Sickness Sentence Examples
The lingering sickness in his body fled, gone for good.
He had never seen nor heard of sorrow or sickness or poverty.
I felt a sickness in my stomach at the news, in spite of having surmised as much.
Actually, her first morning of sickness had been unpleasant, until she discovered the cause was pregnancy.
When you want a baby so bad, the first morning of sickness is a blessing.
The shores are covered with coral; earthquakes and tidal waves are frequent, the latter not taking the form of bores, but of a sudden steady rise and equally sudden fall in the level of the sea; the climate is rather tropical than temperate, but sickness is almost unknown among the residents.
In August 1529 the plague known as the sweating sickness, which prevailed throughout the country, was specially severe at Cambridge, and all who had it in their power forsook the town for the country.
Lemon is useful for treating morning sickness.
There was much sickness, and after two years, urged by Admiral Cornwallis, the government transferred the colony to the N.E.
Martha was playing nurse maid to both Howie's limitations and his fragile ego while struggling with morning sickness and her stressful hospital position.
AdvertisementAfter his return from his Egyptian campaign, he was preparing an expedition against Rhodes when he was overtaken by sickness and died, on the 22nd of September 1521, in the ninth year of his reign, near the very spot where he had attacked his father's troops, not far from Adrianople.
In his last sickness Celestine wished to resign his office, but the cardinals protested.
His first book, The Perpetuity of a Regenerate Man's Estate (1627), defended one of the main Calvinistic positions, and The Unloveliness of Love-locks and Health's Sickness (1628) attacked prevailing fashions without any sense of proportion, treating follies on the same footing as scandalous vices.
At the end of the rule of the knights (1798) the population was estimated at roo,000; sickness, famine and emigration during the blockade of the French in Valletta probably reduced the inhabitants to 80,000.
The army itself had only lost from sickness 2600 men, or barely 2% of its full effective.
AdvertisementSocial legislation first took the form of accident and sickness insurance.
This little boy could speak two or three languages before he lost his hearing through sickness, and he is now only about five years old.
His physical strength and agility during the first days of his imprisonment were such that he seemed not to know what fatigue and sickness meant.
So far the other two have shown no signs of sickness.
Warm clothes and first aid kits can prevent sickness and address injuries.
AdvertisementAlways carry a stout bag to be prepared for travel sickness.
Acute mountain sickness Acute mountain sickness is the name given to two life-threatening complications of acute altitude sickness.
But the Allies had opened the campaign late; they moved slowly; the weather broke, and sickness began to waste their ranks.
Amid many sufferings, however, and frequent attacks of sickness, he manfully pursued his course; nor was it till his frail body, torn by many and painful diseases - fever, asthma, stone, and gout, the fruits for the most part of his sedentary habits and unceasing activity - had, as it were, fallen to pieces around him, that his indomitable spirit relinquished the conflict.
A recent method of using the drug is in the form of sodium cacodylate by subcutaneous injection, and this preparation is said to be free from the cumulative effects sometimes arising after the prolonged use of the other forms. Other organic derivatives employed are sodium metharsenite and sodium anilarsenate or atoxyl; hypodermic injections of the latter have been used in the treatment of sleeping sickness.
AdvertisementThe rate of mortality among the natives from tropical diseases is also high, one of the most fatal being that known as sleeping sickness.
Trotter, went up to Egga (Egam), but was forced to return owing to sickness and mortality.
Colet died of the sweating sickness on the 16th of September 1519.
On the 29th of July 1748 he arrived off Fort St David's, and soon after laid siege to Pondicherry; but the sickness of his men and the approach of the monsoons led to the raising of the siege.
Though faithful in a high degree to the duties of friendship, he could not bear to visit his friends in sickness, and after their death he repressed all allusion to their memory.
Riga was invested on the 13th of August and surrendered on the 15th of September; on the 3rd of October Mitau was occupied; but so great were the ravages of sickness during the campaign that the Swedish army had to be reinforced by no fewer than 10,000 men.
The poor and sickly viewed Tiyan as a kingdom of refuge, where magical waters prevented sickness and death to any who drank from them.
Obesity was the cause of 18 million days of sickness absence in England in 1998.
Sleeping sickness has, during the last four years, nearly annihilated this little community.
People who are overweight are at greater risk of heat sickness because they have a greater tendency to retain body heat.
When the body falls prey to sickness, the mind is never totally blameless.
A late period is usually the first signal, followed by other symptoms such as morning sickness, swollen breasts and generally feeling fatigued.
Some anti sickness drugs are drugs normally used to treat other conditions.
Scapa Flow diver hospitalized A diver was taken to Balfour Hospital on Monday after suffering suspected decompression sickness in Scapa Flow.
There is no medicine that is used as a matter of routine in treating decompression sickness.
What measures can be taken to avoid decompression sickness?
Ginger is also known to relieve travel and morning sickness and can improve a sluggish digestion.
Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements; sickness is the discord of the elements infused into the living body.
These drugs are called anti sickness drugs, anti nausea drugs or anti emetics.
Morning Sickness - sucking on piece of crystallized ginger, drinking ginger ale or ginger tea will help relieve the nausea of morning sickness.
Serious symptoms of altitude sickness A severe, enduring headache, which is not cured by a couple of ordinary painkillers.
If there is a sickness in the show we will use homeopathy before we perform surgery.
He had far more important things to do than save humanity from physical sickness.
Over a third of movers to JSA from IB had become inactive due to sickness or disability five to ten months later.
In special circumstances, such as sickness or disability, a pension may be paid early if the employe is permanently incapacitated.
Grass sickness is a usually fatal condition of grazing horses which causes varying degrees of paralysis of the horse's intestines.
However, the majority of mares in the contact group were grazing land where grass sickness had not occurred for many years.
I started getting morning sickness at about 6 weeks, surely this was a good sign.
It's the first time in a while that Tasha hasn't had morning sickness and they are looking every bit the couple in love.
Thalidomide was developed in the 1950s in Germany, first as a sedative and then widely used as a pill to ease morning sickness.
Thalidomide was a drug prescribed by doctors to combat morning sickness in pregnant women.
Its main therapeutic use is in the suppression of vomiting, in particular preventing motion sickness.
It is also disorientating and made me feel a bit sick... and I don't get motion sickness!
Effective drugs for combating motion sickness include antihistamines, antimuscarinics, 5-HT1A (serotonergic) receptor agonists and neurokinin type 1 receptor antagonists.
Q. What has caused the extreme motion sickness throughout my pregnancy?
Meantime, so noxious and deadly were the vapors that rose from the ground, that whenever it was opened nausea and sickness followed.
Spray it around the room, on clothes or bedlinen for an instant pick-me-up, or on your wrists to ease Morning Sickness.
By the time I get home I feel a little queasy, a bit like travel sickness.
Others provide an immediate solution to filling the voids left by sudden resignations or long-term sickness.
The impact of sleeping sickness is not just of concern for areas where the disease is endemic.
Perhaps connected with this was the belief that sacred waters could also heal sickness, especially of the eye.
Influenza was common, referred to as the ' sweating sickness ' .
Our objective is to alleviate sickness and illness and find treatments and cures for the medical conditions which are collectively called Down's syndrome.
In the UK, respiratory conditions are the third commonest cause of chronic sickness in working people aged 45 - 64 years.
Support sick employees long-term sickness must be handled sensitively.
The diseases, which include African sleeping sickness, Chagas ' disease and leishmaniasis, are among the most neglected in the world.
Women are more at risk of decompression sickness than men.
Danger signals for altitude sickness Danger signals usually develop in the first 36 hours.
Sleeping sickness was first described in the fourteenth century in what is now the country of Mali.
The study, completed in 1996 (2 ), highlighted such side effects as simulator sickness, disorientation and physical discomfort.
The parasite that causes sleeping sickness is called the trypanosome.
The first case of human sleeping sickness was detected in Soroti District, Teso region in December 1998.
Subacute form In subacute form In subacute grass sickness, the signs are similar to those of acute cases but are usually less severe.
Analysis of postural motion during exposure to the moving room revealed increases in postural sway before the onset of subjective motion sickness symptoms.
With relatively few wild animals now in the region, local cattle have become the main reservoir for human trypanosomes responsible for sleeping sickness.
His tactics failed to entice the Italians from their position, and on the 3rd of April sickness among his men compelled John to withdraw the Abyssinian army.
The broken and demoralized army, its ranks thinned by fever and sickness, at last began its hopeless retreat, attempting to reach Catania by a circuitous route; but, harassed by the numerous Syracusan cavalry and darters, after a few days of dreadful suffering, it was forced to lay down its arms. The Syracusans sullied the glory of their triumph by putting Nicias and Demosthenes to death, and huddling their prisoners into their stonequarries - a living death, dragged out, for the allies from Greece proper to the space of seventy days, for the Athenians themselves and the Greeks of Sicily and Italy for six months longer.
Wounds caused by projectiles, sabres, &c., are the special subject of naval and military surgery; while under the head of military hygiene we may include the general subject of ambulances, the sanitary arrangements of camps, and the various forms of epidemic camp sickness.
There are, however, a good many instances recorded of what has been called a fumigatory use of frankincense in churches, by which it was sought to purify the air, in times of public sickness, or to dispel the foulness caused by large congregations, or poisonous gases arising from ill-constructed vaults under the church floor.
Bellevue and Des Barres became very active in hindering the advance of the siege works, and the German battalions were so far depleted by losses and sickness that they could often muster but 300 men for duty.
On the day following they were graciously received by the queen, who undertook to sign a bond for their security, but delayed the subscription till next morning under plea of sickness.
Famine and sickness had begun to aggravate the situation when the bey of Mascara appeared before the town with 30,000 men.
This great assemblage is always a dangerous centre of infection, and the days of Mina especially, spent under circumstances originally adapted only for a Bedouin fair, with no provisions for proper cleanliness, and with the air full of the smell of putrefying offal and flesh drying in the sun, produce much sickness.
As a result of the mismanagement and general incapacity of the Commissary Department, the army received little food or clothing during the winter months; in the latter part of December nearly 2900 men were unfit for duty on account of sickness or the lack of clothing, and by the 1 st of February this number had increased by nearly 1000, a state of affairs which Washington said was due to "an eternal round of the most stupid mismanagement [by which] the public treasure is expended to no kind of purpose, while the men have been left to perish by inches with cold and nakedness."
The Pavlograd regiment had had only two men wounded in action, but had lost nearly half its men from hunger and sickness.
The four pulse oximeters also supplied will be used daily in assessing Acute Mountain Sickness and acclimatization.
Segregation of duties should continue during periods of leave or sickness absence.
Influenza was common, referred to as the ' sweating sickness '.
Our objective is to alleviate sickness and illness and find treatments and cures for the medical conditions which are collectively called Down 's syndrome.
Sleepy sickness was brought to popular attention by the Hollywood film ' Awakenings ' starring Robert de Niro.
Support sick employees Long-term sickness must be handled sensitively.
Details of how sickness absence should be notified should be included in the staff handbook.
The study, completed in 1996 (2), highlighted such side effects as simulator sickness, disorientation and physical discomfort.
There are links which go on to define what simulator sickness is.
The approach could also potentially help eliminate local foci for trypanosomes causing sleeping sickness in humans.
Subacute form In subacute grass sickness, the signs are similar to those of acute cases but are usually less severe.
Amplified discomforts associated with pregnancy such as morning sickness, varicose veins, aches and exhaustion.
Keep away from the sick - if you are aware a friend or family member is unwell, then refrain from visiting until the sickness has passed.
Keep in mind that small changes, like a minor sickness, can affect your child's sleep habits.
A healthier system will help your cat fight off sickness easier.
This plan provides protection if you are unable to work due to accident or sickness (including back injuries and/or mental illness).
Whether your stomach is rolling from the flu or you are experiencing early morning sickness, ginger is a gentle and effective way to combat nausea and vomiting.
Many believe tincture to be the most effective form when it comes to treating travel sickness.
Too much fruit sugar intake can lead to headaches and feelings of sickness; it can be dangerous to diabetics.
This is especially helpful for expectant mothers suffering from morning sickness since ginger is a safe alternative to prescription drugs and has fewer side effects.
Ginger is also used to treat nausea related to motion sickness, seasickness, and chemotherapy.
Hyland's has remedies for gas, diarrhea, indigestion, upset stomach and motion sickness.
The officiate states that the bride and groom shall love, honor and cherish each other through sickness and health.
According to the World Health Organization, the major epidemics of African sleeping sickness were documented primarily in the sub-Saharan portions of Africa.
According to the World Health Organization, African sleeping sickness is responsible for 40,000 deaths per year in Africa.
Sleeping sickness is parasitic disease also known as Human African Trypanosomiasis, or sometimes the African Sleeping Sickness.
There are two main forms of sleeping sickness, both of which are found almost exclusively in Africa's poor populations.
The second type of sleeping sickness more commonly referred to as TBR, is found mostly in the southern and eastern portions of Africa.
Sleeping sickness is not like other sleep problems.
Since poor health care exists in many of the countries where sleep sickness happens, it is rare for the condition to be diagnosised prior to the second stage.
Treatment for sleeping sickness is dependent on the stage it is in.
Patients who receive early treatment of the disease are more likely to be able to overcome it.Treatment for the second stage of sleeping sickness is much more toxic to the individual as a whole.
Guests must be at least 40 inches tall to ride, and The Simpsons Ride is not recommended for guests with heart, back, or neck trouble, guests who are pregnant, or guests who are sensitive to motion sickness.
Kingda Ka is not recommended for anyone with heart conditions or head, back, or neck problems, as well as anyone sensitive to motion sickness or women who may be pregnant.
Obey all ride warnings and health restrictions - inverted coasters are not suitable for riders with neck, heart, or back problems, riders who may be pregnant, or riders susceptible to motion sickness.
Often viewed as a minor annoyance, some travelers are temporarily immobilized by motion sickness, and a few continue to feel its effects for hours and even days after a trip.
Most cases of motion sickness are mild and self-limiting.
Parents should call the doctor before giving young children over-the-counter medications for motion sickness.
Most cases of motion sickness are self-diagnosed.
Severe cases of motion sickness or those that become progressively worse may require additional, specific tests.
Medications to help ease the symptoms of motion sickness are available without a prescription (over-the-counter or OTC).
Normally these are taken 30 to 60 minutes before traveling to prevent motion sickness symptoms, as well as during extended trips.
The FDA recommends that people with emphysema, chronic bronchitis, glaucoma, or difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate do not use OTC drugs for motion sickness unless directed by their doctor.
Children should not be given OTC motion sickness medication without first checking with a healthcare professional.
Another prescription drug that is sometimes given for motion sickness is ondansetron (Zofran), which was originally developed to treat nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy.
There are several homeopathic remedies that work specifically for motion sickness.
Motion sickness is not a serious disorder and almost always resolves once the conflicting motion messages have stopped.
Because motion sickness is easier to prevent than treat once it has begun, the best treatment is prevention.
Avoid watching or talking to another traveler who is having motion sickness.
Take motion sickness medicine at least 30 to 60 minutes before travel begins or as recommended by a physician.
Even those who frequently endure motion sickness can learn to travel by anticipating the conditions of their next trip.
Research also suggests that increased exposure to the stimulation that causes motion sickness may help decrease symptoms on future trips.
Prevention and practical steps such as taking something for the child to vomit into and carrying a change of clothes can ease parents' worries about motion sickness.
E., et al. "Vestibular Testing Abnormalities in Individuals with Motion Sickness."
Episodes of CVS are often upsetting or downright frightening to other family members, in addition to the fact that they often spoil family outings or vacations when they are triggered by excitement or motion sickness.
Morning sickness is a consequence of pregnancy-related hormone changes.
Motion sickness can be induced by traveling in a vehicle, plane, or on a boat.
Meclizine (Bonine), a medication for motion sickness, also diminishes the feeling of queasiness in the stomach.
Antinausea medication taken before traveling can prevent motion sickness.
The rush of chi (poison arrow) will constantly overwhelm you and create loss and sickness.
If you are not able to work due to a sickness or injury, or for some other reason, your request will likely be denied.
Some women have even reported that pregnancy yoga has helped them better manage the symptoms of morning sickness.
By the second trimester, exhaustion, morning sickness, and mood swings have stabilized.
The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy tackles tough topics like morning sickness, exercising during pregnancy, avoiding stretch marks, coping with swollen breasts, and dealing with your changing sex life.
This style's longer length is flattering and the added beading or embroidery lets you feel pretty even when you're battling morning sickness, stretch marks, and other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.
You may look rosy-cheeked from increased circulation, you'll probably be over your morning sickness, and you might just feel happy and sparkly as you think about meeting your new baby.
Cross told Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America that she has been suffering from horrible morning sickness.
You can learn about everything from morning sickness to being unable to tie your own shoelaces.
Basic skin-care products include moisturizing and exfoliating creams, but there are also products to help with stretch marks, calm aching feet, and ease morning sickness.
Belli Soothers are little candies with flavors to help relieve morning sickness.
Other reference topics include a month-by-month look at the baby and mom, morning sickness, yeast infections and back pain.
Try Preggie Pops to beat morning sickness naturally and soothe your growing belly with Pregnant Belly Salve by MotherLove.
Severe morning sickness can keep you confined to home.
Despite having morning sickness, heartburn, swollen feet, aching backs, and other unpleasant body changes from being pregnant, celebs still manage to look their best while pregnant.
You have likely heard of morning sickness, as this is a common symptom of pregnancy.
Pregnancy nausea is often called morning sickness, but it can actually occur at any time of the day.
Also referred to as morning sickness, this is one of the most troublesome pregnancy symptoms.
Multiple pregnancies often increase the severity of morning sickness due to the hormone fluctuations and high levels of human growth hormone.
Morning sickness symptoms involve nausea with or without vomiting.
It's a reality - like morning sickness.
Rita Angeltoni banged away on her keyboard, complaining of a terminal case of morning sickness.
No spotting or cramps, but she did have motion sickness.
It must have been a man who named this stuff morning sickness.
Sickness and discontent led to a mutiny on De Quiros' vessel, and the crew, overpowering their officers during the night, forced the captain to navigate his ship to Mexico.
The Catholic Church has more wisely left physicians in possession, and elevated the anointing of the sick into a sacrament to be used only in cases of mortal sickness, and even then not to the exclusion of the healing art.
The minimum annual premium is six lire for an annuity of one lira per day at the age of sixty, and insurance against sickness.
The emperor Tiberius, when afflicted with a grievous sickness, commanded the woman to bring the portrait to him, worshipped Christ before her eyes, and was cured.
The government managed to pay its, debt amounting to £43,786, but crime increased and sickness.
The casualties from shell-fire had been few, but those from sickness were very heavy.
Of these the chief was the "sweating sickness" or "English sweat," especially prevalent in, though not confined to, the country whence it is named.
The brethren were aided in old age, sickness and poverty, often also in cases of loss by robbery, shipwreck and conflagration; for example, any member of the gild of St Catherine, Aldersgate, was to be assisted if he "fall into poverty or be injured through age, or through fire or water, thieves or sickness."
Tsetse-flies are of great economic and pathological importance as the disseminators of tsetse-fly disease (nagana) and sleeping sickness.
Since, moreover, it is believed that at least five species of Glossina are carriers of nagana, it may well be that all tsetse-flies can disseminate both nagana and sleeping sickness.
He was, however, compelled by sickness among his troops to raise the siege of Paris, and on the return journey the rearguard of his army was destroyed and the baggage seized by the French.
William of Tyre was once astonished to find him questioning, on a bed of sickness, the resurrection of the body; and his taxation of clerical goods gave umbrage to the clergy generally.
Within the limits of the society there were four grades so distinct that if any one touched a member of an inferior grade he required to cleanse himself by bathing in water; members who had been found guilty of serious crimes were expelled from the society, and could not be received again till reduced to the very last extremity of want or sickness.
He was taken to Paradise this morning, in a glorious manner, after a sickness of five days.
On certain days the cross was washed, and the water in which it had been washed was a sovereign charm for curing sickness in men and animals and for bringing fertility to the land.
She assented on condition that the divorce could be lawfully effected without impeachment of her son's legitimacy; whereupon Lethington undertook in the name of all present that she should be rid of her husband without any prejudice to the child - at whose baptism a few days afterwards Bothwell took the place of the putative father, though Darnley was actually residing under the same roof, and it was not till after the ceremony that he was suddenly struck down by a sickness so violent as to excite suspicions of poison.
He pleaded sickness, asked for more time, and demanded that the accused, instead of enjoying special favour, should share the treatment of other suspected criminals.
On the 28th of May 1572 a demand from both houses of parliament for her execution as well as Norfolk's was generously rejected by Elizabeth; but after the punishment of the traitorous pretender to her hand, on whom she had lavished many eloquent letters of affectionate protestation, !she fell into "a passion of sickness" which convinced her honest keeper of her genuine grief for the ducal caitiff.
He reached Rome on Palm Sunday (March 30), only to find his patron ill of a deadly sickness, from which he died on Good Friday (April 4).
They appear to catch what is called the "boat-cold" caused by the arrival of strange boats, and at one time the children suffered severely from a form of lockjaw known as the "eight days' sickness."
They could achieve no success, and sickness ruined the English army.
Though the tender care which had mitigated his sufferings during months of sickness at Streatham was withdrawn, and though Boswell was absent, he was not left desolate.
The imperial laws which introduced the compulsory insurance of all the humbler workers within the empire, and gave them, when incapacitated by sickness, accident and old age, an absolute right to pecuniary assistance, have greatly reduced pauperism and crime.
Under this system every person insured has a right to assistance in case of sickness, accident, or incapacity, while in case of death his widow and children receive an annuity.
Insurance against sickness is provided for under these laws partly by the machinery already existing, i.e.
Baron von Ketteler, archbishop of Mainz, had maintained that it was the duty of the state to secure working men work and provision during sickness and old age.
The really important element was the scheme for a great imperial system by which all working men and women should be provided for in case of sickness, accident or old age.
In 1882 a fresh scheme was laid before the newly elected Reichstag dealing with insurance against accident and against sickness.
In 1887-1888 laws, modelled on the new German laws, introduced compulsory insurance against accidents and sickness.
But the garrison of Gedaref suffered from severe sickness, and Colonel Collinson was sent to their aid with reinforcements from Omdurman.
After a siege of over a year, the energy, skill, and courage of Belisarius, and the sickness which was preying on the Gothic troops, obliged Vitiges to retire.
Other causes, of which we have explicit record, were an outbreak of sickness at Nuremberg; Darer's desire, which in fact was realized, of finding a good market for the proceeds of his art; and the prospect, also realized, of a commission for an important picture from the German community settled at Venice, who had lately caused an exchange and warehouse - the Fondaco de' Tedeschi - to be built on the Grand Canal, and who were now desirous to dedicate a picture in the church of St Bartholomew.
In the summer of 1520 the desire of Diirer to secure from Maximilian's successors a continuance of the patronage and privileges granted during his lifetime, together with an outbreak of sickness in Nuremberg, gave occasion to the master's fourth and last journey from home.
We see then that in virtue of some quite historical misfortune to the viking invaders, connected with a mist and with a great sickness which invaded the army, the place they have come to (in reality Paris) is in Scandinavian tradition identified with the mythic Bjarmaland; and later, in the history of Saxo Grammaticus, it is identified with the geographical Bjarmaland or Perm.
Here He learned of the sickness of Lazarus, and presently He returned and came to Bethany to raise him from the dead.
Idleness, drunkenness, vicious intercourse, sickness, starvation, squalor, cruelty, chains, awful oppression and everywhere culpable neglect - in these words may be summed up the state of the gaols at the time of Howard's visitation.
Even in Upper Egypt a few decades ago, there was a tomb of the Mahommedan sheikh Heridi, who - it is alleged - was transformed into a serpent; in cases of sickness a spotless virgin entered the cave and the serpentoccupant might permit itself to be taken in procession to the patient.
Concealment is practised by the Chinese, who are chiefly attacked, and it is easier to conceal sickness than death.
Sickness and famine once again visited the colony, and the population was reduced by nearly one-half.
Sickness is suffering, so is death, so is union with the unloved, and separation from the loved; not to obtain what one desires is suffering; the entire fivefold clinging to the earthly is suffering.
But the rains set in with unusual violence, and Mir Jumla's army was almost annihilated by famine and sickness.
Famine and sickness had begun to aggravate the situation.
After the irritant has been removed either from the stomach or intestine, a feeling of irritation of the mucous membrane may remain, and sickness, diarrhoea or pain may continue in the stomach and intestine although the irritant is no longer present within them, just as the flow of tears and desire to rub may remain in the eye after the piece of grit which has occasioned it may have been removed.
On their side, the Bulgarians were tired, far ahead of their supply depots, and losing more and more men daily from sickness.
A large space around the greatly developed callosities on the buttocks, as well as the upper part of the insides of the thighs, is naked and of a crimson colour, shading off on the sides to lilac or blue, which, depending upon injection of the superficial blood-vessels, varies in intensity according to the condition of the animal - increasing under excitement, fading during sickness, and disappearing after death.
Closely connected with the god of oracles was the god of the healing art, the oracle being frequently consulted in cases of sickness.
While in classical times Asclepius and Hygieia are simply the god and goddess of health, in the declining years of paganism they are protecting divinities generally, who preserve mankind not only from sickness but from all dangers on land and sea.
The dead would rise, trouble and sickness vanish, and youth and beauty come to all alike.
The fathers, however, of the 4th century emphasized already the danger of deferring the rite until men fall into mortal sickness, when they may be unconscious or paralysed or otherwise unable to profess their faith and repentance, or to swallow the viaticum.
Amblyomma hebraeum, the bont or variegated tick of the Cape Colonists, infects sheep with the 9porozoon causing "heart-water" sickness, and in Europe sheep are inoculated with the same disease by another tick, Rhipicephalus bursa.
Should its observance at the appointed time be interfered with by sickness or any other cause, the fast must be kept as soon afterwards as possible for a like number of days.
In 1399, however, owing to the king's "sickness of the body," his elder son, David, duke of Rothesay, was appointed lieutenant of the kingdom; but this event was followed by an English invasion of Scotland, by serious differences between Rothesay and his uncle, Robert, now duke of Albany, and finally in March 1402 by Rothesay's mysterious death at Falkland.
The steady diminution of his crew by sickness, and the worn-out state of his remaining consorts, compelled him at last to collect all the survivors in the "Centurion."
Perhaps not surprisingly, sickness absenteeism for the preceding 24 months is 0% .
But a fortnight after his departure, to the surprise of those around her, she recovered from her mental sickness just as suddenly and became her old self again, but with a change in her moral physiognomy, as a child gets up after a long illness with a changed expression of face.
Brides and grooms with a fear of heights, who experience motion sickness or who want a large wedding with lots of guests may find a helicopter wedding is not ideal for their plans.
No. However, this doesn't mean that you won't suffer ill effects from the drug that include sickness, and possibly even death.
Furthermore, despite advances in medicine to overcome the detrimental effects, individuals who suffer from severe motion sickness are best advised to avoid lengthy cruise vacations.
It can help an unsteady pet relax, and might just ward off bouts of car sickness.
This will quickly reveal if the dog is prone to car sickness or at which point he gets restless and needs a small break to walk around.
Not getting enough sleep reduces the function of the body's immune system, which makes increased sickness one of the short-term effects of sleep deprivation.
African sleeping sickness is the common name for human African trypanosomiasis.
Four documented major outbreaks of sleeping sickness have been recorded in 1896, 1920, 1970 and the most recent in 2008.
The best recommendation to play Endless Ocean is to not play it for long periods of time, because you may get ocean sickness for the repetitive gameplay.
This page provides all sorts of information related to seizure risk, repetitive motion injuries, motion sickness, console damage, and battery leakage.
A warning about operating the game, the possibility of seizures from the fast-moving graphics or flashing visuals, and the risk of motion sickness.
You'll have to find your body and resurrect where you died, or you can request to be brought back at the nearest graveyard (with a 10% durability loss on gear and resurrection sickness for ten minutes).
It is based on the idea that substances that produce symptoms of sickness in healthy people will have a curative effect when given in very dilute quantities to sick people who exhibit those same symptoms.
Children who receive allergy shots may develop serum sickness or other problems in reaction to the treatment.
Serum sickness, an allergic reaction to serum contained in the allergy shot, may occur with the first injection or as a delayed reaction.
Any of the symptoms of serum sickness may be mimicked.
For example, people sometimes experience motion sickness because the information from their body tells the brain that they are sitting still, but information from the eyes indicates that they are moving.
For example, if reading in a car produces motion sickness, an individual leaves reading materials for after arrival.
Some antihistamines also help inhibit nausea and vomiting and reduce motion sickness.
People of all ages get hepatitis B, and about 5,000 die per year of sickness caused by HBV.
Cola syrup, ginger, and motion sickness medications are examples of antiemetics.
Pinta is also known as "azula" (blue), and "mal de pinto" (pinto sickness).
For instance, serum sickness typically causes a rash and joint swelling after the offending drug is administered.
Serum sickness also can be an allergic response to animal proteins present in an injected drug.
Motion sickness is connected to the role of the sensory organs.
This conflicting information may cause the usual motion sickness symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
While motion sickness can be bothersome, it is not a serious illness, and it can be prevented.
Although nearly 80 percent of the general population experiences motion sickness at one time in their lives, children between the ages of four and ten are most vulnerable.
Adults who frequently get migraine headaches are more likely than others to have recurrent episodes of motion sickness.
Researchers at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego, California, reported in 2003 that 70 percent of research subjects with severe motion sickness had abnormalities of the vestibular system.
Research also suggests that some people inherit a predisposition to motion sickness.
One study published in 2002 found that persons of Chinese or Japanese ancestry are significantly more vulnerable to motion sickness than persons of British ancestry.
While all of the body's sensory organs contribute to motion sickness, excess stimulation to the vestibular system within the inner ear (the body's balance center) has been shown to be one of the primary reasons for this condition.
The term morning sickness is misleading because it can occur at any time.
If you experience morning sickness, it will typically last throughout the first trimester.
If your morning sickness becomes severe, consult your doctor immediately.
Morning sickness can begin during the first week of pregnancy, but is more commonly associated with the first two to eight weeks of pregnancy.
Morning sickness is different for each woman, with some women just experiencing stomach pain while others actually get sick.
Morning sickness is a bit of a misnomer, since stomach queasiness can occur any time of day.
Morning sickness is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms.
While many women do have only mild nausea for the first trimester, there are a number of women who find morning sickness to be a much more severe problem.
Morning sickness (or sickness that lasts all day) as well as personal feelings about body image may make a women feel less desirable and less interested in sexual relations.
Although it's rare, some women experience morning sickness that is so severe they actually end up losing weight during pregnancy.
Morning sickness generally starts between two and eight weeks after conception, but the nausea becomes worse and worse as the weeks go on.
All the rapidly rising hormones released into your body can cause these morning sickness symptoms.
Stomach upset is often described as "morning sickness," but the fact is that it can strike at any time of day.
Most commercial teas don't have enough ginger to be effective for the hard-core nausea of morning sickness.
Some women also experience headaches due to early hormonal changes, but morning sickness (also caused by hormones) does not usually set in this early.
For example, the Oreck Halo contains an ultraviolet light that can kill bacteria and viruses-a great addition to the home of an individual prone to sickness.
If a heater is not working properly or is not vented correctly, a high level of carbon monoxide can be present which can cause sickness and even death.
These can be particularly exotic if you've never seen the mountains, but always be aware of considerations such as altitude sickness and winter weather (which starts as early as October!) when planning a honeymoon.
In addition, children can develop life-threatening sickness.
While you can't prevent every illness, taking common sense precautions can go a long way in keeping your child away from sickness.
If you are susceptible to motion sickness then you may want to take something for it.
Apparently, Hughes relocated to the Midwest and sent the monument back in a fit of home sickness.
Recording a special get up message is also a lovely way for children to wake up to their parent's voice when staying away for the first time and this might help with home sickness.
Many conditions exist that may cause secondary pulmonary hypertension, including heart failure, lung disease, drug use, pulmonary emboli, sleep disorders, altitude sickness, and systemic diseases, such as lupus.
The assurance that you have insured against the destructive financial impact of injury, sickness and death brings with it peace of mind that makes this insurance all the more valuable.
The statement of permission needs to state clearly that medical personnel have your permission to treat your child in the case of injury or sickness.
Various forms detail specific medical procedures or actions, but the general purpose of this section is to give any doctor or technicians legal permission to treat an injury or sickness.
The first market the company targeted was Civil War soldiers as Metropolitan Life offered disability insurance against losses due to sickness, accidents, or wounds sustained during armed conflict.
It plays Rock-a-bye Baby, making it a great G-string for a father-to-be to wear when his partner is suffering morning sickness and could do with a big laugh.
Tradition says they can be blamed for sickness and death of domestic animals.
While some pranks could be considered amusing, such as tangling of the hair while a person sleeps or taking some small item from a home, fairies have also been attributed with being responsible for death and sickness.
For example, in the Shining a young women in the bathtub turns into an old decaying woman, and Zelda, the elderly sister in Pet Cemetery died of spina bifida - the elderly, sickness and death became a recurring theme.
Fungi is a group of micro-organisms; some have beneficial properties, while others are linked to sickness or disease.
For some time sickness and mortality were excessively large, but the reclamation of swamp and clearance of jungle on an extensive scale by Colonel Henry Man when in charge (1868-1870), had a most beneficial effect, and the health of the settlement has since been notable.
Behind these all Prussia was overrun by newly formed units, (3 rd and 4th battalions) raised from depot companies, conscripts for 1807, and old soldiers rejoining after sickness or wounds.
Some officers were for withdrawing by sea, but the general chose to hold his ground, though his army was enfeebled by sickness and would have to fight on unfavourable terrain against odds of two to one.
Sickness insurance was made to include maternity insurance.
The nigua, the Cuban jigger, is a pest of serious consequence, and the mal de nigua (jigger sickness) sometimes causes the death of lower animals and men.
Napoleon was here defeated, and with only 30,000 men at his back he was compelled to renounce all ideas of a further offensive, and he retired to rest his troops to Reims. Here he remained unmolested for a few days, fop Blucher was struck down by sickness, and in his absence nothing was done.
In the pursuit, Wellington adhered to his policy of husbanding his troops for future offensive operations, and let sickness and hunger do the work of the sword.
The garrison, though already weakened by privation and sickness, made a stubborn resistance, and after one of the fiercest engagements of the war, repulsed the attack at Caesar's Camp and Wagon Hill with severe loss to the enemy, itself having 500 casualties.
Both sides, it should be mentioned, were suffering much from sickness, and continued to suffer all through the summer.
British troops were landed to assist in the siege; few lives were lost in actual combat, nevertheless famine and sickness killed thousands of the inhabitants, and finally forced the French to surrender to the allies.
Not many words are needed to convey a tolerably adequate estimate of the character and work of the "pale thin man in mean attire," who in sickness and poverty thus completed the forty-sixth year of a busy life at the stake.
The continual attacks of sickness which had retarded his progress induced his aunt, by medical advice, to take him to Bath; but the mineral waters had no effect.
The government maintains experimental farms and forestry plantations and a veterinary department to cope with lung sickness, rinderpest, East Coast fever and such like diseases.
Shortly before this Beck had introduced yet another bill dealing with industrial insurance, to supplement the already existing sickness and accident insurance.
Trajan still thought of returning to Mesopotamia and of avenging his defeat at Hatra, but he was stricken with sickness and compelled to take ship for Italy.
In respect of the former an increase of 30% in the payments to the insured as compared with July I 1917 was made, while at the same time better terms were given in the insurance of miners and of railwaymen; insurance against sickness was completed by extending it to agricultural and domestic workers as well as to the families of the insured.
Sickness is often explained as due to the absence of the soul; and means are sometimes taken to lure back the wandering soul; when a Chinese is at the point of death and his soul is supposed to have already left his body, the patient's coat is held up on a long bamboo while a priest endeavours to bring the departed spirit back into the coat by means of incantations.
The requirements of sickness and old age are carefully provided for in the infirmary cloister and that for the aged and infirm members of the establishment.
On the one hand he is the healing god who releases from sickness and the ban of the demons in general, and on the other he is the god of war and of the chase, armed with terrible weapons.
He could repudiate the purchase of a slave attacked by the bennu sickness within the month (later, a hundred days), and had a female slave three days on approval.
The standard schedule, in addition to the leading facts of sex, age, civil condition, birthplace, occupation and house-room, includes education and sickness as well as infirmities, and leaves the return of religious denomination optional with the householder.