Sieve Sentence Examples
Incomplete fusion occurs in sieve tubes.
In the evening the milk is strained through a wire sieve and transferred to barrels.
The companion cells are cut off from the same cells as those which unite to form the sieve tube.
At an early period Wallsend was famous for its coal, but the name has now a general application to coal that does not go through a sieve with meshes five-eighths of an inch in size.
Let us imagine unit mass of solution of volume V confined in a cylinder ABC between a fixed vapour sieve B and a solid piston A A B C FIG.
As we have explained above, such a vapour sieve may be constructed by boring a number of small enough holes through a solid not wetted by the liquid.
First sieve the flour, salt, yeast and sugar into bowl and make a well.
Any unwanted cherries or other material not winnowed away can be picked out from the top of the sieve.
The turbidite deposits have well-developed normal grading, evident from both visual observations in the field and from sieve analysis.
Brush and sieve makers goods 102,400 515,450
AdvertisementTo make the pancake batter, sieve the flour and salt into a bowl and make a well in the center.
Strain through a very fine hair sieve into a clean barrel.
The new device, called a racquet, is made of a kitchen sieve with a handle built on.
I was fishing about trying to locate them, with the aid of a small plastic garden sieve.
At every stage of manufacture each test sieve is individually inspected by optical projection including the very latest computer based optical measuring equipment.
AdvertisementRinse the quinoa under cold water in a fine sieve for 2 minutes or more.
Blitz in a food processor and rub through a sieve until only a tablespoon remains.
Once soil and artifacts have been excavated, we have a team who sieve the soil in order to retrieve finds.
Sieve the dry ingredients, make a well in the center & gradualy beat in the liquid from the saucepan & the beaten egg.
An alternative is to sieve the sample through a fine nylon mesh.
AdvertisementStrain the liquid through a sieve into a small saucepan.
Rub the tomatoes through a sieve into a bowl.
Sieve flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl.
Put the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar in a fine strainer or sieve and then sprinkle the tops of the cookies.
You'll want to wash and cull your organic blueberries and drain in a sieve with a bowl underneath to catch ¼ cup of the runoff juice.
AdvertisementThere is not much that is worse than finding out your discount tent leaks like a sieve at two in the morning.
To do this, put a few tablespoons of confectioner's sugar in a wire sieve and tap the sieve gently over the cream puffs.
Coconut milk on the other hand, is actually made from blending the meaty inner flesh of the coconut with water and then pressing it through a sieve to remove all solid matter.
If you or someone you know is the type of man who does not throw his underwear out until the pair is threadbare and has more holes than a sieve, men's nylon tricot briefs may just be the way to go.
Sure, the web is world-wide, but people still have to live somewhere, and especially in a city like NYC, trying to capture eyeballs may seem like trying to bail water with a sieve.
As the sieve plate grows these non-cellulose regions swell and gradually become converted into the same kind of mucous substance as that contained in the tube; the two cells are thus placed in open communication.
The ores, having been broken and ground, generally in tube mills, until they pass a 150 to 200-mesh sieve, are transferred to the leaching vats, which are constructed of wood, iron or masonry; steel vats, coated inside and out with pitch, of circular section and holding up to woo tons, have come into use.
Variation provides the material for selection, and although opinions may differ as to the nature of that material, the modes by which it comes into existence and their relative values and permanences, there is an increasingly wide consensus of opinion that all such material has to pass through the sieve of natural selection and that the sifted products form new varieties and species, and new adaptations.
The quick-lime is then slaked with the requisite quantity of water; the product is passed through a fine-meshed wire sieve and is spread in layers of 2 or 3 in.
You could also use a hand blender or sieve.
Sieve potato, soya flours and salt and then stir in the soya bran and oil.
Meanwhile sieve together 9oz icing sugar and 3 heaped tbsp cocoa.
It may be useful to place a colander, sieve or other device over the pan to keep the artichokes submerged.
Leave for a couple of hours then emulsify by pushing through the leaves and water through a very fine sieve.
This type of arrangement is found in the kidney glomerulus, where the basal lamina acts as a permeability barrier or sieve.
Push through a nylon sieve to remove the pips.
The new racquet, based on a kitchen sieve with a handle attached, makes it easier to serve the ball.
The molecular sieve with very large surface area accumulates water molecules from the gas stream.
It is then washed through a 75 micron sieve using hot water.
The sand was then sifted using Linda's course cooking sieve, the fine sand being removed with her fine sieve!
The bottles are filled with molecular sieve material grade 542 crystalline aluminum silicate.
Skin 4 or 5 ripe tomatoes then squish them through a sieve with the back of a spoon.
Sieve or liquidize, and if it seems too thick, dilute with a little stock or water.
In close contact with the segments of the sieve tubes are companion cells which communicate with the sieve tubes by delicate protoplasmic strands; they can be distinguished from ordinary pareochymatous cells by their small size and dense protoplasm.
It will be ground so finely that not more than 3% will be left on a sieve of 76 X76 meshes per sq.
Samples are transported back to the laboratory for sieve analysis in this fashion.
The sand was then sifted using Linda 's course cooking sieve, the fine sand being removed with her fine sieve !
Strain through a sieve and leave the custard to cool before placing in the fridge to chill for 20 minutes.
After the tea has steeped for the appropriate amount of time, pour the concoction through a fine mesh sieve into a tea mug to strain out all of the bits of chopped parsley.
Its principal tributary is the Sieve, which joins it at Pontassieve, bringing down the waters of the Val di Mugello.
They are crushed to egg-size in a rock-breaker, and pulverized to pass a 40-mesh sieve in a California stamp-mill, which treats in 24 hours about 3 tons per stamp. A 10-stamp mill is fed by one rock-breaker, and discharges the liquid pulp into 10-15 wooden settling tanks, 9 by 5 by 8 ft., the settled contents of which are shovelled out and charged into the pans.
The mineral, crushed small enough to pass a sieve with perforations iu in.
When sifting is had recourse to, the fibrous matter should be rubbed through the meshes of the sieve along with the earthy particles.
The space below the sieve thus formed is connected by means of an outlet tap with a closed tank, and this again communicates with a vacuum pump. By this means the filtration is quickened by the atmospheric pressure, and goes on very rapidly, as also does the subsequent washing.
His?coo T «Lvov or sieve (cribrum Eratosthenis) was a device for discovering all prime numbers.
Sieve Tubes.The sieve tubes consist of partially fused rows of cells, the transverse cr lateral walls being perforated by minute openings, through which the contents of the cells are connected with each other, and which after a certain time become closed by,the formation of callus on the sieve plates.
Similar in principle is coscinomancy, or divining by a sieve held suspended, which gives indications by turning; and the equally common divination by a suspended ring, both of which are found from Europe in the west to China and Japan in the east.
The sieve tubes contain a thin lining layer of protoplasm on their walls, but no nuclei, and the cell sap contains albuminous substances which are coagulable by heat.