Silliest Sentence Examples
That's the silliest thing I ever heard.
Dean put on his silliest grin.
That's the silliest thing you've ever said!
Lindy Smith's Cakes to Inspire and Desire shows how to make cakes that are suitable for the classiest or the silliest birthday party, for adults or kids.
You can have various categories to judge such as scariest, funniest, sexiest, and silliest costume.
Contests can be things such as who can swim the silliest, who can go underwater the longest and who can swim the fastest.
Hold competitions to see who can make the biggest pile, land the messiest jump, or make the silliest leap into the leaves.
Hold a costume contest and announce the winner for different categories, such as "best dressed", "best impersonation", "silliest costume" and more.
Carell shined as the dim-witted Brick Tamland, delivering some of the silliest lines and earning big laughs.
Even the silliest things can have deeper meaning when you write them down and share them with the one you love.
AdvertisementCome up with categories such as "Most talkative," or "Silliest," and then have kids nominate classmates and vote on who best fits each category.