, while simultaneously lowering overall blood cholesterol readings.
Not all trends hit all places simultaneously.
They created the first toaster that could cook the toast on both sides simultaneously and could pop-up the toast automatically when the cooking was completed.
Certain models of the Braun shaver come with dual purpose bases that clean the shaver while simultaneously charging the battery.
Keep in mind, however, that foods cooked through the George Foreman Grill cook three times faster than most cooking methods because the two grill plates can cook your food simultaneously.
Broiling your vegetables underneath simultaneously which you can do with the DeLonghi BQ100 two tier cooking system.
This product is an electric indoor grill that can cook foods on both sides simultaneously, reducing not just its cooking time but excess fat as well.
The two grill plates can cook your food simultaneously.
The double cup coffee machine fits two standard coffee cups side by side and pours two cups of coffee simultaneously.
The electronics manufacture, Panasonic, makes a battery charger that plugs directly in to the wall and can hold two "AA" batteries and four "AAA" batteries simultaneously.
The wire whisks are made from stainless steel and work simultaneously to mix batters, eggs or mixes.
It can accommodate two baking racks simultaneously for maximum cooking capacity.
Other players frequent multiple sites, sometimes simultaneously, so that they can find the full graphic, feature and community experience that they want for their free online chess experience.
The 1950's saw Red Cross evolve into a multi-tasking organization with significant enough infrastructure to sufficiently cover many disasters simultaneously.
In the virtual world you may discreetly email several candidates simultaneously.
I still want to continue with our 'friendship' but how do I do that and get over him simultaneously?
Still, with online dating, you can meet multiple men quickly and simultaneously.
The Flying Kiss involves players throwing kisses to intended suitors while simultaneously trying to avoid obstacles.
Regardless of a site's discretion policy, registering with more than one site simultaneously will reduce your privacy.
Small-scale individual jewelers may be able to create unique designs more quickly because they do not need to continue supplying wholesale distributors and stores simultaneously.
Another benefit of writing filler articles is that you can submit the piece to multiple publications simultaneously.
Designs in leather are durable enough to last a long time, while simultaneously unique enough to fit individual tastes.
Tandem nursing is when each twin nurses on one breast simultaneously.
Teachers can project a lesson from a computer onto a large screen so that the entire class can participate, or they can run a specific program simultaneously on numerous computers within the classroom.
Common controversies include the subject of public breastfeeding, breastfeeding toddlers and older children, and breastfeeding both toddlers and infants simultaneously.
Players swing the hula hoop on their hips simultaneously to see who can sustain the hoop the longest.
These laws work in favor of the consumer by allowing comparison shopping for the best contact lens discounts while simultaneously protecting the consumer's health.
Online coupons and promotional offers can change at any time, and generally runs several offers simultaneously depending on what consumers are buying or what the hottest trends for personal care may be.
Be kind to the animal kingdom simultaneously.
Honda is a name simultaneously found alongside excellently made vehicles, including all genres of cars and motorcycles.
Since soap operas have so many intersecting story lines, and often several separated plots running simultaneously, most tend to move at a reasonable pace.
And now, at the age of 80, after her second stint playing two characters simultaneously, she's currently carrying a major storyline - and embarking on what could be a new romance.
The handles of the machetes were first to be colored in using a "7-wide" needle meaning there are 7 individual needles working simultaneously.
Have the tree frog climbing over the branch toward the viewer for a realistic look, or perch the frog sideways moving up a limb and branch simultaneously.
Vixa has maintained its high level of "one-off" craftsmanship while simultaneously moving into the modern era and beyond with the most modern chronographic features to date.
You may even find yourself feeling both sensations simultaneously.
Alternate from one leg to the other until you feel that you can lift both feet off the ground simultaneously.
However, simultaneously running several anti-spyware programs may slow down your computer's processing time.
Usually, it is installed simultaneously with a program the user willingly installs.
The two run simultaneously, removing both viruses and spyware.
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 offers a dual-window option that allows viewing of two or more document sections simultaneously.
Random Dialing rings every number until a caller connects to you, and BlastMe rings all the numbers in a Ring List simultaneously, with the call connecting to the first phone that's picked up.
Opening several Internet windows or Web sites simultaneously while talking to a client, associate or customer just isn't possible.
These modems are mush more efficient and are able to modulating/demodulate hundreds of channels simultaneously.
You may find some college schedules available that allow you to work towards your bachelor's degree and master's degree simultaneously, and sometimes courses can overlap, to shorten the time it takes to complete both programs.
Expert in handling multiple projects simultaneously and working in a fast-paced environment.
You have to coordinate both feet and both hands to do different things simultaneously, which is a process that can cause extreme anxiety for many new drivers.
Now gently give the car a little gas while simultaneously letting out the clutch.
Typically four channels will do the trick, but more expensive models can simultaneously track ten or more satellites, greatly improving its accuracy.
For a GPS to be accurate in offering directions and navigation, it must be able to receive information from three satellites simultaneously.
Using them is a great way to manage your time and your money while simultaneously reducing stress and hassle.
The product line promotes by offering to save your money and the quality of your pool simultaneously.
Cut out the shape, making sure to cut through both pieces of construction paper simultaneously.
Suggest alternatives that permit both educational and fitness goals to be met simultaneously.
Embarking on an exercise regimen, while simultaneously starving yourself only signals your body to hold on to its fat reserves.
Jump as hard and as high as you can, simultaneously lifting the ball above your head with straight arms.