Shuffling Sentence Examples
I want you back in Denver, shuffling paper clips.
Go, go, she... is calling... and weeping like a child and quickly shuffling on his feeble legs to a chair, he almost fell into it, covering his face with his hands.
Fred made careful notes of everything Dean said, shuffling papers in his lined notebook.
In general form and action wombats resemble small bears, having a somewhat similar shuffling manner of walking, but they are still shorter in the legs, and have a broader and flatter back.
A little later I heard Howie shuffling back downstairs.
Only among the back rows of the people, who were all pressing toward the one spot, could sighs, groans, and the shuffling of feet be heard.
It was anything but quiet as an open stairwell was next to me and I could hear shuffling, snoring, farting and grunting throughout the night.
Then, sensing the need for their privacy, she moved to the far room and began shuffling books.
It had up to this time been little more than the shuffling of cards, the ingenious arrangement of counters in a pretty pattern.
A shuffling drew her attention, the sound at odds with the chaos below.
AdvertisementDriving, funky and downright dirty, Zydeco will have you popping your fingers and shuffling your feet.
I was frantic - sink plunger, whisk, shuffling along; ' Mr Grimsdale!
Chance, therefore, is a shuffling mechanism for exploring potentiality.
In addition, we are using in vitro gene shuffling to study the domains determining specificity of Pto.
They are entirely insectivorous, bask on the broiling hot sand and then can run fast enough; otherwise they are sluggish, dig themselves into the sand by a peculiar shuffling motion of the fringed edges of their flattened bodies, and when surprised they feign death.
AdvertisementAll were silently crossing themselves, and the reading of the church service, the subdued chanting of deep bass voices, and in the intervals sighs and the shuffling of feet were the only sounds that could be heard.
Go North East have also been shuffling busses around.
Do n't want to be shuffling around in circles for your First Dance?
I did a bit of shuffling boxes to smarten things up.
Zap the shuffling aliens, dodging their laser missiles, using the bases for cover to achieve the highest score.
AdvertisementYour guests will need to make plans to attend, and this may entail shuffling a few other obligations and events around in order to share your special day with you.
The problem arises, however, when balance transfers become a method of shuffling debt around from one low interest card to another without ever paying it down.
You still won't get stuck shuffling around two pairs of glasses walking to and from your car in a parking lot on a bright day, for example.
Shortly thereafter, Activision began shuffling its staff and Neversoft (the developer that took over Guitar Hero after Harmonix left) closed its Guitar Hero division.
Leave paper shuffling behind and give your brain a workout while salivating at 3D graphics.
AdvertisementSome babies opt for another method of locomotion around this time, like bottom shuffling (scooting around on their bottom, using a hand behind and a foot in front to propel them), slithering on their stomach, or rolling across the room.
Infants can also get around while remaining in a seated position and pulling themselves with one or both arms, a form of mobility sometimes called hitching or bottom shuffling.
The symptoms include trembling of the fingers or hands, a shuffling gait, and tight or rigid muscles.
All cha cha tends is done to a 4/4 time beat, though some of the music will have specific triplets in them to accompany the shuffling step of the dance.
Since you are moving in a circle, you have to step sideways; in order to make this more interesting than just shuffling one foot to the side and bringing the other foot to meet it, the hora utilizes the cross step of the grapevine.
This prevents new work from getting lost in the shuffling of papers on a cluttered desk.
What is the point of these charts, and why would you bother taking on more paper shuffling in your life, let alone pay good money for that privilege?
They should do more than conjure up the image of granny in her gown and cap, shuffling her feet along the hardwood floors in her slippers early during the morning (if they don't already, hopefully they will after you read up on them).
Dean was still shuffling papers when Fred ambled in the door.
Here! exclaimed different voices; and the heavy breathing of the bearers and the shuffling of their feet grew more hurried, as if the weight they were carrying were too much for them.
Katie hesitated before shuffling forward on her knees. She carefully touched the woman's leg then patted it as she followed it down to the thick roots wrapped around her ankles. Unable to see exactly how she was stuck, Katie used her cold fingers to fumble around the root and the woman's sneakers. "It's really jammed in there," she said at last.
Makar Alexeevich came twice that evening shuffling along in his galoshes as far as the door and stopped and looked ingratiatingly at Pierre.
In Shuffling, Cutting and Dealing, 26th of May, he rejoiced at the quarrels which he saw arising, for "if you all complain I hope I shall win at last."