Sicilia Sentence Examples

  • On his own initiative he conducted exhaustive inquiries into the conditions of the Sicilian peasants and of the Tuscan metayers, and in 1877 published in co-operation with Signor Leopoldo Franchetti a masterly work on Sicily (La Sicilia, Florence, 1877).

  • Baldacci, Descrizione geologica dell' isola di Sicilia (Rome, 1886), with map. For fuller and later information reference should be made to the publications of the Reale Comitato Geologico d'Italia.

  • The last remnant of the Bourbon army was concentrated at Gaeta, the siege of which was begun by Cialdini on the 5th of November; on the Sicily from 1830 to 186r, Francesco Guardione's Il Dominio dei Borboni in Sicilia (Turin, 1908) will be found useful.

  • On May 24 a desperate effort was made to storm the Passo di Buole and Pasubio, but the Sicilia and Taro Bdes., who held the Zugna ridge, and the right wing of the 44th Div.

  • Excavations carried on in 1891 led to the discovery of the northern portion of the western town wall, which in one section served at the same time as an embankment against floods (it was apparently more conspicuous in the time of P. Cluver, Sicilia, p. 133), of an extensive necropolis, about loon tombs of which have been explored, and of a deposit of votive objects from a temple.

  • Various articles in the Archivio storico siciliano and the series of Documenti per servire alla storia della Sicilia, both published by the Societa siciliana per la storia patria, may also be consulted.
