Silicious Sentence Examples
They split the silicious rocks with stonehammers,and then chipped Metal- Gold, silver, copper, pure or mixed with tin or silver, thread, but in the Gulf states the existence of excellent cane and grasses gave opportunity for several varieties of weaving.
An exceptionally rich copper mine exists at Arghana Maden, but it is very imperfectly worked; galena mineral oil and silicious sand are also found.
The silicious matter has also built up around the springs and geysers cones or mounds of considerable size and great beauty of form.
In order that the phosphoric acid may be the more fully liberated by the humic acid, &c., of the earth, a little silicious sand is mixed with the still molten slag after it has been poured off from the molten steel.
In either case such a lining is expensive, and has but a short life, in few works more than 200 charges, and in some only loo, though the silicious lining of the acid converter lasts thousands of charges.
There are, however, many silicious substances occurring abundantly in nature which can thus be used.
It is evident that this will form a pozzuolanic cement if a suitable silicious material such as trass is added to the cement.
They are usually made from a silicious limestone containing magnesia, and are comparatively lightly burned.
Ordinary mortar failed in such positions; mortar made from lime prepared from limestones or chalks containing a little clay was found to stand; mortar made from lime mixed with trass or similar active silicious material was also found to stand.
Along the river bluffs there is a silicious deposit called loess, which is well suited to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.
AdvertisementIn the Rennes basin limestones - often dolomitic - are associated with quartzites and conglomerates; silicious limestones also occur in the Sarthe region.
Blast furnaces of large size, built of brick, have been constructed for treating the richest and more silicious ores of Rio Tinto, and the Rio Tinto Company has introduced converters at the mine.
The only practical mode of doing this, as yet devised, is by lining the converter with a silicious mixture.
When available, a silicious rock containing copper or the precious metals is of course preferred to barren lining.
Granite is quarried and silicious sand, employed in glass-making is found.
AdvertisementA large number of the most important remains of plants with structure preserved are silicious; this is the case, for example, with the famous French Permo-Carboniferous fossils of St Etienne, Autun, &c., which in the hands of Brongniart, Renault and others have yielded such brilliant scientific results.
Even the most delicate tissues, such as cambium and phloem, the endosperm of seeds, or the formative tissue of the growing-point, are frequently preserved cell for cell, both in calcareous and silicious material.
The geological formation of the plateau consists of thin beds of hard silicious chalk, locally called misse, which overlie a thick bed of soft white limestone, known by the name of meleke.
In the silicious matter which the water deposits is perhaps the bony system, and in the still finer soil and organic matter the fleshy fibre or cellular tissue.