Simplest Sentence Examples
Even in the best, most friendly and simplest relations of life, praise and commendation are essential, just as grease is necessary to wheels that they may run smoothly.
These were of the simplest character.
The simplest choice there is, he assured her.
In its simplest form, this phrase implies such an obvious fact as that whatever be the future development of, say, existing cockroaches, it will be on lines determined by the present structure of these creatures.
The simplest form of receiving instrument (formerly much used) is known as the " mirror."
Very briefly stated, his method consists in sending out a group of wave trains at certain irregular but assigned intervals of time to constitute the simplest signal equivalent to a dot in the Morse code, and a sequence of such trains, say three following one another, to constitute the dash on the Morse code.
The simplest basis for philosophy 2 is empiricism.
They are agglutinative in nature, show hardly any signs of syntactical growth though every indication of long etymological growth, give expression to only the most direct and the simplest thought, and are purely colloquial and wanting in the modifications always necessary for communication by writing.
It is simplest, as it is truest, to say that the Crusades did not fail - they simply ceased; and they ceased because they were no longer in joint with the times.
In describing the monuments discovered by the French excavators, the simplest plan is to follow the route of Pausanias.
AdvertisementIn every mature period of art it will be found that, however much the technical rules may be collected in one special category, every artistic category has a perfect interaction with all the others; and this is nowhere more perfectly shown than when the art is in its simplest possible form of maturity.
In all but the very simplest forms the plant-body is built up of a number of these cells, associated in more or less definite ways.
The simplest type consists simply of a single elongated cell projecting above the general level of the lairs, epidermis.
Among the simplest examples of the former are the hairs which follow the irritation of the cells by mites.
The simplest cell forms are found in embryonic tissues, in.
AdvertisementPalaeontological evidence conclusively proves that the surface of the earth has been successively occupied by vegetative forms of increasing complexity, rising from the simplest algae to the most highly organized flowering plant.
Taking the Atlantic as our simplest type, we may say that the surface of an ocean basin resembles that of a mighty trough or syncline, buckled up more or less centrally in a medial ridge, which is bounded by two long and deep marginal hollows, in the cores of which still deeper grooves sink to the profoundest depths.
The first and simplest function of the land surface is that of guiding loose material to a lower level.
In the simplest and crudest method, as practised in Sicily, a mass of the ore is placed in a hole in the ground and fired; after a time the heat melts a part of the sulphur which runs down to the bottom of the hole and is then ladled out.
In its simplest form, consisting of a ring fixed in the plane of the equator, the armilla is one of the most ancient of astronomical instruments.
AdvertisementThe simplest form of agriculture is that in which crops are raised from one patch of ground till it is exhausted, when it is allowed to go wild and abandoned for another.
In other words, the whole mental structure we call knowledge consists, in its simplest equally with its most complex constituents, of the "work of the mind."
The device employed for this purpose is known as the water-packer, and consists in its simplest form of an india-rubber ring, which is applied between the tubing and the well-casing, so that upon compression it makes a tight joint.
The reproductive on the lateral vessel of system is of the simplest, strongly con- Drepanophorus spectatrasting with the complicated arrange- bilis.
In their simplest form they consist of a wire through which passes the current to be measured, some arrangement being provided for measuring the small expansion produced by the heat generated in the wire.
AdvertisementIn its simplest form an electromagnetic ammeter consists of a circular coil of wire in which is pivoted eccentrically an index needle carrying at its lower end a small mass of iron.
Of these, undoubtedly the simplest are the ethers (q.v.), formed by the elimination of the elements of water between two molecules of the same alcohol, " simple ethers," or of different alcohols, " mixed ethers."
It was long supposed that the simplest ring obtainable contained six atoms of carbon, and the discovery of trimethylene in 1882 by August Freund by the action of sodium on trimethylene bromide, Br(CH 2) 3 Br, came somewhat as a surprise, especially in view of its behaviour with bromine and hydrogen bromide.
This is readily illustrated by considering the properties of gases - the simplest state of aggregation.
The simplest aliphatic compounds, such as diazo-methane, diazoethane, and azo-formic acid, are yellow; the diamide of the latter acid is orange-red.
Quinone, which is light yellow in colour, is the simplest coloured substance on this theory.
Ouro Preto has several historic buildings; they are of antiquated appearance and built of the simplest materials - broken stone and mortar, with an exterior covering of plaster.
As an orator he was the leader of the opponents of the florid Asiatic school, who took the simplest Attic orators as their model and attacked even Cicero as wordy and artificial.
His earlier work included an investigation of succinic acid, and the preparation of phenyl cyanide (benzonitrile), the simplest nitrile of the aromatic series; but later his time was mainly occupied with questions of technology and public health rather than with pure chemistry.
His tastes were of the simplest; and while scholars like Filelfo were intent on extracting money from their patrons by flattery and threats, he remained so poor that he owed the publication of all his many works to private munificence.
Large metallic surfaces (especially external surfaces) are sometimes plated by means of a "doctor," which, in its simplest form, is a brush constantly wetted with the electrolyte, with a wire anode buried amid the hairs or bristles; this brush is painted slowly over the surface of the metal to be coated, which must be connected to the negative terminal of the electrical generator.
This was reducing the administration of taxation to its simplest form.
The simplest form to which the quartic is in general reducible is +6mxix2+x2, involving one parameter m; then Ox = 2m (xi +x2) +2 (1-3m2) x2 ix2; i = 2 (t +3m2); j= '6m (1 - m) 2; t= (1 - 9m 2) (xi - x2) (x21 + x2) x i x 2.
For the case 8=1, 0' =2, the condition is a i r 1 72 = A032=0; and the simplest perpetuant, derived directly from the product A 1 B 21 is (I)a(2)b-(21)b; the remainder of those enumerated by z3 I z.
To represent the simplest perpetuant, of weight 7, we may take as base either A2B 1 B 2 or A l A 2 B2, and since Ai+Bi =o the former is equivalent to A 2 ArB 2 and the latter to A 2 B i B2; so that we have, (1 -f-aix) (1 + a2x).
By the rules adopted we take A?B 2 B 3, which gives (12)a(32)b - (1)a(321)b+ao(3212)b, the simplest perpetuant of weight 7; and thence the general form enumerated by the generating function 1 -z.1-z2.1 - z3 ?
The extraction of the metal from pure (or nearly pure) galena is the simplest of all metallurgical operations.
The ratio M/H is then found by one of the magnetometric methods which in their simplest forms are described below.
The field due to a coil can be made as nearly uniform as we please throughout a considerable space; its intensity, when the constants of the coil are known, can be calculated with ease and certainty and may be varied at will'through wide ranges, while the apparatus required is of the simplest character and can be readily constructed to suit special purposes.
This is not the conclusion of many observers, but it may be due to the excessive infant mortality among the lower classes, where an observance of the simplest sanitary laws is practically unknown.
Laplace published in 1779 the method of generating functions, the foundation of his theory of probabilities, and the first part of his Theorie analytique is devoted to the exposition of its principles, which in their simplest form consist in treating the successive values of any function as the coefficients in the expansion of another function with reference to a different variable.
Finally, it brought the simplest living matter or formless protoplasm before the mental vision as the startingpoint whence, by the operation of necessary mechanical causes, the highest forms have been evolved, and it rendered unavoidable the conclusion that this earliest living material was itself evolved by gradual processes, the result also of the known and recognized laws of physics and chemistry, from material which we should call not living.
The method of resolution just described is the simplest, but it is only one of an indefinite number that might be proposed, and which are all equally legitimate, so long as the question is regarded as a merely mathematical one, without reference to the physical properties of actual screens.
The simplest supposition is that the material composing the obstacle is perfectly conducting, i.e.
The simplest of all coverings is the loin-cloth characteristic of warm climates, and a necessary protection where there are trying extremes of temperature.
The simplest kind was a pad or sole of leather or papyrus bound to the foot by two straps, one passing over the instep, the other between the toes.
In the systematic mining of larger deposits, the simplest plan consists in mining large areas by means of numerous working-places under the protection of pillars of mineral left for the purpose, and later mining these pillars systematically, allowing the overlying rock beds to fall and fill the abandoned workings.
The simplest forms of pumps employed for forcing liquids are "plunger pumps," consisting essentially of a piston moving in a cylinder, provided with inlet and outlet pipes, together with certain valves.
Although spherical forms can be obtained without the use of moulds, moulds are now largely used for even the simplest kinds of tableware in order to economize time and skilled labour.
It follows that the pressure of a fluid requires to be calculated in one direction only, chosen as the simplest direction for convenience.
The effect of an external circulation of vortex motion on the motion of a cylinder has been investigated in § 29; a similar procedure will show the influence of circulation through a hole in a solid, taking as the simplest illustration a ring-shaped figure, with uniplanar motion, and denoting by the resultant axial linear momentum of the circulation.
The western portion is hilly, and intersected by ravines, and only the simplest kind of cultivation is possible.
Gamaliel himself had given directions that his body was to be wrapped in the simplest possible shroud.
Sun curing, now but little practised in the United States, is the simplest method.
For the mapping of the whole vast interior, except in rare cases, no data exist beyond the itineraries of explorers, travelling as a rule under conditions which precluded the use of even the simplest surveying instruments.
The simplest form of this in Arabian literature is the saf or rhymed prose, in which the sentences are usually (though not always) short and end in a rhyme or assonance.
This in its simplest form gave rise to the rajaz verses, where each half-line ends in the same rhyme and consists of three feet of the measure - u -.
The furnace used by Henri Moissan in his experiments on reactions at high temperatures, on the fusion and volatilization of refractory materials, and on the formation of carbides, suicides and borides of various metals, consisted, in its simplest form, of two superposed blocks of lime or of limestone with a central cavity cut in the lower block, and with a corresponding but much shallower inverted cavity in the upper block, which thus formed the lid of the furnace.
The simplest aromatic tertiary amine, triphenylamine, is prepared by the action of brombenzene on sodium diphenylamine (C. Heydrich, Ber., 1885, 18, p. 2156).
The simplest aromatic monamine is aniline, and the simplest mixed amines are monoand di-methyl aniline.
Diphenylamine, (C6H5)2NH, is the simplest representative of the true aromatic secondary amines.
The simplest experience - a single note struck upon the piano - would not be what it is to us but for its relation by contrast or comparison with other experiences.
Briihl's is one of the simplest.
In its simplest form the apparatus consists of a straight tube, made of glass, porcelain or iron according to the temperature required and the nature of the reacting substances, heated in an ordinary combustion furnace, the mixture entering at one end and the vapours being condensed at the other.
The simplest syntheses are undoubtedly those in which a carboxyl group is obtained directly from the oxides of carbon, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
The simplest method of determining it numerically is, therefore, that adopted by Faraday.4 Table Dielectric Constants (K) of Solids (K for Air = I).
A cycle such as ABCD enclosed by parts of two isothermals, BC, AD, and two adiabatics, AB, CD, is the simplest form of cycle for theoretical purposes, since all the heat absorbed, H', is taken in during the process represented by one isothermal at the temperature o', and all the heat rejected, H", is given out during the process represented by the other at the temperature 0".
The simplest assumption which suffices to express the small deviations of gases and vapours from the ideal state at moderate pressures is that the coefficient a in the expression for the capillary pressure varies inversely as some power of the absolute temperature.
The simplest case to consider is that of equilibrium between solid and liquid, or liquid and vapour.
The simplest application of the thermodynamic potential is to questions of change of state.
This method of reckoning time is more convenient than those which employ cycles or periods of any length whatever; but it still fails to satisfy in the simplest manner possible all the conditions that are necessary for registering the succession of events.
This is the simplest form of the camera lucida.
His table is here shown in its simplest form.
Until he was fifteen he could have acquired only the simplest rudiments of education, and those chiefly from his parents.
Loom-weaving in its simplest form began with the Chilkats of Alaska, who hung the warp over a long pole, and wrought mythological figures into their gorgeous blankets by a process resembling tapestry work.
The simplest form of navigation in Brazil was the woodskin, a piece of bark stripped from a tree and crimped at the ends.
Here, in its simplest form, is the principle that underlies Napoleon's strategy in 1815.
This is the simplest case of generation of a plane figure by a moving ordinate; the corresponding figure for generation by rotation of a radius vector is a circle.
The simplest case is that in which u is constant or is a linear function of x, i.e.
The simplest method is to replace the trapezette by a series of trapezia.
Seebeck (1805-1849) is the simplest form of apparatus thus designated, and consists of a large circular disk mounted on a central axis, about which it may be made to revolve with moderate rapidity.
The simplest form of wave, so far as our sensation goes - that is, the one giving rise to a pure tone - is, we have every reason to suppose, one in which the displacement is represented by a harmonic curve or a curve of sines, y=a sin m(x - e).
When the air in a pipe open at both ends is vibrating in its simplest mode, the air is alternately moving into and out from the centre.
In the simplest case the main girders are supported at the ends only, and if there are several spans they are discontinuous or independent.
Now it is well understood that in many positions this system is the simplest and most economical method of bridging.
In the simplest case, that of uniform translation, these components of the gradient will each be constant throughout the region; at a distant place in free aether where there is no motion, they must thus be equal to -u,-v,-w, as they refer to axes moving with the matter.
There are hundreds of Patience games, ranging from the simplest to the most complicated.
In simplest form it consists of a long, straight, fine, uniform wire stretched over a divided scale.
Moreover, this theory affords the simplest explanation of its disappearance from Jewish tradition.
They were not an outcome of the dominant tendencies of the time, but they arose rather in spite of them, in the simplest way, just from the practical needs of the moment.
Take first the simplest case of a non-inductive power-absorbing circuit.
This formation of the Greek system (25) is only an inference from the facts yet known, for we have not sufficient information to prove it, though it seems much the simplest and most likely history.
The best general method of calculating logarithms consists, in its simplest form, in resolving the number whose logarithm is required into factors of the form I - i r n, where n is one of the nine digits, and making use of subsidiary tables of logarithms of factors of this form.
The hydrography of Mexico, therefore, is of the simplest description - a number of small streams flowing from the plateau or mountain slopes eastward to the Gulf of Mexico and westward to the Pacific. Most of these are little more than mountain torrents, but one has a course exceeding 500 m., and few have navigable channels.
The simplest forms of these depict the objects signified by the name, as where Chapultepec or " grasshopper-hill " is represented by a grasshopper on a hill, or a stone with a cactus on it stands for Tenoch or " stonecactus," the founder of Tenochtitlan.
The simplest way of showing dispersion is to refract a narrow beam of sunlight through a prism of glass or prismatic vessel containing water or other clear liquid.
The simplest form of weir is a solid, watertight dam of firm earthwork or rubble stone, faced with stone pitching, with cribs filled with rubble, with fascine mattresses weighted with stone, or with masonry, and protected from undermining by sheet piling or one or more rows of well foundations.
It is important, because such a concrescence is by no means universal, and does not occur, for example, in Mytilus or in Arca; further, because when its occurrence is once appreciated, the reduction of the gill-plates of Anodonta to the plume-type of the simplest ctenidium presents no difficulty; and, lastly, it has importance in reference to its physiological significance.
This is the simplest case and is called haplography.
And if so, what is the nature of the notions necessarily implied in the simplest knowledge of a thing, as distinct from mere sense feeling?
Lord Rayleigh,' who has also investigated vibrating systems giving series of lines approaching a definite limit of " root," remarks that by dynamical reasoning we are always led to equations giving the square of the period and not the period, while in the equation representing spectral series the simplest results are obtained for the first power of the period.
Kirchhoff asserted that the whole object of mechanics is " to describe the motions occurring in Nature completely in the simplest manner."
Several kinds of deflector have been invented, that of Lord Kelvin (Sir William Thomson) being the simplest, but Dr Waghorn's is also very effective.
Particular laws of force may be suggested by a study of the simplest cases in which they are manifested, and from them results may be obtained by calculation as to the motions of systems of any given structure.
To take the simplest case of a one component system water substance has its three phases of solid ice, liquid water and gaseous vapour in equilibrium with each other at the freezing point of water under the pressure of its own vapour.
The simplest case is that of water and a salt, such as sodium chloride, which crystallizes without water.
The simplest way to do this is to imagine a vapour-sieve piston through which the vapour but not the liquid can pass.
Thus the one point of weakness in the concrete slab is overcome by the addition of steel in its simplest form, and both materials are used to their best advantage.
Assisted by the assumption that combination always takes place in the simplest possible way, he thus arrived at the idea that chemical combination takes place between particles of different weights, and this it was which differentiated his theory from the historic speculations of the Greeks.
In its simplest form it consists of a direct-vision spectroscope, having an adjustable slit (called "camera slit"), instead of an eyepiece, in the focal plane of the observing telescope.
In the simplest instances the pollen of one flower fertilizes the ovules of another on the same plant, owing to the stamens arriving at maturity in any one flower earlier or later than the pistils.
In their simplest form, they are merely a row of slender stakes of larch or other wood driven into the ground, and connected by a slight rod or fillet at top. The use of iron rails has now been almost wholly discontinued on account of metallic substances acting as powerful conductors of both heat and cold in equal extremes.
Among the simplest cases are the sheet-like aggregates of sporogenous hyphae in Puccinia, Uromyces, &c., or of basidia in Exobasidium, Corticium, &c., or of asci in Exoascus, Ascocorticium, &c. In the former, where the layer is small, it is often termed a sorus, but where, as in the latter, the sporogenous layer is extensive, and spread out more or less sheet-like on the supporting tissues, it is more frequently termed a hymenium.
Similarly with the various types of conidial or oidial "fructifications," termed pycnidia, spermogonia, aecidia, &c. In the simplest of these cases - e.g.
The rolling mill in its simplest form is a pair of cylindrical rollers,.
The direct-acting lift is perhaps the simplest of all machines using pressure-water, but as the height of the lift increases, certain problems in construction become exceedingly difficult to cope with, notably those due to the great increase in the weight and displacement of the ram.
The simplest leaf is found in some mosses, where it consists of a single layer of cells.
Frankland, when in 1858 Kekule published a paper in which, after giving reasons for regarding carbon as a tetravalent element, he set forth the essential features of his famous doctrine of the linking of atoms. He explained that in substances containing several carbon atoms it must be assumed that some of the affinities of each carbon atom are bound by the affinities of the atoms of other elements contained in the substance, and some by an equal number of the affinities of the other carbon atoms. The simplest case is when two carbon atoms are combined so that one affinity of the one is tied to one affinity of the other; two, therefore, of the affinities of the two atoms are occupied in keeping the two atoms together, and only the remaining six are available for atoms of other elements.
The next simplest case consists in the mutual interchange of two affinity units, and so on.
One of the simplest illustrations of the rectilinear flow of heat is the steady outflow through the upper strata of the earth's crust, which may be considered practically plane in this connexion.
This is one of the simplest of all methods in practice, but it involves the measurement of several different quantities, some of which are difficult to observe accurately.
As in the case of steady-flow methods, by far the simplest example to consider is that of the linear flow of heat in an infinite solid, which is most nearly realized in nature in the propagation of temperature waves in the surface of the soil.
The simplest and earliest form of water-raising machinery is the pole with a bucket suspended from one end of a crossbeam and a counterpoise at the other.
For many years Godwin had been "satisfied that monarchy was a species of government unavoidably corrupt," and from desiring a government of the simplest construction, he gradually came to consider that "government by its very nature counteracts the improvement of original mind."
Of New Kingdom tales, the story of the Two Brothers is frankly in the simplest speech of everyday life, while others are more stilted.
It is clear that the basis which they chose for the new literature was the simplest language of daily life in the monasteries, charged as it was with expressions taken from Greek, pre-eminently the language of patristic Christianity.
The simplest form being that of the 3rd person, it is best arranged like the corresponding tense in Semitic grammars, beginning with that person.
Regarding it as an organism which represented the simplest form of life, Huxley about 1868 named it Bathybius Haeckelii.
In the simplest case it may consist of a single cell, which may tions occur, and the thallus is more or less the continuous tube from remain free during the whole of the greater part of its t xistence, which the group is named.
In the next group of forms the simplest are crusts attached to the substratum throughout their extent, and growing at the margin.
The simplest type is that of the giraffe, in which three bony prominences - a single one in front and a pair behind - quite separate from the underlying bones and covered during life with skin, occupy the front surface of the skull.
The simplest of all pozzuolanic cements would be a mixture of pure lime and hydrated silica, but though the latter is prepared artificially for various purposes, it is too expensive to be used as a cement material.
The simplest is for the impression made by an observed object on the retina, the eye; in this connexion the term "after-image" (better "after-sensation") is used for an image which remains when the eye is withdrawn from a brilliantly lighted object; it is called positive when the colour remains the same, negative when the complementary colours are seen.
The simplest ideational image, which has been described as the primary memory-image, is "the peculiarly vivid and definite ideal representation of an object which we can maintain or recall by a suitable effort of attention immediately after perceiving it" (Stout).
Robert Chambers, in the once famous Vestiges of Creation, interested and shocked his contemporaries by his denial of the fixity of species and his insistence on creation by progressive evolution, but had no better theory of the cause of variation than to suppose that organisms - "from the simplest and oldest to the highest and most recent" were possessed of "an inherent impulse, imparted by the Almighty both to advance them from the several grades and modify their structure as circumstances required."
The simplest of such repeated elements are the cells of the tissues, more complex are cell-aggregates, from hairs, scales, teeth and the like, up to limbs or metameres in animals, or the .00 '00 leaves and their homologues in plants.
The simplest equation to the parabola is that which is referred to its axis and the tangent at the vertex as the axes of co-ordinates, when it assumes the form y 2 = 4ax where as = semilatus rectum; this may be deduced directly from the definition.
The simplest is to award a proportion of marks (say io to 15, or even 20%) for " general impression."
Some of the material may have existed in aphoristic form before, but the composition of the present book may be put approximately in the century 300-200 B.C. Even its simplest maxims have a certain academic form.
Its religious scheme is the simplest form of theism; religion is reverence for God and obedience to His laws.
The simplest term of thought is being; we cannot think less about anything than when we merely say that it is.
One of the simplest consists of a plane mirror rigidly connected with a revolving axis so that the angle be tween the normal to the mirror and the axis of the instrument equals half the sun's polar distance, the mirror being adjusted so that the normal has the same right ascension as the sun.
Electrolitic Alkali Manufacture In theory by far the simplest process for making alkalis together with free chlorine is the electrolysis of sodium (or potassium) chloride.
Through all changes, of government vernacular instruction in its simplest form has always been given, at least to the children of respectable classes, in every large village.
Refracting Telescope In its simplest form the telescope consists of a convexobjective capable of forming an imageof a distant object and.
In its simplest form the mounting of an equatorial telescope consists of an axis parallel to the earth's axis, called" the polar axis "; a second axis at right angles to the polar axis called" the declination axis "; and the telescope tube fixed at right angles to the declination axis.
The dwelling-places of the natives are usually small huts of the simplest constuction, used chiefly as sleeping apartments; the day is spent in an open space in front of the hut protected from the sun by a roof of palm or other leaves.
The methods depending on change of state are theoretically the simplest, since they do not necessarily involve any reference to thermometry, and the corrections for external loss of heat and for the thermal capacity of the containing vessels can be completely eliminated.
The movements of the atmosphere, however, are upon a scale large enough to make this observation easy, and the simplest evidence is obtained from a study of the direction of the air movements in the great wind systems of the globe.
In 1807 an account of the magnetic observations made during the tour with Humboldt was published in the first volume of the Memoires d'Arcueil, and the second volume, published in 1809, contained the important memoir on gaseous combination (read to the Societe Philomathique on the last day of 1808), in which he pointed out that gases combining with each other in volume do so in the simplest proportions-1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3 - and that the volume of the compound formed bears a simple ratio to that of the constituents.
Paradoxical as it may sound, the truth seems to be that primary judgment, beginning as it does with the simplest feeling and sensation, is not a combination of two mental elements into one, but is a division of one sensible thing into the thing itself and its existence and the belief that it is determined as existing, e.g.
Hence the simplest form of a set is a " couple "; and it was to the possible laws of combination of couples that Hamilton first directed his attention.
The simplest method of measuring the specific heat appears to be that of supplying heat electrically to a steady current of vapour in a vacuum-jacket calorimeter, and observing the rise of temperature produced.
In order to correct this equation for the deviations of the vapour from the ideal state at higher temperatures and pressures, the simplest method is to assume a modified equation of the Joule-Thomson type (Thermodynamics, equation (17)), which has been shown to represent satisfactorily the behaviour of other gases and vapours at moderate pressures.
The simplest assumptions to make are that the vapour behaves as a perfect gas (or that p(v-w) = Re), and that L is constant.
But in order to deduce the values of c by the Joule-Thomson method, it is necessary to assume an empirical formula, and the type c=co(6019) n is chosen as being the simplest.
Thus religion was freed from all particular and national elements in the simplest way.
The Lord's Prayer in its oldest and simplest form is the expression of its faith, and Christ's separation of mankind on the right hand and on the left in accordance with their service or refusal of service to their fellow-men is its own judgment of the right of any age or church to the name Christian.
The simplest case is that of a frame of three bars, when the three joints A, B, C fall into a straght line; a small displacement of the joint B at right angles to AC would involve changes in the lengths of AB, BC which are only of the second order of small quantities.
A kinematic link of the simplest form is made by joining up the halves of two kinematic pairs by means of a rigid link.
No food passes into the hepatic caecum, which has been definitely shown on embryological and physiological grounds to be the simplest persistent form of the vertebrate liver.
The methods of making the wine in the Medoc are of the simplest description.
All through the year the atmosphere is so dry and light that meat can be preserved by the simplest process of desiccation.
This in its simplest form consisted of a ring of wire nearly closed terminating in spark balls very close together, adjustable as to distance by a micrometer screw.
To exhibit the general character of the sacred as it exists for primitive religion it is simplest to take stock of various aspects recognized by primitive thought as expressed in language.
Scripture deals, he maintains, in none but the simplest precepts, nor does it aim at anything beyond the obedient mind; it tells nought of the divine nature but what men may profitably apply to their lives.
There was an utter absence of the commonest preparations to carry out the first and simplest demands in a place set apart to receive the sick and wounded of a large army.
Investigation of the cyanic ethers (1848) yielded a class of substances which opened out a new field in organic chemistry, for, by treating those ethers with caustic potash, he obtained methylamine, the simplest organic derivative of ammonia (1849), and later (1851) the compound ureas.
Except in the extreme south the hydrography of Chile is of the simplest description, all the larger rivers having their sources in the.
The simplest form of oyster culture is the preservation of the natural oyster-beds.
The simplest reflection among savages and halfcivilized men connects vitality with the air inhaled in Pneuma.
By far the simplest supposition open to us is that the functions are the same in all cases, the attractions differing merely by coefficients analogous to densities in the theory of gravitation.
The simplest case is that of a rectangular orifice in a horizontal plane, the sides being a and b.
In its first and simplest Christian form, the idea is present already in Mark iii.
The simplest case is that in which only one variety of bacterium is present, and a " pure culture " may then be obtained at once.
Complex silver minerals (sulph-arsenides and antimonides) which are difficult to amalgamate must be made amenable to quicksilver, and the simplest way of doing this is to convert the silver into chloride.
The simplest type of ocellus is exemplified by the exumbral ocellus of Aurelia, a simple patch of pigment-cells interspersed with visual cells, the whole on a level with the remaining ectodermal epithelium.
In its simplest form the exoskeleton of a typical somite is a ring of chitin defined from the rings in front and behind by areas of thinner integument forming moveable joints, and having a pair of appendages articulated to its ventral surface on either side of the middle line.
In the simplest form of art, he was represented by a wooden pillar surmounted by a woodpecker; later, as a young man with the bird upon his head.
The cycloid is the simplest member of the class of curves known as roulettes.
The simplest case of a caustic curve is when the reflecting surface is a circle, and the luminous rays emanate from a point on the circumference.
The simplest instance of a caustic by refraction (or diacaustic) is when luminous rays issuing from a point are refracted at a straight line.
What we have to deal with here is life in its simplest form.
We attain, therefore, our first generalized description of life as the property or peculiar quality of a substance composed of none but the more common elements, but of these elements grouped in various ways to form compounds ranging from proteid, the most complex of known substances to the simplest salts.
The higher "warm-blooded" creatures appear to present the simplest case and in their lifehistory there seems to be a point at which we can say "that which was alive is now dead."
Columns are generally built of riveted work of zedbars, channels, angles, plates, or lattice, of such form as will make the simplest and most easily constructed framing in the particular position in which the column is placed.
These projections and ridges may be homologous with the seminiferous scale of the pines, firs, cedars, &c. The simplest interpretation of the cone of the Abietineae is that which regards it as a flower consisting of an axis bearing several open carpels, which in the adult cone may be very small or large and prominent, the scale bearing the ovules being regarded as a placental outgrowth from the flat and open carpel.
In the simplest case of a single mountain valley to be used for the supply of an impounding reservoir, the rainfall should be known at five points, three being in the axis of the valley, of which one is near the point of intersection of that axis with the boundary of the watershed.
In this way an exact comparison of the weights in vacuo can be computed, but of course the simplest way of arriving at the result would be by the construction of a strong air-tight case which can be completely exhausted of air by an air-pump, and in which the weighing can then be effected in vacuo.
The simplest form is that which has a single travelling poise.
They count on their fingers, and make fire with the simplest form of fire-drill twirled by hand.
The simplest case, in which the quantity can be expressed as an integral number of the largest units B involved, has already been considered (§§ 37, 42).
The simplest form of arithmetical reasoning consists in the determination of the term in one series corresponding to a given term in another series, when the relation between the two series is given; and it implies, though it does not necessarily involve, the establishment of each series as a whole by determination of its unit.
In incomplete partition the quotient is 3, and the remainders 11 and 17 are in effect disregarded; if, after finding the quotient 3, we want to know what remainder would be produced by'a direct division, the simplest method is to multiply 3 by 2 4 0 and subtract the result from 935.
He taught him to distinguish in all cognitions, and especially in the simplest facts of consciousness, the fact of voluntary activity, that activity in which our personality is truly revealed.
The problem of the interrelations of the classes will thus be reduced to its simplest terms, and even questions as to the nature of the primitive Echinoderm and its affinity to the ancestors of other phyla may become more than exercises for the ingenuity of youth.
The cup, in its simplest form, consists of two circlets of five plates.
These primitive altars were of the simplest possible description - in fact they were required to be so by the regulation affecting them, preserved in Exodus xx.
In 1877 appeared the second series of La Legende des siecles; and in the same year the author of that colossal work, treating no less of superhuman than of human things, gave us the loveliest and most various book of song on the loveliest and simplest of subjects ever given to man, L' Art d'être grandpere.
Root, stem and leaf can be distinguished even in the simplest forms, and the plant is traversed by a welldeveloped vascular system.
The simplest form to which they may be reduced is seen in the genital operculum of the scorpion.
The compound eye of the king-crab (Limulus) is the only recognized instance of ommatidia in their simplest state.
The latter system gave the simplest and most obvious answer to the inquiry after ultimate good for man; but besides being liable, when developed consistently, to offend the common moral consciousness, it conspicuously failed to provide the " completeness " and " security " which, as Aristotle says, " one divines to belong to man's true 'Good."
The originality of Epicurus lay in his theory that the highest point of pleasure, whether in body or mind, is to be attained by the mere removal of pain or disturbance, after which pleasure admits of variation only and not of augmentation; that therefore the utmost gratification of which the body is capable may be provided by the simplest means, and that " natural wealth " is no more than any man can earn.
Its simplest and commonest meaning is that emphasized in the contrast of " faith " with " sight "; where it signifies belief in the invisible divine order represented by the church, in the actuality of the law, the threats, the promises of God, in spite of all the influences in man's natural life that tend to obscure this belief.
The simplest method of presenting it starts with the second view of the elliptic motion already set forth.
The first and simplest law in psychological mechanics relates to the "sinking" of inhibited presentations.
Conceiving that the simplest principle is the most likely to be true, he assumed as a postulate that bodies falling freely towards the earth descend with a uniformly accelerated motion, and deduced thence that the velocities acquired are in the direct, and the spaces traversed in the duplicate ratio of the times, counted from the beginning of motion; finally, he proved, by observing the times of descent of bodies falling down inclined planes, that the postulated law was the true law.
The simplest microscope which produces an upright image has a negative lens as eyepiece.
Amongst indefinite forms the simplest occurs when a lateral shoot produced in the axil of a large single foliage leaf of the plant ends in a single flower, the axis of the plant elongating beyond, as in Veronica hederifolia, Vinca minor and Lysimachia nemorum.
The simplest form of the definite type of the inflorescence is seen in Anemone nemorosa and in gentianella (Gentiana acaulis), where the axis terminates in a single flower, no other flowers being produced upon the plant.
Since hardly any machinery, or only the simplest machinery, is required for these processes, this method has some fascination for i.
Compressed-air Machines.-A compressed-air refrigerating machine consists in its simplest form of three essential parts -a compressor, a compressed-air cooler, and an expansion cylinder.
In its simplest form an absorption machine consists of two iron vessels connected together by a bent pipe.
This secondary wood, in the true Calamites (Arthropitys, Goeppert), has a simple structure comparable to that of the simplest Coniferous woods; it is made up 4 FIG.
On the whole, the anatomy of Sigillaria is closely related to that of the preceding group, and in fact a continuous series can be traced from the anatomically simplest species of Lepidodendron to the most modified Sigillariae.
In the simplest cases the functions of two or more of these parts may be combined into one, as in the smith's forge, where the fire-place and heating chamber are united, the iron being placed among the coals, only the air for burning being supplied under pressure from a blowing engine by a second special contrivance, the tuyere, tuiron, twyer or blast-pipe; but in the more refined modern furnaces, where great economy of fuel is an object, the different functions are distributed over separate and distinct apparatus, the fuel being converted into gas in one, dried in another, and heated in a third, before arriving at the point of combustion in the working chamber of the furnace proper.
The blast furnace in its simplest form is among the oldest, if not the oldest, of metallurgical contrivances.
Acrostic poetry An acrostic poetry An acrostic poem has to be one of the simplest poems that I found to write.
An end to end anastomosis is the simplest in concept.
He appears to have found the simplest antidote to the burdens of age; he simply ignores them.
The reflex arc The three types of neurones are arranged in circuits and networks, the simplest of which is the reflex arc.
In its simplest form children move with simple directional arrows only.
Is cheapest simplest layouts Ontario auto insurance rate health maintenance provide services to.
Peat, in the simplest terms, is an accumulation of partly decomposed plant material.
The simplest approach to this is to calculate the standard deviation.
This is the simplest type of antenna, a half wave dipole.
Even the simplest rhythms and lead lines can become dramatic, counter rhythmical textural effects can't say fairer than that, eh?
Based around the simplest of guitar parts and a rather eerie keyboard, Roy croons on be touched up.
The simplest variation is to use an elastomer lined bore which is an interference fit on the disk.
One-day excursions At The Kings Ferry we know how difficult it can be to organize the simplest of day out.
It left Weller with the simplest of point-blank headers.
This is the simplest way I know for a Mom to experience the please of her babys heartbeat with the minimum of fuss.
The simplest mechanical hygrometer uses a single human hair to determine humidity.
Some 600 million city dwellers are today without adequate shelter and over 400 million do not have access to the simplest latrines.
To include a literal] or - in the list, the simplest method is to enclose it in [.
In its simplest form, seeds are exposed to radiation or chemical mutagens to cause random unpredictable genetic changes in crops.
Express concepts in the simplest terms and define technical terms and jargon, but do not oversimplify.
The simplest are slip rails, often used in horse paddocks.
You are so right when you suggest we should all know some of the simplest and most used plainsong Latin Masses.
For a long time it was regarded simplest and esthetically most pleasing to postulate that our universe is now of exactly critical density.
The simplest design is a sheet of 1 inch thick polystyrene cut to 14 inches wide by 8 inches height.
If you'd like to see how to find the Julia set of the simplest quadratic, have a look at this example.
The simplest way to avoid this is to discharge the cells completely then recharge them using the cell manufacturers recommended recharge regime.
The simplest way to gage the likely interest for big properties is to ask local estate agents - and use a little subterfuge.
The simplest is a lump sum payment of the value of the policy.
The " hcl NAP " is the simplest form of a mechanical to neural transduction.
The simplest knots include the trefoil and figure-eight knots.
At the simplest level, it's amazing how jarring a slow typist, or bad grammar can be.
The ESR or plasma viscosity is the simplest guide.
At the simplest possible level the client may just be the web browser itself viewing suitable web browser itself viewing suitable web pages.
At the simplest possible level the client may just be the web browser itself viewing suitable Web pages.
To take the simplest possible case, if Dalton had been correct in assuming that the molecule of water was made up of one atom of oxygen and one of hydrogen, then the experimental fact that water contains eight parts by weight of oxygen to one part of hydrogen, would at once show that the atom of oxygen is eight times as heavy as the atom of hydrogen, or that, taking the atomic weight of hydrogen as the unit, the.
Where the debt does not exceed £ioo the simplest procedure for its recovery is that of the county court, but if the debt exceeds £ioo the creditor must proceed in the high court, unless the cause of action has arisen within the jurisdiction of certain inferior courts, such as the mayor's court of London, the Liverpool court of passage, &c. When judgment has been obtained it may be enforced either by process (under certain conditions) against the person of the debtor, by an execution against the debtor's property, or, with the assistance of the court, by attaching any debt owed to the debtor by a third person.
Anemometers which measure the pressure may be divided into the plate and tube classes, but the former term must be taken as including a good many miscellaneous forms. The simplest type of this form consists of a flat plate, which is usually square or circular, while a wind vane keeps this exposed normally to the wind, and the pressure of the wind on its face is balanced by a spring.
The general ectoderm covering the surface of the body has entirely lost the cilia present in the earlier larval stages (planula), and may be naked, or clothed in a cuticle or exoskeleton, the perisarc (ps), which in its simplest condition is a chitinous membrane secreted by the ectoderm.
The gonophores of different hydroids differ greatly in structure from one another, and form a series showing degeneration of the medusa-individual, which is gradually stripped, as it were, of its characteristic features of medusan organization and finally reduced to the simplest structure.
We must content ourselves by referring to the progress of physical (including chemical) theory, which has led to the great generalization of the conservation of energy; to the discovery of the fundamental chemical identity of the matter of our planet and of other celestial bodies, and of the chemical relations of organic and inorganic bodies; to the advance of astronomical speculation respecting the origin of the solar system, &c.; to the growth of the science of geology which has necessitated the conception of vast and unimaginable periods of time in the past history of our globe, and to the rapid march of the biological sciences which has made us familiar with the simplest types and elements of organism; finally, to the development of the science of anthropology (including comparative psychology, philology, &c.), and to the vast extension and improvement of all branches of historical study.
We may now proceed to a systematic account of the anatomy of the different groups of plants, beginning with the simplest, and passing to the more complicated forms.
Thallophyta.The simplest members of both the Algae and the Fungi (q.v.) (the two divisions of the Thailophyta, which is the lowest of the four great groups into which the plant-kingdom is divided) have their bodies each composed of a single cell.
Looking back over the progress of form and tissue-differentiation in the Thallophyta, we find that, starting from the simplest unicellular forms with no external differentiation of the body, we can trace an increase in complexity of organization everywhere determined by the principles of the division of physiological labor and of the adaptation of the organism to the needs of its environment.
In the simplest condition we have merely tracheae and sieve-tubes, respectively associated with parenchyma, which in the former case is usually amylom, i.e.
In the simplest cases the cambium produces xylem more freely along certain tracts of the circumference than along others, so that the stem loses its original cylindrical form and becomes elliptical or lobed in section.
The simplest classification is perhaps that of Drude according to climatic zones, subdivided according to continents.
Clothing is unnecessary; hence there is little occasion for exercising the mental faculties beyond the sense of perception to avoid enemies, or the inventive arts beyond what is required for the simplest weapons and the most primitive fortifications.
There is a very wide range in the general structure and arrangement of the parts of the flower, associated with the means for ensuring the transference of pollen; in the simplest cases the flower consists only of a few stamens or carpels, with no enveloping sepals or petals, as in the willow, while in, the more elaborate type each series is represented, the whole forming a complicated structure closely correlated with the size, form and habits of the pollinating agent (see Flower).
Hubert and Mauss point out that Robertson Smith is far from having established either the historical or the logical connexion between the common meal and the other types of sacrifice; the simplest Semitic forms known to us are the most recently recorded; further their simplicity may mean no more than documentary insufficiency, and in any case does not imply any priority; the piaculum is found side by side with the communion at all times.
The simplest mental act into which we can analyse the operations of the human mind - the act of sense-perception - is never merely a change, physical or psychical, but is the consciousness of a change.
Kekule was the forerunner of his celebrated benzene theory in particular, and of the universal application of structural formulae to the representation of the most complex organic compounds equally lucidly as the representation of the simplest salts.
The simplest invariant is S = (abc) (abd) (acd) (bcd) cf degree 4, which for the canonical form of Hesse is m(1 -m 3); its vanishing indicates that the form is expressible as a sum of three cubes.
Lamarck, Treviranus, Erasmus Dar win, Goethe, and Saint-Hilaire preached to deaf ears, for they advanced the theory that living beings had developed by a slow process of transmutation in successive generations from simpler ancestors, and in the beginning from simplest formless matter, without being able to demonstrate any existing mechanical causes by which such development must necessarily be brought about.
He addressed a comparatively small and select circle, a congregation of thoughtful and devout men, who cultivated reverence and loved religion all the more that their own beliefs were limited to the simplest and sublimest truths.
In a house, presenting no distinctive features whatsoever, one finds the decorator with a cupboard full of bowls and vases of glazed biscuit, which he adorns, piece by piece, using the simplest conceivable apparatus and a meagi-e supply of pigments.
League the system was the simplest precaution against disaffection on the part of the allies, the strength of whose resentment may be gathered from an inscription (Hicks and Hill, ioi [81]), which, in setting forth the terms of the second Delian Confederacy, expressly forbids the holding of land by Athenians in allied territory.
Study of his original papers shows that his discoveries were not made at haphazard, but were the outcome of experiments carefully planned to verify inferences already drawn, and successfully designed to settle the point at issue in the simplest and most direct manner.
The simplest explanation is that they represent different traditions, the Gospel narrative being composed with more special reference to prophetic fulfilments, and being probably nearer the truth than the short explanatory note inserted by the author of the Acts (see Bernard, Expositor, June 1904, p. 422 seq.).
The simplest way of showing dispersion is to refract a narrow beam of sunlight through a prism of glass or prismatic vessel =containing water or other clear liquid.
But at the crowning moment of trial there are those who assert their belief that the woman who on her way to the field of Corrichie had uttered her wish to be a man, that she might know all the hardship and all the enjoyment of a soldier's life, riding forth "in jack and knapscull" - the woman who long afterwards was to hold her own for two days together without help of counsel against all the array of English law and English statesmanship, armed with irrefragable evidence and supported by the resentment of a nation - showed herself equally devoid of moral and of physical resolution; too senseless to realize the significance and too heartless to face the danger of a situation from which the simplest exercise of reason, principle or courage must have rescued the most unsuspicious and inexperienced of honest women who was not helplessly deficient in self-reliance and self-respect.
The simplest form is 3 - a 3 in this case the serpentine position shown in the figure degenerates into a point of inflexion.
A review of the simplest cases of aberration will now be given.
Such differentiations and integrations of living bodies are the subject-matter of discussions on evolution; some will see in the play of circumambient media, natural or supernatural, on the simplest forms of living matter, sufficient explanation of the development of such matter into the highest forms of living organisms; others will regard the potency of such living matter so to develop as a mysterious and peculiar quality that must be added to the conception of life.
In 1877 appeared the second series of La Legende des siecles; and in the same year the author of that colossal work, treating no less of superhuman than of human things, gave us the loveliest and most various book of song on the loveliest and simplest of subjects ever given to man, L' Art d'être grandpere.
Toute la lyre, his latest legacy to the world, would be enough, though no other evidence were left, to show that the author was one of the very greatest among poets and among men; unsurpassed in sublimity of spirit, in spontaneity of utterance, in variety of power, and in perfection of workmanship; infinite and profound beyond all reach of praise at once in thought and in sympathy, in perception and in passion; master of all the simplest as of all the subtlest melodies or symphonies of song that ever found expression in a Border ballad or a Pythian ode.
If you 'd like to see how to find the Julia set of the simplest quadratic, have a look at this example.
Some simple consequences The simplest attractor in the quotient system is an equilibrium.
Fiber can be spun into a yarn with the simplest of tools.
Fashion tiaras can bring designer glamor to the simplest of gowns and dresses.
At the simplest level, it 's amazing how jarring a slow typist, or bad grammar can be.
Put at its simplest, the health of too many people living with HIV in the UK is being undermined by lack of income.
At the simplest possible level the client may just be the web browser itself viewing suitable web pages.
It is a good idea to let your child watch you go to the bathroom, so it will probably be simplest to move her chair in there, too.
One of the simplest baby shower centerpieces is practical, too.
One of the simplest ways to dress up a room is to add a wall mural or wall art.
Some of the best photo opportunities are the simplest ones.
Toddlers are in that wonderful stage of life in which they find delight in some of the simplest things.
The simplest thing to figure out for beginners is the size of the banjo they will need.
The simplest solution may be to have cuddle time during the day and then separate from him at night.
The Internet is the simplest place to find tree plans.
This can really test the integrity of a cat's digestion, and the simplest solution to a stomach that simply cannot handle such an onslaught is vomiting.
With such a large selection, kids can begin with the simplest stories and progress into Bibles they can read on their own.
It can be a struggle to get through even the simplest books for boys who don't have a high reading level, which may be embarrassing.
The Jack and Coke is one of the simplest drinks to make, but men seem to love it.
Even the simplest mixed drinks require basic ingredients to keep them varied and appealing.
They require the simplest of ingredients and are easily flavored with any soft fresh or frozen fruit.
The simplest way to decrease the likelihood of your personal information ending up in the wrong hands is to not give it out in the first place.
The Visa Prepaid Debit card is perhaps one of the simplest tools to manage a budget.
This includes the simplest decisions such as sleeping over a friend's house.
During painful breakups it's hard to fathom the concept of simplicity, but when it's all said and done, reconciliation usually occurs in the simplest of ways.
A three-stacked bunk bed system is probably the simplest configuration for bunk beds and will take up the least amount of floor space.
By the simplest definition, solar systems work by absorbing sunlight and converting it into energy - such as heat, hot water, and light.
You can find information on greening any and every part of your life, from the simplest modification to a full-scale lifestyle change.
The simplest, early photovoltaic cells were built using the configuration described above, called "single-junction" cells.
The simplest method of composting leaves involves placing them in a wire container and turning them occasionally.
Freezing fresh herbs using baking or cookie sheets is perhaps the simplest of all methods.
Keep in mind that even the simplest program may be difficult to use at first; it is recommended that you have some basic experience with online applications or drawing tools before trying to use a consumer design tool.
Whether your floors are wood, concrete, or even carpet, an area rug is one of the simplest ways to add punch to your decor.
Sponging is one of the simplest techniques to try and it produces a very pretty, distinctive look, adding texture and depth to your walls.
Modern mirrors can be minimalist or eclectic, and the simplest designs are often inexpensive.
Starting with the simplest of foundations and going on up through leopard printed hair, you can do pretty much anything when it comes to airbrush makeup.
While there are many reasons to flaunt this seasonal metallic trend, eye shadow is one of the simplest ways to punch up your look with little investment.
Tetris 3 is the simplest Tetris that the website offers, and it remains true to the original game without any additional graphics or features.
Kodak currently sells four "series" of Easy Share cameras, which the company claims are the simplest to operate of any digital cameras on the market.
From the simplest plating of cheese, bread and fruit to heaping platters of heavily sauced meats, pastas and stews.
One of the simplest garnishes for soup is a tablespoon of salted whipped cream sprinkled with a dash of paprika or a little very finely chopped parsley.
Scrapbooking really is all about the pictures, so perhaps the simplest way to lay out a scrapbook page is with a large photo as your centerpiece.
Anecdotes are one of the simplest ways to draw someone into a layout.
In January of 2009, Salomon announced its new Custom Shell Technology, which allows for the simplest and most precise bootfitting capability on the market.
Even the simplest little black dress can be punk with the right accessories.
Besides being one of the simplest seeds to sprout, buckwheat is a superfood when it comes to nutrition, and its versatility makes it a great addition to your healthy diet.