Signal Sentence Examples
Place your thumb on the pad, and it'll signal me.
His thrashing was the signal he was in the throes of dream.
Not sure we can get a signal on the GPS tags Jessi put on her cousin.
Her cell phone had no signal, her head throbbed, and the coffee pot was empty.
As soon as the signal to walk flashed, she put some distance between her and the crazy woman.
Footsteps on the stairs were the Deans' signal to prepare for breakfast.
Apparently that was a signal that he had found her.
But what is best of all," he went on, his excitement subsiding under the delightful interest of his own story, "is that the sergeant in charge of the cannon which was to give the signal to fire the mines and blow up the bridge, this sergeant, seeing that the French troops were running onto the bridge, was about to fire, but Lannes stayed his hand.
Cursing, he went to the wall overlooking the meadow and spotted Vara atop his horse, awaiting his signal at the edge of the forest.
Against the attendant abuses the Augustinian monk Martin Luther posted (31st October 1517) on the church door at Wittenberg his famous ninety-five theses, which were the signal for widespread revolt against the church.
AdvertisementWar was declared in May 1652 after a fight between Blake and Tromp off Dover, and was continued with signal victories and defeats on both sides till 1654.
In its fourth year its training as a beast of burden begins, when it is taught to kneel and to rise at a given signal, and is gradually accustomed to bear increasing loads.
But Francis of Lorraine, elected emperor in that year, sent an army to the kings support, which in 1746 obtained a signal victory over the Bourbons at Piacenza.
Calderai, who may be compared to the Black Hundreds of modern Russia, the revolutionary spirit continued to grow, but it was not at first anti-dynastic. The granting of the Spanish constitution of 1820 proved the signal for the beginning of the Italian.
Public filings by JAMDAT and SEVEN Networks are a signal that the market for wireless chemical raw material applications is exiting infancy.
AdvertisementThe researchers targeted the protein to the secretory pathway by adding a so-called signal sequence to the protein.
But when I stood on the shore they at once rose up with a great flapping of wings at the signal of their commander, and when they had got into rank circled about over my head, twenty-nine of them, and then steered straight to Canada, with a regular honk from the leader at intervals, trusting to break their fast in muddier pools.
In times of peace the carroccio was in the keeping of some great family which had distinguished itself by signal services to the republic.
If the positive is called the signalling current, the line will be charged positively each time a signal is sent; but as soon as the signal is completed a negative charge is communicated FIG.
After a very short interval of time, the length of which depends on the inductive retardation of the cable, the condensers corresponding to C 1 and C3 at the other end begin to be charged from the cable, and since the charge of C3 passes through the receiving instrument I or G the signal is recorded.
AdvertisementEach of the subscribers controls a signal at A, and when either or both of the telephones are replaced, the action is indicated by the lamps there.
The record operator then removes her speaking apparatus from the circuit, and the local operator, receiving a disconnect signal, severs the connexion at the local exchange.
Here, on the 20th of April 1809, Napoleon gained a signal victory over the Austrians under the Archduke Louis and General Hiller.
Bocskay survived this signal and unprecedented triumph only a few months.
This was to be the signal for the outbreak of revolution.
AdvertisementHe therefore hoisted the signal of recall.
Laynez at the council of Trent has given one signal instance of its working, but its operations were by no means confined to the abstract field of dogma.
His trial was the signal for riot.
The antibodies signal the body to produce histamine, which causes the airways to inflame.
Many signal proteins bind via lipid anchors and/or pleckstrin homology domains to the cytosolic surface of the plasma membrane.
Spring flowers including hyacinths made of painted plaster signal re-birth, resurrection and spring.
This team is investigating the ' signal molecule ' which produces the scarring around the brain thought to be responsible for causing hydrocephalus.
This causes cells to store or release calcium which, for example, is the main signal to secrete insulin.
Indeed a " sensitive " tuner might be suffer overload from the strong signal produced by a large dish.
Pirate stations are particularly partial to the RSL frequencies because of the ease with which they can drown out their signal.
These either act directly, by binding to promoter regions, or indirectly, through signal transduction pathways.
Unintentional battery drain is avoided through use of automatic Phantom power detection and automatic power shut-off on disconnection of the input signal.
Why invest a sizable amount of money on an after-market solution when you can build a homemade cell phone signal booster?
It was then proposed to arrange a detector so that it was affected by the algebraic sum of the two oscillations, and by swivelling round the double receiving antennae to locate the direction of the sending station by finding out when the detector gave the best signal.
The telephone was switched out of circuit when not in use and the bell put in its place, a key being used for throwing the battery into circuit to make the signal.
But it was on the banks of the Rhine that the Napoleonic system received its most signal developments.
Christ church (1723) is the oldest church of the city; in its tower the signal lanterns were displayed for Paul Revere on the night of the 18th of April 1775.
Males of the Argyopidae hang on the outskirt s of the webs of the females and signal their presence to her by jerking the radial threads in a peculiar manner.
It is believed that the males of these species signal to their females by means of the sound these organs emit.
In 1221 Hermann of Salza, the master of the Teutonic order, along with the duke of Bavaria, appeared in the camp before Damietta; and as it seemed useless to wait any longer for Frederick II., 4 the cardinal, in spite of the opposition of King John, gave the signal for the march on Cairo.
Sand bars keep filling up the mouths of these channels, necessitating frequent dredging and extension of the breakwaters, work undertaken by the Federal government, which also maintains a most comprehensive and completeystem of aids to navigation, including lighthouses and lightships, fog alarms, gas and other buoys, life-saving, storm signal and weather report stations.
It was in far later periods and in other countries that the appearance of the dogstar was regarded as the signal of insufferable heat or prevalent disease.
The election of Abraham Lincoln as president in November 1860 was the signal for the rising of the South.
This was the signal for a general coalition against Turkey; Venice, Poland and the pope allied themselves with the Austrians; Russia, Tuscany and Malta joined in the attack.
Its acceptance was however the signal for a series of massacres in almost every town of importance throughout Asia Minor, which there is but too strong evidence for suspecting were committed with the connivance of the authorities, and in which upwards of 200,000 persons are computed to have perished.
They set the fashion of ghazel-writing; and their appearance was the signal for a more regular cultivation of poetry and a greater attention to literary style and to refinement of language.
Napoleon's object being surprise, all the cavalry except a few vedettes were kept back behind the leading infantry columns and these latter were ordered to advance, on the signal being given, in " masses of manoeuvre, " so as to crush at once any outpost resistance which was calculated upon the time required for the deployment of ordinary marching columns.
Cambon's proud and vehement reply was the signal of the resistance to Robespierre's tyranny and the prelude to his fall.
Under these men and influences, Arminius studied with signal success; and the promise he gave induced the merchants' gild of Amsterdam to bear the further expenses of his education.
Fort St James is now used as a signal station, lighthouse and prison.
They were always ready to come to blows, and gave still more signal proofs of their enmity during the Sicilian War in behalf of the emperor Henry VI.
This was read a second time without a division, but in committee Gladstone enjoyed some signal triumphs over his late solicitor-general, Sir William Harcourt, who had warmly espoused the cause of the government and the bill.
Neither work can be said to possess signal literary merit, but both had memorable consequences.
At a school of art officially established in Tokyo in 1873 under the direction of Italian teachersa school which owed its signal failure partly to the incompetence and intemperate behaviour of some of its foreign professors, and partly to a strong renaissance of pure Japanese classicismone of the few accomplishments successfully taught was that of modelling in plaster and chiselling in marble after Occidental methods.
The date of its construction is not recorded, but it certainly underwent signal improvement in the 12th and 13th centuries, and during the two and a half centuries of Tokugawa sway in Yedo.
The sieges of Perinthus and Byzantium (34 o, 339) ended in Philip's meeting with a signal check, due in some measure to the help afforded the besieged cities by Athens and her allies.
The "spirit" of Maximilla gained a signal victory, a certain Themiso in particular having reduced the bishops to silence.
Immediately to the south rises the fine cone of North Berwick Law (612 ft.), which was utilized as a signal point at the period of the Napoleonic scare.
In 1716 it witnessed a signal defeat inflicted on the Turks by Prince Eugene.
Belize probably derives its name from the French balise, " a beacon," as no doubt some signal or light was raised here for the guidance of the buccaneers who once infested this region.
Cradock, when the report of German wireless came in, had made a signal to spread 15 m.
Taking advantage of the absence of the emperor in the Far East, and possibly by an understanding with the leaders of the rising in Armenia and the annexed portions of Parthia, the Jews all over the East had taken up arms at the same moment and at a given signal.
The end of the period of mourning for the late king was the signal for a succession of gaieties, during which the queen displayed a passion for amusement and excitement which led to unfortunate results.
They are built at the town end of Greenpoint Common, the open space at the foot of Signal Hill.
A tramway also runs from the town over the Kloof, or pass between Table Mountain and the Lion's Head, to Camp's Bay, on the west coast south of Sea Point, to which place it is continued, the tramway thus completely circling the Lion's Head and Signal Hill.
As soon as the heresy laws and ecclesiastical jurisdiction had been re-established, Ferrar was examined by Gardiner, and then with signal indecency sent down to be tried by Morgan, his successor in the bishopric of St David's.
The establishments in 1910 consisted of thirteen regiments and fifty separate companies of infantry, two squadrons and two troops of cavalry, four light batteries, one regiment of engineers, a signal corps of two companies and a naval militia, commanded by a captain and consisting of two battalions and two separate divisions.
As a token of signal regard Octavian bestowed upon him the hand of his niece Marcella (28).
Yet he not only cleared his own character from the charges laid against him, but succeeded four years later in achieving his most signal party triumph.
But in 792 some Frankish troops were killed at the mouth of the Elbe, and a similar disaster in the following year was the signal for a renewal of the ravages with great violence, when churches were destroyed, priests killed, or driven away, and many of the people returned to heathenism.
Six months later he received a still more signal reward for his past services, being raised to the dignity of cardinal.
When, on the 2nd of April 1821, Archbishop Germanos, head of the Hetaeria in the Morea, raised the standard of the cross at Kalavryta as the signal for a general rising of the Christian population, the circumstances were highly favourable.
On land the presence of a few educated Phanariots, such as Demetrios Ypsilanti or Alexander Mavrocordato, was powerless to inspire the rude hordes with any sense of order or of humanity in warfare; while every lull in the fighting, due to a temporary check to the Turks, was the signal for internecine conflicts due to the rivalry of leaders who, with rare exceptions, thought more of their personal power and profit than of the cause of Greece.
His attributes were the spear and the burning torch, symbolical of the devastation caused by war (in ancient times the hurling of a torch was the signal for the commencement of hostilities).
Repnin knew that the allied courts would never consent to such a measure; but he secretly encouraged the plot for his own purposes, with signal success.
Even in the early part of the 19th century sentinels stood on duty night and day, and at a signal of alarm the whole population, including the Turkish aga himself, used to hide in the woods.
Shere Ali threw Afzul Khan into prison, and a serious revolt followed in south Afghanistan; but the amir had scarcely suppressed it by winning a desperate battle, when Abdur Rahman's reappearance in the north was a signal for a mutiny of the troops stationed in those parts and a gathering of armed bands to his standard.
The signal for a widespread rising was the introduction of conscription acts for the recruiting of the depleted armies on the eastern frontiers.
He thereby gave the signal for the age-long conflict between Nominalism and Realism, which exercised the keenest intellects among the Schoolmen, while the crowning work of his life, the Consolatio Philosophiae (524), was repeatedly expounded and imitated, and reproduced in renderings that were among the earliest literary products of the vernacular languages of modern Europe.
All three were of signal service in devoting their knowledge of Greek to perpetuating and popularizing the Greek classics with the aid of the newlyinvented art of printing.
Mokrani, bach-agha of the Mejana, whom the imperial government had loaded with honours, gave the signal.
It was a signal triumph over Leicester; and, although Burghley had still to reckon with cabals in the council and at court, his hold over the queen strengthened with the lapse of years.
A signal proof was soon furnished of the new standing in the empire which federation had given to the Canadian provinces.
He first became prominent as the effective leader of the signal vengeance taken by the Greeks for the massacre at Chio in April 1822 by the Turkish Capitan Pasha.
It is, however, part of the personal history of Abd-ar-rahman that when in 763 he was compelled to fight at the very gate of his capital with rebels acting on' behalf of the Abbasids, and had won a signal victory, he cut off the heads of the leaders, filled them with salt and camphor and sent them as a defiance to the eastern caliph.
His very election (1682) was the signal for a rebellion.
It was probably at first a means of calling the people together in case of a sudden invasion, but was afterwards a signal for setting the watch.
While Mr Chamberlain had a signal personal triumph in all the divisions of Birmingham, Mr Balfour himself was defeated by a large majority in Manchester.
When it was retrieved by a signal victory, Diocletian advanced to Nisibis and thence dictated terms of peace by which Mesopotamia to the Tigris was definitely ceded to Rome (298).
The name Thermidorian (Thermidorien) was given to the authors of this revolution and to the supporters of the reactionary movement of which it was the signal.
Bruce rendered signal service to his own communion in connexion with its service of praise.
The July revolution in Paris gave the signal for disturbances; the elector was forced to summon the estates; and on the 5th of January 1831 a constitution on the ordinary Liberal basis was signed.
Finally, the likeness of an edible species to a warningly coloured inedible one in the same locality is termed " pseudaposematic," in allusion to the pretentiousness or falsity of the warning signal.
The death of the emperor in 840 was the signal for the outbreak of war between his sons.
This was the position when the signal to retire blared out.
On the latter occasion he would have won a signal victory but for the unaccountable remissness of his second-in-command, Admiral Liljehorn.
The defeat of Leipzig in 1813 was the signal for a general revolt in the Netherlands; the prince of Orange (son of William V.) was recalled, and amidst general Creation provinces to form the kingdom of the Netherlands, of the p g Kingdom which was also to include the bishopric of Liege and of the the duchy of Bouillon, and the prince of Orange was Nether- placed upon the throne on the 15th of March 1815 as lands.
A state of chronic warfare ensued, until the Ashanti sustained a signal defeat at Dodowah on the 7th of August 1826.
He therefore disregarded the signal, and amused himself and the few officers about him by putting his glass to his blind eye and saying that he could not see it.
The Aldine press continued through this period to issue books, but none of signal merit; and in 1585 Aldo determined to quit his native city for Bologna, where he occupied the chair of eloquence for a few months.
The duet, "Amour sacre de la patrie," was welcomed like a new Marseillaise; sung by Nourrit at Brussels in 1830, it became the signal for the revolution which broke out there.
The death of Ali Pasha produced only temporary tranquillity; in a few days (February 12, 1804) the return of Mahommed Bey al-AlIT (called the Great) from England was the signal for fresh disturbances, which, by splitting the Mamelukes into two parties, accelerated their final overthrow.
These events were the signal for the reappearance of al-Alfi.
Here they were fired on by some soldiers from the houses; and with this signal a terrible massacre began.
Al-AlfI was at that time besieging Damanhur, and he gained a signal victory over the pashas troops; but the dissensions of the beys destroyed their last chance of a return to power.
Many of them took up their abode in Cairo, but tranquillity was not secured; several times they met the pashas forces in battle and once gained a signal victory.
This massacre was the signal for an indiscriminate slaughter of the Mamelukes throughout Egypt, orders to this effect being transmitted to every governor; and in Cairo itself the houses of the beys were given over to the soldiery.
The attack had been preceded by a trifling fire at a threshing floor, either accidentally caused (but not by the officers shots) or lit as a signal for the assault.
His real genius, however, did not lie in the direction of verse; and his first signal success was with a story, A Village Sexton's Diary, in 1824, which was rapidly followed by other tales, descriptive of village life in Jutland, for the next twelve years.
Some attempts were made to transplant the theories of the symbolists to Denmark, but without signal success.
He is best known for his plastic representations of the North American Indian - especially for "The Signal of Peace" in Lincoln Park, Chicago, and "The Medicine Man," in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.
Though the Danish party won a signal victory at the outset, by obtaining the insertion in the charter of provisions stipulating that only native-born Danes should fill the highest dignities of the state, the king's German counsellors continued paramount during the earlier years of his reign.
He was president of the Union, and impressed all his contemporaries with his intellectual ability, Dr Jowett himself confidently predicting his signal success in any career he adopted.
His next signal interference was during the incursions of the Syrians, when he disclosed the plans of the invaders to the "king of Israel" with such effect that they were again and again baffled.
In view of the connexion, the poem is interpreted as expressing Lamech's exultation at the advantage he expects to derive from Tubal-Cain's new inventions; the worker in bronze will forge for him new and formidable weapons, so that he will be able to take signal vengeance for the least injury.
A signal proof of its vitality was given in 1838 by the speed and ease with which it recovered from a disastrous inundation that destroyed 3000 houses.
If successful, the attack on the ridge was to be the signal for a general attack all along the line.
Presently Judas arrived with a band of armed men, and greeted his Master with a kiss - the signal for His arrest.
This rejection of the advances of the Uitlandersby whose aid he could have built up a free and stable republic - led to his downfall, though the failure of the Jameson Raid in the first days of 1896 gave him a signal opportunity to secure the safety of his country by the grant of real reforms. But the Raid taught him no lesson of this kind, and despite the intervention of the British government the Uitlanders' grievances were not remedied.
In the narrower circle of his friends his birthdays were the signal for congratulatory verses.
The rapid and signal downfall of the Dutch colonial empire is to be explained by its short-sighted commercial policy.
Other prominent summits are the Trois Mamelles, the Montagne du Corps de Garde, the Signal Mountain, near Port Louis, and the Morne Brabant, at the southwest corner of the island.
Baldwin originally planned a solemn coronation, as the signal of his emancipation.
Pelagius himself desired to avoid controversy, and with mental reservations denied these statements of his friend; but he did not escape suspicion, and his condemnation in 418 was the signal for a literary polemic, which lasted ten years, and in which Julian of Eklanum was the most brilliant but reckless combatant on the side of Pelagius.
Suleiman, gained a signal victory.
It is concurrently with signal success in the work of a pioneer in the mathematical.
From a point still known as King's Cross he crossed over to Carrick, in answer to the signal which warned him that the moment for the supreme effort for his country was come.
A breakwater protects its mouth; it has a lighthouse, and is defended by a fort on Signal Hill.
Near Rock Creek, west of Georgetown, is the Signal Office and headquarters of the United States Weather Bureau.
Others have the power of producing sounds, one use to which they put this faculty being apparently to signal from their burrow in the sand that they are "not at home" to an inopportune visitor.
As a means of reconciliation the council was a signal failure.
Agrippina was invited to Baiae, and after an affectionate reception, was conducted on board a vessel so constructed as, at a given signal, Tac. Ann.
The triumph of the former was most signal among the Teutonic peoples.
He came up with the enemy on the 6th February 1806, and, after two hours' fighting, inflicted a signal defeat upon them, capturing three of their five vessels and stranding the other two.
After two severe reverses, the Romans, under Tettius Julianus, gained a signal advantage, but were obliged to make peace owing to the defeat of Domitian by the Marcomanni.
The Fehrbellin affair was a mere skirmish, the actual casualties amounting to less than 600 men, but it rudely divested Sweden of her nimbus of invincibility and was the signal for a general attack upon her, known as the Scanian War.
The death of every bishop was always the signal for violent disputes among the neighbouring feudal states, each of them intriguing to secure the election of its own candidate; but, as stated above, Brabant and Gelderland had at last to recognize the fact of the supremacy of Holland over the see.
The usurpation of Smerdis (522521 nc.) and his death at the hands of Darius was the signal for numerous insurrections in Babylon, Susiana, Persis, Media, Armenia and many of the Eastern provinces.
Epic poetry in Portugal developed much later than lyric, but the signal victory of the united Christian hosts over the Moors at the battle of the Salado in 1340 gave occasion to an epic by Alphonso Giraldes of which some fragments remain.
Having thus given the signal for rebellion, he then with his five sons took to the mountains.
Under Simon's administration the country enjoyed signal prosperity.
On his resignation, which took place in October 1761, the king urged him to accept some signal mark of royal favour in the form most agreeable to himself.
The new consuls were to be murdered on the 1st of January; but the plot - the execution of which was deferred till the 5th of February - failed in consequence of the impatience of Catiline, who gave the signal too hastily.
The occupation of Delhi by the rebels was the signal for risings in almost every military station in North-Western India.
To the right of the governor's house is Mount Ceperon, on which stand Fort St Michel, the marine barracks, the signal station and the lighthouse.
Its popularity was immense and signal.
After a life of constant struggle and an obloquy which never relaxed, the sensational close of Zola's career was the signal for an extraordinary burst of eulogy.
The signal being given to let go, the machine darted forward at a terrific pace, and the safety-valve ceased to blow.
In 1857 Bhan Pratap Singh rendered signal services to the British during the Mutiny, being rewarded with certain privileges and a hereditary salute of eleven guns.
It cannot be said that Theocritus exhibits signal merit in his Epics.
Almost as he gave the signal for the whole line to charge, the sorely pressed Hospitallers rode out upon the enemy on their own initiative.
And this was only the forerunner of more signal reverses; for, in a short time, Villeroi was forced to abandon the whole of the Mantuan territory and to take refuge in Cremona, where he seems to have considered himself secure.
Vendome at first opposed great obstacles to the plan which the prince had formed for carrying succours into Piedmont; but after a variety of marches and counter-marches, in which both commanders displayed signal ability, the two armies met at Cassano (August 16, 1705), where a deadly engagement ensued, and Prince Eugene received two severe wounds which forced him to quit the field.
In the spring of 1716 the emperor, having concluded an offensive alliance with Venice against Turkey, appointed Eugene to command the army of Hungary; and at Peterwardein he gained (5th of August 1716) a signal victory over a Turkish army of more than twice his own strength.
The success of his teaching was signal, though for a time he had to quit the field, the strain proving too great for his physical strength.
His nomination by Lord John Russell to the vacant see of Hereford in December 1847 was again the signal for a violent and organized opposition; and his consecration in March 1848 took place in spite of a remonstrance by many of the bishops and the resistance of Dr John Merewether, the dean of Hereford, who went so far as to vote against the election when the conge d'elire reached the chapter.
P. Langley's Researches on Solar Heat are published by the War Department (Signal Service, xv.) (Washington, 1884), and Gill's parallax researches in Cape Annals, vols.
In 1875 he was enabled to render, in his private capacity, a signal service to the Italian government, which was much embarrassed by impracticable proposals pressed on it by Garibaldi for a rectification of the course of the Tiber and other engineering works.
This was the signal for a general rising of the Gaika tribe.
This was the signal for an outburst of popular discontent with the existing order of a far more ominous character than any that had preceded it.
It is the signal merit of Sir Robert Peel that he terminated this era of private distress and public deficits.
He suCceeded in securing the co-operation of his own friends, of Lord John Russell, and of other independent Liberals, as well as of the Conservative party, and in inflicting a signal defeat on the government.
Of this Burke is a signal illustration.
The finding of any traces of carbon dioxide in the gas between the first two boxes is generally the signal for a new clean purifier being put into action, and the first one shut off, emptied and recharged with fresh lime, the impregnated material being sometimes sold for dressing certain soils.
In 1712 the slaughter of a band of Foxes near Detroit was the signal for hostilities which lasted almost continuously until 1740, 1 and in which every tribe in the Wisconsin country was sooner or later involved either in alliance with the Foxes or with the French; the Chippewa, always hostile to the Foxes, the Potawatomi and the Menominee sided with the French.
During the first crusade a signal victory was gained by the Christians in the neighbouring plain on the 15th of August 1099; but the city remained in the hands of the caliphs till 1157, when it was taken by Baldwin III., king of Jerusalem, after a siege of five months.
Under these circumstances Nelson's victory of Aboukir (1st of August), which gave the British full command of the Mediterranean and secluded Bonaparte in Egypt, was the signal for a second coalition.
In the third place Russia's signal and unexpected successes in the Steppe had immensely increased her prestige on the continent.
At that hour no less than 20,000 people were on the border, and when the signal was given there ensued a remarkably spectacular race for homes.
A forensic speech, composed for a public cause, opens the political career of Demosthenes with a protest against a signal abuse.
He rendered a signal service to William by inducing the princess to offer to leave the whole political power in her husband's hands in the event of their succession to the English crown.
In 1333, William de Burgh, the young earl of Ulster, was murdered by the Mandevilles and others; in this case signal vengeance was taken, but the feudal dominion never recovered the blow, and on the north-east coast the English laws and language were soon confined to Drogheda and Dundalk.
The death of Clotaire (629) was the signal for a revival of the royal power.
Clotaire III.s death gave the signal for war.
This was the signal for a Huguenot renaissance, and the Camisards of the,Cflvennes held the royal armies in check from 1703 to I 7.
The provincial assemblies of Dauphin and elsewhere gave the signal; and numerous towns, following the example of Paris, instituted munioipalitieswhichsubstituted their authority for that of the intendants and their subordinates.
The most signal example among many which could be quoted is that of Peter the Cruel (1350-1367), who, though married to Blanche of Bourbon, was abarraganado to Maria de Padilla.
This was the signal for the outbreak of the war of liberation in Germany, and French troops had to be withdrawn from Spain to central Europe.
He owed the signal successes of his reign partly to his skilful choice of advisers and administrators, to his chancellors Jean and Guillaume de Dormans and Pierre d'Orgemont, to Hugues Aubriot, provost of Paris, Bureau de la Riviere and others; partly to a singular coolness and subtlety in the exercise of a not over-scrupulous diplomacy, which made him a dangerous enemy.
A member of this house, Thomas White, whilst mayor of Tenby, did signal service to the Lancastrian cause in 1471 by harbouring Jasper Tudor, earl of Pembroke, and his nephew Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond (afterwards King Henry VII.), prior to their escape to France.
An insurrection was planned, and a solar eclipse in February 1831 and peculiar atmospheric conditions on the 13th of August were accepted as the signal for beginning the work.
The Kapp coup in Berlin, which in some of its aspects sprang from similar anxieties in Prussia, gave the signal for political action in Munich, and at a midnight sitting the Bavarian Socialist Ministry was somewhat unceremoniously hustled out of office - it is alleged under military pressure - and a Coalition Cabinet under von Kahr installed.
The signal for Gustavus to break up from the Rhine was the sudden advance of Tilly from behind the Danube.
Of course, he though she was giving him a signal.
He watched her furtive glances, waiting for the signal to approach.
A lucid dreamer could signal a not so deep sleep by moving the eyes in a predetermined pattern.
Even though there was a vehement denial of any search or signal, there is no doubt that a message has been received.
A shunt is resistive device used to generate a small signal voltage to display current on a moving coil ammeter.
In order to obtain the most accurate digitization of these weaker signals, electronic amplification of the signal occurs away from the centerburst.
An external power supply is provided for signal amplification, ideal for low signal installations.
The polarized signal is recovered from the first harmonic at 40 kHz using lock-in amplifiers.
His death was a signal for some of the suppressed anger at the bureaucratic regimes of Eastern Europe to surface.
Fat tissue is comparatively anhydrous and acts as a resistor to the flow of an electrical signal.
This is achieved using a specially designed splitter box to feed each dipole antenna with the correct RF signal phase.
Freeview is viewed via your normal tv Ariel, which is not a digital signal.
Each satellite carries an incredibly accurate atomic clock and broadcasts a regular time signal as well as precise information on its location.
Examples include mink, signal crayfish, common carp and plants such a Himalayan balsam, New Zealand pigmy weed and parrots feather.
This signal is relayed quickly by voice, hand and arm movements, or horn blasts.
A late period is usually the first signal, followed by other symptoms such as morning sickness, swollen breasts and generally feeling fatigued.
She was located using SMS messages because the phone signal was not strong enough for phone calls.
Roughly 10 m of coax then fed into the other box were decoupling capacitors allowed signal take off for the mixer.
The XRF signal was saturated by the pigment lead chromate.
From the ' total ion chromatogram ', we could see variations in the total ion signal.
The control signal thus generated will occur coincident with its associated status signal and may not be active for the entire state.
The introduced American signal crayfish has decimated our native population due to a fungus which it carries.
Signal crayfish also carry crayfish plague, which is fatal to the native crayfish.
The similarly north American signal crayfish is another unwanted introduction.
How not to do a junction 46 views A grade seperated junction with a traffic signal controlled crossroads.
In the latter case the signal is decoded using the state-of-the-art Philips decoded using the state-of-the-art Philips decoder.
The narrowing of the hole is detected by a nerve cell dendrite which projects into it, producing an electric signal.
The volume setting is a gain applied direct to the signal.
Uprima is absorbed under the tongue, stimulating the brain chemical dopamine, which starts the signal for an erection.
But things look decidedly downbeat if you are a signal engineer with a mission to put right the degradation.
So perhaps a lucid dreamer could signal by moving the eyes in a predetermined pattern.
He and other lucid dreamers were able to signal from the dream and then hold their breath.
Everyone will enjoy consistently high-speed connections, everywhere in your house - no signal dropouts or wireless dead spots.
Radio signals bounce off obstacles like buildings, adding a delayed faint echo to the intended signal.
The force profile of a rower using the ergometer was viewed by use of an oscilloscope attached to the signal from the amplifier.
Since May 2004, as Associate Artist at Forma, he has been researching the highly experimental and technologically demanding Signal Transposition project.
There isn't a strong signal (but no lock) one moment and sweet fa the next.
Where the video signal is entirely encoded in digital form, the low-pass filtered step will not have the desired effect.
The powerful dual beam led flashlight has an optional strobe feature to allow you to signal to others.
The signal is NTSC, digitized and compressed via a proprietary format and decompressed by a set-top box.
The high frequency modulation moves the signal away from 1/f noise region.
The signal gantry across the station throat is now installed.
He patented two life-saving inventions, the Safety Hood (an early gas mask) and the first three-way traffic signal.
This is a signal that the text is using the rule of logic called " universal generalization " .
This includes modules in structural geology and exploration geophysics, and classes in geophysical topics such as signal processing.
During intense training, the signal for muscle breakdown (which is a bad thing) may be the release of skeletal muscle glutamine.
We recently demonstrated that secretory granules can signal their own export from the cell by releasing Ca 2+ to the cytosol.
The homeplug signal is not supposed to go back past the meter but all the other gunk can get in.
Their recognition signal is ' red handkerchief ' " .
A non-linear amplifier will generate harmonics that are not present in the original signal.
In the absence of a signal the radio being used to monitor will now return to the background hiss.
This light signal is converted to electrons which are subsequently amplified before being used to modulate the intensity of a cathode ray tube display.
The junction is currently controlled by ground frame electrically interlocked from Wareham signal box.
The signal is either inverter or not inverted to obtain the necessary total phase shift around the loop to sustain oscillations.
At 3 hours and 15 minutes, I started getting jumpy, but within 15 minutes I started picking up a weak signal.
The security breach and the violence in Parliament Square overshadowed the vote itself which anti-hunting campaigners hope will signal the death knell of foxhunting.
The Signal Strobe is chunky and comes with a long wrist lanyard.
The Assistant Referee or club linesman must then redirect their flag signal immediately to correspond to the direction given by the Referee.
This indicates safety lockout mode, loss of signal, glitches and motor on/off status at a glance.
Luminance Signal - That portion of the NTSC color television signal which contains the luminance Signal - That portion of the NTSC color television signal which contains the luminance or brightness information.
A third signal uses all 3 cones to produce luminance.
For example, a discourse marker may signal importance.
In 1790 he was signal midshipman on board the Queen Charlotte with Lord Howe, by whom he was made lieutenant 3 Nov. 1790.
Each interval contains either a minima or a maxima in the original signal.
To make the gates all modular, you would probably use PoPS as an output signal as we've heard last week.
The laser beam is being amplitude modulated by the signal generator.
The carrier signal modulated by the police officers voice or siren control signal is sent over these same wires back to the exchange.
The basic idea of these techniques, known as adaptive modulation, involves continuously modifying certain parameters of the transmitted signal.
The foot muscle constantly secretes mucus which later dries to form the silvery slime trails that signal their presence.
We have started to dissect the JA signal pathway through the isolation and characterisation of Arabidopsis mutants.
As the particle passes through the beam, a secondary " pulse " signal is generated by a single optical fiber.
This is recorded by a high sample rate oscilloscope and a fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis is performed on the collected signal.
Carriage sidings, still extant beyond the fine signal box, are somewhat overgrown.
This sequence is subsequently cleaved off (by signal peptidase ).
Therefore, freqency analysis of the incoming signal takes place at the auditory periphery, within the cochlea.
This secreted peptide pheromone functions as the input signal for a specific sensor component of a two-component signal-transduction system.
The values of dissolved inorganic phosphate in January are comparable to those of the Atlantic input signal.
What many people don't consider is the fact that the mic preamp is one of the most important links in your signal chain.
The topics covered range from antennas, through radiowave propagation, optics and radar, to communications signal processing and networks.
Emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRB) are electronic devices that gives off a radio signal on the designated frequency of 406 MHz.
Sampling rate How fast a digital recorder or player samples a signal.
Signal owned a refinery in Belgium and a gasoline marketing business there and in Britain using the VIP name.
Using stepwise regression of a number of features of the signal stronger prediction equations are possible (R = 0.95 for meat toughness ).
There is no default; kill alone does not send a signal to the cur- rent job.
Most Volvo's do not already have a wiring harness in the fender for turn signal repeaters.
You can also use eye contact to signal mild reproof.
One way to monitor a signal is through the quad scaler counter in the CAMAC crate, and the associated scaler inhibitor module.
In effect, a spectrogram is built up from a multitude of power spectra of short, overlapping time segments of the signal.
Login shells catch the terminate signal; other- wise this signal is passed on to children from the state in the shell's parent.
A novel approach invented and demonstrated by the group is to use sideband filtering technique for an externally phase modulated signal.
How do I change the group to view from an embedded audio signal?
What devices are out there to record direct digital signal?
Substantial evidence exists which shows that multiple articulatory configurations are able to produce the same acoustic signal.
Digital signal processing can be applied to these stored values to modify the characteristics of the signal processing can be applied to these stored values to modify the characteristics of the signal.
Topics covered include theory of signals and callbacks, data types, signal handlers, and widgets.
For undamped sinusoids, the signal space can be inferred from the complex roots found with a magnitude very close to 1.0.
Further, the signal may be a slowly varying low frequency anharmonic oscillation, or a high frequency sinusoid.
Alarm indicators operate for 1 minute per decoded signal from fire alarm sounder.
The high signal to noise ratio in alumina fluorescence spectra is not achieved in the true Raman spectra developed by other types of ceramic.
A balloon will pop-up from the System Tray advising you of the network you have connected to and the signal strength.
Unlike the AR options, selecting a different signal subspace does not result in an immediate update of the solution vector.
Leave the signal subspace set to 6. Click OK to close the singular values dialog.
These estimators function on the principle that the noise subspace eigenvectors should be orthogonal to the signal vectors.
In order to recover the signal lost by using a low magnetic field a receive coil made from high temperature superconductor will be used.
Pain fibers produce substance P, in order for the pain signal to cross the nerve synapse.
External sync Lock An external composite sync signal can be imported through the Sync in port.
Analysis of MRI scans of confirmed vCJD patients revealed high signal in the posterior thalamus (pulvinar ).
It can assist in area safety schemes, and deter drivers from using certain routes by altering the signal timings at junctions.
The aim of tinnitus management is to learn to ignore the tinnitus management is to learn to ignore the tinnitus signal.
Sunday 7th March The signal post's first topcoat was completed, including various parts that will be fixed to the post.
Walter Kolch's laboratory studies signal transduction, the means by which cells communicate information about their environment to the nucleus.
Reviews the role of calcium in signal transduction in guard cells.
The cost advantage is that a satellite transponder can carry up to 8 digital TV signals instead of a single FM TV signal.
They were particularly concerned that they would be used to signal a slave uprising.
Input modules sense the presence of either an ac or DC voltage, and will send a TTL signal back to the computer.
Their phase depends on the relative position of the signal and its analyzing wavelet.
Now the custom was for the ground crew member to slip off, and then wiggle the elevator as a signal to the pilot.
As a trusted counsellor of a succession of popes he was made cardinal bishop of Ostia, a position which he accepted with some reluctance; and presiding over a council at Milan in 1059, he courageously asserted the authority of Rome over this province, and won a signal victory for the principles which he advocated.
A signal is sent by depressing the key K, and so changing the contact from a to b, and thus putting the battery r -- to line.
This is obtained by causing one of them to send a series of signals from one particular key, while the operator at the other station adjusts his speed until he receives the same signal after shortcircuiting his electromagnet for ten revolutions.
The cable is thus charged first positively and then negatively, or vice versa, for each signal.
Moreover the clearing-out drop of the cord circuit was replaced by an arrangement which included the provision of one signal to be controlled through the agency of a relay by the calling subscriber, and another to be controlled by the person wanted.
The Spartans were indignant, and when the Argives and their allies, in flagrant disregard of the truce, took Arcadian Orchomenus and prepared to march on Tegea, their fury knew no bounds, and Agis escaped having his house razed and a fine of 100,000 drachmae imposed only by promising to atone for his error by a signal victory.
He led a new expedition against the Parthians in 130, but, after signal successes, fell fighting in 129 (see also Persia, History).
The news of Bonaparte's signal victory over the Turkish army at Aboukir aroused general rejoicings undimmed by any save the vaguest rumours of his reverse at Acre.
Beacon Hill, so called from its ancient use as a signal warning station, is still the most conspicuous topographical feature of the city, but it has been changed from a bold and picturesque eminence into a gentle slope.
At whatever spot an insect becomes entangled in the frame, the vibration set up by its struggles is transmitted along the nearest radiating thread to the centre and thence up the trap line to the shelter where the occupant lurks awaiting the signal.
He organized the engineer companies which explored and reported on the several proposed routes for a railway connecting the Mississippi valley with the Pacific Ocean; he effected the enlargement of the army, and made material changes in its equipment of arms and ammunition, utilizing the latest improvements; he made his appointments of subordinates on their merits, regardless of party considerations; he revised the system of tactics, perfected the signal corps service, and enlarged the coast and frontier defences of the country.
In his famous Geometria (1637), which is really a treatise on the algebraic representation of geometric theorems, he founded the modern theory of analytical geometry (see Geometry), and at the same time he rendered signal service to algebra, more especially in the theory of equations.
To confer on Prince Albert every honour that the crown could bestow, and to let him make his way gradually into public favour by his own tact, was the advice which Lord Melbourne gave; and the prince acted upon it so well, avoiding every appearance of intrusion, and treating men of all parties and degrees with urbanity, that within five months of his marriage he obtained a signal mark of the public confidence.
An attack upon Bishop Gardiner by Barnes in a sermon at St Paul's Cross was the signal for a bitter struggle between the Protestant and reactionary parties in Henry's council, which raged during the spring of 1540.
His most signal act as king was to aid in closing the Great Schism in the Church by agreeing to the deposition of the antipope Benedict XIV., an Aragonese.
A signal instance of the audacity of the American cruisers was the capture of the U.S. sloop "Argus" (20) by the British sloop "Pelican" (18) so far from home as St David's Head in Wales on the 14th of August 1813.
In military usage "retreat" is also the term for a signal, given by bugle and drum at or about sunset.
The tomb of Munatius Plancus, on the summit of the promontory (see Caietae Portus), is now a naval signal station, and lies in the centre of the extensive earthworks of the modern fortifications.
At home the Reduktion was cautiously pursued, while abroad the successful conclusion of the great peace congress at Ryswick was justly regarded as a signal triumph of Sweden's pacific diplomacy (see Oxenstjerna Family).
The cry of the jackal is even more appalling than that of the hyena, a shriek from one member of a pack being the signal for a general chorus of screams, which is kept up during the greater part of the night.
The top of Pentelicus commands a view over the plain of Marathon, and from it the Athenian traitors gave the signal to the Persians by a flashing shield on the day of the battle.
When Balashev had ended, Napoleon again took out his snuffbox, sniffed at it, and stamped his foot twice on the floor as a signal.
PulSAR signal data files have a consistent naming convention to aid identification.
Pressure waves generated by the heartbeat create the pulsatile pressure signal shown.
Pulse width of vertical synchronization signal is fixed to 16 rasters cycle.
The quiescent point also refers to the dc conditions (bias conditions) of a circuit without an input signal.
The " rush " sound, much like a constant sound of the sea, is normal and any received signal quietens this noise.
Using stepwise regression of a number of features of the signal stronger prediction equations are possible (R = 0.95 for meat toughness).
That should send a strong signal to all waste producers of our determination to reduce reliance on landfill.
Most Volvo 's do not already have a wiring harness in the fender for turn signal repeaters.
The 7274 is fed from the Digital Input (S/PDIF format) via an LC resonator filter to extract the clock signal.
This is the first image processing after the signal leaves the retina in the eye.
This control may be used to affect how much of a line 's signal is directed to a mixer 's internal reverberation unit.