Sidereal Sentence Examples
The year, which comprises 365.25 solar days, contains 366.25 sidereal days.
In this remarkable work Kant, proceeding from the Newtonian conception of the solar system, extends his consideration to the entire sidereal system, points out how the whole may be mechanically regarded, and throws out the important speculation which has since received the title of the nebular hypothesis.
Days are distinguished as solar, sidereal or lunar, according as the revolution is taken relatively to the sun, the stars or the moon.
The tropical zodiac (not the sidereal zodiac of constellations) is used, in line with majority astrological opinion in the modern West.
Hipparchus fixed the chief data of astronomy - the lengths of the tropical and sidereal years, of the various months, and of the synodic periods of the five planets; determined the obliquity of the ecliptic and of the moon's path, the place of the sun's apogee, the eccentricity of his orbit, and the moon's horizontal parallax; all with approximate accuracy.
The progress of science during the 19th century had no more distinctive feature than the rapid growth of sidereal astronomy (see Star).
Once in every two seconds a similar mark was made by a current sent by means of the standard sidereal clock of the Observatory.
The synodical revolution of the moon laid down the lines of the solar, its sidereal revolution those of the lunar zodiac. The first was a circlet of " full moons "; the second marked the diurnal stages of the lunar progress round the sky, from and back again to any selected star.
He founded the Sidereal Messenger in 1846, was one of the first to adopt (in 1848) the electrical method of recording observations, and published besides other works, The Orbs of Heaven (1848, &c.), and Popular Astronomy (1860), both reissued at London in 1892.
The vernal point reached 0 Aries in the sidereal zodiac in AD 221.
AdvertisementThe local hour angle of an object is the local apparent sidereal time minus the apparent right ascension.
While sharing the opinion of Tycho as to the origin of such bodies by condensation of nebulous matter from the Milky Way, he attached a mystical signification to the coincidence in time and place of the sidereal apparition with a triple conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Instead we let the Earth 's rotation sweep the telescope beam across the sky, once each sidereal day.
The sidereal period is the time taken by a planet to execute a single orbit around the Sun.
My original application was for stepping at a sidereal rate.
AdvertisementIf the local sidereal time of the observation is known, the right ascension of the star becomes known by adding the observed hour angle to the sidereal time if the star is west of the meridian, or subtracting it if east of the meridian.
The eye end presents an refractor appearance too complicated to be figured here; it has a micrometer and its illumination for the position circle, a micrometer head, and a bright or dark field, clamps in right ascension and declination and quick and slow motion in the same, a finder, microscopes for reading the hour and declination circles, an illuminated dial showing sidereal time and driven by an electric current from the sidereal clock, and counter weights which can be removed when a spectroscope or other heavy appliance is added.
With the development of observational astronomy the sidereal universe was arbitrarily divided into areas characterized by special assemblages of stars; these assemblages were named asterisms by Ptolemy, who termed the brightest stars "of the fi rst magnitude," and the progressively fainter Stars.
We now arrive at the greatest of all the problems of sidereal astronomy, the structure and nature of the universe as a whole.
Hence if the earths axis of rotation deviates slightly from the axis of figure, it should describe a cone about the latter in 320 sidereal days.
AdvertisementIn astronomical practice is introduced a day, termed " sidereal," determined, not by the diurnal revolution of the sun, but of the stars.
The latter are divided into sidereal hours, minutes and seconds as the solar day is.
Their sidereal year was 4zm too long, s and they kept the ecliptic stationary among the stars, making no allowance for the shifting of the equinoxes.
Sidereal inquiries, as such, made no part of the original programme in which the stars figured merely as points of reference.
We perceive then that the fundamental problems of sidereal science are closely linked up with the elementary and indispensable procedures of celestial measurement.
AdvertisementThese were incidental trophies; Herschel's main object was the exploration of the sidereal heavens.
But thin amount of knowledge, however valuable in itself, is utterly inadequate to the needs of sidereal research; and various.
For the investigation of the general scheme of sidereal structure, the multiplication of results of the kind is indispensable.
It is content to explain the origin and course of development of the world, the solar or, at most, the sidereal system which falls under our own observation.
Owing to the precession of the equinoxes it is longer than a tropical or sidereal year by 25 minutes and 2.3 seconds.
Kugler 7 that the various periods underlying their lunar predictions were identical with those heretofore believed to have been independently arrived at by Hipparchus, who accordingly must be held to have borrowed from Chaldaea the lengths of the synodic, sidereal, anomalistic and draconitic months.