Silks Sentence Examples
The Vallee Noire, so it seemed to me, was part and parcel of myself, the framework in which my life was set, the native costume that I had always worn - what worlds away from the silks and satins that are suited for the public stage.
They'd traveled over a fortnight on the king's largest ship, bearing silks, game, and swords to offer as gifts with the barbarians.
Handlooms and small spinTextiles ning establishments have, in the silk industry, given place to large establishments with steam looms. The production of raw silk at least tripled itself between 1875 and 1900, and the value of the silks woven in Italy, estimated in 1890 to be 2,200,000, is now, on account of the development of the export trade calculated to be almost 4,000,000.
With regard to the imports into Russia-they consist mainly of raw materials and machinery for the manufactures, and of provisions, the principal items being raw cotton, 17% of the aggregate; machinery and metal goods, 13%; tea, 5%; mineral ores, 5%; gums and resins, 4%; wool and woollen yarns, 32%; textiles, 3%; fish, 3%; with leather and hides, chemicals, silks, wine and spirits, colours, fruits, coffee, tobacco and rice.
Silks, wood-carvings, silver and jade ornaments, tin and copper wares, fruits and tobacco are the chief articles of the local trade.
The manufactures of Derbyshire are both numerous and important, embracing silks, cotton hosiery, iron, woollen manufactures, lace, elastic web and brewing.
The chief luxuries of the ancient world, silks, jewels, pearls, perfumes, incense and the like, were drawn from India, China and southern Arabia.
It is one of the chief manufacturing places in Rhenish Prussia, its principal industries being the spinning and weaving of cotton, the manufacture of silks, velvet, ribbon and damasks, and dyeing and bleaching.
The best silks are produced by the natives of Pahang, Kelantan and Johor in the Malay Peninsula.
Its manufactures include silks, velvets, carpets, calico-printing, machinery and brickmaking.
AdvertisementThrough it passed the silks of Bambyce, called bombazines, the light textiles of Mosul (mosulines - muslins) and many other commodities for the wealthy and luxurious.
In general, the use of a square or rectangular cloth (whether folded diagonally or not) corresponds to the modern keffiyeh woven with long fringes which are plaited into cords knitted at the ends or worked into little balls sewn over with coloured silks and golden From Palestine Exploration Fund threads.
On the occasion of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon the city was gorgeously ornamented with rich silks and tapestry, and Goldsmiths' Row (Cheapside) and part of Cornhill were hung with golden brocades.
Viersen is one of the chief seats in the lower Rhine country for the manufacture of velvets, silks (especially umbrella covers) and plush.
Silks, cottons, carpets, furniture, white-wood carvings and straw hats are the chief products of the local industry.
AdvertisementLimestone is abundant, and the city has various manufactures, including lime, foundry and machine-shop products, agricultural implements, planing-mill products, engines, steam shovels, dredges, pianos and silks.
The most sharply contested of the changes was in regard to silks, which had been completely prohibited, and were now admitted at a duty of 30 per cent.
The duties on wool were raised, corresponding changes made on woollen goods, the duties on cottons, linens, some silks, and velvets considerably raised.
On other textiles, particularly on silks and linens, similar advances were made.
Cotton, silks, woollen cloth, and felt are manufactured, also boots, saddles, cutlery and weapons, pottery and various oils.
AdvertisementThe chief industries are the manufacture of woollens, cottons, silks, glass, laces, tobacco, straw-plait, paper, sugar and hemp, the breeding of silkworms, iron-founding and working, timber-cutting and shipbuilding.
Now in this second month of spring, in reverent observance of the old statutes, with victims, silks, spirits, and fruits, I offer sacrifice to thee.
In the manufacture of textiles the United States holds the second place, after Great Britain; decidedly second in cottons, a close competitor with Great Britain and France in woollens, and with France in silks.
They established the trade in the thriving towns of Asia Minor, and they planted it as far west as Sicily, as Sicilian silks of the 12th century with Saracenic patterns still testify.
Up to the year 1718 England depended on the thrown silks of Europe for manufacturing purposes.
AdvertisementThe moths yielding wild silks which have obtained most attention belong to the extensive and handsome family Saturnidee.
These are only a few of the moths from which silks of various usefulness can be produced; but none of these presents qualities, saving perhaps cheapness alone, which can put them in competition with common silk.
As this estimation presents some difficulties and divergences, the size of the thread is generally defined commercially by deniers or decigrammes, those of the Anthereas (wild silks) being said to range from 5 to 8 deniers or decigrammes, results confirmed by actual experience with the reeled thread.
It is only floss, injured and unreelable cocoons, the husks of reeled cocoons, and other waste from reeling, with certain wild silks, which are treated by the spun silk process, and the silk thereby produced loses much of the beauty, strength and brilliance which are characteristic of the manufactures from reeled silk.
Silks for sewing and embroidery belong to a different class from those intended for weaving, and thread-makers throw their raw silks in a manner peculiar to themselves.
For some purposes - making of gauzes, crapes, flour-bolting cloth and for what is termed " souples " - the silk is not scoured, and for silks to be dyed certain dark colours half-scouring is practised.
The perfect scouring of silks removes from 20 to 27 of their weight, according to the character of the silk and the amount of soap or oil used in the working.
Scouring renders all common silks, whether white or yellow in the raw, a brilliant pearly white, with a delicate soft flossy texture, from the fact that the fibres which were agglutinated in reeling, being now degummed, are separated from each other and show their individual tenuity in the yarn.
Silks to be finished white are at this point bleached by exposure in a closed chamber to the fumes of sulphurous acid, and at the close of the process the hanks are washed in pure cold water to remove all traces of the acid.
To obviate that loss it has long been the practice to dye some dark silks " in the gum," the dye combining in these cases with the gum or gelatinous coating, and such silks are known as " souples.
Thus weighting, which was until recently thought to apply only to black silks, and from which coloured silks were comparatively free, is now cheapening and deteriorating the latter in pretty much the same ratio as the former.
For success in coping with this difficulty, as well as in dealing with the whole question of the cultivation and employment of wild silks, the unwearying patience and great skill of Sir Thomas Wardle of Leek deserve special mention here.
Up to the year 1860 the bulk of the silks from the East was shipped to London, but subsequently, owing to the importance of continental demands, a large portion of the supplies has been unshipped at Genoa and Marseilles (especially the finer reeled silks from Japan and Canton), which are sold in the Milan and Lyons markets.
Many of the mills formerly in operation in Derby, Nottingham, Congleton and Macclesfield have been closed owing to the importation of foreign thrown silks from Italy and France, where a lower rate of wages is paid to the operatives employed in this branch.
Finally we have the uncultivated varieties of silks known as " wild silks," the chief of which is tussur.
The flat frame is the most gentle in its usage of the silk, but is most costly in labour; whilst the circular frame, being more severe in its action, is not suitable for the thoroughly degummed silks, but on the other hand is best for silks containing much wormy matter, because the silk hanging down into the combing teeth is thoroughly cleansed of such foreign matter, which is deposited under the machine.
Short fibre silks are still put through cards and treated like cotton; but the value of silk is in its lustre, elasticity and strength, which characteristics are obtained by keeping fibres as long as possible.
She wouldn't be buried in the ethereal silks of the wealthy or have her hair inlaid with flowers and perfumes.
Tea makes up nearly one-half of the imports, the other commodities being silks, cottons, hides and wool; while cottons and other manufactured wares constitute considerably over 50% of the exports.
Since the creation of the republic, extreme protective measures have caused the creation of a large number of cotton factories and other manufactures, but these are able to supply only a part of the consumption, and the importation of cotton and woollen fabrics, silks, readymade clothing, boots and shoes, &c., is large.
Therefore, when gill drawing machinery was invented, the cutting of silk into short fibres ceased, and long silks are now prepared for spinning on what is known as " long spinning process."
The article known as tussur spun is prepared in exactly the same manner as other spun silks, but its chief use is to make an imitation of sealskin known commercially as silk seal.
Among the manufactures of Fishkill Landing are rubber-goods, engines (Corliss) and other machinery, hats, silks, woollens, and brick and tile.
The figures are worked in silver and gold thread and coloured silks.
Brescia has considerable factories of iron ware, particularly fire-arms and weapons (one of the government small arms factories being situated here), also of woollens, linens and silks, matches, candles, &c. The stone quarries of Mazzano, 8 m.
The imports consist chiefly of English goods, indigo, cloth, boots, leather, sugar, salt, iron and copper, from Hindustan, and of shawls, carpets, "Barak" (native woollen cloth), postins (coats made of skins), shoes, silks, opium and carpets from Meshed, Herat and Turkestan.
Burhanpur is celebrated for its muslins, flowered silks, and brocades, which, according to Tavernier, who visited it in 1668, were exported in great quantities to Persia, Egypt, Turkey, Russia and Poland.
It was founded in the 14th century by Genoese merchant adventurers, who established a bank, and a trade in silks and velvets.
The women cover themselves with silks, gold and jewels, while the men indulge to excess their love of fine horses and splendid arms.
Herat and Kandahar are famous for their silks, although a large proportion of the manufactured silk found on the Herat market, as well as many of the felts, carpets and embroideries, are brought from the Central Asian khanates.
Other kinds of silk are native to certain parts of India, such as those produced by the " castor oil " and the muga silkworms of Assam; but the chief of the wild silks is the tussore silk, which is found in the jungles nearly throughout India.
Besides a considerable agricultural trade, Deventer has important iron foundries and carpet factories (the royal manufactory of Smyrna carpets being especially famous); while cotton-printing, rope-making and the weaving of woollens and silks are also carried on.
Owing to its position at the junction of several routes, Kerkuk has a brisk transit trade in hides, Persian silks and cottons, colouring materials, fruit and timber; but it owes its principal importance to its petroleum and naphtha springs.
The principal exports are fruits (dried and fresh), carpets, cotton, fish, rice, gums, wool, opium, silk cocoons, skins, live animals, silks, cottons, wheat, barley, drugs and tobacco.
From an early period the shoemakers of Ecija have been in high repute throughout Spain; woollen cloth, flannel, linen and silks are also manufactured.
Wermelskirchen is the centre of many thriving industries, chief among which are the manufacture of silks, cotton and silk ribbons, plush, tobacco and steel goods.
Other products are manna, suffron, asafoetida and other gums. The chief manufactures are swords, stoneware, carpets and rugs, woollens, cottons, silks and sheepskin pelisses (pustin, Afghan poshtin).
It is a considerable manufacturing centre for woollens, silks and cottons, electric power being furnished by the torrents descending from the mountains at the foot of which it lies.
William Dampier (c. 1688) and others speak of the number of foreign merchants settled there - English, Dutch, Danes, Portuguese, Chinese, &c. Dampier says the anchorage was rarely without ten or fifteen sail of different nations, bringing vast quantities of rice, as well as silks, chintzes, muslins and opium.
It is the chief seat of ribbon weaving in Germany, and manufactures thread, lace, braids, cotton and cloth goods, carpets, silks, machinery, steel wares, plated goods and buttons, the last industry employing about 15,000 hands.
Perkin says that the people seeing him dressed in the silks of his master took him for a person of distinction, and insisted that he must be either the son of George, duke of Clarence, or a bastard of Richard III.
A considerable amount of trade is done in the export of wool, hides, cotton, carpets, silks, felts, cereals (wheat, barley, maize, rice), sheep, fruit and vegetables, and in tea, silver, porcelain and opium imported from China, cloth and groceries from India, and cloth, cottons, silks, sugar, matches and leather from West Turkestan and Russia.
The manufacture of silks and carving in olive wood are carried on.
The products of this fertile district, as well as the teas and silks of more distant regions, find their natural outlet at Shanghai.
At the beginning of the 19th century the city still flourished; so late as 1811 it was described as famous for its silks, hosiery, koras and beautiful ivory work.
Chi-nan Fu was formerly famous for its manufacture of silks and of imitation precious stones.
The warriors were just as dirty, but the wealthy members of the clan wore silks and jewels like gaudy flowers.
The shop had a bewildering variety of silks.
A worked antimacassar lay upon her lap and a basket of colored silks stood upon a stool beside her.
Fabrics include batiks, cottons, rayons, silks and fine lace.
She was born in Malacca (Malaysia) and grew up in a world of colorful batiks and silks.
Smart tailoring with a masculine edge is softened by the addition of blouses or tops in slippery silks or delicate chiffons.
Most of all, however, I warmly congratulate all the new Silks.
Island crafts include jewelry, Chinese and Indian jade, silks, basketry and pottery.
Ali Pasha, the defeated naval commander, is shown full length wearing a kaftan of costly woven, figured silks.
The bulk of the book contains a list of agreed prices for a bewildering variety of silks.
I went to a lot of places like Silks and The Phoenix which were more rockabilly as well.
The fabric choices for shades are much more decorative and refined, such as Shantung silks and crinkled, oiled papers.
This season signature prints are inspired by tropical tattoos and appear throughout the collection on silks and cotton voile.
Now in this second month of spring, in reverent observance of the old statutes, with victims, silks, spirits, and fruits, I offer sacrifice to thee."
Spun silks are used largely for silk linings, hosieries, sewing threads, elastic webbing, lace, plush and many other purposes, such as mufflers, dress goods and blouse silks; also for mixing with other fibres in form of stripes in the weaving of various fabrics, or to be used in what are known as mixed goods, i.e.
The Moors are temperate in their diet and simple in their dress, though among the richer classes of the towns the women cover themselves with silks, gold and jewels, while the men indulge to excess their love of fine horses and splendid arms. The national fault is gross sensuality.
Leathers and sheep 's wool mixed with silks gave each piece understated character.
The fabric choices for shades are much more decorative and refined, such as shantung silks and crinkled, oiled papers.
The introduction of the silks with the timbre change was handled particularly well, including a strong accent.
Pants meant for formal wear are usually made from very fine materials like blends and silks and satins.
Cottons and natural fiber blends will work best for warmer climates while silks and satins and wool-based blends will work well in cooler climates.
Lingerie retailer Underneath has a large catalog of women's sleepware including the full August Silks pajama line.
Iris Silks offers a range of premium women's sleepwear in silk.
Formal wear skirts will usually be made from richer fabrics like silks, satins, and wool-cotton blends.
You must follow the wash and care instructions from the manufacturer carefully, especially for expensive skirts made from silks and other natural fibers.
Silks and satins are naturals for dressy blouses, as are those shot with metallic threads or embellished with sequins or other sparkles.
Satins, silks and nylon are usually closer fitting than cottons and blends.
Tuscan fabrics seen on upholstery, bedding, and window treatments include texture-rich linens, lush damasks or brocades, and luxurious velvets or silks.
The materials used in luxury bedding typically include cottons, linen and silks.
Don't use silks and solids on upholstery.
Fabrics in demand include taffeta and silks, as well as soft and subtle tropical prints.
For a causal beach wedding dress, you may want to avoid heavier materials like brocade, velvet, and heavy silks.
Most silks require extra care, so be sure to read the label instructions before washing or ironing.
Whether you are allergic to live flowers, hate the look of silks, or just plain are not a flower kind of person, you have alternative options.
Fabrics such as silks, satins, and velvets will require special care such as dry cleaning.
It used to be that people thought of silks and satins (reminiscent of kimonos) when thinking of Asian bedding, but cotton, cotton blends, other natural fabrics, and polyester are very popular.
While silks and satins do occasionally pop up, they are by no means the only material used in the currently popular style of Asian bedding.
Taffeta, organza, dotted Swiss and heavy silks with frilly underskirts featuring netting were the prized possession of any girl whose family could afford it.
Several times a year, particularly for the Christmas season, Janie and Jack will put out a variety of ornamental dresses in silks, velvets and elaborate materials.
However, machine wash items do not offer the luxury appeal of fine silks and cashmere.
Layers of tulle, lace, metallic materials, shimmering silks and sparkling gowns are just some of the instruments this retailer uses to inspire designs and create the most delightful party apparel for children.
Some of the best silks in the world are from Italy and Asia, and thus, so are most of the best tailors who work in silk.
You can't do any better than to start at the Silk Suit Store, an online tailor shop specializing in men's and women's silks.
They work in pure silks, as well as a range of other fabrics and blends.
Other common fabrics were silks, linens and leathers.
Silks, however, were only worn by the wealthy.
Iris Silks has a large selection of silky robes -- from robes sets to unisex kimonos.
It is one of the more common silks and is generally less expensive.
Tussah and Shantung silks are made from the cocoons of wild silkworms.
Iris Silks has a good selection of silk pajamas in plus sizes.
With new technology and blended silks, plus size silk panties are more affordable than ever, perfect for the woman who likes her lingerie to be as sensual and elegant as she is.
Satins and silks were popular fabric choices, and many were embellished with fine embroidery designs from silk and metallic threads.
From a delicately beaded, flowing gown from the 1920s, to the body-shaping silks of the 1930s and 1940s, to the low cuts and tight bodices of the 1950s - a vintage gown makes a statement.
Satins and silks - When replicating a celeb gown, many designers will use synthetics.
Look for metallics, brocades, silks and satins, and don't be afraid to experiment with different lengths.
From luxurious wool and cashmere blends to the most touchable silks, these scarves feel as delightful as they look.
Choose mid-weight cotton dresses, which will hold up better to washing and drying than silks, chiffons, satins, and gauze summer frocks.
From form-fitting tuxedo jackets in luxurious silks and satins to delicately embroidered black pencil skirts and even a few bowties, there were plenty of nods to his closet during Fashion Week.
Campsites can be decorated in the colors, and team members can make and wear jockey silks for when they are on the track.
Costumes should be made of silks and velvets, in dark, rich colors.
Therefore, it is no surprise that Chanel merchandise is manufactured using top of the line calfskins, metallic python, luminous silks, shimmering satins, and the softest goatskin on the market.
They're covered in dotted and plaid silks and accented by a giant pink bow.
Consider New York in early December for holiday shopping or Paris in spring to shop for fashion, or even Hong Kong year-round for silks and consumer electronics.
We are offering groups in plush and supple velvets lavishly trimmed in rhinestones, gorgeous silks and laces, elegant two-tone lace and charmeuse, sexy Venice and stretch mesh pieces plus a complete line of adorable Christmas pieces.
In the 1920s and 1930s, you had gorgeous silks, and in the 1950s and 1960s, featherweight nylon tricot was the mode.
If you love silk and you love long johns, turn to Winter Silks where the two mesh beautifully!
Iris Silks offers luxurious men's silk pajamas in a variety of solid colors, including the classic white.
Iris Silks also offers matching boxers, lounge pants, briefs and robes.
Winter Silks has boxers and briefs for the man who likes the feel of sleek silk on his skin.
They have silks in thong, hipster and string bikini styles.
Whichever you decide, you'll find a pair of silks to be worth the additional cost in the long run.
At Winter Silks, you'll find the Men's Silk Cotton Hip Brief.
Winter Silks - If you like the feel of silk, Winter Silks has the perfect pair of full cut briefs for you.
Have a look at their seasonal, online catalogs for the latest in flannels, silks, cottons, and more.
Many excellent designers offer sharp looks in flannel, jersey and high-thread count silks and satins.
Smooth silks will usually look best if they are pressed with a warm iron.
Although Wintersilks is possibly the biggest maker of silk long underwear in America, there are many other sources for silks.
From cozy cottons to smooth silks, there is tremendous variety from today's retailers.
The more resilient, but lower quality, silks must often be washed on a delicate cycle and hung dry.
The most important imports are minerals, including coal and metals (both in pig and wrought); silks, raw, spun and woven; stone, potters earths, earthenware and glass; corn, flour and farinaceous products; cotton, raw, spun and woven; and live stock.
Russia, by a prohibitive tariff on manufactured silks of other countries, has since 1890 developed and fostered a trade which consumes annually about 3 million lb of raw material for its home industry.
Their objective was not so much India as Japan (Cipangu), of which they only knew vaguely as a land of spices and silks, British and which they hoped to reach by sailing westward.