Shyness Sentence Examples
She noticed this and attributed it to his general kindness and shyness, which she imagined must be the same toward everyone as it was to her.
It maintains its numbers partly in consequence of its shyness, which keeps it away from the abodes of men, and partly because it is so prolific, bringing forth six to eight young at a litter.
Its wariness, however, is very marvellous, and even at the breeding-season, when most birds throw off their shyness, it is not easily approached within ordinary gunshot distance.
Modesty is an admirable trait that is often associated with shyness.
A small proportion of children do experience social anxiety, incapacitating shyness that persists for months or more, which should be treated.
Another common pattern is the shy or inhibited child who becomes even more withdrawn when parents react to the shyness by lecturing or shaming the child.
Shyness is a psychological state that causes a person to feel discomfort in social situations in ways that interfere with enjoyment or that cause avoidance of social contacts altogether.
The best thing they can do is to help the child feel comfortable about being shy, by explaining that shyness can be a normal part of growing up.
But Rousseau's shyness or his perversity (as before, probably both) made him disobey the command.
If you suffer from anxiety and depression, Paxil may be able to help you overcome your shyness.
AdvertisementBesides being convenient, the privacy of online shopping may help overcome any shyness or discomfort some may have of purchasing lingerie in person.
The average age of diagnosis is between three and eight years of age; however, in retrospect many parents will say that their child displayed signs of excessive shyness and inhibition since infancy.
Shyness does not necessarily indicate a disorder, unless it interferes with normal activities and occurs with other symptoms.
Many children overcome shyness by themselves, some through associating with younger children, which allows them to display leadership behavior, still others through contact with other sociable children.
Nothing assists in overcoming shyness more than experiencing social successes, as when a child takes the initial risk of engaging in some social activity that is rewarded, for example, in successfully developing friendships.
AdvertisementIncreasingly, social time is being replaced with the anonymous exchange of information within an externally imposed medium that effectively promotes shyness in young people.
When a child is excessively shy, when shyness is persistent and results in high levels of anxiety in social settings and leads to social withdrawal and parents feel that their child is unhappy being shy, they should seek professional help.
It is very important to determine if there is a social anxiety disorder, and if so, what treatment can best help the child overcome shyness.
Child and adolescent psychiatrists are trained to help parents sort out whether their child's level of shyness is normal introversion or indicative of a disorder.
Distinguishing between conflicted shyness and social disinterest in early childhood."
AdvertisementHowever, a shy teenager could benefit from taking a job in the service industry if he or she wants to overcome shyness.
If you've ever visited a nude beach, especially in Europe or the Mediterranean, you'll know that all sorts of bodies congregate there completely without shyness or shame.
Internet dating is a boon to isolated individuals, persons who suffer from shyness, and to those looking for a quick fix to a night out alone.
How do I overcome the feeling of shyness in general?
The second part of your question asked how you can overcome the feeling of shyness in general?
AdvertisementI am still not as "outgoing" as an extrovert is, but I am not as introverted as I used to be.When we are young and hold back in our socializing, adults view this as shyness.
They also think of shyness as cute and will go out of their way to try and engage a child in conversation.
Once you take action to overcome shyness and see how positively others respond to your sincere attempts, you will find that you are more confident.
I am glad to hear that you have been doing some homework on flirting and that you have been working on not letting your shyness hamper your social life.
Shyness can sometimes cause a fear response in people and you can practice breathing exercises to help control that.
By controlling your respiration, you can calm your heart rate and any fear response spawned by your shyness.
Here are some strategies for overcoming shyness.
It is a numbers game, she says on her site Shyness Help, and that's ok; you can make the numbers work for you.
For example, Leo's boldness "makes up" for Cancer's shyness.
This symbol relays much of the shyness the sign often grapples with when dealing with others.
For example, people with Asperger Syndrome are considered high functioning; they may have social problems and intense shyness but be otherwise "normal".
People born between July 23rd and August 22nd commonly display a generous, friendly and outgoing personality with no shyness about speaking their minds.
In addition, Virgos tend to enjoy analyzing things, can be very talkative, and are prone to shyness.
Social problems, such as extreme shyness, extreme aggression, and a lack of ability to adapt to new situations all can be aspects.
Are you conceited? is an example, along with questions about shyness, generosity, and other general qualities.
You've got to get over this shyness.
Although he occasionally read a paper to scientific societies when a young man, he never could become a lecturer on account of his shyness.
At the age of seven Newman was sent to a private school conducted by Dr Nicholas at Ealing, where he was distinguished by diligence and good conduct, as also by a certain shyness and aloofness, taking no part in the school games.
To his association with Whately at this time he attributed much of his "mental improvement" and a partial conquest of his shyness.
There was no shyness or reserve till the heart grew sinful, and too loathsome a dungeon for God to delight in.
He spoke of you even at the very last, she went on, turning her eyes from Pierre to her companion with a shyness that surprised him for an instant.
Throwing off the shackles of religion had n't removed the crippling chains of shyness.
The evaluator will check to ensure that the dog is well cared for and that his or her behaviors are appropriate and are not characterized by shyness or resentment toward friendly strangers.
No need for shyness here as you select from corsets, body stockings, babydolls and lingerie sets.
Conversely, the same behaviors (e.g., aggression, shyness) have different implications for social adaptation depending on the age of the child and the particulars of the social context.
Social phobia is not the same as shyness.
However, the behaviors of children with this condition go beyond shyness.
Additional features may include excessive shyness, oppositional behavior, and impaired learning at school.
Very often, these children show signs of anxiety, such as difficulty separating from parents, moodiness, clinging behavior, inflexibility, sleep problems, frequent tantrums and crying, and extreme shyness starting in infancy.
They are characterized by excessive social discomfort, shyness, fear of criticism, and avoidance of social activities that involve interpersonal contact.
Shyness can vary from mild feelings to moderately uncomfortable in social circumstances to debilitating levels of anxiety that interfere in children with the process of socialization (social withdrawal).
Shyness is a personality trait that affects a child's temperament.
As of 2004, research tended to distinguish shyness from introversion.
Evidence suggests a genetic component to shyness.
Studies on the biological basis of shyness have shown that shyness in adults can often be traced as far back as the age of three.
The remaining 55 percent of newborns fall between the extremes of shyness and boldness.
Evidence of a genetic predisposition for shyness is found in parents and grandparents of shy infants who report childhood shyness more often than relatives of children who are not shy.
Further evidence for a congenital link to shyness is found in studies that show that identical twins (who have identical genes) are more likely to be shy than fraternal twins (who are no more alike than other siblings).
Research shows, however, that 25 percent of the time genetic predisposition to shyness does not develop into shyness.
Research has also identified a strong cultural link to shyness.
In the United States, shyness surveys typically show that shyness is highest among Asian Americans and lowest among Jewish Americans.
Using culturally sensitive adaptations of the Stanford Shyness Inventory, researchers in eight countries administered the inventory to groups of 18 to 21 year olds.
Results showed that a large proportion of participants in all cultures reported experiencing shyness to a considerable degree-from 31 percent in Israel to 57 percent in Japan and 55 percent in Taiwan.
In Mexico, Germany, India, and Canada, shyness levels were close to the U.S figure of 40 percent.
In all countries, shyness is perceived as more negative than positive, with 60 percent or more considering shyness to be a problem.
There is no gender difference in reported shyness, but males tend to conceal their shyness because it is considered a feminine trait in most countries.
For example, in Mexico, males report shyness less often than females do.
Subsequent research showed that the percentage of problem-related shyness gradually increased during the 1990s to nearly 50 percent.
Excessive shyness usually leads to social withdrawal.
To overcome shyness you will need courage.
His rudeness to strangers was partly caused by shyness and partly by a childlike inability to conceal his feelings.
Others use stronger language, and it seems to be confessed that either from shyness, from pride, or from physical defects of utterance, probably from all three combined, he did not attract strangers.
Wheatstone's education was carried on in several private schools, at which he appears to have displayed no remarkable attainments, being mainly characterized by a morbid shyness and sensitiveness that prevented him from making friends.
His shyness was extreme, though covered by a grave and quiet exterior, which could not hide his love of fun and sense of the ludicrous.
And such was Natasha, with her surprise, her delight, her shyness, and even her mistakes in speaking French.
Natasha remained silent, from shyness Marya Dmitrievna supposed, but really because she disliked anyone interfering in what touched her love of Prince Andrew, which seemed to her so apart from all human affairs that no one could understand it.
Alex had always liked that shyness when it came to their love life.