Side with Sentence Examples
They crawled into bed and she rolled on her side with her back to him.
When I spotted her, Molly and Julie were by her side with Molly holding hands with each.
Who was she more likely to side with?
If not, there must exist in the green plant, side by side with it, another mechanism which is concerned with the manufacture of the complex compounds in which nitrogen is present.
Darian rolled onto his side with a noisy sigh.
When she opened them, she lay on her side with her back to her protective wave.
They had been through better and worse and each time they had come out on the other side with a stronger relationship.
They strode through the bedchamber to a small living room to the side with a flat-screen TV and comfortable-looking couch.
It consisted of a restaurant area, a large serpentine shaped bar and another room off to the side with two pool tables and a jukebox.
I fought side by side with his older brother years ago at the end of the war; I know the type of honor that runs in his family.
AdvertisementDean figured it hadn't rained in Pagosa Springs in months but she began to spread out her sleeping bag in the narrow space next to him, nudging him closer to the side with her hip.
Vara spoke off to the side with a warrior-like man in plain clothing of earthy colors.
She shut off her lamp and turned on her side with her back to him.
As he strode around the car to the driver's side with his usual grace, it struck her that Denton never looked so nice in casual clothes.
He sighed and left his sister's side with a frown.
AdvertisementA ventral vessel occurs on the anterior side of the metasome and forms a loop extending down the entire length of the stalk, while a " heart " projects into the cavity of the pericardium, probably connected on the ventral side of the notochord with the ventral vessel, and on its dorsal side with the dorsal vessel.
Hence we frequently meet with forms which had passed out of the language that was spoken at the time they were engraved, side by side with their equivalents in that language.
The metabolic changes in the cells, however, concern other decompositions side by side with those which involve the building up of protoplasm from the products of which it feeds.
It does not, of course, follow that increase of bulk is always conspicuous; in such trees death is present side by side with life, and the one often counterbalances the other.
In the west of Ireland and in the Faroes, where certain inland and lowland localities are still uncultivated, Plantage maritfma and other halophytes occur in quantity and side by side with some Alpine species, such as Dryas octopetala.
AdvertisementIn the 19th century the modernizing tendency continued to grow, though always side by side with a strong conservative opposition, and the most prominent names on both sides are those of scholars rather than literary men.
Instead of a small house between a street and a stable-yard, I began to occupy a spacious and convenient mansion, connected on the north side with the city, and open on the south to a beautiful and boundless horizon.
British courts of justice are established side by side with the native courts throughout the province.
It is merely a hasty compilation intended to stand side by side with the Getica.2 2.
No wonder that it stands the comparison badly; but with all its faults the Getica of Jordanes will probably ever retain its place side by side with the De moribus Germanorum of Tacitus as a chief source of information respecting the history, institutions and modes of thought of our Teutonic forefathers.
AdvertisementDorsum furnished on either side with papillae, at the base of which are ramified appendages.
The results of more than twenty years' labour were set forth in his Hexapla and Tetrapla, in which he placed the Hebrew text side by side with the various Greek versions, examined their mutual relations in detail, and tried to find the basis for a more reliable text of the LXX.
Side by side with them there continued to exist the Legion of Honour.
Side by side with these changes has proceeded the reorganization of the Royal Gallery of Ancient Art, which, created by Napoleon I.
But these beliefs are far from being confined to the uncivilized; Greek philosophers like Porphyry, no less than the fathers of the Church, held that the world was pervaded with spirits; side by side with the belief in witchcraft, we can trace through the middle ages the survival of primitive animistic views; and in our own day even these beliefs subsist in unsuspected vigour among the peasantry of the more uneducated European countries.
Side by side with the conception of the corn spirit as an animal is the anthropomorphic view of it; and this element must have predominated in the evolution of the cereal deities like Demeter; at the same time traces of the association of gods and goddesses of corn with animal embodiments of the corn spirit are found.
If an attempt be made by any enemy to lift the lid, the spider seizes its inner side with his fangs and striking his claws into the walls of the burrow offers the greatest possible resistance to the efforts of the intruder.
Finally, when one remembers how, during the First Crusade, the pedites had marched side by side with the principes, and how, from the beginning of 1099, they had practically risen in revolt against the selfish ambitions of princes like Count Raymund, it becomes easy to understand the independent position which the burgesses assumed in the organization of the kingdom.
Side by side with Beha-ud-din's life of Saladin, Ibn Athir's work is the most considerable historical record written by the Arabs.
But side by side with this literary transmission Berthelot insists that there was another mode of transmission, by means of the knowledge of practical receipts and processes traditional among jewellers, painters, workers in glass and pottery, and other handicraftsmen.
And small finds of it on other sites have shown that it was usual all over Mesopotamia, and connects on the one side with the early pot fabrics of Asia Minor and on the other with the pottery of Anau and the kurgans of Turkistan, found by Pumpelly.
After this the cult of the reigning king and queen was regularly maintained in Greek Egypt, side by side with that of the dead Ptolemies.
Pears and strawberries grow side by side with oranges and granadillas, and are noted for their size and flavour.
For, since -2t 2 =0 3 -21f 2, 6,-3j(-f) 3, he compares the right-hand side with cubic resolvent k 3 -21X 2 k - j 2.
The bulk of these in due course underwent transformation either complete or partial, but there was always a residuum of incongruous and inconsistent elements existing side by side with the essential truths of Christianity.
The two ratels may be distinguished by the fact that the African species has a distinct white line round the body at the junction of the grey of the upper side with the black of the lower, while in the Indian this line is absent; the teeth also of the former are larger, rounder and, heavier than those of the latter.
Nevertheless, side by side with this prophetic ministry there was another, mediately at least of human appointment, and local in its character.
Finally, Fernand Bournon completed the work by a volume of Rectifications et additions (1890), worthy to appear side by side with the original work.
It is only in the appendix to the Elohistic psalm-book that we find Heman and Ethan side by side with Asaph, as in the Chronicles; but this does not necessarily prove that the body of the collection originated when there were only two gilds of singers.
Apparently they were at first arranged in a series of anniversaries separate from that of the martyrs, as seems to be shown by the existence at Rome of the Depositio episcoporum side by side with the Depositio martyrum; the two lists seem to have been combined, as in the calendar of Carthage, which includes the dies nataliciorum martyrum et depositiones episcoporum.
In actively growing neoplasmata, certainly, the indirect method prevails largely, but seems to go on side by side with the direct.
The great Morgagni, the founder of morbid anatomy, himself set the example of carrying on this study parallel with clinical observation; and always insisted that the clinical story of the case should be brought side by side with the revelations of the necropsy.
In coloured sheet-glass, two distinct kinds are to be recognized; in one kind the colouring matter is contained in the body of the glass itself, while in the other the coloured sheet consists of ordinary white glass covered upon one side with a thin coating of intensely coloured glass.
The people accepted all this, and so a romantic tradition sprang up side by side with the historical, and had a literature of its own, the beginnings of which must be placed as early as the 2nd century of the Flight.
Educated at the semi-Oriental provincial court of Juan Manuel, duke of Penafiel, Inez grew up side by side with Costanga, the duke's daughter by a scion of the royal house of Aragon, and her own cousin.
Again, side by side with gods of superior rank, certain heroes were worshipped as protecting spirits of the country or state; such were the Aeacidae amongst the Aeginetans, Ajax son of Oileus amongst the Epizephyrian Locrians and Hector at Thebes.
Yarnold's process, using corrugated glass plates coated on one side with gold or other metal leaf, is stated to have yielded as much as 2700 grains per e.h.p. hour.
Services rendered to Aegimius by Heracles led (I) to the adoption of Hyllus, son of Heracles, by Aegimius, side by side with his own sons Dymas and Pamphylus, and to a threefold grouping of the Dorian clans, as Hylleis, Dymanes and Pamphyli; (2) to the association of the people of Aegimius in the repeated attempts of Hyllus and his family to recover their lost inheritance in VIII.
In his Indian budget speech of 1913 he remarked with true insight that the watchword of the future was cooperation between the Government and the governed in India; the difficulty was that in India men of the 20th century lived side by side with men of the 5th.
The English flag was flown side by side with the Neapolitan, and England actually renewed war with France sooner than give up Malta.
The avenue itself is fully half a mile long and is lined on either side with fine oak trees.
It agrees with older forms of libertarianism in taking its stand on the fact of spontaneity as primary and self-evidencing, but it is not content to assert its existence side by side with rigidly determined sequence.
But side by side with the Hermae there grew up a more anthropomorphic conception of the god.
The State authorities were divided on geographical lines into central, intermediate and local, and side by side with this there was a division of the offices for the transaction of business according to the various branches of the administration.
Side by side with the State administration certain Crown territory administrations also existed in the 17 Crown territories, carried on by selected honorary officials, having under them a staff of professional officials.
This very cheapening of many commodities in 1913, side by side with which went also a cheapening of many manufactured articles, was indicated as the sign of a decline in the power of consumption of the population.
A third work, usually ascribed to Mannyng, chiefly on the ground of its existing side by side with the Handlyng Synne in the Harleian and Bodleian MSS., is the Medytacyuns of the Soper of oure lorde Jhesu, And also of hys passyun And eke of the peynes of hys swete modyr, Hayden marye, a free translation of St Bonaventura's De coena et passione Domini....
Recently elevated marine clays, of post-glacial date, fringe the south-eastern coast, while gravels with marine shells, side by side with flint implements chipped by early man, have been lifted some 20 ft.
Celtic monks worked as missionaries in this part of the country side by side with Franks.
Old forms became too narrow, and vigorously growing national literatures appeared side by side with the universal Latin literature.
To sum up, it may be said that the Wealth of Nations certainly operated powerfully through the harmony of its critical side with the tendencies of the half-century which followed its publication to the assertion of personal freedom and "natural rights."
In 1848 his turbulent spirit led him to side with the revolution against his royal patron; he furnished the rebels with military plans, and was eventually driven into exile.
Side by side with the doctrine of separable souls with which we have so far been concerned, exists the belief in a great host of unattached spirits; these are not immanent souls which have become detached from their abodes, but have every appearance of independent spirits.
The republic is in regular steam communication on the Atlantic side with New Orleans, New York and Hamburg, by vessels which visit the ports of Barrios (Santo Tomas) and Livingston.
On the outbreak of the World War he at first seemed to be going to side with the Government, but, after having obtained some private knowledge of the way in which German public opinion had been duped, he turned against his own party, the Social Democrats, and attacked them for supporting the war.
Under this act the western territory which France had claimed, extending as far as the Mississippi and south to the Ohio, was included with Canada in what was called the Province of Quebec. This vast territory was to be governed despotically from Quebec; the Roman Catholic church was given its old privileges in Canada; and the French civil law was established permanently side by side with the English criminal law.
The words so incorporated may appear side by side with the genuine reading or they may expel it.
The scribes were mainly busied with the law; but no religion can subsist on mere law; and the systematization of the prophetic hopes, and of those more ideal parts of the other sacred literature which, because ideal and dissevered from the present, were now set on one line with the prophecies, went on side by side with the systematization of the law, by means of a harmonistic exegesis, which sought to gather up every prophetic image in one grand panorama of the issue of Israel's and the world's history.
However, side by side with the Roman see was that of Milan, which was also the capital of the Western Empire.
Side by side with the Minorites, the spokesmen of the specifically political opposition to the papacy were the Parisian professors, Marsilius of Padua and John of Jandun, the composers of the " Defender of the Peace " (defensor pacis).
Crystals of ice may lie side by side with crystals of common salt, but each crystalline individual is either ice or salt; no one crystal contains both components in proportions which can be varied continuously.
For it is to be expected a priori that, since albinoes were derived from pigmented progenitors and may at any time appear, side by side with pigmented brothers, in a litter from pigmented parents, they would be carrying the pattern determinants of some one or other of their pigmented ancestors.
On the same side with the kitchen, and also on the opposite side (south-east), there were some smaller rooms.
Church festivals, civic and ecclesiastical processions are almost as animated and picturesque as in Seville itself; and many medieval customs continue to flourish side by side with the most modern features of industrial life, giving to Barcelona a character altogether unique among Spanish cities.
In the Hemipterous group of the Rhynchota ant-mimicry is illustrated by the larva of a British species of Reduviidae (Nabis lativentris) in which the forepart of the abdomen is furnished on each side with a patch of white hairs leaving a central narrow dark portion in imitation of the waist of the ant; and also by an East African species (Myrmoplasta mira) which in its general form exhibits a close resemblance to an ant (Polyrrhacis gagates) which occurs in the same neighbourhood.
The town presents, therefore, a cosmopolitan and on market days a very varied appearance, when side by side with people turned out in the latest fashions from Paris or Vienna, we meet peasants of various nationalities, attired in their national costume, intermingled with very scantilyclad Gypsies.
Side by side with this continuity of missionary zeal, a noticeable feature is the immense influence of individual energy and the subduing force of personal character.
Side by side with the northern element (which in some respects, we may observe to point the contrast, would be better named the tundra-element) we find a group of species usually spoken of as the xerothermic or meridional element.
In the war of 1805, in accordance with a treaty of alliance signed at Wurzburg on the 23rd of September, Bavarian troops, for the first time since Charles VII., fought side by side with the French, and by the treaty of Pressburg, signed on the 26th of December, the principality of Eichstadt, the margraviate of Burgau, the lordship of Vorarlberg, the countships of Hohenems and Konigsegg-Rothenfels, the lordships of Argen and Tetnang, and the city of Lindau with its territory were to be added to Bavaria.
Charles, after trying in vain to remain neutral in the wars between France and the emperor Charles V., had been forced to side with the latter, whereupon his duchy was overrun with foreign soldiery and became the battlefield of the rival armies.
Side by side with these changes the imperial diet was becoming more useless and unwieldy, and the electors were gaining power, owing partly to the Wahlkapitulation, by which on election they circumscribed the power of each occupant of the imperial throne.
Side by side with the budget of each state of the Dual Monarchy, there is a common budget, which comprises the expenditure necessary for the common affairs, namely for the conduct of foreign affairs, for the army, and for the ministry of finance.
The old party of the Right was, however, also broken up; side by side with forty-one Clericals there were twenty-eight Christian Socialists led by Dr Lueger, a man of great oratorical power, who had won a predominant influence in Vienna, so long the centre of Liberalism, and had quite eclipsed the more modest efforts of Prince Liechtenstein.
The traveller in Egypt thus views, side by side with the activities of the present day, where occident and orient meet and clash, memorials of every race and civilization which has flourished in the valley of the Nile.
Side by side with these literary organs there exists a vernacular press largely devoted to nationalist propaganda.
The Roman archbishop and the Orthodox metropolitans were forced to serve on its committee side by side with Protestant pastors; and village popes, trained to regard any tampering with the letter of 1 Savary to Napoleon, Nov.
Thus a customary law (`orf) has there sprung up side by side with the official sacred law (shari`a), much to the displeasure of the mollahs.
The kilns commonly employed are "chamber kilns," circular structures not unlike an ordinary running lime kiln, but having the top closed and connected at the side with a wide flue in which the slurry is exposed to the hot products of combustion from the kiln.
It is quite in accordance with the keener consciousness of sin, which prevailed in the middle ages, that the expiatory pilgrimage took its place side by side with the pilgrimage to the glory of God.
But what is this new name which is placed side by side with the Divine Name - " in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ "?
For side by side with St Mark's Gospel there was current in the earliest times another account of the doings and sayings of Jesus Christ.
Yet, on the whole, he had taken his side with the government.
The floor of the cave is the green sea, out of which the columns rise on either side with a regularity so perfect as to suggest the hand of man rather than the work of Nature.
In the Lamian War Argos was induced to side with the patriots against Macedonia; after its capture by Cassander from Polyperchon (317) it fell in 303 into the hands of Demetrius Poliorcetes.
The Kabyle women have stood side by side with their husbands in battle.
At the head of the Bay of Bengal in Chittagong district, side by side with coffee on the Nilgiri hills, on the forest-clad slopes of Kumaon and Kangra, amid the low-lying jungle of the Bhutan Dwars, and even in Arakan, the energetic pioneers of tea-planting have established their industry.
He found Brahman priests equally honoured with Buddhist monks, and temples to the Indian gods side by side with the religious houses of his own faith.
Side by side with the new processes introduced, the idea of the indeterminate sentence was started and put in practice, by which release was made to depend upon reasonable hope of amendment and sentences were prolonged until it was more or less certain that the treatment had resulted in cure.
The earnest desire of most prison administration is to develop industrial training and trade profits side by side with mildness of treatment.
By the 13th and 14th centuries the title had become purely territorial, and implied no necessary overlordship over counts and other nobles, who existed side by side with the dukes as tenants-in-chief of the crown.
The formula for an indefinite number of particular things in particular places at particular times, and all of them presentable in sensuous imagery of a given time and place, is not itself presentable in sensuous imagery side by side with the individual members of the group it orders.
In structure they are monoclinical, their rocks - sandstones and shales - being laid southward and blending on that side with the Arkansas valley region.
In1877-1884the old town walls were demolished, a promenade and gardens taking their place, and since then a new quarter has grown up on the south side with a fine open place called the Emperor Charles's Plain.
As early as the 13th century the lower orders among the inhabitants formed an organization under officers of their own, side by side with that of the commune, which was controlled by the great and the rich; e.g.
She was formally married to Nero; her head appeared on the coins side by side with his; and her statues were erected in the public places of Rome.
Therefore, side by side with the evidence for difficult enforcement of the old rules, we find an equally constant series of new and more stringent enactments.
Side by side with works of general theory, first-hand authorities should be freely used.
The General Association of Virginia and the Congaree Association of South Carolina now took their places side by side with the Sandy Creek.
Whereupon certain theologians (themselves perhaps the authors of it) took occasion to complain of me to the prince and the magistrates; moreover, the stupid Cartesians, because they are commonly supposed to side with me, desiring to free themselves from that suspicion, were diligent without ceasing in their execrations of my doctrines and writings, and are as diligent still."
Von Sybel, in his Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges, suggests that in the camp of the pauperes (which existed side by side with that of the knights, and grew increasingly large as the crusade told more and more heavily in its progress on the purses of the crusaders) some idolization of Peter the Hermit had already begun, during the first crusade, parallel to the similar glorification of Godfrey by the Lorrainers.
Side by side with this public life, which wearied her with its shadowy power, occasionally crossed by a desire to be recognised as queen, she passed a nobler and sweeter private existence as the foundress of St Cyr.
Side by side with this name we find Turn and Turanian a designation applied both by the later Persians and by modern writers to this region.
The subject-contingents stood side by side with the native Persian troops; and the garrisonsin Egypt, for instance were composed of the most varied nationalities.
Only in Persia itself, so far as we can judge from a few scanty traces, the national character of the religion seems to have survived among the people side by side with the memory of their old imperial position.
Side by side with the nobles ranked the spiritual chiefs, now a far more powerful body than under the Arsacids.
The system extends from Rock Ferry and Park stations on the Cheshire side to the low-level at Central Station in Liverpool, and has connexions on the Cheshire side with the Great Western, NorthWestern, Wirral and various local lines.
Iron foundries, breweries, oil-cake and seed mills also exist side by side with such immense engineering and shipbuilding works as the Britannia Works, Canada Works, and, above all, Laird's shipbuilding works, where several early iron vessels were built, and many cruisers and battleships have been launched.
But side by side with this language of everyday life a purer form of Dutch has continued to exist and find its uses under certain conditions.
He even went so far as to side with his colleagues, when serious difficulties arose between the new government and the president of the Cortes, Senor Martos, who was backed by a very imposing commission composed of the most influential conservative members of the last parliament of the Savoyard king, which had suspended its sittings shortly after proclaiming the federal republic. A sharp struggle was carried on for weeks between the executive and this commission, at first presided over by Martos, and, when he resigned, by Salmeron.
A new form of appeal grew up side by side with the older form, which had been mainly an oral procedure, namely the appeal by writing (appel par ecrit).
Side by side with his activities in education he directed the departments of trade and the colonies.
Side by side with his indignation at the idea of cheating his Saracen enemies may be mentioned his answer to those who after Taillebourg complained that he had let off Henry III.
The larva is provided with postoral and perianal ciliated bands, and on either side with a bunch of long provisional setae.
Side by side with full, vividly coloured descriptions of the Zoroastrian deities, they frequently interweave, as episodes, stories from the old heroic fables.
Rumania begins on the seaward side with a band of territory called the Dobrudja; and broadens westward into the form of a blunted crescent, its northern horn being called Moldavia, its southern Walachia.
Upon this version, no doubt, are based the editions of Iordache Cantacuzene(Bucharest, 1682), and that of §erban Greceanu (1693), in which for the first time the Greek text is printed side by side with the Rumanian; and the edition of Anthim the Iberian (1703).
Moses and Paul are put side by side with Aristotle and Menander, and there is a clear inclination to Platonic doctrines of preexistence and metempsychosis.
Edwin and Morcar, who should have been at his side with their Mercians and Northumbrians, were still far awayprobably from treachery, slackness and jealousy.
It might have been so even had the war been conducted on the British side with greater military skill and with more insight into the conditions of the struggle, which was essentially a civil contest between men of the same race.
It is to be remembered that criticism has broken up the historical unity of the New Testament collection and placed many of its components side by side with writings which have never been canonized, and which conservative writers had supposed to be distinctly later.
The medieval world did not copy the free scientific spirit of Aristotle; it made him, so far as known, a sort of philosophical Bible side by side with the theological Bible.
It was an impracticable situation - no getting on from it; and so, at Lyndhurst's persuasion, as he afterwards acknowledged, he determined to side with the Tories.
Side by side with these are found remains of a huge bison, generally regarded as specifically distinct from the living European animal and termed Bos (Bison) priscus.
Finally, side by side with a theory of the nature of moral obligation thus fundamentally empirical and a posteriori in its outlook, he maintains in his account of justice the existence of the idea of justice as distinct from a mere sentiment, carrying with it an a priori belief in its existence and identical in its a priori and intuitive character with the ultimate criterion of Utilitarianism itself.
But the conquered people remained side by side with the settlers; and Sir George Carew, who reported on the plantation in 1611, clearly foresaw that they would rebel again.
But the emperor was ill, weary and aged by the life of pleasure which he led side by side with his life of work (as is proved by the letters to Mdlle Bellanger); he was suffering from a first attack of his bladder complaint.
Side by side with these old stories come fragments of a different stratum of thought, Christian ideas, the belief in a supreme God, the notion of Doomsday.
In the South Sea Islands, generally, the fable of the union and separation of Heaven and Earth is current; other forms will be found in Gill's Myths and Songs from the South Pacific. The cosmogonic myths of the Aryans of India are peculiarly interesting, as we find in the Vedas and Brahmanas and Puranas almost every fiction familiar to savages side by side with the most abstract metaphysical speculations.
Whatever were their views as to the relations between ecclesiastical and secular jurisdiction, the French clergy, ruined by the dues levied by the papal court, ranged themselves on the national side with the nobility and the bourgeoisie; whereupon the king, with a bold stroke far ahead of his time, gave tit for tat.
Side by side with this temporary disorder there was a more serious administrative disorganization, a habit of no longer obeying the king.
The oldest known coins are the electrum coins of the earlier Mermnads (Madden, Coins of the Jews, pp. 19-21), stamped on one side with a lion's head or the figure of a king with bow and quiver; these were replaced by Croesus with a coinage of pure gold and silver.
It is, however, probable that a considerable group of true Ferns, allied to Marattiaceae, existed in Palaeozoic times, side by side with simpler forms. In one respect the fronds of many Palaeozoic Ferns and Pteridosperms were peculiar, namely, in the presence on their rachis, and at the base of their pinnae, of anomalous leaflets, often totally different in form and venation from the ordinary pinnules.
Hannah was crying too hard to pay attention. Ully led them into the antechamber, where Jared stood to one side with his arms crossed. Toby crowded Ully, not liking the way the demon's eyes gleamed.
Whether he meant Alex was a formidable opponent or he would side with Alex wasn't evident.
Side by side with the Red Army many thousands of workers, collective farmers, intellectuals are rising to fight the enemy aggressor.
The main tumor was excised together with a 5cm margin of small bowel on either side with primary end-to-end anastomosis.
Fitted wooden bookcase to one side with encased radiators below.
To finish, remove the burr on the flat side with a few light strokes.
The wealthiest of the merchant capitalists did side with the Royalists.
He described it as a white, painted concrete cube of about 40cm side with a brass plaque screwed on to the top face.
Horizon has a tendency to side with the more conservative wing of science, effectively debunking theories that venture beyond the mainstream.
Pin sharp through the corners it bursts out the other side with a snarl from the underseat exhaust.
The catamaran consists of two fiberglass hulls each side with soft material floor between.
They also continued their attempts to physically intimidate the United side with their play.
Corn beer is brought, jujus lie on one side with medicine man.
The top story contains a large pointed window on each side with a central mullion.
A chest X ray showed an apical pneumothorax on the left side with inferior displacement of the distal fracture segment.
To do this you just unscrew two little screws either side with the mini screwdriver provided and unclip a spring.
A pile of corn sheaves, twelve together, six on each side with two hood sheaves on the top.
This wall was found in 1900 to be covered on either side with late sixteenth or early seventeenth-century paintings.
The square leg umpire 1. Stands no more than 10 - 15 meters either side with a clear view of the batting wicket.
Post hole has vertical sides, slightly undercut on northern side with slightly bowled base.
Center front opening is closed with metal zipper (Acme on tag) backed on each side with brown fabric.
He took part in the battle of Cnidus (394), in which the Spartan fleet was defeated, and for this service his statue was placed by the Athenians side by side with that of Conon in the Ceramicus.
Every bowl must have a certain amount of bias, which was formerly obtained by loading one side with lead, but is now imparted by the turner making one side more convex than the other, the bulge showing the side of the bias.
Side by side with the Mazzinian propaganda in favor of a united Italian republic, which manifested itself in secret societies, plots and insurrections, there was another Liberal movement based on the education of opinion and on economic development.
Hubert and Mauss point out that Robertson Smith is far from having established either the historical or the logical connexion between the common meal and the other types of sacrifice; the simplest Semitic forms known to us are the most recently recorded; further their simplicity may mean no more than documentary insufficiency, and in any case does not imply any priority; the piaculum is found side by side with the communion at all times.
The galleries are generally very narrow, furnished on each side with arched tombs, and communicating with family sepulchral-chambers closed originally by locked doors, the marks of the hinges and staples being still visible.
They are hymns of the laity, describing with much beauty and depth of feeling the emotions of the pilgrim when his feet stood within the gates of Jerusalem, when he looked forth on the encircling hills, when he felt how good it was to be camping side by side with his brethren on the slopes of Zion (cxxxiii.), when a sense of Jehovah's forgiving grace and the certainty of the redemption of Israel triumphed over all the evils of the present and filled his soul with humble and patient hope.
It is only possible to allude briefly here to the different conclusions that he has attained in treating the various problems, as for example in Aesthetic, the unity of art and language, of intuition and expression, the negation of particular arts, the refutation of literary and artistic classes, the criticism of rhetoric, of grammar and so forth; and in the Philosophy of the Practical or of Practice, the conciliation of the antitheses of utilitarianism and moralism, the critique of precepts, of laws and of casuistry, the new conception of judgments of value, the constitution of a philosophic economy side by side with the science of Economy, the resolution of the Philosophy of rights in the Philosophy of economic, and so forth.
It is even said by some who have examined the original (vide infra) that the text and alterations show a progressively freethinking attitude, side by side with a growing tendency to conceal it by ambiguity and innuendo.
These spirits are at first mainly malevolent; and side by side with them we find the spirits of the dead as hostile beings.
Side by side with the Roman Catholic hierarchy are the congregations of the Old Catholics or Old Episcopalian Church (Oud Bisschoppelijke Clerezie), and the Jansenists (see Jansenism).
None the less, the continued indiscretions of the emperor so incensed public opinion that, five years later, the chancellor himself was forced to side with it in obtaining from the emperor an undertaking to submit all his public utterances previously to his ministers for approval (see WILLIAM II., German emperor).
Side by side with the kin there is always found the domestic group, but the latter institution develops fully only as the former weakens, so that the one comes largely to inherit the functions of the other, whilst the tribe too in its turn hands over certain interests..
The vegetation of Spain is distributed in clearly marked zones; but over the whole of Portugal, except the hottest parts of Algarve and Alemtejo, the plants of northern Europe flourish side by side with cacti, palms, aloes and tree-ferns (see Cintra).
For Padua claimed, like Rome, a Trojan origin, and Livy is careful to place its founder Antenor side by side with Aeneas.
Maria Caro in 1688, and was reprinted by Sabatier, side by side with the ante-Hieronymian one, in his Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinae Versiones Antiquae.
Tacking and jibbing, we wrestled with opposing winds that drove us from side to side with impetuous fury.
The sick man was turned on to his side with his face to the wall.
These were the questions each man of the troops on the high ground above the bridge involuntarily asked himself with a sinking heart--watching the bridge and the hussars in the bright evening light and the blue tunics advancing from the other side with their bayonets and guns.
Rostov saw how the Emperor's rather round shoulders shuddered as if a cold shiver had run down them, how his left foot began convulsively tapping the horse's side with the spur, and how the well-trained horse looked round unconcerned and did not stir.
Now he rode beside Ilyin under the birch trees, occasionally plucking leaves from a branch that met his hand, sometimes touching his horse's side with his foot, or, without turning round, handing a pipe he had finished to an hussar riding behind him, with as calm and careless an air as though he were merely out for a ride.
Another Lancashire side with a famous past recently returned to the league - what are your feelings on Accrington Stanley 's revival of fortunes?
The weather was on our side with warm sunshine - just what you need for a steady slog up hill for 2.5 Hours !
Personalized Chalkboard-Encourage baby's creative side with this great personalized chalkboard.
Pull the front of the diaper taut over the front of the baby, and seal each side with the tabs.
On the other hand, if you have the means to repay your debt, and lenders can prove this, the courts may side with the lender and continue the garnishment or lien process.
Clean lines sit side by side with intricate abstracts in modern lighting - the kind that is right for you depends on your personal design tastes.
Place an Easter basket on its side with the Easter grass and eggs spilling out onto a bed of Spring flowers and greenery.
Bring out your artistic, creative side with these bright and cheerful colors.
While these activities can be done in bed, you may prefer to create a small sitting area off to one side with a comfortable chair, ottoman and end table.
The side with the oranges, yellows, yellow-greens, and red-oranges is considered warm while the side with blues, purples, pinks, blue-greens, and red-violets are cool.
Try making chicken, steaks, vegetable kabobs, portabella mushroom burgers, or just grilled vegetables to serve as a side with another main dish.
Use a two-page layout design to set up your theme on one side with title and journaling, then use the other half to display your roll of photos.
Skinny jeans and peasant tops do not look the same on every body shape, so it's important to side with styles that are not only popular, but are flattering as well.
Here's our routine.After a brief physical exam, Senny is placed on his side with his front paw out so the vet can find the best vein.
It is a tall herbaceous climber, 10 to 20 feet high, with pinnate leaves, terminating in branched tendrils, the leaflets being covered on the under side with a fine silky down.
Uplifting and spirited, Life is Good t shirts are the perfect way to share your sunny side with the rest of the world.
However. If you can't find the perfect fit, it's best to err a bit on the looser side with a pair of plus size petite cargo pants to get the look you want.
The university suggests sleeping on your side with your head elevated.
For example, sleeping on the side with a pillow between your legs can help lower back and hip pain.
In addition to forming virtual versions of themselves, gamers can also explore their creative side with the development of famous Mii characters.
You can use both sides of the tent as sleeping quarters, or set up one side with sleeping bags and the other as living quarters.
We here at LoveToKnow have jumped knee-deep into the maze that is the interweb and emerged out the other side with a few of the best options when it comes to free Sony Ericsson Themes.
When choosing a Droid Incredible vs iPhone, consider the type of applications you use most often, which company your existing accessories are compatible with, and whether you want to side with Apple or Google for long term usability.
Children play side by side with similar toys, but there is a lack of group involvement.
The person lies on his or her side with the affected ear uppermost.
The lead's left hand is holding the follow's right out to the side with their right at the follow's opposite shoulder blade.
The man steps to the side with his left foot, crosses his right foot in front, crosses his left foot in back and closes his right foot next to his left one.
The man steps forward with his left foot, then to the side with his right foot, and then closes the left foot next to the right one.
To close the box, you step back with your right foot and then to the side with your left foot, and then close with the right foot.
Its most common form is steps to the side with the traveling foot crossing alternately in front of and behind the stationary foot.
The body sways naturally from side to side with each of these steps, but this movement shouldn't be exaggerated unless the choreography calls for it.
You also have the option of clipping back one side with a pretty barrette, or leaving both sides long and loose.
Wrap thick sections around a jumbo iron and let the tendrils fall loosely around your face, or pin up and to the side with hair accessories like combs, clips, and ornate barrettes.
The parents often share an interesting book that they are reading, take children to art galleries and museums, and work side by side with them.
No-flap nursing bras are made out of a supple material, so they can easily be pulled to one side with one hand.
Typically, it is recommended that you sleep or rest on your side with your knees and hips bent.
Whether they're playing a sport on the beach or taking a walk pool side with friends, juniors can accessorize their beach attire and have fun in the sun.
Feel free to explore your wild side with this animal printe one piece.
Building this jet to combat the forces of the Separatists and the Dark Side with flick-firing ammunition, retractable landing gear and an ejection button for R2-D2 enhances the playtime experience.
Satisfy your preppy side with a Ralph Lauren tank top with a sophisticated handkerchief hem.
If your family has an opinion on a decision you have made with me, are you going to side with them or me?
Writers are often passionate people who fly by the seat of their pants, but all writers need to learn to balance this fiery side with a bit of practicality.
Embrace your glamorous side with one of these handbags, beautifully constructed of faux suede that looks just like the real thing.
Help your teen get in touch with her creative side with this great fleece pillow kit.
The pocket watch features the cartoon character of Betty Boop standing to one side with her name on the other side of the watch face.
The smooth side will be the back of the puppet, and the side with the flap will be the front of the puppet.
Lie on your side with hips and waist supported by the ball.
After you feel comfortable, begin shifting your weight from side to side with each bounce.
Stand on the dome side with your feet separated at hip width apart.
Lie on your left side with your feet stacked on top of each other and torso propped up on your forearm so that your elbow is positioned directly below your shoulder.
Sometimes taking a little walk on the wild side with your lingerie is just the boost you need to increase your confidence.
European lingerie leans toward the flirty, feminine side with detail on the straps, lace here and there, and sculpted lines meant to pay homage to the beauty of the female body's curves and ethereal glow.
Instead of elastic, these have a wide waistband that fastens at the side with buttons.
The second prominent Eight is Lt. Sharon "Athena" Agathon who is aware of her Cylon nature and chooses to side with the humans.
Whether you're headed on a tropical vacation or want to show your feminine side with a subtle flower, nail art can help define your look.
If you're in a naughty mood, unleash your dark side with a hint of this spicy fragrance.
Some of the best restaurants for outdoor enthusiasts are here, as the beach and mountains are side by side with the desert not too far away.